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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hoodsport By NANCY BLOOMFIELD HOODSPORT - The head of a four point mule deer strapped over the front fence in mid-September does not go unnoticed too long. But then again, who expects to see a deer head this early? It seemed many local people had forgotten about the High Cascade Deer Hunt which opened last Saturday. Early Friday morning Misty Bloomfield and his dad Charles Bloomfield of Brinnon left for the Lake Wenatchee area. After loading the totegotes with grub, bedroll and rifle, the men took off from the road to follow the trail into the high meadow lands. Plagued with a flat tire from the beginning they reached camp with more walking than riding on the trip in. Once settled they put their feet to rest and their heads to work inventing a patch, which they eventually made out of plastic tape, an air mattress patch and a pair of'rain pants for a boot. Rising early Saturday morning, fresh snow could be seen on surrounding peaks bringing back fond memories of past years, making the pair eager to hit the trail. The buck was spotted at first light but kept just out of range until mid-day. By 6 p.m. they had returned to camp with their meat, the High Cascade Hunt over for another year. Sunday morning they broke camp and started the long trip out. The make-shift patch held making for a more enjoyable trip. All went well on the return trip as far as Tacoma, where they had another flat tire. Sunshine over the week-end made the drive to Kirkland a real pleasure for Mrs. Andy Scott and her sister, Mrs. Frank Ahl of Shelton. The ladies were the guests of Wayne and Jenny Scott and their two children. Shawn Goenen, physical the Harris', enjoying the show were the Jim Dean family and Scotty and Jim Lindgrin. Heads were bobbing from one ring to the other in an effort to see all of the many acts going on at the same time. Saturday, they took in the sights at Woodland Park Zoo. As is usual a great deal of time was spent in the monkey house watching their antics and then on to the big cats. Mary Nance Missionary Society meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Any interested ladies are welcome to come and participate. Lee Heir attended the Washington Association for Retarded Children annual meeting held last Saturday and Sunday at the Sea-Tac Hyatt House. Lee is President of the Mason County Chapter of the Washington Association• Theme of this year's convention was, This is Your Life, WARC. In keeping with the theme, the life of WARC and all the accomplishments and milestones of that association and the local Chapters was depicted from its inception by Katie Dolan as Ralph Edwards. Particular note was made of the formation in Shelton of Rogers School in 1955 and the Exceptional Foresters program in 1958. Outstanding workshops were on tap Saturday designed for the enlightenment of the delegates as well as thepanel participants. Sunday saw a vote for major changes in the Associations By-Laws all for the purpose of making that body more effective in caring for the needs of the mentally retarded. John Pill attended the Southwest Washington Athletic Association meeting in Centralia Saturday. The group went over existing rules and set up the game schedule for the coming year. hard time finding the cheese (camp). But by dark the fire was blazing, the pot perkin' and the kids in the sack. By noon the bacon and eggs had been devoured and the river running apparel donned. What a style show. Long Johns were "in" for this trip. The crafts were loaded in the trucks for the trip to the landing. Most original of the fleet was unquestionably the "Flagship Ruptured Duck" an 8 foot sterofoam vessel with all the options that Mike Kirk and Jim O'Neil could dream up. Next in line was the "Alder Submarine", a concoction of inner tubes and alder poles, commander and crew being Carl Samuelson, a "pollywog" on this trip. The "Liki Tiki", a slightly deflated rubber life raft ridden upside down, supported by inner tubes packed under her bottom, was voted least likely to succeed. Captain of this vessel was Dick Allen and crew members were Erie Allen, Mick and Donna Simmons. The "Titanic 11" manned by Jim and Sandy Thurman, performed far above and beyond the call of duty until Sandy baled out, the river baled in and in the period of two and a half seconds Captain Jim and the Titanic sunk slowly to the west. Most desperate of these creations was unanimously "Tokar Tube Tug and Barge". Captain of the big tube was Eric Tokar and hitchhiker on the small tube being towed was Ed Wadington, the second pollywog on the trip, who was fortunately a game and hardy swimmer for he spent most of his time pursuing the barge. He later joined Mary Kirk and Bette Davis in tbe "Sinkable Molly Brown" another notorious rubber raft. Tommy and llona Connally and Dona O'Neil, were peons aboard nothing more than Grange By DORA HEARING MATLOCK - Matlock Grange was host to Mason