September 16, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 16, 1971 |
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VFW Auxiliary
Is Installed
Mrs. Lee (Lucille) Chapman
was elected president of the VFW
Auxiliary on September 3 and
was installed by Mrs. Jessie Cox.
She will succeed Mrs. Sam
Magruder, deceased. Also taking
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 23,1971
II " °
la dO ing Ig office were Mrs. CarlHellman,
Senior Vice-President and Mrs. Ila
Chase, Junior Vice-President.
It is no wonder that the six 'i on Coun vvi'tl~ a po uck ThethP~°~'~'~g~ tAra P ~aery w~
girls employed by Stella Winters ~ mI lai
• .. .
in her beauty shop requested that ~ ~ ~°'2 tt~
. . • y • ,!
she be honored as cook of the AI I~ dinner beginning at 6:30 p.m. in ~ ........
week. On each ~rl's birthday 8I I/ the Memorial Building on Friday. I );?'
Entertainment will be under ~ ~ ~ ~ii
Stella prepares a cake, or II direction of Mrs. Walter Wright. I~ .... .~I~
whatever favorite food the feted .... II
one prefers. I~ Mrs Wayne Robinson and II .... kTl I
"One birthday was celebrated~I r)':~ Mrs. George Witcraft visited in [k. ~ i?s-
with a ribbon ~andwichulOaf," I I~ Rainier School at Buckley on ~ Horace Craw G~
Mrs. Winters reca ls, "beca se the ~/I it!". ~ k September 8 Robin Rockafellow, I
girl was on a diet. I frosted the ve~I I~ I a girl who is sponsored by the []
loaf with cream cheese and [] local V.F.W. Auxiliary. They I ,, " ....
topped it with a candle and it was ~I ~ [] presented, to her items off I ..... ~n,q M.....r': H.or..__~,,-~-
quite festive." iiI =' I clothing, and were given a tour o I
Stella Winters was born in !~i I the oh°;~iday Mrs Lee Chapman, I ~ To
Observe Golden
Fredericktown Mo. and was II1 " - m
reared on a farm near Lewistown, tl~pIJ [] Mrs. Darrell Sparks and Mrs. Peter MR. AND MRS. HORACE H. CRARY will be honored at a
K. VanderWal held a arty for the reception to observe their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Friends and relatives of the as Washington
Montana, where she was .... II ....... P .... ____ guests of honor will gather from 2 taught in She.
graduated from high school. She I;',~ [] patients at western atate " , ..........
-ted pan. unti~ ~ p.m. on Sunday in 1'414 tnrougu'
came to the State of Washington ~i'i • Hospital. Cupcakes were dona • ' " e to s0rVe
by the members of thelocal the Umted Methodist Church to el cted
a,ter attending a beauty school in :.'J: "-, I !e ~~ii:iiii!iii!:i~ii ;~i/17~!~>:/~i'
Butte Mont Her first shop was : ,:%i' eouly p2 ge ?t Held AI k,,
op ,, a ,n S a,.e ::j l N B
She came to Shelton 27 ',cars , ::~ ~ ~:
ago, first operating a beautyshop j ~ :~ o cl ~ic I
in her Shelton Valley home and ~ :#~ i ~"°%: .... ~ and Mrs. Wayne Robinson Mr, Pageant ' a" ' P.. Seattle. escorted bv Dale 1 acs. was ,, ~" a, , ,, . • .. • • , " " ~ ...... f bl
• " " ...... ' " S "e ~ber 6 at AI Garmens' lake ,',. • .'. ......... Karen. l~urt ~ eter, kmoa Laurel the ~cnooJ v
later moving to her present . : ' ...... :: ~ aria mrs. mu t,epnart, Mr. and ept n ' . ' • nameo vrmcess wlul ~bnern t aJKm ,, ..... , v_:..,:..~ ,. • [ . • , ,,,~,.~ ~,,,,-.~me hea
• :f ,.~ ~ i Mrs Darrell Sharks Mr and Mrs side Garmens and Bill Barrons of Ca'halls anti Lori Namen ofs. eap a.u.,.~t{~uuc. ,t t s reques,ea ): ....... "£..,olter.
location on thllcrest. ;;' '~JlI. Lee t'napman x~r anu Nrs coopera~eu n pr "mtau n aeatt~e as r~rst and second "'rs (bar- b " " - f--- service durW
A It h o ugh once holding " " " ' " " " ' "" "' " ~ in t'-e ese " ~'oof ......... that no gins ne presenteu tacoma a,,,~
" ~ " . , ' • • . . • , • . NI , . ' y, [ orn in Jonns ut "
membership in Zonta Amaranth ~t~:~¢ Howard Swope, Mrs. Jessm Cox, the event. . ....... runners-up, ~espcctlvely. l'rairie, is the only child of Mr of the first worlc
and Order of Eastern Star, Stella : i :i and.. . Larry Godwin. The next escort'*eene" b mauoy[.,win Valbert°' aneltOnwas ..... wueen ,,eerie .... acce-tedp • 'a an~" Mrs.'. Willian" ~" 1 L. barg~son., aneW'' n,cmms" in FranC'.
