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5: .
Shawn Batstone and Andra Kelley.Batstone
On July 1 7:
Kelley., 00,atstone
wed m 00,00,edmond
Andra Kelhy and Shawn M
Batstone, both of Redmond, ex-
changed vows at 2 p.m. Satur-
day, July 17, at LaCachette Bed &
Breakfast in Seabeck
Judge Jim Doerty performed
the ceremony attended by a
small gathering of family and
close friends.
The bride is the daughter of
Jim and Carol Kelley of Shelton.
She graduated from Shelton
tiigh School in 1991 and received
a bachelor of arts degree in soci-
ology from the IJniversity of
Andra works as a lel;al assis
tant for Kutscher Johnson in
Seattle. She is also a shif! super-
• visor at the Old Fire House Teen
Center in Redmond.
The groom's parents are Bill
and Judy Batstone of Shelton and
Jean and Mark Goehring of
Redmond. The 1990 graduate of
Redmond High School received a
bachelor of arts degree in speech
communication from the UW
and certification as an elemen-
tary teacher from Western
Washington University.
Shawn is a fifth-grade teacher
at Emily Dickinson Elementary
School in Redmond.
After the wedding the couple
took a week-long honeymoon trip
in Tahiti.
The newlyweds live in Red-
Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun-
teer group whose placement services,
kennels and spay-neuter assistance
program are financed through month-
ly garage sales. To list pets with the
placement-assistance program or to
list lost and found pets, call before 8
p.m, Sunday for publication. All pets
from Adopt-a-Pet kennels are vet-
checked. Call 426-2610 to set up a
kennel visit or to donate items.
Or visit the Web site at www.aap-
WILEY, A 5-month-old, neutered
hound cross, is tan-colored and de-
scribed as "a beautiful pup" by kennel
TRAMP, AN 8-month-old, black-
and-sable, neutered shepherd cross
with one lop ear, is a sweet dog who
will be large, according to his care-
CUPCAKE IS A spayed, 6-month-
old, yellow I;ab-boxer cross.
ACE, A NEUTERED, 6-month-old
shepherd cross, is gold-colored and
will be large. Volunteers say he is a
great dog.
GYPSY, A BLACK and silver,
spayed, 6-month-old shepherd cross,
is called a "real lover" by volunteers.
Free Pets
triever-yellow Lab cross is an outdoor
dog. 426-6896 alter 10 a.m.
CHARLIE, A copper-colored, male
bound cross, is 8 months old, house-
broken and good with children. A
fenced yard is required. 432-0210.
A LARGE Newfoundland-Lab
cross between 3 and 4 years old was
found in the Lake Arrowhead area.
The housebroken dog is large with
black, medium-length hair and brown
eyes. 360-482-1291.
TWO GOLDEN Lab-chow cross fe-
male pups are 10 weeks old and good
with children and other animals. A
tbnced yard is required. 432-9721.
City of Shelton
Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $25 plus $5 for a
city license. New dogs are brought in
all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit
the shelter at 902 West Pine Street.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.,n. Mon-
day through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. Saturday.
Here's a listing of some of the dogs
available this week:
months old.
months old.
AKITA-LAB female, 1 year old.
obedience training. Volun-
teers say he has a super per-
sonality. A fenced yard is re-
quired. Call 426.2610 to meet
High School Spotlight: , ....
i i iii i i i i i ii i
Page 6- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, september 16, 1999
Alex sets goals for senior year
By MARY DUNCAN plains. "I'd actually like to go to UniversitfamilY thatin livesMilwaukee'h read!
