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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE -¢ 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 1 0 cents for each additional word over ] 5. • FOUR (4) insertions the of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 ).m. Tuesday ...> L';' USED CARS model er/I oader. ,750. Call :-23 For Sale SOUP'S ON, the rug, that is, clean with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast store. 9/16 good FREE -- ONE chicken basket to 5-8808. E. LaBelle, 1202 Dickinson at igerator /16 and sold. ~)Praisals. By )th, bike, B flat excellent scuba outfit. 3:30 p.m. IU, M8 carport Dodge edan, good reasonable. Minor's A&W Drive-in on Mt. View. 9/16 NEW X-11 reducing plan, 42 tablets $3.00 Money back guarantee. Evergreen Drug. 9/16-11/11 ]954 JEEP pickup, 4 x 4 with hubs. 8]/2 ft. cab-over camper, 2 airpowered grease guns. Manual tire changer, 426-6604. W9/9-30 OIL FURNACE and 250 gal. drum. 75,000 BTU, $35. Phone 426-1153. H9/9-16 SELLING MY collection of guns. Beautiful used deer rifles and 3 antiques. Call 426-4951 for caliber after 5 p.m. S9/16tfn BARLETT PEARS and Gravenstein apples for sale. Bring containers. Call 426-1279. D9/16 GARAGE SALE Sept. 17-18. By airport, watch for signs. Lots of clothing 426-1506. W9/16 NAUGAHYDE COUCH and chair for sale, good condition $100. Call 426-1506. W9/]6 %A~v~~~ ~ ~-v~.~A. For Sale YARD SALE! Friday, noon thru Saturday. Double oven range, refrigerator, twin bed frames, accordian, new and used clothing, all sizes. 1732 Stewart. 426-8092. M9/16 WOOD FOR sale! $20.00 cord, delivered, or $]5.00 a pickup load. Also lot clearing. 426-8305. 89/16 SHAKLEE PRODUCTS -- orqanic food supplement, vitamins, cleaners, toiletries and baby care. Call 426-]259. C9/16-10/7 Sporting Goods 14' BOAT, 35HP motor and trailer for sale. Excellent condition $400.00. Call 426-8615 evenings. T8/26-9/16 12 F T "Eft-loafer" Aristocrat camp trailer, good condition, $495. Phone 426-8788. J9/9tfn arieties )me axles, $100 ES le piano. quick or terms. or • : 427 S.W. Wn., 98166. of Shelton 5/6tfn GARAGE SALE. 2219 Madison, Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. 10 ft. aluminum boat, kitchen ware, miscellaneous. 426-6467. $9/16 MAPLE TWIN beds with Simmons mattresses. Like new condition. Phone 426-2418. P9/16tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. 4/16tfn LARGE DINING table and buffet, Hotpoint dishwasher with chopping block, 24 in. colored Motorola TM. 877-5770. B8/26-9/16 Mobile Homes 1970 46-foot unfurnished mobile home 200 amp. service $4400. Phone 426-4052. E8/26-9/16 CLEAN, USED mobile homes, only 10% down. As low as $83.00 per month on approved credit. Shelton Home Center, Taylor Towne, 426-4455. 5/6tfn IF YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED SHELTON HOME CENTER AT TAYLOR" TOWNE YOU COULD MISS YOUR BEST BUY KI RKWOOD-BROADMORE Golden West - Villa West - Olympian r mplete 426-4702 9/1Otfn Materials :HED KS Street 2/I ltfn In: ;TANKs URS FROM E ;S 9/3tfn FIVE 6-HOLE 15-inch split rims and tires, $135. 5:70x8 trailer wheel and tire, new, $15. Simplex mini bike, $125. I.E.L. chainsaw, $75.426-6870. W9/9tfn BARTLET, T PEARS for sale. You "cont~imets/426-684P-. R9/9 ' FOR SALE cucumbers, dill and green tomatoes. Call 426-1386. $9/16-10/7 USED THOMAS 2 manual organ. Good condition, $260.00. Johnny's Music Box, 205 W. Cota 426-4302. J8/2tfn JHIRMACK, ALL natural vitamins at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel. Phone 426-4582. 8/5tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn GRASS AND clover hay for sale. Barn open Saturday only. Call 426-8615 evenings. TB/26tfn SWIMMING POOL supplies for maintenance. Algae control chemicals. Muratic acid. Chlorine etc. Nye Company 426-8224.5/6 426-4455 SHELTON On Otympia-Shelton Freeway CLOSED THURSDAY and SUNDAY Work Wanted ATTENTION MOTHERS! Ironing in my home $1.00 per hour, also typing. 426-1380. B8/26-9/16 LICENSED CHILD care in my Mt. View home, call 426-1348. $9/9-30 Help Wanted GOOD LABORER with supervisory experience, small construction, steady employment. 