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to manage
order in a small rapidly
ass" sales
)aping, customer
Resume c/o The
P.O. Box 430,
KMAS needs to
and resume
KMAS, POB 760,
EOE. K9/9-16
With CDL-B required.
and general warehouse
in person: 2896 29th
are in need of
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1
hours can be
rlhelp would be greatly
ease call 426-2610 or
CARRIERS needed in
youth or adult. Call
pian, 754-5415. 09/9-
Shelton, WA, is
laborer positions.
Idividuals must have a
Year experience in a labor
Production oriented
and evidence of an
ethic and a strong
be able to work all
)repetitive rate of pay.
and welfare benefits
1us Qual-
apply in person
Job Service Center,
110, Shelton,
or before October 8.
Employer. Minorities
encouraged to apply.
; Environment. $9/9-16
state of the art
Business to business
) start plus bonuses, $6.50
We offer benefits,
opportunities. Interested ap
pply in person at:
Y =mployu =nd = drag
clean house, wash
garage sales.
426-1290, Anne. If
Call, please call again.
daycare. Imme-
opening, ref-
aux, Angle-
427-1687. M9/16-10/7
our programl We
openings for 3,
Please call
don't last Iongl Call
427-3165. M9/16-
childcare has
0 and up. (360)
licensed daycare
ening for ages 0-5.
;ARE, one full-time
September for 2-3
a.m.-5:30 p.m. Pre-
,ng environment.
ildcare. Licensed
program is enroll-
and excellent
Ocation for Olympia
School District,
Kids, It-
loving envi-
USDA meals,
Laud, 426-
• and staff
licensed daycare
of services.
of age
a.rn, . Midnight M-F
for Rebecca
arts and crafts,
LEARN WELDING and cutting process-
es to increase your earning potential.
Study day or night, part- or full-time at
South Puget Sound Community Col-
lege. WABO certification available. For
information, call 360-754-7711, exten-
sion 220. $9/16
PIANO LESSONS: Classical, Pop,
Gospel, Country, Blues, Jazz. Belfair,
Port Orchard, Silverdale studios.
Adults, children. Larry, (360) 275-3699.
DANCE ARTS Academy in downtown
Shelton at 109 S. 2nd Street now en-
rolling for Fall classes. Ages 2-adult
welcome. Pre-dance, Ballet, Jazz, Tap,
Gymnastics, and Swing. Call Donna for
details, 432-0660. D9/2-23
PRIVATE MUSIC lessons. Piano, or-
gan, guitar, banjo, all band/orchestra
instruments. 40 years experience. BA
degrees in music education 426-3187.
STUDENT GRADE musical instru-
ments. "Bundy" trumpet with case,
$250. One-piece "Holten" clarinet with
case, $125. 3-piece flute with case,
$100. Older, great shape, accordion
(Homer), $250. All mouth instruments
have been professionally reconditioned
- ready to blowl Evenings best, 426-
3688. If no answer, leave a number and
I'll return call. W9/16
DRUM SET, CB700, chrome fixings.
Asking $300. Call Alex, 426-2930.
FOUR YEAR old Artley clarinet,
excellent condition, paid $600, sell
$250 OBO. Bach trumpet, needs some
work, $200 OBO. Nordic Trak Pro ski
machine, $250 OBO. 426-0691. G9/9-
ST. JUDE. Oh Holy St. Jude and Mar-
tyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles,
near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful
intercessor of all who invoke your spe-
cial patronage in time of need, to you I
have recourse from the depth of my
heart and humbly beg to whom God has
given such great power to come to my
assistance. Help me in my present ur-
gent petition. In return, I promise to
make your name known and cause you
to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers,
three Hail Marys and Glories. Publica-
tion must be promised. St. Jude, pray
for us all who invoke your aid. Amen.
This Novena has never been known to
fail. This Novena must be said for 9
Consecutive days. M.A. A9/16
LOST CAT, black/gray tabby with
brown undertones, female. Walks with
slight limp. Last seen Saturday, 9/4 off
Carman Rd. South. 427-5254. Answers
to Kennie. L9/9-16
LOST, TWO 14-week-old female pup-
pies. Lake Limerick area. One black lab
with white chest, wearing blue collar.
One black and white Springer Spaniel
wearing black/white collar. 426-2555.
SNOW SKIS, two pair found in Hillcrest
area. Describe them and they're yours.
427-5487. P9/16-10/7
LOST, REWARD. 10 year old male,
black Lab, white spot on chest, tur-
quoise collar. Missing from Arcadia Rd.
427-3802. I miss him very much. J9/16
LOST. GUS - large, shod-hair, gray cat
with white throat/feet. Golden Pheas-
ant Rd. area, 426-2154. $250 for live
return. G9/9-16
FREE, 2 ringneck doves with cage. Call
Debbie at 427-4104. R9/16
PLEASE DON'T let us go to the pound.
Free: 2 lovable large dogs. 2 huggable
cats. Great with kids. 427-5976 or 456-
9132. C8/26-9/16
BURMESE pYTHONS $50-$150, will
trade. Rats, $1.50-$4, all sizes, 427-
4174. O8/26-9/16
WILL TRADE 3-4 snakes plus 250 rats
with 3 cages for good running car or will
sell all for $650. (Rats sold for
pets/feeders). 427-4174, leave mes-
sage. O9/16-10/7
GOOD HUNTING/ pack horse, $500
OBO. 427-9170 (let phone ring at least
7 times). P8/26-9/16
ATTENTION HORSE lovers. Parents
who have children who are interested in
joining a 4-H group. Now forming,
please call Lori at 427-6657 for details.
ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton.
Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve-
nings 426-3633. G1 l/9tfn
HORSESHOEING, 14 years experi-
ence. Brant, 432-0944. 19/2-10/21
C. SCOTT Jones and Son, for all your
hauling and clean-up needs, yard care,
roof pressure washing, painting, re-
pairs, etc. (360) 427-4114. B9/16
JAYS PAINTING & Pressure Washing
Company. "For the finish that lastsl"
We offer years of experience in interior
and exterior painting at a price you can
afford. Call today for a free estimate;
ask about our 10 year guarantee at
432-8699 (we answer our phone!) Ask
for Jay (owner). Licensed. Bonded. In-
sured. P9/16
HOUSEKEEPING MADE affordable for
you by me. Please give me a try. 432-
8396, leave message. H9/16-10/7
hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of
work, including septic systems, land
clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and
bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO-
NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
426-9354. W12/1 ltfn
DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex-
teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and
enameled woodwork. 20 years experi-
ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW.
YARD MAINTENANCE, mowing, edg-
,ing, weed eating and clean-up, excel-
lent work. Call Don at 426-5270. W9/9-
SWAN'S CLEANING Service, weekly,
biweekly, monthly. Residential and
commercial. References available.
432-1783. $9/9-30
JAYS PRESSURE Washing Company.
"If it's dirty we wash it clean, get rid of
moss and mold." Patios. Decks. Drive-
ways. Docks. Roofs. Gutters. Homes.
Mobiles. Windows. Vinyl siding. The
holidays are just around the corner, so
get that cleanin' done nowll Free esti-
mates - senior discounts - satisfaction
guaranteed. Call 360-432-8699, ask for
Jay. Licensed. Bonded. Insured. P9/16
needed crew is available for yard work,
brush clearing and other labor projects.
Call 426-6812 for free estimates.
QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as-
pects of landscape installation and re-
organization. Extensive references.
426-4598. Q8/13tfn
SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating,
demolition work, rockeries, retaining
walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up,
curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426-
9047, call Lot Hauling, Lic
#ZIRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn
CUSTOM STAINED glass windows,
doors, gift items, repairs. Call Koleen,
426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and
weekends for information and esti-
mates. W7/8tfn
PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True-
Value for close out specials. As low as
$3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick.
HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service.
Danger tree falling, residential logging,
topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed,
bonded and insured. Free estimates.
Lic. #601-312-066. 426-5234. R5/8ffn
try, painting and building decks, car-
ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741.
Decorating, 16 years in business. Free
estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic.
#PAMSD121J5. 427-5068. Cl/15tfn
YARD WORK. No job too big or small.
Lawn care, chopping wood, clean.up,
etc. By the hour, or by the job. Call 427-
0997 or 427-7554. If no answer, leave
message. H9/9-16
Quality service, competitive prices.
Free estimates. Quality Construction
Services, 427-1484. CARLQC033MP.
NWPCC. ALL phases of lite
construction. Decks, docks, remodel,
additions, painting interior/exterior,
repairs large or small. "Service minded
professionals with a personal touch."
NORTHPC015LH. 427-4111. N9/9 tfn
FREE ESTIMATES. Roofing, roofs
cleaned, pressure washing services,
mobile home roof coatings,
interior/exterior painting, general car-
pentry, finish work, manufactured
home repairs. Call Dave, 427-4237.
LIC #DAVIDWG044KU. W7/1-10/14
JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC-
257N1. Thirty-five years experience,
quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new
construction, decks, garages, car-
ports, cabins, additions or new homes.
Dependable service anytime, 426-
0953. F8/3tfn
man Service. Remodels, additions and
repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427-
1990. R6/6tfn
13 FT. GREGOR, welded aluminum
boat. 15 hp. Johnson motor and trailer,
$1,000. 877-5192. L9/16
1978 BAYLINER, 15' with 80 hp Mer-
cury, canopy and EZLDR trailer. Good
condition, $3,500, 426-5576. M9/16
9'3" 1985 Angeviniere Hypalon roll-up
inflatable (French Zodiac). New valves,
bottom. Good condition. Great fishing
boat. New $2,000, now $500. (360)
275-3699. K9/16-10/7
BAYLINER (TROPHY), 20 ft., cuddy
cab, 120/OB, Loran, F/F, low hours,
like new, $14,950. 426-7611. C9/16
14' SMOKERCRAFT, 8 hp Suzuki mo-
tor, EZ Loader trailer, $3,000 firm, 426-
0801. H9/16-23
1986 24' Reinell, new engine (30
hours), ribbing, interior. Rebuilt dual
axle EZ-Loader trailer, $12,000. Sacri-
fice $4,900. 426-2814. B9/16
14' CUSTOMIZED aluminum Duroboat,
electric start 1993 Yamaha, electric
trolling motor, Lowrance, downriggers,
built-in battery storage, Iockable dry
storage, cover, oars, trailer, $3,500.
(360) 877-5584. $9/2-23
15' GRUMMAN scanoe. Aluminum, will
take up to 6hp light, $575. 427-7000.
1993 INVADER ski boat, 120hp Evin-
rude outboard. 1993 EZ-Loader trailer,
always garaged, excellent condition,
great family/ski boat, $9,500, 426-
0003. K6/3ffn
1976, 27' Travco motorhome. Good
condition, A/C, storage bin, awning,
cable hook-up ready, too many extras
to list. Must see to appreciate. Asking
$4,500 OBO. Call evenings, 426-7963.
PROWLER, 26 ft., 1989, immaculate,
nonsmoker, 1 owner, $5,950. 426-
7611. C9/16
1985 JAMEE Skyline motorhome, 18
ft., shower, sleeps 4, great condition.
80,000 miles, $7,900 OBO. 360-275-
5132, K9/16-23
WANTED RV8, travel trailers, 5th
wheels. Buy or sell on consignment.
Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E.
Hwy 3, Shelton, 426-2907. S4/29tfn
1985 HONDA Goldwing GL1200, limited
edition. Top of the line. Excellent con-
dition, $5,000 OBO, 427-1316. W9/16-
1982 DODGE Ram van, full-size, V8,
trailer package, runs and looks great,
$2,000 firm. 1985 Caddy, fixer or pards
car, V8, front wheel ddve, $300 as is or
$600 if we start it. Glass for 1975 Hon-
da, fits other years, $90 OBO. 427-
2833, Janice or George. V9/2-23
1990 FORD Probe, red, 109K miles,
excellent condition, V-6, auto, $2,800.
