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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971
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I tell you, Clarence, the country's going to hell. What's wrong, Ace; you been reading the papers again? Yeah, and I've about had it. I been figuring even though I'm a Democrat I'll have to vote for Nixon because the only candidates in my party are a bunch of creeps - a bunch of pinko, birdwatching, eggheaded, traitorous radicals - when along comes an all-American candidate, Henry Jackson. This is great, I say; here's a man everyone but the weirdos can support. That's right. Henry Jackson is a populist supported by the biggest industries in the country. Right. He's for the common man. And the industrialists are for him because they know that as a lad he was up before dawn to deliver papers and he never missed a porch. Industrialists love industriousness. He's an industrious common man. Right, again. And he's also an environmentalist. But not one of those birdwatching, fag environmentalists. He's an environmental realists. He realizes that the way you sustain the delicate ecological balance is by raising the gross national product and building more nuclear power plants. And you don't worry about population control. His idea is that there is plenty of room in the country for more people. All you have to do is spread them around. That makes sense. Look at all the unpopulated area there is on the Rocky Mountains above the 6,000-foot level. And in the Mojave Desert. And on the Olympic Peninsula. Correct. He uses common sense rather than emotionalism. For instance, he's an advocate of peace, but he realizes the only way you can attain peace is to plan for war. When every nation in the world is armed to the teeth with horrible weapons, then peace will be assured if the good guys have a preponderance of the horrible weapons. That's what he meant when he said, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." I don't think Henry Jackson was the one who said that. Well, somebody did. Maybe it was President Nixon. No, 1 don't think so. I think it was one of the bad guys who said that. Okay, so it was one of the bad guys. Even bad guys can come up with a good idea once in a while. Anyway, Henry Jackson knows that when the good guys have overwhelming military superiority, good things happen. Can you imagine what we might have done in Southeast Asia with all our power if we were bad guys. Instead of bringing democracy to a grateful nation, we might have decimated Vietnam, killing its citizens and destroying its villages and countryside. Instead, we used our awesome military power and kindly "There's $56,000 in corporate profits that isn't going to trickle down, no matter what Nixon's image-makers say." Editor, The Journal: kill? I guess What is this country coming his hc to? would have Because Attica is an old had showed that prison I am willing to concede hostages had be¢~ there probably was room for the time state some improvements, sheriffs deputies In my opinion once a man is Guardsmen sentenced to prison he should lose the rebellion. all his so called rights, this isn't to Yes sir!, say they have to be treated some real inhumanly or as the experts, or so is that brilliant called brains call it dehumanized. Kunstler a] But to save arguing lets say a philosopher 13( convict has the right to descent, add that this which he does have in these such as: Dr. modern absurd times. Does this you would mean he has the right to Pinnock, and DEMAND!? No! of them all Don A convict, or anyone else for People such that matter, should not have the the real thorn. right to demand. Everyone of us side. TheY sJ has rights and when people start pedestals and demanding they are stepping on nothing other peoples toes or in other either. words violating others' rights, hap p e ns Buffalo attorney Herman incident all Schwartz said, "there was a up with the danger of informal reprisals." I "It would like to know why there The shouldn't be any reprisals• is nothing The convicts got what they do-gooders, fo! wanted. They received They don't outstanding TV coverage, getting rid tremendous press coverage, had putting 28 demands granted, and had awhere he delightful time killing 9 "PIGS." American Bar For the benefit of all you about is how extremely intelligent can make. psychologists, psychiatrists, The sad judges, sociologists, and affair is that attorneys, a pig is a guard, are involved, Yet William E. Hellerstein offind out who1 New York felt it was necessary to get what is c( "get the court into it now to head that is the off possible reprisals against the press and subdued rebels." called D r. V e r n o n F o x a and make and criminologist at Florida State of the Attica University called Attica "an The appalling massacre." He said the probably_~Y state was legitimizing murder." Mr_ KUS~'~' "There was no reason to kill Corrections anybody. Another 24 hours of Gov. talking wouldn't have done any backed Mr. harm and might have saved thet h e r e lives of 28 inmates and nine cc guards." What is Why didn't someone tell the to? convicts there was no reason to political persuasion to stabilize the country, win the hearts By ROBERTC. CUMMINGS against running again, that is attempt to pass anti-gambling Demoqrats.lwh~ werg~ol~lrimarily ~ Senat0r~ George Aiken says he's '" • ' " ..... ' 'nt ,th tic ' "S eeut [tioia' bn' Go,/.. Dan precisely what he would be doing, legislation has backfired. All the ill'crested, in shelving R llin£ to ~ >p~rtpd, : ).ng.c, an, :afford be. He s u . that is:so popular its esid n is t ffbpposed fore--on. "E £firs Pl 'fis p bvides little ladies who love to play keep him out next $17.09 in his 1968 campaign But less firmly That shows what good guys can do if they the upper fruitful fodder for political No Heir Apparent are ,blaming Gorton $or gubernatorial campaign. Senators James Buckley (Cons, NY) and John hand. We brought peace out of chaos for a nation that had writers on dull days, but it can be T h e r e is n't any other" their troubles, spent $1.1 million and $1 6 miliion, respectively classified as rather pointless. To potential candidate on the Secy. of State Lud Kramer No Pushover campaigns. Everyone - Mr Nixon, Congress, been dominated by foreign powers for years, reporters in Olympia who cover horiz on up on whom the faded out of the picture after If there is any confusion as to agrees that we're reaching the point where only 1 wish you hadn t brought up that election, Clarence. the state capitol day in, day out, Republicans can depend to stave finishing a poor fourth in the race what Evans will do, it exists only the answer appears obvious,off a Democratic invasion of the for mayor of Seattle. among his fellow Republicans. It of millionaires can succeed in politics. In the That's what's been bugging me. I read in the paper this It generally is believed that Governor's office. King County Executive John is apparent that he hasn't revealed of the major 15 candidates were morning that Henry Jackson is threatening to withdraw his support of United States military and economic aid to South Vietnam unless the October 3 election is postponed and what he calls a "real election" is held. That doesn't make sense. The election is as real as everything else we have done over there, and he's supported all of it. And it's almost the same as the last race he made for United States Senator in this state. He was so popular all the Democrats and most of the Republicans donated to his campaign and he got 85 per cent of the vote to what's-his-name's fifteen. That's right. You'd think he would be happy that the President of South Vietnam is so popular no one will run against him. I just can't figure it out. But I know if he turns tail in Vietnam and joins Dr. Sprock and Joan Bias and those other peaceniks, I'll have to vote for President Nixon. I just had a horrible thought, Ace - you don't suppose his turnaround has anything to do with the fact that Jackson's running for president, do you? Maybe he was so pleased with that 85 per cent vote he wants to do a repeat on the national level and is wooing the peaceniks. No, he wouldn't do a thing like that. He's not really a politician like those other jerks. He's more like Harry Truman. He just votes his convictions and lets the chips fall where they may. That's why I was going to vote for him. We didn't have all these problems when Harry Truman was president - no race problems, no trouble with the kids, no poverty. Everything was different until things changed. You know what, Ace. I don't think you have to change your mind about Henry Jackson. Why's that, Clarence? I think he was probably misquoted by the press. Charlie Wilson, wherever you are, somebody is stealing your stuff. Charlie, you will remember, was President Eisenhower's Secretary of Defense when he uttered his classic: "What's good for General Motors is good for the country." He took so much heat following the remark that no one has since spoken as bluntly on the same subject. Until this week, that is, when two (count 'era) two prominent Americans echoed Charlie's sentiments. Vice President Spiro Agnew told a meeting of the nation's governors: "Rising corporate profits are good for the, average and are needed more than ever by the poor." Gustave L. Levy of Goldman, Sachs and Co., commenting on the president's economic moves, said: "We approve of everything he did. It's good for the (stock) market, but it's also good for the country, which I think is also important." Move over, Charlie. Governor Evans doesn't want to run again, but the feeling is unanimous among newsmen that he hasn't any choice. Evans conceded privately nearly two years ago that he never would let the office go to the Democrats by default, and if he should decide Evans obviously had hoped to build up Atty. Gen. Slade Gorton to follow in his footsteps, but Gorton barely made it for Attorney General in 1968, and since then he appears to have lost ground. Instead of building him up as a "crime fighter," his By STEVE ERICKSON It's tough being a U. S. Marine sometimes. When, for example, a high school thwarts the old boast "The Marihes have landed and the situation is well in hand" by refusing permission to land. The Marine Corps, proud conqueror of lwo Jima and Tiajuana, tradition-steeped institution that made men of John Wayne and Gomer Pyle, is now having trouble getting to where the raw material is. The fearless force that lives on its nerve, travels on its guts and drinks on its back has been driven back by civilian defenders of Eugene, Oregon, high schools. The schools have refused to permit Marine recruiters to either contact students or obtain lists of graduates, and the querrelous corpsmen - who often state that "When a Marine complains, he's happy" - are complaining, and they're not happy. The leathernecks are livid. Ordinarily, a host of Marines with red stripes on their blue trousers just waltz onto a campus or into a high school and pluck adventuresome young men for their cause by explaining that they don't use the swamp walk for discipline at Parris Island any more. The kids, wowed by the snazzy uniforms, impressed by the deathless lyrics of the "Marine Hymn," and weaned on television reruns of "Battle Cry," "The Sands of Iwo Jima" and "Guadalcanal Diary," enlist post haste. It's not unlike joining the Foreign Legion -glorious, glamorous and decidedly gung-ho. But these Eugene schools are different, says Brig. Gen. Leonard E. Fribourg, Marine director of reserves. Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Phone 426-4412 Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Shelton, Wa. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G Gay Spellman, who enjoyed a fleeting moment of glory when he defeated former Gov. Albert D. Rosellini for the office, has failed to make any waves since. There is a suspicion in some quarters that Spellman's King County victory was due partially to support from his intentions to even his closest associates, but the Democrats are convinced they know the answer. They figure Evans is the man they will have to beat. They also are aware it won't be easy, despite the third-term jinx, or issue. Nobody is selling him short. Gen. Fribourg notes a "'general hostility to the military service" in Eugene, and tells of Marine recruiters being forced to "hide out in broom closets" on those campuses where they are allowed. "We're still making our quotas," he says, "but it's tough." Actually, the Eugene schools may be missing out on considerable hilarity by withholding the student lists - it's fascinating to watch the Marines work with them. There seems to be some boy-girl confusion. In Aberdeen a few seasons back, a girl named Daneal received weekly Marine Corps communiques all through her senior year, and the following year a girl named Buddie practically got drafted. Perhaps, despite their famed romantic prowess, some Marines don't know the difference. At any rate, Gen. Fribourg is angry as a boil about the excuse Eugene schools have given for keeping his troops off the premises. "They say: 'We are impartial,' " relates Fribourg. " 'We don't let the Students for a Democratic Society on the grounds either.' " Thts, the general says, insulting." Tactfully, tolerantly he adds that "The SDS is out to destroy this country - we are trying to service our country." So now we know who's been filling our veins with adrenalin every time a building gets bombed - the Marines. Funny thing is, the Marines think the SDS is wrecking America, and the SDS blames it on the Marines. The two came head to head over this very issue once, in 1969 on the Portland State University campus. That time, Marine recruiters sent a couple beefy veterans into a hallway to negotiate with 20 SDS vigilantes, and recruiting never missed a syllable. But now, even though Gen. Fribourg maintains that "The Marines are leaner, tougher, better than ever," Eugene schools don't want their students talking to one. The reason could lie in the general's description of life after enlistment - "We promose them long hours, hard work and tough training." Not what you'd call a sexy program. Who can blame the preppers for preferring halls of ivy to the Halls of Montezuma? nonmillionaires were defeated. The National Committee for an Effective price per vote in the 1952 Presidential campaigns 41c in 1968; and 60c in 1968. In 1968, for Hubert Humphrey spent approximately $6 approximately $12 million. Political nonpresidential election year, was up to 67 per cent over 1966. These figures are filed by candidates under the provisions of the 1925, legislation which Lyndon Johnson law." Although it requires candidates to expenditures made with their consent, most "personal expenses," omitting committee they didn't know about it. The 1925 law campaigns or party presidential nominations. possible for national political committees to by parceling out lump sums to state committees, by the law. The Act does present no wheeler-dealers; no candidate has ever been regulations. Because reports are so political campaigns of 1968 really cost about million recorded in official files. The $400 million. Almost every year since 1961, most blatant deficiencies of the 1925 Act. which would have set a 7c-per-voter limit suspended equal time regulations for lowered the broadcast -time rates during a President vetoed it, saying it was not merely limit one form of spending could even more in other areas." This year the Senate has under stricter and more inclusive. Originally it a maximum of 5c times the number expenses, and an identical sum for nonbr Ruls Committee amended this section to total figure (lOc times the number of modified, the restriction loses its force. Mansfield, Cannon, and Pastore, hope Most of the other provisions remain on spending for television and radio federal candidates, the bill requires primaries and party nominations as general elections. The regulations operating within the states and the which operate nationally. Candidates unaware of spending done in their thorough and more frequent reports at all Finally, it grants tax credits and contributors. Most opposition so far appears to be feel that suspension of equal time laws may opponent in live debates in' 1972. do this. Nixon has shown no fervent find it awkward to veto this second decided to veto it, Senate tacticians may money bill in the fall. Russell Hemenway, N tional DirectOr chance of its passage diminishes daily as primaries." But if they can get the bill to are confident that they have enough Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 23, 1971