September 16, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 16, 1965 |
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PAGE 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in #Uhr stm to , U.S.A.", Shelton Washin
For Sale For--Sale I Used Cars Wanted Sporting Goods For Rent 1
.~ ............ BRAND NEW Polaroid color pack ] ~
~wI~N ~Z~T piano, $695; Stor- cameras Fully automatic from $54.95. IFOR SALE 1960 Volkswagen Good ADULT WILL baby-sit day or night FOR SALE -- 1964 Honda 90 road bike" HOUSEKEEPING APTS One and | ~
ey and Clark spinet piano, $695; Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 N. 2nd. [ condition P-hone 877-5779 () 9/2-9 in your home or mine. Phone 426- 1963 Pointer super lassie 90-cc botil * ........ Dishes lin~-='o ..-,, .... [AT UNION overlooking Hood Canal
Thomas two-keyboard organ, $495. Z 7/1 tfn ] ..... " ....... 4304. S 9/2 tfn in very good condition. 426-3035 eve- ~,n~H~d 4~s-~.n81 ~ ~/~ .~_ [ 3 o 4 bedroom house. Large living
Sherman and Clay, 205 West 5th, [ QUART JARS --- Round oak table. 103 tONE 1955 JE-EP----'--W~~, ~CERTIFIED D E nings. A 9/2-16 -YY~-~:-~"--: ....... --_~ u~ ..... [ room and kitchen, fireplace, garage
Olympia. Phone 352-3791. S 7/1 tin[ • ee l ' • AY CAR -- Fenced
.... ft. rope. Bath tub. Vine rapejuiceJ p p ekup, one 59 Plymouth wag- yard. References provided. Phon~ low mileage excellent condition Call bedroom house across from golf [ Bill Pearson 426-2471. P 7/15 tfn
FOR SALE --- Several good used press. Lusin. Rt 2, Box 8~8, Agate l on. Cooke s 219 So. 1st. 426-2412. ~.s.6ss~ ~ o/o ,¢~, FOR SALE~ J965--Hon-da--"Trail 9" FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed-[ and workshop• $5,750. Terms. Call
freezers reconditioned and guaran- District. 8/5 tfnJ 9/2 t ~-X~-TED~---~--~-- 426-6035 ~' M 9/2-16 course References required. Phone [~.. ..........
• ' --~ -- .hl y Slltlng, my norn~.
teed• Lem Warren Refrigeration, I~R A FREE HOUR of beauty call ~ PICK-UP AND CAMPER for sale or Call mornings 426-8584 H 9/2 tfn --" ' "-- ........... 426-4000 B 8/26 tfnlTWU ~,~r~uuM log house on one
17 FT. MANSFIELD cruiser with 40 ~[ acre wooded land, nmdern, partly
127 South Second. W 7/1 tfn [for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem- Itrade Terms 426-4752 S 8/19 tfn ~I~E-D: I~~ h.p. Johnson outboard, dual controls. NICE LIGHT fireplace apartment, one [ furnished, fireplace, $6995, $300 dn.
.............. onatratioa Elaines phone 426-4582 " ' "- Y .
~LECTROLUX SALES, service and I " ,,~ ~="= **: [ ~~. an hour. Phone 4~-64- 20. L 11/_12 tin Phone 426-3105. T 8/26 tfn bedroom, furnished. Inquire 7~8 [One mile west, Lake Nahwatzel.
supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6106. I .... . .....~" .~" 1 1951%-TON FORD pickup, good con-] . ~--~ C~AMPER FOR SALE -- See at 805 . North Sixth St. D 8/26 tin|Phone 426-4033. P 8/12 tfn
after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations.J BLUEBERRIES --- 26c iv.; la ms. m-I dition. Two-wheel trailer 8 ft long [ "~~.~4~2~.'~q4":~ Railroad Ave. or call 426~2114; .... FOR RENT ,Mt. View Community Club [~_~d.
t~ ~/7 tfn I eluding tax $3.50. 1~ miles off I 4 ft wide 3 ft high Good "condi'- I ur .so ru. ~ay or ' 2- ^•~t;~t. ~o-~av~. •.
~ru~l~r[ ~Ir~8;LN~d~ ] i~h~4.~7 ~ ~;:o~i r~sy.l"~h~e 1[}63 HONDA 55 Trallblke fo:s:~e: Ca~l 4H2~-u~591~o~:l~2~'-2~0~r lntor~ffa~?~8 ~flnlJ r?°c~e h°a;~c~w1325 f~ofl?°~rl~t~C~'dfir~x
' e~h.2~ We.t Co-~Lth--~~TalO'~ e~r ~ 19 2__.6~ale, $5 C~RvTL~aI~D ~mOt~e~r.f~ef~ ~~r .p,m. __ _/~I. 8/26 t.fn, BACHELOR ...... APARTMENT for rent I years old, double carport, built-in
~ [ FOR SALE or trade for most anything / ----~'--- I 4~;.6-3552. AS/26tfn ,~'x~, ~x~.~,'~u~, equtI~j Also rooms Waterfront. Phonel range. Fenced back yard. Located
meat at Walt'a Marine Supply, on[ Hoodsnor~ 877-5481 L 9/16 10/7[on 110 x 140 ft. lot on Mt. View•
g~,,~,~'~ ~,--~,~.,m~°re~^wa~e~r,_~ | that doesn't eat. One check protect-| FOR SALE --- 1954 Ford, .~ &. ~, r~~': beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods-I .......................... I Phone 426-8431. M 9/9 tin ,'i
~..a~,. --,~. ~,-,y-.~.~ ~,.? ym,,j~ ! or. $22.50. Very ~ood condition. Ph. ! w. w• urea, new generator, clean I ~,~-~ o-~ ~-~, ~^~, '~n~6,~J -'"
~ l~tlrmoa~.t I~nelton ~mct~/~6 ~ [ 426-~---Mc-9/2-1-6 I runs good, $250. 426-8920, B 9/9 tfn I ~O'sb°r~ Gener~C%'ntr~aVe't'i%~• __~ort ~ 7-5244. t/19 t~_I FOR RENT -- One bedroom house on I~ J
LICENSED, equipped 40 ft. Charter l Lake Nahwatzel, Oct. 1 to June 1, [OWNER MUST SELL 3-year-old home.
