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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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home on 23/4 off Arcadia 426-8331. Real Estate GOOD INVESTMENT -- three bedroom home 2 lots, Capital Hill. Call 426-3103 or 426-1093. D9/16 :lroom Hillcrest .=ring and walk to ores. Lovely Olympic trees and a next year's ESCAPE???? k for just plain the weekends? one for you. ~ Shores and 'ont lot. The Jt so is the ut just across irlvate access ng: Cozy 2 With large ached garage area out room for with good LOW DOWN PAYMENT If large downpayments have been your problem, this may be the answer. About $550 will put you in this newer 3 bedroom, 11/2 bath Mountain View home. Has fireplace and attached 1-car garage. All that is necessary is that you do qualify for FHA financing. $17,500. FUTURE INCOME... Why not let some todays dollars do some work for you in the future? Rental income helps thru those non-earning years. Here's a larger home downtown with a 3 bedroom, 2 bath portion to the main house bringing in $75/month. Also has small bachelor apartment downstairs bringing $45/month. Out back you'll find smaller 1 bedroom home with a monthly income of $45. Rentals are hard to find in this area so vacancy is no problem. $16,500 on good terms. Check today! ! ahead joying the excellent Golf the low ONE OF OUR ~" WE HAVE LOST LAKE COTTAGE Here's one for your year-round activities. Good "A-Frame" construction with plenty of room for the whole family. Has private boat launch area on the lake. Very comfortable and a good price at only $7,500. :ROM 1 ACRES. IF YOU ING FOR OR PASTURE LAND... With a stream and modest home. Not too far from town and has 27 acres total. All cleared. $22,500. "n mobile best in and small ng area and ANGLESIDE... Job transfer has forced a sale of this most attractive 3 bedroom home. Has fireplace, 11/2 baths, TV room, and many more attractive features. Even has 2-car carport. $22,500. AVENUE 426-4447 Evenings Call A. ROY DUNN 426-4601 bON BROWN 426-6388 JIM ROUSH 426-8522 This lonesome house has all kinds of lovable features: three bedrooms, efficient kitchen, with built-in range and oven; a cheery fireplace wall; large carport; an easy care yard; hardwood floors; and conveniently located to grade school. The heirs of the owner will make it easy for you to move your family in. Pay closing costs down and they will carry the contract. Priced below market at $15,700. Call today. 4th and Railroad Phone 426-8272 ANYTIME 426.6592 REAL ESTATE WATERFRONT - RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL- INOUSTRIAL 121 W. RAILROAD VERY ANXIOUS out-of-town owner will look at all reasonable offers on this spacious 3 bedroom older home on 10 acres. It's located on Arcadia Road, has barn, corral and lots of fruit trees. It's vacant, so call now for an appointment to see. Full price $23,500.00. SPACIOUS LIVING -- at a reasonable price. $18,000.00 for a 5 bedroom home on Angleside corner lot. Large 22 x 17 living room with fireplace, separate dining and daylight basement are just some of the features that make this the right home for a. large family. Owner. will assist with financing. $2,000.00 down will handle it. Q U/~"L I T Y HOME -- ANGLESlDE. This 4 bedroom home is designed for family living. The first floor features two bedrooms, den, large living room with fireplace, kitchen LAKE, MOUNTAIN view, Lake Cushman. There's no way to properly describe the view that comes with this one. Only a short walk to swimming and boat docks. We may be foolish to let it ~1o for only $6,400. Terms. Ask or parcel No. 106. Lake Cushman Sales Co. 4 miles west of Hoodsport, Wn. Phone 877-5233 collect. Open 7 days a week. 9/16-10/7 82' MASON Lake, western exposure, one bedroom cabin suitable as permanent home, all modern conveniences, 75' dock, bunk house, electric heat, Call 584-2325, or write Darold Talley, 1 1 164 Gravelly Lk. Dr. SW, Tacoma 98499. 