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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971
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"l could do my own shoeing if necessary" maintains Robin Blanchard as she proceeds to outline her ideas on the somewhat controversial subject of hoof angle. Although she finds her very large Morgan-Quarterhorse mare extremely heavy on the forehand. she does not endorse the rolling of the toe so often favored by farriers as a means to lighten the concussion upon the impact of the forefeet on the ground. "1 want plenty of hoof," she insists, "and l want the toe rather long." Although Robin has been a horse-owner for only two years, she has ridden for as long as she can remember. "My friends always had horses," she explained. Miss Blanchard, a Shelton High School senior, has come a long way wilh "Blaze", ten years ,,L. ,~,,ii purchased and unridden for a year. "She was just too much horse for her owners," Robin declares, "and when I got her she was pretty awful. It wasn't just a matter of reining and collection. We just about had to start all over.'" The big mare, although a willing jumper and a spirited mount for Robin, is now genltc and mannerly with small riders, standing patiently for tiny passengers to climb aboard. Miss Blanchard prefers to ride bareback, and seldom saddles Blaze unless she plans a long ride in rainy weather. The mare is ridden in a hackamore, and is used principally for trail riding. "1 don't go in for games or for showing," says Robin, who enjoys the logging roads in the hills surrounding her Skokomish Valley home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blanchard are her parents, and she has an By JAN |)ANFORI) NEITHER RAIN nor wind nor snow can prevent Robin Blanchard from riding her mare, "Blaze". Iota Chapter ROUND THE Model Meeting Holds Meeting Set For Monday Today, Thursday, Sept. 16 The model meeting of Epsilon Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Gamma met at the Tyee on Ming Tree Cute. Phi will be held Monday in the Saturday. A Necrology service Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., home of Alice Ogden. Carol was held for Florence Baker, Timbers Restaurant. Adams will co-hostess and (;erie La Due and Dorothy Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court prospective pledges will attend. Zickrick, who passed away during house annex. Opening Day speaker for this last year. Port Commission meeting, 8 Epsilon Omicron Chapter was Special music during the p.m.,courthouse. Mike Gibson who told of the hmcheon was played by Mark Hood Canal Woman's Club, activities and the goals of Inn Henry and Jim Baker of Olympia 11:30 a.m., Potlatch Clubhouse. Quest at the 6 p.m. meeting held High School. Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., on August 30 in the home of Mrs. The program consisted of a clubhouse. Norm Anglin. panel conducted by Mrs. Gwen Mason County Democrat The theme for Opening Day Williams. The theme was "ApathyClub, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium, o f 1 9 7 1 - 1 9 7 2 w a s b uilt or Action". Panel members were Multi-service Center board around the beginning of Beta Don Bunt, Principal of Olympia meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the center. Sigma Phi in 1931. A style show High School; Ralph Lindsay, Sarah Eckert Guild, 11 a.m., featured fashions of that year, retired administrator; Devi Grapeview fire hall. and art objects of the 30's were Unsoeld and Tom Hayes, studentsBordeaux Elementary PTA, 8 displaYed. A meal of stew and from Olympia High School. Tbe p.m., school gymnasium, home-made ice cream was topic was discussed in relationship Thrift sale, 10 a.m. 9 p.m., prepared by Ruth Anglin and to the home, family, school, and PUD auditorium, Mason County Peggy McHatton. society. Democrat Club. The first meeting of the year Present at this first meeting of was held in the home of Pat the year were five new members,Friday, Sept. 17 Swartos with Ruth Anglin as Mary Gentry. Marjorie Kalin, VFW auxiliary, 8 p.m., co-hostess. The