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SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET Sealed proposals will be received No. 10871
Fall quarter registration at the interaction between students and HEARING at the office of the City iN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
Evergreen State College, Olympia, faculty is a basic element in our NOTICE IS HEREBY Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
GIVEN: That a request for a Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF
will begin Sept. 27 and academic program and the 1971 Supplemental Budget has A.M. on Monday, September20, MASON.
instruction will start Oct. 4, but procedures we 11 follow duringbeen received from the Mason 1971, at which time they will be PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK OF
County Fair Association, publicly opened and read aloudWASHINGTON, a National
the new college's buildings will our opening month closely requesting the County Auditor to for:
not be ready for occupancy until harmonize with that philosophy• expedite a 1971 Supplemental Ll.D. No. 23 -- 1971 Street Banking Corporation, Plaintiff, vs.
Oct. 26, it was announced thisOur program, flexible and not Budget in amount $8,000•00; andPaving Program. RICHARD E. WEBBER and
week by President Charles J. bound by traditional concepts of NOTICE IS FURTHER The major items of CATHERINEhusband and wife;M'RICHARDWEBBER'c.
McCann time and space assignments, GIVEN: That the Board of construction are:1300 C•Y. RUSSELL d/b/a RUS-CO
..,;" ....... makes it possible for us to avoid County Commissioners will hold a Common Excavation, 800 C.Y• REALTY; NATIONAL BANK
"what tins means ts simply ...... Hearing thereon, at their regular Ballast, 1460 C•Y. Crushed OF COMMERCE OF SEATTLE;
........ an..-.:^ _..a --*-erational uelaying tne start or our
that uu. a~ uc..~ anu ur' o erat . . , meeting in the Courthouse, on Surfacing, 2135 Ton Asphalt L I N D A B A H M ; A . D •
procedures are set to go in line .P ions. In thls way, we won tMonday, September 20, 1971, at Concrete Class B, 635 L.F. 8" ROSELLINI: and HAWAIIAN
...... [use our necessary momentum [or 11:30 A.M. Said Hearing is to be Culvert Pipe and other such work INSURANCE & GUARANTY
wltn our previously announce(] * held for the purpose of reviewing as required to complete the COMPANY, LTD., Defendants•
....... a strong opening year "
timetable out that certain Key "W ., , ", .... and adopting said Supplemental project. .
.......... ril e considered delaying tneBudget, and any taxpayer may Work snail commence within THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
physical [achilles - prima y s ....... TO CATHERINE M. WEBBER
...... tart ol the SChOOl year ]or one app(ar and be heard furor against (10) days after award of the and LINDA BAHM, Defendants:
nousmg - cannot oe made ready ont ..........
.. ...... , ...~ ., m n, but rejected that idea said proposed Supplemental contract and be completed within Y O U A R E H E R E B Y
until late uctooer ' McLann sam .... Budget• thirty (30) working days.
