September 16, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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15 words or less - $5.00
10 cents for each additional word over 15 lads, The Journal will I
Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for I
Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday I errors in the !irst I
Classified display - 5 p.m. Monday
Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad
40,000 BTU propane gas stoves, in-
stalled $2,300, includes tank. Natural
Gas also available. 482-5200. G9/2-23
BEAUTIFUL OLDER maple dining room
set, 2 leaves, 5 chairs, $375. Call 426-
8965. G9/9-30
LEATHER COUCH, $195. Table saw,
$250. Chipper, $495. 432-8292. P9/9-
METABOLIFE 356 TM. For product call
Dabble at 426-2136. Metabolife inde-
pendent distributor, N4187100499.
STEEL BUILDINGS never put up.
40x30, was $6,212, will sell for $3,497.
50x86, was $17,690, will sell for
$8,970. 1-800-292-0111. A9/16
SMALL, INLAID, antique table, $50.
Low oak table, 3'x5', $50. 20 turned-
oak spindles, $150. Whirlpool designer-
style refrigerator, great condition,
$100. 426-4613. P9/16
FIREWOOD BY the cord. 16" lengths.
Split and delivered. Other lengths by
order. Dry fir, $100. Seasoned Alder,
$95. Seasoned Madrona, $125. Dry
Madrona, $150. Delivery charge out-
side Shelton may apply. Winter fore-
cast is for more La Nifia - cold and wet.
Don't get caught short! 427-6883.
CRAFTSMAN 10" radial arm saw.
120/240. Carbide blade. With stand,
$265. 432-8813. M9/16
HONEY-- TERRY'S Honey at Belfair
Farmer's Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Saturdays through October. 360-426-
1144. H9/9-16
DAHLIAS: WE grow the best. Taking
orders on bulbs. Also cut flowers. 800
different varieties. Mike's Dahlias. 907
Valley Road, 426-9854. M8/26-9/16
SEARS AIRWALKER exerciser, like
new $100. Dish satellite and installation
kit never used, $100. 427-8738. $9116
STAMINA IN-TOUCH air bike with mov-
ing handlebars, computerized informa-
tion and instruction booklet. New $300,
sell $150. 426-4471, Mary. R9/16
insulated pipe, $100, Shop stove, $35.
Both good condition. 426-4194. H9/18
High quality sandy loam
Top cut ° No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
ELECTRIC E-Z Lift walk-behind forklift,
1,500 tb, 58" lift. Needs batteries,
cleanup. Handy for garage, shop.
$100. 426-4412 8 a.m.-5 p.m. J9/16-
SHARP UX112 Facsimile, like new $75.
Echo 650EVL chainsaw with 24 in. bar,
excellent condition $100 427-5930.
FREE, KILN-DRIED cedar mill ends. U-
haul. Great for kindling. We deliver, $65
truckload. 6400 E. Agate Road, 426-
7900. C9/2-23
NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center.
Men's and women's suit jackets and
dress slacks 1/2 price. Hardback books
1/2 price. House 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues.-
Sat. $9/16
11 CU. FT. Sears upright refrigerator,
$250. Metal frame, wood-top picnic
table, $50. 107 yr. old piano, $400
aBe. Exercise bike, good condition,
$20. 427-1805. P9/16
PLANT SALE - up to 50% off. Septem-
ber is a good month to plant perennials.
Over 200 varieties from $1 to $3.50.
Open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sun-
days, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or call for an
appointment at 427-5930. Storybrook
Gardens, 1881 E. Crestview Drive,
Shelton, off of Agate Road, near
Shorecrest. $8/26-9/30
QUEEN ANNE cherry wood: armoire,
$600. 2 arm chairs, $175 each. Desk,
$150. Dining table/chairs, $500. Coffee
table, $175. New Filter Queen vacuum,
$1,200. New generator, $650. Love-
seat/hideabed, $50. TV, $75. VCR,
$50. Precious Moments nativity, $200.
Three, 4-drawer file cabinets, $50 each
aBe. 427-3980. C9/16-23
HEAVY DUTY 5'x8' tilt utility trailer,
$700, 426-0801. H9/16-23
FIREWOOD, CLEAR fir, $40 cord or 3
for $100, already cut into 16" lengths,
easy to access, located at Lake Cush-
man, 426-3054. D9/16
0135. A9/16
SOLID OAK roll-top desk, $375. Buffet,
$75. Queen-size wooden post .bed
frame, $400. Gray sofa, end table, cot-'
fee table, shelf units, lamps. 426-8821.
COUCH FOR sale. Purchased less than
6 months ago. Moving, must sell.
Bought $400, selling for $300. Great
deal. Call Stacy, 427.1864. O9/16
CORN! SWEET and fresh for canning or
freezing. Call 426-6204. H9/16
HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a
pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn
STAINED GLASS - the perfect gift for
that discerning person. Call Koleen,
426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and
weekends for information and esti-
mates. WP/2tfn
SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try
harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux
Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**O33CJ.
L 12/3if n
Custom designed in any size to fit your needs...
not our convenience, at competitive prices.