426-3300. L9/16 BABY SITTER wanted in my home on Mason Lake. Evenings Monday through Friday. Call 426-6921. K9/16 tfn PORTABLE SAWMILL and Lost & Found edger, $1500. Write Ethel B. Dinning, 311 Cookson St. Shelton, Wash. 98584. D6/lOtfnLOST -- MAN'S wallet, black leather, all identification papers, please return. Thomas Glassey, 1427 Cota. 426-2814. G9/16 GARAGE SALE -- End tables, lamps bird cages, miscellaneous Nikula Kamilche Po nt. Call 426-4018. N9/]6 FREE ONE gallon of root beer to F. L. Jefferson, 1028 E. Ellinor from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. 9/16 PIANO FOR sale, good condition, upright, beautiful wood, $110.00 we deliver, less if you pick up. Phone Hoodsport 877-5253. M9/16 TWO USED flutes $50 and $75. See at Hamlin's Hobby and Toy 220 Cote, Shelton. H8/26-9/16 VINYL COATED chain link LOST -- ONE Sealpoint Siamese cat, vincinity of South Hill Reward, call 426-8159. $9/9-16 Used Cars 1966 PLYMOUTH station wagon automatic, 6 tires. Good condition. Phone 426-4861 after 5 p.m. 59/16 1966 DODGE~/4 ton Pickup, good condition, ~1,3u0. Call 426-2558. fencing installed. $1.32 per foot. H9/16-23 Call Norm at Sears, 426-8201. S8/26tfn 1968 C H.EV Impala hardtop __ coupe, original owner, automatic, CHAIN LINK fencing ~ .396kesV-v8i, .POWer steering and $1.1r8 per foot. Call Norm at Drac~ ii, en nYl root, good .tires Sea s, 426-820LS8/26tfn exe ~ COndition. $18951 F.' 'on 89%ven'ngs or weekends, YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut u -zt//. H9/16-10/7 and wrapped. Expert cuttng and '6 5 C H wrapping. Shelton Foods. '6t C HEV. pickup truck, au omat~c, excellent condition. 426-6523. S3/27tfn Phone 426-305~ after 4 p.m. MOST POPULAR sizes of tires C9/]6-10/7 and batteries now in stock. Call Sears, 426-8201. S6/24tfn__._~ '64 HONDA 300. Excellent condition, trade for fibre glass boat or sell for $350. 426-1032. 1962 Ford Falcon to use for parts, rebuilt motor. $65. N8/26-9/16 DILL CUCUMBERS -- order now, 20c per lb. delivered in Shelton. Phone 426-3667. G9/t6tfn CORD WOOD for sale. Any length. Call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550. E10/ltfn w 1938 CHEVROLET four dc~r sedan, qood shade. 1959 Chevrolet Impala, immaculate shalSe. 426-8808 after 5"00 p.m. D9/16tfn 1962 OLDSMOBILE $75.00 cash call 426-2094. F9/16tfn FOR SALE 1960 Ford Galaxie $125. Call 426-3323 mornings. D9/16-10/7 1967 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, excellent condition, clean, call 426-4071 after 6 p.m. P8/26-9/16 1961 BEL-AIR, runs good, new tires, good body, $300. Phone 426-8448. C9/9 ~v%%%%%%%%%%%%~ % Used Cars 1969 CATALINA Pontiac 32,000 miles. Like new. By private party. 426-4563. Z9/2-23 FOR SALE 1970 Peterbilt truck, with Peerless trailer, 335 Cummins. Excellent condition. Call Union 898-2870 after 6:00 p.m. M9/9tfn SAVE 7% ON NEW CARS AT If you have 65-66 Plymouths & Dodges we are allowing up to $1100 trade-in on these models in addition to excise tax refunds when allowed. Many 72's on hand. Big savings on all 71's & 72's '72 DODGES IN STOCK! Some with Air! '69 CHARGER Low mileage ........ $2295 '66 TOYOTA COROhlA 4/Dr., new tires, stick shift, runs ood .......... 3795 A FEW NEW '71 CARS WHILE THEY LAST. HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780 Front & Railroad Phone 426-8 ] 83 68 Yolks Sq. Back 66 Country Sedan 65 Rambler 64 Corvair Bus. 64 Fairlane 64 Willys 4x4 61 Rambler 69 Mach I 69 Chev Imp. 67 Cougar 67 Merc. Marquis 67 Chev. Impala 2-Dr. 67 Grand Prix 67 Camero 66 Lincoln 4-Dr. 65 Pontiac 64 Chev. 2-Dr. 64 CheveUe 64 Falcon 2-Dr. 64 Merc. 2-Dr. 63 T-Bird Sedans 68 Chev. BeI-Air 67 LTD 4-Dr. 66 Olds 66 Ply. Fury II 66 Buick 4-Dr. 65 Pontiac 63 Fairlane 62 BeI-Air 4-Dr. Trucks 69 EICamino 69 Ford F-250 68 Ford VzTon 66 F-100 Vz Ton 65 Ford ~4 Tom 64 Crew Bus 63 Dodge Pick-up 60 Ford ~/~ Ton 52 Ford Dump 50 Ford Vz Ton Bill Johnson - Bus Einarsson Bob Wolden - George HasBrouck Mt, View at Kneeland Center 426-8231 Wanted WANT TO buy -- antique dolls, 15429 S.E. 2]st. place, Bellevue, Wash. 98007. Phone SH7-9085. H9/2-23 COINS BOUGHT and sold. Estimate appraisal of coins. By appointment only. Olympic Gateway, George T. Booth, 426-4719. B8/26tfn OLD COINS, American-Canadian. Complete sets, part sets and singles. Call 426-2]26. L8/26-9/16 BOOKCASE WITH glass front, lock and key. Phone Hoodsport 877-5371.8/26-9/16 WANTED ALDER logs 9" and up. Prefer 10 ft. multiples. Top prices. Mason Hardwood Co. 426-3464 days, 426-8109 evenings. 