~tF-OR-S.~LE Heavy ~reen tarpaulini1940 DODGE PICKUP -- Good condi- [Phone 426-6241 O 4-1 thn boat. Radio, depth finder. Moored.[$30 plus utilities. Contact Ernie [ Available July 1 at $2,250 below list-
yZ?,?¢,.~ ~o~: ~?~u~ / 14x~0 ft Small patch ~17 50 426-2451. I .t!o.n. Also 1945 GMC pickup. ~th at Westport, $3,500 cash. Phone 426- I Palmer, 11123 34th S.W., Seattle. Ph. [ ed price. 616 Seattle St. L 7/1 tin "Phone'
- ".: ~', - ~. ...... = ...... ~ ....... / ' • ~r~ ~/~-13 I '~ unev. motor for sale or traae. I ~v~ ~v,~ -- ~ ..... , one 3405. H 5/27 tfn [ CH 2-8697. 9/16-23 [
~$1able. Oruer now! Phone ,~.'- [ ................ I Phone 425-3689. N 9/16 tfn I day service if desired. Call 4~:4~98: 1965 RAINI]~R travel trailers and Sky- [ ~ [ FOR SALE• --- O!der home at 604 Ce- to Se~
s.u~. ~ o/m un [FOR SALE -- 21.inch Emerson TV IVOLKSWAGEN--CA-A-M-PI~-R__1962~'-~-m-= [ t~119 tfn lar~ h~ t~.u~v~ -n ~t~ n~ at I~'Ur~ r~r~'~• -- Two oeoroom umur-I uar ~treet ~aKe offer Phone ~-
Shelton Union Service Station 332 1 nished house. Inqu c u' ~ washing- I 3361. H 6/24 tin Proper
SEVERAL USED house trailers, large l with pletely equipped,, wate}, i~e^box. [~ ..................... ir 2~2 ......
and small for sale. Herb's Second [ ~.uu uau, ...... ~..- .... • ~7~ o~ | etc. $1395. Phone az~-aiz~. J UlU-~u [ Port of Rhalton Tndu~trial "Park. SO. 1st St. R 10/~'5 tfn ~ ton St. D 9/16 [
Hand Store, 426-3532 or Union 893- I~--~-~ ..... :.. ............ ~_~/i~-'_~ [ 19--56 CH~---E~V.----~'-door 1~ardtop, 6-cylinde--~, i J-o-lln's--Pralr]e`--Phone--~6--6426-.----" GUNSMITI-IING, .new andueed ~---n-~,l ~ l drSoo m
~'~. I~. t~/J.O un l£wu l...1-J:ul-ll~ ul-iP.J.~, romp, .u;up I stick shlft ~50 Radio heater Ph t j e~l~ .¢., scopes ann reloaamg-- Dean's ~un [ house near Twanoh park Private I -- .~ , ~".~ "'~L~'', ="-.•. MOST INTEF
~/ shades, bird cage, like new; wmxer [ 426 6539 -, v- • ' p 5~8 tfn/' "~'~ ~'~ ~hon Union Wash ~'none 898 2133 t _ ~_ ~.2 ...... • ..... t ~-oeuroom house ~ood conuluon You_should s¢(
,~..~At~ --: uses. eteelt.piatos, pipe, ] dog bed, canner, food chopper, elee- [ ............. /A.UTO PAINTING. ~ and up..A~so ..... D 3/4 tfn I D each2 ~nc~u~s nceo~,e~gnt anu j close to school ant1 business district.
pmleya hea~ s~ax~. All t.~peB era= 1 tric irons miscellaneous articles. 403 [1956 CHEV --- 2-door hardtop. Six cyl- / nou~.? tr_mier~., D oa~,_ er~ ..~'ao~ ~__ t u~,.~,~=. ~r~ v- ~ .... ! 2328 Adams St. Phone 426-4288 ter~adnfl and
va.~e. ~ne toll JUnK L:O., ~'lr~ alia [ North 8th' H 9/16 [ inder stick shift $350 Radio heater -,5~-a~r~. ~nquire lz~z t;ota ~L SADDLE FOR SAL~ -- Good condition ~ B 9/16 tfn | p ~/~s tfn
~tu, phone ~2~-~. sis t~ | .................. [ Phon~ 426-6539. " ' P '9/16 tfn R 4/9 ten $50. Phone 426-2289 after 6 p.m. ~ ........ home that is
ffOR SAL]~ --- Largo eelectlon o! re- FOR SALE -- Six-year baby bed and .... ~ C 7/29 tin [ FOR R~NT -- Unfurnished two bed- [ a ~-~ ~r~r~ .... ,v~.;et~,.., ~o. an one squar0
1951 FORD Victoria for sale Runs C ght ad ........................ ~ "'~"
~oaditioaed rang~0 rofrigsrator~ / mattress, hardwood, like new. $12. ] • ing, back filling, sewage sys~ee~s. ~ ] room x modern4, new a~artmen~, on ~ ket on Hlllcrest for sale, Two large downtown $h¢
washers dryers. Eells & Valley Ao- l Phone 426-6024. S 9/16-23 J good, good tires, $125. Phone 426- Reasonable rates, Dietz Kadoun, ph, i ilitie ........ ~ ........... ~...
two boxes amino. $65, 1 ke new. ~draperies, laundry fac s, appli- [ basement ('all 4o~ 65~ or 426 3951plenty of roo~
pliance C.~{er. 6/5 ~ |~ | 8553 Inquire 517 Ellinor B 9/2 tfn 426-6893. 7/22 tfn Floyd Powell, 410 Laurel, 426-8400. [ ances, private parking and private [ . v ~" ~ v ~/:; ,~ est familY"~ye
........ IFOR SALE -- Trumpet, ~u. ~-~w.i " .... 9/16 tm[ locked storage space. Heated swim-[~-----~__'~ ~ .....
