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Judgments in Mason County
District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
the past week include:
Driving under the influence:
Eric J. Kruger, no current ad-
dress, $925, 365 days, 360 sus-
pended, and two counts assault
in the fourth degree (domestic
violence), $200, 365 days, 305 sus-
pended, and $800, 365 days, 305
suspended; Vicente Gaspar-Za-
car|as, 930 Pioneer Way, Shel-
ton, and driving with license
suspended in the third degree,
$1,525, 365 days, 363 suspended.
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Aaron J.
Foster, 330 Makela Road, Bel-
ls|r, second degree, $800, 365
days, 345 suspended; Jose Fran-
cisco Flores, USE Abraham Lin-
coln, third degree, $150, 90 days
suspended, and no insurance
and speeding, $580; April J. Me-
Loud, 60 SE Abitz Villa Road,
Shelton, third degree, $200;
Joshua A. Middleton, Lilliwaup,
third degree, $200, 90 days sus-
No valid operator's license:
Deborah M. Conrad, 31 East
Harstene Place, Shelton, $150, 90
days suspended; Sandra K. Rice,
241 East Orchard Beach Road,
Grapeview, $150, 90 days sus-
No liability insurance: Debi
Josephine Bina, East 91 Lynwood
Drive, Shelton, and failure to
maintain vehicle to avoid a col-
lision and failure to properly re-
strain children, $670.
No liability insurance and
FTA: Richard D. Buckner, 1930
NE Tahuya River Drive, Bel-
ls|r, defective right tail light,
$598; Paul A. Browning, 2305 SE
Yakima Street, Port Orchard, no
seat belt, $598; Gonzalez Santa
Antonio, NE 21 Mahonia Drive,
Belfair, $527; Jasmine Anglia
Hurd, 2050 Hilstad, Bremerton,
and speeding, $589; Jena-Lea
Russell Green, East 121 Cedar-
brook Lane, Belfair, $527.
Speeding: Adam G. Couto,
13815 Easy Street, Gig Harbor,
Unlawfd flingL ]fgp Er-
ncsto Roque, 67116 100th Avenue
East, Puyallup, second degree,
over limit Dungeness crab, pos-
session of crab without a license,
and possession of undersized
and female Dungeness crab,
$250; Timothy J. Riley, 1090 Port
Orchard Read SE, Port Orchard,
retaining snagged salmon, $150;
Hoang Ha Tong, 6204 South ll7th
Street, Seattle, second degree,
$76; Nicholas R. Holtz, 3001
South 288th, Federal Way, first
degree, snagging or molesting
salmon, $150; Patrick M. Boyle,
East 50 Forest Lane, Belfair, first
degree, retaining a hooked or
High Low Precip.
Fahrenheit (In.)
September 8 85 41 0
September 9 85 52 0
September 10 69 46 0
September 11 78 38 0
September 12 85 41 0
September 13 89 41 0
September 14 88 52 0
Measurements for the previ-
ous 24 hours are recorded for the
National Weather Service at 4
p.m. each day at Olympic Air at
Sanderson Field.
Meteorologists with the Na-
tional Weather Service predicted
Wednesday morning that the
weekend will be sunny after a
few morning clouds. Friday and
Sunday should see highs of 70-80,
while Saturday's highs should
range 75-85. Lows are expected to
range from 40 to 55.
snagged salmon, $150; Quynh-
mai V. Le, 4138 South Locust
Court, Seattle, second degree,
$76; Hal P. Le, 4138 South Locust
Court, Seattle, second degree,
$76; Richard D. Renish, 294
South Locust Street, Canby, Ore-
gon, second degree, no license,
$95; Richard D. Hunter, 3519
Gull Harbor Road, Olympia,
barbed hooks, $47; Manh Do
Hung, 1515 Jellickk Avenue,
Rowland Heights, California,
second degree, season closed,
Assault in the fourth degree:
Danny Nathan Stroud, 361 East
Big Skookum Road, Shelton
(domestic violence), and viola-
tion of a no-contact order, $800,
730 days, 370 suspended; Frank
Michael Riedle, 111 Rasor Road,
Belfair, $800, 365 days, 180 sus-
pended, and driving with license
suspended in the first degree,
$200, 365 days, 185 suspended;
Andres Flores, 171 East Ende-
your Lane, Shelton (domestic
violence), $600, 365 days, 355 sus-
Judgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Tracy Renee Hankey, 3031 SE
Old Olympic Highway, Shelton,
$1,525, 365 days, 363 suspended;
Anthony Leo McDermott, 31 SE
Dickinson Court, Shelton, $835,
365 days, 364 suspended.
Other violations: Joseph O.
Morse, 515 Park Street, Shelton,
violation of a no-contact order,
$875, 365 days, 265 suspended, 100
electronic home monitoring.
Divorces Granted
Lisa Ann Stellar and Cory
Lane Stellar.
