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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P,CE TWO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1020 ,j i ,, ,,..m .mm.lilnTtt .... | I ...... I HE SILVER LI ING c / WHAT IS A PLATFORM? Shelton, Wasl., Se--t. 2, 1920.- Editor Journal: I note in your issue THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL pay their bonus to be raised by a levy upon surplus weath, excess pro- ] fits, and untaxed and inequitably [taxed property in this state. Just and equitable reision,, of the /tax code, including exemption of i farm hnprovements and of all homes |not to exceed four thousand dollars of August 27th, an article entitled "THple Alliance Platform," which article presents statements which are very far from the tl-ath, as well as in value. ', a' c. Home rule for cities of first and .rossly ml, le dee. , , , , ' snt i Soninnth /OPsintghotn,hi l vn se ," . for the decent civilization for which [ p " p" . "0 . their fathers fought," and not for Necessary legislation, to prohibit the rule of politicians and orofiteersl the renewal or ext.enslon_of leases that I am askin ou, in the name on tide lands and the harbor areas. , of truth and justice to publish the]. Better support for schools, espec- plalform of the Triple Alliance as laiiy rural SChOOlS, more aemocrazm unanimously passed at the Yakima control and management of the convention, a copy of which is hereto schools; and the impartial and ac- -attached. curate teaching of civics, economics, E. T. TENNATT, history, especially industrial and so- l Zone Manager, Farmer Labor Party. cial history. Triple Alliance Platform [The Journal publishes the A1- (Adopted by State Convention, held liance platform as it agreed to do, Immediate and absolute restoration so that if any citizen has not seen Immediate and absolute resoration the wonderful document he may now of free speech, free press, peaceable study it. A month ago this paper assemblage, and all other rights gave a list of the many advanced guaranteed under the constitution, laws passed in the state ir ten Repeal of the criminal syndicalism years, and by the way, by Republican act and release of all persons con- legislatures. Last week it was shown .+.i . ;,,q,,,,,. ,,,-.4,-. this ot where most of the demands 0f the ........... v .................... unhol "in q " " " Public ownership and democratic, y.eomo a]on are .atreaay m I ...... ÷; € vthl{ t{lifiQ the law. The res oI ne oclaJisic pro- -e ...... '; -Y'------2Y-:--"'LL:Olist'ri I program will be fought to a finish means oi ranpuruaumu tuu - [ . • .. ,, • .. • ''"* .... " -* "n" other undertaldn- ne plaIorm writ appeal to nose :tt.a ..o,arv tn nrevent nrofiteer- who hold soeiallst ideals, but should ']',= ............. "--"  [merit scant sympathy from those Public ownership and control of [ p, ople who. believe in the American [all natural resources, including water ]]aea!s.--w.) ] power sit, I  ....... / Th)l"a f'Ort {o Sbcuee a Juz i ........ ].L. ,' . ......... n f indus- State o£ Ohio, Glt]? Of %'oleos, LId try; labors right to organize; to Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is Ibar[ain collectivety tnrougn repre- senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chen_o ,'+ ..... • ;+o ' ...... bossing" and & Co., doing business in the City of T0- , .... 9::o . ...... "." ." ." 9'. lode County and State aforesaid and that tO strike untaampereu Dy ne in3unc- said'firm win DaY ho sum of ONE HUN- i tion. I)RED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh I Recognition of the justness of the hat caunot be cured by the use of ' IALL'S CATARRIff MEISICNI. claim of ex-setwice men for adequate FRANK J. CHENET. compensation for their service and vorn to before me and subscribed in their right to stand for art ;orion my presenoe, this th day of December, #k. D. 188 /J "¢rll)P,-[3rHtofl Company, 1107 Broadway. New Yo'rk City__ .. of L,IG democracy for which they Seal) A.W. Gleason. Notary Public. 3eoullt, I-IALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE li tak. We St']fientiy bppose compulsory en internally and acts through the Blood ........................... military ;raining. OnDruggists.the Mucouse.SurfaceS.TestimonialsOf the free,SYstem' - ............. Progritm of Legislation F.J. Chene' & Co.. Tole0o, Ohio. 0 f{EPEgEN Ci{Y iN SUIT THOSE WHO WbL LOUDEST I The 'creation Of a State Labor De- - .............. For the purpose of representg oAndoc.?:::nOf:h( 'O(ieaBllgunY:niOiIPhee badllt:i{)! ! the city of Tacoma in litigation in- N volving the title to certain property bor are three elements of society I-. - labor f0i ;h¢ "llr"oe of IUllMl$'/]['[' needed for right-of-way for a power passing resolutions demanding "free _n: o ...... $",r ' d Pxtnd transmission line from the proposed speech" and "freedom of the pre.,"I[:c'Yt;;;'i%  t: Soged-oe ..a