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Superior court roundup:
Defendants plea:l not guilty to
assault charges in wake of feud
Four defendants were ar-
raigned before Judge Toni Shel-
(ion in Mason County Superior
Court last Thursday in an assault
case that developed after a long-
simmering feud broke out at an
apartment complex in the Moun-
tain View neighborhood at the
end of August.
* William Nathaneil Powell,
21, of 1003 South 10th Street,
Shelton, pied not guilty to charg-
es of assault in the second degree
and assault in the fourth degree.
Judge Sheldon scheduled an om-
nibus hearing for October 14, a
pretrial for October 27 and trial
during the jury term that begins
November 8.
Riggie Nathan Powell, 18,
of 2100 Alabama Street, Bel-
lingham, pied not guilty to charg-
es of attempted assault in the sec-
ond degree. Judge Sheldon sched-
u|ed an omnibus hearing for Octo-
ber 14, a pretrial hearing for Oc-
tober 27 and trial during the jury
HUGE 50% off furniture sale, Septem-
ber 16-18 at Treasures Thrift Store. 305
W. Railroad T9/16
2 FAMILY garage sale, Saturday, Sept.
18th only. Computer, desk, file, fax,
Dakota queen size comforter, lamps,
winter golf boots, golf pull cart and
many miscellaneous household items.
210-230 Penzance Rd, Lake Limerick.
FREE TWO I..atino Cockatiels to good
home with bird lovers only. Need cage
and rnore It.C than I have time to give,
427-7095, Maxine. Mc9/16-23
MOVED SALE. Household, outdoor, old
and newer items. Friday and Saturday,
10 am.-4 p.m. 1461 E. Island Lake
Drive. Free hospital bed. G9/16
1976 26' Terry travel trailer. Very nice
condition. No rot. Sleeps 4, S/C with
swaybars and hitch. $2,300, 427-8753.
RUMMAGE SALE, Saturday, Sunday, 9
a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday $1 a bag. Thou-
sands ol tem ,5741 E: Grapeview
loop Road B9/16
LOS1 CAI, gray tabby, answers to
name "Innocent," Was last in Shelton
Library area August 19th. Lip is half
white, half black. Has white feel. Call
877-0630. $9/16-23
RAINBOW PLACE Childcare has part-
time openings available. Please call
Stephanie at 427-3582. R9/16-10/7
12' PORI'-A-BOAT, $1,000. Call 432-
8187 after 5 p.m. K9/16
MISSING FROM garage. 021 Stihl. For
reward call 426-7063. I can identify.
1984 CHEVY 23' motorhome. Excellent
condition, low miles, $9,200, 427-2717.
ASHBY HOMES Contractor's Sale, one
day only, Saturday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Doors, cabinets, tile, 4I heat pump,
much more. 825 W. Franklin. A9/16
LOST- BLUE floating upright chair, left
Bayshore on outgoing tide night 9/13.
Please call (360) 432-1858 or'(360)
532-6623. E9t16
ture, baby items, clothing, tools, mis-
cellaneous. Come and see. Saturday
only, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 2120 Adams. F9/16
MATCHING COUCH/chair, good condi-
tion, $250. 3 wicker bar chairs, $10
each. Large work hutch, $45. Stereo
cabinet, glass door, $25. 898-4360.
5 ADORABLE kittens, 3 orange, 1
white/orange, 1 calico. 898-4360.
pies. First shots, wormed, $100-$125.
426-3506. R9/t6
term that begins November 8.
Yolanda Christine Bur-
ney, 22, of 2100 Alabama Street,
Bellingham, pled not guilty to two
counts of assault in the second de-
gree and one count of assault in
the fourth degree. Judge Sheldon
scheduled an omnibus hearing for
October 14, a pretrial hearing for
October 27 and trial during the
jury term that begins November
Alvin Rosevelt Burney Jr.,
27, of 2100 Alabama Street, Bel-
lingham, pied not guilty to as-
sault in the second degree. Judge
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for October 14, a pretrial
hearing for October 27 and trial
during the jury term that begins
November 8.
