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Biking's dirt-jumpin'
Craze goes fraternal
out at Greg's place...
aren't, and neither is Josh.
freckle-faced grin, though, and that
rubber-faced way he has of looking a
comically demented Howdy Doody, the
could easily pass for one.
: one of those kids who, not so long ago,
red his older buddy Greg on teenagers
honest with ya," says his 31-year-old
mentor, holding forth last week in the
his Arcadia-area home, "I was kinda
rby the younger kids, myself-
met this group..."
all Started last Christ-
out of his mind in
of a months-long
friend Cindy
matters into
got me a bicycle," he
g a grin that
think l m
crazy, cuz
l jump big
pass for teenlike iii!i.::i:ii:iii!:iiil !
I hadn't ridden and I collect
as 15." ,
Inclined that
because of his
and anxious
the trans-
Californian threw
into what soon became
- or, in the
g-time craze, dirt
rst I didn't think it
much fun,"
has built
concourse of
berms out there in
behind his house.
used to twistin'
flyin' 90 feet -
ng and jump-
really shocked to
s SUper, super fun."
is obvious within
g him, by
fairly radiates
Dude!" sort
on the other
his aforemen-
- tends
the soft-
Sport," says the
ad, who goes to
School when
air at Greg's
laid-back, I
too? Does it
be a bit of a
He flashes
and part
People think I,m
Says, "cuz I jump
and I collect taran-
crazy cuz I do that," he says.
"But I'm not..."
Accompanying Josh and
Greg this particular afternoon
are three other regulars of the
Wall backyard brigade - '99
Wall through the course the other day out at
Greg's place.
at you and stuff.
"But with us it's just all
about havin' fun and gettin'
together with your friends."
And what makes his follow-
ing so different? Greg answers
without hesitation.
SHS grad Josh "JJ" Jennings,
Climber sophomore Marshall [ou know what I've noticed
Justesen and CHOICE ninth, about all these kids?" he says.
grader Donovan Gasper. "Their parents are involved
Though not this time, often with 'am..7
they're joined by others as _._ * * * *
well, among them Josh's close
friend Luke Tweed. @rUe one of the older gen-
"And they're all really good eration steps forward when
kids," says Greg, taking a
breather after joining them in
a series of wild-eyed runs. I
really enjoy hangin' around
with 'era."
SO MANY KIDS today, he
says, are like the ones that
had him ready to swear off the
younger generation altogether,
only a short time ago.
"No respect," he says. "Just
no respect for anything or any-
body. And that's no good.
That's just no good..."
The problem exists even in
bike-riding circles, concedes
"There are a lot o' kids that
have a lot o' bad attitudes," he
says. "And they pick on each
other a lot, If you don't jump
with the right technique and
stuff, you know, people laugh
"We don't
really have
many people
says. "And I let
me. And people
gawd! Won t it
an almost in-
Le laugh, totally
friendliness and
if a bee comes UW 9
"I'll just let it
you swing at
get its outta
So you just let
You, do what it
and it'll leave."
think I'm
Grog r
volunteers are solicited to try
Greg's latest creation, as it
Pretty much identical to the
other roughly six-foot-high
jumps except for its gargan-
tuan horizontal dimensions,
the two-mound "double," as it's
called, boasts a gap of nearly
17 feet.
"That thing's nice," intonN
Josh, pedaling up beside you
there in the shadow of the
(]Please turn to page £,.)
POSE atop one of the jumps. From
left: Josh "JJ" Jennings, Josh Richards, Greg
Wall, Marshall Justesen and Donovan Gasper.
p 9
That s Greg s girlfriend, 91 SHS grad and fellow
motoerosser Cindy Battles, in the background.
& Co.
Senior state veteran Dale Fox
ran away to the individual throne
Saturday as the Climbers joined
teams from all over Southwest
Washington in the annual Capital
Invite at Capital High School.
Fitter than ever already after
a summer of running camps and
50- and 60-mile weeks, Fox was
largely unpushed and still came
within 14 seconds of ely grad
Mike Van Deusen's all-time
record on the 2.23-mile course,
clocking in at 12:19.
Number Two fc)r the Climbers,
claiming the chute at the 13:08
mark - and thus earning top-
sophomore distinction in the meet
- was veteran Victor Carpenter.
CLIMBER 800-meter record-
holder Jamie Coughlin, now a
junior, topped that class battle
among the girls. She came in at
15:23. Fastest of the distaff run-
ners there was Tumwater senior
Angela Burgett, at 15:05 - still
well off the course record of 14:16
set by since-graduated Anna Blue
of Capital.