social calendar Pauline Lien, Susan Yarger, and Memorial Hall. was read and a program, "The Minda Caldwell, who were Rachael Knott Orthopedic Body Beautiful", was presented initiated on August 26th in Guild, noon, home of Mrs. A.R. by Mrs. Swartos. Carol Adams Lacey. Wager, Union. was elected treasurer. President Anita Foster Georgine Reed Orthopedic announced that the next meeting Guild, noon luncheon, home of will be held October 9 at Lake Mrs. L. R. Christey. Limerick. Fall Luncheon Saturday, Sept. 18 Shelton Art Club Sidewalk Will Held Norm Petereit Show, gain 4 p.m., in front of Penney store. On Tuesday I G d d sunda'' sept" 19 s ra u ate Shelton churches invite you Vocalist Nancy Swanson will !' Son Jose to attend the church of yourbe featured at the Fall Luncheon n choice, of the Mason General Hospital Auxiliary to be held at noon Norman J. Petereit, son of Monday, Sept. 20 Tuesday in Lake Limerick Inn. Betty L. and the late Claude A. PUD No. 3 commission To make reservations phone Petereit of Shelton and a 1962 meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference Merge Temple, in the morning graduate of Irene S. Reed High room. only, no later than Friday. Dues School, was this summer County commission meeting, may be paid and receipts received graduated from San Jose State 10 a.m., court house, at the luncheon. College with honors in the field of Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 Business Administration. p.m., PUD auditorium. On May 21, 1971 he was Goodwill truck in town. elected to Beta Gamma Sigma by Phone 4264847 for pickups. Faculty Women the San Jose State College It's About Time Tops, 7 p.m., Chapter. County Health Office. S/ate Meeting adult broth':'r living in Virginia as win ter's class, tier school Petereit and his wife, Diane, Simpson Pinochle Club, 7:30 well as Iwo younger brothers, organizations include American are residing in Boston, Mass. p.m., Memorial Hall. Women's Faculty Fellowship Rickie and Run, at home. TheField Service and French Club, where he will be employed by the Model meeting of Epsilon will hold their first get-acquainted family moved to their present and she intends to participate in Federal Government as an Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma meeting on Wednesday evening in home last Nm'ember, prior tothe activities of the FutureIndustrial Specialist and where he Phi, home of Alice Ogden. the Fireside Room of the United which they had resided in the ttomemakers of America. will worktowards his Master's Shelton Garden Club, 1 p.m., Methodist Church at 8 p.m. Itood Canal area, where Robin Miss Blanchard hopes to degree, home of Mrs. Winifred Parrett, All teachers' wives and and Blaze enjoyed the dirt roads attend the University of Agate. women teachers of Shelton near the ltamma llamma river. Washington for four years, there Square Dance lessons begin, School District are invited to Robin was born in Seattle on May t o train as a professional 7:30 p.m., fairgrounds hall.attend for a social hour. 18, 1954, and lived there until registered nurse. Her big bay mare Bridge Players approximately three years ago. will be sold next summer. M On Monday TuesdaY,KiwanisSept.clul~211uncheon, noon, ih~',c,s./+,'.,,'?i;+c, ,~+rth,.'kid~to alithatlimc.'" Monday night meeting, CitY commission meeting, 2 r an + g,, 5he is a membe, ofthcSalty Robin will ride other horses North-South winners were Mr.p:,., city hall. I la'ns'Je H Sashaye,s Square Dance Club,throughout her college years, and and Mrs. Rex Umphenour; Bruce American Legion, 8 p.m., ouse having been graduated from last plans to purchase another of her Kreager and Clyde Ruddell; Else Memorial Hail. own when her schooling is Schlosser and Kay Jackson.Jaycees. +,m. Before Frost finished. East-West winners were Ann clubhouse. "Eventually," she states, "I Batchelor and Etta Rector; Bill Lions Club dinner and boardIf you have small-sized intend to raise purebred Arabians Batchelor and GustS Goldschmid; meeting, 7 p.m., Hallmark Inn. outdoor planters in which annual Square Dance on a small scale" AI