DON'T SELL el': ]~ave your uphol- D 9/16 ~ WANTED- Aider saw-lO~honeS, top pric- perfected to $19,000f°r
'etery cleaned by Cleaning Services ] [FOR SALE --- 57 Pontiac 2-door hard- es paid. Any length, days 4~ I mlng pool. $99,50 3~n0~?t~ lC~tact ]HOME IN COUNTRY -- Five acres,
Company phone 426-4376 or 426-8188. [FOR SALE --- Daveno-hide-a-bed $40. I top. Radio, heater automatic trans- Chehalis 748'3800, evenings 748-3530. Phone 426-~787 ' Mac 9/16 | anager. _~none 4z~-~ . / ~n I drilled well new septic system, two of your preS0~
' 1/7 tin | Excellent condition. PhoneT 426'-8635.9/16 tfn | m!ss!On,mlSslon anag°°drueoer.m°t°r' }~.rear ~noneend tra n~-az - ~C 2/11 tin ~ J WAocRaEtHOUSiEe~.l~Ol~rp s~NtT~;:w~oO~ne[ ~Od_~.s down, dormito% ~PL1 tfn sioered."
NEW MOON" mobile l~omeel N~tlon'e | ...... | 6706 ' V 9/16-23HELP WANTED --- S.helton Mobile good condition Call evenings except l 426 8211' ' L" 3/4 tin I--~.
best seller, your best buy DeTray's [~.,,~.,~,~. ~, ~,~ Am ~,~.,..* .....~ ~...n, .I ........... ~omes expanalng work ~orce. r~eeu ~-i~a,, -*~ht ~- ~-turd-,~ 426 6744 I - • [ REDUCED TO $3,003 -- Small, neat
~.hua ~ma= ~a~'~ ~W.~= W.a~ /~v .... ~ ~n ........... ~ ..... "2"': ! ueople with following experience .... " ""¢' ....... "~r q';16 3n [ ~~-~-~ [ two bedroom house, partly furn- WANTED , ' '
~ym'pia "Pl~on'e 352-'~90~I~0/16~'n ] tlon. Pimne 426-6338. H 9/ls I,~ "~imet metal, welding, carpentry: .... " TM [ "'u~urntsh"~'" "ed'-~,ar'~a~,"e'~Vard C~I~L~'~ I ished, $1400 down, balance $25 men- A young fa~
.... , ' " cabinetry, plumbing, material hand-
TRY OUR CATALOG S]~KVIC~. -- / ~. :.._.. .... I I .eP~ ~,l ~ ling, stockroom and electrical work, FOR SALE -- 10 ft. speed boat, glassed J Bissoniere ~kg°ency°, '4~ or ~16- [ th!.y:. Consider late car o rosmall ~all- ~0 take adva
bottom, and trailer, $95 or best offer I 4336, D 3/Z9 t~ !""'"~?" ~c~ =. .~o ........ opportunity tO
.~.any tnousanos of items to cnoo~ l, | ]IR~I~ITI(~[1 ~[~rv]~ l| ~|~iB|~ B=]~lf~ Apply at office, main hangar, Shel- or boat Separately. A. E. McLaugh- ]~ j 426-6953. D 9/2 tfn spic and
from. Large descount~. We M l ................ i| U~m-l~ ~~l ton Airport. 9/2 tfn lin. 608 Arcadia 426-6221. Mc 9/16-3- 0 ~wu~u ~-~. -- ~wu ,,uu,m
• v . - ' home. MoSt ~
freight Shelton Marine Su,~I~ BI~- • !z ~.m..- .iv ......... I furnished, Large rooms, lots of clos- ]WILL SELL up to 300 feet choice no-
ere~ ~ ~/8 tfn [----'::-----~~-~ ~---rr-- -T ........ , ,~ || ,._ _ . .._ PART, TIME office worker wanted or __ [ ets. Clean and neat, $55 per month. [ bank waterfront, Plckering Passage.
..... l ~ ' li 03 Pal¢on ¢seoan salary and commission. Write ~ox ~[ References required. Phone 426-8584. [ Phone 426-6034. M 8/11 t~n been repainte(
FOR SALE -- Oliver AG-6 frontend [ ~-~-~mrw-~ m.~'~- II A c/o The Journal. 9/2 tfn ~ur Jti~ll~ [I S 3/18 tin] cant so you ¢
loader 1953 G M C short logger ~J[~1"1"1~; •I"_-~-INJ~ '63 Countr Sedan ...... -- ....... most immedBI
Ready'to work . o.e 4 -2624 / II Y HELP WANTED -- G|r.] or .youn.g FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED [ ]R.=Q! =e ta / I - $500 is a, itt
E 8/26 tfn/ 1LNi~'I"2Lia£~25:I"lULN/~ I| ,=o ~r,,~ ~,o =H,,k woman zo w.or~ as retau clerK. ~al- one bedroom apartments two blocks[ ~.x= ~o~ / ........ -- .....
..................... / II u~ r~.u, v~, ~t,v ary open, ~'lve uays a weeK. write, payment and '
FOR SALE -- Good, effective and l "^^--]~ "" .... 1^00-a] [I Box 30 c/o Journal. 9/16 tfn from bank, shopping center. Appli-
inexpensive advertising. Just call l ot~-Ka , :,,., u "K • I, '62Faloon Wagon .......... ances heat hot water, garbage ser-ICOMFOR~ABLE ~ bedroom An~le.~,.I ANULIE A6ENgY
vice furnished. Tiled s n s b .... i
The Journal, 426-4412 8/19 tfn | Drain Fields, Ditch DiggtnE l[ ATTRACTIVE WOMAN for reception- ' ' i k ath nome race yarn arage woou-sneu.