Tammy Marie London and
Mike John London.
Stephanie L. Auxier and Mat-
thew D. Auxier.
Kenneth Scan Pearson and
Kathleen Elizabeth Pearson.
New Cues
Diane Amberson and the es-
tate of Ralph Joseph Eich against
Daryl Beehle, unlawful detain-
Kenworth Employees Credit
Union against Michael E. Byers
and Yvonne M. Byers, commer-
Jess K. Morris and Janet Mor-
ris against Richard Kennedy
and Jane Doe Kennedy, tran-
script of judgment.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Peter Bell and spouse, tax war-
Marjorie Pope against Action
Services Corporation, James
Cooperstein, Janice Cooperstein,
Greg Cooperstein, Linda Cooper-
stein, Leonard L. Hetrick and
Darlene M. Hetrick, personal
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Bob F. Bowron and spouse, tax
Washington Mutual Bank
against George Glaser, Debra
Glaser and two John Do occup-
ants, unlawful detainer.i
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Steve Martinell, I01 East Budd
Drive, Shelton, foundation
walls, $13,344; Leonard Perry, 20
East Warbler Court, Ailyn, resi-
dence and garage, $96,343; Glen
Broughton, 290 East Chelsey
Lane, Belfair, residence and ga-
rage, $87,844; Gene Pape, 4590
East State Route 302, Belfair, add
acceptance of proposal. One coupon per cultomer. Valid Aug. 26-0ct. 31, 1999.
"Careful Job
,,.c,...u, 427-8611
North, Shelton .OOFO,,.Na
Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 16, 1999
bedroom and bath, $33,813; Dan
Meyer, 2590 East Mason Lake
Drive West, Grapeview, trailer
cover, $8,096; Chris Young, 81
East Tranquility Lane, Shelton,
mobile home, $25,500; Jeremy
Long, 5981 East Brockdale Road,
mobile home, $56,095; David
Johnson, 16211 East State Route
106, Belfair, garage addition,
Tom Droscher, 3880 East
Pickering Road, Shelton, resi-
dence and deck, $31,094; Gary
Lowe, 260 West Bonnieview, Mc-
Cleary, residence, deck and ga-
rage, $137,446; Marie Lindeen,
41 East Emerald Lake Drive,
Grapeview, addition, $14,728;
Richard Norris, 120 SE Engle
Drive, Shelton, garage, $16,347;
Eddie Nell|s, 570 East Budd
Drive, Shelton, workshop,
$11,467; Ronald Forte, 2741 East
Mason Lake Drive East, Grape-
view, garage, $36,326; Jim Bart-
ley, 690 North Potlatch Drive,
Hoodsport, garage, $10,898; Tan-
naquil Ligatich, 90 NE River
Road, Tahuya, mobile home,
Steven Graves, 121 West Stor-
eybrook Lane, Shelton, garage,
$18,163; Felix Cuvreau, 50 East
Alderwood Road, Belfair, ga-
rage, $10,898; Richard Morgan,
810 SE Totten Shores Drive, Shel-
ton, mobile home, $12,200; Steve
Griffey, 4681 East Grapeview
Loop Road, Grapeview, recrea-
tional vehicle permit, $26,500;
Scott Rowland, 14281 West Clo-
quallum Road, Elma, garage,
$42,381; Scott Reeves, 630 NE
Larson Boulevard, Belfair, re-
tention wall, $67,507; Nick
Kloze, 7627 East State Route 106,
Union, replace pilings, $2,290.
No value was listed for a fuel
tank permit for Lake Trask at
1101 East Lake Trask Road,
New construction and other
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Jim Leeds, 110 West Birch
Street, carport, $5,880; City of
Shelton, 310 West Cots Street, re-
pair government offices, $14,000;
Shelton Inn, 628 Railroad Ave-
nue, install windows, $5,200.
September 7:1:37 p.m., 301
East Wallace Kneeland Boule-
vard, fire.
September 9:6:34 p.m. with
Medic One, West Alder Street,
September 9:1:23 p.m with
Medic One, 100 East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard, injury;
2:40 p.m. with Medic One, 3737
Shelton Springs Road, property
and injury; :52 p.m, East D
Street, brush fire.
September 12:6:02 p.m., Fred
Meyer Store, vehicle fire.
Tuesday, September 7
A logging truck reportedly
struck power poles while making
a turn at the corner of First Street
and Railroad Avenue.
A caller said three mattresses
were in the roadway, blocking
traffic at the intersection of Wal-
lace Kneeland Boulevard and
Olympic Highway North.
Wednesday, September 8
A caller from the 700 block of
West Cedar Street said a house
was hit by a metal dart of the
kind shot out of a blowgun.
Thursday, September 9
A caller said that a deer and
her fawn were having trouble
crossing Olympic Highway
Two women were said to be
having a fight with weapons on
the 300 block of East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
A burglary was reported to a
shop on the 1400 block of Olympic
Highway North.