As Alex Keyzers begins his the middle school and get the have ".'e:onviJ
senior year at Shelton High younger people involved in good really enjoy that state. I ca
School he has clear goals for his habits, good activities before they my grandmother I'd really I
future, his athletic achievements go into high school, to see her again She's really f
to be with," he notes.
on the swim team and for "And," he adds, "also get the
SAFTYE (Stop Automobile Fa- high school more involved so we Alex's family includes
talities Through Youth Efforts) have a larger group next year mother Renee, a
Club. and more variety of activities." high school and college,
Alex, who is the Associated ASIDE FROM SAFTYE Club, dad Bill. He has a
Student Body representative for Alex spends most of his time in stepbrother, Wendy
SAFTYE Club this year, attended and around water. He says, "I'm who's married and
the National Student Safety Pro- manager of the girls' swim team Lacey, and Tim
gram convention in June with this year. Last year on the boys' was just in the
six other students and SHS advi- swim team I made it to districts." finding that special
he's in a local band
sor Gerald Apple and his wife. He competes in the 100 freestyle,
the 100 back stroke and relays, really good alterna
But it was not all work for the brags, "and I like
group. "We went to Atlanta, "I really enjoyed swim team. them."
Georgia, first and we spent two I'm also planning -" he pauses "THEN I HAVE four
days just goofing around in and interjects, "cross my fingers that live at home with
Atlanta," Alex notes. They went - on going to state this year on now. Spring's going
to a Braves game where Alex fell the boys' swim team." freshman this year
asleep and there are even pic- a junior at Shelton,
tures of him snoozing, he adds Swimming has been a part of grade-point average.
with a grin. his life since childhood. "My me mad," he jokes,
morn was involved with it and I she's "really involved
THE GROUP also visited Six just like the water. I started ming too." The two
Flags, an amusement park, and swimming when I was 4 or 5 and ones, Rosie and Julia,
toured CNN headquarters. Alex then I did Sharks swim team schooled, as he was
wasn't impressed with the TV when I was little," he recalls, school.
facilities but he did find an "Then I just dropped it for two
amazing variety of shops in years and my junior year I did Alex says being horn
Atlanta's Underground. He ad- it. It was like, 'Wow! This is was an advantage, to
mits he didn't visit many of the more fun than anything else.' " easier 'cause you have
shops "because we were too busy challenge (in home
like in Hooters the whole entire He has a unique method for and you can get your
time, us guys, you know." He challenging himself to shave done a lot fastertoO?
smiles coyly, time from hisswims. "I think of He continues,
Then it was on to Clemson a big box of macaroni and cheese mine and most of
University in South Carolina for on the other side of the pool," Alex all but dad, he d
the conference. Alex says, "We confesses. "The noodles, swim raising rabbits,
listened to speakers and learned through the noodles." for show. My morn
different ways to prevent auto fa- HE WAS ALSO manager of goras right now. My
talities. We listened to different the track team last year, which smaller ones. I just
speakers that we might be able to he says was hard because mine which are
book to come down here and "usually there's three or four which are the largest
speak." Alex says he hopes to be track team managers but last breed animal. They
able to attend next year's nation- year I was the only one. It was a up to 14, 15 poun,
al convention in Texas. new experience and I really en- really gentle.
joyed watching the activities and
"I was in 4-H for si 3
The Shelton group also pre- being able to write down scores
sented a workshop on its fund- and learn what being a manager says. "You get to
raising activities. Efforts dur- is all about. It helps also with jobs and show rabbits. I' !
ins the past school year paid for and stuff like that." bag full of awards.
the trip to the national confer- ure out what to dc
ence. For instance, SAFTYE Alex's determination extends
Club holds pancake breakfasts, beyond SAFTYE Club and swim Alex offers some
runs concessions at the high team. "I'm going to study pay- vice to incoming
school and washes cars. The chology," he declares. "To be a "Don't piss off the
group also sponsors "fun nights" BECOMING INVOLVED WITH SAFTYE Club, partici- psychiatrist is my main focus sure you get that," he
at SHS. "It's n all-night deal. pating on the swim team and managing the track and right now, helping people with with a tongu
We have swimming, basketball girls' swim teams are activities Alex Keyzers says he different problems. I was pres- "And don't walk on
and foosball. We were success- thought of "as to do with my time instead of wasting sured by my morn to start think- either. If we see you
ful in that too," Alex reports, it, like sitting at home watching TV." highing aboutschoolWhatbecauseI wantthistO dOisaftermy goingor somethingt° thrOWsoit keepd°Wnour'
THIS IS THE second year he's senior year. Helping people with clean.
