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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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to focus on priorities p.Anlerican Association of University Women, Olympia , Which includes many Shelton members, will meet at 7 leSday, September 21, in Chinook Recreational Center orama City, located on the southwest corner of 21st Street eater Kinney Way. The program which begins at 7:30 Ias on AAUW's public policy priorities in a discussion ay Judy Hollar, the chapter's public policy chairperson. p.meeting will be preceded by a no-host dinner at 5:30 at _aala Restaurant. Reservations can be made by calling iaa.aauffler at 491-5000. More information about the chapter vallable from publicist Helen Brewer of Shelton at 426-8585. Legion slates dinner social hhlacan Legion Post 31 and its auxiliary will gather for a ,ll-Wening at 6 p m Tuesday, September 21, at Memorial lL.'tOnd and Franklin streets, in Shelton. At 7 an oven- ,tsteak dinner will be served. The cost is $4 per person -'me public is welcome. Masons will honor masters &: Mount Moriah Lodge 11 of Free and Accepted Masons ng tl@ |1 a nor past Masters and their widows Wednesday, Septem- ; dj|l l}3;',during its meeting at the Union City Masonic Temple, oU.|J  orth Highway 101. Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. The b .o|l lg at 7:30 will include planning tbr the Masons Oyster- til bi|l C°. °°th" More information is available by calling Allan |l at 426-0285. !i VFW, auxiliary set meetings li of Foreign Wars Post 1694 and its auxiliary will f Star parents at a potluck dinner meeting set for 6:30 September 17, at Memorial Hall, Second and Streets in Shelton. The Cancer Aid and Research Y Pa .  w , il'. rty will begin at noon at the hall ith refreshments be- I' ar.d playing, oats will assemble at noon Saturday, Sep- tract 5 VFW p L r 18, at General James H. Doohttle Post 3057 m Westport. I, Will be served by the host auxiliary. District 5 Comman- arence Canfield of Tumwater Post 7089 and District 5 di eat Dorothy Page of Pacific Auxiliary 968 in Raymond : lde at the 1:30 p.m. meeting.  local auxiliary will host District 5 past presidents' din- #4 lacing at 6 p.m. Thursday, September 23, at J.J. Cole- le eStaurant at Oaksridge Golf Course near Elms. The a includes election of officers and revelation of  cry sisters." What's Cookin'? Chess is a family affair in Joe Campbell's clan By COLIN HOWSER The North and South are still fighting in Joe Campbell's liv- ing room. The uniforms are in impeccable condition and the flags fly in full glory as the two sides stand glaring across the imaginary line in the sand. One battlefield over, Scottish clans prepare for their own war on the checkered plains of... Oh, this could be misleading. What else could these battles be but the Campbell-family chess matches? JOE, WHO IS 73 years old, talked of the family chess-mak- ing process in his Timberlake home. His wife, Charline, and his granddaughters, 18-year-old Danielle and 16-year-old Berna- dette Griffin, were present as he explained. The last of the crew, Joe's 12-year-old grandson, Scot- ty Griffin, was gone with his fa- ther. Joe spent 18 years as a police- man in New Jersey, finishing as a detective lieutenant. Then he was a director at Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Springs, California. He retired to Timberlakes in 1990, working on projects such as making chess pieces. "What we do is a family-type thing," Joe explained. "All three of my grandkids will help me out through the stages." Bernadette, a junior at Shelton High School and a cheerleader there, paints the Scotts. Danielle, an Olympic College Shelton stu- dent and graduate of Shelton High, paints the Civil War fig- tires. "SCOTTY, BEING the boy," Joe said of the Pioneer Middle ! i! iii Έ .... JOE CAMPBELL GIVES granddaughters Bernadette, left, and Danielle Griffin artistic freedom in painting and detailing the chess pieces he creates with the help of his grandson Scotty Griffin. Joe confesses he has been hooked on the game his whole life. two moves ahead. But it's easy to workers, so Joe said he decided it get hooked on chess; I've been would be best if they were given hooked on it all my life." the meticulous work of detailing JOE SAID THE chess pieces the figures. are made of 92-percent lead with "I GIVE THEM free rein," Joe 4-percent tin and 4-percent anti- said, "like Bernadette paints dif- mony. ferent kilts according to the clan, "They're lead," Joe said, "so if which is quite