County Pomona Grange last week Sunday and served dinner. Next meeting of Matlock Grange will be next Friday night with pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. Pinochle Club put on its annual Harvest dinner last Saturday night with William Barnes Sr and Mrs. Les Bozarth hosting. A dinner was enjoyed by all and cards were played after the dinner. High score went to Edward Valley and Nellie Rossmaier. Pinochle to Max Cash and Mrs. Bob Dawson and low score to Louis Asche and Dora Hearing. Next party is Sept. 25 with the Hearings host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. James of Deer Park were Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley spent Friday night at the Jean Diggle home in McCleary. Tim Diggle is staying with his grandparents this winter and going to school here. Mrs. tlelen Crane of Olympia was a Thursday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kingery and family of Elma spent Sunday night at the Edward Valley home. Mrs. Dorothy Petersen of Vancouver B.C. is spending tbe week with Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and Roy of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash were Thursday night visitors at the Elvin Hearing home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker and David spent the weekend in Tacoma with the Neal Davis family. Collin Walker of Seattle is spending thi~ week with his grandparents the Earl Walkers. Mrs. J. D. Jones and five children of Aberdeen, Mr. and 1110 Robin Cockburn of Tacoma is spending a few days with her grandmother Mrs. Dick Cockburn. Mr. Cockburn is at Pasco visiting his brother and family and his uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and family of Humptulips were Labor Day weekend guests of their folks the Archie Kelleys. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearsall and Roy of Shelton were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer and baby of Grisdale spent the weekend with their folks the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr's. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer and sons were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. The occasion was to celebrate the Mayers 1 0th anniversary. Mrs. Eli Bradshaw returned to Tacoma this weekend after spending a month with her daughter and family the Earl Walkers. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and family were Labor Day guests of the Lud Rossmaiers. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Dove of Olympia and Bob Lamb of Shelton and Wade Boothe and friends of South Bend were Saturday visitors at the I. C. Ford home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley were Monday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Combs of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. and family were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and na Mrs. I. C. Ford, the occasion was to celebrate Mrs. Brehmeyer's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nye of Olympia and Mrs. Don Nye of Shelton were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Elvin Hearing home. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacKay and daughter Kathleen and Steve Vaughn of Elma were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dudics and family and Lori Trimble spent four days camping near Hansville a week ago and joined friends Mr. and Mrs. Forton and children of Ephrata. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dudics were the latters nephew and family - Mr. and Mrs. Don Stevens and son Jeffry - Mr. Stevens is a professor at the University of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Harris of Montesano. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hunter sold their home on Lake Nahwatzel and moved to the retirement home at Woodburn, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fye of Redlands, Calif. were Thursday and Friday guests at the Elvin Hearing home. The Fye's and Hearings traveled around the world together for four months 1966-1967. Jack Hogben of Walla Walla, a former Mary M. Knight teacher visited friends here over Labor Day. Your Guide to Expert Services in Meson County Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School ....9:45 a.m. Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets . . . 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed).. 7:00 p.m. Washingt~] Sunday Morning Prayer Hour EARL SELF WILL? NOT ME! Hear people tell how a clearer understanding of the divine will healed asthma in one instance and an injured spine in another. Broadcast this Sunday over: KXA 770 Kc 8:45 a.m. KGY 1240 Kc " I0:15 a.m. the that HEATS A Christian Science radio series FIRST To 9:30 a.m. * 11:00 7:30 p.m Wednesday 7:00 * The Mor live over United Methodist G and King Streets REV. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister Morning Service: 10:30 a.rn. Church School begins at 9:15 a.rn. , U.M.Y. at 6:30 p.m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER Connection & 12th Sts. Phone 426.2805 Priesthood Meeting .......................... Sunday School ............................. " education teacher at the HoodHood Canal School will have overgrown inner tubes, but Mrs. Paul Rossmaier and threeAuto Glass Drugs Canal School, has been selected to their first game of the year Sept. Tommy attained status after sons of Olympia, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family of --Helena Rubinstein work with the state committee, 23, here, playing against proving his competance as depth Expert Installation under the direction of HowardMontesano. finder• Tommy approximately six Shelton were Sunday supper --Cosmetics -- Prescriptions Schaub, to revise and modernize The first P.T.A. meeting of feet deep, will testify to the fact guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lad JIM PAULEY, INC. -- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics FIRST CHRISTIAN C J the present P.E. program, the year will be Sept. 20• Delores that in one spot just off the bank Rossmaier. Arcadia and Lake Boulevaro The Hood Canal Community Drake, program chairman for this the river was at least ten feet Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and Mt. View NELL'S PHARMACY Church will be having a Pot Luck year has a Mod Style Show deep. He bases his conclusions on family of Humptulips were Kneeland Center Ph. 426-8231 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327i ED CHAMBERLAIN, Mil Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Worship Dinner Sept. 17, at 6 p.m. After planned for the up to date the observation that there was at weekend guests at the Archie Family Service ....... 7:00p.m. ' dinner Mr. and Mrs. Dick teacher, least four feet of water between Kelley home. David Davis of Auto Repairing Floor Covering ~ Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer~ his head and hat before he started Whiskaw was a Friday night [ -- Major Overhauls [ It--Linoleum --Carpeting [ ! Child Care Service Available at 11:O~t Endicott will show slides of their RIVER RUN back up to the top. overnight guest at the Kelley ] -- Brakes & Ignition ~ --Tile --Formica I trip to Alaska. Fortunately for a certain pack I -- Welding & Tune-ups • - - • Fishing has been slow this After two and a half hours of home. .............. ...... '1 ~ ........ :~ ...... ~" [ ~ u ~ ' 302AldorSt.,Shelte~,,,War~, i~~ ~past week at the Hoodsport of Hoodsbort rivdr~'ra~s tke 'dUrrRihg' and b'obbi~"ddwri4~Plle Mr. and Mrs Walt Chappell , ED'SSERVICE ' dyE; d F,rst Church of Chr,st, ,, ~ ~* ~ ~ 18 lb. simon weather this weekend w~s /~,ef the':~r~'gfen~l l~ind~t~ at,,~Jadi ,~on ,J.ef£,of Dayton and [ '" /RE~:FLODR CI reported taken over the week-end, beautiful and the Skokomfsh " the campsite. There ~;erettlekids Herbert .Brehmeyer Sr. and [2igS0 lst............ 426L'1"212[ Mt.View Ph. 4~6..2292 [ S ndaySchool l.l:00a.m.--ChurC~,~ Mrs. Dalquist said the marina River only slightly chilly. It was an d t h e b abysitters,~ P'am nephew of Missouri were v~itors Wednesday even ng testimony meetings will be c/deed on Tuesday through time for the second version of Bloomfield, Becky Sarpes and Jan of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley Reading room located in church. Readir the fall and winter, their annual "Skok River Run and Short. Sue Wadington had kept Wednesday. Barber Gunsmith 11:00 a.m• to 2:00 p.m. Tin Cup Festival." the pot hot and the fire going and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tolman Repairing Modern and On their return from a vacation trip to Canada and Glacial National Park, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Drake stopped by the Harold Drake's to wish Delores a belated Happy Birthday. A fun filled week-end started Friday night for the Darrel Harris family, when the Ringling Brothers Circus started up at the Seattle Coliseum. Seated next to Approximately ten couples, with kids, dogs and truck loads of necessary car camping facilities migrated to the east bank of the river, where they pitched their polyurethane covered city and Lonnie Samuelson, who served as photographer on departure, did so once again upon arrival• And so it ended. Everyone got dunked, had a ball and was tired. By 4 p.m. the last rigs had pulled and nephew of Jefferson City, Mo. were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. the past week. Carl Portman spent a few days in Tacoma last week with Mr. and Men's Hair Styling F.a~ar~ * Razor Styling * Shampooing * Regular Hair Cuts * Scissor Contouring BERNIE'S HAIR STYLING For APpointment Call 426-2072 1618 Olympic Hwy. S. canvas tents Saturday afternoon• out, the weekend having filled the Mrs. L. D. Portman. For a gathering of such river rats with the satisfaction of a Mike Chamblin and several Beauty masses, road signs are a must. good time. Nevertheless, a few rats had a friends of Alderwood Manor visited the Max Cash home Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry, Mr. and