A NUMBER OF other defend-
ants were arraigned in superior
court proceedings on Thursday.
They include:
* Ryan Eugene Case, 20, of
24822 19th Avenue, Des Moines.
He pied not guilty to residential
burglary. Judge Sheldon sched-
uled an omnibus hearing for Octo-
ber 14, a pretrial hearing for Oc-
tober 14 and trial during the jury
term that begins November 8.
Frances Ellen Green, 39, of
6201 157th Street NW, Gig Har.
bor. She pled not guilty to a re.
filed charge of possession of meth.
amphetamine. In a trial earlier
this year, her case resulted in a
hung jury. Judge Sheldon sched-
uled a new trial during the term
that begins November 8. Green
was ordered to appear for an om-
nibus hearing on October 14 and
a pretrial hearing on October 27.
Claude Haven Challender
Jr., 22, of 2339 Adams Street,
Shelton. He pled not guilty to pos-
session of methamphetamine.
Judge Sheldon scheduled an om-
nibus hearing on October 14, a
pretrial hearing on October 27
and trial during the jury term
that begins November 8.
Misty Luana Kaual, 33, of
33020 10th Avenue South, Seat-
tle. She pled not guilty to a
charge of obtaining a controlled
substance through fraud. Judge
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for October 14, a pretrial
hearing for October 27 and trial
during the jury term that begins
Novembei, 8.
* Robert Mearl McGee, 37,
of 21 NE Leahy Drive, Tahuya.
He pled not guilty to three counts
of possession of stolen property in
the third degree. Judge Sheldon
reduced bail to $5,000 and sched-
uled an omnibus hearing for Sep-
tember 23, a pretrial hearing for
September 30 and trial during
the jury term that begins October
4. He is charged with being in
possession of three stolen motor
vehicles on August 23.
Daren G. Depoe, 34, who
gave his address as the Mason
County Jail. He pled not guilty to
a charge of felony violation of a
no-contact order. Judge Sheldon
scheduled an omnibus hearing for
September 23, a pretrial hearing
for September 30 and trial during
the jury term that begins October
4. He was ordered to have no con-
tact with Donna Carle and to stay
away from 250 Auseth Lane,
IN OTHER superior court pro-
ceedings on Thursday:
Steven David Ramey, 37,
of 1818 Olympic Highway South,
Shelton, had charges of harass-
ment and assault dismissed by
Judge Sheldon after he success-
fully completed the Friendship di-
version program. Friendship
helps people avoid conviction for a
felony by supervising them in re-
habilitation and community ser-
Daniel Lee Andrews and
Clifton Allen Parker were or-
dered to pay $353.18 each in res-
titution in connection with an as-
sault at apartments owned by the
Mason County Homeless Shelter.
Judge Sheldon signed a
$2,500 warrant for the arrest of
Shawn Michael Lagasa after he
failed to appear for arraignment
on a charge of unlawful posses-
sion of a firearm and a $2,500
warrant for the arrest of Eliza-
beth Lewis after she failed to
appear for a hearing on her possi-
ble termination from a diversion
ber 8, in superior court proceed-
Denise Anderson, 44, of
6020 19],st Avenue SW,
Rochester, appeared before Judge
James Sawyer in court on
Wednesday, September 8, after
her arrest on a warrant in a 1998
case. She is charged with forging
a $30 check at Bob's Tavern in
When the court proceeded to
arraignment, she pied not guity
and was released on personal re-
cognizance pending an omnibus
hearing on September 30, a pre-
trial hearing on October 27 and
trial during the jury term that be-
gins November 8.
ON MONDAY in superior
Christopher I. MaeLaeh-
lan, 32, of 52 East Mossflower
Lane, Grapeview, was identified
in an investigation of attempting
to elude a pursuing police vehicle
and driving with license suspend-
ed in the third degree.