..... ' ..... necause our academic programs SUMMONED TO APPEAR within
Lonsequently, we wm register , . " DATED this 8th day of All proposals must be made sixty (60) days after the date of
..... . ...... ,, are ready and can at least begin September 1971 on the regular blank forms first publication of this Summons,
stuuents ..... - weveaum]tteu l,Jvu without .... completed facilities BOAIRD OF COUNTY furnished and must be to-wit: Within sixty (60) days
-- oy mall during a weeK-long , .~.. .... "_
......... e 'ires procedure Will De a COMMISSIONERS OF accompanied by cash, certifiedafter the 16th day of September,
period conduct creoltanl .... M A S O N C O U N T Y check, or bid bond, in the amount
.' uemanalng one Ior everyone
academic programs off campus iated wi WASHINGTON• ' equal to five per cent (5%) of the entitled197 1, andactiondefendin thethe aboveab°ve
• • assoc" th Evergreen but it
for one month under direction of; _ , Ruth E. Boysen total bid• Such accompanying entitled Court; and answer the
• .. ¢......, ..... a ,~. ......... :..,^will saveus from delaying our Auditor & Clerk of the Board. certification will be returned to Complaint of the plaintiff and
OUl la~.UlI, y, allu tllell illUVe IlILU . ~., ,
., opening wnue still allowing us to 9/9-16-2t all unsuccessful bidders upon the serve a copy of your Answer on
permanent quarters Oct. 26 ........... completion of the award of thethe u ndersigned attorneys for
........... occupy campus lacumes In a N~ITI('I~ TO CI~FDITORS contract or the rejection of the plaintiff at their office below
Met.ann said mat specmc orderl fashion B " ,.v. -.~
• . more y . y movlng ....... ~jff ;'4;,%--" -- bids. The bid bond shall be madestated, and in case of your failure
academic programs during the .t._. A . ~. ..... c,~A~.,~ ......... . .......~r,,,-,m r-~t ~DT c~F payable to the City Treasurer,so to do, judgment will be
t', . ~ ' t .~ I ~. ~ ~IIlK;~[LI Wltll Ul.41 (.[ c~ul.~llll~, iliUm/dill
IlrSt WeeKS at [ne I~II-IA year .... routF-e~ " ,.. ~ tt.~ .mr- 3ur=ra,~Jr~ ,~ ,-' ,-, ~, -- "-, ,"- f ........
-- " ~ .......... N ~,ty o bneiton, washington
..... m me manne m u, wen oe THE STATE Of WAbHIINIb/U .... • rendered against you in
nave been worked out by the . • - NTY /no Lily of Shelton reserves accordance with the demands of
..... off to a flying start when we FOR MASON COU • •
leaders o[ ~vergreen's various - "" • .. us " . . ._ ".-. - f the r ght to reject any or a b ds the Complaint, which has been
..... ea ed a o " ormalities filed with the Clerk of this Court.
move to:oecamp- ,n the o..he state o n-towaive0,,,n,
Me(ann said
ACHSA M MYP-.H5 uec s . .- •
.__ • _ .' _~ .< ,,^ bea,eo envelopes containing The object of this action is to
Studies teams, stoppages during the last several tne unaers~gneu ~. u,~
.... lifiedersonal the bids shall be marked LID quiet title in plaintiffs to real
appo,nteo and qua P r,,.. o~ c+ ,,.,+ D..;.... ' " " "
"Most of our studies groups - months extended construction representative of saidestate."~"5"~J.rr=~,'~-i"v'f'u" t ma estate in Mason County,
ranging in size from 60 to 150 schedules ,on most campus Persons having claims against the ~... ~on~c2ua+ ,~ocumfen sf ,y Washington, described as:
• e u~ uuto.,~u ~ t.= v .,-~ ~, .... That part of Tract 4 of Sunny
deceased are requcred to serve th ..............
students and three-to-~even buildings. "' We could overcomesame in duplicate, duly verified, ~W. L'er,K,i!reaS?orer~ok~e~2~li Beach as recorded in Volume 2 of
faculty - had already planned to most of the difficulties, but there nn fh¢~ .nr.l~r¢ion~d nr the ~.e~tu,,, vva~r,,,u . a v Plats, page 34, lying northerly of
............ = .... of $500 The deposit will be State Route No. 106;
conduct off-campus retreats oris simply no way to solve the attorney of record at the address " "' ' .... EXCEPTING therefrom public
field trips during the first two housing prob]em by Sept. 27." stated below and file the samer.eTundeo, for all contractualroads, if any; TOGETHER with
• , • • with oecuments returnecl In good
weeks of the year, McCann said. "Campus housing, when " the Clerk of this Court, .