taxing. Danielle you drop them they'll break, but has researched, on her own - I you have to drop them pretty didn't even tell her to do this - hard. They're still more durable through the library to come up than a lot of pieces." with different units and differ- Joe said he purchases the ent colors for the Civil War chess-piece molds and customs pieces." them to his liking. The chess-piece creators make "Then we pour it at 700 only the two themes. The reason degrees," Joe said. "Lead melts he picked the themes for the sets, at a heck of a lot lower tempera- said Joe, is because he loves his- ture than that. The reason I pour tory. BlueBack to wed Semanko Christine Michelle BlueBook and Scott Loren Se- manko, both of Shelton, will exchange wedding vows at 1 p.m. this Saturday at Faith Lutheran Church, 1212 Connection Street in Shelton. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Jehri Plischke of Shelton and Mike Stymacks of Shelton. She works at Little Creek Casino. Her flanc is the son of Trudy and Ken Semanko of Shelton. A member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Work- ers, he is employed by the construction company building the prison in Aberdeen. The couple in- vites friends to the ceremony. Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Mason County Senior Activities Center at 826 West Railroad Avenue. Wednesday, September 22 8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class. 9 a.m., line dancing. P°raona will meet Saturday 0raona 11 a m Saturda Se tember .J [I t the Skokomish Grange Hall on West Skokomish Valley .|]: ' Those attending should bring table service and a dish |l.P°tluck lunch at noon. Publicist Donna Reynolds urges :1#||. n-, sixth- and seventh-deuree members to attend. . il0000ii I gut will meet Tuesday It.League of Women Voters of Mason County will hold a ral meetin bednninf, at 11"30 a m Tuesday, September Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, 900 Alpine Way in [l' a. Those attending should bring a sack lunch. Coffee " Provided. il!, "Now my neighbors see them tion of a set well done. 1 p.m., bingo. women slate and say, 'Joe, can you make me "It was a hobby," Joe said. "I When I see them come out of one?' " Joe said. made one or two to put on my the molds," he said, "and then a Friday, September 17 meetin00,,00 WHEN THEY HAVE time, to knock it off, because she was Danielle and Be,rnadette do their dresser until my mother told me week later, two weeks later, 8:30 a.m.,Tai Chiclass. If' didates for finance commissioner for the city of Shelton 9 a.m., projects and line dane- | _naPort of Shelton will speak at the Republican Women of the family members fulfill those afraid I was going to burn the thing, I love it. I m not an artist; ing. requests, charging chess-board house down." 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., picnic at _ • .,_ |tt.OUntymeetingset for 11:30 a.m. Friday, September24, recipients for the cost of material I've never been skilled in that Walker Park in Shelton. ure Is |rV and his grandchildren s $5-per- FROM THOSE youthful be- area. So this is the closest I come 2 -- hour labor costs. , ginnings, Joe has developed not to being creative." Ms?:::eP:chb:c :s EVEN though he's "For the material alone,' Joe only his pouring technique, but a said, "to put a 32-piece chess set also the method employed to Clams oregano 9Noonl.'lluic ha m, lme dancmg". ' turnnq Fift| together it runs roughly $18. move from mold to men. After 3 dozen raw clams in shell "We re just,!nterested in pro- we pour it we open the molds, dust 2 tap. oregano 1 p.m., pinochle and watercolor Ve love FOUl them out and then we cut off the 1 C. bread crumbs moting chess, class. ' VVanda, Joe said he has played chess bottoms of the pieces. Then the 4 cloves garlic, minced e " " I Dad and Morn big work starts, he said.. "rhey V2 stick butter since he was a child. He then zu setay, eptember , Tim and Tracie and Ariel passed his love for the strategic have to be filed, sanded, cut, pre- Instructions: 8 a.m to 3 p m, footcare Dy ap- T, . , • . • sra and Steve ti. a  dual to his family. He said his pared, coated and glued. First, melt butter and hand pomcment. Dean, Tiff, Zack, Gabble "p eta Zeta chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha will gather at son, Shawn, has the potential to "It takes about 27 hours to mix oregano, bread crumbs, gar- . 