Judge Sheldon found probable
cause for his arrest and released
him on personal recognizance
pending arraignment on Septem-
ber 23.
Tracy Lee Eastman, 37, of
1122 Bayview Avenue, Shelton,
was identified in an investigation
of allegations of domestic
violence. Judge Sheldon found
probable cause for his arrest on
potential charges of assault in the
fourth degree and malicious mis-
chief in the second degree. She
appointed Charles Lane to be his
defense attorney and set bail at
$1,500 pending arraignment on
September 23.
Theresa A. Howard, 45, of
50 North Silverlane Street,
Hoodsport, appeared following
he[ arrest on a warrant.
She was picked up after she
failed to appear for trial on drug
charges. Judge Sheldon increased
bail from $2,500 to $12,500 and
ordered her to appear for a pre-
trial hearing on October 27 and
trial during the jury term that be-
gins November 8.
IN SUPERIOR court proceed-
ings on Tuesday:
Thomas Lamar "Tray"
Brackin, 19, of 13432 Castle
Highland, Houston, Texas, ap-
peared to face possible extradition
to Texas.
Judge James Sawyer told him
he is wanted as a fugitive from
justice for violating the conditions
of his probation on a theft convic-
tion. Sawyer appointed Ron Sergi
to be his defense attorney and or-
dered him held pending resolu-
tion of the extradition issue.
Violators get time in jail
A number of defendants admit.
ted Thursday in Mason County
Superior Court that they had vio-
lated the conditions of their pro-
bation. They are:
Ricky Lee Koch, 39, who
gave his address as the Thurston
County Jail. Judge Toni Sheldon
ordered him to serve 180 days in
jail after he signed papers admitt-
ing failure to report to the Wash-
ington Department of Correc-
tions, failure to serve 30 days in
jail, failure to complete communi-
ty service, failure to make pay-
ments towards his legal financial
obligations and associatiQg with
known drug users and sellers.
He was convicted of possession
ofmethamphetamine in 1997.
Richard Allen Mullins, 31,
of 1421 Olympic Highway South,
Shelton. Judge Sheldon ordered
him to serve 30 days in jail, 30
days on electronic home monitor-
ing and 80 days on day reporting
after he signed papers admitting
that he violated the conditions of
his probation by failing to report
to the WDC, consuming meth-
amphetamine, failing to get a
Saturday, September 25, 1999
Preregistration required * Call today
State Approved Complete outpatient services
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 16, 1999
mental health evaluation, failing
to enroll in an anger management
program, being terminated from
the Right Step drug/alcohol pro-
gram, and failing to take tests for
the presence of drugs and alcohol
in his system.
He pled guilty last September
to felony harassment and mali-
cious mischief in the second de-
Blake R. Fuller, 33, who
gave his address as the Mason
County Jail.
Judge Toni Sheldon ordered
him to serve 75 days in jail for
violating the conditions of his pro-
bation in a 1991 charg of resi-
dential burglary, a 1992 charge of
possession of stolen property in
the second degree .and a 1996
charge of auto theft.
He admitted failure to report,
failure to make payments to-
wards his legal financial obliga-
tions and failure to notify the
Washington Department of Cor-
rections that he had changed his
John Young, 35, of 80 NE
Sides Way, Belfair. Judge Shel-
don ordered him to serve 75 days
in jail for failure to report, failure
to complete community service,
failure to pay, failure to complete
programs in domestic violence
and chemical dependency and
failure to complete an interven-
tion class. He was charged in
1998 with malicious mischief in
the second degree and assault in
the fourth degree.
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Weddle gets. 29 months
on a medley of charges
Chris Allen Weddle, 38, of SE
2402 Cole Road, Shelton, was
sentenced Thursday to a total of
29 months in prison in four sepa-
rate criminal cases in Mason
County Superior Court.