Friday, September 10
A group of about a half-dozen
teenagers were said to be block-
ing the 500 block of Ell|nor Ave-
A male in a black coat was
said to be drinking beer and
scaring children at the bus stop
on the 600 block of West Frank-
lin Street.
A caller from the 100 block of
South Second Street said a felon
had just pawned a gun.
Saturday, September 11
A caller from the 200 block of
West E Street reported that a bi-
cyle was stolen and another was
left in its place.
A two-car crash was reported
at the intersection of Cascade
Avenue and Olympic Highway
Police were asked to inves-
tigate an allegation of forcible
Sunday, September 12
A caller from the 500 block of
Dearborn Avenue said she said
saw a suspicious person through
the skylight of her bathroom.
Two women reportedly got into
fight with hair-pulling at the
Mason County Fairgrounds.
A group of juvenile females
allegedly slashed the tires on
three vehicles in the downtown
Monday, September 13
A caller said her husband was
harassing her at the Mason
County Courthouse.
A three-legged dog was said to
be running loose on the 900 block
of Barnhard Street.
A caller from the 1500 block of
Adams Street told police about a
forged check for $4,400.
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 105, Thursday
108, Friday 100, Saturday 102,
Sunday 99, Monday 103, Tuesday
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, September 7
Fire District 4 and Medic One
responded at 3:14 p.m. to the re-
port of an injury on SE State
Route 3, Shelton. Fire District 4
responded at 5:01 p.m. to the re-
port of a brush fire on SE Binns
Swiger Loop.
A caller from Tahuya said
about 30 juveniles were having a
drinking party on NE Goat
Ranch Road.
Burglaries were reported to a
home on East Bell Road, Shelton
and to a home on East Trails End
Drive, Belfair.
Wednesday, September 8
Fire District 4 responded with
Medic One and the Shelton Fire
Department at 8:45 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury on Highway
101, Shelton.
A caller from East Orchard
Beach Drive, Grapeview, corn-
Hoc00 CA00AL I
C O M M U N i C A T 10 N S
Discounted Internet Service
for families with students or .faculty
in Mason County School D,str,ct:
Only $17 a month
Mention th,s ad and get
plained about a wolf/dog mix that
howls all night.
A burglary was reported to a
home on NE Beck Road, Belfair.
A caller from SE Clearwater
Ridge, Shelton, said a neighbor
stole some cats.
Thursday, September 9
Fire District 11 responded at
2:38 p.m. to the report of a brush
fire at 230 East Northlake Drive,
A caller told dispatchers drugs
had been found at the Mason
County Jail.
A stray dog was said to be eat-
ing chickens near mile 2 of East
State Route 302, Belfair.
A caller from Arcadia Avenue
reported the theft of a Pokemon
trading card.
A burglary was reported to a
home near mile 24 of Highway
101, Hoodsport.
Friday, September 10
Fire District 4 responded with
Medic One at 7'.26 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury on SE State
Route 3, Shelton.
A burglary was reported to a
business on East Anthony Road,
Saturday, September 11
Fire District 4 responded with
Medic One at 9:27 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury at 440 SE Noble
Glen Drive, Shelton; at 12:56
p.m. to the request for a burn in-
vestigation at 190 SE Clematis
Avenue, Shelton; and at 1:11
p.m. with Fire District 11 to the
report of a brush fire.
Fire District 13 responded with
Medic One at 5:44 p.m. to the re-
port of an injury on West Clo-
quallum Road.
A caller from NE Riverhill
Drive, Belfair, reported seeing a
suspicious man in camouflage
with a sword at his side duck be-
hind some trees.
An 8-year-old child in a golf
cart reportedly caused $4,000 in
damage on East Promontory
Road, Shelton.
Sunday, september 12
Fire District 4 responded at
4:41 p.m. to the report of a fire at
709 SE Arcadia Road and at 7:35
p.m. to the report of a fire off of
SE Lynch Road.
Fire district 11 responded at
2:02 p.m. to the report of a brush
fire on East Island Lake Road
and at 5:42 p.m. and 9:20 p.m. to
the report of a brush fire off of
West Dayton-Airport Road.
A caller from East Johns
Prairie Road, Shelton, said a
man was lying face down in the
Burglaries were reported to a
home eight miles out NE North
Shore Road, Belfair, a residence
on NE Magnolia Place, Tahuya,
and to a place near mile 23 of NE
State Route 3, Belfair.
Monday, September 13
Burglaries were reported to a
business near mile 24 of NE State
Route 3, Belfair, to a vacation
home on East Boundary Road,
Grapeview, to a residence on NE
Rainbow Lane, Belfair, and to a
residence on East Sleaford Road,
Deputies and Medic One re-
sponded at 6:24 p.m. to the report
of a two-car crash on Olympic
Highway South.