Two-Car Garage and Storage
Call Art today
20 x36x8
Horse Stable with
Feed end Tack Room
24 x48 xl 1
n Two Car Garage IJL"
16x7 RollUp Door RENT
Reputation for Quality
Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands
of satisfied customers.
34TH ANNUAL Harvest Swap Meet will
be held at the Southwest Washington
Fairgrounds between Centralia and
Chehalis, September 25, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
and September 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Ad-
mission $2 (under 12 free). Stalls $30
for the weekend. Sponsored by the
CentraliaJChehalis Vintage Auto Club.
BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-Inn
swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m.,
near Bremerton Airport. Information,
360-698-6031. Rh/20tfn
BUY OR consign one item or an entire
estate. Serving the local area since
1963. References available, Lic. #193.
Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn
718 28TH
Bolens 900 tractor w/blade-tiller
& trailer, Craftsman radial ann saw,
10" table saw, 6" jointer, Makita
chop saw, 14" band saw, bench
grinder, drill press, disk/belt sander,
(all power tools in excellent condi-
tion), power edger, cement mixer,
yard tools, beautiful Kimball upright
piano, 40's radio, Morris chair,
trunks, architectural pcs, 40's mod-
em bedroom set, dressers, small oak
ice box, drop leaf table, kitchen
queen base, childs wicker rocker,
sleigh bed, wood decoys, 30's elect
stove, camping stuff, 10' boat, glass
door knobs, tables, chairs, books,
many videos, old jazz 78's, brass
bed, misc. silver pcs & glass ware,
lots of antiques and cool stuff.
1ic# anticea562ms
terms: cash, MC/Visa
THE 4TH annual McCleary Citywide
Garage Sale will be held Saturday,
Sept. 18th starting at 8 a.m. Maps
available. Simpson Families Helping
Simpson Families Swap Meet will be
held the same day. Food, music, car
show, car wash, dunk tank, and garage
sale booths will be held at the Simpson
parking lot, starting at 9 a.m. Mc9/9-16
9 AM.-3 p.m., Saturday, weather per-
mitting. 1718 Mason, Hillcrest. Kids'
clothes and lots of other stuff. Mc9/16
HUGE CLEAN-OUT at give-away
prices. Computers, faxes, typewriters,
clothing, tables, kitchen supplies, and
much more. No reasonable offer turned
down. Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. SOCK
Youth Center, across from Safeway.
1912 STEVENS St. Lots of stuff. Sat-
urday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. A9/16 ,
SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lots of
goodies. 61 SE Spring Place, follow
signs on Ryan Road. $9/16
SUPER SIZE garage sale. Hand tools,
power tools, antique tools, forge, post
drill, blacksmith vise, large cast bell
(very old) industrial drill press, wood
lathe, belt sanders, saws, misc. Tools,
guns, fishing tackle, outboard motors
(old), chainsaws, old radios, 1947
Crosley engine, ’ollectibles and project
wood (oak-alder). Lots of misc. Sorry,
no baby clothes or stuffed toys. Thurs-
day, 4-8 p.m. Friday g a.m.-6 p.m., Sat-
urday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1017 N. 8th Street
(Northcliff). A9/16
must go. Furniture/white leather couch
set, dishes, tools, chainsaw, blowers,
television, movies, gas dryer, garden
tools, 14k jewelry, misc. 31 E. Oak
Place, Oak Park. Friday, Saturday, 9
a.m.-3 p.m. J9/16
GARAGE SALE: miscellaneous items,
paddle tires (for Suzuki LTh00 quad
racer). 70 E. Fairfield Ct. Saturday/
One of the leading post-frame builders In Meson County.
We can custom design at competitive prices, any width, length or height required Sunday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. W9/16
with no penalty in pdce.
Choose from a wide range of buildings.., Airplane hangars Carports
I Garages. Mobile home covers, Warehouses. Horse arenas and stables. I SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Crib, house-
Machine storage and shops hold items, men's western shirts, lots
LIC. #TOZIEBI024PK I more. 510 E. Mason Lake Rd. B9/16
m First & Mill Shellon ' IlJbf 426-4373 or 426o2411 . ... ".,;i a .A
II t StOre Hounli I! l'lllOt]l Rental houri: [
I ,JOURNAL CLASSIFIED -- Call 426-4412
Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 16, 1999
TWO FAMILY yard sale, Saturday, 9
a.m.-3:30 p.m. Lots of good stuff.
2300 E. Phillips Lake Loop. No early
sales. N9/16
treasures. 167 Hawthorne Lane (top of
Turner, right on 16th, right on Haw-
thorne). Friday evening, 6-9 p.m. Sat-
urday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. T9/16
BIG ANTIQUE and collectible yard
sale. Rain or shine. Friday-Saturday.
Old dressers, display cases, black/
chrome wood cookstove, glassware.
books, pictures, some tools, and more.
Follow green signs on Cloquallum Road
in Shelton. M9/16
ST. EDWARD'S rummage sale. Friday,
Sept. 24, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept.
25, 9 a.m.-noon. 322 North 3rd Street.
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-3 p.m Lots of
household and miscellaneous. 30 E.