"We expect that these outings - completed, will provide space for together with proof of such orae[r.. ............ all tidelands as conveyed by State
servi e " " f af r uareo at bnetton, washington of Washington lying in front of,
c wlthtn our months te ..............
designed to give students a strong 602 students," he added• ' Our September 2, 1971, or the samem~s ?,~.aa...yor, ?ep~m~er, ~/t. adjacent to and abutting on said
introduction to their programs of latest information indicates that will be forever barred. ~,.~ ur ~..t_.u,~ property. Said tidelands are
Barbara Ever~ Helen W. Stoooen SUBJECT TO reservation of oils,
study - will continue and perhaps not all of the housing units will be Route 10, Box 94 Clerk-Treasurer 9/9-16-2t gases, coal, ores, minerals and
be expanded between the close of finished even by late October. Shelton, Washington 98584 __~ fossils, together with right to
registration and the move to However, by using units that areRobert L• Snyder NOTICE OF enter and explore for same, etc.,
campus In addition students will cam leted b n m
• ,'. ' " " , : " " p y the and by plat' g Attorney for Estate PUBLIC HEARING and reservation of right to acquire
receive reading and wmtmg ot
• ~ " ' her students in an off-campus 125V~ N. 5th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN rights of way for private railroads,
r~ .~ aL the ulrectors or I~loneer
assignments tobe carried out private development, we can Shetton, Washington 98584 th-* ......... skid roads, flumes, canals,
v/2-9-16-a School District No. 402 will hold watercourses, etc., with provision
during the first month. This alsois provide the needed amount of ~ ~ a PUBLIC HEARING in said for compensation for damages
an extension of ongoing activities housing before October 26 We School District in the Pioneercaused by the exercise of such
because most of our study groups have investigated the possibility NOTICENo.TO 4224CREDITORS 8:00Sch°°lp.m.Multi-ServiCeon the 23rdRoomday ofat Washingtonrights' etc., inmadedeed bYdatedStateMarchOf
20, 1928 and recorded in Volume
have been doing preparatory work of housing students in various N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF September, 1971, for the 51 of Deeds, page 70. against the
during the summer months." ]()cations throughout the Olympia THE STATE OF WASHINGTON following purpose: FINAL claim of the defendants and any
All work will be for academic area by September 27 and have FOR MASON COUNTY. BUDGET HEARING FOR THE
credit, found that there justaren't tn the Matter of the Estate ofSCHOOL YEAR 1971-72. All one of them.
EDWARD H FAUBERT interested taxpayers are invited.Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell,
• , • . . Malanca, Peterson, O'Hern &
Mc('ann said, "Close enough units available." Deceased. R,c~ d C. Ma_r, oth, Johnson
The undersigned is the bup~.menue.t, By: Valen H. Honeywell
fJ di I appointed and qualified persondlPio:~eer Schoot Attorneys for Plaintiffs
representative of said estate.Dish ict No. 402 Law Offices
Survey o u cia Persons having claimsagainstthe 9/1G-:!3-2t Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell,
PI d deceased are re:,uired to serve th, -- ............ Malanca, Peterson, O'Hern &
S m Is anne on the undersigned or the ............... "'en ÷h={
.. Nw,u~ ,~ .~,=uy u,- ..... 2200 One Washington Plaza
attorney of record at the address th~ Timberland Ree[on-al Library Tacoma, Washington 98402
Th first national survey U.S. courts with the exception of stated below and file the same ........
.... ............... Board of Trustees has adopted the (206) 383-4311
aimed at providing a fee-paid minor magistrates such as with the t.~erK ol this t.ourt"reliminar'" bud-et of the 9/16-23-30-10/7-14-21-6t
together with proof of such ~ ..... Y,--,-~-- ....... f .....
comprehensive description of the justices of the peace -. is .orvi,-o ,.,;÷h;,~ f ..... ..,.+~...,,.~. HmDertano ffegluna, LIO/dly U!