4/ltfn TIMBER WANTED! Thin-your timber before you sell! Two checks are better than one. Call for free estimates. Highest prices paid. Selective logging, our specialty. Taylor Bay Logging, Longbranch, Wash. 884-3778. 5/6tfn WANTED -- RIDERS for the open performance show at the H-Hanging-B arena in Lima on September 18 at 1:30 p.m. 50c per class, ribbons and awards to be presented. Spectators welcome -- no charge. L9/16 Instruction GUITAR LESSONS -- Johnny's Music Box, start after Labor Day. Call 426-4302. G8/26-9/16 TOLL PAINTING lessons afternoon and evening classes. For information phone 426-4390. $9/2-23 YMCA CERTIFIED Scuba course, beginning Sept. 12, $37.50. Register now. 426-4589. H9/9-16 Pets, Livestock A PPALOOSA/QUARTER horse mare: 4 years old. Needs an experienced rider. See to Appreciate -- 426-143 I. K7/29tfn BOARDING KENNELS, dogs over 20 Ibs. All cement in and out runway. $1.75 per day Mel Ru Kennels 426-2387. N6/lOtfn REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN terrier male puppies. Phone 426-6152. F3/25tfn K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988.8/3 ] tfn FIVE YEAR old, green broke gelding pony. Phone 426-6152. F4/22tfn DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointment, call Mrs. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17tfn ST. BERNARD stud service, AKC. Blue ribbon winner, call 426-5012 after 4:30 p.m. H9/16 REGISTERED APPALOOSA, spirited, well trained, $300.00. Also Vz quarter and Vz thoroughbred filly, $175. 426-6072. T9/16 Services WILL DO babysitting, experienced child care, week days, Mt. View area, call 426-6576.9/9-30 CHAIN SAW sharpeninq, speedy, accurate. Precision grinc~ing. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn BACKHOE SERVICES'with late model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years experience. Also sewage systems. Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr, 426-3053. 6/1 ltfn TREE TOPPING, falling and clean-up. Phone 426-3532. Mc8/6tfn BATHROOM AND kitchen remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. 10/15tfn PAINTING & DRY WALL Residential And Commercial E. HARRIS Bonded i Ins. Call 426-8773 II HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/1. 1 ttn %%%%%%%%~%%%%%--~ Services Septic Tank 500-gal., 750-gal, 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Sharer Digging Servke Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn DAY & SONS CUSTOM ROTOVATING Lawns, Gardens, Farm work --2 machines no job too large or small. 426-8750 4/9tfn Cards of Thanks We wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors and especially the Mason General Hospital staff and Mr. Bill Batstone for their wonderful help and support at the time of our mother's death. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Campeau CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and qratitude for all those comforting acts. Mrs. Lester Bienek Warren Bienek and family Mrs. Annette McGee and family Mrs. Evon Heath and family LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn For Rent UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom house, electric heat, no pets. Phone 426-3242. B9/16tfn TWO BEDROOMS, furnished, all BOB OGDEN Installation Service Carpeting- Formica- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3155 a/6 tfn electric, carpeting, carport, privacy. One child and/or small pet acceptable. $100.00 plus electricity. ~.all Rex Mobile Manor and Apartments. 