9 a.m., projects and line dane- and Bre,,,,a-'" ’#E:l-Saturday, September 25, at Wal-Mart on Wallace become a chess master, make one set without the hand- lic and butter with a spoon in a lng. , . Linds and John and Kids |P0rt  8oulevard in Shelton for a shopping trip and bus tour finish, they have to be sanded Open clam shell, remove • . LL ne in-Laws ,-" vrchard. All members are welcome. THE ALLURE OF chess, for painting. After that, the rough bowl. roon,l p.m.,mnCn'genera meeting .... and A ......  Oo!!!:i , Joe, is the competition, again." He said to think of the clam, dice contents and return to i, : W. gl "It's,battle; it's a war," he said. finish as a primer, shell. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •mm • • • • • • • s • s "And I m the general. There are The pieces, Joe said, are either Pour small amount of mixture • s people who say it's too hard or just coated with a 24-karat-gold spray over each portion of clam in - for brainy people with a high IQ. paint or handpainted by Berna- shell. •  • • That s wrong, dette and Danielle. Broil clams on cookie sheet for e re ad ' Joe did say there is a distinc- The girls are the creative 6 to 8 minutes, then serve. tion between him, who knows you're so hot is because some of the "I live on The History Chan- School seventh-grader as the designs are so intricate, like the nel Land reading books; I just Noon, lunch. bagpipes, that if I pour it any The senior center hours are from pinochle, Shelton granddaughters laughed, "helps cooler the lead will cool before it love it," he said. 6:30 p.m., lug the metal and shaves metal gets to the outer extremities. Joe said the chess crew is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center's tele- Moose Lodge. , off the pieces. He, does the bulk of working at the moment on mak- phone desk (426-7374) is closed the heavy work. THE HOTTER pour tempera- ing a set for every family me•- for lunch from noon.till 12:30 p.m. When Joe was asked about ture damages the molds, butJoe ber as presents at Joe and Char- Adult lap swimmingis set for IADV ' making the chessboards, Dan- said the benefit comes from line's 50-year wedding anniver- 11:15 a.m. weekdays and noon on a==F=It |  I-| ielle chimed, "Thatls what start- creating a quality product, gary celebration next year. Saturday at the Shelton High ed the whole thing.' He said most impurities in the "FAMILY IS coming from SchoolPool. BROWN l"Everybody in this family melted lead rise and'are everywhere  California, New Thursday, Septemberl6 pays chess, so it started with us skimmed off the top. Jersey and everywhere  and we 9 a.m., woodcarving and line just wanting to make a couple of He learned the process by want to give everybody a han, d _- dancing. boards, Joe said. It was just to reading books and said when he painted set, Joe said. So were 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., blood- make myself some chess sets, was 13 years old he used the same all working pretty hard on it." pressure checks. and it kinds got out of hand. process to make World War I Joe said he enjoys the satisfac- Noon, lunch. Army men. Skookum Rotary Club's October how to play chess, and Shawn, !Who is doing research event, go to a foundation which who is a true strategist. COME " n ot dead .' Son, notes that two funds scholarships and makes "I just don't have the talent to • • ° ° • into last week's grants for local projects, think five moves ahead," Joe • • E' I "story. said. "It's all I can do to think • s mistakenly said lOIN • You • the school superin- • mm m ,wo wee00. "Or' Rascal • s a 19001, u., Ston.'. Spring flowering bulbs now US " ' " he won that last • • available at the she said, was who built The history on land Potlatch stands, and the The Journal's, not Satsop Bulb Farm BULB SPECIALS: • 100 mixed daffodils -- $15,00 o 50 red or yellow tulips -- $12,50 • 50 old fashioned narcissus -- $10,00 Also a large selection of • Tulips • Hyacinths • Crocus • Daffodils • Iris • Narcissus Open 7 days a week 9 a,m, to 6 p,m, Season closes Sunday October 17th 930 Etma-Monte Road THIS WEEKEND! .First Ever RV Country Fair Fn.-Sat.