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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE :OR RENT BARGAIN MINI-STORAGEI Lowest rests in town. Newer units. Alarm and video security system. Starting at only $25. (360) 426-5511. N8/26-9/16 RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, ca- ble available, $200 monthly 428-2015. E6/17tfn REAL ESTATE FURNISHED 1 bedroom house, electric heat, woodstove, south shore Hood Canal near Alderbrook, $500 monthly for July/August, then $450 monthly till next summer. $300 deposit. No pets, 898-2986. H6/24ffn COMPLETELY NEW, redecorated in- side. 2 bedroom duplex. W/S/G paid. Extra storage room, access to W/D, covered carport, no pets. $525 month, $300 deposit, references. Green belt in back. 426-6338. Ae/19tfn GREAT VICTORIAN townhouse, $500 plus deposit, plus references. (360) 307-9505 or 1-800-575-1574, Code 00. J8/26tfn SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW, 2 bedroom du- plex, large living room and oversized bedrooms. Stove, refrigerator, dish- washer, washer/dryer hookup, garage. Water/garbage/lawncare included. $650 monthly, $250 deposit. (360) 426. 7646. S8/26tfn GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C trait  $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit m $460 4 bedroonl, 2 bath, large family unit  $521 [ Now Taking Applications |  Ca/ for Appointmentj| 427-009o9 Wl CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn CUSHMAN LOT, close to golf course. $6,500. 1/2 down, terms. Or, $5,600 cash. 427-6053 or 427-4003. R9/16- 10/7 OPEN HOUSE. 410 E. Dartmoor Drive, Shelton, Lake Limerick, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, gas water & heat, two-car garage, Pergo flooring in kitchen and dining area, two lots. September 19 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $135,000. $9/16 BY OWNER, 5 acres, Grapeview Loop Road. Lots of cover, beach access, creek, secluded building sites, $37,500 terms. (380)275-2708. $8/26-9/16 CAPITOL HILL, 2 lots, 1 house. Beauti. ful ravine property, large trees, will carry contract, $30K OBO, 206-226- 2432 or 206.440-0309. D8/12-9/30 WATERFRONT HOME. Enclosed sunroom/deck with super view. Over 2,200 sq.ft, with 3 bathrooms, sauna, fireplace up, woodstove down, family room, double attached garage, private deck. Close to clubhouse and golf course. Only $149,000. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/16 MASON LAKE access. Paradise Es- tates rustic cabin, $24,500. Cleared building lot, $22,777. Both have water and electricity. Close to marina, dock, picnic area and sports court. Easy owner terms. Arch Cook, Washington Waterfront & Land. 427-3903. C8/26- 9/16 GROCERY/DELl, 2,500 sq.ff. Pdme lo- cation, access hwy from Hood Canal in Union. Equipment included, $240,000. Invest Realty, Ken Reese, 360-898- 4653, 426-3567.19/16 OFFICE SPACE. Great exposure and parking. All utilities paid. $600 monthly lease. 1428 Olympic Hwy. S., Shelton, 426-9844. Ask for Grace. K9/16-10/7 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for rent. Office with large loft above. High traffic exposure. Must see to appreci- ate. 5500 monthly plus utilities. 2136 Olympic Hwy North. 427-8612. Not available until August 1st. R6/24tfn PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space, 1620 Olympic Hwy. N. Office/conference room/copy machine. $300 monthly in- cludes utilities. Call (360) 753-0086. B7/8tfn PRICE REDUCED, like new, 28'x44', 3 bedroom, 2 bath, in nice mobile $42,000 OBO. 427-6705. Pg/IG,10/7 THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile. You move, $3,500. 426-0346. B9/16-23 NEW LISTINGS JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS Call 426-4412 .i PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: A/I real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limits. lion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18 This newspaper will not know- mgly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com- plain of discrimination call HUD toll- free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. CITY HOMES RURAL H()MES MOBILE HOMES COMMUNITY LIVING LAKE LIMERICK $158,50 BREATHTAKING VIEW... rbis 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath home With family room IS surrounded by windows tO enloy one of tile besl views of Lake Limerick II's irnmeculate condr- lion SHOWS pride of ownershrp A must seet 99-0tl}29 BENSON LAKE $255,000 BENSON LAKE eEAUTY_. Over 2500 If, completely custom, tile floors and oatk c,be4ty 3 be(oom'= Ibnd dayhgtlt tlmily room NO blink weledront, fully lendJlpql. 99-00623 SHELTON $127,000 tO0' NO BANK FRONTAGE ON PRIVATE LAKE.,. is lull the Iooginnthgl Large lot iss profeasionany lerlaod end has plenty ot space lOt all Newer contemporary 2- slory home wilh oversized rooms featur,=s 3 bedrooms, 2 I)nus rooms and 2 Iths the masler SUite has a very special balh suite and Ihere s plenty of decking on both the upper end lower level tO enloy the vlewl 99-00055 HOOD CANAL $162,500 CUTE WEEKENDER COTTAGE,,. on the shores of Hood Canal New well, small celn anOl 70 leer of I:di wetas'fronl. Oysters, clems& Ulb. OAKLAND BAY $299,500 IIIOTHT CONTEMPORJIlY.,. lOCated on the sit,erie of Oakland Bay, Thi,= custom daylight rambler fea- tures a fully appointed "island" kitchen, private muter suite. huge deck,= end 125' of gravel beac frontage with easy steps to the beach Call todlyl 99.01968 SOUTH SOUND $127,900 SECLUeED VACATION RETREAT.. , f20' of bulkheaG3 sand and grevet baCh frontsge complele with boat launch Sunny western exposure from the sun deck end an lm- maculale 2 lroom mot)de home pede¢t for a recreational cabin or perm,=nenl home Don't delay, call Iodayl 99- 00492 SHELTON $339,500 YOUR OWN PRIVATE WATERFRONT PARK... Unique Northwa,=t beach house  3 wooded lore,=, 127' of sail watedronl with tk:lelands end southstem exposure with ,= full view of Mt R&inler. Easy mmcces,= Io Hwy.101 for Olympm or Shelton commute Open beam calling, pine walls, stone fireplace, claw-loot tub. walk-in tile ,=hewer, large deck with glass doors, rock/herb garden. 