The sentences will run concur-
rently to one another but Weddle
won't start serving that time until
he completes a sentence on a sep-
arate drug charge handed down
in Pierce County Superior Court.
He also faces additional time for a
parole violation.
Judge James Sawyer placed
him under 12 months of super-
vision by the Washington Depart-
ment of Corrections following his
release. He ordered Weddle to
stay away from bars and taverns,
to take regular tests for the pres-
ence of drugs and alcohol in his
system and to stay away from
known drug dealers and users.
"I KNOW WHAT got me
here," Weddle told the court.
'rhere's not much I can say."
What got him in the orange
jumpsuit worn by inmates at the
Washington Corrections Center
in Shelton was a variety of
charges having to do with meth-
amphetamine and stolen proper-
ty. He told Sawyer that he's de-
termined to kick the drug habit.
"That's easy to say when you're
sitting here in orange coveralls. It
gets tough when you get out," the
judge replied. "You need to start
lining up your support systems
out here in the community."
down the following concurrent
sentences after hearing from
Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold
Schuetz and defense attorney
Eric Valley:
29 months tbr possession of
methamphetamine. Sawyer or-
dered Weddle to pay a $2,000
drug fine, $500 to the
tims' fund and $286.1(
costs. Weddle is to be
HIV, the virus that
Aquired Immune
drome, a disease
the use of hypodermic
29 months in
charging possession
amphetamine. Sawya
him to pay a $2,000
$500 to the crime
and $173.30 in court
29 months in
session of stolen
second degree. Sawyer
him to pay $500 to the
tims' fund and $322.
costs. The judge
titution hearing for Naves
Six months in
caping from community
Sawyer ordered him to t
er $500 to the crime
and $125 in court costS.
In superior court:
Tackett, Peters, Vand
and Painter are sen
A number of defendants were
sentenced Thursday in Mason
County Superior Court. They in-
Stanley Ray Taekett, 38,
whose last known address was
160 East Savage Lane, Grape-
view. He was sentenced to three
months in jail for escaping from
community custody. He was con-
victed of escaping last November
9 from community placement con-
nected to his 1997 conviction for
assault in the second degree.
Judge Toni Sheldon gave him
12 months of community super-
vision and ordered him to pay
$500 to the crime victims' fund
and $110 in court costs. She
waived the usual $350 payment
toward defense attorney,, costs.
Thomas John Peters, 23, of
61 East Tree Water Place, Shel-
ton. He was sentenced to 60 days
in jail for theft in the first degree
and possession of cocaine. He was
also sentenced to 90 days with 89
suspended for possession of mari-
Judge Sheldon sentenced him
under the first-time offender op-
tion. That means less time in jail
but more time - 24 months - un-
der state supervision after his re-
lease. She told him to stay away
from illegal drugs and known
drug users and to submit to regu-
lar tests for alcohol and drugs in
his system.
He was ordered to pay $500 to
the crime victims' fund, $350 to-
wards his attorney's fee and $110
in court costs. A restitution hear-
ing was scheduled for October 28.
Angela Marie Painter, 22,
of East 200 Endeavor Lane, Shel-
ton. She was sentenced to 60 days
in jail for theft in the second de-
gree. Judge Sheldon said she
could serve the time in the day re-
porting program.
She was arrested and charged
with stealing a chainsaw from
James McCord of Shelton on Feb-
ruary 11. Sheldon placed her un-
der 12 months of state super-
vision after her release and or-
dered her to pay $500 to the
crime victims' fund, $352.40 in
court costs and $350
attorney's fees.
A restitution he
scheduled for
David Brent
37, of 4322
NW, Olympia. He w
to five months
pursuing police
days for driving
pended in the
Judge Sheldon said
can serve the last
the day reporting
ordered him to pay
crime victims' fund,
his attorney's fees
court costs.
He was arrested on
ter a trooper with the
State Patrol spotted
Prairie Road in a
legible license plates.
