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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00Iistorical society will go maritime Sunday Imagination Station closed .,e blason County Historical "NO MATTER how often you hY will return to Stretch Is visit this museum," Howard said, " } rev' ' 111, lSlt the Maritime Mu- "there is always something more .... total v, rarer Sound for its Sep- to see." uerlgmeeting. .......: : !: Bill $Omers will host the eria. g, Which will begin at 2 Wi'er t the old Saint Charles east 0€ e on the island just be,, " y.rapeview. "Nonmem- 'e::. the historical society's ,o_ . alrector, Billie Howard e always Welcome." Howard • i8 Pl .... sald no major program . -uaecl ]sZSel,. L' but the visit will be a ,Pecial J ur.ieaturing whatever Pl xnibits Somers has :O,how his uos o 0n,^ yyr uaing means ra es ,. miSlallI ...... g P ....... .' Will be ripening and • .ws ShOUld be at their best. Somers' collection of maritime memorabilia includes numerous items from the old Mosquito Fleet steamers that plied Puget Sound, providing a transportation net- work for passengers and goods. Steamer whistles, wheels and signboards are among the items to see at the museum, which cap- tures the feel and the lore of the compact little vessels that took is- land grapes to market. The Island Belle grapes were developed on Stretch Island as well, and Somers' museum is in the buildings that once housed a thriving winery. Free dumping day slated for on County he llasoa at ,€ , County Depart- eat :,'..,;oraraunity Develop- !}ay, 8;5hold a "Free Dump 10lid .... raay, October 9 at the hils",a.te,, facility, 501 West I.:" tCOad. lt rials Which willrlbe fa:- ' include yard deb "s, - itute, household garbage, ap- tidav's bC i'unch celled h he lc oil Onomic Development .1%_ f Mason County has an- hl.e €! a Cancellation of its a raeetin tomor . ' "" U- • g row ,t: sual third-Frida, mem-  aeeting and the 7rogra m tl.0graphics scheduled for t"tth are the victim of t   L eco- i,-. ange. To be specific, the .C EXpress Restaurant, eho. : coting was to be held, _€I Ing hands and will be i h ', It day for remodeling. tt fo  .gram, said spokesper- r-- ' e COuncil, will orobabl ,. c ed- ' - - Y " ued for the October pliances and scrap metal. Up to four passenger vehicle tires per household will also be taken. The tires must be off the rims. Those who wish to sign up for the free dump day must call the solid-waste facility at 427-5271 before October 1. The reason for this cutoff date is so the county can gauge how many containers will be needed for shipping the waste out of the county, according to Toni Clement, Mason County and city of Shelton recycling co- ordinator. When residents call, they will be given a time slot for bringing the waste into the Eells Hill facility. Those who take advantage of this opportunity are asked to bring a nonperishable food item for the four local food banks. The community development department will also hold a fall cleanup program from Septem- ber 27 to October 8 at the Belfair Transfer Station, 1611 Sand Hill Road. Materials which will be accepted there free of charge in- clude brush and branches, leaves and grass clippings, fencing and old lawn furniture. Resi- dents in North Mason can call 275-6462 to sign up. To find the site, participants from South Mason can travel State Route 3 north, turn right on the Grapeview Loop Road and in- stead of turning left at the fire hall, proceed across the bridge to the island. To reach the museum, take the first right on the island and look for the sign. Those who want more specific details can call Howard at the museum at 426- 1020. Although there is no charge for the museum tour, donations are accepted to help with its upkeep. UPCOMING EVENTS for the historical society include the fol- lowing, Howard noted: • A Shelton-Mason County Sports Hall of Fame meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. September 19 at the historical museum at Fifth and Railroad downtown. • The Shelton Historic Preser- vation Board will meet at 7 p.m. September 22 at the museum downtown. • The historical society's board of directors will meet at 7:30 p.m. September 30 at the museum. • The historical society will staff the museum during Oyster- Fest from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Octo- ber 2 and 3 at the Mason County Fairgrounds. Volunteers are needed for that event, Howard noted. Those who would like to help can contact her at the num- ber listed above. THE WILLIE, which plied the waters be- tween Shelton and Olympia from 1886 to 1900, was owned by Lan and Lafe Willey, sons of settler Sam Willey, and was typi- cal of the early vessels on Puget Sound. Mary M. Knight sets meeting for Thursday Residents in the Mary M. issue. Knight School District are invited The meeting will be held at 7 to a public meeting about facili- p.m. Thursday, September 23, at ties needs at the school and dis- the Matlock Grange. cussion of a possible future bond 00SAVE 300/0 O..o Simply by owning, not leasing, your propane tank, you will pay less for propane. Give us a call today and you'll start saving NOW! Puget Sound Propane 2116 Pacific Ave. ()1) ;ia son County's biggest rock quarry just got even BETTER Our ROCK U has increased our production and efficiency to new levels! :71 rock s ANY SIZE crushed We deliver year-round! delivered into Shelton. ( 'cllul,il "b,'l ; i t ,al savings to outlying areas for details! 