Hagg and Bob Quimby Jr. Masonic Temple.J°b's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., bringfl°wers planterare bloomingand allWhYindoorsn°t Mason General Hospital before killing frost? Even if you Auxiliary fall luncheon, noon, haven't a window sill wide enough lull ~--g Lake Limerick Inn. for the planter it can be set in a G sunny place on the floor after 50th Anniversary O en ers Wednesday, Sept. 22 protecting the wood with plastic. Lengthy indeed was the hungering wait between my Lossons Set extractions and new partial plate, and during this time it was my The Salty Sashayers will misfortune to strangle on many sponsor a series of lessons in an unchewed portion of tempting square dancing, the first of which foods I could not resist; and /i!7¸ ? iii ~:i~¸ MR. AND MRS. WALTER G. CLAYTON JR.+ engagement of their daughter, Georgia All1 Stockwell, son of Mrs. Peggy Stockwell Stockwell. Miss Clayton is a 1971 graduate School and is now enrolled at the Mr. Hairstyling in Olympia. Her fiance, a School graduate, is now serving in Vietna officer with the "A" company of the Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Divison. A planned. Girl Scout Lea Schedule Girl Scout leaders held their first fall meeting last Thursday in the home of Mrs. Richard Walter, Service Unit Chairman. It was decided to hold a Patrol Leader Workshop and planning session on October 2 to make initial arrangementsfor the annual Juliette Low celebration, Person to Person week, an arts and crafts bazaar, and other service unit events for the coming year. Junior, Senior and Cadette troops are asked to send their patrol leaders to the workshop. Brownie troops will each send two representatives. Mrs. Stun Francis, Field Advisor, annotmced plans for leadership training to be held in Shelton on four successive Thursdays beginning September 16. Mrs. Francis and Mrs. Art Kramer, assisted by Mrs. S. W. Vender Wegen, will conduct the training sessions to be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. David's Episcopal Church. It was also announced that there would be training for Association Chairmen and Service Unit Chairmen at Camp Kenneydell from September 28 through September 30. Mrs. Walter and Mrs. Edgar Cole will attend from Shelton. Troop organizers reported the sponsored September Cadettes This will be for all First new Wider applicatiC distribute Anyone event Vender Wegen Guild Rachael Guild will the Union Wager. M. McPher~:+ IRREG I am You say She is a TO S Christmas Town Tops, 7 Petunias on the Thanksgiving To Be Celebrated erve pm, Multi-service Center. will be held at 7:30 p.m Monday dinner table are quite possible. , , , wouldn't you know that a friend in the fairgrounds hall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creamer Chamber of Commerce board It's always a temptation to need for new leaders from troops I have alittl~ would insistthatlgoonapicnic.Caller lid Mathews will will be honored on their Golden Stew Supper oo.n,, 7:30 a.m., Timbers save seedsfromaparticularlyfine at Bordeaux, Evergreen ..... veat I tried to stay "'No", but ofinstruct, and a donation of one Wedding Anniversary at an Open Restaurant. flower but if it is of a hybrid Kamilche, Pioneer and Hoodsport course in the end [ agreed that I'd dollar will be requested from each House to be held in their home, An Irish beef stew supper will Mason County Hospital variety there is little advantage in schools. Anyone wishing to go. student for each lesson. , Route l Box 85, Elma, from 2 be served by the Golden Age Club District Commission, l0 a.m.,so doing. The seedlings grownbecome a Girl Scout leader or* * * . ,~ So there I was sit tin', p.m. until 4 p.m. on Septemberat6 p.m. next Thursday in thecourt house, from your home-saved seeds will ~/Soi;ft:nltl~de;g~y contact Mrs I am not'"~ half-heartedly pickin' on the fried 26. Memorial Hall. Members are asked Mason County Republican not produce flowers like those of T ere will b c un You are forg left leg of an Arkansas chicken They were married on to bring pastries. Women's Club meeting and pizza the parent