"The Shelton team looked very
impressive," reports Climber head
coach Sheryal Balding. "We were
the only team to win three of the
eight races. Victor had a goal to
beat the sophomore boys' record
and missed it by only 24 seconds."
TO THE APPARENT enthrallment of teammate Tifani
Keith on the hosts' sideline, Climber senior Liz de Waal
Malefyt unloads a winner Tuesday in the Minidome dur-
ing Shelton's four-game win over Centralia. Behind Liz
are varsity teammates Lissa James (left) and Saori Hat-
Spike girls run up
(Other Climbers in field: Ben White 13:50
for 25th, Rick Goln 13:52 for 29th, Ksvln
Balding 14:45 for 63rd, Spencer Burnfleld
15:16 for 78th and Tyler Thombrus 16:15 for
Girls' top tan
Angels Burgett (Tumwater) 15:05, Jamie
Coughlin (Shelton) 15:23, Tylar Stephsnson
(Black Hills) 15:41, Julia Kluh (Capital)
15:43, Melissa Hoglund (Stadium) 15:48,
Sarah Etze (Capitat) 16:15, Rashseda Gar-
rett (Olympia), Dania Swosinski (Black Hills)
16:19, Shelby Moore (Capital) 16:22, Amy
Smith (Aberdeen) 16:23.
(Other Climbers in the field: Liz White
16:32 for 14th and Katie Dunn 17:45 for
The Climber varsity volleyball
girls launched their season with a
pair of nonleague victories the
past week.
Friday they beat Peninsula
there in three straight, 15-7, 15-5
and 15-8, as Liz de Waal Malefyt
and Willow Shanahan shared
honors in the hitting department
with seven kills each, Ashley
MacWilliam was 10-11 with four
aces at the service line, Rachel
Beck and Saori Hattori had ten
assists apiece and Lissa James
led with five digs.
At home Tuesday night they
rebounded from a first-game loss
to beat Centralia 13-15, 15-7, 15-
7 and 17-15.
Conspicuous numbers in that
affair include senior James' 30-32
serving (with six aces); classmate
MacWilliam's 20-21 (with one
ace); senior de Waal Malefyt's 17
kills and the 11-, 11- and 9-kill
complement by teammates Sha-
nahan, MacWilliam and James;
,lames' 24 digs, along with 15 by
Kadie Hunter, 14 by Shanahan
and 13 by de Waal Malefyt, and
the matching 22-assist perfor-
mance of Beck and Hattori.
The Climber jayvees, mean-
while, beat Peninsula and Cen-
tralia alike behind what coach
Steve Morgan called fine serving
by Leah Beck and Tiffany Moul-
ton, good passing by Erin
Bolender and effective net play
by Brittany Cahoon and Erika
The C-squad Climbers won as
well, getting what coach Leta
Baysinger characterized as
praiseworthy performances from
Donna Avery, Jessica Boothe,
Shauna Enger and Leann Gunter.
Tonight the Climbers take on
Tumwater there and Saturday
they travel to North Thurston for
a varsity-only tournament.
Golfers' Ayers
goes 3-under
The Climber golf boys got a
blistering 33 from senior state
veteran Warren Ayers last Thurs-
day and kicked off their 1999 sea-
son with a 190-210 win over
North Thurston at Capital City
Golf Course in Olympia.
John Strader 45, Eddie Smith 48 and Ricky
Ray 59.
Jayvee - Shelton won 219-243 behind
Jake Pogreba's 40, Eddie Haigh's 42, Josh
Whitener's 43, Eric Eagle's 47, Curtis Snyd-
er's 47 and Mike Davies' 51. (Dustin Dough-
ty of North Thurston took medalist honors,
posting a 39)
Avers finished a whopping sev-
en strokes ahead of the Rams' top
performer and four ahead of se-
nior classmate and fellow SHS
veteran Chris Lang, like Ayers
and senior Owen Bacon instru-
mental in the Climbers' locally
unprecedented rise to third place
at district last year.
Veteran Sean Burleson, just a
sophomore, followed with a 38 as
Shelton wound up with three
players posting scores better than
Thurston's #1.
SHELTON over N, THURSTON 190-210
Shelton - Warren Ayers 33, Chris Lang
37, Sean Burleson 38, Will Harris 41, Jo-
nathan Segai 41, Owen Bacon 42.
