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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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newcomer to the area, but Don K. South ,. Schoner, who recently opened other meat market has such a :~ ~ • : " q Schoner Meats on South Shore at lovely view location for its D ~ ~ ~ .,~,. .~. ~ ~ .~ .~. ~ .~ ..~,. ..~ O -~. .~,- o ~.. ~,~. ..~. o ",~," ~ ~ ~ G the former location of Wold' sbusiness. The yew happiest of birthday stumps. The end to this stow was Nuernbcrger, WWII duty of son Meats, is finding that he knows So far, Schoner reports, many people along both sides of business has been booming and wishes were given by members of delicious jerky cured on sticks Ernest Jr. now living in the canal. Many are former when the orders get a little ahead Thriftway store and cafe withover the smoke of the campfire. Bremerton. An uncle and cousin e~t "-M;s clustomers of his meat company in of him his father comes __________ifrom 1 cards and three birthday cakes, The earlier trails for ox team also served in Spanish American ~ ~ ..... ~ Silverdale, which is still open for Everett to lend a helping hand. varying in size from small to two logging from Bear Creek were and World War I And II. ~! .~ business although he plans toRudy Schoner at 80, enjoys large heart-shaped cakes for the near the Barney White place and Well, it was his birthday but I ~ ~'~ ~ spend most of his time in his new the change from retired life as 86th birthday on August 29 ofthe Phillip homestead. The roads received the gift of a can of ~ ~: Mr Ernest Nuernberger of were not too good being just salmon from the recent catch at ~, !;~ shop, and some were customerslong as he doesn't "have to' Mission Lake. wide enough for a' horse and LaPush. Aren t people just i i ~ ~ik when he and his father, Rudy work. He looks forward to the Schoner, operated the West Park days he heads for Belfair to work Belated birthday wishes on buggy. Bob Charley Irvin ran the wonderful'. Market in Bremerton. in his son's shop. Last week :~ my part ended in an evening ofstage to Port Or chard twice a Sympathy and ouches go to ~ In 1938 he bought propoerty business was brisk and the elder show-and-tell as Mr. Nuernberger week. Astage run was started in Mrs. Blanche Caldwell for / SAN ...... S 1 basketballthan one on North Shore which he held for Schoner spent three days working told of his earkier years, coming to 1911 using the Model T Ford todisburbing that yellowjacket ~ii! ~!hlii~~il ~ieFii!!iii! several years before selling it, so with his son ..... ~ this state at the age of 3 months transport the mail, loggers, and refuge inside her boot. The bee he is not entirely new to the area. Schoner anticipates the largest from Ohio to a homestead siteschool children to the pass on the was definite in resentment of her At present he is living with his share of his business will be in ~ J with his grandfather, a veteran of North Shore to Por{ Orchard, intruding big toe. 18-year old son in Silverdale and sides of beef orders, but he also t the Civil War. The homestead was meeting the boat there every dayThe impossible dream of established near the present site A competitor began with boat having your cake and eating it too will cater to smaller packages of r- DENNIS | meat and special cuts. He expects of the Port Orchard hospital now service on the canal then on to was a reality in a weekend of fun J REAL ESTATE | t o be kept busy cutting and ~ under construction in what, at the same routebutusingtheearly for Tony, Gina, and all the | | wrapping venison cuts when | that time, was the town of model of the Chevy. Well thesmaller members of the Hannan | watSd~Coa/iZann~'Ciew / hunting seasoncomes. | Sidney. His sister, who is now 81 company went broke when 'these family. They all knew that Gina years of age and living in