99.01868 OAKLAND BAY $235,000 MT, RAINIER VIEW.,. Fenlell¢ water and Mr. Rlthler vlw wth 170 flt of no Dank weteHront on OlklLnd Sly Daylight ll,=ement styla home with room fo exDenslon --2 bedrooms, den, 1 3/4ith$. Timberidlol, ew dad(,=, grnhou'=e lil-O t 7 t f SPENCER LAKE $239,500 SUMMER IS HERE.,. and you wilt enjoy It more when you own thi,= custOm built 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with 85 feet of no benk frontage. Hurry to m it - you'll love ill .OOe3 AGATE $185,000 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME... Over 2000 If with 3 big bedrooms end 2 full baths, Messk-e family room wlth fireplace. Located on 2,5 foooea acres with big tree'= and inca Pasture. 99-00065 TIMBERLAKES $72,500 4 BEDROOMS... It you've  lOOking tel In affordable 4 bedroom home, you know how ecarce they arel This one is m grill condition, and ha,= lu,=l been rec41rpoteo from stem to Item Other tel.lure,= include 2 bath'=. 2 huge Oekl, I lenolcal)aO lOt with room to roam  i to both lakes 99-01470 Oldest Page 32 .- Shelton-Mason County Journal - T hlrsday, September 16, 1999 VERY PRIVATE 21/2 acres, 2 miles from Lake Limerick Golf Course. Mobile okay, horses okay. $25,000, terms available. (360) 877-0106. L8/26-9/16 LITTLE NAHWATZEL. Approximately 3.25 acres, end of cul-de-sac, private lake access, view of Olympics and Lake Nahwatzel. $35,000. (360) 495- 4800./9-16 AGATE ACRE, only $19,900. Level acre, close to Pioneer School. Great spot for new manufactured home. "Package financing" available. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/16 LAKE CUSHMAN home, lake view, 2- bedroom, loft, complete remodel in 1997, owner contract. Appraised at $80,000, sell for $75,000. (360) 413- 0104. E9/9-16 5 ACRES, improved with septic and well, near Phillips Lake, $55,000. Call Jerry, RE/MAX Top Executives, 877- 5611. R9/16 1872 COLONIAL style home. "The stagecoach stopped here." 12(+) acres, barn with stalls, pasture. Plus more. $245,000. Call Jerry, RE/MAX Top Executives, 877-5611. R9/16 LAKE CUSHMAN $89,900 GOTTOOLS? This shop iS for you1 Huge 30x50 garage/ shop with attached RV port. Comes wtlh a great 3 bed- room, 2 bath manufactured home with new roof, including trusses, new carpet, cabinets, insulated aluminum siding All this on a double lot in the Lake Cushman area 99- 01026 HARSTINE ISLAND $105,000 EXPERIENCE ISLAND LIVING... Enjoy the beauty and I;w,'vacy of thi,= wooded l 0 acres on Harstine Island, Brand new septic, well, and 24x40' building with concrete floor, high garage deer and RV port, built in 1995 Includes 31' 5th wheel, e2 cat end Dodge work truck Ready for your new home. 99-01128 UNION $159,500 LOOK AT THE VIEWI Olympic Mtnss,& Hood Canal vlews from every room. Floor to ceiling slone fireplace, kitchen island with Jenn Alre Bnge, expansive master loft with private view deck Ad so much morel 98-01815 SHELTON $158,000 CUSTOM HOME ON PICTURE PERFECT ACRE... Like new beaulfful 2-story contempora' has what you're look- ing for in a hemal 3 bedrooms, 25 baths, on one gor. gOOUS acre of land in area of quality homes Call todayt 99-01056 SHELTON $57,000 JUST OFF HWY.101... Classic Marietta 2 bedroom home, Ieet pump, rain roof, wood stove and 4 garages + work, shop on deep lot located north of Shelton There's lois of '=Pace here for the serious collactorl 99-01334 SHELTON, WEST $117,500 SUPERSIZED RAMSLER ON 2+ PRIVATE ACRESt 1848 If 1-story home on level partlly wooded land 3 bedroom. 2 path home has greet floor plan. custom kitchen with tile counters & garden window. Excellent opportu. nityl 99-01906 ARCADIA $385,000 CHARMING CONTEMPORARY,,, rambler nestled =n a 10 acre forest of prtvate commercial timber Circle drive lads to well kept 1720 st, ,3 bedroom, 2 bath home fea- turing a family room. v,=ulted ceilings, heat pump, masonry flre01ece & decks galore. Outside there is plenty of room for gardens, RVs and a 30x36 high door shop Call today foryour personal tour 99-01658 LAKE LIMERICK $59,900 OWNER TERMS... and a great buy on Ibis 2 bedroom home with wood stove. It's located on a large corner Jot & also has a 12x20 shop with additional wood stove. Adia- cent lot is also available for a total of $69,000, Over 1t2 acre retail 99-02001 LILLIWAUP $235,000 100 FEET OF PRIME HOOD CANAL NO a&NK WATER- FRONT.., This 2 bedroom, 1 5 bath home eatures a huge livthg morn with fireplace insed and plure window'= OUt to the view. 2-car attached garage lind ,separate building thai could be an apartment or large shop. 99-02004 TIMBERLAKES away from it alll 99-02039 UNION $170,000 COUNTRY QUIET... 5 Hood Canal & Otympc Mln. view I''ts with large garage, workshop, main home is 3 deal- room, 2 beth. 1846 sf mobile There's also a 1994 2 bed- room. 1 path mobile home that is usIKl as a rental Ga- rage/,=hop hie a full unfinished upstaffs. 99-02038 OAK PARK $89,900 JUST LISTEDIII Dandy 3 bedroom rambler wth 1.5 baths stleched garage and large corner ]eL Upgraded cabinets and trim Check out easy financing Or= this one today 99- 02042 OAK PARK $89,900 PRICE REDUCED... for a super quick salel 3 bedrooms 2 beth '= plus family room. Fireplace In living room. wood StOVe in family room, and on the end of a quiet cul-de-sacl 99-01101 LOTS FOR salel One Shorecrest cor- ner lot, 2 blocks to pool, $14,000. One Timberlake, 2 blocks to small lake, $13,000. 