-Sun., Sept. 17.18.19 at the Mason County Fairgrounds - FREE ADMISSION'FREE SEMINARS FREE DRAWINGS*FREE DISPLAY SPACE FREE COMPETITIONS FOR PRIZES FREE MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT Bee'/Win Food Call . - Garden 1-800-867-4193 for mfo |ll Ill II II I (360) 482-5566 'Services CHAPEL OF GOD Springs Road WA 98584 98 (Msg) 'Service 6p.m. ' Service 11 a.m. 5 p.m. Pastor • you • ==llto • ". Come help us ce!ebrate ".. • " Art Mell's 75 TM Birthday ' • m • • Thursday, September 23 ." I • • I • = M m • First and Grove • 426-4424 • Thursday, September 16, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7 10:00 a.m. " CHEV OLDS to focus on priorities p.Anlerican Association of University Women, Olympia , Which includes many Shelton members, will meet at 7 leSday, September 21, in Chinook Recreational Center orama City, located on the southwest corner of 21st Street eater Kinney Way. The program which begins at 7:30 Ias on AAUW's public policy priorities in a discussion ay Judy Hollar, the chapter's public policy chairperson. p.meeting will be preceded by a no-host dinner at 5:30 at _aala Restaurant. Reservations can be made by calling iaa.aauffler at 491-5000. More information about the chapter vallable from publicist Helen Brewer of Shelton at 426-8585. Legion slates dinner social hhlacan Legion Post 31 and its auxiliary will gather for a ,ll-Wening at 6 p m Tuesday, September 21, at Memorial lL.'tOnd and Franklin streets, in Shelton. At 7 an oven- ,tsteak dinner will be served. The cost is $4 per person -'me public is welcome. Masons will honor masters &: Mount Moriah Lodge 11 of Free and Accepted Masons ng tl@ |1 a nor past Masters and their widows Wednesday, Septem- ; dj|l l}3;',during its meeting at the Union City Masonic Temple, oU.|J  orth Highway 101. Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. The b .o|l lg at 7:30 will include planning tbr the Masons Oyster- til bi|l C°. °°th" More information is available by calling Allan |l at 426-0285. !i VFW, auxiliary set meetings li of Foreign Wars Post 1694 and its auxiliary will f Star parents at a potluck dinner meeting set for 6:30 September 17, at Memorial Hall, Second and Streets in Shelton. The Cancer Aid and Research Y Pa .  w , il'. rty will begin at noon at the hall ith refreshments be- I' ar.d playing, oats will assemble at noon Saturday, Sep- tract 5 VFW p L r 18, at General James H. Doohttle Post 3057 m Westport. I, Will be served by the host auxiliary. District 5 Comman- arence Canfield of Tumwater Post 7089 and District 5 di eat Dorothy Page of Pacific Auxiliary 968 in Raymond : lde at the 1:30 p.m. meeting.  local auxiliary will host District 5 past presidents' din- #4 lacing at 6 p.m. Thursday, September 23, at J.J. Cole- le eStaurant at Oaksridge Golf Course near Elms. The a includes election of officers and revelation of  cry sisters." What's Cookin'? Chess is a family affair in Joe Campbell's clan By COLIN HOWSER The North and South are still fighting in Joe Campbell's liv- ing room. The uniforms are in impeccable condition and the flags fly in full glory as the two sides stand glaring across the imaginary line in the sand. One battlefield over, Scottish clans prepare for their own war on the checkered plains of... Oh, this could be misleading. What else could these battles be but the Campbell-family chess matches? JOE, WHO IS 73 years old, talked of the family chess-mak- ing process in his Timberlake home. His wife, Charline, and his granddaughters, 18-year-old Danielle and 16-year-old Berna- dette Griffin, were present as he explained. The last of the crew, Joe's 12-year-old grandson, Scot- ty Griffin, was gone with his fa- ther. Joe spent 18 years as a police- man in New Jersey, finishing as a detective lieutenant. Then he was a director at Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Springs, California. He retired to Timberlakes in 1990, working on projects such as making chess pieces. "What we do is a family-type thing," Joe explained. "All three of my grandkids will help me out through the stages." Bernadette, a junior at Shelton High School and a cheerleader there, paints the Scotts. Danielle, an Olympic College Shelton stu- dent and graduate of Shelton High, paints the Civil War fig- tires. "SCOTTY, BEING the boy," Joe said of the Pioneer Middle ! i! iii Έ .... JOE CAMPBELL GIVES granddaughters Bernadette, left, and Danielle Griffin artistic freedom in painting and detailing the chess pieces he creates with the help of his grandson Scotty Griffin. Joe confesses he has been hooked on the game his whole life. two moves ahead. But it's easy to workers, so Joe said he decided it get hooked on chess; I've been would be best if they were given hooked on it all my life." the meticulous work of detailing JOE SAID THE chess pieces the figures. are made of 92-percent lead with "I GIVE THEM free rein," Joe 4-percent tin and 4-percent anti- said, "like Bernadette paints dif- mony. ferent kilts according to the clan, "They're lead," Joe said, "so if which is quite taxing. Danielle you drop them they'll break, but has researched, on her own - I