426-2882. C9/9-16
1993 ACCORD EX, low miles, 5-speed,
sunroof, immaculate. ABS, power win-
dows/locks, air, $10,800. (360) 275-
5208. L9/2-23
Answers to Super Crossword C9/2-16
€1, t3 O HULA A'{r'TF3
1997 LEGACY Outback, 5-speed, air,
I i[
u ABS, power windows/locks, beautiful
JAY BUTTLES' car, $16,800 OBO. (360) 275-5208.
• I -- v L9/2-23
TREE SER ICESII c,., u.o,. $1,000. Large selection
SJl II " Topping • Licensed II of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail-
II • Chipping • Bonded II era. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto
II .Stump .Insured II and RV Sales, lnc. 5981E. Hwy. 3,
Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn
II grin00ing II '"' .o,o, C,v...,.n 100o,
great for commuter or college student.
II ¢3no)42n-4663 II cor..w,t.como,,.oowt,,.,
II .oo0 426-4540, leave message.
II ,,o.,...o.,0,,.. PS/lgffn
1990 FORD Aerostar, excellent
condition. Divorce forces sacrifice
just take over payments. 432-8791.
1980 FORD F250, 4x4, extended cab,
V8, 4 speed. New alternator, starter,
water pump, wiper motor, bedliner.
Good body, great work truck, runs,
$2,950. D9/9-30
1988 CHEVY Corsica, runs good, $900
OBO. 1-360-275-3477. Mc9/16
1975 DODGE Coronet, green, 4 door,
mags all round, runs good but slight en-
gine miss, looks good, 318 V8, body
straight, no dents or rust. $475 or trade
for pickup, 432-0391. W9/16
1974 MERCURY Monterey custom, four
door Sedan. 80,200 original miles, one
owner local, always garaged. 4 new
tires, 4,000 miles. New brakes 4,000
miles. Gold with black vinyl top, original
paint, very good condition, AM/FM ra-
dio and 8-track, automatic transmis-
sion, 460 c.i. motor, anti-theft device•
Beautiful classic auto ready to drive,
$3,000 or best offer. For more informa-
tion and viewing, call Sam Edgin at 427-
0422. Proceeds from the sale benefit
Mason General Hospital Foundation.
1985 FORD Bronco 4x4, low mileage,
$1,250 OBO. 898-7779. J9/16-23
1982 MAZDA RX-7, looks good, runs,
needs some work, $750 OBO. 432-
2174. L9/9-16
1986 PLYMOUTH Voyager, tan, good
body and tires, towing package. New
tags, many new pads. $1,600 OBO.
427-3119. $9/16-23
1969 FORD Deluxe, 12 passenger
Chateau 3/4T wagon, 10K miles on
rebuilt 302 engine, transmission,
brakes, and more. One owner•
Covered. $3,200 OBO. 877-9234.
1986 NISSAN SE, ext. cab, 4x4 P/U, 3"
lift, 32" tires, runs great. $3,000 OBO.
Rick 277-3719. W8/19tfn
1993 OLDSMOBILE Achieva, 4-door,
automatic, one owner, loaded, well
maintained, $4,500 OBO. 427-6467.
ROOMMATE TO share 2 bedroom
house, with profe--ional male. South-
side area, $200 monthly, 206-438-
3964. H9/16
MODERN, 3 bedroom, large bath, at-
tached, insulated garage. Fenced yard
with deck. Appliance8 include fddge,
stove and dishwaaher. W/D hook-up.
Close to saltwater park and community
swimming pool in Shorecrest. $625 per
month, plus deposit. Credit check. 427-
7299. H9/16-23
ROOM FOR rent, Christian nonddnking
couple would like to share home with
nonddnking couple or single. $250 rent,
utilities included. Separate phone line.
432-1229. A9/16-10/7
NEWER THREE bedroom. Family
room/optional fourth bedroom, living
room, dining room, large fenced yard,
large workshop. Includes 24 ¢u.ft. re-
frigerator and D/W, $775 monthly,
available 10/11/99, 427-5690. No pete.
I100" Pro.00Rental Mgmt.
¢=wKmrtoo nmw,
For Rent
Call 1400-487-3390,
enter Ext. # at the end
of each listing.
• SHELTON: 1 bed 1 bath
apartment, $450 me. Ext #200
• Timberlakes 2 bed 1 bath $550
me. Ext #500
• TIMBERLAKES 2 bed 1 bath
mobile $550 me. Ext #300
• Mt View : 2 bed 1 bath house
$550 me Ext #900
• UNION View 2 bed 1 bath $700
me-lots of ammenities Ext#700
• Mason Lake 4 bed 2 bath fully
furnished palace on the lake
$800 me. Ext #800
• PICKERING 3 bed 1 bath
duplex w/gar $600 me. Ext #400
& K St., over 3,000 sqft, 1-11
separate offices available, Ext
• $38 Screening Fee •
Various sizes including 5xlO, 10x10, 10x20
$29 to $85 monthly
Heated Units. Ext#1000 N Hwy 101. Ext#2000
Available Now 10x24 $45. Ext#3000
Are you paying too much for prop-
arty management? We charge a
flat 10% with NO SET-UP FEEL -
5 ACRES, $850. 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
1,700 sq. ft. Decks, shop, storage.
Harstine Island. 427-7709. Y9/16-PR
CAPITAL VILLAGE. Newer 2 bedroom,
1 bath duplex. Amana appliances, Eu-
ropean cabinets, archways, deck, at-
tached garage. Quiet country living, 5
minutes from downtown Shelton. $525
monthly, deposit/credit check/refer-
ences. Call 426-4603. M9/16tfn
TWO BEDROOM mobile home, low
cost natural gas heat. Recently remo-
deled, big yard, storage shed. $525
monthly. 426-2015. E9/16tfn
50% DISCOUNT if you are a qualified
renter. No pets. HaRdstene Points, semi
luxury view home. 425-885-0596.
