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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l00ormer aerospace worker :gets retrained for the road Word that spells despair of Workers, but in some a door opening into a career. happened that G. was making his trek as a novice Iong- 'ough Shelton last of a training pro- estern Pacific Truck a. Was notified when he unemployment after his cut at Aero Controls in that he was eligible for the Job Train- Act. It was, in round of JTPA re- ;, the Shelton resident Week. Some years back, for the aerospace in- A VERy worthwhile pro- as he talked of the brought him Northwest and Shel- new career. said the aerospace in- a natural for him, as the son of a "I'd lived in 25 time I was 5," he ex- I've been in all but I've lived in Europe America. We were ma when I graduated school ." 'as aerospace work with hat brought him and from Alabama By then his grand- .ore and the late Clyde Were living in Shel- Parents, Gil and Betty are here, too. And he's on leaving. In fact, he chose the trucking firm he'll be working for on the basis of a West Coast orientation and a liberal at-home time policy. But that's getting ahead of the story. DEAN LEARNED the long- haul trucking trade in Tacoma, and last Wednesday was gradua- tion day as well as his final test drive. His route brought him through Shelton, and there his family - dad, wife, and kids Paul and Leah (daughter Kristy was at work) - were on hand to see him roll through on State Route 3. And not just to see, but to cheer on with signs. "It was a surprise," Brenda Palmer grinned, pleased to have master-minded a show of support for her husband without his tum- bling to it ahead of time. Not only did Palmer pass his course, but he had several job of- fers from trucking firms by the time he graduated. He chose Schneider National Trucking and will leave September 21 for the company's terminal in Portland, and thence to training in Los An- geles. "They've got a skid track. like the state patrol's," he said. '/'ou learn to recover, first with a tractor, then with a 48-foot trailer." Once he's finished the addi- tional training, he'll be set to work the 11 western states and Canada. "It's got good benefits," he said of the firm. "And after six months, family members can ride along." d G. Dean Palmer l \\; J SIGN LANGUAGE says it all. Betty Palmer, left, and Brenda Palmer cheer on their son and husband, respectively, along State Route 3 past Red Apple Market and into Shelton on his drive north, part of his graduation from Western Pacific Truck School. Johnson's hayride tradition t GOPfu d as n-raiser ROLLING THROUGH Shelton on his trucking school final-test run, Dean Palmer was surprised to find fam- ily in wait with signs and cameras. Peggy Johnson's Skokomish Valley hayride and chili feed, a staple of her own campaign fund- raising efforts, is now a tradition for the Mason County Republican Party. Now that Johnson is not seek- ing public office, says Craig Chap- man, fans of the hayride event worried that it might be discon- tinued. But Johnson has offered to continue the tradition as a Ma- son County Republican Party fund-raiser. Now called the Mason County Republican Party's Y2K Kam- paign Kick-off Hayride and Chili Feed, it will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, September 19, at the Johnson farm at West 3451 Skokomish Valley Road. "It's a great idea, a popular fund-raiser and a heck of a lot of fun," said Chapman, the chair- man of the Mason County Repub- lican Central Committee. "It's also an opportunity to meet can- didates in some of this year's elec- tion, including nonpartisan races, plus we expect candidates who