A caller told dispatchers of
seeing a large group of men
sleeping in the back of a Ryder
truck near mile 24 of NE State
Route 3, Belfair.
The following restaurants
and other food-handling estab-
lishments were inspected during
the month of November. Viola-
tions listed in the "red" category
are those which involve practices
that put the public at risk of food-
borne illness; repeated viola-
tions can result in enforcement
action. "Blue" violations relate
to food service operations and
"The number of red (critical)
items and blue (sanitation and
maintenance) items is not nec-
essarily the number of violations
found," notes registered sanitar-
ian Stephanie Kenny. "Each red
and blue violation has a differ-
ent point score depending on the
hazard level. Red violations
have higher point scores than
blue because red items involve a
greater probability of causing
foodborne illness.
"Red section violations range
from five to 30 points. If a food
establishment has 60 red points,
it might have only two viola-
tions, but these would be two high-
hazard violations that would be
very likely to cause foodborne
illness if not corrected," Kenny
says. "Blue violations range
from two to five points."
Routine Inspections:
August 9:
Belfair Cafe, Belfair, 35 red,
six blue, total 41.
August 10:
Allyn Inn, Allyn, 20 red, zero
blue, total 20.
Camp Grace, Union, no viola-
August 12:
Fair Harbor Marina, Grape-
view, zero red, eight blue, total
Grapeview Country Store,
Grapeview, no violations.
August 16:
Allyn Market, Allyn, no red,
eight blue, total eight.
Big Bubba's, Allyn, zero red,
10 blue, total, 10.
Lakeland Village Pro Shop,
Allyn, no violations.
Lennard K's, Allyn, 15 red,
three, blue, total 18.
August 17:
Pat's Little Red Barn, Belfair,
15 red, seven blue, total 22.
August 18:
Agate Store, Shelton, no viola-
Camp Lyle McLeod, Tab
no violations.
Woodland Market,
zero red, five blue, total
August 19:
Camp Hahobas, TshuYJ,
China Capital,
zero blue, total 10.
August 23:
Sunrise EspressO,
no violations.
August 24:
Camp Robinswold, EldS #
Panhandle Lake
five red, zero blue,
August 25:
Camp Bishop, shelt0m
red, zero blue, total five.
Camp Zion, Union, n0 vi$
Opening InspectionS:
August 17:
Brooklyn Dell,
August 23:
Bread Basket
Shelton, no violatior'
August 27:
40 et 8, Shelton, no vi01Jt
Follow-up Inspectioll¢
August 3:
Deer Creek Store,
August 10:
Little Creek Casin0,
no violations.
Twanoh ConcessionS'
three blue, total three.
August 16: o
Belfair Care, Bells|r,
August 19: ]]elfsit ,
Short Stop Dell,
August 24:
Hood Canal GrocerY,
port, no violations.
August 25:
Alderbrook Inn,
4'x4' to 12'x12
Secure 24-hour
You are invited to share
Every Saturday night at 6 p.m.
A Service of Contemporary Worship
(Starting Saturday, September 11)
1113 E. Shelton Springs Road
Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-6998 (Msg)
Contemporary Saturday Service 6 p.oa.
Traditional Sunday Service 1 1 a,'
Sunday Evening Activities 5 P''
Alan Tinnerstet, Pastor (360) 426-7953
Get Informed and Involved with Your Community's Water
The VVashit|gl()|| Slate I)cpaln|ent of
l!coh)gy, Water Quality I'])gtattl is
'ttrremly plamling its I)ellJil workload li)r
lhe c()mittg year (July 1, 1999, Ihrouh
.Itmc 3(), 21)00). We will he makig permit
dt, cisio=s ti)z mmicipal w;lslt, watci
disch;|rgcs in y)tH cOInllltlllilv. I'¢imil
h¢1 I) prolccl v;ttcr (itlalily I)y sc't¢ilg li||,i(s
tm the ;miouHI tl pt>llulit)H that may I)c
discharged imo lakes, rivcs, malic waters,
+rod rotmdwalcr. It ;tltliti(m, I)cmils
dcfi]c talon|toting, rcpt+l ling. ald |+thor
rc¢tuircmems. The facilities listed bch)w
will have permitting dcciskus illltlc this
- Shelton
-' 101
Further ms
h]fo,'nat ion:
if )()t[ w,Hu ( C()IIIIIICIII (Ill ally permils, you can bc l)lacc,d ot a naili,g
a specific facility to receive a copy when available, (r to bc placed oll ll|C
general mailing list, please contact: ;.
