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Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971
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i i i: By JEANNINE PETERSON "-" 426-3815 with the aid of food stamps, makes a "long hot summer." (This is my opinion, not the Huckleberry Heralds'.) Calm Cove Marina had their problems, too. Their large sign which was solidly placed at the south entrance to the Lake turned up missing Labor Day weekend, and was found across the road in the ditch. Only a car could have pulled it loose. Double 2 x 4's held it in place. Perhaps a youth that was refused beer or cigarettes because of age? With the accumulation of accidents around the lake by the youth this summer, (there were 5) every one with children was kept on edge. Fear of the small ones being run over and fear that the older ones would be involved in an accident. So many close calls, but nothing seriOus. Hopefully speed and idleness will be replaced with books! ! ! ! I received a large newsy letter from Huckleberry Harry (Harry Martin) of Huckleberry Hill in Calm Cove. He built a retaining wall and you wouldn't believe! It's 8" thick, 30' long and four feet high. What kind of tides do you expect in Calm Cove7 (fondly referred to as Boozer's Cove by Harry). Tim Sayan, Mark Moore and Neal Nogler helped Harry build the beautiful wall. Nell Nogler also has had concrete work done this summer. A new patio with basketball backstop included for the boys' practice sessions. Beverly Martin and a college friend, Ann Osborn, spent a fun weekend at Huckleberry Hill during the summer. More guests in Calm Cove were Katherine Blanchard, a college friend of Jean Moore. She and her two children spent the last week of vacation with Jean. She and her husband Bob live in Portland. Lon and Pattie Pettitt had the southwest end of the lake to themselves the 1st year they made it their permanent home and then they welcomed Lon's brother Roger and his wife, Vi Pettitt, as permanent residents next door to them and this year another brother to the other side, Bill and Jeri Pettitt. Bill recently retired from the Air Force. They came Up from California in June and are living in their camper while their home is being built. They have a large boxer dog named "Sugar". Welcome, Pettitts! I understand Lon is from a big family. That side of the lake could be re-named "Pettitt's Place" or something! Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Belbeck were honored September 4 with a "going away" party after selling Jean and John Moore's son, Mark, had an exciting vacation this last summer. He worked at Alderbrook most of the summer and then he and a couple of friends went to California by motorcycle. A bed roll and $100 (he came back with $20) was all it took. They stopped in San Francisco at a Motel to take a bath and see the sights then on down to the Big Sur. A Japanese movie was being filmed there called "Raindrops'" and they watched the filming of that and then home. Mark said the people along the way in California were much friendlier to them than the northwest people. Sorry to hear that! Harry Evans is the "Good Samariton" of the week. Many of us have been looking for the large tree that has been a menace to boaters for many years on the west side of the lake across from little Hoquiam. Some one painted the top orange this spring and then it disappeared. We were concerned that it had floated somewhere else and would show up some dark night when it couldn't be seen. Many nights we listened to a boater roaring along in the night and we would wait for a crash! Still don't know how it was missed for so long. Anyway, Harry towed it to his place and, with help, pulled it up to shore. The main navigation hazard on Mason Lake is now a thing of the past. Thanks, Harry! The 7th of September, or the 1st day after Labor day, has to be the nicest day of the Year. The lake was like .glass, an occasional call of a Sea Gull or the quack of a hungry duck were the only sounds. Or perhaps you heard the laughter from the Peterson's at Paradise as the women gathered to celebrate the opening of school, the end of summer, or just a day of peace and quiet after the noisy summer. Eight of us played cards, snacked and giggled our way through the afternoon. Hazel Sayan won 1st prize for highest score. Pattie Pettitt won the honor of having the next party in October with the boobi prize. I received a thrill when I held my first 1500 trump hand. This was the firts game since our pinochle club adjourned after the spring luncheon in Bremerton year before last. Summer seemed short to us who were "sun sitters", but to the Fire Department it was a long summer. No fires but petty thievery posted a constant headache. Missing gasoline (even a piece of hose was cut from the truck next to a coupling to siphon gas with) and uniforms worn for fun instead of business. Idleness, BELFAIR SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS -- DRAIN FIELDS TOP SOIL -- SAND -- GRAVEL -- FILL DIRT INSURED -- LICENSED FRANK DeMIERO CR 5-6155 Belfair, Wash. their