9/2-23 LAKE CUSHMAN -- choice fairway-site. Green and happy level lot near the 9th green, only a 7-iron shot from the club house. Free golf membership until 6/1/73. Get an investment going the easy way. Ask for parcel No. 103. Lake Cushman Sales Co. 4 miles west of Hoodsport, Wn. Phone 877-5233 collect. Open 7 days a week. 9/16-10/7 CHOICE WATERFRONT on Squaxin Island. 620 ft. at $75 per ft., easy terms. Phone 426-6217. E8/26tfn TRACT NO. 12 -- 5.86 acres with 686 feet of creek frontage, $4,900. 3.85 acres excellent Olympic View, $6,200. Ask for parcel No. 109. Lake Cushman Sales Co. 4 miles west of Hoodsport, Wn. Phone 877-5233 collect. Open 7 days a week. EXCELLENT HOME or mobile home site north of Shelton bordering Parkwood development. Phone 426-2046. S9/2-23 ANGLE AGENCY Join The Wise Ones.. Invest In Property=. NEAT 2 BEDROOM near grade school. This beautiful little home is immaculate in every way. Honestly -- they just don't make them like this anymore, cute kitchen. $13,000. RECENTLY REFINISHED INTERIOR This 2 bedroom Hillcrest home is on a corner lot and only $9~200. FUN RUSTIC CABIN on Island Lake -- Choice lot, good view, good well and lots of potential for, year round residential location. $10,700.00. 10 ACRES -- Two nice ten acre tracts, just six miles south-east of Shelton. Priced at $11,O00.00 and $9,000.00 One tract mostly cleared, partially,~aelt.ed,4n sre, tll, ~noble Xmas trees. Terms Available. i~;~::; ~..'~ ~i,i~ bedroom home; i ANGLESlDE -- 3 in excellent neighborhood area. Home has fireplace in living room, 11/2 baths, TV room, double carport, and private patio for outdoor enjoyment. This home shouldn't last long at $22,500. SHELTON OFFICE 107 RAILROAD $7,000 -- SPENCER LAKE - Just a few miles from town. Cleared lakefront lot ready to build on. $9,950 -- APPROX. ONE ACRE - Southside of town, located inside of the city on sewer. 2 bedroom with part basement & view of the bay. Nice big fireplace & sloping lot for good drainage. Needs some "fixin" but what a bargain at this low, low price -- Terms! $11 950 -- 100% LOAN - Large 2 bedroom with 3rd-possibie in enclosed- rear addition. Automatic gas heat, extra deep lot with some view & good privacy. Out of town owner wants quick sale. Payments will be less than rent. Can get full price FHA or VA loan. $13,950 -- 2 BR. MOBILE ON LAKE - Best buy in Mason County. Over 1/3 acre with no bank and vacant 2 bedroom mobile home. Drilled well, blacktop county road. Easy contract terms. $18,000 -- NEW 3 BDRM. - NO DOWN PAYMENT. If you are married, have dependents or are an Ex-serviceman we can secure a loan for full purchase price at 71/2% interest, 360 months (30 years) at $128 or less, including interest -- plus tax and insurance reserve. New 3 bedroom, built in range, deluxe bath, carpeting and garage -- Call now! $18,500 -- TAKE OVER LOAN - Owner moving and you can assume the payments on $16,800 balance payable at $159.00 mo. including tax & ins. One year old 3 bedroom with oversize garage, fireplace, carpeting & range. We will finance the difference. Fast possession. $19,250 - NEW REVERSE FLOOR PLAN -- CREEK FRONT. Delightful new plan with living room, dining room, kitchen & master bedroom overlooking creek & canyon at rear of the lot-- yet located inside city. Low down payment, separate entry hall, full size garage and all deluxe extras included in the price!! $19,900 -- 12 ACRES & 2 BDRM. HOME. Separate garage & other outbuildings. Good spring, nice trees & only 15 minutes from town. Also nice view of saltwater. $20,800 -- 3 Br. + FAMILY RM. - Spotlessly yours is this 3 bedroom rambler plus family room and double carport. Beautifully carpeted, range & hood and the somewhat secluded lot is just like a small park. Easy financing -- low down pymt. $23,500 10 ACRES - 3 BDRM. - Good older 3 bedroom home with lots of out-buildings And all fenced. 