,,! .... tt..~t! .......... dt.~. Al.n / after noon daffy. P 7/22 tin ] NEW --- FOR YOU
tubs, showers. Ample storage. Quiet. g,
"--'--'-----~~ l Backhoe Trencher for Hire I I mI *'h-st-l-* :"-nz- [st and cosmetic demonstrator• Phone Owner tocsin wl~ sacrifice. 426-4710
Perfect for sur
• "~ "~'~" • ' • .- l ' . IIv v ~ v ~ ,.,u ~ 426-4582, Elainc's Beauty Salon,
for selling only 40 bottles, watkinsl ~HA.R~.~ DIGGING SEgVI~m II 9/16-30 ~a~c-h'~lor"un~l~'~'for-'~7~l-~-~'~rso"~-~[ | Brand new tri-level, 4bedrooms, Gently slopln!
l~-0z. Vanilla, 40 c~tns Watkins 8-oz. 1 "-=.~_ ~= .....-7" "--II'60FordGalaxie VS, At. ~= electric kitchens tiled showers ex- P I ~-~ a ~r~ ~. A .~o~;~ |bath and V~. rec room. built-in with 62' OT "
' ' S AC O~ BI ............. n~ ............
Cinnamon and 40 cans Watkirm 8-oz. / rnone ~-;~o~u I| ALDER AND^ MAPLE logs. wantea haust fans, built-in dressing rooms. [ Corner lot bo-utif-I ~,ard~ A~- [ ~-;toho,~ l~r~,~ 1at T.n~nt~d in ~- J$ in'and even
pf~pper• For details write Box C c/o / CR 5-21K~ ...... T~=|¢=l~ a l~t~ || mn =,,.,~ ~=.~,.~.=,, 5-9 inca, ~u per mousanu~. ; ~u-±xi h Three laundry rooms, automatic wa- I raised F.TI~A.~$13' 7~)0 "$500"' dow~n .......... ' " .... :~ " • ..............
S]~eiton :iou!.nal or phone Bremert~)n ~"~ ..... "--" ""..... II -- " inch,' $40; 12-13 inch $,)2; 14 nc ) cellent nm hboihood on An le nic area. $3, r
ES 7-5661. " 8/26 9/16J ...... i i ,_ ....... and over $57. Auburn Academy Fur- shers, dryer. Abundance hot water t should handle. Call '426-'4¢q5 ask for / .... c)g . . ~ g -
price with tcr
........ ~ ' r , '~ _. II 0U Pore v~) ~T. niture, Auburn, Wash. TEmple 3- ann neat. uooa oeus oz course. [ ~ R ' /2R 9/1R [ slQe. ~'.I-I.A. mmtmum oown pay-
Lawton A ts.. 7th & Pine. lUnown George. S 8/26 9/16 meat available. $17,650.00.
FOR SALE -- Local wild flower honey, l~'|| 0478. 9/16-30 bF appoin~.ment. Phone 426-2 21. ]20 ACRES -- One mile from Shelton. ~ out. Call noW,
Call 426-8867, L, G, Slater, Route 2, |BERGESON PAINTING and dec0rat-]| '59 Galaxie 2,dr HT,V-8, A.T. ~ L 12/10 ttn | 500 ft. Mill Creel~ runs through. / ............ IZ .....
Box 43A,~Shclton. 9/9-23 | ing free estimates, Financing avail-|| '59 Ford H T ' " " WANTED -- Rug weawng. ~so rugs ~S~s--e--~or [ Good housing development poten- [ ur~ t~u~.~ ~u~u -- ~Tz ~t.n=~ JustMT" vIEW'a :
............. [ able ca approved credit, 426-6331. II for sale, Phone 426-6469. Alvin Hilde- few b!~
UNDERWOOD OFFICE moaet and a / B 6/24 tfn!l '• brandt Rt. 3 Box 561, Shelton, rent" on uys~er .... ~ay, ~Ju.'; .... x'none 4''~2o- I---'1 tial .., _,.. ,Hoodsport 877-5361 ........ C 9/9-16,~-.~ t/ For the handy man, a nearly, from this W©-'
Royal portable typewriter, both good [~"--~ o~.... Ire- ~'-~=-~es rs~la | [ ....... ' ' H 9/16 10/7 2342. B 8/12 tfn |DO YOUR FLOORS LOOK DINGY no |
completed 3 bedroom home in a
condition. Hoodsport 877-5222, and [..~v~,~.v ..!~'.~'~¢~'~'~!' ~!~d~" || "0U ]-~lro ~ ~ [ matter what you do? Cleaning Serv- I woodsy setting. Smal! creek and room
877-5275 evenings. S 9/9-16 [ ~'~{,~,~vf~;;b [| ....... ~ FOR RENT -- Traitor space close to [ ices Co., phone 426-4876, 426-8138. [snrin~ water Only 4 miles from family room'
.... s t?