SMALL, 2 bedroom, waterfront house
by Twanoh State Park. $700 monthly.
First and last plus deposit. (360) 275-
2773. A9/18-23
AVAILABLE NOW. 2 bedroom duplex
with garage, W/D hook-up, all applianc-
es, large deck, W/S/G paid ($80 value).
Sorry, no pets. $515 rent, deposit
$300. No screening fee. For appoint-
ment call 426-5120. O9116-10/7
SHELTON - NEAT and clean 2 bed-
room, 1.5 bath townhouse-style with
carport and storage. Only $475 rent,
$475 deposit. Available now. Invest
Realty, 426-3567. 19/18
TIMBERLAKES - LOW cost 2 bedroom
mobile. Corner lot with 2 storage sheds
and deck. Possible lease purchase.
Only $450 rent, $450 deposit. Available
now. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/16
FAWN LAKE - 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath mo-
bile home on comer lot. Enjoy fishing,
swimming and gated community. Stor-
age shed and washeddryer. $500 rent,
$500 deposit. Invest Realty, 426-3567.
home with garage, deck and large
backyard. All appliances, $600 rent,
$600 deposit, Invest Realty, 426-3567.
NEW STUDIO apartment in quiet Fawn
Lake• No pets/smoking. $400 plus
electricity, 426-8906. H9/16-10/7
TWO BEDROOM rental, Bayshore.
$500. 428-2814. B9/16
ONE-BEDROOM, downstairs apart-
ment. All utilities furnished. $400
month, $200 deposit. 427-7109. Avail-
able October 1st. R9/9-30
1-2 BEDROOM apartments. $435, one
bedroom. $475, two bedrooms. Near
hospital. Call 427-6985. No pets. F9/2-
ROOMS FOR rent/house to share.
Utilities included• Singles/couples
$200/$250. $100 deposit. Mt. View.
432-8368. M9/9-16
THREE-BEDROOM, 1.5-bath mobile
home, W/D, W/S/G paid, cable
available, $525 monthly. 426-2015.
E9/9 tfn
$525- 2 bdrm ig. apt, clean, all utili-
ties pd! HILLCREST
$650- WATERFRONT! 2 bdrm,
clean, quiet, cottage, garage
$750- 3 bdrm, new carpedpaint]
vinyl, l0 acres, barn, AGATE
rents. Fully restored one and two bed-
room apartments. New laundry facili-
ties, children's play area. Security &
resident manager on-site. Sorry, no
pets. (360) 426-5511. N8/26-9/16
POTLATCH, NICE 2-bedroom, one-bath
home, possible commercial use,
includes W/S. Available 10/15/99, $495
monthly. 877-5997. T9/9-30
MASON LAKE area, 4-bedroom, 1,800
sq. ft. manufactured home with extra
large garage, large yard. Near school.
$750 rent. (253) 884-1098. K9/9-30
TWO MONTHS free. Mobile and RV
space. Paved streets, laundry room,
cable. Secure park in city of Shelton.
(360) 789-9052. L9/9-30
WANTED. GOOD tenant to rent
beautiful 3-bedroom lakefront home.
Large fenced yard, dock, big garage
and tons of storage. No drugs, no
smoking. $800 a month. 426-5919 for
appt. P9/9-30
FOR SALE or rent, 2-bedroom, 1-bath,
easy in-town location, secluded
backyard, excellent condition. Pets
negotiable. $550 monthly, first and
last. 426-7386 or 427-0886. Z9/9-30
IF YOU'RE looking for a convenient,
really clean, 2-bedroom duplex with a
fenced yard, $575 monthly includes
W/S/G and cable TV, $350 deposit
required, call 426-2294. C9/9 tfn
SECLUDED ONE bedroom A-frame on
wooded lot, 8 miles from Belfair, close
to Twanoh State Park. Beachfront ac-
cess. $400 monthly. (425) 837-1888.
HARTSTENE POINTE, 2 bedroom, 1
bath house, access to all amenities, no
pets. $550 monthly, $400 deposit.
(360) 792-1673. B8/26-9/16
ONE BEDROOM, Hammersley Inlet wa-
terfront, all appliances, no smoking/
pets. W/S/G included, $550 monthly,
$450 deposit. (360) 427-1157. R9/2-23
TWO-BEDROOM, 2 bath house with
fireplace, patio, storage, deck, all
appliances including W/D. $600
monthly lease with damage and
security deposit. 360.427-7622. A9/9-
LAKE CUSHMAN golf course cabin. All
appliances, large deck/yard. Very
clean. No smoking/pets, $575, 360-
403-7261. C9/9-30
CUTE, QUIET, 2-bedroom house at
Paradise Estates. Washer and dryer,
fish pond, nice yard and shrubs. No
pets. $625 monthly. Applications ow
being taken for October 1st
occupancy. $35 nonrefundable fee for
background checks. Contact David at
427-4111. N9/9 tfn
ONE-BEDROOM chalet with loft. Quiet
neighborhood. Available October 1st.
$425 monthly. Application fee of $35,
nonrefundable for background check.
Contact David, 427-4111. N9/9 tfn
SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer,
one- and two-bedroom six-plex units
come with their own dishwasher,
washer, dryer, storage unit and
spectacular view of Oakland Bay.
W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. $550-
$650, (360) 275-5240. C9/9 tfn
borough Cove Apartments and Fair.
merit Cove Apartments, Subsidized
family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous-
ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn
• 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages
• Financing and refinancing
• Home Equity Credit Lines
Peninsula Community
Federal Credit Union
Shelton * Belfair * Port Orchard
Interest.Rat,.es Still Low! x= S.=kowsZd
1-877 287 2210 Toil Free "Loan specialist"
* Refinances * Debt Consolidation * Purchases • Custom Collstruction
16 1999 kel
Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 31
to manage
order in a small rapidly
ass" sales
)aping, customer
Resume c/o The
P.O. Box 430,
KMAS needs to
and resume
KMAS, POB 760,
EOE. K9/9-16
With CDL-B required.
and general warehouse
in person: 2896 29th
are in need of
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1
hours can be
rlhelp would be greatly
ease call 426-2610 or
CARRIERS needed in
youth or adult. Call
pian, 754-5415. 09/9-
Shelton, WA, is
laborer positions.