426-4743 on Highway 101 Shelton and Olympia Kenn Creek Quarry : = .... through Friday : City of Shelton crews will be at Kneeland Park conducting neces- sary annual maintenance on the Imagination Station Playground today. Because of the application of wood preservative necessary to keep the installation free of rot and insect damage, the play- ground will be closed today and Friday, says Shelton Parks and Recreation Director Mark Ziegler. "The playground," he ex- plained, "needs annual main- tenance to insure that it is in good condition for many years. The sealer slows and inhibits the natural checking and cracking of the lumber as it ages, and guards against fungus and mildew." Such maintenance, he said, "must take place when the wood is dry and the weather is still warm." Visitors to Bill Somers' museum with the historical society will learn more about maritime transportation through photos and artifacts, punctuated by the toots and whistles of a bygone era. Saturday Evening Services SPRING ROAD CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD 1113 E. Shclton Springs Road Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-6998 (Msg) Contemporary Saturday Service 6 p.m Traditional Sunday Service 11 ana. Sunday Evening Activities 5 p.m. Alan Tinnerstet, Pastor (360) 426-7953 Sharpen your pencils and pay attention. Now is the time to keep in touch with the whole family. Your Complete Local Wireless Center makes it as simple as A, B, C! Great Wireless Phone Motorola Profile 300 Comes with a FREE leather case, a $3g value! i Great Wireless Plan 150 Analog Minutes = 3000 FREE Minutes Offering . Comes as 1000 off-peak mnutes per month for 3 months FEE Voice Mail for 3 Months AirTouch,. Available only at these Local Complete Wireless Centers Mem &n Your Radio Shack Dealer 301 East Wallace Kneelend Blvd., Suite 225 Shelton * 426-2763 |rldmmt llm'lmies Your Motorola Service Center 321 South 3rd Street Downtown Shelton 427-5352 ;:7' 71iii 16 1999 - Shelton-Mason Journal- Page 13 11 ,, ==1=,==,.. 00Iistorical society will go maritime Sunday Imagination Station closed .,e blason County Historical "NO MATTER how often you hY will return to Stretch Is visit this museum," Howard said, " } rev' ' 111, lSlt the Maritime Mu- "there is always something more .... total v, rarer Sound for its Sep- to see." uerlgmeeting. .......: : !: Bill $Omers will host the eria. g, Which will begin at 2 Wi'er t the old Saint Charles east 0€ e on the island just be,, " y.rapeview. "Nonmem- 'e::. the historical society's ,o_ . alrector, Billie Howard e always Welcome." Howard • i8 Pl .... sald no major program . -uaecl ]sZSel,. L' but the visit will be a ,Pecial J ur.ieaturing whatever Pl xnibits Somers has :O,how his uos o 0n,^ yyr uaing means ra es ,. miSlallI ...... g P ....... .' Will be ripening and • .ws ShOUld be at their best. Somers' collection of maritime memorabilia includes numerous items from the old Mosquito Fleet steamers that plied Puget Sound, providing a transportation net- work for passengers and goods. Steamer whistles, wheels and signboards are among the items to see at the museum, which cap- tures the feel and the lore of the compact little vessels that took is- land grapes to market. The Island Belle grapes were developed on Stretch Island as well, and Somers' museum is in the buildings that once housed a thriving winery. Free dumping day slated for on County he llasoa at ,€ , County Depart- eat :,'..,;oraraunity Develop- !}ay, 8;5hold a "Free Dump 10lid .... raay, October 9 at the hils",a.te,, facility, 501 West I.:" tCOad. lt rials Which willrlbe fa:- ' include yard deb "s, - itute, household garbage, ap- tidav's bC i'unch celled h he lc oil Onomic Development .1%_ f Mason County has an- hl.e €! a Cancellation of its a raeetin tomor . ' "" U- • g row ,t: sual third-Frida, mem-  aeeting and the 7rogra m tl.0graphics scheduled for t"tth are the victim of t   L eco- i,-. ange. To be specific, the .C EXpress Restaurant, eho. : coting was to be held, _€I Ing hands and will be i h ', It day for remodeling. tt fo  .gram, said spokesper- r-- ' e COuncil, will orobabl ,. c ed- ' - - Y " ued for the October pliances and scrap metal. Up to four passenger vehicle tires per household will also be taken. The tires must be off the rims. Those who wish to sign up for the free dump day must call the solid-waste facility at 427-5271 before October 1. The reason for this cutoff date is so the county