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iii i
. ii i
00ommunity 00alendar
BEHATTED AND READY for modeling duties at next
week's style show are Sheri Chase of Mason General
Hospital's physical therapy department, Craig Chase
of the hospital's maintenance department and their
son, Chris.
MGH Foundation to
honor businesswomen
at lunch, fashion show
The Mason General Hospital
Foundation's second annual
American Business Women's Day
Luncheon at the hospital next
Thursday will feature a fashion
show whose models are all con-
nected to the hospital.
The no-host event is set for
noon September 23. Tickets to the
luncheon honoring the three
women are $20, and seating is
limited to 100, so reservations are
Marlene Davimm, a member of
the foundation's board of direc-
tors, will emcee the show.
All set to model fashions from
JCPenney in Olympia are Greg
Fraizer of the hospital's main-
tenance department and his 4-
year-old daughter Kelsie; Craig
Chase of the maintenance depart-
ment, Sheri Chase of MGH's
physical therapy department, and
their 7ryear-old son Chris; and
Katherine Gold, the wife of Dr.
Moose women
will serve
prime rib
The Women of the Moose will
serve an autumn prime rib din-
ner from 6 to 8 p.m. th
0t the Moose Hall or Lodge.
The cost for prime rib and all
the trimmings is $8 per person in
advance and $10 at the door. The
dinner will be prepared by Dottle
Holmes and Lynn Gilbert, both
of whom have owned and operat-
ed restaurants.
Tickets are available from 5 to
10 p.m. at the lodge, located at 201
West Moose Place just west of the
Shelton-Matlock interchange on
Highway 101, or from any Moose
More information is available
from Holmes at 426-9272 of Gil-
bert at 427-5849,
Jonathan Gold, the hospital's
chief of staff, and their 4-year-old
son Jack.
Also recruited for modeling
duty are Mary Luetkehans, the
wife of MGH radiologist Dr. Tom
Luetkehans; Karla London of the
hospital's laboratory and staff
liaison on the foundation board;
and foundation hoard members
Pat Swartos, Lois Gold and Karen
The luncheon will honor local
Special Events
Thursday, September 23
Noon, Mason General Hospital
Foundation's American Business
Women's Day Luncheon, MGH.
Thursday, September 16
6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters,
Timbers Restaurant.
7:15 a.m., Shelton Morning Star
Lions, the Pine Tree Restaurant.
I0 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist
Church. Call 426-3727 for informa-
Noon, Hood Canal Community
Club, Potlatch clubhouse.
Noon, Senior citizens, Mason-Ben-
son Community Clubhouse.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming
Tree Cafe.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, non-
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
3:30 p.m., Board of Supervisors of
the Mason Conservation District,
meeting, district office, SE 1015
Highway 3, Suite G.
3:30 p.m., "New Beginnings," free
bereavement support group, 121
West Railroad, Shelton.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cota Street.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
7 p.m., Emergency Medical Ser-
vices Council, Mason General Hospi-
7 p.m., Mason County Recreation
Area Advisory Board, Mason County
Building III.
7 p.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union
Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Olympic Poets and Writers
Workshop (writer's circle), 218 North
Third Street.
7 p.m., Pioneer School Board,
study session, main district building.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
businesswomen Nits M. Bariek- mm2oking and nonswearing, Saint
man, owner and mge’ a.,David's Episcopal Church, Third and
Nita's Restaurant and Oai]tlI "tiar streets.
downtown Shelton; Jean Lee,
former Mason General Hospital
administrator and now an active
volunteer with the foundation;
and Norma A. Taylor, a local
businesswoman and civic leader.
Reservations and further infor-
mation are available from the
hospital development office at
Library friends
slate meetin2,
plan booksafe
The Friends of the William G.
Reed Library will meet at 12"q0
p.m. next Thursday, September
23, to plan the annual booksals to
be held October 2 and 3 at
Volunteers are needed for that
effbrt, said Friends spokesperson
Winnie Paisley.