Idividuals must have a
Year experience in a labor
Production oriented
and evidence of an
ethic and a strong
be able to work all
)repetitive rate of pay.
and welfare benefits
1us Qual-
apply in person
Job Service Center,
110, Shelton,
or before October 8.
Employer. Minorities
encouraged to apply.
; Environment. $9/9-16
state of the art
Business to business
) start plus bonuses, $6.50
We offer benefits,
opportunities. Interested ap
pply in person at:
Y =mployu =nd = drag
clean house, wash
garage sales.
426-1290, Anne. If
Call, please call again.
daycare. Imme-
opening, ref-
aux, Angle-
427-1687. M9/16-10/7
our programl We
openings for 3,
Please call
don't last Iongl Call
427-3165. M9/16-
childcare has
0 and up. (360)
licensed daycare
ening for ages 0-5.
;ARE, one full-time
September for 2-3
a.m.-5:30 p.m. Pre-
,ng environment.
ildcare. Licensed
program is enroll-
and excellent
Ocation for Olympia
School District,
Kids, It-
loving envi-
USDA meals,
Laud, 426-
• and staff
licensed daycare
of services.
of age
a.rn, . Midnight M-F
for Rebecca
arts and crafts,
LEARN WELDING and cutting process-
es to increase your earning potential.
Study day or night, part- or full-time at
South Puget Sound Community Col-
lege. WABO certification available. For
information, call 360-754-7711, exten-
sion 220. $9/16
PIANO LESSONS: Classical, Pop,
Gospel, Country, Blues, Jazz. Belfair,
Port Orchard, Silverdale studios.
Adults, children. Larry, (360) 275-3699.
DANCE ARTS Academy in downtown
Shelton at 109 S. 2nd Street now en-
rolling for Fall classes. Ages 2-adult
welcome. Pre-dance, Ballet, Jazz, Tap,
Gymnastics, and Swing. Call Donna for
details, 432-0660. D9/2-23
PRIVATE MUSIC lessons. Piano, or-
gan, guitar, banjo, all band/orchestra
instruments. 40 years experience. BA
degrees in music education 426-3187.
STUDENT GRADE musical instru-
ments. "Bundy" trumpet with case,
$250. One-piece "Holten" clarinet with
case, $125. 3-piece flute with case,
$100. Older, great shape, accordion
(Homer), $250. All mouth instruments
have been professionally reconditioned
- ready to blowl Evenings best, 426-
3688. If no answer, leave a number and
I'll return call. W9/16
DRUM SET, CB700, chrome fixings.
Asking $300. Call Alex, 426-2930.
FOUR YEAR old Artley clarinet,
excellent condition, paid $600, sell
$250 OBO. Bach trumpet, needs some
work, $200 OBO. Nordic Trak Pro ski
machine, $250 OBO. 426-0691. G9/9-
ST. JUDE. Oh Holy St. Jude and Mar-
tyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles,
near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful
intercessor of all who invoke your spe-
cial patronage in time of need, to you I
have recourse from the depth of my
heart and humbly beg to whom God has
given such great power to come to my
assistance. Help me in my present ur-
gent petition. In return, I promise to
make your name known and cause you
to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers,
three Hail Marys and Glories. Publica-
tion must be promised. St. Jude, pray
for us all who invoke your aid. Amen.
This Novena has never been known to
fail. This Novena must be said for 9
Consecutive days. M.A. A9/16
LOST CAT, black/gray tabby with
brown undertones, female. Walks with
slight limp. Last seen Saturday, 9/4 off
Carman Rd. South. 427-5254. Answers
to Kennie. L9/9-16
LOST, TWO 14-week-old female pup-
pies. Lake Limerick area. One black lab
with white chest, wearing blue collar.
One black and white Springer Spaniel
wearing black/white collar. 426-2555.
SNOW SKIS, two pair found in Hillcrest
area. Describe them and they're yours.
427-5487. P9/16-10/7
LOST, REWARD. 10 year old male,
black Lab, white spot on chest, tur-
quoise collar. Missing from Arcadia Rd.
427-3802. I miss him very much. J9/16
LOST. GUS - large, shod-hair, gray cat
with white throat/feet. Golden Pheas-
ant Rd. area, 426-2154. $250 for live
return. G9/9-16
FREE, 2 ringneck doves with cage. Call
Debbie at 427-4104. R9/16
PLEASE DON'T let us go to the pound.
Free: 2 lovable large dogs. 2 huggable
cats. Great with kids. 427-5976 or 456-
9132. C8/26-9/16
BURMESE pYTHONS $50-$150, will
trade. Rats, $1.50-$4, all sizes, 427-
4174. O8/26-9/16
WILL TRADE 3-4 snakes plus 250 rats
with 3 cages for good running car or will
sell all for $650. (Rats sold for
pets/feeders). 427-4174, leave mes-
sage. O9/16-10/7
GOOD HUNTING/ pack horse, $500
OBO. 427-9170 (let phone ring at least
7 times). P8/26-9/16
ATTENTION HORSE lovers. Parents
who have children who are interested in
joining a 4-H group. Now forming,
please call Lori at 427-6657 for details.
ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton.
Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve-
nings 426-3633. G1 l/9tfn
HORSESHOEING, 14 years experi-
ence. Brant, 432-0944. 19/2-10/21
C. SCOTT Jones and Son, for all your
hauling and clean-up needs, yard care,
roof pressure washing, painting, re-
pairs, etc. (360) 427-4114. B9/16
JAYS PAINTING & Pressure Washing
Company. "For the finish that lastsl"
We offer years of experience in interior
and exterior painting at a price you can
afford. Call today for a free estimate;
ask about our 10 year guarantee at
432-8699 (we answer our phone!) Ask
for Jay (owner). Licensed. Bonded. In-
sured. P9/16
HOUSEKEEPING MADE affordable for
you by me. Please give me a try. 432-
8396, leave message. H9/16-10/7
hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of
work, including septic systems, land
clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and
bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO-
NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
426-9354. W12/1 ltfn
DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex-
teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and
enameled woodwork. 20 years experi-
ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW.
YARD MAINTENANCE, mowing, edg-
,ing, weed eating and clean-up, excel-
lent work. Call Don at 426-5270. W9/9-
SWAN'S CLEANING Service, weekly,
biweekly, monthly. Residential and
commercial. References available.
432-1783. $9/9-30
JAYS PRESSURE Washing Company.
"If it's dirty we wash it clean, get rid of
moss and mold." Patios. Decks. Drive-
ways. Docks. Roofs. Gutters. Homes.
Mobiles. Windows. Vinyl siding. The
holidays are just around the corner, so
get that cleanin' done nowll Free esti-
mates - senior discounts - satisfaction
guaranteed. Call 360-432-8699, ask for
Jay. Licensed. Bonded. Insured. P9/16
needed crew is available for yard work,
brush clearing and other labor projects.
Call 426-6812 for free estimates.
QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as-
pects of landscape installation and re-
organization. Extensive references.
426-4598. Q8/13tfn
SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating,
demolition work, rockeries, retaining
walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up,
curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426-
9047, call Lot Hauling, Lic
#ZIRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn
CUSTOM STAINED glass windows,
doors, gift items, repairs. Call Koleen,
426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and
weekends for information and esti-
mates. W7/8tfn
PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True-
Value for close out specials. As low as
$3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick.
HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service.
Danger tree falling, residential logging,
topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed,
bonded and insured. Free estimates.
Lic. #601-312-066. 426-5234. R5/8ffn
try, painting and building decks, car-
ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741.
Decorating, 16 years in business. Free
estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic.
#PAMSD121J5. 427-5068. Cl/15tfn
YARD WORK. No job too big or small.
Lawn care, chopping wood, clean.up,
etc. By the hour, or by the job. Call 427-
0997 or 427-7554. If no answer, leave
message. H9/9-16
Quality service, competitive prices.
Free estimates. Quality Construction
Services, 427-1484. CARLQC033MP.
NWPCC. ALL phases of lite
construction. Decks, docks, remodel,
additions, painting interior/exterior,
repairs large or small. "Service minded
professionals with a personal touch."
NORTHPC015LH. 427-4111. N9/9 tfn
FREE ESTIMATES. Roofing, roofs
cleaned, pressure washing services,
mobile home roof coatings,
interior/exterior painting, general car-
pentry, finish work, manufactured
home repairs. Call Dave, 427-4237.
LIC #DAVIDWG044KU. W7/1-10/14
JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC-
257N1. Thirty-five years experience,
quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new
construction, decks, garages, car-
ports, cabins, additions or new homes.
Dependable service anytime, 426-
0953. F8/3tfn
man Service. Remodels, additions and
repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427-
1990. R6/6tfn
13 FT. GREGOR, welded aluminum
boat. 15 hp. Johnson motor and trailer,
$1,000. 877-5192. L9/16
1978 BAYLINER, 15' with 80 hp Mer-
cury, canopy and EZLDR trailer. Good
condition, $3,500, 426-5576. M9/16
9'3" 1985 Angeviniere Hypalon roll-up
inflatable (French Zodiac). New valves,
bottom. Good condition. Great fishing
boat. New $2,000, now $500. (360)
275-3699. K9/16-10/7
BAYLINER (TROPHY), 20 ft., cuddy
cab, 120/OB, Loran, F/F, low hours,
like new, $14,950. 426-7611. C9/16
14' SMOKERCRAFT, 8 hp Suzuki mo-
tor, EZ Loader trailer, $3,000 firm, 426-
0801. H9/16-23
1986 24' Reinell, new engine (30
hours), ribbing, interior. Rebuilt dual
axle EZ-Loader trailer, $12,000. Sacri-
fice $4,900. 426-2814. B9/16
14' CUSTOMIZED aluminum Duroboat,
electric start 1993 Yamaha, electric
trolling motor, Lowrance, downriggers,
built-in battery storage, Iockable dry
storage, cover, oars, trailer, $3,500.
(360) 877-5584. $9/2-23
15' GRUMMAN scanoe. Aluminum, will
take up to 6hp light, $575. 427-7000.
1993 INVADER ski boat, 120hp Evin-
rude outboard. 1993 EZ-Loader trailer,
always garaged, excellent condition,
great family/ski boat, $9,500, 426-
0003. K6/3ffn
1976, 27' Travco motorhome. Good
condition, A/C, storage bin, awning,
cable hook-up ready, too many extras
to list. Must see to appreciate. Asking
$4,500 OBO. Call evenings, 426-7963.
PROWLER, 26 ft., 1989, immaculate,
nonsmoker, 1 owner, $5,950. 426-
7611. C9/16
1985 JAMEE Skyline motorhome, 18
ft., shower, sleeps 4, great condition.
80,000 miles, $7,900 OBO. 360-275-
5132, K9/16-23
WANTED RV8, travel trailers, 5th
wheels. Buy or sell on consignment.
Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E.
Hwy 3, Shelton, 426-2907. S4/29tfn
1985 HONDA Goldwing GL1200, limited
edition. Top of the line. Excellent con-
dition, $5,000 OBO, 427-1316. W9/16-
1982 DODGE Ram van, full-size, V8,
trailer package, runs and looks great,
$2,000 firm. 1985 Caddy, fixer or pards
car, V8, front wheel ddve, $300 as is or
$600 if we start it. Glass for 1975 Hon-
da, fits other years, $90 OBO. 427-
2833, Janice or George. V9/2-23
1990 FORD Probe, red, 109K miles,
excellent condition, V-6, auto, $2,800.