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Superior court roundup:
Defendants plea:l not guilty to
assault charges in wake of feud
Four defendants were ar-
raigned before Judge Toni Shel-
(ion in Mason County Superior
Court last Thursday in an assault
case that developed after a long-
simmering feud broke out at an
apartment complex in the Moun-
tain View neighborhood at the
end of August.
* William Nathaneil Powell,
21, of 1003 South 10th Street,
Shelton, pied not guilty to charg-
es of assault in the second degree
and assault in the fourth degree.
Judge Sheldon scheduled an om-
nibus hearing for October 14, a
pretrial for October 27 and trial
during the jury term that begins
November 8.
Riggie Nathan Powell, 18,
of 2100 Alabama Street, Bel-
lingham, pied not guilty to charg-
es of attempted assault in the sec-
ond degree. Judge Sheldon sched-
u|ed an omnibus hearing for Octo-
ber 14, a pretrial hearing for Oc-
tober 27 and trial during the jury
HUGE 50% off furniture sale, Septem-
ber 16-18 at Treasures Thrift Store. 305
W. Railroad T9/16
2 FAMILY garage sale, Saturday, Sept.
18th only. Computer, desk, file, fax,
Dakota queen size comforter, lamps,
winter golf boots, golf pull cart and
many miscellaneous household items.
210-230 Penzance Rd, Lake Limerick.
FREE TWO I..atino Cockatiels to good
home with bird lovers only. Need cage
and rnore It.C than I have time to give,
427-7095, Maxine. Mc9/16-23
MOVED SALE. Household, outdoor, old
and newer items. Friday and Saturday,
10 am.-4 p.m. 1461 E. Island Lake
Drive. Free hospital bed. G9/16
1976 26' Terry travel trailer. Very nice
condition. No rot. Sleeps 4, S/C with
swaybars and hitch. $2,300, 427-8753.
RUMMAGE SALE, Saturday, Sunday, 9
a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday $1 a bag. Thou-
sands ol tem ,5741 E: Grapeview
loop Road B9/16
LOS1 CAI, gray tabby, answers to
name "Innocent," Was last in Shelton
Library area August 19th. Lip is half
white, half black. Has white feel. Call
877-0630. $9/16-23
RAINBOW PLACE Childcare has part-
time openings available. Please call
Stephanie at 427-3582. R9/16-10/7
12' PORI'-A-BOAT, $1,000. Call 432-
8187 after 5 p.m. K9/16
MISSING FROM garage. 021 Stihl. For
reward call 426-7063. I can identify.
1984 CHEVY 23' motorhome. Excellent
condition, low miles, $9,200, 427-2717.
ASHBY HOMES Contractor's Sale, one
day only, Saturday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Doors, cabinets, tile, 4I heat pump,
much more. 825 W. Franklin. A9/16
LOST- BLUE floating upright chair, left
Bayshore on outgoing tide night 9/13.
Please call (360) 432-1858 or'(360)
532-6623. E9t16
ture, baby items, clothing, tools, mis-
cellaneous. Come and see. Saturday
only, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 2120 Adams. F9/16
MATCHING COUCH/chair, good condi-
tion, $250. 3 wicker bar chairs, $10
each. Large work hutch, $45. Stereo
cabinet, glass door, $25. 898-4360.
5 ADORABLE kittens, 3 orange, 1
white/orange, 1 calico. 898-4360.
pies. First shots, wormed, $100-$125.
426-3506. R9/t6
term that begins November 8.
Yolanda Christine Bur-
ney, 22, of 2100 Alabama Street,
Bellingham, pled not guilty to two
counts of assault in the second de-
gree and one count of assault in
the fourth degree. Judge Sheldon
scheduled an omnibus hearing for
October 14, a pretrial hearing for
October 27 and trial during the
jury term that begins November
Alvin Rosevelt Burney Jr.,
27, of 2100 Alabama Street, Bel-
lingham, pied not guilty to as-
sault in the second degree. Judge
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for October 14, a pretrial
hearing for October 27 and trial
during the jury term that begins
November 8.