will be running in the new millen- nium. We're looking forward to an afternoon of fun, family, friends and food." Volunteers will serve a meal of chili, cornbread, coleslaw, fresh corn on the cob from the John- sons' farm, and homemade pie. Musical entertainment will be provided, and attendees will be treated to an old-fashioned hay- ride. The event is open to the public. A donation of $15 per person or $35 per family is requested. Res- ervations can be made through Chapman at 426-2294, and more information is also available from him at that number. ENTEP-.TAINMENT ANp ININc00 C00Ulp00_ ;!i p To ):i , thank our community for a great  ,, :, start, we offer the following: • pml-9:00 l.m. ' : I Suite D " 360-427-8709, e  I J r m-- =p mm- m----.----.. =-- ------ --,. I This week only  t.' ,oo 112 Price Lunch* . rouo purchase any lunch of equal or greater value at regular price, $#JELTON I I ,pecialvalidFriday, 9/17/99through 24 HOUR MOVIE 'NFO 426"1000  e Jams & jellies BURGERIIHSTER F - _ e   " Clams & °ro,ro,,,.oorom,,,ne,.,, r  "='-- r " O,er ! BUY ONE GILLED HAM AND i following/unch spocial: DALLY 2:15, 4:30, 7:00, 9:10 I CHEESE SANDWICH I Incu Greek Sampler Platter  I HARSTINE ISLAND I ON SOURDOUGH BREJD -- I ,,o e: , Tii- [ GET ONE FREE [ fre Dastr,es stuffed with Italian sausage, black olives, / Iml.. I FARMERS MARKET [ Saturdays 10 a.m.-12 noon on°2 Steamed spinach, feta and Parmesan cheeses .[Iql] tour I at community hall ." , the top=; : , Sicffed, of morinora sauce. " l# _e'irllcmu i c°T,,%','51h/,°',,, ,.,,o,,,/.2.,. IUUISTIR , lootu,s,ago, a hard, mellow cheese,  u-u.'"=nn I .Art, & cafts I '- -------------- -- -- -- -- ---------------- -- -- -, , - =u garhc crost,n' !ll  ........  I • PJ.n!. ii I T,:.'_. ',s ....... , gOr;c?.e--, ak°l°m°ta°live'c°per'°nch°vyand ::i!  I" Cutflowers "11111111 now offering . Vecl With reaa. DALLY 2:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:20 VHoney ( °read and your ehoice of fresh garden solad or soup de jour. . , Formula $ Gasoline $1995 "'B[ ()I/T S(IS(   300101ympm (360) I ARSTINE ISLAND THEATER CLUB hell . Hours  !. ::::ii [.ICI'L  I PRESENTs  H oWYn tNo rth 426-7224 /Uesday to Saturday I' ':,":(/,rn,;nct the. I i!  #BoIHoTIIIIIG 1 Mystery smemm. ' Fax426-7407 Shell C°r!r°' west Ret in Shelton 426"4407 : sl, w. F.,nklin St., Sh.,or, I larrcll s Cove ...... WE IB"IKEIYou IBXK:I GREAT P ITHIZEsEZA I A/OrkipiCha/:/Y :, NO COU.O..0000o00o .o. I Los Martlnlilos  , , ,, ,,' SEPTEMBER OARAPE =1/- Mariachi Band ZE  4:2-T£WA-Y. EEriER September 22 -- Starts at 6 p.m. "'u;2;.t't:w . Look for our Mariachi Dau Specials! " m 0:=,:. SIDE.BY.SlDEI ;,;G II PIZZA I i  . HAPPY HOClR 3-6 P.M. I HalfpePP°r°ni'halfCanadi'n'stylebac°nandpineapp!'i 1 ram) ' "" i A ._ :: . vo ,. . ....,.. , POamD-RS 1   ?"?0r #-A#ATg I g. II  lg Budweiser, Bud Light, MGD, Coors Light -- - A.- R,-EI'°:,,o,=. I L0: - • o - I ,.:2: Canadian bacon, salami, pepperoni, sausag0 and beef.  "" " WELL DRINKS - j.--- , 2, ,, O,y,,,p,; H. ,. mm#_m,, t  . During Happy Hour I HARSTINE ISLAND COMMUNITY HALL . Shelton remmm,l == , -V. Restaurant Hours K " Sa . Pen Sun Thurs I araoke Friday and turday I SEPTEMBER 24TH AND 25TH AT 8:00 P.M. In Barkley Square Il " I TICKETS ON SALE AT: 427-5366 I'IiIR#, 11.1 la... ]Opm'  ...... .-- 11:30a,m. togp.m, daily. , k' -- Sat. 11 a m " 1"1 o rr Nappy Hour 2503 Olympic Hsghway North, Shelton I JARRELL'S COVE MARINA, SHELTON TRAVEL, , Cantina'' r' 3-6 Across the parking lot from mcDonald's I AND HARSTINE POINTE OFFICE l ,, ntil 2 a.m. FrL g.7, Sat. Ever/:/Dag! 432-1085 I this play was partly funded by a Grant from the Washlngton Stats Oepartmentof Ecology. Food stamps welcome on You-Bake" items. . 