for sale to actual Lake Cushman power project, Percy I The trouble seems to be thatthosei '#, ,, .h' ,, "h W6kS settlers, Pce $3.00 per acre and up ,, ect Ior me pro'exon vi  . , P. Brush, assistant attorney; Ira S. Iwho are always howling for free-] v.,,,oM, oi, n the. bCtiO a'ceed|tl to location, topography and ldom of the prses want freedom for . "'r%' "-"" enrahchs--ht '0 Davvisson,water, andC°mmissi°nerMorton Taylor,el lightselwiceand their own newspapers and class or-Imat,more,$ tthd hb"oss  httatter of soil. Liberal terms of engineer of the light department, gans, but ill not tolerate other news- ... {' - f marria-e ttt payment and interest on deferred I i i ' ,cuzensmp oecause o g - payments at the rate of six percent went to Shelton Saturday to appear papers and publ cat on exercmes , ...... *o- '^' 'o oa of the f o i "o a , ................... ,._ per annum. Liberty bonds, taken In ih the Mason County superior 'court. freedom o p m n nd thought ....... '^ -ro-"in .......... Imtmtve and app)mation of the recall payment at par. Engineers locating the route of the I .... s w g enumenz agamsz ta all elective lces, and the right SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY proposed line were ordered off the radical labor organizations and their, to amend the state "constitution by property of Frank MaeKean in Ma- demands for the closed shop is the'th initiative son County about a week ago and direct result of the abouse of power l v.., ..... , ,wrs and credit the city brought action against Mac- by radical agitators who favor class ...... ,','at]'" d v . . .' or bankL ......... es an_. a s_s- Automobile Wheel and Kean asking that he ben restrained control., and domination of the m-Itrn ......... sf e]tv. ,tt° -'state marketing from interference.--Tacoma Tribune. dwdual by a small group of auto-I Lar, dana loan settlements, equit- Spring Repairing cratic leaders, able disability compensation, and a BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS ___ N  Idollar a day for ex-service men for AND RECORDS AT J.OUR AL STATIONERY SHOP. their period" of service, the money to Your wheels and springs can be repaired on short notice. Save yourself the cost of new ones. Bring them to me. ............ GENERAL .................. BLACKSMITHING C. H. HILLMAN How Funds'are Built Up! The power and influence for thrift which this institution exercises in your community is immense. For instance, this bank has more than 12,000 cus- tomers--one depositor in every home in Tacoma. fi The seed of great fortune in every America was the saving habit. The present owners of such fortunes may not have to save today, as we regard savings. Nevertheless, every spare nickel was placed in the bank when they were accumulating for the big • event--their start in life. fi ,Savings Banks all over the country were founded for the principal uur- pose of caring for the savings o: me people. Let us help you £o accumulate your surplus. Thousands of our customers de- posit by letter. Let us send you our booklet "Banking by Mail." "'N O W- A ' D AY S" says the Good Judge "' A man can get a heap mor satisfactionfromasmallchew I of this class of tobacco, than ] he ever could get from a big chew of the old kind. i 1 He finds it costs less, too. The good tobacco taste lasts so much longer he doesn't need• to have a fresh chew nearly" as often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. • :'.: . Put ub in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a shot:t-cut tobacc( Gasoline and Oils Tires and Tubes V ulcanizing We are now able to supply every one of your automobile needs. We have plenty of gasoline and oil for everyone and will repair your tires and tubes while you wait. Our service is what counts. "For Better Service" Needham & Clothier Maxwell Building, Railroad Ave., Shelton. Phone 463. illl i IF i "HARRY FORD II I Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. A square deal to all is our motto. Mil1 at Matlock- Yards at Shelton. .... THE UH IV|RIt&L , The Ford ear can well be called the 'eople cars" because there: are more than 3,000,000 of them in daily operation. That is about: four to one to the nearest follower in the motor car industry. This woul d not be to if the Ford car had not for sixteen years proven its superiority in service, in durability, and in the low cost for operation and maintenance; this would not be so if the Ford car was not so easy to understand, so simple in cOnStruction that anybody and every- body can safely drive it. It is everybody's necessity because it doubles the value of time, and is the quick, convenient, comfortable,. and economical method of transportation, We solicit your order. We have the full line, Touring Car, Runabout, Coupe, Sedan, Truck. We assure you the best poible in repai work with th genuine:Ford, Parts, WAILACE JOHNSON MOTOR CO. Shelton, Washington