A NUMBER OF other defend-
ants were arraigned in superior
court proceedings on Thursday.
They include:
* Ryan Eugene Case, 20, of
24822 19th Avenue, Des Moines.
He pied not guilty to residential
burglary. Judge Sheldon sched-
uled an omnibus hearing for Octo-
ber 14, a pretrial hearing for Oc-
tober 14 and trial during the jury
term that begins November 8.
Frances Ellen Green, 39, of
6201 157th Street NW, Gig Har.
bor. She pled not guilty to a re.
filed charge of possession of meth.
amphetamine. In a trial earlier
this year, her case resulted in a
hung jury. Judge Sheldon sched-
uled a new trial during the term
that begins November 8. Green
was ordered to appear for an om-
nibus hearing on October 14 and
a pretrial hearing on October 27.
Claude Haven Challender
Jr., 22, of 2339 Adams Street,
Shelton. He pled not guilty to pos-
session of methamphetamine.
Judge Sheldon scheduled an om-
nibus hearing on October 14, a
pretrial hearing on October 27
and trial during the jury term
that begins November 8.
Misty Luana Kaual, 33, of
33020 10th Avenue South, Seat-
tle. She pled not guilty to a
charge of obtaining a controlled
substance through fraud. Judge
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for October 14, a pretrial
hearing for October 27 and trial
during the jury term that begins
Novembei, 8.
* Robert Mearl McGee, 37,
of 21 NE Leahy Drive, Tahuya.
He pled not guilty to three counts
of possession of stolen property in
the third degree. Judge Sheldon
reduced bail to $5,000 and sched-
uled an omnibus hearing for Sep-
tember 23, a pretrial hearing for
September 30 and trial during
the jury term that begins October
4. He is charged with being in
possession of three stolen motor
vehicles on August 23.
Daren G. Depoe, 34, who
gave his address as the Mason
County Jail. He pled not guilty to
a charge of felony violation of a
no-contact order. Judge Sheldon
scheduled an omnibus hearing for
September 23, a pretrial hearing
for September 30 and trial during
the jury term that begins October
4. He was ordered to have no con-
tact with Donna Carle and to stay
away from 250 Auseth Lane,
IN OTHER superior court pro-
ceedings on Thursday:
Steven David Ramey, 37,
of 1818 Olympic Highway South,
Shelton, had charges of harass-
ment and assault dismissed by
Judge Sheldon after he success-
fully completed the Friendship di-
version program. Friendship
helps people avoid conviction for a
felony by supervising them in re-
habilitation and community ser-
Daniel Lee Andrews and
Clifton Allen Parker were or-
dered to pay $353.18 each in res-
titution in connection with an as-
sault at apartments owned by the
Mason County Homeless Shelter.
Judge Sheldon signed a
$2,500 warrant for the arrest of
Shawn Michael Lagasa after he
failed to appear for arraignment
on a charge of unlawful posses-
sion of a firearm and a $2,500
warrant for the arrest of Eliza-
beth Lewis after she failed to
appear for a hearing on her possi-
ble termination from a diversion
ber 8, in superior court proceed-
Denise Anderson, 44, of
6020 19],st Avenue SW,
Rochester, appeared before Judge
James Sawyer in court on
Wednesday, September 8, after
her arrest on a warrant in a 1998
case. She is charged with forging
a $30 check at Bob's Tavern in
When the court proceeded to
arraignment, she pied not guity
and was released on personal re-
cognizance pending an omnibus
hearing on September 30, a pre-
trial hearing on October 27 and
trial during the jury term that be-
gins November 8.