Nation's judicial system will be sponsored by the Justice Sentembe'r"'9" the year1972inthetotalamount
".X- 7 "-" '. ............ of $1 387 308 and has placed a, NOTICE OFIHEARINGEHEI
launched in September by the Department'sLaw Enforcement Wlll De roreverDarreo ' " ...... t ...... Far 's
....... ; copy on [.lie .y~l[n [l& J-AD y ~l~Th£,~: S R B
15ery~e w. rauDert * " " ' : r r
Bureau of the Census, U. S. ~, Assistance Administration' 321AlderStreet Business Qtftce. Nohce.ts futhe ~l~d,~t ,~th~:~,~t)~l~t~f
Dep~nt.~,~ommeree, f~the:, (L~,.&.~)~,as ~ ~.,pr~lrl~l~ite~ .~i~i- ~'~E.~Tfi~jt~W'~" giver( ttiat the said Board ofOod~7:"~b~i~issi~n'~i-#'~did; oh
I~tst~Departlm~. ~~ future studies, of tile courts. ..-...,. g...,.~ ...... Library Trfi~tees;wl ' consider t, he. sep{~bef:7; 1971, direct the
l'~ODelt L, allyUel - • , "
The Nationad Court SuW~¢ - ! LEAA expects that the Attor^'.ey ,u*"r~'~tat~ ..... ~- sa,dpreliminary budget and. all Cle[k. to prepare :a Resolution
1"5V. N .... other matters in connection declaring their intention to
actually a comp/elc canvass of a/I information collected in this .~ if .?,tr~ ........ therewith and will adopt a final establish the roads of Highland
bne ton vvasmngton ~t~3t~
survey will form the foundation ' budget at the meeting to be held Estates, petitioned for and
-- • for a possible future program of 9/2-9-16-3 at the Timberland Regional constructed to County standards
national judicial statistics. --------------- Library Administrative Offices, by the citizens abutting said road
1006 South Sound Boulevard, in Section 5, Township 19 North,
i ,.,.ar~.=, i ,=I~i i Census officials have asked for NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lacey Washington, at 7:30 p.m.,
~11 -- ~ full cooperation from local court No. 4221 September 23, t971, and, if Range 3 West, W.M.
The description of said roads
~norT ~ilours~ officials in responding to theIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF necessary, said meeting may beas follows:
• AIPIP I questionnaires that will be mailed THE STATE OF WASHINGTON continued from day to day as by All the roads of the Plat of
FOR MASON COUNTY. law provided.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mrs. Louise E. Morrison shown in Volume 8 of Plats, Pages
I,~ uwerea in September. The National Court Highland Estates No• 1 & 2 as
......... Survey, they point out, has theA R T H U R L E R O Y Director
A forest taxation short endorsement of the American DUNSWORTH, Deceased. 9/9-16-2t 52 & 54 and Volume 8 of Plats,
The undersigned is the ~-- Pages 97, 98 & 99 except there
course, with emphasis on new Judicature Society and the appointed and qualified personal SUMMONS BYP~BLICATION from the extension of Evergreen
Drive from the westerly boundary
state laws, will be offered in eight National Conference of Court representative of said estate. . ..... '~"i~-,~°,- ....... of Division No. 1 and the
Washington cities during Administrative Officers. Persons having claims against the ~!~ tM," ~ur _rL,,~ ~.~u~i ur
September, October and Collection of the data willdeceased are required toservethe THE ST^ATE, O F,WMA.SH{NGTON cul-de-sacs off this extension.
~me in rlunliczfo rh,lv v~rifi~drUR ,w~o,J,- ,~vu,~.~. FURTHER, said Resolution
November. take place from early September on- the "u~cte-rsigne'd -or 't~h"e L.O .R R. A I N E W ID.MYE R, did instruct the County Engineer
The three-evening seminars in through October. Survey results attorney of record at the address ~fll~/~,~,De~;nda~t/~lvl r_b r_. to report on said r dad
establishment and request the
Everett, Puyallup, Aberdeen, are expected to be available the stated below and file the same ----"- -- " Prosecuting Attorney to review
,^,th therlork ~'f ÷hi~ P"' ~÷THE 51A/P- OF WASHINGTON
Longview, Chehalis, Port Angeles, early part of 1972 ............ h "
together with proof of such --..:--" .......... " therein ordered.
Spol~ane andWenatchee willdraw The survey will cover 13,000 .... • . . w~uIv]y~TO" t e ueTenaant.Sa~d JAMES E and give approval to the steps
serv,ce within four months after v~,, 'am~ "- .... NOTICE IS FURTHER
a teaching staff from timber court systems in the IT S e -- ,,., ,-, r-, ,, ,_ I-I I- I-4 17_ 15Y
producers, state government and nreviously identified in"a September 9 1971, or the sam .................
