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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BONDS )tember 9, 1971, National Bank, as an issue of District bonds at interest rate of ! Will mature serially 1, 1973, through and are being Is ranging from per cent. embers of the & Co., Inc., and Inc. got together Wednesday '~ make final the auto show to October 2 on Streets between of discussion d prize which some lucky also be smaller by individual quite a gathering, he auto dealers in ating plus the but don't sloop in Mason miss out on that will be rtow and then, ;HOE SALON Criner has a nylon velveteen low, low price. fast, so better )f the week at B recliners that is selling at prices in owner of ts giving a:aYo~ the purcha regular price. enough deal of it makes a taste of fish. That only, so Aids Assist progress at OLSEN FURNITURE and Rod Olsen is waiting for you to dash in and cash in on some of the big savings on washers and dryers... Watches, insecticide, toothpaste and shampoo are just three of the items that EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER has on its shelves and owner Ken Chapman has placed a special on all four of these goodies for this week... Check the price on this 23 cu. ft. chest at MONTGOMERY WARD and you'll find you can really save. But hurry, this is a limited offer!... The newest style in shoes the "stirrup boot" is now in at BOB~ SHOE TREE. Owner Bob Wotton always keeps the newest style in stock at all times, so drop in and let Bob or Ruth help you in your selection... Looking for carpet? Then drop in at LUMBERMEN~d OF SHELTON and take a look at the special price on indoor-out- door... That's -30- for this week, but remember what LaBruyere wrote concerning life, "Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think". -DL Bloomfield In Radio Course Airman St,yen P. Bloomfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bloomfield, Rt. 1, Shelton, has graduated at Keesler AFB, Miss., from the technical training course for U. S. Air Force radio operators. Airman Bloomfield, who was trained to operate radio receivers and transmitters, is being assigned to McClellan AFB, Calif. He will serve with a unit of the Air Force Communications Service which provides global communications and air traffic control for the USAF. The airman graduated from Shelton High School in 1967 and received his associates degree in 1 969 from Olympic College, ck Man Fred Linke, 9003 Tenth Ave. SW, Seattle, suffered a mild heart attack at Lake Limerick Sept. 4 and possibly owes his life to rural efficiency. Linke, who with his wife owns two lots on St. Andrews Drive at Lake Limerick was discovered gasping for air in his truck in the Clubhouse parking lot. What happened in rapid succession still has "city-type" onlookers amazed. Vern Clark of Way to Tipperary, Lake Limerick, ran into the clubhouse and called Fire Protection District 5's 24-hour radio dispatcher. The time was 6:15 p.m. Capt. Glenn Robbins of District 5's new Limerick Station 4 with help lifted Linke to the ground and immediately started mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Another volunteer ran to the Fire Station across the street, returning with some of the first aid gear off the fire truck. Linke, by now breathing normally again, was given "a couple of shots" of pure oxygen for good measure. Volunteer firemen, now present in greater number, urged him to lie still until he could be examined by a doctor. A siren could be heard approaching• It was Capt. Tom Brokaw of Mason Lake Fire Station 3 and one helper with extra first aid gear. Still another siren. It was Under-sheriff Harold Brown with extra aid gear if needed. And another siren. District 5's ambulance had made a record run from Allyn; Linke was carefully placed aboard and taken to Mason General Hospital. The ambulance had arrived at the scene at 6:40. Aboard were Chief Richard Knight and Assistant Chief Gaylor Valley with their wives, Barbara Knight and "Johnnie" Valley. All four, in addition to being State-accredited volunteer firemen, have participated regularly in the department's first aid training and retraining program. Mrs. Valley also is a medical technician. It was Limerick Station's first "aid call," although Capt. Robbins, Lieut. E. L. "AI" Gronseth, and all the other volunteers who responded to the If Bremerton. radio on their portable receivers ~OY EJ~S could say, "Well done." 'UNION ....ITi~'*wife/:~Pegg'~i'l']'s the !;'~ '"i~-Iow about that for country ).yeLl an'd at : daughter of Mr.,amd Mrs."Ernest ~: li~,~leclai~ed erie permanent A. Dahman' of 1124 Bayvie~,, Limeiqck resident to his four t Shelton. big-city guests as the croWd of is now in onlookers dispersed. SUpplies may be limited! I Prices good Thursday through Saturday Only $9.39 NOW 95 Vigran Multi-V'aamins 100 TABLET SIZE OR Vigran -M.Vitamins 8 Minerals With Iron 90 Tab Sizes CHOICE NOW 39¢ DESIGNS NOW FAMILY SIZE NOW 189 O'l~t~' g:30 to 7:30 weekdays and. g:30 to 6 p.m. SaturdaY/ kiln 426-3327 ,d ekin Volu Mrs. Clifford Cord,s, Chairman of Volunteers for the Thurston-Mason County Chapter American Red Cross, announced volunteers are being recruited this month for a variety of Red Cross aetivitit~. She said volunteers are especially needed to serve in local nursing homes, American Lake Veterans' Administration Hospital and Madipn General Hospital. Others are needed as drivers, staff aides, canteen workers and to help with emergency services. Volunteers are also needed for the new school health program which was started last spring. A training course has been scheduled in the Red Cross Chapter House at 1407 Capitol Way, Friday, 10 a.m. to noon, Sept. 17. persons interested in giving settle, to others through Red Cro~ are asked to contact the chapter office for additional information. Phone Olympia 352-8575. I I :I: 1332 OLYMPIC HWY. S. I I THESE ARE the young readers who got to the top of Mt. Olympus in the Shelton Public Library's Summer Reading Program this summer. On the table in the center is