been involved with the club. "I all the older people" who, he says, He is hoping to send a strong different problems all of a sud- "And have school
was kinda like conned into it by tend to discriminate against message to an even younger den occurred to me because I'm, many people do but
my cousin and a friend of teens as irresponsible. And for group. "My goals for this year like, really good at that anyway, with different
mine," he explains as another
impish grin crosses his face. "I other teens, Alex says the mes- are to get the middle school in- It's something that interests me You can always h
sage is "Hey, stop drinking and volved with SAFTYE Club. We and that's my goal for now." concludes with a
think the advantage of belonging driving and killing innocent used to have a program but some- He says he's looking forward you out of trouble."
to SAFTYE Club is on your col- people that are out there." how we lost track of it," he ex- to college at Wisconsin State
lege application it looks good."
He laughs, then continues,
"And it also puts out a message to ( %: :&' ::i!i% N ::*: ............................. ......................... "
" * i >,'. . Forms are available
a a,::. rice at 227 West
. . • {: k . i!i! i,
.::*/!!ii:: dings, engagementS,
saries and meetings'
Black-and-white pr
The old barn on Cloquallum Four youngsters, obviously in Last Sunday, we took another good color prints,
Creek was full of swallows all flight training, perched on the picnic to Cloquallum. Only a few tory for pictures.
I've lived in a forest, summer. We counted at least a barbed-wire fence opposite us, crows and the resident kingfisher available at the offi
I've lived on a plain, dozen nests full, and even during balancing in the stiff breeze with moved between us and the sky. as soon as the
I've lived on a highway, the first week of September, a few some difficulty. The mother swal- The place that all summer had If you wish
a freeway, a lane! late broods were still on the nests, low flew by periodically and fed been atwitter with swallow chat- mail, please
Fat baby barn swallows bulg- one and then another on the ter was silent; only the wind dressed,
I've lived on a mountain, ing from a nest remind me of wing. In between feedings they spoke among the rotting shakes Deadline is 2 p.m.
I've lived in a valley, smoked oysters close-packed in peeped plaintively at us. "Got and log rafters of the roof. However, news
I've lived on an avenue', their wrappers. It's a mystery flies?" their looks said. weddings and
even an alley! how they stayin there. I don't know how they do it, always printed on
It seemed incredible that those but they've done it. Until next available, first
spring, they're gone. served basis.
In the noonday sun on Labor
Day, we ate a picnic lunch and late-reared fledglings flapping
watched the summer's crop of aimlessly around would, in a few
barn swallows dappling over the more days, go soaring over the
creek, skimming the pasture and countryside on their way to Cen-
soaring over the big spruce. A few tral America. How do they man-
late fledglings practiced their fly- age it? And speaking of mysteries,
ins skills from the roof and others we asked each other, where did
bumbled about inside the barn. barn swallows live before barns?
I've lived in the country,
the suburbs, the city -
sometimes where it's ugly,
sometimes where it's pretty.
I've lived on a desert,
I've lived by the sea
and all of these places
are special to me.
Why do I wonder
what more is out yonder?
My heart is a Gypsy.
A Gypsy must wander.
neutered, 2U2.year-old husky-
shepherd-spaniel cross, is cur-
rent on all shots and has had ..... HEATHER
FridaY,3 p.m.-September7 p.m. 17th * PERENN00
31 East Sycamore Court
- and - I0 a.m.-4 p.m. ..'.<-
60 East Sycamore Court.__ Tuesday-Saturday. ' --.....
Closed Sunday-Monday
2 7 Calder Road I-[ 1.,..,.
Elma * 482-3572
been our
of the
Shawn, Ginger, Heidi,
Dianne, Susan
5: .