~~ |- • " " [I T~I|A~O Can You Pass The Tes ~~d°wnt°wn' Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn i~---~- [LOWI1.| 1/7 tfn 1~~ o ~.-- goes" Duy-- ~ zor..... 1:ne amDl- age, and cone
.Id, in excellent condition, $95. Phone [FUR~AC~ CLEANING, repaY; in- I'| ~[l~m~ 1 A~e 28-45 WAI~ ROOM Food Lockers for rent. ]FOR QUICK SALE OF ESTATE -- i~ious man at $10.950 00 Offers 1200 sq. ft.,
426-2651, W 9/9-]6 [ etallaUono, oll conversioim, 8helton. [I " BB~VVB~V '," =," - ....... -^.-.- ~- Mason Lemke'e Service (Dayton Crossroads) [ Two story older home. large corner ]considered " " " " for just
---------~ [ Sheet Metal Co., 89.1 So, Third. DItu II ~" w=7"'~ 7v"" "~'"~ '" nhone 426-6779 6/3 tin I lot, uoume pmmDmg.r, r~nlcres~ area. / ' terms so whY
SPINET CONSOLE PIANO .7- Walnut ] 426-4792. S 5/1 ttn [| '63 International ~2 Ton, 4 cyl County. ~" ................. [ Phone 426-876a. Mc 7/29 tin /
finish. Will saerificc to r(niable par-l(~R4kC~ PIANO '=~ERV~ --- 'I~nsrll " '~ 1.1=~ I~¢~ m¢~d..I ~.¢,¢~mnhil~ FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, modern [TW--W-o~I~VEL~n~oon--e--~ [ ARE YOU CROWDED? tor an appoin
ty in this argot t9 .save movin~.ex- ] and technician. "Regular Care Pre-|| '63 Ford ~2 Ton, 4-Wh. Drive ~' ~;;~e;";;ntji;e;~ov;;'$'47-5-'Der partly furnished, one nfile west of [ huilnin~, l~*= T,,,a, ,~, ~ ~,~t | We have
a large 3 bedroom 2
pease. Also ~leetrm urgan, wr~e / vents Costly Renair Call Olymnia~a " ~, ~ - - Lake Nahwatzel $65. Call 426-4033. ~ ~ " ............. " ........ ' r ld "~ '
K0hler & Campbell Pianos, 395 12th | 943-8712 or °267-6~22, or Shelton ~6- [I '62 Econoline Van per month. ' ~ ,)/a ,.. J Hill. $350 each, Your terms. P~one [sto y o er home only 1 mile from Hers'sHOW ABOU'a dan
SE Sah m ()re EM 3 5707 8267 6 tf
, '~ , ,, - • ~ .... | . G /12 n || , ......... 5. Have a successful sales back- FOR----------~~--~RENT-- About uct. ""-"%'~'='-']o, tne / [ 426-8536. N 6/10 tin ./~°wn town. Owner will trade for home on a la
, large attio t
--- ,. ........... pansi0n, It'S
• , ~o '=~,~'~ -,- ,-~,, =~, o~o~ ~ painted so .a
would "halve t!
Spacious gar.
area. $8500
you have bee
choice water
close to town
spect this
of low ban
~-'~ '~"''~ --" ............ "'" " "' an extra s~
home. pret
room and dining room with w/w , • •
u/u ,. b] uouge Y2 Ton, b cyl ~r|l i~l~llVl il |1 ] area,n'e-4 81 8~ c/o Journa~.c 9/2 lS
........... %- [C--Z~PETS DIRTY? Company cecil ' ground in real estate or irE- office now occupied by Himlie Realty [ISLAND LAKE for summer tun or ismaller 2 bedroom home. This is
at 116 North Contact Dr Nor- [ [ he neatest older home you ve
USED WESTINGHOUSE washer and [ call Cleaning Services Company, p a. il,an ~.d !/^ ,~, pi~.le,,n ~,,P=nC~ " - ....... "'."[' 'q ..... ~-'me"* '~" ~o~ o~a an" [seen. ~/2 acre with fine garden
dryer. Good condition, $76. Phone 1 426-4376 or 426-~.~ ~ ~1/7 trail"" -- "- r ._ • . .. vold N 9/9 16 t - • '
426-4~24 D 9/2 tfn}L 'S a date ~o decorate. _orI'1 ,== ,~---, !z --- v~ AT If you can answer yes to tnese
___ _u'"~',.,_L' ......... ~ ruru 72-[.v11) --'~ " " " 426 3169 B 8/19 tfn " it "
FOR SALE OR TRADE -- B-flat clar- ] "~~al'l~'j~a~$" i'~n~ II questions, you owe it to yourself to ~'RAILE~OUSE for rent Phone / time ~ 7/16 tfn ]spot It has a fine utility room
" ' , ud large living room $10,90000~
inet for best rifle, boat or outboard i ~ne~t umatlag ~'om~.~2 |1 =B --- = i investigate the career opportunity ~---REI~-T ---- F~d---nioite~ ~THREE BEDROOM house near school, | " • ' ,
motor, etc. Phone 426-3734, / ,~-~a~m J~ zJJS un /I • n • ~ -- apartment downtown area. Water, / stores and churches, FHA appraised. 1
H 9/9-16 tREES TOPPJ[~D, tl.immed, removed. - we ester, heat furnished. Adults. Inquire I19 ] $11,950. Phone 426-4791. F 9/16 tfn
,ur,.on =.,ce. Jim raulev s _.Th.elasttw°.Ma_s°nC°unit/ l:s E. Cedar St. Phonc426-4895, or 426-1F-OR SALE ...... -One60- - ot- n| 1'his well bui]tand handy home
4481 9/2 tfn t
furnace and air ducts, $100. Light [ 4826. ~l]l~ tt~/[ ~ hires averageo :$/,auu tne __~-'~ ...... [ Hillcrest. Lot 12, Block 4 on East i's in a very fine neighborhood.
finish dining table, six chairs, $100, [ EXPERT AUTO GI.~SS lm~tallation. || Bill -- Bob ~ Bus --- Dick year and have advanced to assume FOR RENT -- Furnished one bedroom [ Cascade. Terms available. Phone 426- [Large 100 x 110 foot
lot, with
all good condition. Call 426-6312, / Jim PauLey Inc. 501 Railroad Ave./I =.*. ~. o~....~.~ ao~ 8231 other duties house. Bath, utility, carport. $60 [ 3361. H 6/24 tfn I ~ard~n s ...... T ..... '',,| ......
G n/2-16 / Phone acJ6-82R1 a/9.~ ttn II "~" ~" n=,,.u¢=u w=-u- " ...... ~ e t- a- ' , b ~ ~,~ ~¢~=~ ,,.,,,~ .~v...