North Thurston - Johnathan McCaslin
40, Adam Williams 43, Matt Johnson 43,
Hall of Fame
meets Sunday
The Shelton-Mason County
Sports Hall of Fame board will
meet Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in the
Mason County Historical Society
Museum downtown.
Main topic of the September 19
gathering will be restructuring of
the board, with possible replace-
ment of current board members
who are no longer active.
It is imperative that any cur-
rent board member wishing to re-
main active on the board attend
the meeting or contact Chuck Ro-
bertson at 426-8620 or Duane
Wilson at 426-1782.
Thursday, September 16, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 21
CAPITAL INVITE (2.23 miles)
Boys' top ten
Dale Fox (Shelton) 12:19, Jesse Stevlck
(Olympia) 12.33, Bryan Blssell (Stadium)
12:39, Scott MIchle (Capital) 12:42, Caleb
Botellho (Camas) 12:45, Jon Mange
(Wilson), Jsssy Rankin (Camas) 13:02, Jake
Haag (Black Hills) 13:07, Victor Carpenter
(Shelton) 13:08, Garrett Weham (Capital)
and their grade-level places:
Liz White, 15:23 for fifth
among sophomore girls;
Ben White, 13:49 for tenth
among senior boys;
Katie Dunn, 17:44 for fourth
among frosh girls;
Rick Goin, 13:51 for eighth
among sophomore boys;
Kevin Balding, 14:45 for 15th
among sophomore boys;
Tyler Thornbrue, 16:14 for
34th among sophomore boys;
Spencer Burnfield, 15:16 for
eighth among fresh boys.
The day's age-group winners,
besides the Climbers' aforemen-
tioned Fox, Carpenter and Cough-
lin, included frosh winners
Flya of Caress (14:31) and Kristie
McLain of Tumwater (16:55),
sophomore girls' winner Julie
Kluh of Capital (15:43), junior
boys' winner Caleb Boteilho of
Camas (12:45) and senior girls'
winner Angela Burgett of Turn-
water (15:05).
sults. Even the young kids who
are out for the first time clocked
very good times. Returners Rick
Goin (sophomore), Victor Car-
penter and Kevin Balding
(sophomore) each took over a
minute off their times from last
"AS COACHES, Mike (vet-big numbers in win
eran sidekick Mike Fox) and I
were very pleased with the re-
Biking's dirt-jumpin'
Craze goes fraternal
out at Greg's place...
aren't, and neither is Josh.
freckle-faced grin, though, and that
rubber-faced way he has of looking a
comically demented Howdy Doody, the
could easily pass for one.
: one of those kids who, not so long ago,
red his older buddy Greg on teenagers
honest with ya," says his 31-year-old
mentor, holding forth last week in the
his Arcadia-area home, "I was kinda
rby the younger kids, myself-
met this group..."
all Started last Christ-
out of his mind in
of a months-long
friend Cindy
matters into
got me a bicycle," he
g a grin that
think l m
crazy, cuz
l jump big
pass for teenlike iii!i.::i:ii:iii!:iiil !
I hadn't ridden and I collect
as 15." ,
Inclined that
because of his
and anxious
the trans-
Californian threw
into what soon became
- or, in the
g-time craze, dirt
rst I didn't think it
much fun,"
has built
concourse of
berms out there in
behind his house.
used to twistin'
flyin' 90 feet -
ng and jump-
really shocked to
s SUper, super fun."
is obvious within
g him, by
fairly radiates
Dude!" sort
on the other
his aforemen-
- tends
the soft-
Sport," says the
ad, who goes to
School when
air at Greg's
laid-back, I
too? Does it
be a bit of a
He flashes
and part
People think I,m
Says, "cuz I jump
and I collect taran-
crazy cuz I do that," he says.
"But I'm not..."
Accompanying Josh and
Greg this particular afternoon
are three other regulars of the
Wall backyard brigade - '99
Wall through the course the other day out at
Greg's place.
at you and stuff.
"But with us it's just all
about havin' fun and gettin'
together with your friends."
And what makes his follow-
ing so different? Greg answers
without hesitation.
SHS grad Josh "JJ" Jennings,
Climber sophomore Marshall [ou know what I've noticed
Justesen and CHOICE ninth, about all these kids?" he says.
grader Donovan Gasper. "Their parents are involved
Though not this time, often with 'am..7
they're joined by others as _._ * * * *
well, among them Josh's close
friend Luke Tweed. @rUe one of the older gen-
"And they're all really good eration steps forward when
kids," says Greg, taking a
breather after joining them in
a series of wild-eyed runs. I
really enjoy hangin' around
with 'era."