Mr|nit|pal Permits, Carey G|une|lfeldcr (360)407-6279 .... 75
TI)D: {360) 407-6306, or write P.O. Box 47775, Olympia, WA t)
• Hartstene Pointc
* Washing|o|| Cor|'cctit)ns
Center - Sheltt)n
Judgments in Mason County
District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
the past week include:
Driving under the influence:
Eric J. Kruger, no current ad-
dress, $925, 365 days, 360 sus-
pended, and two counts assault
in the fourth degree (domestic
violence), $200, 365 days, 305 sus-
pended, and $800, 365 days, 305
suspended; Vicente Gaspar-Za-
car|as, 930 Pioneer Way, Shel-
ton, and driving with license
suspended in the third degree,
$1,525, 365 days, 363 suspended.
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Aaron J.
Foster, 330 Makela Road, Bel-
ls|r, second degree, $800, 365
days, 345 suspended; Jose Fran-
cisco Flores, USE Abraham Lin-
coln, third degree, $150, 90 days
suspended, and no insurance
and speeding, $580; April J. Me-
Loud, 60 SE Abitz Villa Road,
Shelton, third degree, $200;
Joshua A. Middleton, Lilliwaup,
third degree, $200, 90 days sus-
No valid operator's license:
Deborah M. Conrad, 31 East
Harstene Place, Shelton, $150, 90
days suspended; Sandra K. Rice,
241 East Orchard Beach Road,
Grapeview, $150, 90 days sus-
No liability insurance: Debi
Josephine Bina, East 91 Lynwood
Drive, Shelton, and failure to
maintain vehicle to avoid a col-
lision and failure to properly re-
strain children, $670.
No liability insurance and
FTA: Richard D. Buckner, 1930
NE Tahuya River Drive, Bel-
ls|r, defective right tail light,
$598; Paul A. Browning, 2305 SE
Yakima Street, Port Orchard, no
seat belt, $598; Gonzalez Santa
Antonio, NE 21 Mahonia Drive,
Belfair, $527; Jasmine Anglia
Hurd, 2050 Hilstad, Bremerton,
and speeding, $589; Jena-Lea
Russell Green, East 121 Cedar-
brook Lane, Belfair, $527.
Speeding: Adam G. Couto,
13815 Easy Street, Gig Harbor,
Unlawfd flingL ]fgp Er-
ncsto Roque, 67116 100th Avenue
East, Puyallup, second degree,
over limit Dungeness crab, pos-
session of crab without a license,
and possession of undersized
and female Dungeness crab,
$250; Timothy J. Riley, 1090 Port
Orchard Read SE, Port Orchard,
retaining snagged salmon, $150;
Hoang Ha Tong, 6204 South ll7th
Street, Seattle, second degree,
$76; Nicholas R. Holtz, 3001
South 288th, Federal Way, first
degree, snagging or molesting
salmon, $150; Patrick M. Boyle,
East 50 Forest Lane, Belfair, first
degree, retaining a hooked or
High Low Precip.
Fahrenheit (In.)
September 8 85 41 0
September 9 85 52 0
September 10 69 46 0
September 11 78 38 0
September 12 85 41 0
September 13 89 41 0
September 14 88 52 0
Measurements for the previ-
ous 24 hours are recorded for the
National Weather Service at 4
p.m. each day at Olympic Air at
Sanderson Field.
Meteorologists with the Na-
tional Weather Service predicted
Wednesday morning that the
weekend will be sunny after a
few morning clouds. Friday and
Sunday should see highs of 70-80,
while Saturday's highs should
range 75-85. Lows are expected to
range from 40 to 55.
snagged salmon, $150; Quynh-
mai V. Le, 4138 South Locust
Court, Seattle, second degree,
$76; Hal P. Le, 4138 South Locust
Court, Seattle, second degree,
$76; Richard D. Renish, 294
South Locust Street, Canby, Ore-
gon, second degree, no license,
$95; Richard D. Hunter, 3519
Gull Harbor Road, Olympia,
barbed hooks, $47; Manh Do
Hung, 1515 Jellickk Avenue,
Rowland Heights, California,
second degree, season closed,
Assault in the fourth degree:
Danny Nathan Stroud, 361 East
Big Skookum Road, Shelton
(domestic violence), and viola-
tion of a no-contact order, $800,
730 days, 370 suspended; Frank
Michael Riedle, 111 Rasor Road,
Belfair, $800, 365 days, 180 sus-
pended, and driving with license
suspended in the first degree,
$200, 365 days, 185 suspended;
Andres Flores, 171 East Ende-
your Lane, Shelton (domestic
violence), $600, 365 days, 355 sus-
Judgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Tracy Renee Hankey, 3031 SE
Old Olympic Highway, Shelton,
$1,525, 365 days, 363 suspended;
Anthony Leo McDermott, 31 SE
Dickinson Court, Shelton, $835,
365 days, 364 suspended.
Other violations: Joseph O.
Morse, 515 Park Street, Shelton,
violation of a no-contact order,
$875, 365 days, 265 suspended, 100
electronic home monitoring.
Divorces Granted
Lisa Ann Stellar and Cory
Lane Stellar.