Park Place, off Spring Road. K9/16
GIGANTIC GARAGE sale. Over 100
families. Furniture, appliances, glass-
ware, tools. Thousands of treasures.
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 17th-18th.
9 a.m.-3 p,m. Shelton Elks Lodge, 741
SE Craig Road. $9/16
FRIDAY, 9 a.m., 612 Wyandotte Ave.
EARLY BIRD sale from dawn on. Satur-
day and Sunday. From the usual, Ma-
son jars and quarter coffee cups to
books, baskets, barrels, handmade
sweaters and high wattage lights. Cor-
n of Roosevelt & Hay streets (two
blocks south of church on Arcadia
Ave.) C9/16
YARD SALE: household, shop, cabinet
materials, word processor, sliding
glass door, plants & more. Hwy. 3 to Is-
land View Rd, follow signs.
Saturday/Sunday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. T9/16
ESTATE SALE. Furniturel women's
plus sizes and other assorted house-
wares. 570 E. Wood Lane. Friday, Sat-
urday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. C9/16
TWO FAMILIES, Saturday, 9 a.m.-4
p.m. 1833 Dickinson. C9/16
HUGE ANTIQUE, estate sale. Satur-
dayLSunday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 1824 S.
First (Hillcrest). Lots of signs, Primi-
tives - including many country store
items (tins). M9/16
MULTI-FAMILY SALE: Tools, fishing
gear, children's and adult's clothing,
toys/stuffed animals, decorative
glassware, some household furnish-
ings, small household appliances, mis-
cellaneous household articles, and a
lot morel Off Hwy. 101 south on Ryan
Road. Follow the signs to 30 SE Valley
Lane. Saturday (9/18) from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. and Sunday (9/19) 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. V9/16
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 14'
Fiberform boat with 50hp Marc. out-
board & trailer, sports/recreation
equip., antiques, building materials,
hobby & art supplies, housewares, too
many bargains to list. 650 E. McMickin
Rd, Harstine Island, (360) 426-8664.
ESTATE GARAGE sale. Friday and
Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 1986 Chev
Cavalier, 47K miles. Freezer, furniture,
kitchenware, sewing, clothing, craft
books, collectibles, miscellaneous.
430 E. Phillips Lake Loop Road. D9/16
MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale. Lots of nice
clothes for kids, teens and adults, hos-
pital uniforms, toys, twin bed, pictures,
decorative items, child's car seat,
electric treadmill, something for every-
one. Saturday, 9/18, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
1540 E. Shelton Springs Road (near
Airport). 1/2 price sale 3-4:30 p.m.
day, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Milepost 3, Hwy.
106, Union. Multi-family. Misc. stuff.
,YARD SALE Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4
p.m. 322 West 'T'. Good pricesl Every-
thing must go. M9/16
MOVING SALE, Friday, Saturday, 9
a.m.-5 p.m. 1518 Ridge Road. (Behind
CoWs Corner.) Vehicles, electronics,
much more. A9/16
STUDENT NEEDS ride 6:45 a.m.,
weekdays for ROTC Drill to Shelton
High or WaI-Mart. Will pay. Please call
426-3031. S9/16
9455. $9/9-16
HIAWATHA NOW buying Cedar
boughs. 18"-20" length. No cones. 22’
par pound. E. 681 Johns Prairie Rd.,
426-4562. H9/9-30
CASH FOR large quantities of clean,
dry moss. Will buy bales. 1-360-274-
8125, Castle Rock, WA. L9/2-23
DRIVERS WANTED: Over-the-road
truck drivers with CDL and flat-bed ex-
perience to drive late model truck. 48-
state operation. Health benefits, good
pay. 427-7652. U9/16-10/7
TWO CNA'S needed, experienced only.
Apply at Allyn Retreat, Allyn, WA or
phone (360) 275-4475. Ask for Sally or
Charles. R9/16-23
SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center is cur-
rently looking for a full-time grounds
and maintenance individual. This posi-
tion involves building maintenance and
cleaning. Some prior maintenance and
grounds experience is preferred. Apply
in person. See Todd or Dick. EOE. 426-
5585. H9/16-23 .....
SHELTON SUPER 8 now accepting ap-
plications for a desk clerkauditor.
Computer experience required. Apply
at 2943 Northview Circle. $9/16
TEMPORARY, full-time, pressroom as-
sistant, will train. Apply in person,
Shelton Journal, 227 West Cota Street.
growing Shelton business. Approx-
imately 100 hours per month with bene-
fits. Knowledge of AP, AR and will as-
sist in payroll. Computer experience a
must, experience with Peachtree soft-
ware a plus. Submit resume to Ac-
counting Manager, PQ Box 2044, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. R9/16
WAIT STAFF, over 21. Part-time and
full-time. Days and nights, experienced
preferred. Pick-up application, Allyn
Inn Restaurant. A9/16
qllk Providencel SoundHomeCare
[and Hospice
Exciting training opportunity for a
RN with med/surg experience, Cur-
rently seeking a full-time evening (3-
I] p.m., no Sundays) RN to work at
the Aberdeen Dialysis Unit. RN,
BSN preferred. Previous nephrology/
hemodialysis exp preferred but not
required. Willing to train new grads.'