Shawn Batstone and Andra Kelley.Batstone
On July 1 7:
Kelley., 00,atstone
wed m 00,00,edmond
Andra Kelhy and Shawn M
Batstone, both of Redmond, ex-
changed vows at 2 p.m. Satur-
day, July 17, at LaCachette Bed &
Breakfast in Seabeck
Judge Jim Doerty performed
the ceremony attended by a
small gathering of family and
close friends.
The bride is the daughter of
Jim and Carol Kelley of Shelton.
She graduated from Shelton
tiigh School in 1991 and received
a bachelor of arts degree in soci-
ology from the IJniversity of
Andra works as a lel;al assis
tant for Kutscher Johnson in
Seattle. She is also a shif! super-
• visor at the Old Fire House Teen
Center in Redmond.
The groom's parents are Bill
and Judy Batstone of Shelton and
Jean and Mark Goehring of
Redmond. The 1990 graduate of
Redmond High School received a
bachelor of arts degree in speech
communication from the UW
and certification as an elemen-
tary teacher from Western
Washington University.
Shawn is a fifth-grade teacher
at Emily Dickinson Elementary
School in Redmond.
After the wedding the couple
took a week-long honeymoon trip
in Tahiti.
The newlyweds live in Red-
Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun-
teer group whose placement services,
kennels and spay-neuter assistance
program are financed through month-
ly garage sales. To list pets with the
placement-assistance program or to
list lost and found pets, call before 8
p.m, Sunday for publication. All pets
from Adopt-a-Pet kennels are vet-
checked. Call 426-2610 to set up a
kennel visit or to donate items.
Or visit the Web site at www.aap-
WILEY, A 5-month-old, neutered
hound cross, is tan-colored and de-
scribed as "a beautiful pup" by kennel
TRAMP, AN 8-month-old, black-
and-sable, neutered shepherd cross
with one lop ear, is a sweet dog who
will be large, according to his care-
CUPCAKE IS A spayed, 6-month-
old, yellow I;ab-boxer cross.
ACE, A NEUTERED, 6-month-old
shepherd cross, is gold-colored and
will be large. Volunteers say he is a
great dog.
GYPSY, A BLACK and silver,
spayed, 6-month-old shepherd cross,
is called a "real lover" by volunteers.
Free Pets
triever-yellow Lab cross is an outdoor
dog. 426-6896 alter 10 a.m.
CHARLIE, A copper-colored, male
bound cross, is 8 months old, house-
broken and good with children. A
fenced yard is required. 432-0210.
A LARGE Newfoundland-Lab
cross between 3 and 4 years old was
found in the Lake Arrowhead area.
The housebroken dog is large with
black, medium-length hair and brown
eyes. 360-482-1291.
TWO GOLDEN Lab-chow cross fe-
male pups are 10 weeks old and good
with children and other animals. A
tbnced yard is required. 432-9721.
City of Shelton
Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $25 plus $5 for a
city license. New dogs are brought in
all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit
the shelter at 902 West Pine Street.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.,n. Mon-
day through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. Saturday.
Here's a listing of some of the dogs
available this week:
months old.
months old.
AKITA-LAB female, 1 year old.
obedience training. Volun-
teers say he has a super per-
sonality. A fenced yard is re-
quired. Call 426.2610 to meet
High School Spotlight: , ....
i i iii i i i i i ii i
Page 6- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, september 16, 1999
Alex sets goals for senior year
By MARY DUNCAN plains. "I'd actually like to go to UniversitfamilY thatin livesMilwaukee'h read!