10 mostly cleared acres in pasture & fields. Drilled well. Just about 2 miles from town. Cash talks or trade! $25,450 - 3 BRS. - 3 BATHS - FULL BSMT.- Custom built contemporary home with full basement, finished recreation room, 2 baths on main level, 2 fireplaces & covered parking for 3 vehicles, boat, etc. all this plus real nice view. Easy terms or trade. $25,500 -- 5 BRS. - BSMT. - ONE ACRE:." Terrific for growing family. Completely remodeled New Engtan Cape Cod 2 baths, full basen nt, drilled well & just minutes m Terms of cour e=.oj" ..... trade up today=. ; $28,500 -- LAKEFRONT CHALET. -- Fabulous 3 bedroom, 2 bath lakefront home. Custom built, big patio permanent foundation, storage bldg., dock & all level grounds with tall native trees. and utility area. Second floor9/16-10/7 eL1D~ has 2 large bedrooms and I'm out Buzzin around second bath. Located on well ~PLEX PARK Lake 3 BEDROOMS well cared for $35,950 - LAKEFRONT Easy contract terms as owner must move to Seattle for $24,950.00. Lets make an aside for multiple-use dwellings room, fireplace in carpeted living due to ill health. Custom built full basement home -- 2 fireplaces, 3 I think I'll look form Queen ~ landscaped corner lot. All this Cushman, on a bit of par~]dise set Mountain View rambler. Family in Hood Canal Country. appointment to see this today! up to four units. Use one, rent room, new washer and dryer; bedrooms, low bank 65 ft. lakefront. Color coordinated appliances -- i~ one or more. A place for grown range and refrigerator included. HOOD CANAL -- Large 2 children's families to come to $24,000. Beautiful garden, good water. Deep lot, less than 9 miles from Shelton. bedroom quality home. 1,300 Trom far away Near resort and • " "---- ~ ~ sq ft. plus garage and its on 3 L~ke Standstill. $3,900 to THREE BEDROOM downtown acres for complete privacy and $ ,900. Ask for parcel No.107.home has been newly decorated. $49,500 -- WATERFRONT FARM - 3 or 4 bedroom fabulous home on 41/2 Its cheerful rooms are large and seclusion. Marvelous view ofLake Cushman Sales Co. 4 mileswell arranged. Has fireplace, bath acres of prime low bank Hammersley waterfront. Huge shop, barn, big Olympics and Canal. Excellent west of Hoodsport Wn. Phone home for those thinking Of 877-5233 collect. O'pen 7 days a and half, separate dining area, garage, fruit, berries. Selling $10,000 or more below value. We'll take I .BEACH Year round cottage on community retirement. $39,500.00. week. 9/16-10/7 attached garage. $21,500. your trade. ' ~ good buy at $15,000 terms. $6,950 oo CASH -- and we OLD, OLD HOME downtown. ~til~oEnK_ 2 bedroom home + garage _._ goDdkn°w y°ur Credit Uni°n will F i House 'sn't much but 'or's be glad to help you. 2 -- worthwhile and located in area ~ $10,850. breakfastbedr°°mS'nook,den'separatefireplace'utility May We for building. Asking $7,500. HOMES- FARMS -- WATERFRONT- ACREAGE ~T. "~ 3 bedroom home + 2 car garage, you'llr°°m VacantSee it andand J. Serve You? I ANGLE AGENCY --=~~ .... 107 W. RAIL"O View, just right for a growing family, ready for quick occupancy. Real Estate & Insurance I -- Our business is Hood Canal, [ AD tern3s. NORTHCLIFF -- 2,700 sq. ft. / so we have to know it well. I Since 1890 of deluxe living in private, [-- Over 21 years experienceI ~OVE sec uded setting..