Apply at or send resume to:
Human Resources
413 Lilly Rd. NE
Olympia, WA 98506
Fax: 360/493-7442
Equal Opportunity Employer
250 Seasonal Positions
Transportation and housing not provided.
CDL Class B Driving Positions
also available.
(360) 275-5345 Belfair
Aplicar para trabajar en
la estacion de navidad a
La cornpania no tiene
transportacion o hospedaje.
Driving position also available.
(360) 275-5345 Belfair
CAREGIVER NEEDED for adult family
home, CNA preferred. Part-time, week-
ends, 24 hour shift. 427-4133. W9/16-
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege hiring a Fiscal Technician I for the
Business Office. Minimum qualifica-
tions include high school diploma, or
GED certificate; and fifteen quarter
hours or ten semester hours of college-
level accounting or bookkeeping.
Eighteen months of equivalent experi-
ence may substitute for required col-
lege-level course work. Desirable qual-
ifications include experience as a fiscal
technician; familiarity with the Wash-
ington State Financial Management
System; experience using Excel and
WordPerfect; commitment to a working
environment that values diversity. An
employment application and required
supplemental examination can be ob-
tained in the Human Resources Office,
South Puget Sound Community Col-
lege, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Olym-
pia, WA 98512. Phone 754-7711 ext.
360. Position closes 4:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, September 22, 1999.
ANEOE. S9/16
NEED SKILLED carpenter, to build
wooden door on garage. 427-0826.
BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 children,
Angleside area, nonsmoker, transpor-
tation, references a must, 427-5212.
MEDICAL BILLING. Immediate open-
ings FT/PT. No experience needed. Will
train. Data entry for doctors. PC re-
quired. Up to 50k per year, 888-587-
2624 ext. 616. M9/16-10/7
RECEPTIONIST, 20 hours week, $6.18
hourly, 1-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Pro-
vide back-up reception, telephone cov-
erage, filing, and other office support
for social service agency in Shelton.
Senior Employment Program: must be
55 or over and low income. Call (360)
427-2225, ext. 10 for applications.
Closes September 27, 1999 5 p.m.
EOE. L9/16
den maintenance person. Apply Mon-
day-Thursday, 9 .m.-5 p.m. Blue Her-
on Condos, 6520 E. SR 106, Union.
cutters Shelton salon. Great pay,
medical/dental, 401K, vacation. Full or
part time. (206) 232-8008 T8/26-9/16
THE HIAWATHA Corporation is hiring
temporary truck drivers for production
season, 40 plus hours weekly. Must
have CDL. Quality Control workers
needed for production season. Prior
experience preferred. Team worker. 40
plus hours weekly. Bring resume. Apply
in person, 681 E. Johns Prairie Rd.,
Shelton, WA 98584. H9/2-23
The Hiawatha Corporation
E 681 Johns Prairie Road
Shelton,WA 98584
3604264562 800-421-4791
Iliring for Christmas production
season starting September 27,1999
and ending approximately De-
cember 11, 1999. Will pay piece-
work for making Christmas
wreaths and decorator items. Op-
portunity to make good hourly
wages. Payday every Friday for the
week ending the Saturday before.
hldoor work in unheated build-
ings.Bonus for staying through the
season. Must have proper identifi-
cation for 1-9 forms.
Pciting Careers with
Great 7}'avel Benefits
10 & 20 Week 7)'aining
3 Campus Locations
Campus/lousing Available
Financial Aid Programs
For Those Who Qualify
19, 000 Graduates Placed
* Placement Opportunities in
,Seattle, Pacifi'c Northwest
& West Coast
, I tl'/t(l l#'ee ()lte-ftott r OmetttatRm:
Tuesd.y, September 21
Tyee Hotel
3 p.t or 7 p.nt
er needed at small
some evening
Sty and reliable
$6 per hour. Please
Harmony Hill, 7362 E.
Union, WA 98592, Attn:
tar. F/T paid position at
Literacy. Will recruit,
match new students
and provide
one-on-one and small
teams throughout Mason
degree plus 1 year
experience in Adult
man Services required
accepted until Sept. _
Phone 426-9733. M9/16-23
qualified recycling
Skilled in heavy
and knowledge of pumps'
equipment desired. Paid:
cation, medical, and retil
resume, Attn:
Centralia WA 98531.
RN/LPN: Pediatric
home care shifts
full-time, competitive
New grads welcome.
Nursing, 1-800-637-9998.'
occasionally. Running s=
housecleaning, WSDL
Mary, 427-4249. L8/26-9118
A HAIR Affair is
motivated, e
Experience a plus, but
Please inquire at 118
426-2141. H9/9 tfn
petitive salary, DOE.