d~stnct meetm will be h Y , Engt
"' " g ~ . .... ' ," houquet in behalf of Miss Phillips was graduated from .Rhe/ton ttk, h in th,. "~ 1 lth
Winters no longer finds time for ~]~I,..~ " ' eld in ," eu .... , ..................
act,ve participation in these .... 7 Westport on December 4. named queenofthe 13 LaKe glrls Lake of1962 Jean (Brandt) Brett, School in 1911 and completed On Septera
organizations tier husband ~!~'!L,:~ l District. President Mrs. Frank between_ the ages of. ~ 14 ...... and 18 who ,,,a~,'s un,Hea...~ ...,,, a..e-*~,-,,t ...... a,, ,,e-h"~ .ea_.e,t,' ,,.h,. ~' .~ .... ,,a,,,,,~;;";"', ,.;-" ,,eneva(" " a-,~'"A tt0r".,
Byron Winter a teacher in ~. I ~:!' ~!~'~"~ Pennel of Montesano announcedyears wno competeu mr tne hue .... , . , hei'
, : ............ ~:¢ .......... ......................... ............... eve ung ot dancing fol owed the Belllnghan~ Normal now known in Geneva s S
• , . celellltAlly. ~llkl kll| tile lk)ll U "~ 1 I 1~ ~t. e v j~ {J[)c1~
~::Vg'r:xintvlkw SChl°a'l,:n':~ctlhe STELLA WINTERS loves to bake, and she keeps her Beauty mat her official visit to the local rlrst runner-up was Camy barron ............... ,~ ,,... +!:~ : ~::~*'~':k'~' ~:' : ~.:~': ~.~:~ ~ ..... • today lesson on minerals and vltalnlns in c o n t r loute to c xvt: v it , A
.... ~,.~. .... :~ ~ ...... ~ "~:'~ ....... add to vegetables with 2 beaten
~ ............................ ~}; A bulletin board will be health foods included a sampling Foresters, to the Campfire (,~rls | [ _qlll~ _ L i
:'~,.: .... "~ .... ........... eggs. Salt to taste and add
~2: :~.II ~: :~ ,~ i prepared and seasoned stuffingavm"l'able to enable ,.narents .... and of products and to their sponsored• boy at the !i 1~ ~I~
~*~•:: ~/ ..... .... ::~: ::.~1. mixture until all liquid is friends to sign for a room countNew officers beginning their Va~acouver School for the.Dea!; , 1[ . • I [ ~ i
.... "~' ~ : : , * conducted for each child's duties were Mrs. Bill Kimbel, , A ~.e,ated summer p,cn,c wm t // All, 1'- , :
~)I ~ absorbed, l ile lightly into turkey teacher president; Mrs Jim McNamara, ne ne, at ~ p.m. on eptemoer it II I
• :.I and bake remaining stuffing in " p" itv table w " - " ' " , . " " I / III SHOE SALe
The hos ~tal dl vice president, Lucflle Latham 25 at the home of Mr and Mrs [I N
'I : ..... covered casserole adding a little ¢ ......... ,,,,',. ~...~.~.. ..... ~..~secretary Mrs Ed Camnbell Gene White, and members were it ~/ ~ ~ "
.... ~li : .... ~:I .... ,--,~ .... L'~7 " " morehqmd questions and the" other for ,n::::ndaltO the Sta~d W~St~hne .I ~ ~" |
: Fresh CranberrySauce comments. Information thus ,,-° .. ..t R g " t be h' | li" [[
;~:::~ " ~.k~:~,.:~: : ~.~. ~ : ¢ ;~: : .~.~ " .....