~ DeQrooms, l with 2 offices at Uni°n and I ]~I if 130 "~ 4 bedroom waterfront home, 100 den or family room and huge / Hoodsport. I HERB ANGLE ..-DICK ANGLE PH NE 426-4486 0 00. Dank gravelly beach, outstanding value, game room with bari,The largei --10 professional real estate I JACK STEWART -- PAUL WOOD l iv na room With stone / sales people to assist you. I BARBARA NELSON ,, [" - ,-~^ nd formal dining Tirep,d~-= a l-- Specializing in Hood CanalI BOB HARVEY R.Ca Hopper Asso. Agent-426-3582 t~ " room are perfect for l Properties - homes, [ Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 ',,Q °Utstandin business o ortunities if ou enterta ning. It's possibly one / waterfront, recreation I401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426.8272 II;il illi' ';-rJ l,,,~_ . g PP - Y of the best bargains you'llfind 1 parcels of every description I REID L. MITCHELL, REALTOR rested in a "Hood Canal Country" at$37,500.00 / &acreage. I =nt. Call us for information. 'TOP QUALI I -- Exclusive Sales Agents for: / HERE S " ^ TY and l Alderbrook Golf & Yacht / lotsith ..... / CI ub "Hood Canal's / al tracts. Unimproved building sites, river of room. attr~r÷~,~ MEMBER WASHINGTON STATE BOARD OF REALTORS Sp it-level .w .. 3 bedrooms, l Prestige Address." I Legal Publkations ~rne liwng-ammg room 2 l-- Largest volume office on | "' access, priced as low as $2,500, r places,, f baths, 2 car / entire Canal. / 40 acres -- some canal view, a good garage, tr pie Carr , * i: workshop and much -mo'~L' [ We Can Sell It! I NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING • ',u13 $30,000, terms. $25,500.00 and worth it. "~" /-- Clients ready and waiting to |The board of Directors of l obtain various properties. /Grapeview School Dist. No. 54 Legal Publications Legal Publ ations MT. VIEW RAMBLER -- Very l-- "Hot Line" direct to Seattle / Mason Co. will hold a special ....................................... ~-.-~----------------~-- :~D~"d ~.160 acres- growing timber, could be attractive .3 bedroom home / for no-toll service to all of/ meeting for the purpose of with famiw room, fireplace, l Greater Seattle residents. / reviewing the final budget for the NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF HEARING the southwest quarter of Section i ~135,000, terms, carpeting, fenced yard and /'- LIST YOUR PROPERTY/ 1971-72 school year at the No 4228 PROPOSED VACATION 28, TownshiPlt9 North, Range 6 i~ " ATSOP-CLO- West, W.M., ying south of the [ NTAGE -- 66 feet of highway 101 attacheD, carport. Price of / WITH OUR OFFICES | Grapeview school, Grapeview, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF PORTION OF.S~,. °00 AND southerly right-of-way line of the $23,950 ,ncludes new range, / FOR BEST COVERAGE/ Wash. Sept. 23,1971at 7:O0 p'm-!N~ TTS~TCEMoOF~E:OSHoM~AG~TOOHN~. ~C~T~)~N~O2~3F~ !h~n~!rPuCie~deq!ff:lcigm7m].:f ! -" • /. POSSIBLE" " E ?~E'PL~GMILL 1514 feet deep, nicely wooded, near refrigerator, washer and dryer. /~s your Agent" we aim to / Director-ClerkHildred M. Bunch an :: l protect your interests as/ SRTEAG:?EReOY ?EehcTeeHes ! GiEv nRUDaE V~9~]TT/aCht:o IoMaSroc~dHoa; RAiouEugnBu!~ ~r~eCntc~O:~!~ ~fntg!se~ef~iPcsei~Ouf~tth!i Better arrange to see it today. I our own! I 9/16-23-2t '= te Park, $11,250. INVESTMENT.MINDED _ E . 