She also reminded Friends of
the Library members of upcoming
events including the library's
10th birthday celebration tomor-
row and Chocolate Sunday at the
North Mason Timberland Library
on Sunday afternoon.
Friends of the William G. Reed
Library is open to all interested
library patrons.
', ,, _ , , u ,,
m, ............... L.
PLAN 3.1702 Jl
.... S
For Only 581500
from t 000 o Sq. .
Building since 1969.
Optional Garage Available.
Northwest's largest "on your lot" builder
Limited ten ),ear warranty with every home.
Model Home Open Daily From 10:00 am.6:00 pm
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2303 93'dAveSW llII SW I70mAve 63309NeLAndersonRd 541BusurtssParkOrSteF
Olympia, WA 98512 Beaverton. OR 97006 Bend, OR 97701 Me4fi)rd, OR 97504
(360) 352-8571 (503) 645.3547 (541) 382-4068 (541) 732-1560
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 16, 1999
..... ', ..... IK'$, * ,,#%.; ,,r ..... ....
8 p.m., Eagles, 411 First Street.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cota Street.
Friday, September 17
9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly), Hood Canal Community
Church, 877-6842.
Noon, AI-Anon family group, Saint
David's Episcopal Church. Call 427-
Noon; Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
12:30 p.m.,"VFW Auxiliary 11694
dessert and card party, Memorial
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
7 p.m., VFW Post 1.694 and auxili-
ary, Memorial Hall.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Hoodsport library.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma-
son General Hospital.
Saturday, September 18
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
2 p.m., Mason County Chapter,
People First of Washington, activity
room at Holiday Park.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
7 p.m., Q.W.I.B. (Quality World In
Balance), chemical dependency sup-
port group, Shelton United Methodist
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
for newcomers, smoking, 120 West
Cots Street.
Sunday, September 19
Mason County invites you to at-
tend the church of your choice.
8 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cots Street.
9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD
3 Auditorium.
9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
Burgermaster conference room in
Shelton, 754-4433.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, non-
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cots Street.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cots Street.
Monday, September 20
Noon, Save Our County Kids
(SOCK), board meeting, Shelton Ar-
mory. Call Sue Sheldon at 427-3119
for more information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
3 p.m., Shelton City Commission,
workshop, city hall.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking and nonswearing, Saint
David's Episcopal Church, Third and
Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Breast Cancer Support
Group, Mason General Hospital El-
liner Room.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Emotions Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church.
7 p.m., Shelton City Commission,
meeting, public safety building.
7 p.m., Mason County's Singles,
PUD 3 building. For information,
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For
information, 427-0947.
7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
8 p.m., Canal Court, Order of
Amaranth, Union City Masonic Tem-
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
Tuesday, September 21
8 a.m., Housing Authority of Ma-
son County board meeting, 900 Al-
pine Way, Shelton.
9 a.m., Mason County Commis-
sion, Mason County Building I.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, non-
smoking, 120 West Cota.
3 p.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, Third and Cota.
4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton
United Methodist Church. Call 426-
0101 for information.
on't Wait
to have your car maintained
90 Days
Same as
No Interest! t
On approved crcdiL $200 minimum purchase.
From Minor to
Major Engine Repair
Auto. Truck* Industrial
"Family Owned/
Operated Since 1942"
Air conditioning
i Radiators
Heater cores
Transmission service
Carburetors &
electronic fuel injection
4:30 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Com-
missioners meeting, district office in
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cots.
6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society,
Burgermaster, Olympic Highway
7 p.m., Shelton Lions Club dinner
meeting, social hour at 6:30 p.m., Ori-
ent Express.
7 p.m., American Legion and Aux-
iliary, Memorial Hall.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Skokomish Tribal Center.
7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
Pershing Room at Mason General
Hospital. For more info, call 427-
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
women's group, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicron, home
of member.
7:30 p.m., American Rhododen-
dron Society, PUD 3 Auditorium.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cota.
Wednesday, September 22
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill
Creek Inn.
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa-
nis Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
6 p.m., Mason County Council on
Abuse and Neglect domestic violence
education and support group. Call
Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664
for location.