Joe Snyder, Attorney,
ShaRon, WA 98584.
available at Fir Lane
RN, LPN, NAC. Call 426-
pointment. F9/9-16
experience cessary.
position in KMAS
department. Work
for appointment,
Telemark, Inc.
for Customer
sent our various clients.
trained on data entry,
questions and providi
customers. We are
flexible with their
min. 20 wpm.
able. To learn more
opportunity call or visit our
and alcohol free
15 words or less - $5.00
10 cents for each additional word over 15 lads, The Journal will I
Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for I
Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday I errors in the !irst I
Classified display - 5 p.m. Monday
Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad
40,000 BTU propane gas stoves, in-
stalled $2,300, includes tank. Natural
Gas also available. 482-5200. G9/2-23
BEAUTIFUL OLDER maple dining room
set, 2 leaves, 5 chairs, $375. Call 426-
8965. G9/9-30
LEATHER COUCH, $195. Table saw,
$250. Chipper, $495. 432-8292. P9/9-
METABOLIFE 356 TM. For product call
Dabble at 426-2136. Metabolife inde-
pendent distributor, N4187100499.
STEEL BUILDINGS never put up.
40x30, was $6,212, will sell for $3,497.
50x86, was $17,690, will sell for
$8,970. 1-800-292-0111. A9/16
SMALL, INLAID, antique table, $50.
Low oak table, 3'x5', $50. 20 turned-
oak spindles, $150. Whirlpool designer-
style refrigerator, great condition,
$100. 426-4613. P9/16
FIREWOOD BY the cord. 16" lengths.
Split and delivered. Other lengths by
order. Dry fir, $100. Seasoned Alder,
$95. Seasoned Madrona, $125. Dry
Madrona, $150. Delivery charge out-
side Shelton may apply. Winter fore-
cast is for more La Nifia - cold and wet.
Don't get caught short! 427-6883.
CRAFTSMAN 10" radial arm saw.
120/240. Carbide blade. With stand,
$265. 432-8813. M9/16
HONEY-- TERRY'S Honey at Belfair
Farmer's Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Saturdays through October. 360-426-
1144. H9/9-16
DAHLIAS: WE grow the best. Taking
orders on bulbs. Also cut flowers. 800
different varieties. Mike's Dahlias. 907
Valley Road, 426-9854. M8/26-9/16
SEARS AIRWALKER exerciser, like
new $100. Dish satellite and installation
kit never used, $100. 427-8738. $9116
STAMINA IN-TOUCH air bike with mov-
ing handlebars, computerized informa-
tion and instruction booklet. New $300,
sell $150. 426-4471, Mary. R9/16
insulated pipe, $100, Shop stove, $35.
Both good condition. 426-4194. H9/18
High quality sandy loam
Top cut ° No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
ELECTRIC E-Z Lift walk-behind forklift,
1,500 tb, 58" lift. Needs batteries,
cleanup. Handy for garage, shop.
$100. 426-4412 8 a.m.-5 p.m. J9/16-
SHARP UX112 Facsimile, like new $75.
Echo 650EVL chainsaw with 24 in. bar,
excellent condition $100 427-5930.
FREE, KILN-DRIED cedar mill ends. U-
haul. Great for kindling. We deliver, $65
truckload. 6400 E. Agate Road, 426-
7900. C9/2-23
NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center.
Men's and women's suit jackets and
dress slacks 1/2 price. Hardback books
1/2 price. House 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues.-
Sat. $9/16
11 CU. FT. Sears upright refrigerator,
$250. Metal frame, wood-top picnic
table, $50. 107 yr. old piano, $400
aBe. Exercise bike, good condition,
$20. 427-1805. P9/16
PLANT SALE - up to 50% off. Septem-
ber is a good month to plant perennials.
Over 200 varieties from $1 to $3.50.
Open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sun-
days, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or call for an
appointment at 427-5930. Storybrook
Gardens, 1881 E. Crestview Drive,
Shelton, off of Agate Road, near
Shorecrest. $8/26-9/30
QUEEN ANNE cherry wood: armoire,
$600. 2 arm chairs, $175 each. Desk,
$150. Dining table/chairs, $500. Coffee
table, $175. New Filter Queen vacuum,
$1,200. New generator, $650. Love-
seat/hideabed, $50. TV, $75. VCR,
$50. Precious Moments nativity, $200.
Three, 4-drawer file cabinets, $50 each
aBe. 427-3980. C9/16-23
HEAVY DUTY 5'x8' tilt utility trailer,
$700, 426-0801. H9/16-23
FIREWOOD, CLEAR fir, $40 cord or 3
for $100, already cut into 16" lengths,
easy to access, located at Lake Cush-
man, 426-3054. D9/16
0135. A9/16
SOLID OAK roll-top desk, $375. Buffet,
$75. Queen-size wooden post .bed
frame, $400. Gray sofa, end table, cot-'
fee table, shelf units, lamps. 426-8821.
COUCH FOR sale. Purchased less than
6 months ago. Moving, must sell.
Bought $400, selling for $300. Great
deal. Call Stacy, 427.1864. O9/16
CORN! SWEET and fresh for canning or
freezing. Call 426-6204. H9/16
HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a
pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn
STAINED GLASS - the perfect gift for
that discerning person. Call Koleen,
426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and
weekends for information and esti-
mates. WP/2tfn
SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try
harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux
Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**O33CJ.
L 12/3if n
Custom designed in any size to fit your needs...
not our convenience, at competitive prices.