[ROOFIN-- -1 ock ol l ul /I or conftdentlal interview wrlte to" percin~°nt~o~° 4e,~.h'7~" ~e~/1~.i9.~6 ~;~--S-A-L-~--~. "~i~e--~h~-ee Iwith fireplace. You cannot beat
"----~---- L~ D own r we ~ a-
FOR SALE -- One set of bunk beds, / tion ~,~anteed ~h 428 64.17 6/20t2a |'~ Personnel Director ~,~,~,-:--~....~-~'Y:...... ;:--.----)-~'--h-~-~: I b~ch'oom he ne with g trag Wash-ILhis buy at -~14 2o0 00
~:~z~a~ .I:LI~A.L)I';.U(.)2a wa[erIronT non ~ r , ' n J Y ~ " "
au'omatict washer Westinghouse (:on-" "- ~ ' " " * " "'~ P O Box 568 ~ ington & K. Phone 426-8~98
s01e TV. 4~6-6035. M 9/2-16 [FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces,/J .. a ~ 0i . . .... valued at $22.500. Rent $100 per me. I W 8/26 tfn
~,O~ ~^, ~ ........ z.~;i~,."~7;~iTi---~i~u~ / chimneys, planters, call R. ~. Mason, [I III,,.AJ ~AI~A ympla, wasnmgton or sale $17,500 Will trade. Allynf I ~ I ~° .~v,.--va~n=~ ,,.,~, ...~..v,.m^v~'^a'
china. (~,t. glass, fosLoria. Millwright ..... ux |1 H~U 'b~[~ 9/2-9/16 Wash. 426-4951. S 9/16t n REDUCEDthree years$1000'old; approximatelyWaterrr°nt home,,1000 I .... a ~o.,~,,~,,~z m.:~,,....... ~.2:" """~"~ ........ ~'"~
tools, t Irene 4,6-3061 before 5 p.m. [HAVE GUN I~VILL SPRAWl ]~xteH(n' |1 lm ~ sq. ft. Two bedrooms, nmhogany[rooms anQ /:he SlQlng and save
S 9/9 tfn | and interior. Free e~timates. Work'||
uaranteed Be~ett Paint n Co ~ ~ WANTED 1000 roca able Urea OK ~ I den, fireplace, lovely walnut living-Ireal money. A very fine garden ble garage~
~iSl~nD. UjP~InGtTl~'t~n~,"Eo~xCel21~t~ovt'~: J~:Zeft 1:int~fO t~]l 60 Valiant V-200 Rubber eld r,. Mt.PP iew. un IMMEDIATELY carpet(ng. 18,, 80 plastic-covered a~ea. Good a~tesmn well. Shake paved part
J 9/16 tfn U~IIu ~AW ~..~L~J~.~ .1~. l~eeaY!!l ~ l)uut~ ~x'~ ~-~_i-~-~-~E~-'~M~~--'~ ' ---+~ in ..... i( .~ ~n -,,ered nat[- t'OOZ ann cement block foundation at $17,950
• - AVAILABLE ~n front overlooking bay with cute I Outbuildings Include barn and
~Y~Y-~f;DE~--~i~-~7~aeFw-~--.,~dT-~6:IS-'i~. ]' ~curarteuP.,.r~.~°~.g~3.,N~,..=t! I Rad!o- Heater- Automatic tune-up your sewing machine? In ............. e ...... •
e e ' S" e o ea' 16 ............ cr ~" .......... ~.u~ your home for pal $3 75 Any make ......... I little upnolstered bar tucked in cor- chicken house 3 hed,,nnm~ o,~,~
dol!(~e~!,~ll ~,~6.S~,t n ar ,fi 9'~16 P/7 1,~'~602' t [I '60 Chev. "6" Wa on or model. Singer ~Vewlng "Center. Ph ............. an~l Sholt I t " to to- of'° Y ~ roues zrom town xours ~or
At tne oeautlTUl new her Beautiful view of Harstine Is- nl .... " _ ...%~.... ~.,. CONVENII
.... :'--:"~"----E-':"' " ...... 1 -i II SAND AND GRAVEI~, top cell peat ~ Olympia 357-75S6 4/1 tfn HOLIDAY HOU new stairway down 50 steps to c~ean. $8 000,00. This home has a beau- $13,500 wll
19.64 PIONEER ,)50 el~Hn s}lw..8 nc [I soil custom tractor work 'Joh~]J Radio -- Heater--- Automatic ~. ~.'~.~ j~ 1 , • s up ng patu . . DowNTOV
uar witn 2 cuams ~u~. ~2o-~s~o. / Creek Sand & Gravel Co, phone 426-II wl~uw~ bTtt~t~'[ TOO mgh ~o 4 h~dr~om n=rd~n ~nHrt I gravel beach, with marine railway, i Liful kitchen with an abundance ~nd lots of
B 9/16-23 ] ~52 ' a.lO t~. I I ~.~ ...=. . T~ ,-~.._ reach? Call Cleaning Services Co, .......... " .......... Underground power to beach. Was -. ,,
............... , Ol a= ~u
apartment ~m~00---owne .......... ,,,,,^ ~1003[af Blzch cabinets to satisfy any
CARPETS A FRIGHT" Make them a ]DAV~,O ~U'DOZI ............ II t~ammer • ur. ~(][][. phones 426-4376 or 426-8138. ' cluding a
• ~ ..... w,,, ~,,,,~ v I housewife
b ea,]ti!]t~l..~ightm wit}o~crB/~ecoLa~t~'e. I' ing, road hullding, excavating, grad-II Heater -- Automatic ............... _=_~_===___..:,== Sparkll,g .ew, oarpets, drape,, or all our lovely new fur- . and a larg
Kent e= .ctr c I O ~ $. -- 1 in- terracin,' leveling, Dave Dick II ~l~x w~'xu wu~. oz any ~mu. Westln-house an-[lances off allure, plus washer dryer, range l Extra roon
east Sto~ c 9/16 ' -, o,
C " • / 42~,4860 Shelton D 4/15 tfn II ~] T~ ......4-1. ~ T~-- ~.1 Call 426-4378 evenings. V 4/16 tfa ~ - - "~.. ' " I refrigerator, Bring your check book I THIS HOME IS A BEAUTY ~he double
~T~EE ......... On e,-~aH'on-of-A~"-&-W-R()ot~/ " I, , ,= ', ,, II Od £-l~/lllUUbll "Jl: Jill', ~.~u, , I I street parKing. ~hurry out 11 miles north of Sho~- I .R ~h,~ h~¢]r .... H,,;. .....