SO MANY KIDS today, he
says, are like the ones that
had him ready to swear off the
younger generation altogether,
only a short time ago.
"No respect," he says. "Just
no respect for anything or any-
body. And that's no good.
That's just no good..."
The problem exists even in
bike-riding circles, concedes
"There are a lot o' kids that
have a lot o' bad attitudes," he
says. "And they pick on each
other a lot, If you don't jump
with the right technique and
stuff, you know, people laugh
"We don't
really have
many people
says. "And I let
me. And people
gawd! Won t it
an almost in-
Le laugh, totally
friendliness and
if a bee comes UW 9
"I'll just let it
you swing at
get its outta
So you just let
You, do what it
and it'll leave."
think I'm
Grog r
volunteers are solicited to try
Greg's latest creation, as it
Pretty much identical to the
other roughly six-foot-high
jumps except for its gargan-
tuan horizontal dimensions,
the two-mound "double," as it's
called, boasts a gap of nearly
17 feet.
"That thing's nice," intonN
Josh, pedaling up beside you
there in the shadow of the
(]Please turn to page £,.)
POSE atop one of the jumps. From
left: Josh "JJ" Jennings, Josh Richards, Greg
Wall, Marshall Justesen and Donovan Gasper.
p 9
That s Greg s girlfriend, 91 SHS grad and fellow
motoerosser Cindy Battles, in the background.
& Co.
Senior state veteran Dale Fox
ran away to the individual throne
Saturday as the Climbers joined
teams from all over Southwest
Washington in the annual Capital
Invite at Capital High School.
Fitter than ever already after
a summer of running camps and
50- and 60-mile weeks, Fox was
largely unpushed and still came
within 14 seconds of ely grad
Mike Van Deusen's all-time
record on the 2.23-mile course,
clocking in at 12:19.
Number Two fc)r the Climbers,
claiming the chute at the 13:08
mark - and thus earning top-
sophomore distinction in the meet
- was veteran Victor Carpenter.
CLIMBER 800-meter record-
holder Jamie Coughlin, now a
junior, topped that class battle
among the girls. She came in at
15:23. Fastest of the distaff run-
ners there was Tumwater senior
Angela Burgett, at 15:05 - still
well off the course record of 14:16
set by since-graduated Anna Blue
of Capital.
"The Shelton team looked very
impressive," reports Climber head
coach Sheryal Balding. "We were
the only team to win three of the
eight races. Victor had a goal to
beat the sophomore boys' record
and missed it by only 24 seconds."
TO THE APPARENT enthrallment of teammate Tifani
Keith on the hosts' sideline, Climber senior Liz de Waal
Malefyt unloads a winner Tuesday in the Minidome dur-
ing Shelton's four-game win over Centralia. Behind Liz
are varsity teammates Lissa James (left) and Saori Hat-
Spike girls run up
(Other Climbers in field: Ben White 13:50
for 25th, Rick Goln 13:52 for 29th, Ksvln
Balding 14:45 for 63rd, Spencer Burnfleld
15:16 for 78th and Tyler Thombrus 16:15 for
Girls' top tan
Angels Burgett (Tumwater) 15:05, Jamie
Coughlin (Shelton) 15:23, Tylar Stephsnson
(Black Hills) 15:41, Julia Kluh (Capital)
15:43, Melissa Hoglund (Stadium) 15:48,
Sarah Etze (Capitat) 16:15, Rashseda Gar-
rett (Olympia), Dania Swosinski (Black Hills)
16:19, Shelby Moore (Capital) 16:22, Amy
Smith (Aberdeen) 16:23.
(Other Climbers in the field: Liz White
16:32 for 14th and Katie Dunn 17:45 for
The Climber varsity volleyball
girls launched their season with a
pair of nonleague victories the
past week.
Friday they beat Peninsula
there in three straight, 15-7, 15-5
and 15-8, as Liz de Waal Malefyt
and Willow Shanahan shared
honors in the hitting department
with seven kills each, Ashley
MacWilliam was 10-11 with four
aces at the service line, Rachel
Beck and Saori Hattori had ten
assists apiece and Lissa James
led with five digs.
At home Tuesday night they
rebounded from a first-game loss
to beat Centralia 13-15, 15-7, 15-
7 and 17-15.