1.   'G  Se 16 1999 lason Journal .¢ Page 29 l00ormer aerospace worker :gets retrained for the road Word that spells despair of Workers, but in some a door opening into a career. happened that G. was making his trek as a novice Iong- 'ough Shelton last of a training pro- estern Pacific Truck a. Was notified when he unemployment after his cut at Aero Controls in that he was eligible for the Job Train- Act. It was, in round of JTPA re- ;, the Shelton resident Week. Some years back, for the aerospace in- A VERy worthwhile pro- as he talked of the brought him Northwest and Shel- new career. said the aerospace in- a natural for him, as the son of a "I'd lived in 25 time I was 5," he ex- I've been in all but I've lived in Europe America. We were ma when I graduated school ." 'as aerospace work with hat brought him and from Alabama By then his grand- .ore and the late Clyde Were living in Shel- Parents, Gil and Betty are here, too. And he's on leaving. In fact, he chose the trucking firm he'll be working for on the basis of a West Coast orientation and a liberal at-home time policy. But that's getting ahead of the story. DEAN LEARNED the long- haul trucking trade in Tacoma, and last Wednesday was gradua- tion day as well as his final test drive. His route brought him through Shelton, and there his family - dad, wife, and kids Paul and Leah (daughter Kristy was at work) - were on hand to see him roll through on State Route 3. And not just to see, but to cheer on with signs. "It was a surprise," Brenda Palmer grinned, pleased to have master-minded a show of support for her husband without his tum- bling to it ahead of time. Not only did Palmer pass his course, but he had several job of- fers from trucking firms by the time he graduated. He chose Schneider National Trucking and will leave September 21 for the company's terminal in Portland, and thence to training in Los An- geles. "They've got a skid track. like the state patrol's," he said. '/'ou learn to recover, first with a tractor, then with a 48-foot trailer." Once he's finished the addi- tional training, he'll be set to work the 11 western states and Canada. "It's got good benefits," he said of the firm. "And after six months, family members can ride along." d G. Dean Palmer l \\; J SIGN LANGUAGE says it all. Betty Palmer, left, and Brenda Palmer cheer on their son and husband, respectively, along State Route 3 past Red Apple Market and into Shelton on his drive north, part of his graduation from Western Pacific Truck School. Johnson's hayride tradition t GOPfu d as n-raiser ROLLING THROUGH Shelton on his trucking school final-test run, Dean Palmer was surprised to find fam- ily in wait with signs and cameras. Peggy Johnson's Skokomish Valley hayride and chili feed, a staple of her own campaign fund- raising efforts, is now a tradition for the Mason County Republican Party. Now that Johnson is not seek- ing public office, says Craig Chap- man, fans of the hayride event worried that it might be discon- tinued. But Johnson has offered to continue the tradition as a Ma- son County Republican Party fund-raiser. Now called the Mason County Republican Party's Y2K Kam- paign Kick-off Hayride and Chili Feed, it will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, September 19, at the Johnson farm at West 3451 Skokomish Valley Road. "It's a great idea, a popular fund-raiser and a heck of a lot of fun," said Chapman, the chair- man of the Mason County Repub- lican Central Committee. "It's also an opportunity to meet can- didates in some of this year's elec- tion, including nonpartisan races, plus we expect candidates who will be running in the new millen- nium. We're looking