you have to drop them pretty didn't even tell her to do this - hard. They're still more durable through the library to come up than a lot of pieces." with different units and differ- Joe said he purchases the ent colors for the Civil War chess-piece molds and customs pieces." them to his liking. The chess-piece creators make "Then we pour it at 700 only the two themes. The reason degrees," Joe said. "Lead melts he picked the themes for the sets, at a heck of a lot lower tempera- said Joe, is because he loves his- ture than that. The reason I pour tory. BlueBack to wed Semanko Christine Michelle BlueBook and Scott Loren Se- manko, both of Shelton, will exchange wedding vows at 1 p.m. this Saturday at Faith Lutheran Church, 1212 Connection Street in Shelton. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Jehri Plischke of Shelton and Mike Stymacks of Shelton. She works at Little Creek Casino. Her flanc is the son of Trudy and Ken Semanko of Shelton. A member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Work- ers, he is employed by the construction company building the prison in Aberdeen. The couple in- vites friends to the ceremony. Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Mason County Senior Activities Center at 826 West Railroad Avenue. Wednesday, September 22 8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class. 9 a.m., line dancing. P°raona will meet Saturday 0raona 11 a m Saturda Se tember .J [I t the Skokomish Grange Hall on West Skokomish Valley .|]: ' Those attending should bring table service and a dish |l.P°tluck lunch at noon. Publicist Donna Reynolds urges :1#||. n-, sixth- and seventh-deuree members to attend. . il0000ii I gut will meet Tuesday It.League of Women Voters of Mason County will hold a ral meetin bednninf, at 11"30 a m Tuesday, September Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, 900 Alpine Way in [l' a. Those attending should bring a sack lunch. Coffee " Provided. il!, "Now my neighbors see them tion of a set well done. 1 p.m., bingo. women slate and say, 'Joe, can you make me "It was a hobby," Joe said. "I When I see them come out of one?' " Joe said. made one or two to put on my the molds," he said, "and then a Friday, September 17 meetin00,,00 WHEN THEY HAVE time, to knock it off, because she was Danielle and Be,rnadette do their dresser until my mother told me week later, two weeks later, 8:30 a.m.,Tai Chiclass. If' didates for finance commissioner for the city of Shelton 9 a.m., projects and line dane- | _naPort of Shelton will speak at the Republican Women of the family members fulfill those afraid I was going to burn the thing, I love it. I m not an artist; ing. requests, charging chess-board house down." 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., picnic at _ • .,_ |tt.OUntymeetingset for 11:30 a.m. Friday, September24, recipients for the cost of material I've never been skilled in that Walker Park in Shelton. ure Is |rV and his grandchildren s $5-per- FROM THOSE youthful be- area. So this is the closest I come 2 -- hour labor costs. , ginnings, Joe has developed not to being creative." Ms?:::eP:chb:c :s EVEN though he's "For the material alone,' Joe only his pouring technique, but a said, "to put a 32-piece chess set also the method employed to Clams oregano 9Noonl.'lluic ha m, lme dancmg". ' turnnq Fift| together it runs roughly $18. move from mold to men. After 3 dozen raw clams in shell "We re just,!nterested in pro- we pour it we open the molds, dust 2 tap. oregano 1 p.m., pinochle and watercolor Ve love FOUl them out and then we cut off the 1 C. bread crumbs moting chess, class. ' VVanda, Joe said he has played chess bottoms of the pieces. Then the 4 cloves garlic, minced e " " I Dad and Morn big work starts, he said.. "rhey V2 stick butter since he was a child. He then zu setay, eptember , Tim and Tracie and Ariel passed his love for the strategic have to be filed, sanded, cut, pre- Instructions: 8 a.m to 3 p m, footcare Dy ap- T, . , • . • sra and Steve ti. a  dual to his family. He said his pared, coated and glued. First, melt butter and hand pomcment. Dean, Tiff, Zack, Gabble "p eta Zeta chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha will gather at son, Shawn, has the potential to "It takes about 27 hours to mix oregano, bread crumbs, gar- . 