summer place on the Lake to the Dr. Richard E. Waller family of Gig Harbor. Guests who enjoyed live music by Chuck St. Clair and his wife from Kingsley included Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Wiltse (Mrs. Belbeck's sister) Gerald and Carolyn Belbeck (the couple's son) Robert and Peggy Sweet and the Rex Handys with their daughter Shirley and husband Dale Taylor. The Belbecks say they are going to miss the Lake and all the friends they have made here. Dr. Waller, a dentist, and his wife, Vivian, have two daughters. Terrance D. Hart killed in Mexico Terrance D. Hart, whose father and stepmother are Mr. and Mrs. Rodney G. Hart of Twanoh Falls, Belfair, was killed in an automobile accident in Ensenada, Mexico, on September 2. He was 23 years old. Terry attended North Mason High School briefly in 1965 and served two years in the U.S. Army including a year in Vietnam. Graveside services were held September 8 at Paradise Memorial Park, Long Beach, California. Included in the survivors are his mother Mrs. Robertie V. Hart and sister Marsha S. Hart, both of Long Beach, brother M. Nicole Hart, grandmother, Mrs. Frances Nay, and aunts and uncles Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. Dale H. Miller all of Twanoh Falls. The family requests that any donations be made to the Children's Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle. By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-642t ' O~OOOOO0 OOoO-~mD.O~O~ • Another North Shore world round of activities by visiting the traveller, Jeanne Powell, has returned from a three-week trip to Europe. She visited interesting places in France, England, Ireland and Scotland. In Paris and Le Havre, France, she met long-time pen pals. She visited in Ireland with the sister of a friend, saw Dublin and the surrounding country in the rain. She took a quick one-day trip to Glascow, Scotland. In London she indefatigably pursued available tours. Mrs. Powell reports she had no trouble spending her U.S. dollars, but the money marts of London were in a turmoil when she was there. On her way home she visited in Portland, Maine, her home state, with family and friends. Mrs. Powell is a nurse at Harrison Memorial hospital in Bremerton. Some 1971 North Mason graduates who will be pursuing higher learning this fall are: Ricky Dixon, Washington State University at Pullman, going to Olympic in Bremerton are Cliff Hall, Alan Sande, Joe Shearer, and Mary Lane. To name a few. Mrs. Grace Hunt chalked up two silver wedding anniversaries in her family during a busy summer of visiting, traveling, and working on her genealogical studies. Her son, William H. Hunt, and his wife, Barbara, North Shore residents, marked their 25th marital milestone during a big family celebration. She attended another silver anniversary when a daughter, Mrs. Troy McKelvey, and her husband, Dr. McKelvey of Buffalo, N.Y., held their celebration at the residence of another daughter, the Keith Bogards, at Kitsap Lake. Joining the family celebration were two McKelvey daughters, Tracy and Cathryn, who visited afterwards in Belfair and around Puget Sound, before returning to school, high school for Cathy and the U. of Northern Michigan for Tracy. Attending the ceremonies also family of another daughter, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Maser, Seattle, to help celebrate her youngest granddaughter's 2nd birthday last week. While in Seattle she made a call at University hospital for a report on the condition of Mary Kiezling, a fellow member in the Historical Society, etc. John Clappe, 69, was another one of Mrs. Hunt's five Of NO. Shore dies daughters, Mrs. John McArthur, Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING ON BUDGET, PORT OF ALLYN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Commissioners of the Port of AIlyn have completed and placed on file their preliminary budget for the Port District for the fiscal year of 1972, a copy of which may be obtained by any taxpayer at the following address: Belfair firehall, Belfair, Wash. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the Port Commission will meet at the Fire Hall in Belfair, Mason County, Washington on the 24th of September at the hour of 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of fixing and adopting the final budget of the Port District for the ensuing year, (fiscal 1972) and any taxpayer may appear at said hearing and be heard for or against any part of said budget. DATED at Belfair, Washington this 10th day of September, 1971. Board of Commissioners Port of Allyn By Ellen Palmer, Clerk 9/16-23-2t DELIVERY John Clappe, 69, of North Shore died September 4 at the Bremerton Convalescent Center. In respect for his wishes, no services were held. He was born December 25, 1901 in French Lick, Ind. Mr. Clappe served six years in the U. S. Navy and worked for 37 years at PSNS. He retired in 1959 as an associate supervisor inspector. Survivors include his wife, Margaret of the family home; a son, John of the family home; a daughter, Suzan of San Diego; four