Tammy Marie London and
Mike John London.
Stephanie L. Auxier and Mat-
thew D. Auxier.
Kenneth Scan Pearson and
Kathleen Elizabeth Pearson.
New Cues
Diane Amberson and the es-
tate of Ralph Joseph Eich against
Daryl Beehle, unlawful detain-
Kenworth Employees Credit
Union against Michael E. Byers
and Yvonne M. Byers, commer-
Jess K. Morris and Janet Mor-
ris against Richard Kennedy
and Jane Doe Kennedy, tran-
script of judgment.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Peter Bell and spouse, tax war-
Marjorie Pope against Action
Services Corporation, James
Cooperstein, Janice Cooperstein,
Greg Cooperstein, Linda Cooper-
stein, Leonard L. Hetrick and
Darlene M. Hetrick, personal
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Bob F. Bowron and spouse, tax
Washington Mutual Bank
against George Glaser, Debra
Glaser and two John Do occup-
ants, unlawful detainer.i
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Steve Martinell, I01 East Budd
Drive, Shelton, foundation
walls, $13,344; Leonard Perry, 20
East Warbler Court, Ailyn, resi-
dence and garage, $96,343; Glen
Broughton, 290 East Chelsey
Lane, Belfair, residence and ga-
rage, $87,844; Gene Pape, 4590
East State Route 302, Belfair, add
acceptance of proposal. One coupon per cultomer. Valid Aug. 26-0ct. 31, 1999.
"Careful Job
,,.c,...u, 427-8611
North, Shelton .OOFO,,.Na
Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 16, 1999
bedroom and bath, $33,813; Dan
Meyer, 2590 East Mason Lake
Drive West, Grapeview, trailer
cover, $8,096; Chris Young, 81
East Tranquility Lane, Shelton,
mobile home, $25,500; Jeremy
Long, 5981 East Brockdale Road,
mobile home, $56,095; David
Johnson, 16211 East State Route
106, Belfair, garage addition,
Tom Droscher, 3880 East
Pickering Road, Shelton, resi-
dence and deck, $31,094; Gary
Lowe, 260 West Bonnieview, Mc-
Cleary, residence, deck and ga-
rage, $137,446; Marie Lindeen,
41 East Emerald Lake Drive,
Grapeview, addition, $14,728;
Richard Norris, 120 SE Engle
Drive, Shelton, garage, $16,347;
Eddie Nell|s, 570 East Budd
Drive, Shelton, workshop,
$11,467; Ronald Forte, 2741 East
Mason Lake Drive East, Grape-
view, garage, $36,326; Jim Bart-
ley, 690 North Potlatch Drive,
Hoodsport, garage, $10,898; Tan-
naquil Ligatich, 90 NE River
Road, Tahuya, mobile home,
Steven Graves, 121 West Stor-
eybrook Lane, Shelton, garage,
$18,163; Felix Cuvreau, 50 East
Alderwood Road, Belfair, ga-
rage, $10,898; Richard Morgan,
810 SE Totten Shores Drive, Shel-
ton, mobile home, $12,200; Steve
Griffey, 4681 East Grapeview
Loop Road, Grapeview, recrea-
tional vehicle permit, $26,500;
Scott Rowland, 14281 West Clo-
quallum Road, Elma, garage,
$42,381; Scott Reeves, 630 NE
Larson Boulevard, Belfair, re-
tention wall, $67,507; Nick
Kloze, 7627 East State Route 106,
Union, replace pilings, $2,290.
No value was listed for a fuel
tank permit for Lake Trask at
1101 East Lake Trask Road,
New construction and other
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Jim Leeds, 110 West Birch
Street, carport, $5,880; City of
Shelton, 310 West Cots Street, re-
pair government offices, $14,000;
Shelton Inn, 628 Railroad Ave-
nue, install windows, $5,200.
September 7:1:37 p.m., 301
East Wallace Kneeland Boule-
vard, fire.
September 9:6:34 p.m. with
Medic One, West Alder Street,
September 9:1:23 p.m with
Medic One, 100 East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard, injury;
2:40 p.m. with Medic One, 3737
Shelton Springs Road, property
and injury; :52 p.m, East D
Street, brush fire.
September 12:6:02 p.m., Fred
Meyer Store, vehicle fire.
Tuesday, September 7
A logging truck reportedly
struck power poles while making
a turn at the corner of First Street
and Railroad Avenue.
A caller said three mattresses
were in the roadway, blocking
traffic at the intersection of Wal-
lace Kneeland Boulevard and
Olympic Highway North.
Wednesday, September 8
A caller from the 700 block of
West Cedar Street said a house
was hit by a metal dart of the
kind shot out of a blowgun.
Thursday, September 9
A caller said that a deer and
her fawn were having trouble
crossing Olympic Highway
Two women were said to be
having a fight with weapons on
the 300 block of East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
A burglary was reported to a
shop on the 1400 block of Olympic
Highway North.