275-3051. R9/2-23 UNION HALF acre, incredible view property, septic in, $27,000. Assessed at $32,000. (360) 413-0104. E9/9-16 HUGE LOT for sale .8+ acre, well, sep- tic, power, driveway is in. Dead end road. Walk to Belfair Safeway. $38,000. 275-3051 or (509) 493-1004. R9/16-23 FOR SALE or lease, option to buy. Large Beard's Cove lot. Utilities in, $28,000. 275-3051. R9/16-10/7 CHARMING 1967, 3-bedroom, 11/2 bath, solid home. Features tiled bath, storage space galore, hardwood floors and much more. At only $115,000, you must see inside. 617 Euclid Ave. Call for a appointment, 427-7627. F9/9-30 ISLAND LAKE, waterfront, 4 bedroom home. Only $155,000. Call Jerry, RE/MAX Top Executives, 877-5611. R9/16 6 ACRES, 192' Hood Canal waterfront, $145,000. Call Jerry, RE/MAX Top Ex- ecutives, 877-5611. R9/16 5 YEARS OLD ON hACRE - $104,900 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 1,265 sq. ft. Master suite has walk-in closet, private bath with Roman tub and separate shower. Pergo flooring in dining room and kitchen. New car- pet throughout. Bay windows. At- tached 2-car garage. Recently painted inside/out. Landscaped front yard, RV or boat parking. 427-6053 or 427-4003 AGATE $84,500 BETTER THAN NEW... 3 bedroom home Cedar sdnn 9, large lot, close to community park and saltwater access 99-00137 NEAR LAKE ISABELLA $119,500 GET WET, NOT SOAKEDI The best ot all worlds can be found in this 3 bedroom home that s located on a huge lanced lot near Lake Isabella. Enjoy the commumty ac cess lust a short walk from your door This home also mctudes e big patio, a hot tub, a family room, a wood stove and a tireplace 99-01592 SHELTON $76,500 LIKE LIVING IN THE PARK.,. ths 2 bedroom, I Oath home iS maintained and Upgraded 1o even the mosl stringenl slaedards Fealuring Iifellme metal root, un- derground ulihtios, screen porch, arid so much more( 99-01514 GRAPEVIEW $195,000 ENJOY THE MAGNIFICENT VIEW,_ of Picketing Pas- sage from th,= lower and upper decks of this custom tog hornet Massive size logs were used to construct double garage and 2000+ sf house that ncludes 2 bedrooms + loft, 1 3/4 baths, vauRed ceihngs, curved staircase, wood stove, stereo and security systems. Decks surround the enlire house. This one Of a kind home could be yoursl 99-01873 SOUTH SIDE OF SHELTON $75,000 THIS HOME IS JUST RIGHTI Newer 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with view of Olympics from trent porch is located in secure gated community with private lake Lol backs up to Simpson for privacy and includes detached 2-car coy- ered perking. Priced to selll 99-00838 TIMBERLAKES $69,500 COZY COTTAGE... Updated 900 sf c,=bn nestled among the trees for plenty of privacy 3/4 acre with pole sze timber, workshop and slor,=ge. Contracl terms available Call to0ayl 99-01784 TIMBERLAKES $69,500 ALMOST LAKEFRONT... This neat, one level home is just 300' from the I,=ke, you can see it from the deck1 And you own ,= 1/13th interest in 50' of waterfront - Your own almost privele beachl Nicely landscaped, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 b,=ths, 1100 sf, fireplace insed, 2-car g,=rage, solid value. 99-01576 LILLIWAUP $99,800 RETIRE TO PARADISE... Steal this canabview. snowi:rd',= roost at thi,= pricel 30x40 RV gar,=ge/,=hop. 12' door'= for both your land yacht and ,shrimp boet Like new, 1988 home, 2 bedroom'=, 2 baths, 169 st, Share two bee¢t'le'=: trout filled lake & Canal, Priced below replace- ment ¢o,=11 99-01625 DOWNTOWN $85,000 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY... 2 homes on 1 loll A great rental investment, 1200 ,=f, 2-story home built in 1920 plus completely updated 2nd home with 400 st. Owner terms available - 15% down, 10 years, 8,5%, 99-01685 HIDDEN HAVEN $10,000 LET'S MAKE A DEALI Thus 2 bedroom manulectured home in ,an adult p,=m IS very comfod,=ble and heels a new ownerf Move It leave it there make en offer No reasonable offer refu=edl 9-00450 21/2 ACRES with saltwater beach rights, heavily wooded, view. Must see, on Strong, Road. $46,600 terms. Owner, 427-700). Mc9/2-23 1/3 ACRE Emerald Lake. Water, power, percs, mobile or home ready. Must see, $21,500, terms. Owner, 427-7000. Mc9/2-23 GOOD ACCESS. Newer, well insulated, 2 bedroom home with garage on large lot. Close to schools, hospital, shop- ping and Hwy. 101. Approved for low in- come (REDO). Only $65,000. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/16 HARSTINE ISLAND, beautiful country setting yet minutes from everything. Builder has much to offer, land, water- front land, waterfront home, moderately priced to sell. And 2 homes in (the Pointe), a secure, gated community on the north end of the Island with many amenities. One price low, the other market value. Low down, easy terms with good credit. Call for more informa- tion, 427-6702, 426-4131. J9/16-10/7 161 E. SEA VISTA LN. $74,9OO WATERFRONT ACCESS comes with this 1620 sq. ft. 1995 double wide mobile. Cathedral ceilings, partially fenced back yard at the end of a cul- de-sac, and either 2 bedrooms and office or 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and large deck. Call Kim at 534-4506. 425 E. K ST. $49,900 Across from grade school in Moun- tain View area, this home offers 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and a large fenced back yard and is waiting for you to check it out! Contact Kim Thompson 534-4506. 