426-2882. C9/9-16
1993 ACCORD EX, low miles, 5-speed,
sunroof, immaculate. ABS, power win-
dows/locks, air, $10,800. (360) 275-
5208. L9/2-23
Answers to Super Crossword C9/2-16
€1, t3 O HULA A'{r'TF3
1997 LEGACY Outback, 5-speed, air,
I i[
u ABS, power windows/locks, beautiful
JAY BUTTLES' car, $16,800 OBO. (360) 275-5208.
• I -- v L9/2-23
TREE SER ICESII c,., u.o,. $1,000. Large selection
SJl II " Topping • Licensed II of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail-
II • Chipping • Bonded II era. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto
II .Stump .Insured II and RV Sales, lnc. 5981E. Hwy. 3,
Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn
II grin00ing II '"' .o,o, C,v...,.n 100o,
great for commuter or college student.
II ¢3no)42n-4663 II cor..w,t.como,,.oowt,,.,
II .oo0 426-4540, leave message.
II ,,o.,...o.,0,,.. PS/lgffn
1990 FORD Aerostar, excellent
condition. Divorce forces sacrifice
just take over payments. 432-8791.
1980 FORD F250, 4x4, extended cab,
V8, 4 speed. New alternator, starter,
water pump, wiper motor, bedliner.
Good body, great work truck, runs,
$2,950. D9/9-30
1988 CHEVY Corsica, runs good, $900
OBO. 1-360-275-3477. Mc9/16
1975 DODGE Coronet, green, 4 door,
mags all round, runs good but slight en-
gine miss, looks good, 318 V8, body
straight, no dents or rust. $475 or trade
for pickup, 432-0391. W9/16
1974 MERCURY Monterey custom, four
door Sedan. 80,200 original miles, one
owner local, always garaged. 4 new
tires, 4,000 miles. New brakes 4,000
miles. Gold with black vinyl top, original
paint, very good condition, AM/FM ra-
dio and 8-track, automatic transmis-
sion, 460 c.i. motor, anti-theft device•
Beautiful classic auto ready to drive,
$3,000 or best offer. For more informa-
tion and viewing, call Sam Edgin at 427-
0422. Proceeds from the sale benefit
Mason General Hospital Foundation.
1985 FORD Bronco 4x4, low mileage,
$1,250 OBO. 898-7779. J9/16-23
1982 MAZDA RX-7, looks good, runs,
needs some work, $750 OBO. 432-
2174. L9/9-16
1986 PLYMOUTH Voyager, tan, good
body and tires, towing package. New
tags, many new pads. $1,600 OBO.
427-3119. $9/16-23
1969 FORD Deluxe, 12 passenger
Chateau 3/4T wagon, 10K miles on
rebuilt 302 engine, transmission,
brakes, and more. One owner•
Covered. $3,200 OBO. 877-9234.
1986 NISSAN SE, ext. cab, 4x4 P/U, 3"
lift, 32" tires, runs great. $3,000 OBO.
Rick 277-3719. W8/19tfn
1993 OLDSMOBILE Achieva, 4-door,
automatic, one owner, loaded, well
maintained, $4,500 OBO. 427-6467.
ROOMMATE TO share 2 bedroom
house, with profe--ional male. South-
side area, $200 monthly, 206-438-
3964. H9/16
MODERN, 3 bedroom, large bath, at-
tached, insulated garage. Fenced yard
with deck. Appliance8 include fddge,
stove and dishwaaher. W/D hook-up.
Close to saltwater park and community
swimming pool in Shorecrest. $625 per
month, plus deposit. Credit check. 427-
7299. H9/16-23
ROOM FOR rent, Christian nonddnking
couple would like to share home with
nonddnking couple or single. $250 rent,
utilities included. Separate phone line.
432-1229. A9/16-10/7
NEWER THREE bedroom. Family
room/optional fourth bedroom, living
room, dining room, large fenced yard,
large workshop. Includes 24 ¢u.ft. re-
frigerator and D/W, $775 monthly,
available 10/11/99, 427-5690. No pete.
I100" Pro.00Rental Mgmt.
¢=wKmrtoo nmw,
For Rent
Call 1400-487-3390,
enter Ext. # at the end
of each listing.
• SHELTON: 1 bed 1 bath
apartment, $450 me. Ext #200
• Timberlakes 2 bed 1 bath $550
me. Ext #500
• TIMBERLAKES 2 bed 1 bath
mobile $550 me. Ext #300
• Mt View : 2 bed 1 bath house
$550 me Ext #900
• UNION View 2 bed 1 bath $700
me-lots of ammenities Ext#700
• Mason Lake 4 bed 2 bath fully
furnished palace on the lake
$800 me. Ext #800
• PICKERING 3 bed 1 bath
duplex w/gar $600 me. Ext #400
& K St., over 3,000 sqft, 1-11
separate offices available, Ext
• $38 Screening Fee •
Various sizes including 5xlO, 10x10, 10x20
$29 to $85 monthly
Heated Units. Ext#1000 N Hwy 101. Ext#2000
Available Now 10x24 $45. Ext#3000
Are you paying too much for prop-
arty management? We charge a
flat 10% with NO SET-UP FEEL -
5 ACRES, $850. 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
1,700 sq. ft. Decks, shop, storage.
Harstine Island. 427-7709. Y9/16-PR
CAPITAL VILLAGE. Newer 2 bedroom,
1 bath duplex. Amana appliances, Eu-
ropean cabinets, archways, deck, at-
tached garage. Quiet country living, 5
minutes from downtown Shelton. $525
monthly, deposit/credit check/refer-
ences. Call 426-4603. M9/16tfn
TWO BEDROOM mobile home, low
cost natural gas heat. Recently remo-
deled, big yard, storage shed. $525
monthly. 426-2015. E9/16tfn
50% DISCOUNT if you are a qualified
renter. No pets. HaRdstene Points, semi
luxury view home. 425-885-0596.