As Alex Keyzers begins his the middle school and get the have ".'e:onviJ
senior year at Shelton High younger people involved in good really enjoy that state. I ca
School he has clear goals for his habits, good activities before they my grandmother I'd really I
future, his athletic achievements go into high school, to see her again She's really f
to be with," he notes.
on the swim team and for "And," he adds, "also get the
SAFTYE (Stop Automobile Fa- high school more involved so we Alex's family includes
talities Through Youth Efforts) have a larger group next year mother Renee, a
Club. and more variety of activities." high school and college,
Alex, who is the Associated ASIDE FROM SAFTYE Club, dad Bill. He has a
Student Body representative for Alex spends most of his time in stepbrother, Wendy
SAFTYE Club this year, attended and around water. He says, "I'm who's married and
the National Student Safety Pro- manager of the girls' swim team Lacey, and Tim
gram convention in June with this year. Last year on the boys' was just in the
six other students and SHS advi- swim team I made it to districts." finding that special
he's in a local band
sor Gerald Apple and his wife. He competes in the 100 freestyle,
the 100 back stroke and relays, really good alterna
But it was not all work for the brags, "and I like
group. "We went to Atlanta, "I really enjoyed swim team. them."
Georgia, first and we spent two I'm also planning -" he pauses "THEN I HAVE four
days just goofing around in and interjects, "cross my fingers that live at home with
Atlanta," Alex notes. They went - on going to state this year on now. Spring's going
to a Braves game where Alex fell the boys' swim team." freshman this year
asleep and there are even pic- a junior at Shelton,
tures of him snoozing, he adds Swimming has been a part of grade-point average.
with a grin. his life since childhood. "My me mad," he jokes,
morn was involved with it and I she's "really involved
THE GROUP also visited Six just like the water. I started ming too." The two
Flags, an amusement park, and swimming when I was 4 or 5 and ones, Rosie and Julia,
toured CNN headquarters. Alex then I did Sharks swim team schooled, as he was
wasn't impressed with the TV when I was little," he recalls, school.
facilities but he did find an "Then I just dropped it for two
amazing variety of shops in years and my junior year I did Alex says being horn
Atlanta's Underground. He ad- it. It was like, 'Wow! This is was an advantage, to
mits he didn't visit many of the more fun than anything else.' " easier 'cause you have
shops "because we were too busy challenge (in home
like in Hooters the whole entire He has a unique method for and you can get your
time, us guys, you know." He challenging himself to shave done a lot fastertoO?
smiles coyly, time from hisswims. "I think of He continues,
Then it was on to Clemson a big box of macaroni and cheese mine and most of
University in South Carolina for on the other side of the pool," Alex all but dad, he d
the conference. Alex says, "We confesses. "The noodles, swim raising rabbits,
listened to speakers and learned through the noodles." for show. My morn
different ways to prevent auto fa- HE WAS ALSO manager of goras right now. My
talities. We listened to different the track team last year, which smaller ones. I just
speakers that we might be able to he says was hard because mine which are
book to come down here and "usually there's three or four which are the largest
speak." Alex says he hopes to be track team managers but last breed animal. They
able to attend next year's nation- year I was the only one. It was a up to 14, 15 poun,
al convention in Texas. new experience and I really en- really gentle.
joyed watching the activities and
"I was in 4-H for si 3
The Shelton group also pre- being able to write down scores
sented a workshop on its fund- and learn what being a manager says. "You get to
raising activities. Efforts dur- is all about. It helps also with jobs and show rabbits. I' !
ins the past school year paid for and stuff like that." bag full of awards.
the trip to the national confer- ure out what to dc
ence. For instance, SAFTYE Alex's determination extends
Club holds pancake breakfasts, beyond SAFTYE Club and swim Alex offers some
runs concessions at the high team. "I'm going to study pay- vice to incoming
school and washes cars. The chology," he declares. "To be a "Don't piss off the
group also sponsors "fun nights" BECOMING INVOLVED WITH SAFTYE Club, partici- psychiatrist is my main focus sure you get that," he
at SHS. "It's n all-night deal. pating on the swim team and managing the track and right now, helping people with with a tongu
We have swimming, basketball girls' swim teams are activities Alex Keyzers says he different problems. I was pres- "And don't walk on
and foosball. We were success- thought of "as to do with my time instead of wasting sured by my morn to start think- either. If we see you
ful in that too," Alex reports, it, like sitting at home watching TV." highing aboutschoolWhatbecauseI wantthistO dOisaftermy goingor somethingt° thrOWsoit keepd°Wnour'
THIS IS THE second year he's senior year. Helping people with clean.