150 FT. OF LOW BANK SALTWATER $227,500 With 2083 sq. feet to wander, this daylight basement home on Picketing Passage sports large multi-level decks ready for entertaining or just relaxing and enjoying the view of Harstine Island. Fruit trees, a 2-car garage, 3 bedrooms & 2 baths, a beautiful beach with moorage, makes this your dream home. For private showing, 534-4506. 219 S. 6TH ST. $59,900 OLD WORLD CHARM best describes the 960 Sq. Ft. 2 bedroom, 1 bath home that is also zoned commercial. Right across from the new city hall, it's country porch, hardwood floors, private back yard with fruit trees and large shop with carport are only some of the advantages. Business or home, its your option. Give Kim Thompson a call, 534-4506. r RESIDENTIAL HOMES I $42,500:2 BD, 1 BA,SW mobile w/covered deck. Spacious 2-car garage/shop. $45,400:2 BD, 1.5 BASW mobile. Near lake, all lake amenities included. $50,000:3 BD. 1 BA 2-story home w/1,260 SF Overlooks $66,950:2 BD. 1 BA rambler w/20' x 43/6' sports court. Great starter homel $79,200:3 BD, 1.75 BA w/oversized garage & workshop on .35 acres. $89,500:4 BD, 2 BA 2-story home w/ workshop, new roof & hardwood floors. $98,000:3 BD, 1.5 BA w/oversized 2-car garage, Deautiful yard. $107,500:3 BD, 2 BA daylight home. Custom built-ins & much more! $132,000:3 BD, 1.5 BA w/partially finished bsmt & garden area. $147,500:3 BD, 2 BA rambler w/RV parking, fruit trees & much more, all on 1.2 acres, www.johnlscottcom/13767 $298,000:2 BD. 2 BA home + guest home on 10.63 acres. Must see! www.lohnlscott.corrV44969 $320,000:5 BD, 6 BA home. Great for group home or liwng. $437,000:4 BD. 2 BA home w/deck & balcony overlooking private lake. 33+/- acres, www.joh BY OWNER: E. 50 Rainbow Place, Shelton. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, single car garage plus bonus computer room, many upgrades included. Home pride ownership is shown throughout. $79,000, 426-9574. $9/16-10/7 ABERDEEN HILL area, corner lot. 2,500 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 11/2 baths, large kitchen, living room, family room, sun porch, basement, garage with rec room or 4th bedroom. By owner, $124,500. Weekends, 426-5068. Daily 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (360) 532-1505. S9/16 GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD near schools and hospital. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths - one with tile and Jacuzzi, hard- wood floors, family room, fireplace with top quality insert, fenced yard, garage and RV parking. $106,500. Call 705- 8587 (Olympia). C9/16-10/7 HARSTINE ISLAND. South Sound par- adise. Waterfront, acreage, view. All price ranges. Owner terms. Agents welcome, 253-853-6045. A8/5-9/23 LAKE LIMERICK Lot, $11,500. Across street from golf course. Terms, owner, 427-7000. Mc9/2-23 NOTICE OF NOTICE IS HEREBY Board of Mason hold a public hearing Chambers at the Building I, 411 North 98584 on Tuesday, Soptsntl 7:45 p.m. SAID HEARING will be to moval of the uttlib & 16 of Lake Cushman, quested by William Saul. If questions or please contact the 9670, Ext. 419. DATED BOARD OF COU ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is/Rebecca S Rogers ..,.. Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk o,=" Classifieds ISLANI) LAKE MMOI{ ... Peak of perfection! llow does this sound? For- real dining room, htrge master suite, custom details, close to popular lake, high school, middle school. Waiting for you todayf $142,000. PIUVATE  SECLUDED LIKE ... Lush gard acres. This double-wide real home features: 3 bedroom, 3 car detached garage, outbuildings. Call toda) ment. $145 500. GO WllERE THE VIEW IS GREAT! This charmingcontenporary home has ahnosl 2.200 sq. ft. to lh'e in. With 4bdr/2.5 bths, a formal LR & DP,, FR & casual dining you just can't go wrong. There's even a nice trail leading down to the 127' of/alt waterfront w/tide- lands! Entertainment slzeddeck. You'll never know of you don't see this home! $234,900 MOUNTAIN VIEW!! gas station with very higt umc and street exposure. compliance requirements. convenience store addition tol with gas & diesel. A re at $257,000. I I WATERFRONT HOMES J $84,950:3 BD, 2 BA DW mobile. Large wrap around deck & 62' WF on Little 1]mberlake. www.johnlscott.corn/87247 $94,900:2 BD, 1.75 BA DW mobile. 2 car- ports & 61'of frontage on Fawn Lake. $126,900:2 BD, 1 BA 884 SF home. 2 car garage, being sold "as-is." $139,950:3 BD, 1.75 BA newly constructed. 70' of low bank frontage Must see! www.johnlscott.corn/30116 $149,900:3 BD, 1.5 BA home on Torten Shores. Park, beach & picnic area. $169,900: 2+ BD, 1.75 BA 1,222 SF home w/hardwood floors & more. $185,000: 2+ BD, 2.5 BA home w/newer roof, covered porch & lots of storage. www.johnlscott com/33992 $235,000:2 BD, 1.75 BA w/Hammersley Inlet view. $264,950:3 BD, 2.75 BA daylight basement home. Gazebo w/a fireplace, hot tub & 96' of WF. $285,000:3 BD, 2.5 BA home wAarge deck, skylights & lots of extras. $289,500:2 BD, 1.75 BA w/224'of salt WF, hot tub, 2 car garage & lots of updates. $349,950:3 BD, 2 BA 2,824 SF home, wrap around deck & a lot more! www/ $499,950:2 BD, 2 BA w/brick patio, exercise/hot tub room, on Hood Canal. www.johnlscott .conV38081 LOTS & $7,500: Irregular sized lot et $14,500:1.67 acres $44,950:1.6 at lot. www.j $55,000:5 acres w/Mt. or terms, www.' $84,950:1.6 acres w/power, on www johnlscott com/13859 . ,, St. $120,000:7.5 acres on WY °w www'?joh .