Two-Car Garage and Storage
Call Art today
20 x36x8
Horse Stable with
Feed end Tack Room
24 x48 xl 1
n Two Car Garage IJL"
16x7 RollUp Door RENT
Reputation for Quality
Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands
of satisfied customers.
34TH ANNUAL Harvest Swap Meet will
be held at the Southwest Washington
Fairgrounds between Centralia and
Chehalis, September 25, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
and September 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Ad-
mission $2 (under 12 free). Stalls $30
for the weekend. Sponsored by the
CentraliaJChehalis Vintage Auto Club.
BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-Inn
swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m.,
near Bremerton Airport. Information,
360-698-6031. Rh/20tfn
BUY OR consign one item or an entire
estate. Serving the local area since
1963. References available, Lic. #193.
Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn
718 28TH
Bolens 900 tractor w/blade-tiller
& trailer, Craftsman radial ann saw,
10" table saw, 6" jointer, Makita
chop saw, 14" band saw, bench
grinder, drill press, disk/belt sander,
(all power tools in excellent condi-
tion), power edger, cement mixer,
yard tools, beautiful Kimball upright
piano, 40's radio, Morris chair,
trunks, architectural pcs, 40's mod-
em bedroom set, dressers, small oak
ice box, drop leaf table, kitchen
queen base, childs wicker rocker,
sleigh bed, wood decoys, 30's elect
stove, camping stuff, 10' boat, glass
door knobs, tables, chairs, books,
many videos, old jazz 78's, brass
bed, misc. silver pcs & glass ware,
lots of antiques and cool stuff.
1ic# anticea562ms
terms: cash, MC/Visa
THE 4TH annual McCleary Citywide
Garage Sale will be held Saturday,
Sept. 18th starting at 8 a.m. Maps
available. Simpson Families Helping
Simpson Families Swap Meet will be
held the same day. Food, music, car
show, car wash, dunk tank, and garage
sale booths will be held at the Simpson
parking lot, starting at 9 a.m. Mc9/9-16
9 AM.-3 p.m., Saturday, weather per-
mitting. 1718 Mason, Hillcrest. Kids'
clothes and lots of other stuff. Mc9/16
HUGE CLEAN-OUT at give-away
prices. Computers, faxes, typewriters,
clothing, tables, kitchen supplies, and
much more. No reasonable offer turned
down. Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. SOCK
Youth Center, across from Safeway.
1912 STEVENS St. Lots of stuff. Sat-
urday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. A9/16 ,
SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lots of
goodies. 61 SE Spring Place, follow
signs on Ryan Road. $9/16
SUPER SIZE garage sale. Hand tools,
power tools, antique tools, forge, post
drill, blacksmith vise, large cast bell
(very old) industrial drill press, wood
lathe, belt sanders, saws, misc. Tools,
guns, fishing tackle, outboard motors
(old), chainsaws, old radios, 1947
Crosley engine, ’ollectibles and project
wood (oak-alder). Lots of misc. Sorry,
no baby clothes or stuffed toys. Thurs-
day, 4-8 p.m. Friday g a.m.-6 p.m., Sat-
urday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1017 N. 8th Street
(Northcliff). A9/16
must go. Furniture/white leather couch
set, dishes, tools, chainsaw, blowers,
television, movies, gas dryer, garden
tools, 14k jewelry, misc. 31 E. Oak
Place, Oak Park. Friday, Saturday, 9
a.m.-3 p.m. J9/16
GARAGE SALE: miscellaneous items,
paddle tires (for Suzuki LTh00 quad
racer). 70 E. Fairfield Ct. Saturday/
One of the leading post-frame builders In Meson County.
We can custom design at competitive prices, any width, length or height required Sunday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. W9/16
with no penalty in pdce.
Choose from a wide range of buildings.., Airplane hangars Carports
I Garages. Mobile home covers, Warehouses. Horse arenas and stables. I SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Crib, house-
Machine storage and shops hold items, men's western shirts, lots
LIC. #TOZIEBI024PK I more. 510 E. Mason Lake Rd. B9/16
m First & Mill Shellon ' IlJbf 426-4373 or 426o2411 . ... ".,;i a .A
II t StOre Hounli I! l'lllOt]l Rental houri: [
I ,JOURNAL CLASSIFIED -- Call 426-4412
Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 16, 1999
TWO FAMILY yard sale, Saturday, 9
a.m.-3:30 p.m. Lots of good stuff.
2300 E. Phillips Lake Loop. No early
sales. N9/16
treasures. 167 Hawthorne Lane (top of
Turner, right on 16th, right on Haw-
thorne). Friday evening, 6-9 p.m. Sat-
urday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. T9/16
BIG ANTIQUE and collectible yard
sale. Rain or shine. Friday-Saturday.
Old dressers, display cases, black/
chrome wood cookstove, glassware.
books, pictures, some tools, and more.
Follow green signs on Cloquallum Road
in Shelton. M9/16
ST. EDWARD'S rummage sale. Friday,
Sept. 24, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept.
25, 9 a.m.-noon. 322 North 3rd Street.
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-3 p.m Lots of
household and miscellaneous. 30 E.
Park Place, off Spring Road. K9/16
GIGANTIC GARAGE sale. Over 100
families. Furniture, appliances, glass-
ware, tools. Thousands of treasures.