sisters, Harriett Parks of Bellflower, Calif., Barbara Blaiotta of San Francisco, Virginia Lewis of Texas and Norma Cobert of Hubbard, Ore.; and a brother, Harold of Nehalem, Ore. NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOARD MEETING All citizens of North Mason School District No. 403, Mason County, Washington are hereby notified that a Special Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of North Mason School District No. 403 will be held on Thursday, September 23, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. in the High School Library. Purpose of the Special Meeting is for revision and adoption of the School District Final Budget for the 1971-72 school year and. this Special Meeting will constitute a legal Final Budget Public Hearing as COUNTY PARK BOARD The Mason County Park and Recreation Board met Tuesday evening in the Commissioner's office in Shelton September 7th. The meeting will continue Monday the 13th to work on the budget for the year. R HY. provided by law. Other budgetary and financial matters of the district may be considered at this Special Meeting. This Special Meeting is open to the public and all school district patrons and interested citizens are invited and encouraged to attend. Kenneth B. Leatherman Chairman Board of Directors UNOFFICIAL RALLY North Mason School District No. 403 Several complaints of a car 9/16-23-2t r a 11 y i n t h e D e W a t t O - T i'------- ----- --'-:-------'-"--------------'--" ! Lake-Burma Road areas were t For Delivery I received Sunday in the Sheriff's office in Belfair. Complaintants / Seattle Times I stated that the cars were using | Phone I excessive speed and that a course | CR 5-2402 . had been marked out along the |_ Ervin Furchert roadways. - .......................... Los Gatos, Calif. Only one daughter, Mary Parker, San Jose, Calif., didn't get up for the family reunions. Mrs. Hunt is the matriarch of a family that includes some 22 grandchildren. She capped off the / Groceries, Beverages, Marine Supplies, Ski Ropes, Fishing Supplies, Housewares. HOURS: Fri. 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mason Lake 426-3732 L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By LOU DONNELL ~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~uu~~~~~~~u~u~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~uuu~~u~u~~niu~~~i~` Two weeks ago I was sipping champagne in the company of the Governor. Last week I spent an afternoon in the company of royalty. Sounds impressive, doesn't it? As most readers of the Herald have known, Emily Meyer of South Shore hasbeen Washington State USO-GSO Queen for the past year. Due to changes in the budget of usa, her reign was extended a few months so she is still carrying on the Queen's duties. One of those is visiting servicemen in hospitals. Last Thursday afternoon she was scheduled to visit Madigan Hospital near Fort Lewis and she invited me to be her official chaperone. Never having been a beauty queen myself, I thought it might be interesting to go along and see what happens on a "royal" visit. Although we are distantly related, I did not know Emily and enjoyed getting acquainted on our ride to the hospital. (Her great-grandmother, Mrs. Dan Conan, is my father's sister and you're welcome to try to figure out what that makes Emily and me.) We found the right building with the aid of a map she'd been sent, plus some added assistance from two good-looking guards at the gate, and went inside to meet the hospital's entertainment director, Gini Thibodeaux, who accompanied us to Wards 11 and 7. Ward 11 was for persons recovering from major surgery and each of the two wings was divided into four sections of eight beds. As we entered, Gini led the way and announced that Queen Emily, Washington's usa Queen, had come to visit and we walked through the ward to the end, being announced at each section. Then Emily began her visits and we worked our way back through the ward. I was very impressed with her friendly manner and her poise. She greeted every man individually, talking to each for several minutes, except for three or four who were asleep or two who were being visited by their doctor. She didn't wait for the men to think of something to say, she didn't giggle and just stand there, she didn't ask what was wrong with them nor if they'd been wounded in Vietnam; she kept to safe topics like asking where they came from or commenting on their choice of reading material to get a conversation started and even the most dejected, disinterested ones were smiling or laughing before she went on to the next bed. Both Emily and I were surprised to learn that only one-eighth to one-fourth of the patients at Madigan are men wounded in Vietnam. Gini said the planeloads of wounded from the war zone had greatly decreased in the past few months and there were less than half as many coming in now as there were when she started work a year and a half ago. But in Ward 7, we were told, three-fourths of the men were young men wounded in Vietnam. Gini said this ward had the most fun as each of the