ON MONDAY in superior
Christopher I. MaeLaeh-
lan, 32, of 52 East Mossflower
Lane, Grapeview, was identified
in an investigation of attempting
to elude a pursuing police vehicle
and driving with license suspend-
ed in the third degree.
Judge Sheldon found probable
cause for his arrest and released
him on personal recognizance
pending arraignment on Septem-
ber 23.
Tracy Lee Eastman, 37, of
1122 Bayview Avenue, Shelton,
was identified in an investigation
of allegations of domestic
violence. Judge Sheldon found
probable cause for his arrest on
potential charges of assault in the
fourth degree and malicious mis-
chief in the second degree. She
appointed Charles Lane to be his
defense attorney and set bail at
$1,500 pending arraignment on
September 23.
Theresa A. Howard, 45, of
50 North Silverlane Street,
Hoodsport, appeared following
he[ arrest on a warrant.
She was picked up after she
failed to appear for trial on drug
charges. Judge Sheldon increased
bail from $2,500 to $12,500 and
ordered her to appear for a pre-
trial hearing on October 27 and
trial during the jury term that be-
gins November 8.
IN SUPERIOR court proceed-
ings on Tuesday:
Thomas Lamar "Tray"
Brackin, 19, of 13432 Castle
Highland, Houston, Texas, ap-
peared to face possible extradition
to Texas.
Judge James Sawyer told him
he is wanted as a fugitive from
justice for violating the conditions
of his probation on a theft convic-
tion. Sawyer appointed Ron Sergi
to be his defense attorney and or-
dered him held pending resolu-
tion of the extradition issue.
Violators get time in jail
A number of defendants admit.
ted Thursday in Mason County
Superior Court that they had vio-
lated the conditions of their pro-
bation. They are:
Ricky Lee Koch, 39, who
gave his address as the Thurston
County Jail. Judge Toni Sheldon
ordered him to serve 180 days in
jail after he signed papers admitt-
ing failure to report to the Wash-
ington Department of Correc-
tions, failure to serve 30 days in
jail, failure to complete communi-
ty service, failure to make pay-
ments towards his legal financial
obligations and associatiQg with
known drug users and sellers.
He was convicted of possession
ofmethamphetamine in 1997.
Richard Allen Mullins, 31,
of 1421 Olympic Highway South,
Shelton. Judge Sheldon ordered
him to serve 30 days in jail, 30
days on electronic home monitor-
ing and 80 days on day reporting
after he signed papers admitting
that he violated the conditions of
his probation by failing to report
to the WDC, consuming meth-
amphetamine, failing to get a
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Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 16, 1999
mental health evaluation, failing
to enroll in an anger management
program, being terminated from
the Right Step drug/alcohol pro-
gram, and failing to take tests for
the presence of drugs and alcohol
in his system.
He pled guilty last September
to felony harassment and mali-
cious mischief in the second de-
Blake R. Fuller, 33, who
gave his address as the Mason
County Jail.
Judge Toni Sheldon ordered
him to serve 75 days in jail for
violating the conditions of his pro-
bation in a 1991 charg of resi-
dential burglary, a 1992 charge of
possession of stolen property in
the second degree .and a 1996
charge of auto theft.
He admitted failure to report,
failure to make payments to-
wards his legal financial obliga-
tions and failure to notify the
Washington Department of Cor-
rections that he had changed his
John Young, 35, of 80 NE
Sides Way, Belfair. Judge Shel-
don ordered him to serve 75 days
in jail for failure to report, failure
to complete community service,
failure to pay, failure to complete
programs in domestic violence
and chemical dependency and
failure to complete an interven-
tion class. He was charged in
1998 with malicious mischief in
the second degree and assault in
the fourth degree.
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Weddle gets. 29 months
on a medley of charges
Chris Allen Weddle, 38, of SE
2402 Cole Road, Shelton, was
sentenced Thursday to a total of
29 months in prison in four sepa-
rate criminal cases in Mason
County Superior Court.