can gauge how many containers will be needed for shipping the waste out of the county, according to Toni Clement, Mason County and city of Shelton recycling co- ordinator. When residents call, they will be given a time slot for bringing the waste into the Eells Hill facility. Those who take advantage of this opportunity are asked to bring a nonperishable food item for the four local food banks. The community development department will also hold a fall cleanup program from Septem- ber 27 to October 8 at the Belfair Transfer Station, 1611 Sand Hill Road. Materials which will be accepted there free of charge in- clude brush and branches, leaves and grass clippings, fencing and old lawn furniture. Resi- dents in North Mason can call 275-6462 to sign up. To find the site, participants from South Mason can travel State Route 3 north, turn right on the Grapeview Loop Road and in- stead of turning left at the fire hall, proceed across the bridge to the island. To reach the museum, take the first right on the island and look for the sign. Those who want more specific details can call Howard at the museum at 426- 1020. Although there is no charge for the museum tour, donations are accepted to help with its upkeep. UPCOMING EVENTS for the historical society include the fol- lowing, Howard noted: • A Shelton-Mason County Sports Hall of Fame meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. September 19 at the historical museum at Fifth and Railroad downtown. • The Shelton Historic Preser- vation Board will meet at 7 p.m. September 22 at the museum downtown. • The historical society's board of directors will meet at 7:30 p.m. September 30 at the museum. • The historical society will staff the museum during Oyster- Fest from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Octo- ber 2 and 3 at the Mason County Fairgrounds. Volunteers are needed for that event, Howard noted. Those who would like to help can contact her at the num- ber listed above. THE WILLIE, which plied the waters be- tween Shelton and Olympia from 1886 to 1900, was owned by Lan and Lafe Willey, sons of settler Sam Willey, and was typi- cal of the early vessels on Puget Sound. Mary M. Knight sets meeting for Thursday Residents in the Mary M. issue. Knight School District are invited The meeting will be held at 7 to a public meeting about facili- p.m. Thursday, September 23, at ties needs at the school and dis- the Matlock Grange. cussion of a possible future bond 00SAVE 300/0 O..o Simply by owning, not leasing, your propane tank, you will pay less for propane. Give us a call today and you'll start saving NOW! Puget Sound Propane 2116 Pacific Ave. ()1) ;ia son County's biggest rock quarry just got even BETTER Our ROCK U has increased our production and efficiency to new levels! :71 rock s ANY SIZE crushed We deliver year-round! delivered into Shelton. ( 'cllul,il "b,'l ; i t ,al savings to outlying areas for details! 426-4743 on Highway 101 Shelton and Olympia Kenn Creek Quarry : = .... through Friday : City of Shelton crews will be at Kneeland Park conducting neces- sary annual maintenance on the Imagination Station Playground today. Because of the application of wood preservative necessary to keep the installation free of rot and insect damage, the play- ground will be closed today and Friday, says Shelton Parks and Recreation Director Mark Ziegler. "The playground," he ex- plained, "needs annual main- tenance to insure that it is in good condition for many years. The sealer slows and inhibits the natural checking and cracking of the lumber as it ages, and guards against fungus and mildew." Such maintenance, he said, "must take place when the wood is dry and the weather is still warm." Visitors to Bill Somers' museum with the historical society will learn more about maritime transportation through photos and artifacts, punctuated by the toots and whistles of a bygone era. Saturday Evening Services SPRING ROAD CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD 1113 E. Shclton Springs Road Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-6998 (Msg) Contemporary Saturday Service 6 p.m Traditional Sunday Service 11 ana. Sunday Evening Activities 5 p.m. Alan Tinnerstet, Pastor (360) 426-7953 Sharpen your pencils and pay attention. Now is the time to keep in touch with the whole family. Your Complete Local Wireless Center makes it as simple as A, B, C! Great Wireless Phone Motorola Profile 300 Comes with a FREE leather case, a $3g value! i Great Wireless Plan 150 Analog Minutes = 3000 FREE Minutes Offering . Comes as 1000 off-peak mnutes per month for 3 months FEE Voice Mail for 3 Months AirTouch,. Available only at these Local Complete Wireless Centers Mem &n Your Radio Shack Dealer 301 East Wallace Kneelend Blvd., Suite 225 Shelton * 426-2763 |rldmmt llm'lmies Your Motorola Service Center 321 South 3rd Street Downtown Shelton 427-5352 ;:7' 71iii 16 1999 - Shelton-Mason Journal- Page 13 11 ,, ==1=,==,..