Mrs. Conda Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams of Matlock Grange attended Friendship meeting at Shelton Valley Grange Friday night. Saturday visitors at the Dick Tupper home were Mrs. Joe -- Complete Hair Care -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches -- Merle Norman Cosmetics -- Pennyrich Brae ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Building New Homes ! Remodeling! Antiques Precision Scope & Sight Mounting Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges Shooting Supplies. WARREN A. GIRARD Route 2, Box 795 Phone 426-2501 Insurance Tired of Shopping? Let us do it foryou! Auto-Home-Boat-Life-Health Business-Preferred Risk? We locate the lowest cost. Insurance is our only business. ARNOLD & SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY 116 N. 2nd. 426-3317 Janitor * Carpet Cleaning * Building Cleaning and Maintenance Sacrament Meeting ......................... ": St. David's Episcopal C Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington 8:00 a.m• -- Holy Communion 10:00 a•m. -- Family Service The Church is always open for meditation and MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN 206 E. Wyandotte MISSOURI SYNOgoLAI SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, Divine Service I0:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible ClaSS at Sumbera of Seattle~ John Tupper OLYMPIC VIEW * Residential-Commerical _ of Aberdeen and Alan Tupper of CONSTRUCTION CO. Shelton Janitorial Service Lake Nahwatzel pa_~ Brown Was Dosser Adolph Rapacz • 426-4312 426-8427 Route 3, Box 725, Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kingery and ..... 426-8936 ~m mm mm.~m mOf son DarteR of Shelton and Mr. - SHEI.TON UlUKt:Hthe and Mrs. Alan Tupper of Lake Gable TV-- We take this opportunity to Nahwatzel were Sunday visitors at , I la ,onry Low ated in Memorial Hall, 2nd and the Dick Tupper home. I ] For Service Call J -- All Brick and Sunday School ....................... i thank every one who attended the I -- Fireplaces ell Keene, Pastor " open house of our newly [ 426 1691 ' -- Block Work ,JuniorM°rningW°rshiPFellowship ............... .................... " ..... " remodeled store last weekend at ,, [ MASON'S MASONRY Evening Service ...................... . 409 West Railroad. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday ......... ] AIm°st Anything Anywhere | FFIshermen s Club IN We also would like to thank all I Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps I I Folding Banquet Tables / l P.U.D. AUDITORIUM--3rd&Cota 't]~_, ~ of the carpenters, painters, carpet [ / From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every sunday (' : people, architect and all of the I LEWRENTS / 12216 w 4th, Olympia, 357-77311 / SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1971 ~i~_ i~ other wonderfulto make persOnSour storeWh°a I ^ LOODHOUND?I ,Chain Saws-- Shoe Repair / BibIeStudy:LELANDWlLKINSON, "-.-e/i" / Minister ,~ helped New and Used-Rentals] I I Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED ~...~ ,~ ?dn3° l i I ~n_L~',~c_=' I I Oregon Chains & Accessories i * Polishes & Laces of all Kinds ~~ I * All types of boots and shoes showcase for Shelton. I~~ 'n't,I ~~ ~','%ref~°?, Js ~ II ~".. ~:~"~" ~'Z°~.a_~al~ III SmalIHoursMike.smotor: t~amMeCulloch, tune.up, to6 p.m. &ShOpreoairsdaily~ Ill II EXPERTrepaired'SHOE Faith Let h era n C 'r'¢l i ii!i~;15~jm~!i~{2!i~ !Ww!,i i , REPAIR SHOP I S,-A'on I Concrete WORSHIP 8:15 a.m. and 10:00.& I this subject appeared in JAMA I I -- Ready-mix Conerete~""l Painting CHURCH SCHOOL:9:30 a.,,'" ,it I recently, and the answer I [ -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks I * All Types rationai e-forthosel I --Sand, Gravel, Brick&Stone I TruckLette,ng Christian Worship, Fellowship,Edu¢=l l: 'Or [!~ I ~V't g~ 2?c I I • Cartoon Illustrated Signs [ -- Fireplace Screens & Tools- Kenneth Robinson, Pastor • Personalized Business Card~& I b I ~S- ~couia -l~e;P I /GRAYSTONE °f SHELTON' I Letterhead Designs ~"< i i er! I° Phil Sharpephone 426-2661323 S. Front St. ii$HELTON ASSEMBLY, , 1521 Monroe St. w, ~.~ I ...,. --, i Custom Painting rravel . I N=il'¢ I~hnrlll/Itv I, I Spray or Brush -- Air - Rail - Steamship Sunday School ................... ,k~)[" "" j w.vwe ,, w up=cape,1 I I Lowest Reasonable Cost I ~ ......... m. ~,~ ~,e~- I I Exterior & Interior -- Bus - Hotels - Tburs . (A Good Place To ~ , I I I Star Rte. I, Box 855 No Extra Charge for Our Service Morning Worship .................. , "" I P atn&P ran~un :>t.--4Z6-3327 I I (Twanoh Falls) Angle Travel Res. Center Christ's Ambassadors .................. Evangelistic Service ................... I Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 II Belfair, Wn. CR5-2807 401 Railroad Ave. Wednesday-Bible Study & Prayer ......... [ Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 ] [ Between6& 7p.m. 426-8272 426-4134 REVIvALTIME, Sunday, KGDN .... Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 23, 1971