bloom. In fact the h " e a o cil She is losing and dredging the desperate depths Mt. View PTA September 27, 1921 in Iola, Entertainment for the evening supper, 7 p.m., Inn Quest. blossoms will vary in size and of my brain for devious methods Plans Potluck Kansas Hosting the event will be will include music, dancing and color and many will be inferior. ~ their son Clarence Creamer, his card games. The last meeting was Thursday, Sept. 23 by which to maintain the illusion Think ahead to spring and 0 thatalthoughl waSvain,enjoyingdid notmYwishf°°d'to bel" pTAl)uringboardthemeetingM°Untainheld VieWlast wife, and their family, visitors.attended by 68 members and MingR°tarYTree cuff.Club luncheon, noon, bring into the house this fall the * :-+! ) ' ........... ;, :i:: , rude and 1 searched for excuses week, a potluck dinner was Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., soil and sand and peat you will polite if not valid to explain my scheduled for Seplember 27, in Repu blicon Women Timbers Restaurant.Tops, p.m., cox need to mix for seed starting early ~~i'+ refusal to finish my salad, the Mountain View Multi-purpose Slimette 7 rt next year. (~:~ Loathe to confess that my Room. al~ Mo,,nta~n V+ew Scho+,~ Plan Pizza Supper cOATS STOL~N house annex. ~ ~ ~~~:+lqrillrl~ I m o 1 a r s w e r e g o n e, I families are welcome. Several coats were reported Golden Age Club, 6 p.m., I[ ..... :~ :~ ...... ' surreptitiously over the lawn Initial plans were also laid for A 7 p,m. pizza supper will stolen frame complaintant's car Memorial Hall. JUST AR~IV-D " 0V scattered the crunchier part of my a Roommothers' coffee hour on highlight the meeting of the in Allyn according to a report Rummage sale, Picketing lunch, retaining a soft littleOctober 7 and for a fund-raising Mason County Republican filed with the Belfair Sheriffs Homemakers, 9a.m. -4:30p.m., something to munch, auction to be held in November W omen's Club to be held office September 11. PUD auditorium. showing my teeth, but severe Byrne. Olympic Highway and Ellinor i indigestion that lurked Officers of the Mountain Streets. ''ONE ' underneath turned grin into View PTA for 1971-72 are Mike Gibson, director of Inn grimace and caused me to leer, president, Barbara Webber; Quest will speak. Reservations 0 which filled the fat face of my vice-president, Ruth Wotton; may be made bytelephoningAnn INSURAN / hostess with fear. secretary, Nancy Dunnington, anti Batchelor, 426-4417, or Peggy ; 1 muddled my way through a treasure[ Judy Stark. Bennett, 426-8513. COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE No longer must you waste gay deviled egg and continued to .~.~ worry the tired chicken leg and ~~-~~~-~ :'--~~~~~-~- FOR ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS nearly half a day for a while I, with full mouth, was •COMMERCIAL shampoo and set. unable to talk she rushed to my • RESIDENTIAL ~,.~1~ AI~ side and a celery stalk was into • PERSONAL ~,~If,,"~" " v~,-j~ • NEW COMFORT my empty hand forcibly thrust LIFE-AUTO-TRUCK • RO B I N FIRE-MARINE-BUSINE~ • TREMENDOUS SPEED and l said to myself, "i'll eat it or HOME OWNERS • BETTER STYMNG bust." With my six front teeth I HOSPITAL-MEDICAL managed to grab it, nibbling away LIABILITY J like a ravenous rabbit. 4. BE IN AND OUT OF OUR At last came the day that my New Classes Starting in SALON FOR YOUR FINEST new teeth were mine, but since then nobody has asked me to ,sk us SHAMPOO AND SET, YET-- : dine. about our Pins * Earrings * Pendants IN JUST 30 TO 35 MINUTES{ LOWREY RENT or BUY on Easy Terms INSTRUCTOR, KATHY CHODORA One of the outstanding baton teachers in the United States. For information call Mrs. tes Joslin, 426-6373 A Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota 426-4302 Page 8- Shelton-Mason County Journal Thur y, 23 1971 paycheck NECKLACES protection $I MAKE YOUR APPOINTMl!fl plan and From Money Back Life Insurance.+ Featuring TH INSURANCE AGENCY Merle Normon CosmetiCs Bras Jhirmack All and Redken Mon Fri 117 East Cota St. S,ur. Closed 9-6p.m. Branch in Hoodsport, 877"5211 O0OlOO 6th & laurel