--}~'~," t~) Flov~ Temple, 612 13th, at 1BULLDOZING ' EXCAVATING II Radio --- Heater -- Automatic ............ Drive by 7th & Cedar Street, ton 9n A!iyn highway. Take Thomas wi~h ~',"" J.... .~ ..... ;-::.'t~ .w,,.a swell wor
Minor's A "& W Drive-In on Mt / BACK HO= ~B^--~ .^ .... II ,~,~.L~u, ,,~,~ ~u .--~ . • ......... *..... I Road anu tollow signs. R 7/8 tfn ..... zlreplaee,, i&rge.Klr.cnen ana Convenient
~T~A-- 9/16/ I. - ,unv// l.V~Lll~l~ II ..,., .-. • ,. ~ *-~ *= UII~J~ II~ItD~JLUJL~ ~/UJt 61 /~ ll[,~pO ll%flll / I UtllltV renew lrt!o~l rt~Tn ~xrtll'n ~n~ur
....... " 8olrr N o pp lg I hath ~Orme4~~ Mt View school. Will a~d ~l~an~ear°t m:orage space SO hurry'
.........../ DUMP TRUCK , FILL DIRT II 'ontlae ]Jr. ~an. ~XTAI~,TTI~I-~ oomplete sho In FOR SALE .-- Three bedroom 1% . :%. ,~ ......... -.-: .......... big enough
FOR ,SALE -- peat moss. You 1 6EWAGE SYSTEMS • II Radio --- Heater -- Automatlo vv .-~z~ ~u~u Y, 0 Pets 1~4A $ down. 426-6526. . through, That's
haul or we naui wall 426 6760 / =.. ,.. . II
" ~ 9/16 tfn I fete JFasslo II II No Competition. To service and ....... ~ s 9/9 tfn no~ all, a large single garage with MUST sEL
Su. ou per month. _---------
189n oa=. ,,.,.. ,,,-.. ta _ ____ ._ set up new accounts in exclusive .S~tLnE25.EnteSr andostorage,~paCe.ea 3 bedroom
qear Tayl(
FOR SALE Davenport and chair ~-~.-r.,.~ ~,,,v,,, Ua~ll., I l
,' .... , I' ...... II LOOK territory Investment secured by See F°~r '
good condition 426-4210. H 9/16 • U/Z~. ~n II - "
---' .... . ........ --" ..... -------~-~---~ I'.... ..... II , mat moving inventory of amaz- ~.1|~ Um~l~P~ phone 4~tt-S~_l~. 3/25 tfn I for yard and privacy galore. All,hake a g©
ARmE DOLL CLOTHES -- Reason- ------, t", A ........... tiara une TO _wln(t ing plastio, coating used on all In¢ m R UP-. WILL TI~_.DE EQUITy in a choice I more for only $16,000.00. is. now o,,
able pt it~ s d~ eases 50c up skate out- ]] I j a I home m ~neiton tor a house in rural
with thi~
""' :'"'"~: :'" ,,,ore " "' types of surfaces interior or ex- .1~. Write Box C, A BEAUTY inere ar,
fits $I,00; pajamas toe. ~vtany , il ,-, Ill~P,]ll|lir~lB I,- , ~, .
Co~tact Laura Sheffield 426[-2216... il IIU IlIIIIIII\V/II JIINtli III s5 FORD T BllRD terior. Eliminates waxing when i " [ 3 plus bedrooms, living room prese,t ©~
~ll~ ]In i i r~J i i I i I i l.t'/.l i I ~1 1 lhl I li~ 1 1ii e n
II lr-dllllllh~/,llllllllh1111111 Ill appli d to a y type of floor. Elim-
...... I I Ill SPORTS COUPE [notes all painting when applied to 426-2549 ] ~lwith fireplace, large kitchen and awaytO~!
I SPECIAL -- ANTIQUE III Prompt - Ouaxa~teed Service III ..... ...... wood, metal or concrete surfaces. ~ ] lutility room tiled bath with show- eytential'on tldv~
J~aUlO ~ea[er ~ucomal:le
I ~,~,g.,Nn K,T~ ~. s3.95 Ill WH-EATLEY & KEARY Ill - - Minimum Investment ............ $500 ' -- _ I ler, abundance of storage space and
i MALL I lclean clear through. Thats not all, with y0Ul
I .... ..... Ill s17 8. 1at 428-4558 III Power Seat --- Continental Kit Maximum Investment ...... $12,000 I Mr, View I ~s .... -----=--- -- l la large single garage with lots of
I r ow un,y I I' 'll For details write or call: ynU'LL
I _ I ACR£AGE I Iwork and storage space, a beaut[-
I .............. I1" II I Phone: 314 AX-1-1500 I ELWOOD MANOR I Ilfully planted and well cared for' !his )sca~lts exc
I-' ~l°°xprhL~6.'6283 I/' I ~''I I Pen-ulna, Plastics :n°W"ailable I '%'o~ IIy~::o ~n°dr oPn~;a$~Y#0al~" A!land Ioys thief
~ISEALPOINT SIAMESE, box broken, .= . m . 341I North Lindbergh Blvd. • I SALE ' a ,h,r'
$I0. Ehna Watson, 1312 Edgewooa,
r " ,/ Shelton, Phone 4~26-4328. W 9/16 iieaA T alnbe St. Ann, M~souri 63074 I 0 ._ ~ I ......... I I on co, I
I USED FURNITURE uo~u llUUh~ I 8/12- 9/23 I • Wall-to-wall oarpetlng I FIJghw~ntag_e_ _Between I I ANfiLF AfiFNfiY b,g ,ad,,
I • Draperies I ~elton. Exceilen'~ I! ....... tlII~W/ vie'rro ',
I All vne- |1 monlhs old. Houso hruken. ~hon~ ...... [ OO ~al)~idrYo:8aOIIItles I II HERB ANGLE D,CK ANGLE ing orn.
mlr es f~
"'= ~1" ~" 426-4725. W 9/16,30 ~ • . ....