the mountain climbing display which contains the names of the participating youngsters. Over $22,000 in the form of scholarships, loans and grants is available to students at Olympia Vocational Technical Institute for the 1971-72 school year. Comparatively, at the same period last year, the figure was closer to $1,000, representing a gain of some 2,000 percent. Dr. John Willmarth, OVTI's assistant director for student services and instruction, reported the gain to the Institute's teachers gathered for work- shops prior to the beginning of fall quarter September 7. He explained that the major reason for the impressive increase was that OVT1 is now part of Community College District No. 12. oualifying it for federal monies never before granted the erln O sA Training Institute. "However, it also shows that organizations in the community are recognizing us," he added. "For instance, Soroptimist Club of Olympia has established a $1,500 short-term loan fund earmarked for OVTI students only, and the Olympia Accountants Association is granting scholarships for two advanced accounting students." The bulk of the money, though, is for loans and grants from federal sources - $13,000 of it for students on work-study programs. "Basically, the first consideration in granting federal money is financial need," Willmarth said, "and I have to document this need by building Some 270 educators from all over Washington state, including a representative from Shelton, are home again this week after attending a four-day leadership training conference sponsored by the Washington Education Association in Tacoma in late August of this year. Among those at WEA's annual VIP Conference Aug. 23-26 at the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, was Willard G. Rublin, president of the Shelton Education Association, who represented Shelton',. teachers. Rublin took part in a series of seven training sessions on the various roles and responsibilities of local association leaders also hearing WEA President Gene Fink and Executive Secretary Robert J. Addington describe the vital issues in education today and some of the problems educators face in the months ahead. The WEA president, on leave this year from his Mead classroom to head the 40,000-member state educators' organization, told the conference delegates to take pride in their profession and the status it has in the community. "I firmly believe," he said, "that the public has a basic confidence in public school educators. The financial blows local school districts have suffered recently through levy losses are not a striking out at the educational program but are reactions to the present state financial scene." Dr. Addington listed six issues of major concern to educators: 1. The growing importance of education, state and nationwide; the vital need for educators not only to do their job but let the people know it. 2. The economic scene and its effects on school financing. 3. New responsibilities of the education profession arising from the new teacher certification standards. 4. The growing need for protection of teacher rights and due process. 5. The political potential which will be realized with the creation of a Cabinet-level Department of Education. 6. Changes in strucuture and organization of the National Education Association as a result of last summer's NEA constitional convention. lars ips an individual budget for each student applying for aid. "A student must show that over the course of the year he has more expenses than his anticipated income." Students under the work-study program will be allowed to work a maximum of 15 hours a week at $1.60 an hour. Many have already been hired to work on campus; age is no barrier, but they must be enrolled full time. In addition, federal long-term eductational loans, based on economic need, are available, and approximately three percent of the students will have all tuition and fees waived, either through a federal law relating to children of veterans killed or totally incapacitated in the armed forces or by a law enacted by th~ ~t~te legislature which benefits needy students and those working to complete a high school education. Latex Paint INTERIOR-EXTERIOR 99 ONLY Gal, NEW ONEI ACRYLIC EXTERIOR IN WHITE PLUS A LARGE ARRAY OF COLORS, REG. $7,47 NOW PPG Sunproof Latex House Point THE FINEST AVAILABLE ONLY Gal. 426-4522 III I Young Readers Awards The summer reading program ended Sept. 1, at the Shelton Public Library. Of the 179 young people who started the tour of the Olympic National Park by way of books, nine reached the summit of Mt. Olympus by reading 50 books. Those nine are Mary Culik, Mike Folsom, Debra Hunger, Dale Johnson, Candy MacRae, Gordon Reed, Bill Rose, Cathy Squire and Andee Tylczak. The reading records and maps of the Olympic Park marked with a star for the number of books read will be given to the participants later this month at school, when the librarian will review books which have recently been added to the collection of the Shelton Public Library. Attending EWSC A Shelton High School graduate, Kim K. Hartley, 1 5 1 5 May Ave., and a graduate of North Mason High School, Michael Shirk, Belfair, have been admitted as freshmen to Eastern Washington State College for the fall quarter. Miss Hartley plans to major in physical education, Shirk in social sciences at EWSC. FOR GLORY gives herself only to those who have always dreamed of her. Charles De Gaulle Learn to Play Your Very Best Come join the happy crowd who know where to find the finest in musical instruments. Inquire about our rental plan. M=i¢ Box [1205 CoLa 426-4302 IIIIII AT CAPITAL SAVINGS Free Transfer from anywhere in the U. S.. • Just come in with your passbook, "The Crew in Blue" will clo the rest. FSLIC Insurance ~Now Increased o $20,000.00 WASHERS AS LOW AS ELECTRIC DRYERS AS LOW AS 95 WT 426-4702 Ouollt'/Furniture since t936 4th and Cota ;Free Parking Convenient Terms. Use Your Bankcard Free Delivery Thursday, September 23. 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5