• .~ f ..... " h~,r,,,~ ~uivl~v~u~'~t~ to appear w~rmnGIVEN: That said Hearing will be
wm o ............. sixt- '60' da f ...... held at the office of the County
Washington State University. cl:-~ctor,, of c~;--*in ,~ :"~ti'-'- ZX~n~ n r~,n~,^,¢,rth Y ~ I ys a ter me oa~e or
• - ---- f' • - commissioners at the Courthouse
S t.~ ~ ... ,. ju~ ~ ".2" 7 '-2 '-'_ ~..... the ~rst pubhcatton of th~s
Houte J, 15ox ~zn 9 584 Summons to w,t' within' " s,xty in Shelton, Washington, at 11:00
ponsored by the WSU agencies compiled by the Census Shelton, Washingto8 "60" da s'f" :
Cooperative Extension Service,Bureau for LFAA in 1970. Robert L Snyder U ] y a Ter the 19th day ofa.m., Monday September 27,
the sessions are being designed to Included will be all appellate zx¢÷ ..... "~n~ F~fafa ~ugust, 1971 and defend the 1971. All interested persons may
......... - .......... ' • - appear at said Hearing to be held
nrtng [ate intormation about courts courts of general 125~/~N 5th above-entitled achon ~n the
n ashin ton 98584 above-entitled Court, and answer for the purpose of hearing the
forest tax .methods. Seminar jurisdiction, and courts of limited Shelto , W g 9/9-16-23-3tthe Complaint of the plaintiff,Engineer's report on said County
speakers Will include Norman R jurisdiction including suL]~ special ....... and serve a copy of your answerroads.
~cl)one~l, a member at the courts as probate, juvenile, and upon the undersigned attorney DATED this 7th day of
September, 1971
legislative torest tax committee domestic relations for plaintiff at his office below Board of County
stated; and in case of your failure Commissioners of Mason
and.a property tax managerfor The directory of criminal so to do, judgment will be
;- the. weyernaeuser., • " t..ompany! lom justice agencies comniled last year rendered against you according to County, Washington
A Flemer supervisor with the ..... ' "" " " ~ SHOT TOO CLOSE the demand of the Complaint, By Ruth E. Boysen
• ' " spe¢lltCally excluded court Auditor & Clerk
Washington State Department of sub units .... which has been filed with the of the Board
Revenue"; Rlcha" • - rd W. Junk, departments" tsUCnand branchesaS utvislonS,and A complaint was received inClerk of said Court. 9/16-23-2t
director of forest economics for court record centers" the Belfair Sheriff's office last T h e o b j e c t o f t h e ~__
• " ) and an week of a bullet coming close to a a, bove-entitled action is .for a
" p n ~oal of ,~ ~u[vey ~s to ,_ ,. . ~. "_ Divorce on me groundsOT cruel
ooy working In ms yard on treatment
Association and R~chard T ldentlf and 1o
"" " ; "" - ' " Y cate all such MissionCreek Road. A deputy Glenn'E. Correa "
Dailey, Extension economist with sub-units. •
contacted the persondoing the Attorney for Plaintiff
WSU, Otherimportant goals of the . Glenn E Correa k AR¢O J
shooting and was assured he z~ttorne" at Law /
Joseph Buhaly, Extension National Court Survey are: ,. y
would not shoot in thatarea 12I S 4th Street
forester, who is coordinating the 1. Find the type and precise again. Shelton, Washington 98584
short course for WSU, said location of such court records as # 8/19.26.9/ . ~ i~~~.
c o m p 1 e t e d e t a i 1 s a n d dockets, calendars, and case files, p,- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.-.,. 9,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I
pre-registration forms can be 2, Discover the extent to I ~ ~~ I
obtained at county Extension which basic statistics are already
offices throughout the state, kept by courts.