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 17th-18th.
9 a.m.-3 p,m. Shelton Elks Lodge, 741
SE Craig Road. $9/16
FRIDAY, 9 a.m., 612 Wyandotte Ave.
EARLY BIRD sale from dawn on. Satur-
day and Sunday. From the usual, Ma-
son jars and quarter coffee cups to
books, baskets, barrels, handmade
sweaters and high wattage lights. Cor-
n of Roosevelt & Hay streets (two
blocks south of church on Arcadia
Ave.) C9/16
YARD SALE: household, shop, cabinet
materials, word processor, sliding
glass door, plants & more. Hwy. 3 to Is-
land View Rd, follow signs.
Saturday/Sunday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. T9/16
ESTATE SALE. Furniturel women's
plus sizes and other assorted house-
wares. 570 E. Wood Lane. Friday, Sat-
urday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. C9/16
TWO FAMILIES, Saturday, 9 a.m.-4
p.m. 1833 Dickinson. C9/16
HUGE ANTIQUE, estate sale. Satur-
dayLSunday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 1824 S.
First (Hillcrest). Lots of signs, Primi-
tives - including many country store
items (tins). M9/16
MULTI-FAMILY SALE: Tools, fishing
gear, children's and adult's clothing,
toys/stuffed animals, decorative
glassware, some household furnish-
ings, small household appliances, mis-
cellaneous household articles, and a
lot morel Off Hwy. 101 south on Ryan
Road. Follow the signs to 30 SE Valley
Lane. Saturday (9/18) from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. and Sunday (9/19) 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. V9/16
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 14'
Fiberform boat with 50hp Marc. out-
board & trailer, sports/recreation
equip., antiques, building materials,
hobby & art supplies, housewares, too
many bargains to list. 650 E. McMickin
Rd, Harstine Island, (360) 426-8664.
ESTATE GARAGE sale. Friday and
Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 1986 Chev
Cavalier, 47K miles. Freezer, furniture,
kitchenware, sewing, clothing, craft
books, collectibles, miscellaneous.
430 E. Phillips Lake Loop Road. D9/16
MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale. Lots of nice
clothes for kids, teens and adults, hos-
pital uniforms, toys, twin bed, pictures,
decorative items, child's car seat,
electric treadmill, something for every-
one. Saturday, 9/18, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
1540 E. Shelton Springs Road (near
Airport). 1/2 price sale 3-4:30 p.m.
day, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Milepost 3, Hwy.
106, Union. Multi-family. Misc. stuff.
,YARD SALE Friday/Saturday, 9 a.m.-4
p.m. 322 West 'T'. Good pricesl Every-
thing must go. M9/16
MOVING SALE, Friday, Saturday, 9
a.m.-5 p.m. 1518 Ridge Road. (Behind
CoWs Corner.) Vehicles, electronics,
much more. A9/16
STUDENT NEEDS ride 6:45 a.m.,
weekdays for ROTC Drill to Shelton
High or WaI-Mart. Will pay. Please call
426-3031. S9/16
9455. $9/9-16
HIAWATHA NOW buying Cedar
boughs. 18"-20" length. No cones. 22’
par pound. E. 681 Johns Prairie Rd.,
426-4562. H9/9-30
CASH FOR large quantities of clean,
dry moss. Will buy bales. 1-360-274-
8125, Castle Rock, WA. L9/2-23
DRIVERS WANTED: Over-the-road
truck drivers with CDL and flat-bed ex-
perience to drive late model truck. 48-
state operation. Health benefits, good
pay. 427-7652. U9/16-10/7
TWO CNA'S needed, experienced only.
Apply at Allyn Retreat, Allyn, WA or
phone (360) 275-4475. Ask for Sally or
Charles. R9/16-23
SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center is cur-
rently looking for a full-time grounds
and maintenance individual. This posi-
tion involves building maintenance and
cleaning. Some prior maintenance and
grounds experience is preferred. Apply
in person. See Todd or Dick. EOE. 426-
5585. H9/16-23 .....
SHELTON SUPER 8 now accepting ap-
plications for a desk clerkauditor.
Computer experience required. Apply
at 2943 Northview Circle. $9/16
TEMPORARY, full-time, pressroom as-
sistant, will train. Apply in person,
Shelton Journal, 227 West Cota Street.
growing Shelton business. Approx-
imately 100 hours per month with bene-
fits. Knowledge of AP, AR and will as-
sist in payroll. Computer experience a
must, experience with Peachtree soft-
ware a plus. Submit resume to Ac-
counting Manager, PQ Box 2044, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. R9/16
WAIT STAFF, over 21. Part-time and
full-time. Days and nights, experienced
preferred. Pick-up application, Allyn
Inn Restaurant. A9/16
qllk Providencel SoundHomeCare
[and Hospice
Exciting training opportunity for a
RN with med/surg experience, Cur-
rently seeking a full-time evening (3-
I] p.m., no Sundays) RN to work at
the Aberdeen Dialysis Unit. RN,
BSN preferred. Previous nephrology/
hemodialysis exp preferred but not
required. Willing to train new grads.'