The sentences will run concur-
rently to one another but Weddle
won't start serving that time until
he completes a sentence on a sep-
arate drug charge handed down
in Pierce County Superior Court.
He also faces additional time for a
parole violation.
Judge James Sawyer placed
him under 12 months of super-
vision by the Washington Depart-
ment of Corrections following his
release. He ordered Weddle to
stay away from bars and taverns,
to take regular tests for the pres-
ence of drugs and alcohol in his
system and to stay away from
known drug dealers and users.
"I KNOW WHAT got me
here," Weddle told the court.
'rhere's not much I can say."
What got him in the orange
jumpsuit worn by inmates at the
Washington Corrections Center
in Shelton was a variety of
charges having to do with meth-
amphetamine and stolen proper-
ty. He told Sawyer that he's de-
termined to kick the drug habit.
"That's easy to say when you're
sitting here in orange coveralls. It
gets tough when you get out," the
judge replied. "You need to start
lining up your support systems
out here in the community."
down the following concurrent
sentences after hearing from
Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold
Schuetz and defense attorney
Eric Valley:
29 months tbr possession of
methamphetamine. Sawyer or-
dered Weddle to pay a $2,000
drug fine, $500 to the
tims' fund and $286.1(
costs. Weddle is to be
HIV, the virus that
Aquired Immune
drome, a disease
the use of hypodermic
29 months in
charging possession
amphetamine. Sawya
him to pay a $2,000
$500 to the crime
and $173.30 in court
29 months in
session of stolen
second degree. Sawyer
him to pay $500 to the
tims' fund and $322.
costs. The judge
titution hearing for Naves
Six months in
caping from community
Sawyer ordered him to t
er $500 to the crime
and $125 in court costS.
In superior court:
Tackett, Peters, Vand
and Painter are sen
A number of defendants were
sentenced Thursday in Mason
County Superior Court. They in-
Stanley Ray Taekett, 38,
whose last known address was
160 East Savage Lane, Grape-
view. He was sentenced to three
months in jail for escaping from
community custody. He was con-
victed of escaping last November
9 from community placement con-
nected to his 1997 conviction for
assault in the second degree.
Judge Toni Sheldon gave him
12 months of community super-
vision and ordered him to pay
$500 to the crime victims' fund
and $110 in court costs. She
waived the usual $350 payment
toward defense attorney,, costs.
Thomas John Peters, 23, of
61 East Tree Water Place, Shel-
ton. He was sentenced to 60 days
in jail for theft in the first degree
and possession of cocaine. He was
also sentenced to 90 days with 89
suspended for possession of mari-
Judge Sheldon sentenced him
under the first-time offender op-
tion. That means less time in jail
but more time - 24 months - un-
der state supervision after his re-
lease. She told him to stay away
from illegal drugs and known
drug users and to submit to regu-
lar tests for alcohol and drugs in
his system.
He was ordered to pay $500 to
the crime victims' fund, $350 to-
wards his attorney's fee and $110
in court costs. A restitution hear-
ing was scheduled for October 28.
Angela Marie Painter, 22,
of East 200 Endeavor Lane, Shel-
ton. She was sentenced to 60 days
in jail for theft in the second de-
gree. Judge Sheldon said she
could serve the time in the day re-
porting program.
She was arrested and charged
with stealing a chainsaw from
James McCord of Shelton on Feb-
ruary 11. Sheldon placed her un-
der 12 months of state super-
vision after her release and or-
dered her to pay $500 to the
crime victims' fund, $352.40 in
court costs and $350
attorney's fees.
A restitution he
scheduled for
David Brent
37, of 4322
NW, Olympia. He w
to five months
pursuing police
days for driving
pended in the
Judge Sheldon said
can serve the last
the day reporting
ordered him to pay
crime victims' fund,
his attorney's fees
court costs.
He was arrested on
ter a trooper with the
State Patrol spotted
Prairie Road in a
legible license plates.
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