Friday, September 10
A group of about a half-dozen
teenagers were said to be block-
ing the 500 block of Ell|nor Ave-
A male in a black coat was
said to be drinking beer and
scaring children at the bus stop
on the 600 block of West Frank-
lin Street.
A caller from the 100 block of
South Second Street said a felon
had just pawned a gun.
Saturday, September 11
A caller from the 200 block of
West E Street reported that a bi-
cyle was stolen and another was
left in its place.
A two-car crash was reported
at the intersection of Cascade
Avenue and Olympic Highway
Police were asked to inves-
tigate an allegation of forcible
Sunday, September 12
A caller from the 500 block of
Dearborn Avenue said she said
saw a suspicious person through
the skylight of her bathroom.
Two women reportedly got into
fight with hair-pulling at the
Mason County Fairgrounds.
A group of juvenile females
allegedly slashed the tires on
three vehicles in the downtown
Monday, September 13
A caller said her husband was
harassing her at the Mason
County Courthouse.
A three-legged dog was said to
be running loose on the 900 block
of Barnhard Street.
A caller from the 1500 block of
Adams Street told police about a
forged check for $4,400.
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 105, Thursday
108, Friday 100, Saturday 102,
Sunday 99, Monday 103, Tuesday
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, September 7
Fire District 4 and Medic One
responded at 3:14 p.m. to the re-
port of an injury on SE State
Route 3, Shelton. Fire District 4
responded at 5:01 p.m. to the re-
port of a brush fire on SE Binns
Swiger Loop.
A caller from Tahuya said
about 30 juveniles were having a
drinking party on NE Goat
Ranch Road.
Burglaries were reported to a
home on East Bell Road, Shelton
and to a home on East Trails End
Drive, Belfair.
Wednesday, September 8
Fire District 4 responded with
Medic One and the Shelton Fire
Department at 8:45 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury on Highway
101, Shelton.
A caller from East Orchard
Beach Drive, Grapeview, corn-
Hoc00 CA00AL I
C O M M U N i C A T 10 N S
Discounted Internet Service
for families with students or .faculty
in Mason County School D,str,ct:
Only $17 a month
Mention th,s ad and get
plained about a wolf/dog mix that
howls all night.
A burglary was reported to a
home on NE Beck Road, Belfair.
A caller from SE Clearwater
Ridge, Shelton, said a neighbor
stole some cats.
Thursday, September 9
Fire District 11 responded at
2:38 p.m. to the report of a brush
fire at 230 East Northlake Drive,
A caller told dispatchers drugs
had been found at the Mason
County Jail.
A stray dog was said to be eat-
ing chickens near mile 2 of East
State Route 302, Belfair.
A caller from Arcadia Avenue
reported the theft of a Pokemon
trading card.
A burglary was reported to a
home near mile 24 of Highway
101, Hoodsport.
Friday, September 10
Fire District 4 responded with
Medic One at 7'.26 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury on SE State
Route 3, Shelton.
A burglary was reported to a
business on East Anthony Road,
Saturday, September 11
Fire District 4 responded with
Medic One at 9:27 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury at 440 SE Noble
Glen Drive, Shelton; at 12:56
p.m. to the request for a burn in-
vestigation at 190 SE Clematis
Avenue, Shelton; and at 1:11
p.m. with Fire District 11 to the
report of a brush fire.
Fire District 13 responded with
Medic One at 5:44 p.m. to the re-
port of an injury on West Clo-
quallum Road.
A caller from NE Riverhill
Drive, Belfair, reported seeing a
suspicious man in camouflage
with a sword at his side duck be-
hind some trees.
An 8-year-old child in a golf
cart reportedly caused $4,000 in
damage on East Promontory
Road, Shelton.
Sunday, september 12
Fire District 4 responded at
4:41 p.m. to the report of a fire at
709 SE Arcadia Road and at 7:35
p.m. to the report of a fire off of
SE Lynch Road.
Fire district 11 responded at
2:02 p.m. to the report of a brush
fire on East Island Lake Road
and at 5:42 p.m. and 9:20 p.m. to
the report of a brush fire off of
West Dayton-Airport Road.
A caller from East Johns
Prairie Road, Shelton, said a
man was lying face down in the
Burglaries were reported to a
home eight miles out NE North
Shore Road, Belfair, a residence
on NE Magnolia Place, Tahuya,
and to a place near mile 23 of NE
State Route 3, Belfair.
Monday, September 13
Burglaries were reported to a
business near mile 24 of NE State
Route 3, Belfair, to a vacation
home on East Boundary Road,
Grapeview, to a residence on NE
Rainbow Lane, Belfair, and to a
residence on East Sleaford Road,
Deputies and Medic One re-
sponded at 6:24 p.m. to the report
of a two-car crash on Olympic
Highway South.