cars could not take the samewas a good cook, butwhenshe Officers installed for / [ Hours fortheshopare8to5 | | Belfair Across From [ weekdays and open till noon on ~! Hansvflle, was born in Sidney and abuse as the Model T. entered her favorite recipe of CR 5-2254 Belfair State Park Saturda" s ~ later attended school with him. Mr. Nuerenberger worked at Northwest Rodeo Stew in the Beochcomber Gordon C!Uob IC ] " I] mml Memories are of trips by PSNS from 1905 to1930. Thriftway recipe contest and ! ! iiiii: ~ sailboat to Seattle for supplies,A very close listener and the came up one of the 25 top Warm summer sunshine and Presid ; . L p lore, i .................. --------- ...... - ........ - .... ------- ............. and while at the sharp age of ten, best friend of Mr. Nuernbergerwinners, this just proved their gentle fall breezes combined to President. of catching the eyes of the girls at was his ten year old campanion,, a talking point, enhance the parklike, The club welcomed Nora [ CLOSE OUT SALE the anchor~ide spot near the fox terrier dog named Mike. Talking about the prize begonia-studded grounds of the McPherson of Union as a new mudflats. A ir within the boat These two have been travel winning trip was a far cry from Clement HollhomeinGrapeview member. Plans were begun for the All 1971 Boats and Motors while he was busy looking was companions spending many days fun while peeling onions for relish for the installation of the 3rd annual Fall Festival whereby in Stock ] difficult to explain to his covering the many tourist spots last Wednesday, but as Gina did 1 971- 1973 officers of the the club hopes to earn all or most u h grandfather. It was very difficult by trailer in the past years. The this tear-jerking chore, she Beachcombers Garden Club. of the $75 scholarship annually [ also SKI SALE i to understand the jargon of the tour reads like an atlas that described their fabulous prize trip Thursday, September 9, Mrs. given a North Mason High School Indians stopping in at the Georgie includes the well-known San to Vancouver, B.C. that included Gus Mey, immediate past Director graduating senior. Motler store that is how the Simeon Castle in California (twice the whole family of Meg, Jeff,of the Cross Sound District of the Plans were also completed to | Pee Wee$ set for Blanchard s of Port Orchard. visited), Carlsbad Caverns, John, Dan, and Joe. Washington State Federation of decorate the Belfair Community DE S BOATS & MOTOR ~ paper drive Trips between Sidney (Port Phoenix, Arizona, just to name a The all-expense paid visit Garden Clubs, installed the Baptist Church this month and to ~ Bank Terms Belfair CR 5-2297 ] Orchard) and Clifton (Belfair) by few. began on Saturday with checking following: Mrs. C. E. Veitch,provide bouquets for the ~-------- ..... - ....... ------- ................. - .... ----- ........... - ............ A paper drive has been horseback took two days with an After some 17 years of driving in to a downtown hotel in Treasurer; Mrs. Robert Andrews, Bremerton YMCA next month, decided upon as the means to overnight camp necessary. Mail and visiting friends around the Vancouver. This wasthe first time Secretary; Mrs. Win. C. Nitz, Vice | l~_,_____Ae,,.,m~ I------urn | raise money for uniforms and was carried by an uncle on country, the annual fishing stint for the kids and was in itself quite ! II Eil]ilBIIU[ilIil IllU¥ i equipment for the newly horseback trails over fallen trees at La Push has become the a thing. They were guests at the | "--,~---=~" ..... • I " ] organized North Mason Pee Wee andhappy, live cougars. Hunting favored spot. Pictures of fishing Pacific Northwest Exposition that NO candidate for Tahuya Fet n Irl~li Ndlm~U' Bi~_~Brl~ | group. Papers will bc collected in trips to the lake areas past the trips with his grandchildren John had carnival rides for the younger | v • •w v ww w v -- v.. • | Allyn Sept. 20, on South Shore beautiful timbered area of and Susie, show many large fish set and star spectacular nightly By Friday of last week no one held by Rev. Wendell Harder. | H~NS * Genuine Stone NFCKLACES | Sept. 21, on North Shore Sept. 22 McKenna Falls were made with landed successfully but it seems entertainment. They enjoyed the packboards and plans to stay for a that grandfather catches only the "New Secrets" performance thathad filed to run for the position Belfair and South Shore are ~ ~TS - Leather and Chain i and on the old Belfair Ftighway of director of district no. 1, included in this district. ! I I ~ PINS * HAIR ORNAMENTS * | Sept. 23. Returnable bottles wilt month period. What could be aRock Cod. was likened to the music of the Tahuya, in the election of There was still one week I I ~GS - Pierced and Clip | also be collected by the boys. special hunting story was when The family background has Beatles. The outstanding both the hunter and the deer were granddaughter Susie celebrating performance was of the "Dancing SchoolmemberSBoard.°f the North Mason before17, the filing deadline, Sept. Ill| ~ ]~ "~ *BRACELETSFancy and Plain * RINGS-- || beingAnplannedadult tobenefithelp financedance theiS passing so close to each other that her 23rdbirthday on August 18,Waters ' were the rainbow coloredThree candidates will fight it II I Expert ~ | junior sports program with Mr. Mr. Nuernberger reached out with and alsobeing a bride this last fountains of water swirled and out for thedistrict 3 position i1 .... "-,-_~ II~II~ABI~ I~l~lllldr•_ ,and Mrs. Richard MacGeorge in ~~~-=--------"------ both arms, grabbing the deer by Saturday. Added to the Civil Wardanced in streams high in the air presently held by Ken I1 rrescrnpuon • II~lEILr~lllqk I~l~Uqtill | charge. the neck, and .both tumbling veteran status of the grandfather through 8 controlled water jets in Leatherman.The incumbent has RADIATORS TAKEN | • Service • | It was decided at the E N down the hill of brush, trees, and is the WWI wounded veteran Mr.time to music, filed for another term and will be A report of 35 radiators taken I! L J 9 - 7 Weekdays -- 10-4 Sundays | September 8 meeting to charge a In the night on the town theyrunning against Tony Hannan and from the wrecking yardjust north ~ 9- 8 Frid~ fee of $8 per child per sport to / Lee toprnore.-BUltDER ' visited Gastown, the older historic Gene Foster. This is the district of Belfair on the Bremerton • ~ - O & G TRE~ SERV|CE ] part of Vancouver that is being cover insuranCechdd fromC°StS'a famdylf morels around the old Belfair highway, highway was turned into the competition this ll ~,::!I~:__~!!!!:T ~,,a~ -~___~__v _=.~..,,. J,F,,,~w m~-,, ] restored, and the Marco Polo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~l~~l~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~l ~ . "! ..... " * =~k TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED ] restaurant featuring 20 kinds of Carol Wentlandt has filed to Belfair Sheriff s office on = = turning out the ~ee win oe~ess. FULLY INSURED ] food served smorgasbord style,run for the district 4 position now September 11. ~ IP~I~ ~ ~ • I~ ~ It is hoped that organization ~li~ll~l ............. .-_ ] The beauty of Stanley Park was -- ruIK :'lJukLr. - and financing of the group will be ~C 117 I.ou I~bbs TR ~-4783 ] also enjoyed during the visit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l ----- ......... --=_ completed in time to enter ---- BONDED LICENSED INSURED - Congratulations - it's nice to ==- 2 - KITCHEN CABINETS, avocado green, 133/4 x 24 x 63 ~ " " ' " , , know the Hannan family, with _ JESF|ELD CONSTRUCT|ON - - --winter. Tony active in the many Boy e/ _-= ELECTRIC RANGE, Westinghouse =---- Persons interested in acting as ..... _ I Scout facets and at present - CONTRACTING BU LDING = - - coaches are asked to contact --_= ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, 23V2"x30V2"x63" == Lowell Gunselman. HOOD CANAL SECUR|TY PATROn running f°r a sch°°l b°ard= CABINET WORK" CONCRETE WORK t t position. Gina has earned her --= =-- Mrs Bette Ward has offered --= New Formica COUNTER, BAR and STAINLESS STEEL SINK =-- to serve" as treasurer of the group _ , ,~ .. . _ I license and works with a real -~ Ben Jesfield P.O. Box 11 Jim Jesfield ~-- ~ New SHOWER STALL, 31Va" x 31V," x 76]/z" ~ " " llurgmr Alarm . ystems - Kentll/00Is [ estate firm as well as being an -- CR 5-2652 Belfair, Washington CR 5-6684 --_---- --= BEDROOM SET, twin beds, head boards, wardrobe closet, chest ] active member of the Evergreen St. RI. 1, Box 556, Belfair I Garden Club and a Cub Scout i~ll~ll~lll~ll~l~lllll~|~l|u~lulu~lll~llllll~lllll~lllllllll~l~l~llll~lllll~lllllu~l~lllul~ ~- of drawers, dressing table. =_-- ALLYN PORT BUDGET 2 RU ....... A proposed budget for the Mike Selby CR52976 I Den Mother coach. ~'°'~'"~''~"4~'"m''~"m'°°"m'~"m""m~'~'"m"1 -=- - GS,60 x58 and72 x99 ~rs o Saron Oar, ~, ,~ ~ o ......... co ca forte 1 o*l S.,.,S~ l =_ .......... ,-~o.-~=t and FIXTURES --= District will be presented at a I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernie or ore Electronics - WRITE BOX 305, ABERDEEN WA 98520 =- budget meeting to be held y Campus ~~ Perrigo, returned home in August • % % . t, I ~ for a visit to held with the ) 3 BIELFAIIII BUILDERS SUPPLY ( children while Mrs. Perrigo was ! W somce-Color or B/W * HI-FI ! - PHONE CR 5-6310 " ---= September 23 at 8 p.m. in the ' " - - ----= Saturday, Sept. 18,12-4 p.m. --=--Belfair Firehall. The public is ~~v:~n ~:~r~, I~;i~ ) c ~k \ / / ~- ~ confined to the hospital andt MARINE * AIRCRAFT* 2-WAY RADIO | = invited to attend. ,) \ \x \ / / / / ~ recovering from a heart attack. I ANTENNAS, INTER.COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS IFCC LICENSED ----------------------------------------------------' ) VACATION - VILlaGE Sharon had not been home f , , - " t iadi ES ~1{ for two years, so that, in spite of I ' ! ~'~~ # I¢'VI,"~fMV~I~#~'a~~ v ~,~-~i#l~-J~ OPEN FOR INSPECTION / HOURS, It ) ~ -S PRICES / SA¥.-d':'2"ao ~ enjoyable and ended all too soon. t I d ~~ I Many styles to choose from. k' PhO / ---N \ rEEKDAYS ( With sisters Angela, Denise, and I DAN IERISH Cl 5-.6654 i 10 ~_CR 5-2090 ~ INFORMATIU ~. 7.'30 "5:30 Tami Lisa, there was time fore i.~. o -- o -- -- -- -,,,,- -- -- -" "~" " ~" "~ -- ~ ! for complete beauty service ~ I S4 TO $ ~;~ pleasant day driving along Hood ~ • ~ ~---~ I ' Canal to Hoodsport doing a bit of -~ m i I -- I1~ B beachcombing and a picnic with ~ How Featumg the NEW __... I I~ lUll'Hal IT n-----nnntn __i/pa~n~nns. swimming andstate Park boating at Twanoh t Body So Lasting" by Zotos I Ladies Harnes BOOTS Friendships were renewed ' *12 Next to PUD Building At Belfair withcrosby,fOrmerpoulsbo,ClassmateSand Pleasantat the ~ HAIR CONDITIONING PERMANENT ~~-~t~" / I IMl~l~lll I~ll~ll~l l~ql~IB Valley Schools, and Bremerton ~ Cutting & Styling Our Specialty -. q~. ~ i mq,~ r.K r KI,/i/lla ~. m.4"x 4 Parts and Accessories High graduates of her class OfptcntCparkl967.." wtthAwasfamilYtheheldw~shreuni°nat BthatelfairbarbeqUesharonState .It I ncluding the new Shag CUtEleanor : Mon ., Tues, Wed., Sat. eRS-2$Og 'n°ne i C/Or [| LL" 1 9 to 9 Weekdays and Saturdays 9 to 2 " " I Carol: Mon., Tues., Thurs" Fri., Sat. ~ I~ ~ J~ e will have a return visit and bring Jean. Wed, Thurs, Fri I Ci -2174 husband, Don, to share the " " " " 1 MARY WRIGHT PHONE CR 5-2033 ,,, Sunday Em ergen¢,i,es enjoyment. - ~-- ~,,- -,-,- -~- -,,,..,,,..~,. o .~. o o .,...,,,,...,~ .,,,- ..,,...,. ~,,..,,..,m. 4,,. I V Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - September 16, 1971 September 16, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3