Conspicuous numbers in that
affair include senior James' 30-32
serving (with six aces); classmate
MacWilliam's 20-21 (with one
ace); senior de Waal Malefyt's 17
kills and the 11-, 11- and 9-kill
complement by teammates Sha-
nahan, MacWilliam and James;
,lames' 24 digs, along with 15 by
Kadie Hunter, 14 by Shanahan
and 13 by de Waal Malefyt, and
the matching 22-assist perfor-
mance of Beck and Hattori.
The Climber jayvees, mean-
while, beat Peninsula and Cen-
tralia alike behind what coach
Steve Morgan called fine serving
by Leah Beck and Tiffany Moul-
ton, good passing by Erin
Bolender and effective net play
by Brittany Cahoon and Erika
The C-squad Climbers won as
well, getting what coach Leta
Baysinger characterized as
praiseworthy performances from
Donna Avery, Jessica Boothe,
Shauna Enger and Leann Gunter.
Tonight the Climbers take on
Tumwater there and Saturday
they travel to North Thurston for
a varsity-only tournament.
Golfers' Ayers
goes 3-under
The Climber golf boys got a
blistering 33 from senior state
veteran Warren Ayers last Thurs-
day and kicked off their 1999 sea-
son with a 190-210 win over
North Thurston at Capital City
Golf Course in Olympia.
John Strader 45, Eddie Smith 48 and Ricky
Ray 59.
Jayvee - Shelton won 219-243 behind
Jake Pogreba's 40, Eddie Haigh's 42, Josh
Whitener's 43, Eric Eagle's 47, Curtis Snyd-
er's 47 and Mike Davies' 51. (Dustin Dough-
ty of North Thurston took medalist honors,
posting a 39)
Avers finished a whopping sev-
en strokes ahead of the Rams' top
performer and four ahead of se-
nior classmate and fellow SHS
veteran Chris Lang, like Ayers
and senior Owen Bacon instru-
mental in the Climbers' locally
unprecedented rise to third place
at district last year.
Veteran Sean Burleson, just a
sophomore, followed with a 38 as
Shelton wound up with three
players posting scores better than
Thurston's #1.
SHELTON over N, THURSTON 190-210
Shelton - Warren Ayers 33, Chris Lang
37, Sean Burleson 38, Will Harris 41, Jo-
nathan Segai 41, Owen Bacon 42.
North Thurston - Johnathan McCaslin
40, Adam Williams 43, Matt Johnson 43,
Hall of Fame
meets Sunday
The Shelton-Mason County
Sports Hall of Fame board will
meet Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in the
Mason County Historical Society
Museum downtown.
Main topic of the September 19
gathering will be restructuring of
the board, with possible replace-
ment of current board members
who are no longer active.
It is imperative that any cur-
rent board member wishing to re-
main active on the board attend
the meeting or contact Chuck Ro-
bertson at 426-8620 or Duane
Wilson at 426-1782.
Thursday, September 16, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 21
CAPITAL INVITE (2.23 miles)
Boys' top ten
Dale Fox (Shelton) 12:19, Jesse Stevlck
(Olympia) 12.33, Bryan Blssell (Stadium)
12:39, Scott MIchle (Capital) 12:42, Caleb
Botellho (Camas) 12:45, Jon Mange
(Wilson), Jsssy Rankin (Camas) 13:02, Jake
Haag (Black Hills) 13:07, Victor Carpenter
(Shelton) 13:08, Garrett Weham (Capital)
and their grade-level places:
Liz White, 15:23 for fifth
among sophomore girls;
Ben White, 13:49 for tenth
among senior boys;
Katie Dunn, 17:44 for fourth
among frosh girls;
Rick Goin, 13:51 for eighth
among sophomore boys;
Kevin Balding, 14:45 for 15th
among sophomore boys;
Tyler Thornbrue, 16:14 for
34th among sophomore boys;
Spencer Burnfield, 15:16 for
eighth among fresh boys.
The day's age-group winners,
besides the Climbers' aforemen-
tioned Fox, Carpenter and Cough-
lin, included frosh winners
Flya of Caress (14:31) and Kristie
McLain of Tumwater (16:55),
sophomore girls' winner Julie
Kluh of Capital (15:43), junior
boys' winner Caleb Boteilho of
Camas (12:45) and senior girls'
winner Angela Burgett of Turn-
water (15:05).
sults. Even the young kids who
are out for the first time clocked
very good times. Returners Rick
Goin (sophomore), Victor Car-
penter and Kevin Balding
(sophomore) each took over a
minute off their times from last
"AS COACHES, Mike (vet-big numbers in win
eran sidekick Mike Fox) and I
were very pleased with the re-