been involved with the club. "I all the older people" who, he says, He is hoping to send a strong different problems all of a sud- "And have school
was kinda like conned into it by tend to discriminate against message to an even younger den occurred to me because I'm, many people do but
my cousin and a friend of teens as irresponsible. And for group. "My goals for this year like, really good at that anyway, with different
mine," he explains as another
impish grin crosses his face. "I other teens, Alex says the mes- are to get the middle school in- It's something that interests me You can always h
sage is "Hey, stop drinking and volved with SAFTYE Club. We and that's my goal for now." concludes with a
think the advantage of belonging driving and killing innocent used to have a program but some- He says he's looking forward you out of trouble."
to SAFTYE Club is on your col- people that are out there." how we lost track of it," he ex- to college at Wisconsin State
lege application it looks good."
He laughs, then continues,
"And it also puts out a message to ( %: :&' ::i!i% N ::*: ............................. ......................... "
" * i >,'. . Forms are available
a a,::. rice at 227 West
. . • {: k . i!i! i,
.::*/!!ii:: dings, engagementS,
saries and meetings'
Black-and-white pr
The old barn on Cloquallum Four youngsters, obviously in Last Sunday, we took another good color prints,
Creek was full of swallows all flight training, perched on the picnic to Cloquallum. Only a few tory for pictures.
I've lived in a forest, summer. We counted at least a barbed-wire fence opposite us, crows and the resident kingfisher available at the offi
I've lived on a plain, dozen nests full, and even during balancing in the stiff breeze with moved between us and the sky. as soon as the
I've lived on a highway, the first week of September, a few some difficulty. The mother swal- The place that all summer had If you wish
a freeway, a lane! late broods were still on the nests, low flew by periodically and fed been atwitter with swallow chat- mail, please
Fat baby barn swallows bulg- one and then another on the ter was silent; only the wind dressed,
I've lived on a mountain, ing from a nest remind me of wing. In between feedings they spoke among the rotting shakes Deadline is 2 p.m.
I've lived in a valley, smoked oysters close-packed in peeped plaintively at us. "Got and log rafters of the roof. However, news
I've lived on an avenue', their wrappers. It's a mystery flies?" their looks said. weddings and
even an alley! how they stayin there. I don't know how they do it, always printed on
It seemed incredible that those but they've done it. Until next available, first
spring, they're gone. served basis.
In the noonday sun on Labor
Day, we ate a picnic lunch and late-reared fledglings flapping
watched the summer's crop of aimlessly around would, in a few
barn swallows dappling over the more days, go soaring over the
creek, skimming the pasture and countryside on their way to Cen-
soaring over the big spruce. A few tral America. How do they man-
late fledglings practiced their fly- age it? And speaking of mysteries,
ins skills from the roof and others we asked each other, where did
bumbled about inside the barn. barn swallows live before barns?
I've lived in the country,
the suburbs, the city -
sometimes where it's ugly,
sometimes where it's pretty.
I've lived on a desert,
I've lived by the sea
and all of these places
are special to me.
Why do I wonder
what more is out yonder?
My heart is a Gypsy.
A Gypsy must wander.
neutered, 2U2.year-old husky-
shepherd-spaniel cross, is cur-
rent on all shots and has had ..... HEATHER
FridaY,3 p.m.-September7 p.m. 17th * PERENN00
31 East Sycamore Court
- and - I0 a.m.-4 p.m. ..'.<-
60 East Sycamore Court.__ Tuesday-Saturday. ' --.....
Closed Sunday-Monday
2 7 Calder Road I-[ 1.,..,.
Elma * 482-3572
been our
of the
Shawn, Ginger, Heidi,
Dianne, Susan