=, $150,000:2.8 acres on the - circle. City water, sewer. $295,000:4.63 acres on 1011q. $720,000:151.5 acres, HwY. WF $24,000: 75' of frontage on Power at property. $42,500: 176' of saltwater Grapeview. www. $69,999: 98.2' of .ir g" $84,500: 108+' on HamrnersteY www.johnlscott.corn/87323 $105,000: 91' on Lake isabella' .t $125,000: 110' on Hood cn="" $179,500: (2) 150' on www.j $234 www.johnlscott com/28678 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE :OR RENT BARGAIN MINI-STORAGEI Lowest rests in town. Newer units. Alarm and video security system. Starting at only $25. (360) 426-5511. N8/26-9/16 RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, ca- ble available, $200 monthly 428-2015. E6/17tfn REAL ESTATE FURNISHED 1 bedroom house, electric heat, woodstove, south shore Hood Canal near Alderbrook, $500 monthly for July/August, then $450 monthly till next summer. $300 deposit. No pets, 898-2986. H6/24ffn COMPLETELY NEW, redecorated in- side. 2 bedroom duplex. W/S/G paid. Extra storage room, access to W/D, covered carport, no pets. $525 month, $300 deposit, references. Green belt in back. 426-6338. Ae/19tfn GREAT VICTORIAN townhouse, $500 plus deposit, plus references. (360) 307-9505 or 1-800-575-1574, Code 00. J8/26tfn SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW, 2 bedroom du- plex, large living room and oversized bedrooms. Stove, refrigerator, dish- washer, washer/dryer hookup, garage. Water/garbage/lawncare included. $650 monthly, $250 deposit. (360) 426. 7646. S8/26tfn GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C trait  $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit m $460 4 bedroonl, 2 bath, large family unit  $521 [ Now Taking Applications |  Ca/ for Appointmentj| 427-009o9 Wl CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn CUSHMAN LOT, close to golf course. $6,500. 1/2 down, terms. Or, $5,600 cash. 427-6053 or 427-4003. R9/16- 10/7 OPEN HOUSE. 410 E. Dartmoor Drive, Shelton, Lake Limerick, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, gas water & heat, two-car garage, Pergo flooring in kitchen and dining area, two lots. September 19 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $135,000. $9/16 BY OWNER, 5 acres, Grapeview Loop Road. Lots of cover, beach access, creek, secluded building sites, $37,500 terms. (380)275-2708. $8/26-9/16 CAPITOL HILL, 2 lots, 1 house. Beauti. ful ravine property, large trees, will carry contract, $30K OBO, 206-226- 2432 or 206.440-0309. D8/12-9/30 WATERFRONT HOME. Enclosed sunroom/deck with super view. Over 2,200 sq.ft, with 3 bathrooms, sauna, fireplace up, woodstove down, family room, double attached garage, private deck. Close to clubhouse and golf course. Only $149,000. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/16 MASON LAKE access. Paradise Es- tates rustic cabin, $24,500. Cleared building lot, $22,777. Both have water and electricity. Close to marina, dock, picnic area and sports court. Easy owner terms. Arch Cook, Washington Waterfront & Land. 427-3903. C8/26- 9/16 GROCERY/DELl, 2,500 sq.ff. Pdme lo- cation, access hwy from Hood Canal in Union. Equipment included, $240,000. Invest Realty, Ken Reese, 360-898- 4653, 426-3567.19/16 OFFICE SPACE. Great exposure and parking. All utilities paid. $600 monthly lease. 1428 Olympic Hwy. S., Shelton, 426-9844. Ask for Grace. K9/16-10/7 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for rent. Office with large loft above. High traffic exposure. Must see to appreci- ate. 5500 monthly plus utilities. 2136 Olympic Hwy North. 427-8612. Not available until August 1st. R6/24tfn PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space, 1620 Olympic Hwy. N. Office/conference room/copy machine. $300 monthly in- cludes utilities. Call (360) 753-0086. B7/8tfn PRICE REDUCED, like new, 28'x44', 3 bedroom, 2 bath, in nice mobile $42,000 OBO. 427-6705. Pg/IG,10/7 THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile. You move, $3,500. 426-0346. B9/16-23 NEW LISTINGS JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS Call 426-4412 .i PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: A/I real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limits. lion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18 This newspaper will not know- mgly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com- plain of discrimination call HUD toll- free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. CITY HOMES RURAL H()MES MOBILE HOMES COMMUNITY LIVING LAKE LIMERICK $158,50 BREATHTAKING VIEW... rbis 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath home With family room IS surrounded by windows tO enloy one of tile besl views of Lake Limerick II's irnmeculate condr- lion SHOWS pride of ownershrp A must seet 99-0tl}29 BENSON LAKE $255,000 BENSON LAKE eEAUTY_. Over 2500 If, completely custom, tile floors and oatk c,be4ty 3 be(oom'= Ibnd dayhgtlt tlmily room NO blink weledront, fully lendJlpql. 99-00623 SHELTON $127,000 tO0' NO BANK FRONTAGE ON PRIVATE LAKE.,. is lull the Iooginnthgl Large lot iss profeasionany lerlaod end has plenty ot space lOt all Newer contemporary 2- slory home wilh oversized rooms featur,=s 3 bedrooms, 2 I)nus rooms and 2 Iths the masler SUite has a very special balh suite and Ihere s plenty of decking on both the upper end lower level tO enloy the vlewl 99-00055 HOOD CANAL $162,500 CUTE WEEKENDER COTTAGE,,. on the shores of Hood Canal New well, small celn anOl 70 leer of I:di wetas'fronl. Oysters, clems& Ulb. OAKLAND BAY $299,500 IIIOTHT CONTEMPORJIlY.,. lOCated on the sit,erie of Oakland Bay, Thi,= custom daylight rambler fea- tures a fully appointed "island" kitchen, private muter suite. huge deck,= end 125' of gravel beac frontage with easy steps to the beach Call todlyl 99.01968 SOUTH SOUND $127,900 SECLUeED VACATION RETREAT.. , f20' of bulkheaG3 sand and grevet baCh frontsge complele with boat launch Sunny western exposure from the sun deck end an lm- maculale 2 lroom mot)de home pede¢t for a recreational cabin or perm,=nenl home Don't delay, call Iodayl 99- 00492 SHELTON $339,500 YOUR OWN PRIVATE WATERFRONT PARK... Unique Northwa,=t beach house  3 wooded lore,=, 127' of sail watedronl with tk:lelands end southstem exposure with ,= full view of Mt R&inler. Easy mmcces,= Io Hwy.101 for Olympm or Shelton commute Open beam calling, pine walls, stone fireplace, claw-loot tub. walk-in tile ,=hewer, large deck with glass doors, rock/herb garden. 