forward to an afternoon of fun, family, friends and food." Volunteers will serve a meal of chili, cornbread, coleslaw, fresh corn on the cob from the John- sons' farm, and homemade pie. Musical entertainment will be provided, and attendees will be treated to an old-fashioned hay- ride. The event is open to the public. A donation of $15 per person or $35 per family is requested. Res- ervations can be made through Chapman at 426-2294, and more information is also available from him at that number. ENTEP-.TAINMENT ANp ININc00 C00Ulp00_ ;!i p To ):i , thank our community for a great  ,, :, start, we offer the following: • pml-9:00 l.m. ' : I Suite D " 360-427-8709, e  I J r m-- =p mm- m----.----.. =-- ------ --,. I This week only  t.' ,oo 112 Price Lunch* . rouo purchase any lunch of equal or greater value at regular price, $#JELTON I I ,pecialvalidFriday, 9/17/99through 24 HOUR MOVIE 'NFO 426"1000  e Jams & jellies BURGERIIHSTER F - _ e   " Clams & °ro,ro,,,.oorom,,,ne,.,, r  "='-- r " O,er ! BUY ONE GILLED HAM AND i following/unch spocial: DALLY 2:15, 4:30, 7:00, 9:10 I CHEESE SANDWICH I Incu Greek Sampler Platter  I HARSTINE ISLAND I ON SOURDOUGH BREJD -- I ,,o e: , Tii- [ GET ONE FREE [ fre Dastr,es stuffed with Italian sausage, black olives, / Iml.. I FARMERS MARKET [ Saturdays 10 a.m.-12 noon on°2 Steamed spinach, feta and Parmesan cheeses .[Iql] tour I at community hall ." , the top=; : , Sicffed, of morinora sauce. " l# _e'irllcmu i c°T,,%','51h/,°',,, ,.,,o,,,/.2.,. IUUISTIR , lootu,s,ago, a hard, mellow cheese,  u-u.'"=nn I .Art, & cafts I '- -------------- -- -- -- -- ---------------- -- -- -, , - =u garhc crost,n' !ll  ........  I • PJ.n!. ii I T,:.'_. ',s ....... , gOr;c?.e--, ak°l°m°ta°live'c°per'°nch°vyand ::i!  I" Cutflowers "11111111 now offering . Vecl With reaa. DALLY 2:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:20 VHoney ( °read and your ehoice of fresh garden solad or soup de jour. . , Formula $ Gasoline $1995 "'B[ ()I/T S(IS(   300101ympm (360) I ARSTINE ISLAND THEATER CLUB hell . Hours  !. ::::ii [.ICI'L  I PRESENTs  H oWYn tNo rth 426-7224 /Uesday to Saturday I' ':,":(/,rn,;nct the. I i!  #BoIHoTIIIIIG 1 Mystery smemm. ' Fax426-7407 Shell C°r!r°' west Ret in Shelton 426"4407 : sl, w. F.,nklin St., Sh.,or, I larrcll s Cove ...... WE IB"IKEIYou IBXK:I GREAT P ITHIZEsEZA I A/OrkipiCha/:/Y :, NO COU.O..0000o00o .o. I Los Martlnlilos  , , ,, ,,' SEPTEMBER OARAPE =1/- Mariachi Band ZE  4:2-T£WA-Y. EEriER September 22 -- Starts at 6 p.m. "'u;2;.t't:w . Look for our Mariachi Dau Specials! " m 0:=,:. SIDE.BY.SlDEI ;,;G II PIZZA I i  . HAPPY HOClR 3-6 P.M. I HalfpePP°r°ni'halfCanadi'n'stylebac°nandpineapp!'i 1 ram) ' "" i A ._ :: . vo ,. . ....,.. , POamD-RS 1   ?"?0r #-A#ATg I g. II  lg Budweiser, Bud Light, MGD, Coors Light -- - A.- R,-EI'°:,,o,=. I L0: - • o - I ,.:2: Canadian bacon, salami, pepperoni, sausag0 and beef.  "" " WELL DRINKS - j.--- , 2, ,, O,y,,,p,; H. ,. mm#_m,, t  . During Happy Hour I HARSTINE ISLAND COMMUNITY HALL . Shelton remmm,l == , -V. Restaurant Hours K " Sa . Pen Sun Thurs I araoke Friday and turday I SEPTEMBER 24TH AND 25TH AT 8:00 P.M. In Barkley Square Il " I TICKETS ON SALE AT: 427-5366 I'IiIR#, 11.1 la... ]Opm'  ...... .-- 11:30a,m. togp.m, daily. , k' -- Sat. 11 a m " 1"1 o rr Nappy Hour 2503 Olympic Hsghway North, Shelton I JARRELL'S COVE MARINA, SHELTON TRAVEL, , Cantina'' r' 3-6 Across the parking lot from mcDonald's I AND HARSTINE POINTE OFFICE l ,, ntil 2 a.m. FrL g.7, Sat. Ever/:/Dag! 432-1085 I this play was partly funded by a Grant from the Washlngton Stats Oepartmentof Ecology. Food stamps welcome on You-Bake" items. . 1.   'G  Se 16 1999 lason Journal .¢ Page 29