~ .................................... ~O .... ~fi~i ............. : ~ .......... (s~mdar to reserves)
~:# P obtained will be relayed to guest unlverslW women Chinook in Yakima. The next ~ t"d~ II
I['~ 7 L Bring to a boil and continue s eakers or e ard ~ .. meeting will be held in the home | ~----'-~(~.. II
P . to xecuhve bo , I ,
I boiling for 5 minutes 1~/2 C. water officers of the rou who willSet Fall ~eer~ng of Mrs. Glen Sowers on October , "~"~ ]1
"" g P " ,, .~ .i4
I and 2 C. sugar. Add 1 qt. of insofar as possible, utilize Highlight of the American 13. ~ il
washed fresh cranberries and cook suggestions in the planning ofAssociation of Universily Last Saturday the group it I| " ~,
I until translucent, or until berries ." Women s f : catered for the Simpson Olympia I ~ ,~
mture activities and programs. ', irst fall meeting will be .... ~ II
I:" cease popping. Stir occasionally.Announcements will be madea talk by Judge Robert J. Doran Golf tournament. ~ //
I~I~II Sweet and Sour concerning plans for Boy Scoutof the Thurston-Mason County ~_ i " /I ~ lit
Chicken Wings and Girl Scout fall activities and Superior Court on Tuesday at ~l~t~~-'-'~- ~ ! ~ ~I
(A Gourmet Dish) also regarding the possible 7:45 p.m. in the Woman's Club. Wll~l ,--. _ ,:-- I ~ • II ~
3 Ibs. chicken wings continuation of the sponsored Judge Doran's talk will be IL~l"~l~ v.osmer . I : x',, ~/ ,
~~~l: Separate each into three parts, children's films, concerned with the handling of ~ ~ ..~,-~, It | I "~k ] /
boiling tips in small amount of The meeting will be followed juvenile problems and the need ! ~¢'~r Y()U I i "~7 ] ',
water to make stock. Sprinkle by an Open House in the for a new juvenile home facility in I ..... I ! /
remaining joints with garlic salt classrooms. Thurston County. The talk is I ,.,u~ ^:-r,"Ol:laTl-I I i If
and monosodium glutamate, pertinent to A.A.U.W.'s areas of | ~n ~ ~r ~ ~-,~ ,-- ..... | ~ I
continuing interest which includeI IOT!ON? ..... ,. ,, I I I x""
Allow to stand for 1 hour. Dip
first in corn starch, then in beaten " /, r~ t. community problems and social | ~°ffu~'~','~,a'n[ i I ~ ~i
aoD s oaugnrers action opportunities. I ....... ] ! I I
eggs. Fry until golden. Place in II,,,r.~;~ i=,..,l! ¢=.,,.-.-... Any woman who is a graduate i ~'~. f~"co'urse it's not l i I I !
shallow pan, cover with sauce and ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,~t,.aot..~ ~ f a co le
bake uncovered for 1 hour at 325~ o 1 ge or university is invited I its a good iOea I ~ ! I
degrees, turning occasionally. The fall season of Job's to attend the meeting. I especially in cold we amer-~,nl It I I ] ~
Sauce Daughters will begin with a Membership information may be I after'bath lotion wm ao me| I I ',1
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in obtained by telephoning Barbara I foIIo*wllPL-dl soothe, soften and[ ! ~. ~
I~~ III 3At°lC'sugar the Masonic Temple l~ryming-491-1803 I ~/(,,n,'~r~kin. I • ~"IIr"~I~ ~t
• " I "accent" thel I ~ ~
Vz C. vinegar
.......... T ~ ~ i!~
"CHIEF IN PEACE". painted by Gall Edmiston, left, will be 1/2 C. chicken stock STOM DRAPERIES I i °'A°7.1 I ti !~i~l
one of the pictures on display at the Sidewalk Art Show to 3 to 4 Tbsp. catsup
be held fr I Tbsp soy sauce
om 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday in front of the "'" , od ,o Moo,u o- o,S ze II .... I i
Penne 1 tsp monosomum gmtamate
y store. Irma Butler riaht, is among the Shelton Art ,,'.." " L,ned or Unhned I I i ,, I
Club members who will exhibit arts, crafts and paintings. ~taeSa~ :'n~l'~ugar dissolves " ' ....
so ¢.~eGE I I o~°.,;?~:o:,o..ol ~
Sale Slated .. ' FOR LABOR I I m:l I ]
Your On the Cou se
Picketing Homemakers will When" ou set sail for the Poy Only For Motet,ells I I ~Sg~]l ! |
hold a rummage sale from 9 a.m. Y
until 4:30 p.m. on September 23 ~l I Jim'. m l I / Choose from [ I ~~"b.°d)/v ~°1 t
and September 24 in the PUD.,,, , UI-U IIIIILI- ~r~;g,=,.?o., I I i;0~)~:~u2;~oi~OoT~il i, .,
Convales,el'lt Care lrAVERN & CAFE r raor,csl t favorit~ ~.me2,, ....... ~i¢l i I
CO.V~,E~T And Our Famous ~.: ondColor$ il I S,m,larto
ItlURSDAY BUFFE' MATERIAl. PRICE| ""an' an' oo.,], il:usi ration. ?
F,om $,2, ¥4,11 ;
elderly patient Wa Li 93 Stop in and enjoy your favorite beverage
Country-Home Surrounclings, along with the featured dish of the "What's
PHONE TR 1-1210 Cookin'' column from the Journal. O~v°~:ina;v
Rt. 1, Box 458-A, Port Orcharc ~ . A • ss / --
ComplieScivil RightsfUllYActWithof Title19646 0 .llom" To Y .ILm" Ill noolls00rt_ Until S:3O p.m.I Saturdays- 9:30 to 6:00 ~ '
t II II . u I I