99.01868 OAKLAND BAY $235,000 MT, RAINIER VIEW.,. Fenlell¢ water and Mr. Rlthler vlw wth 170 flt of no Dank weteHront on OlklLnd Sly Daylight ll,=ement styla home with room fo exDenslon --2 bedrooms, den, 1 3/4ith$. Timberidlol, ew dad(,=, grnhou'=e lil-O t 7 t f SPENCER LAKE $239,500 SUMMER IS HERE.,. and you wilt enjoy It more when you own thi,= custOm built 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with 85 feet of no benk frontage. Hurry to m it - you'll love ill .OOe3 AGATE $185,000 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME... Over 2000 If with 3 big bedrooms end 2 full baths, Messk-e family room wlth fireplace. Located on 2,5 foooea acres with big tree'= and inca Pasture. 99-00065 TIMBERLAKES $72,500 4 BEDROOMS... It you've  lOOking tel In affordable 4 bedroom home, you know how ecarce they arel This one is m grill condition, and ha,= lu,=l been rec41rpoteo from stem to Item Other tel.lure,= include 2 bath'=. 2 huge Oekl, I lenolcal)aO lOt with room to roam  i to both lakes 99-01470 Oldest Page 32 .- Shelton-Mason County Journal - T hlrsday, September 16, 1999 VERY PRIVATE 21/2 acres, 2 miles from Lake Limerick Golf Course. Mobile okay, horses okay. $25,000, terms available. (360) 877-0106. L8/26-9/16 LITTLE NAHWATZEL. Approximately 3.25 acres, end of cul-de-sac, private lake access, view of Olympics and Lake Nahwatzel. $35,000. (360) 495- 4800./9-16 AGATE ACRE, only $19,900. Level acre, close to Pioneer School. Great spot for new manufactured home. "Package financing" available. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/16 LAKE CUSHMAN home, lake view, 2- bedroom, loft, complete remodel in 1997, owner contract. Appraised at $80,000, sell for $75,000. (360) 413- 0104. E9/9-16 5 ACRES, improved with septic and well, near Phillips Lake, $55,000. Call Jerry, RE/MAX Top Executives, 877- 5611. R9/16 1872 COLONIAL style home. "The stagecoach stopped here." 12(+) acres, barn with stalls, pasture. Plus more. $245,000. Call Jerry, RE/MAX Top Executives, 877-5611. R9/16 LAKE CUSHMAN $89,900 GOTTOOLS? This shop iS for you1 Huge 30x50 garage/ shop with attached RV port. Comes wtlh a great 3 bed- room, 2 bath manufactured home with new roof, including trusses, new carpet, cabinets, insulated aluminum siding All this on a double lot in the Lake Cushman area 99- 01026 HARSTINE ISLAND $105,000 EXPERIENCE ISLAND LIVING... Enjoy the beauty and I;w,'vacy of thi,= wooded l 0 acres on Harstine Island, Brand new septic, well, and 24x40' building with concrete floor, high garage deer and RV port, built in 1995 Includes 31' 5th wheel, e2 cat end Dodge work truck Ready for your new home. 99-01128 UNION $159,500 LOOK AT THE VIEWI Olympic Mtnss,& Hood Canal vlews from every room. Floor to ceiling slone fireplace, kitchen island with Jenn Alre Bnge, expansive master loft with private view deck Ad so much morel 98-01815 SHELTON $158,000 CUSTOM HOME ON PICTURE PERFECT ACRE... Like new beaulfful 2-story contempora' has what you're look- ing for in a hemal 3 bedrooms, 25 baths, on one gor. gOOUS acre of land in area of quality homes Call todayt 99-01056 SHELTON $57,000 JUST OFF HWY.101... Classic Marietta 2 bedroom home, Ieet pump, rain roof, wood stove and 4 garages + work, shop on deep lot located north of Shelton There's lois of '=Pace here for the serious collactorl 99-01334 SHELTON, WEST $117,500 SUPERSIZED RAMSLER ON 2+ PRIVATE ACRESt 1848 If 1-story home on level partlly wooded land 3 bedroom. 2 path home has greet floor plan. custom kitchen with tile counters & garden window. Excellent opportu. nityl 99-01906 ARCADIA $385,000 CHARMING CONTEMPORARY,,, rambler nestled =n a 10 acre forest of prtvate commercial timber Circle drive lads to well kept 1720 st, ,3 bedroom, 2 bath home fea- turing a family room. v,=ulted ceilings, heat pump, masonry flre01ece & decks galore. Outside there is plenty of room for gardens, RVs and a 30x36 high door shop Call today foryour personal tour 99-01658 LAKE LIMERICK $59,900 OWNER TERMS... and a great buy on Ibis 2 bedroom home with wood stove. It's located on a large corner Jot & also has a 12x20 shop with additional wood stove. Adia- cent lot is also available for a total of $69,000, Over 1t2 acre retail 99-02001 LILLIWAUP $235,000 100 FEET OF PRIME HOOD CANAL NO a&NK WATER- FRONT.., This 2 bedroom, 1 5 bath home eatures a huge livthg morn with fireplace insed and plure window'= OUt to the view. 2-car attached garage lind ,separate building thai could be an apartment or large shop. 99-02004 TIMBERLAKES away from it alll 99-02039 UNION $170,000 COUNTRY QUIET... 5 Hood Canal & Otympc Mln. view I''ts with large garage, workshop, main home is 3 deal- room, 2 beth. 1846 sf mobile There's also a 1994 2 bed- room. 1 path mobile home that is usIKl as a rental Ga- rage/,=hop hie a full unfinished upstaffs. 99-02038 OAK PARK $89,900 JUST LISTEDIII Dandy 3 bedroom rambler wth 1.5 baths stleched garage and large corner ]eL Upgraded cabinets and trim Check out easy financing Or= this one today 99- 02042 OAK PARK $89,900 PRICE REDUCED... for a super quick salel 3 bedrooms 2 beth '= plus family room. Fireplace In living room. wood StOVe in family room, and on the end of a quiet cul-de-sacl 99-01101 LOTS FOR salel One Shorecrest cor- ner lot, 2 blocks to pool, $14,000. One Timberlake, 2 blocks to small lake, $13,000. 