7 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church. Call
426-1504 for information.
7 p.m., Beta Zeta, home of mem-
7 p.m., "A Course in Miracles"
study group from the Foundation for
Inner Peace, Walker Park caretaker's
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym-
pic Highway North.
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
l_ 3 , hln M II Chevrolet, Downtown Shelton
Simmons, Bayon to wed
Former Shelton resident Marcy Leanne
and Scott Bayon, both of Milwaukee,
will exchange wedding vows during the
of 2001. Marcy is the daughter of Denise
of Shelton and Kenneth Simmons Jr. of
She is a 1993 graduate of Shelton High
received a bachelor of science degree in
eel engineering in 1998 from Milwaukee Se
Engineering. She is employed by General
Medical Supply in Milwaukee. Her fianc$
son of Jose and Kim Bayon of Oswego,
graduated from Oswego High School in
from Milwaukee School of Engineering
with a bachelor of science degree in
engineering technology. He works as a me
engineer in Appleton, Wisconsin.
[ ....
II 9
Th'e choice of p-oop;e who are particular about their # J)..,
2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467 |l]*'d-'!
Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer,
. .;5"; ' ." ::. " . . ’.:'."2 .'".
o- ". '* %G" "" '"'" . ." ".','tt ",': -'.'.'..:'
,W-.,,>... ::-..:.-:./ ,q- . . .... .....:-!: _ .'%,..
11 'L e ..... .:%lLmig#,"r.:r .... :. "1 ..% .... . . .-. . , .... .
- .7 L,. ..... :- e,.:. ,:., ,.. .. :!'" , ".." iX
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-" .'/ "-. " . ." V ;.,' ,"V ' "" .... " "'* "" " ..,
- -,=-.- _'<,z.J,E,... " ' ,-, ,,...;, L',, . . ."t- .e_. f,' :
' / ,'''- " -''° /1" ---', " " "a.$ .P'"T-,,g"
-" -ax,_.,,,,.'.__=.: .:_: :-"7. ..... :- "n''.---"-"..."'*_ _r. _-"- "
Why go from the pot to the frying pan? At
Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, you'll be
treated like royalty. No more grocery shOPdP00g
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dinner with your friends. Meals are included
in your monthly rate.
Discover what retirement
living is all about!
Call for a
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Visitors welcome!
900 West Alpine Way, Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 426-2600
Beth Johnston, R.N., Manager
iii i
. ii i
00ommunity 00alendar
BEHATTED AND READY for modeling duties at next
week's style show are Sheri Chase of Mason General
Hospital's physical therapy department, Craig Chase
of the hospital's maintenance department and their
son, Chris.
MGH Foundation to
honor businesswomen
at lunch, fashion show
The Mason General Hospital
Foundation's second annual
American Business Women's Day
Luncheon at the hospital next
Thursday will feature a fashion
show whose models are all con-
nected to the hospital.
The no-host event is set for
noon September 23. Tickets to the
luncheon honoring the three
women are $20, and seating is
limited to 100, so reservations are
Marlene Davimm, a member of
the foundation's board of direc-
tors, will emcee the show.
All set to model fashions from
JCPenney in Olympia are Greg
Fraizer of the hospital's main-
tenance department and his 4-
year-old daughter Kelsie; Craig
Chase of the maintenance depart-
ment, Sheri Chase of MGH's
physical therapy department, and
their 7ryear-old son Chris; and
Katherine Gold, the wife of Dr.
Moose women
will serve
prime rib
The Women of the Moose will
serve an autumn prime rib din-
ner from 6 to 8 p.m. th
0t the Moose Hall or Lodge.
The cost for prime rib and all
the trimmings is $8 per person in
advance and $10 at the door. The
dinner will be prepared by Dottle
Holmes and Lynn Gilbert, both
of whom have owned and operat-
ed restaurants.
Tickets are available from 5 to
10 p.m. at the lodge, located at 201
West Moose Place just west of the
Shelton-Matlock interchange on
Highway 101, or from any Moose
More information is available
from Holmes at 426-9272 of Gil-
bert at 427-5849,
Jonathan Gold, the hospital's
chief of staff, and their 4-year-old
son Jack.