A caller told dispatchers of
seeing a large group of men
sleeping in the back of a Ryder
truck near mile 24 of NE State
Route 3, Belfair.
The following restaurants
and other food-handling estab-
lishments were inspected during
the month of November. Viola-
tions listed in the "red" category
are those which involve practices
that put the public at risk of food-
borne illness; repeated viola-
tions can result in enforcement
action. "Blue" violations relate
to food service operations and
"The number of red (critical)
items and blue (sanitation and
maintenance) items is not nec-
essarily the number of violations
found," notes registered sanitar-
ian Stephanie Kenny. "Each red
and blue violation has a differ-
ent point score depending on the
hazard level. Red violations
have higher point scores than
blue because red items involve a
greater probability of causing
foodborne illness.
"Red section violations range
from five to 30 points. If a food
establishment has 60 red points,
it might have only two viola-
tions, but these would be two high-
hazard violations that would be
very likely to cause foodborne
illness if not corrected," Kenny
says. "Blue violations range
from two to five points."
Routine Inspections:
August 9:
Belfair Cafe, Belfair, 35 red,
six blue, total 41.
August 10:
Allyn Inn, Allyn, 20 red, zero
blue, total 20.
Camp Grace, Union, no viola-
August 12:
Fair Harbor Marina, Grape-
view, zero red, eight blue, total
Grapeview Country Store,
Grapeview, no violations.
August 16:
Allyn Market, Allyn, no red,
eight blue, total eight.
Big Bubba's, Allyn, zero red,
10 blue, total, 10.
Lakeland Village Pro Shop,
Allyn, no violations.
Lennard K's, Allyn, 15 red,
three, blue, total 18.
August 17:
Pat's Little Red Barn, Belfair,
15 red, seven blue, total 22.
August 18:
Agate Store, Shelton, no viola-
Camp Lyle McLeod, Tab
no violations.
Woodland Market,
zero red, five blue, total
August 19:
Camp Hahobas, TshuYJ,
China Capital,
zero blue, total 10.
August 23:
Sunrise EspressO,
no violations.
August 24:
Camp Robinswold, EldS #
Panhandle Lake
five red, zero blue,
August 25:
Camp Bishop, shelt0m
red, zero blue, total five.
Camp Zion, Union, n0 vi$
Opening InspectionS:
August 17:
Brooklyn Dell,
August 23:
Bread Basket
Shelton, no violatior'
August 27:
40 et 8, Shelton, no vi01Jt
Follow-up Inspectioll¢
August 3:
Deer Creek Store,
August 10:
Little Creek Casin0,
no violations.
Twanoh ConcessionS'
three blue, total three.
August 16: o
Belfair Care, Bells|r,
August 19: ]]elfsit ,
Short Stop Dell,
August 24:
Hood Canal GrocerY,
port, no violations.
August 25:
Alderbrook Inn,
4'x4' to 12'x12
Secure 24-hour
You are invited to share
Every Saturday night at 6 p.m.
A Service of Contemporary Worship
(Starting Saturday, September 11)
1113 E. Shelton Springs Road
Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-6998 (Msg)
Contemporary Saturday Service 6 p.oa.
Traditional Sunday Service 1 1 a,'
Sunday Evening Activities 5 P''
Alan Tinnerstet, Pastor (360) 426-7953
Get Informed and Involved with Your Community's Water
The VVashit|gl()|| Slate I)cpaln|ent of
l!coh)gy, Water Quality I'])gtattl is
'ttrremly plamling its I)ellJil workload li)r
lhe c()mittg year (July 1, 1999, Ihrouh
.Itmc 3(), 21)00). We will he makig permit
dt, cisio=s ti)z mmicipal w;lslt, watci
disch;|rgcs in y)tH cOInllltlllilv. I'¢imil
h¢1 I) prolccl v;ttcr (itlalily I)y sc't¢ilg li||,i(s
tm the ;miouHI tl pt>llulit)H that may I)c
discharged imo lakes, rivcs, malic waters,
+rod rotmdwalcr. It ;tltliti(m, I)cmils
dcfi]c talon|toting, rcpt+l ling. ald |+thor
rc¢tuircmems. The facilities listed bch)w
will have permitting dcciskus illltlc this
- Shelton
-' 101
Further ms
h]fo,'nat ion:
if )()t[ w,Hu ( C()IIIIIICIII (Ill ally permils, you can bc l)lacc,d ot a naili,g
a specific facility to receive a copy when available, (r to bc placed oll ll|C
general mailing list, please contact: ;.
Mr|nit|pal Permits, Carey G|une|lfeldcr (360)407-6279 .... 75
TI)D: {360) 407-6306, or write P.O. Box 47775, Olympia, WA t)
• Hartstene Pointc
* Washing|o|| Cor|'cctit)ns
Center - Sheltt)n