275-3051. R9/2-23 UNION HALF acre, incredible view property, septic in, $27,000. Assessed at $32,000. (360) 413-0104. E9/9-16 HUGE LOT for sale .8+ acre, well, sep- tic, power, driveway is in. Dead end road. Walk to Belfair Safeway. $38,000. 275-3051 or (509) 493-1004. R9/16-23 FOR SALE or lease, option to buy. Large Beard's Cove lot. Utilities in, $28,000. 275-3051. R9/16-10/7 CHARMING 1967, 3-bedroom, 11/2 bath, solid home. Features tiled bath, storage space galore, hardwood floors and much more. At only $115,000, you must see inside. 617 Euclid Ave. Call for a appointment, 427-7627. F9/9-30 ISLAND LAKE, waterfront, 4 bedroom home. Only $155,000. Call Jerry, RE/MAX Top Executives, 877-5611. R9/16 6 ACRES, 192' Hood Canal waterfront, $145,000. Call Jerry, RE/MAX Top Ex- ecutives, 877-5611. R9/16 5 YEARS OLD ON hACRE - $104,900 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 1,265 sq. ft. Master suite has walk-in closet, private bath with Roman tub and separate shower. Pergo flooring in dining room and kitchen. New car- pet throughout. Bay windows. At- tached 2-car garage. Recently painted inside/out. Landscaped front yard, RV or boat parking. 427-6053 or 427-4003 AGATE $84,500 BETTER THAN NEW... 3 bedroom home Cedar sdnn 9, large lot, close to community park and saltwater access 99-00137 NEAR LAKE ISABELLA $119,500 GET WET, NOT SOAKEDI The best ot all worlds can be found in this 3 bedroom home that s located on a huge lanced lot near Lake Isabella. Enjoy the commumty ac cess lust a short walk from your door This home also mctudes e big patio, a hot tub, a family room, a wood stove and a tireplace 99-01592 SHELTON $76,500 LIKE LIVING IN THE PARK.,. ths 2 bedroom, I Oath home iS maintained and Upgraded 1o even the mosl stringenl slaedards Fealuring Iifellme metal root, un- derground ulihtios, screen porch, arid so much more( 99-01514 GRAPEVIEW $195,000 ENJOY THE MAGNIFICENT VIEW,_ of Picketing Pas- sage from th,= lower and upper decks of this custom tog hornet Massive size logs were used to construct double garage and 2000+ sf house that ncludes 2 bedrooms + loft, 1 3/4 baths, vauRed ceihngs, curved staircase, wood stove, stereo and security systems. Decks surround the enlire house. This one Of a kind home could be yoursl 99-01873 SOUTH SIDE OF SHELTON $75,000 THIS HOME IS JUST RIGHTI Newer 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with view of Olympics from trent porch is located in secure gated community with private lake Lol backs up to Simpson for privacy and includes detached 2-car coy- ered perking. Priced to selll 99-00838 TIMBERLAKES $69,500 COZY COTTAGE... Updated 900 sf c,=bn nestled among the trees for plenty of privacy 3/4 acre with pole sze timber, workshop and slor,=ge. Contracl terms available Call to0ayl 99-01784 TIMBERLAKES $69,500 ALMOST LAKEFRONT... This neat, one level home is just 300' from the I,=ke, you can see it from the deck1 And you own ,= 1/13th interest in 50' of waterfront - Your own almost privele beachl Nicely landscaped, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 b,=ths, 1100 sf, fireplace insed, 2-car g,=rage, solid value. 99-01576 LILLIWAUP $99,800 RETIRE TO PARADISE... Steal this canabview. snowi:rd',= roost at thi,= pricel 30x40 RV gar,=ge/,=hop. 12' door'= for both your land yacht and ,shrimp boet Like new, 1988 home, 2 bedroom'=, 2 baths, 169 st, Share two bee¢t'le'=: trout filled lake & Canal, Priced below replace- ment ¢o,=11 99-01625 DOWNTOWN $85,000 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY... 2 homes on 1 loll A great rental investment, 1200 ,=f, 2-story home built in 1920 plus completely updated 2nd home with 400 st. Owner terms available - 15% down, 10 years, 8,5%, 99-01685 HIDDEN HAVEN $10,000 LET'S MAKE A DEALI Thus 2 bedroom manulectured home in ,an adult p,=m IS very comfod,=ble and heels a new ownerf Move It leave it there make en offer No reasonable offer refu=edl 9-00450 21/2 ACRES with saltwater beach rights, heavily wooded, view. Must see, on Strong, Road. $46,600 terms. Owner, 427-700). Mc9/2-23 1/3 ACRE Emerald Lake. Water, power, percs, mobile or home ready. Must see, $21,500, terms. Owner, 427-7000. Mc9/2-23 GOOD ACCESS. Newer, well insulated, 2 bedroom home with garage on large lot. Close to schools, hospital, shop- ping and Hwy. 101. Approved for low in- come (REDO). Only $65,000. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/16 HARSTINE ISLAND, beautiful country setting yet minutes from everything. Builder has much to offer, land, water- front land, waterfront home, moderately priced to sell. And 2 homes in (the Pointe), a secure, gated community on the north end of the Island with many amenities. One price low, the other market value. Low down, easy terms with good credit. Call for more informa- tion, 427-6702, 426-4131. J9/16-10/7 161 E. SEA VISTA LN. $74,9OO WATERFRONT ACCESS comes with this 1620 sq. ft. 1995 double wide mobile. Cathedral ceilings, partially fenced back yard at the end of a cul- de-sac, and either 2 bedrooms and office or 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and large deck. Call Kim at 534-4506. 425 E. K ST. $49,900 Across from grade school in Moun- tain View area, this home offers 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and a large fenced back yard and is waiting for you to check it out! Contact Kim Thompson 534-4506. 