Three night programs on a 3. Learn the jurisdiction of
,i once-per-week basis is the class each court and sub-unit and I
schedule, Buh a ly said, The firstof obtain esti mates of predominant I R~~i ~4~¢~, ~ i~1 ~ U
these begins m Everett Sept. 27 types of caseload in terms of
~flndat~hue t~ast~c°ncludesov ~u in judges' time spent on the majorI U ! P$
• " " types of litigation. FOURTH ANN AL
4. Get precise data on the SH£tTON BATOI I
,1'! number of judges and other IGOOD"
I laney r.oup judicial personnel.
SetsMeet,ng I r'WlRLIN6CLINI, II /
Charles Savage, Chairman of __ }' 'I rE!
the Mason County Kidney ' ~,5~II__ i A/
Foundation, announced that the -r 1 SAT. SEPT. 18, 1971 11
September meeting will be held STARTSYOU BUYING I Sheiton High School Gym | J k., BRAKe
Monday beginning at 7:30 p.m. in A NEW H~MI::
the home of Arlene and Jerry I 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ' / SERVICe
I ]•
Medley at 2034 King St. IuIINIKI at I GRAND FINALE I
In addition to reports on the l=llt ll l l=l |
fair booths and other business, -- ..... --'' I ~ NG SHOW ![ i f~ ~1)
avage said he will have a report 317 :~J~:
Snthen, eetingofth Directorsof .ST. IIIIL[: .__ oC I .T0WlN0
the Northwest Kidney Center 491 a2a I / 1st & Railroad
which he will attend in Seattle ANYTIME! Public Wel N harge
prior 1o the Sept. 20 meeting. L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9.- 9.- ~ ~ ""~' J "
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 23, 1971
Legal Publications Legal Publications Li ll
PAUL LeROY of Seattle, WOOD Deceased. NOTICE
Washington on June 24, 1971 Th~ undersigned is the that the u!
filed application for permit to appointed andqual[fied Executrix appointed a l~
divert the public waters of of said estate• Persons havingpersonal -rep
unnamed spring and/or stream claims against the deceased are estate. Pers(
tributary of- in the amount ofrequired to serve the same in aqains the de(
0.01 cubic 'foot per second, duplicate, duly verified, on the to serve the
subject to existing rights, undersigned or the attorney ofon the uno
continuously each year for the record at the address stated below attorney of re
purpose of domestic supply that and file the same with the Clerk stated belOW
the approximate point of of the Court toqether with proof with the Cle!
diversion is located within Lot 43 of service with'in four monthstogether wit
of the plat of Totten Shores of after 9 September 1971, or theservice wltht~
Section 3 1, Township 20N., same will be forever barred. September 1~,
R ange 2W.W.M., in Mason LaWanda Waters, Executrix will be forever
County Address: Rt. 10 Box 74 Virniniit Wl
Any objections must be Shelton, Wash ' ' Per.~onal Ri
accompanied by a two dollar B. Franklin Heuston, John C Rag~10
($2.00) recordin9 fee and filedAttorney for Estate, Attorney for E
with the Department of Ecology Angle Bldg., Title InsuranCe
within thirty (30) days from Shelton Wash. 98584 122 Railroad a
September 23, 1971 9/9-16-23-35 Shelton, Wa~hi
Witness my hand and official -- '
seal this 3rd day of September, --'-'---
ueparTment o ~cotogy N~ &997 IMrITICE Tt
.... 9/-L6"23"2t IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF fir¢
.............. In the Matter of the Estate ofCOUNTY. "
/AUVt-H/Ibr_IVlPIN/ nn~OTHY J 7tr'K~lr'K N THE Mi
FO '-" ............ ' ......
N- -- R BIDS Deceased ESTATE O,
OTICE. TO. CQ.N. TRACTORS' The 'Seattle-First NationalWELANDER,.!
healed ptas wm be recewea Dy " t e " CE I'
............ Bank s h appo nted and NOT 7
me vort of bnelton at their OTTJCe ,~,,~Hfie Exe u " e una,
• . .t .... d c tor of said estate, that th .
at .!05. South 4th Strew, or itPersons having claims against the appointed an~
ma~le~ to H u uox ~/ bnelton . re r
. . - , , deceased are reqmred to serve the personal P
wa. 98584, until 11:30 a.m. on