Apply at or send resume to:
Human Resources
413 Lilly Rd. NE
Olympia, WA 98506
Fax: 360/493-7442
Equal Opportunity Employer
250 Seasonal Positions
Transportation and housing not provided.
CDL Class B Driving Positions
also available.
(360) 275-5345 Belfair
Aplicar para trabajar en
la estacion de navidad a
La cornpania no tiene
transportacion o hospedaje.
Driving position also available.
(360) 275-5345 Belfair
CAREGIVER NEEDED for adult family
home, CNA preferred. Part-time, week-
ends, 24 hour shift. 427-4133. W9/16-
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege hiring a Fiscal Technician I for the
Business Office. Minimum qualifica-
tions include high school diploma, or
GED certificate; and fifteen quarter
hours or ten semester hours of college-
level accounting or bookkeeping.
Eighteen months of equivalent experi-
ence may substitute for required col-
lege-level course work. Desirable qual-
ifications include experience as a fiscal
technician; familiarity with the Wash-
ington State Financial Management
System; experience using Excel and
WordPerfect; commitment to a working
environment that values diversity. An
employment application and required
supplemental examination can be ob-
tained in the Human Resources Office,
South Puget Sound Community Col-
lege, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Olym-
pia, WA 98512. Phone 754-7711 ext.
360. Position closes 4:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, September 22, 1999.
ANEOE. S9/16
NEED SKILLED carpenter, to build
wooden door on garage. 427-0826.
BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 children,
Angleside area, nonsmoker, transpor-
tation, references a must, 427-5212.
MEDICAL BILLING. Immediate open-
ings FT/PT. No experience needed. Will
train. Data entry for doctors. PC re-
quired. Up to 50k per year, 888-587-
2624 ext. 616. M9/16-10/7
RECEPTIONIST, 20 hours week, $6.18
hourly, 1-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Pro-
vide back-up reception, telephone cov-
erage, filing, and other office support
for social service agency in Shelton.
Senior Employment Program: must be
55 or over and low income. Call (360)
427-2225, ext. 10 for applications.
Closes September 27, 1999 5 p.m.
EOE. L9/16
den maintenance person. Apply Mon-
day-Thursday, 9 .m.-5 p.m. Blue Her-
on Condos, 6520 E. SR 106, Union.
cutters Shelton salon. Great pay,
medical/dental, 401K, vacation. Full or
part time. (206) 232-8008 T8/26-9/16
THE HIAWATHA Corporation is hiring
temporary truck drivers for production
season, 40 plus hours weekly. Must
have CDL. Quality Control workers
needed for production season. Prior
experience preferred. Team worker. 40
plus hours weekly. Bring resume. Apply
in person, 681 E. Johns Prairie Rd.,
Shelton, WA 98584. H9/2-23
The Hiawatha Corporation
E 681 Johns Prairie Road
Shelton,WA 98584
3604264562 800-421-4791
Iliring for Christmas production
season starting September 27,1999
and ending approximately De-
cember 11, 1999. Will pay piece-
work for making Christmas
wreaths and decorator items. Op-
portunity to make good hourly
wages. Payday every Friday for the
week ending the Saturday before.
hldoor work in unheated build-
ings.Bonus for staying through the
season. Must have proper identifi-
cation for 1-9 forms.
Pciting Careers with
Great 7}'avel Benefits
10 & 20 Week 7)'aining
3 Campus Locations
Campus/lousing Available
Financial Aid Programs
For Those Who Qualify
19, 000 Graduates Placed
* Placement Opportunities in
,Seattle, Pacifi'c Northwest
& West Coast
, I tl'/t(l l#'ee ()lte-ftott r OmetttatRm:
Tuesd.y, September 21
Tyee Hotel
3 p.t or 7 p.nt
er needed at small
some evening
Sty and reliable
$6 per hour. Please
Harmony Hill, 7362 E.
Union, WA 98592, Attn:
tar. F/T paid position at
Literacy. Will recruit,
match new students
and provide
one-on-one and small
teams throughout Mason
degree plus 1 year
experience in Adult
man Services required
accepted until Sept. _
Phone 426-9733. M9/16-23
qualified recycling
Skilled in heavy
and knowledge of pumps'
equipment desired. Paid:
cation, medical, and retil
resume, Attn:
Centralia WA 98531.
RN/LPN: Pediatric
home care shifts
full-time, competitive
New grads welcome.
Nursing, 1-800-637-9998.'
occasionally. Running s=
housecleaning, WSDL
Mary, 427-4249. L8/26-9118
A HAIR Affair is
motivated, e
Experience a plus, but
Please inquire at 118
426-2141. H9/9 tfn
petitive salary, DOE.
Joe Snyder, Attorney,
ShaRon, WA 98584.
available at Fir Lane
RN, LPN, NAC. Call 426-
pointment. F9/9-16
experience cessary.
position in KMAS
department. Work
for appointment,
Telemark, Inc.
for Customer
sent our various clients.
trained on data entry,
questions and providi
customers. We are
flexible with their
min. 20 wpm.
able. To learn more
opportunity call or visit our
and alcohol free