150 FT. OF LOW BANK SALTWATER $227,500 With 2083 sq. feet to wander, this daylight basement home on Picketing Passage sports large multi-level decks ready for entertaining or just relaxing and enjoying the view of Harstine Island. Fruit trees, a 2-car garage, 3 bedrooms & 2 baths, a beautiful beach with moorage, makes this your dream home. For private showing, 534-4506. 219 S. 6TH ST. $59,900 OLD WORLD CHARM best describes the 960 Sq. Ft. 2 bedroom, 1 bath home that is also zoned commercial. Right across from the new city hall, it's country porch, hardwood floors, private back yard with fruit trees and large shop with carport are only some of the advantages. Business or home, its your option. Give Kim Thompson a call, 534-4506. r RESIDENTIAL HOMES I $42,500:2 BD, 1 BA,SW mobile w/covered deck. Spacious 2-car garage/shop. $45,400:2 BD, 1.5 BASW mobile. Near lake, all lake amenities included. $50,000:3 BD. 1 BA 2-story home w/1,260 SF Overlooks $66,950:2 BD. 1 BA rambler w/20' x 43/6' sports court. Great starter homel $79,200:3 BD, 1.75 BA w/oversized garage & workshop on .35 acres. $89,500:4 BD, 2 BA 2-story home w/ workshop, new roof & hardwood floors. $98,000:3 BD, 1.5 BA w/oversized 2-car garage, Deautiful yard. $107,500:3 BD, 2 BA daylight home. Custom built-ins & much more! $132,000:3 BD, 1.5 BA w/partially finished bsmt & garden area. $147,500:3 BD, 2 BA rambler w/RV parking, fruit trees & much more, all on 1.2 acres, www.johnlscottcom/13767 $298,000:2 BD. 2 BA home + guest home on 10.63 acres. Must see! www.lohnlscott.corrV44969 $320,000:5 BD, 6 BA home. Great for group home or liwng. $437,000:4 BD. 2 BA home w/deck & balcony overlooking private lake. 33+/- acres, www.joh BY OWNER: E. 50 Rainbow Place, Shelton. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, single car garage plus bonus computer room, many upgrades included. Home pride ownership is shown throughout. $79,000, 426-9574. $9/16-10/7 ABERDEEN HILL area, corner lot. 2,500 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 11/2 baths, large kitchen, living room, family room, sun porch, basement, garage with rec room or 4th bedroom. By owner, $124,500. Weekends, 426-5068. Daily 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (360) 532-1505. S9/16 GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD near schools and hospital. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths - one with tile and Jacuzzi, hard- wood floors, family room, fireplace with top quality insert, fenced yard, garage and RV parking. $106,500. Call 705- 8587 (Olympia). C9/16-10/7 HARSTINE ISLAND. South Sound par- adise. Waterfront, acreage, view. All price ranges. Owner terms. Agents welcome, 253-853-6045. A8/5-9/23 LAKE LIMERICK Lot, $11,500. Across street from golf course. Terms, owner, 427-7000. Mc9/2-23 NOTICE OF NOTICE IS HEREBY Board of Mason hold a public hearing Chambers at the Building I, 411 North 98584 on Tuesday, Soptsntl 7:45 p.m. SAID HEARING will be to moval of the uttlib & 16 of Lake Cushman, quested by William Saul. If questions or please contact the 9670, Ext. 419. DATED BOARD OF COU ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is/Rebecca S Rogers ..,.. Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk o,=" Classifieds ISLANI) LAKE MMOI{ ... Peak of perfection! llow does this sound? For- real dining room, htrge master suite, custom details, close to popular lake, high school, middle school. Waiting for you todayf $142,000. PIUVATE  SECLUDED LIKE ... Lush gard acres. This double-wide real home features: 3 bedroom, 3 car detached garage, outbuildings. Call toda) ment. $145 500. GO WllERE THE VIEW IS GREAT! This charmingcontenporary home has ahnosl 2.200 sq. ft. to lh'e in. With 4bdr/2.5 bths, a formal LR & DP,, FR & casual dining you just can't go wrong. There's even a nice trail leading down to the 127' of/alt waterfront w/tide- lands! Entertainment slzeddeck. You'll never know of you don't see this home! $234,900 MOUNTAIN VIEW!! gas station with very higt umc and street exposure. compliance requirements. convenience store addition tol with gas & diesel. A re at $257,000. I I WATERFRONT HOMES J $84,950:3 BD, 2 BA DW mobile. Large wrap around deck & 62' WF on Little 1]mberlake. www.johnlscott.corn/87247 $94,900:2 BD, 1.75 BA DW mobile. 2 car- ports & 61'of frontage on Fawn Lake. $126,900:2 BD, 1 BA 884 SF home. 2 car garage, being sold "as-is." $139,950:3 BD, 1.75 BA newly constructed. 70' of low bank frontage Must see! www.johnlscott.corn/30116 $149,900:3 BD, 1.5 BA home on Torten Shores. Park, beach & picnic area. $169,900: 2+ BD, 1.75 BA 1,222 SF home w/hardwood floors & more. $185,000: 2+ BD, 2.5 BA home w/newer roof, covered porch & lots of storage. www.johnlscott com/33992 $235,000:2 BD, 1.75 BA w/Hammersley Inlet view. $264,950:3 BD, 2.75 BA daylight basement home. Gazebo w/a fireplace, hot tub & 96' of WF. $285,000:3 BD, 2.5 BA home wAarge deck, skylights & lots of extras. $289,500:2 BD, 1.75 BA w/224'of salt WF, hot tub, 2 car garage & lots of updates. $349,950:3 BD, 2 BA 2,824 SF home, wrap around deck & a lot more! www/ $499,950:2 BD, 2 BA w/brick patio, exercise/hot tub room, on Hood Canal. www.johnlscott .conV38081 LOTS & $7,500: Irregular sized lot et $14,500:1.67 acres $44,950:1.6 at lot. www.j $55,000:5 acres w/Mt. or terms, www.' $84,950:1.6 acres w/power, on www johnlscott com/13859 . ,, St. $120,000:7.5 acres on WY °w www'?joh .=, $150,000:2.8 acres on the - circle. City water, sewer. $295,000:4.63 acres on 1011q. $720,000:151.5 acres, HwY. WF $24,000: 75' of frontage on Power at property. $42,500: 176' of saltwater Grapeview. www. $69,999: 98.2' of .ir g" $84,500: 108+' on HamrnersteY www.johnlscott.corn/87323 $105,000: 91' on Lake isabella' .t $125,000: 110' on Hood cn="" $179,500: (2) 150' on www.j $234 www.johnlscott com/28678