Also recruited for modeling
duty are Mary Luetkehans, the
wife of MGH radiologist Dr. Tom
Luetkehans; Karla London of the
hospital's laboratory and staff
liaison on the foundation board;
and foundation hoard members
Pat Swartos, Lois Gold and Karen
The luncheon will honor local
Special Events
Thursday, September 23
Noon, Mason General Hospital
Foundation's American Business
Women's Day Luncheon, MGH.
Thursday, September 16
6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters,
Timbers Restaurant.
7:15 a.m., Shelton Morning Star
Lions, the Pine Tree Restaurant.
I0 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist
Church. Call 426-3727 for informa-
Noon, Hood Canal Community
Club, Potlatch clubhouse.
Noon, Senior citizens, Mason-Ben-
son Community Clubhouse.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming
Tree Cafe.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, non-
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
3:30 p.m., Board of Supervisors of
the Mason Conservation District,
meeting, district office, SE 1015
Highway 3, Suite G.
3:30 p.m., "New Beginnings," free
bereavement support group, 121
West Railroad, Shelton.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cota Street.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
7 p.m., Emergency Medical Ser-
vices Council, Mason General Hospi-
7 p.m., Mason County Recreation
Area Advisory Board, Mason County
Building III.
7 p.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union
Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Olympic Poets and Writers
Workshop (writer's circle), 218 North
Third Street.
7 p.m., Pioneer School Board,
study session, main district building.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
businesswomen Nits M. Bariek- mm2oking and nonswearing, Saint
man, owner and mge’ a.,David's Episcopal Church, Third and
Nita's Restaurant and Oai]tlI "tiar streets.
downtown Shelton; Jean Lee,
former Mason General Hospital
administrator and now an active
volunteer with the foundation;
and Norma A. Taylor, a local
businesswoman and civic leader.
Reservations and further infor-
mation are available from the
hospital development office at
Library friends
slate meetin2,
plan booksafe
The Friends of the William G.
Reed Library will meet at 12"q0
p.m. next Thursday, September
23, to plan the annual booksals to
be held October 2 and 3 at
Volunteers are needed for that
effbrt, said Friends spokesperson
Winnie Paisley.
She also reminded Friends of
the Library members of upcoming
events including the library's
10th birthday celebration tomor-
row and Chocolate Sunday at the
North Mason Timberland Library
on Sunday afternoon.
Friends of the William G. Reed
Library is open to all interested
library patrons.
', ,, _ , , u ,,
m, ............... L.
PLAN 3.1702 Jl
.... S
For Only 581500
from t 000 o Sq. .
Building since 1969.
Optional Garage Available.
Northwest's largest "on your lot" builder
Limited ten ),ear warranty with every home.
Model Home Open Daily From 10:00 am.6:00 pm
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2303 93'dAveSW llII SW I70mAve 63309NeLAndersonRd 541BusurtssParkOrSteF
Olympia, WA 98512 Beaverton. OR 97006 Bend, OR 97701 Me4fi)rd, OR 97504
(360) 352-8571 (503) 645.3547 (541) 382-4068 (541) 732-1560
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 16, 1999
..... ', ..... IK'$, * ,,#%.; ,,r ..... ....
8 p.m., Eagles, 411 First Street.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cota Street.
Friday, September 17
9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly), Hood Canal Community
Church, 877-6842.
Noon, AI-Anon family group, Saint
David's Episcopal Church. Call 427-
Noon; Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
12:30 p.m.,"VFW Auxiliary 11694
dessert and card party, Memorial
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
7 p.m., VFW Post 1.694 and auxili-
ary, Memorial Hall.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Hoodsport library.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma-
son General Hospital.
Saturday, September 18
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
2 p.m., Mason County Chapter,
People First of Washington, activity
room at Holiday Park.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
7 p.m., Q.W.I.B. (Quality World In
Balance), chemical dependency sup-
port group, Shelton United Methodist
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
for newcomers, smoking, 120 West
Cots Street.