426-4560. Mc9/16tfn TEACHERS -- HAVE two bedrooms with kitchen and home privileges. You set rent. Inquire 610 Dearborn. K9/2-23 SECLUDED TWO bedroom unfurnished house to dependable c~OUple, .$135 per month. $50 amage deposit plus one month rent in advance. Phone 426-6574. N9/9tfn NOTICE TO ALL MUSICIANS Why wait until school starts to have your band and orchestra instruments repaired? Free check-up on all instruments. We have expanded and can furnish all your musical needs. Huffner guitars in stock. Savarex strings. ROBERTS MUSIC 822Vz Park Phone ES 3-6116 Bremerton 7/29-8/12-3t ROY J. Pile Driving -- construction Land or Water. Bulkheads -- Marine Facilities Drag Line -- Clam Shell -- Loaders Heavy Equip. Hauling tfn HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS NEW 150 $149.95 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. Partly furnished Available September-first Phone'426-4541. F8/26tfn FOR RENT: Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/9tfn PASTURE FOR rent, cattle only. Call 426-86]5 evenings or weekend. T9/9-30 TWO BEDROOM trailer for rent. Rex Mobile Manor. Call 426-4560. Mc9/9tfn ...... TWO BEDROOM furnished ' apar'1~ment, a'utomati~:'natural gas heat, call 426-1654 ask far ML Savage. $9/9-30 FURNISHED APARTMENTS, 1-bedroom $75; 2-bedroom, $90; plus utilities, washer/dryer, beach access, South Shore near Twanoh. CR 5-6576. $8/26-9/16 COTTAGE FOR rent -- one bedroom w/w carpet, fireplace, partially furnished, carport, $85 per mo. Call after 6 p.m. Union 898-2270 or 898-2722. L9/16-23 LIVE IN luxury, two bedroom, waterfront, wall to wall carpeting, electric heat and more. $150.00. per month. Unfurnished 426-4951. No children, except under one year. Call after 5 p.m. S9/2tfn TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Call 426-3169. B9/16tfn at Belfair GENERAL HAULING Top Dirt Sand -- Pit Run -- Gravel 5-Yard Dump Truck and Loader Tel. - FRANK -- 426-3153 also Light Clearing 3/4tfn SWIMMING POOLS Septic Tank bulldozing, backhoe and dump truck service Surge water conditioners. 426-6539 Shelton, ~/6 tfn FOR RENT 2 bedroom summer home, located at Potlatch on Hood Canal. Call 426-8269. G9/16-23 2 BEDROOM summer home waterfront property near Alderbrook, $90 per month plus damage deposit. Eve. Bellingham 1.734-3213. D9/16-10/7 SMALL HOUSE, two bedrooms, furnished. Downtown area. Call 426-8115 or 426-3573. L9/16tfn ONE BEDROOM cottage, newly painted outside. $50 a month. Pay your own utilities and $25 damage deposit. 123 Mill st. Inquire next door. V9/16-23 ONE BEDROOM furnished or unfurnished apartment available, also a studio apartment. Lawton Apts. 723 Pine St. 8/26tfn ii Personal NEED CASH? We buy or consign almost anything. Tropics Ballroom Auction, Olympia 943-9949. D2/26tfn ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and referral center 428 Birch St. Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn CONFIDENTIAL CARE for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tfn REDUCE EXCESS fluids with Fluidex, $1.69. lose weight safely with Dex-A-Diet, 98c at Nell's Pharmacy.8/12-11/25 ANNOUNCESNEW MANAGEMENT Any Size Lot Available Carports, pleasant surroundings. One block from public swimming pool. FAMILIES WELCOMEI. Take 101 nOrth just past airport, turn right at grocery store, go one block, turn left or call 426-4560 for more information. MOVE IN TODAY One and two bedroom apa~ tree ~ts, with cmpet, drapes & appl ances Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St., Mgr. Apt. 11 or phone 426-8663. For Rent MT. VIEW Elwood Manor Apartments 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-1391 tfn ~%%%%%%%%%%~ Real Estate Wanted WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or Acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell for quote's, bid,; m further information. Have buyers for 2&3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty 107 Railroad 426-4486.8/12tfn EXCHANGE -- WHAT you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tfn :11 your unused items with a Journal want-ad 426-4412 Thursday, September 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17