9 a.m., projects and line dane- and Bre,,,,a-'" ’#E:l-Saturday, September 25, at Wal-Mart on Wallace become a chess master, make one set without the hand- lic and butter with a spoon in a lng. , . Linds and John and Kids |P0rt  8oulevard in Shelton for a shopping trip and bus tour finish, they have to be sanded Open clam shell, remove • . LL ne in-Laws ,-" vrchard. All members are welcome. THE ALLURE OF chess, for painting. After that, the rough bowl. roon,l p.m.,mnCn'genera meeting .... and A ......  Oo!!!:i , Joe, is the competition, again." He said to think of the clam, dice contents and return to i, : W. gl "It's,battle; it's a war," he said. finish as a primer, shell. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •mm • • • • • • • s • s "And I m the general. There are The pieces, Joe said, are either Pour small amount of mixture • s people who say it's too hard or just coated with a 24-karat-gold spray over each portion of clam in - for brainy people with a high IQ. paint or handpainted by Berna- shell. •  • • That s wrong, dette and Danielle. Broil clams on cookie sheet for e re ad ' Joe did say there is a distinc- The girls are the creative 6 to 8 minutes, then serve. tion between him, who knows you're so hot is because some of the "I live on The History Chan- School seventh-grader as the designs are so intricate, like the nel Land reading books; I just Noon, lunch. bagpipes, that if I pour it any The senior center hours are from pinochle, Shelton granddaughters laughed, "helps cooler the lead will cool before it love it," he said. 6:30 p.m., lug the metal and shaves metal gets to the outer extremities. Joe said the chess crew is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center's tele- Moose Lodge. , off the pieces. He, does the bulk of working at the moment on mak- phone desk (426-7374) is closed the heavy work. THE HOTTER pour tempera- ing a set for every family me•- for lunch from noon.till 12:30 p.m. When Joe was asked about ture damages the molds, butJoe ber as presents at Joe and Char- Adult lap swimmingis set for IADV ' making the chessboards, Dan- said the benefit comes from line's 50-year wedding anniver- 11:15 a.m. weekdays and noon on a==F=It |  I-| ielle chimed, "Thatls what start- creating a quality product, gary celebration next year. Saturday at the Shelton High ed the whole thing.' He said most impurities in the "FAMILY IS coming from SchoolPool. BROWN l"Everybody in this family melted lead rise and'are everywhere  California, New Thursday, Septemberl6 pays chess, so it started with us skimmed off the top. Jersey and everywhere  and we 9 a.m., woodcarving and line just wanting to make a couple of He learned the process by want to give everybody a han, d _- dancing. boards, Joe said. It was just to reading books and said when he painted set, Joe said. So were 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., blood- make myself some chess sets, was 13 years old he used the same all working pretty hard on it." pressure checks. and it kinds got out of hand. process to make World War I Joe said he enjoys the satisfac- Noon, lunch. Army men. Skookum Rotary Club's October how to play chess, and Shawn, !Who is doing research event, go to a foundation which who is a true strategist. COME " n ot dead .' Son, notes that two funds scholarships and makes "I just don't have the talent to • • ° ° • into last week's grants for local projects, think five moves ahead," Joe • • E' I "story. said. "It's all I can do to think • s mistakenly said lOIN • You • the school superin- • mm m ,wo wee00. "Or' Rascal • s a 19001, u., Ston.'. Spring flowering bulbs now US " ' " he won that last • • available at the she said, was who built The history on land Potlatch stands, and the The Journal's, not Satsop Bulb Farm BULB SPECIALS: • 100 mixed daffodils -- $15,00 o 50 red or yellow tulips -- $12,50 • 50 old fashioned narcissus -- $10,00 Also a large selection of • Tulips • Hyacinths • Crocus • Daffodils • Iris • Narcissus Open 7 days a week 9 a,m, to 6 p,m, Season closes Sunday October 17th 930 Etma-Monte Road THIS WEEKEND! .First Ever RV Country Fair Fn.-Sat.-Sun., Sept. 17.18.19 at the Mason County Fairgrounds - FREE ADMISSION'FREE SEMINARS FREE DRAWINGS*FREE DISPLAY SPACE FREE COMPETITIONS FOR PRIZES FREE MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT Bee'/Win Food Call . - Garden 1-800-867-4193 for mfo |ll Ill II II I (360) 482-5566 'Services CHAPEL OF GOD Springs Road WA 98584 98 (Msg) 'Service 6p.m. ' Service 11 a.m. 5 p.m. Pastor • you • ==llto • ". Come help us ce!ebrate ".. • " Art Mell's 75 TM Birthday ' • m • • Thursday, September 23 ." I • • I • = M m • First and Grove • 426-4424 • Thursday, September 16, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7 10:00 a.m. " CHEV OLDS