Sunday, September 19
Mason County invites you to at-
tend the church of your choice.
8 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cots Street.
9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD
3 Auditorium.
9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
Burgermaster conference room in
Shelton, 754-4433.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, non-
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cots Street.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cots Street.
Monday, September 20
Noon, Save Our County Kids
(SOCK), board meeting, Shelton Ar-
mory. Call Sue Sheldon at 427-3119
for more information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
3 p.m., Shelton City Commission,
workshop, city hall.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking and nonswearing, Saint
David's Episcopal Church, Third and
Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Breast Cancer Support
Group, Mason General Hospital El-
liner Room.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Emotions Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church.
7 p.m., Shelton City Commission,
meeting, public safety building.
7 p.m., Mason County's Singles,
PUD 3 building. For information,
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For
information, 427-0947.
7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
8 p.m., Canal Court, Order of
Amaranth, Union City Masonic Tem-
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
Tuesday, September 21
8 a.m., Housing Authority of Ma-
son County board meeting, 900 Al-
pine Way, Shelton.
9 a.m., Mason County Commis-
sion, Mason County Building I.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, non-
smoking, 120 West Cota.
3 p.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, Third and Cota.
4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton
United Methodist Church. Call 426-
0101 for information.
on't Wait
to have your car maintained
90 Days
Same as
No Interest! t
On approved crcdiL $200 minimum purchase.
From Minor to
Major Engine Repair
Auto. Truck* Industrial
"Family Owned/
Operated Since 1942"
Air conditioning
i Radiators
Heater cores
Transmission service
Carburetors &
electronic fuel injection
4:30 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Com-
missioners meeting, district office in
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cots.
6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society,
Burgermaster, Olympic Highway
7 p.m., Shelton Lions Club dinner
meeting, social hour at 6:30 p.m., Ori-
ent Express.
7 p.m., American Legion and Aux-
iliary, Memorial Hall.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Skokomish Tribal Center.
7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
Pershing Room at Mason General
Hospital. For more info, call 427-
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
women's group, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicron, home
of member.
7:30 p.m., American Rhododen-
dron Society, PUD 3 Auditorium.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
nonsmoking, 120 West Cota.
Wednesday, September 22
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill
Creek Inn.
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa-
nis Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
5:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cota Street.
6 p.m., Mason County Council on
Abuse and Neglect domestic violence
education and support group. Call
Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664
for location.
7 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church. Call
426-1504 for information.
7 p.m., Beta Zeta, home of mem-
7 p.m., "A Course in Miracles"
study group from the Foundation for
Inner Peace, Walker Park caretaker's
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym-
pic Highway North.
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
smoking, 120 West Cots Street.
l_ 3 , hln M II Chevrolet, Downtown Shelton
Simmons, Bayon to wed
Former Shelton resident Marcy Leanne
and Scott Bayon, both of Milwaukee,
will exchange wedding vows during the
of 2001. Marcy is the daughter of Denise
of Shelton and Kenneth Simmons Jr. of
She is a 1993 graduate of Shelton High
received a bachelor of science degree in
eel engineering in 1998 from Milwaukee Se
Engineering. She is employed by General
Medical Supply in Milwaukee. Her fianc$
son of Jose and Kim Bayon of Oswego,
graduated from Oswego High School in
from Milwaukee School of Engineering
with a bachelor of science degree in
engineering technology. He works as a me
engineer in Appleton, Wisconsin.
[ ....
II 9
Th'e choice of p-oop;e who are particular about their # J)..,
2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467 |l]*'d-'!
Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer,
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Why go from the pot to the frying pan? At
Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, you'll be
treated like royalty. No more grocery shOPdP00g
or doing dishes. Enjoy breakfast, lunch an..
dinner with your friends. Meals are included
in your monthly rate.
Discover what retirement
living is all about!
Call for a
and tour!
Visitors welcome!
900 West Alpine Way, Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 426-2600
Beth Johnston, R.N., Manager