2G~ ~ , Mr. View commercial property Ii~ is going fast. We have 12 000| ANNOUNCEMENT / NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING een Commissioners went on eco d ,y , State of sq. ft. in prime location at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~;:oin~:dder~g~l:d qh:~fibc~ as with their .Intent!on to. Vacate a Washington." $1.37V2 per sq. ft Terms are |To get better acquainted and| that pursuant to R.C.W. Executor of the above entitled portion ot tneb:~s~P'rClo°qt~atnlUo~ GIv~OT~rCE IS FURTHER ~=~, ..... Tavailable" " /enj°y the Canal we invite the 1 /following couple to play golf/ 70.05.060 on the 7th day of estate; that all p.ersons having Road. No...zuu ..... P~, -o .... : . at a public Hearing land have dinner at Alderbrook / October 1971, at 10:30 a.m. atclaims against said aeceasea are .me vlugmm .~oau i~u:-'~, w.n.=ch wm De nela on thy proposed l ~ -- 1 .... |as our guests: / Olympia City Hall, Olympia; hereby required to serve the same, nas.Deen rep=a.cea. Wl~.n relocation aoanaonment in the Office of the Washington, the Thurston-Mason duly verified, on said DAVID D: !n 19/1, .r.enaerlnc~ ~ne port=ons L;oun~y L.ommissioners at 2:00 ATTENTION LOW / Free golfanddinner / District Board of Health will GREGORY or nis attorneys, ot !yln~l. soumerw, oT me existingp.m., Monday, September 20, record at the address De=ow mcat~on, unusea, in. :~ec~lon 28, 1971, and any interested person INCOME FAMILIES / Dr.&Mrs. JohnSandberg | consider for adoption Article XI stated, and file the same wim tne ~vOs~Snlp 1~1v I~o~m,moHrange 6may appear at said Hearing to be Only 2 new homes now under /Call our office to arrange date / of the Thurston-Mason Health ~DICOT construction for those who can /and time, or bring this adwith/ District Sanitary Code pertaining Cerk of said Court, [ogether with. . • •., e fully heard either for or aglinst said ql~al, ify under the 235 FHA /you, and watch for your name/ to Rules and Regulations proof of SuCh service, within 4oescr~Dea,as: . proposal. in: / - /'g°verning ambulance service inmonths after the oa~e OT first _.'/na.¢ portion of the old DATED this 25th day of to appear! Thurston and Mason Counties. publication of this notice or the ba~sop;L.!oquallum Road No. 200 August, 1971. ~; Anyone desiring to speak or same wil be bar.recl.. . ~oca~o !n the southwest quarter Board of County g ve testimony for or against the Date or. tirst publication OT :~ection 28, Township 19 Commissioners of Mason TA E | HOOD CANAL/ adoption of thisArticleXlshould Septemberg,_19/l. ~lorth, Range 6 W,st, W.M. County, Washington E David D. Gregory oeginning at Engineer s Station By Ruth E. Boysen place. Revised copies of the Executor or said Estate 2+68 through Engineer's station Auditor & Clerk i MANN REAL S T | REAL ESTATE / appear at the above time and Article are available as follows: Address 1017 -. 178th 13+97; all lying south of a line of the Board Dick_Endic°tt'BillSmithBr°ker- Mike Kirk 21 R.R. AVeEvening, 426-6592 anytimecall / and Insurance Agency / Th u r st o nDepartment, CountYThurston Healthcounty 9Lynw°°d' Wasnington8036 thirtYcenter (30)line. feetof souththe road°f rheas9/9-16-2t BOBBLE GOOOWlN | Union Hoodsport / Courthouse Annex, Olympia, Cook & Cook constructed in 1971 and as shown • Attorne s for Estate project on file in the office of the ~., --~,, --;-~ o-= "- "~=-;-= for 426-3503 / 898-2581 877-5211 / Washington. Farrell E. COOky . on the official map for this ,,,,=,THF'TWO~reltm°vers°fthe,,,.,,,, ,,,~ ,,,~ ,,.o,,~ ; Department, Fifth and Birch, 307 Oietz Building . Mason County Engineer. " ........ I 76 IRA EDWARDS / Live Where Others Vacati°n JM a s° n C ° u n tyShelton, Washington. Health Bremerton, Washington Also, that portion of the gooD, ann me zear o[ evu. CR 5-2751 9/16-13-2t 9~9-16-23-3tPlugmill Road No. 231, located in Samuel Johnson Thursday,September 23, 1971 - Shelton'Mason County Journal - Page 19