CHA P 61 Intl. C 102 Plcku
i Buy-Sell-Trade I10 M ION--S'fR~.~)--"B-E'A-G~E puppies, " . P Miscellaneous I I AppilanOeS _ i Phone Glenn E, Correa is ,y
I ......... o .... .~ u..,~ e~.r. I1 adorable companions. Show or field 6 Cyl. --- 3 Speed --- Raoio ---' I • Private parking I 426-4476 I I ~w~a ~t~ ~ ~a.,>~,~==,.,~
tra, tern '
I 4 Mi West on Da"ton Road |],,,,dogs. Johnson's, 426-3579. J 9/9-16 Canopy--- Mirrors- CARD OF AI'PRECIATION I • I 9/~-I6.~ [14Ol Railroad Ave. Ph. 426.8272
I •. .........7 ...... II NmW I~UPP~¥ ot turtlee'and tls~ ew~ Bumper --- Real Clean -- Has T!m kindness,and sympathy of neigh- • ~wlmmlng POOl 42 r 42
I Lllllan WIlSOn|/ ia. uso greeting cards,or all klan, o..... .... . bors fr,enos in our recent sorrow I • .wlmTIng P_O=OI I -- II Evenings 6-4134 06-6188 -:R i;,
I ........ 1 5c apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378, . ............. will always re~na]n with us as a prec- I I th'l
v /19 tfn ious meo,m•y ,,ur sl. ere thanks snd I .... montb I -- 0ts'
........... ~ • gratitude for all those comforting acts
i .......... iiLET US BOARD YOUI PETS~tle 6~ lntl. I/--tn--Pickun ..... '. fa,
I JI UJ J 'II JI VVUUJU; I1 on vacation. Cats an~. small degs _ : .:: _-- ;=_ . _ 2,L,!nso. ...... I Contact Manager, 426-3100 I es ,,
............ ~ ' i'teoUIlg O ~vt ann ~ ~neeo ~t" anu .,vii'8 Stanley GwlnnctL
I = ~ .-- I/ ~,u~ per uay. ~ogs ~u-uo pounas 1...- /. ~.- r ";t.,q tl.,,~h,,,
I ~nv engm I/ $1.25, Over 35 pound~ $1 35 Indi" .. u.~= ~_~. I 1/7-tfn I o,,
" " ~ .-~...~-..~ ~- ~ars. Jennle ~wenson $ IS I
vidual runways. Mel-l~ Animal Ha- ~ ll-ll., llSll I I I
I ALLER or FIR I/vo. 42s ......... UMt rass.
...... ..., .... o, n011v fllll Onnrtmcnt¢ oo,
I Phone 426-8122' [I.. Carryall The kindness and sympathy of neigh- I ' II
• IBm I~ lilii n HiLIIIVII[g
--- "-=" er bors and friends in our rcccnt sor-
I Rt. 3, Box 258, Sharon t,. lil mlnni£o speed Rad,o .eat row wl,l a,w ys remain wl., us our W,se Pe0,1e I' oo,,,
i ...... lil PiiB~'lwiP~ll~ .... ., 4 . ..,_ .. sincere thanks and gratitude for all -- r- liT"
IMIIILM 7)z JnU, 1- on thosc omforting acts.
..... II .... ms. Elmer Wiss Will Not Compromise
...... -- mR -,,..-,,-....,...-.. .ass,s M,s Lorene roscher and sons A MODERN GARDEN 00URT APARTMENT
l[-][nm~ II" ~.o~.=,,.,..~..,~.~, n.r~,v. Mr "and Mlo w~,, ~" .......
....... Re .... ere~ S .... ........ ' ......... g.~.~ On Their
• U,at u-- m~ar, lividlyI ~ . | • and family
Slaughtering Unit II g,ood companions, 53 Ford ½-t. Pmkup Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willey and yR0w? l s
Cooling, out~lng II. Schipperkes, A.K.C. ~.~ tn=.r~ o/ J- T~...Z .... son 9/16
L~mke's Service 426-§779 II Registered--Cu'd~ little OU In An Exdusively Residenlial Area
Glenn L. Prob,t II black fellows : , ............. ON AND AFTER this date. September The IST
~l,,m,,,i= 352.2o55 II ] 49 tuae 1,/,-~. ~]~oa. 16, 1965, I will not be responsible for
........ II One Adult Female Pekingese any debts contracted by anyone oth- on 3ohns Manville
.u/~x ~u er than myself
--Smal 8able, Loveab e $35
' 1] 7 II • LOCAL FINANCING WITH Joseph A. MacRae It will withstand hurricane Available August 10 TTnf,,rni h d
. . . A . , .'" IE, winds, and it coets "" "roo " ......
no more at the ~rWO tse~ m Apartment -- $90.00 mo.
V= Mile South of Shelton ~]
Carports available at .¢.~ nn ,~
on Hiway 101 ~-. ~ ~ .... . ....
, ~ ~~~ .... ...,.._
P~o~ BuY ~.~ 922 OLVmr u avL. APT a_ a~=.=~a~
S "lr "lrlb~ vg~lllp
: : L