fellows attempted to keep everyone's spirits up. It was a little different from what I remember of hospital wards. In one wing a sheet was hanging across the center aisle in the center of the room and a movie was being projected on it. The men in the four rows of beds behind the sheet could watch it too, only everything was backwards from what the ones in front saw. Some were watching the movie and others weren't but they all gladly took their attention away for the few minutes Emily talked to each. One of the first patients I noticed when we entered this ward was a redhead in a wheelchair with his artificial leg upright on his lap. The next time I saw him was when I glanced away from where Emily and an amputee were having their picture taken by the Army photographer and I saw one foot sticking up in the air from behind a bed and suddenly realized someone in a wheelchair was lying on his back on the floor. Just then a corpsman righted the chair and I could tell that there had been no accident, the corpsman had been playing a joke on the red-haired patient. Later I saw the same patient wrap his cane around the ankle of a nurse as she stood nearby checking on a man lying on his stomach on a circular bed. I doubt if anyone could get too bored in that ward with that redhead around. As Emily chatted and joked with the men, Gini told me how the men in these two wards appreciated visitors since they were usually confined for a long period of time. She also commented on how poised and friendly Emily's manner was in getting the fellows to visit a bit. Just an example I overheard as Emily approached a patient with a tube from a bottle of clear liquid strapped to his wrist: "What's this? Some kind of outside plumbing?" she asked. "Plumbing!" he replied indignantly. "That's my lunch!" And another conversation was begun. Mason County Journal Thursday, September 16, 1971 dock o September 27 has been set as the deadline for letters pro or con on a 300 foot dock on South Shore which was started last year extending into Hood Canal from the Gene Ward property. Because no permit had been obtained, work was stopped and the long process of getting approval from the fourteen State and federal agencies before final approval from the Army Corps of Enginers was begun. Because nine letters of objection from neighboring property owners were received by the Corps, Lt. Col. H. W. Munson came out from Seattle on August 27 to personally inspect the double rows of pilings which had been installed last year and to hold an informal hearing among neighbors. It will be his decision whether permission is granted or denied. A spokesman for the group of persons objecting to the long dock said she felt if it had been a floating dock it would not have been so objectionable, but that the tall pilings extending out from the shore spoils the view when the tide is out. There are no other docks in the immediate area, the other property owners using buoys for their boats. "We don't feel we have too much chance of stopping tla~s dock," said the spokesman of the objectors, "but we hope to create enough interest to stop others from doing the same. The entire view of our shoreline could be ruined by pilings and docks." She admitted that it was a nuisance to be ferried out to the boats fastened to buoys, but said that, until now, everyone in the area had been willing to forsake the convenience of stepping from a dock into their boats to maintain the natural beauty of the shore. It was reported that one close neighbor was in favor of the project. If the permit is granted by Col. Munson, the district engineer, the case will be closed and work may proceed as far as the Corps is concerned. If the permit is denied, the case will automatically be reviewed by the next higher authority, the division engineer in Portland. If he, too, denies the permit it will be reviewed in Washington, D.C. before the case is closed. First PTA meeting set for September 16 Representation of the students on P.T.A. Board and closer work on community problems associated but not necessarily centered on the schools were mentioned. An invitation was extended, not only to parents, but to the community for the September 16th meeting to be held in the Belfair school multipurpose room at 8 p.m. Mrs. Baldy reminds everyone of coffee time at 7:30 before the meeting. Nine new teachers to the North Mason district along with last year's teaching staff will be introduced at the first P.T.A. meeting of the 1971-1972 school year, to be held Sept. 16. Mrs. A1 Baldy, P.T.A. President, will introduce her committee chairmen and outline programs for the coming meetings. "We are presenting something new this year," stated Mrs. Baldy, "I hope the community will be as eager for its success as I am." BEO 5 EMILY MEYER of South Shore, who has served as Washington's USO-GSO Queen the past year, is seen autographing a cast for a wounded serviceman at Madigan Hospital during a tour last Thursday. (See Huckleberry Friend column.) Page 8 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - September 16, 1971