SMALL, 2 bedroom, waterfront house
by Twanoh State Park. $700 monthly.
First and last plus deposit. (360) 275-
2773. A9/18-23
AVAILABLE NOW. 2 bedroom duplex
with garage, W/D hook-up, all applianc-
es, large deck, W/S/G paid ($80 value).
Sorry, no pets. $515 rent, deposit
$300. No screening fee. For appoint-
ment call 426-5120. O9116-10/7
SHELTON - NEAT and clean 2 bed-
room, 1.5 bath townhouse-style with
carport and storage. Only $475 rent,
$475 deposit. Available now. Invest
Realty, 426-3567. 19/18
TIMBERLAKES - LOW cost 2 bedroom
mobile. Corner lot with 2 storage sheds
and deck. Possible lease purchase.
Only $450 rent, $450 deposit. Available
now. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/16
FAWN LAKE - 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath mo-
bile home on comer lot. Enjoy fishing,
swimming and gated community. Stor-
age shed and washeddryer. $500 rent,
$500 deposit. Invest Realty, 426-3567.
home with garage, deck and large
backyard. All appliances, $600 rent,
$600 deposit, Invest Realty, 426-3567.
NEW STUDIO apartment in quiet Fawn
Lake• No pets/smoking. $400 plus
electricity, 426-8906. H9/16-10/7
TWO BEDROOM rental, Bayshore.
$500. 428-2814. B9/16
ONE-BEDROOM, downstairs apart-
ment. All utilities furnished. $400
month, $200 deposit. 427-7109. Avail-
able October 1st. R9/9-30
1-2 BEDROOM apartments. $435, one
bedroom. $475, two bedrooms. Near
hospital. Call 427-6985. No pets. F9/2-
ROOMS FOR rent/house to share.
Utilities included• Singles/couples
$200/$250. $100 deposit. Mt. View.
432-8368. M9/9-16
THREE-BEDROOM, 1.5-bath mobile
home, W/D, W/S/G paid, cable
available, $525 monthly. 426-2015.
E9/9 tfn
$525- 2 bdrm ig. apt, clean, all utili-
ties pd! HILLCREST
$650- WATERFRONT! 2 bdrm,
clean, quiet, cottage, garage
$750- 3 bdrm, new carpedpaint]
vinyl, l0 acres, barn, AGATE
rents. Fully restored one and two bed-
room apartments. New laundry facili-
ties, children's play area. Security &
resident manager on-site. Sorry, no
pets. (360) 426-5511. N8/26-9/16
POTLATCH, NICE 2-bedroom, one-bath
home, possible commercial use,
includes W/S. Available 10/15/99, $495
monthly. 877-5997. T9/9-30
MASON LAKE area, 4-bedroom, 1,800
sq. ft. manufactured home with extra
large garage, large yard. Near school.
$750 rent. (253) 884-1098. K9/9-30
TWO MONTHS free. Mobile and RV
space. Paved streets, laundry room,
cable. Secure park in city of Shelton.
(360) 789-9052. L9/9-30
WANTED. GOOD tenant to rent
beautiful 3-bedroom lakefront home.
Large fenced yard, dock, big garage
and tons of storage. No drugs, no
smoking. $800 a month. 426-5919 for
appt. P9/9-30
FOR SALE or rent, 2-bedroom, 1-bath,
easy in-town location, secluded
backyard, excellent condition. Pets
negotiable. $550 monthly, first and
last. 426-7386 or 427-0886. Z9/9-30
IF YOU'RE looking for a convenient,
really clean, 2-bedroom duplex with a
fenced yard, $575 monthly includes
W/S/G and cable TV, $350 deposit
required, call 426-2294. C9/9 tfn
SECLUDED ONE bedroom A-frame on
wooded lot, 8 miles from Belfair, close
to Twanoh State Park. Beachfront ac-
cess. $400 monthly. (425) 837-1888.
HARTSTENE POINTE, 2 bedroom, 1
bath house, access to all amenities, no
pets. $550 monthly, $400 deposit.
(360) 792-1673. B8/26-9/16
ONE BEDROOM, Hammersley Inlet wa-
terfront, all appliances, no smoking/
pets. W/S/G included, $550 monthly,
$450 deposit. (360) 427-1157. R9/2-23
TWO-BEDROOM, 2 bath house with
fireplace, patio, storage, deck, all
appliances including W/D. $600
monthly lease with damage and
security deposit. 360.427-7622. A9/9-
LAKE CUSHMAN golf course cabin. All
appliances, large deck/yard. Very
clean. No smoking/pets, $575, 360-
403-7261. C9/9-30
CUTE, QUIET, 2-bedroom house at
Paradise Estates. Washer and dryer,
fish pond, nice yard and shrubs. No
pets. $625 monthly. Applications ow
being taken for October 1st
occupancy. $35 nonrefundable fee for
background checks. Contact David at
427-4111. N9/9 tfn
ONE-BEDROOM chalet with loft. Quiet
neighborhood. Available October 1st.
$425 monthly. Application fee of $35,
nonrefundable for background check.
Contact David, 427-4111. N9/9 tfn
SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer,
one- and two-bedroom six-plex units
come with their own dishwasher,
washer, dryer, storage unit and
spectacular view of Oakland Bay.
W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. $550-
$650, (360) 275-5240. C9/9 tfn
borough Cove Apartments and Fair.
merit Cove Apartments, Subsidized
family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous-
ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn
• 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages
• Financing and refinancing
• Home Equity Credit Lines
Peninsula Community
Federal Credit Union
Shelton * Belfair * Port Orchard
Interest.Rat,.es Still Low! x= S.=kowsZd
1-877 287 2210 Toil Free "Loan specialist"
* Refinances * Debt Consolidation * Purchases • Custom Collstruction
16 1999 kel
Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 31