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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920 PAGE THR lkT0 hou or bundlng, regardless of how well • • constructed, can long withstand the elements -without the protection of good paint. Sunshine, rain, snow, ice and wind; all have their :harmful effects in one form or another. Many old s t r uctures are in bet- t e r condi- tion than compara- tively new ones be- PAINT Every bru.hful of FULLER Paint applled te your house or building means not only protection against destructive elements, but keeps up ap- pearances as well. FULLER Paint saves a great deal more than it costs. 71 years of FULLER Paint-making Ex- perience has established a high standard of quality. Take a few minutes and make a survey of your house or building. And remember--there's a FULLER Paint or other Product for everythg that needs preserving or beautifying. Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Year Town cause .' they have been h r e s erred rough the use o good palat. W. P. Fuller & Co. 1849-1920 11 Northwest Branches at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise ESTIMATE OF SCHOOL EXPEN- SES AND RECEIPTS. (Districts of the First Class) School District No. 309, Mason County. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of School Dis- tiict No. 309, Mason County, State of Washington, estimate that said school district will need during the school year beginning July 1st, 1920, the muount shown by the itemized statement printcd below. This esti- mate is subject to revision and the STrMOS :FO:i PSZGATIOI, No. 1644. In tile Superior Court of the State of Vashington for Ma.on County. Margaret McDonald and Herbert Clin- ton, e-partners, doing business un- der the llrm name and style of,, Mc- Donald & Co., plaintiff, vs, J. L. Ford and ,lane l')oe ]*'ord. whose true (hristtan name ts to plaintiff un- known, his wife. defendants. Tile state of Vrashington to .T. L. l?'ord anll ,lalle 1lee l,'()l'l, %vhose true eill'lstlllll Ilanlc |s to plaintiff nnknown. ills wife (h,fen(lsnis: YOU Illld each of you fire llerehy 4ulnnlonod ill el)pear within sixty (60) days after l  1 ': {  11 tile first I)ublie'allon of tills sunllllOllS, to ,Vi[: within sixty MEASURED BY LOYALTY Radicals are howling because they say they are denied the right of "free speecIF' and "free assemblage," or at least that right is threatened. Judging from the history of the past few months that rigllt certainly has not been threatened but quite the reverse. It has been giwm too much license. What they really de- mand is right to unhmnpered ad- vocate the destrl:lci;ien of property and property rig'his, and 1)remote revolution for the overthrow of the board of school directors of the I (lays afler IIw 3rd day of Seplember, ii!)')0, lIl(l def,,nd lhe ab( ve entitled so- above named district will meet at lion in lhe ab,)ve entitled Court and 5 o'clock P. M., M omtay, October 4th, ,msw,-r ti c mH)iutnt of the plahltiff iat ohl school building, for the pur- and s:,rve a eel y at' your answer hi)on lhl undt)rslglled" tltterlloy for plIlhllilT pose of giving" ally taxpayer an op-Ii iis ) ice l)qow stated cud in ease [portunity of being "heard 'in favor ',r you,. failure so to do. Jud#rment will er al4'ainst any |)reposed tax levies." he egatnst you actor(liner to A more detailed statement of the lmr- loses for which the proposed levy is to be expended is now on file in the ollice of the clerk of the district and is open to inspection. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES Gencral Fund Expense of general control ...................... $2,965.00 Expense of instruction .... 13,528.00 Expense of operation of school plant ................. 2,370.00 Expense of maintenance of school plant .......... 1,537.00 Expense of auxiliary agencies East ball of Northeast Quarter (E ½ of NE ) of Section Thirty Two (32). I ...................... 4,100.00 Township Twenty One (21) North. Panent of outstanding war- Range Three (3) West W. M. rants and warrant, interest You are hereby further notified that I ............. , ........ 1,200.00 in case Judgment is rendered against I Equipment of old buildings and ou, the lien of said attachment will e enforced and said property or so I grounds ............... 100.00 much the, reef as shall be necessary Total .................. 25,800.00 ESTIMATE OF RECEIPTS. State current school fund ....................... 11,000.00 County school fund ...... 5,000.00 Miscellaneous ............ 600.00 High school adjustment .. 3,000.00 Total .................. 19,600.00 Amount to be raised by dis- trict tax .............. 6,200:00 Dated August 6, 1920. F.C • . MATHEWSON, lerk of School District No. 309, Mason County. It is the duty of the county com- missioners to make sufficient levies for bond interest and 0end redem- • ior, lkwd, in addition to the above e: t:.mates. Amount to be raised for redemp- tion of Bonds, $1500.00, Bond Inter- est, $387.00. 9-10-17-2t. GLASSES THAT ARE RIGHT. DR. G. R. RIDGEWAY Optometrist Graduate of Two Optical Schools. 108 E. 4th Office Phone 129 Olympia, Wash. Res. Phone 342Y HELTON INDEPENDENT Daily Schedule, effective on and after September 15th I I II I Ill II I I I LEAVES OLYMPIA ill 9:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 5:80 p. m. LEAVES SHELTON 7:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. $ .50 .75 1.00 1.25 Shelton to Old Kamilche . Shelton to Schneider's Prairie Shelton to Mud Bay .... Shelton to Olympia ..... Phone 421. Leaving Shelton from Hotel Shelton. Olympia to Schneider's Prairie $ ,50 Olympia to Old Kamilche . . .75 Olympia to Cushman's . . . 1.00 Olympia t ° Shelton .... 1,25 Phone 27. Leaving Olympia from Braeger's Place. i i i i Thomps,on and unbar Owners and Operators / 111, dr,mend *d' the colnldalnt whloh llas 1)l'(?ll tiled "with tile eh,rl, tll (otlrt. The dki(l o' this at'lion is tO obtain Judgment against you In. the shill Of 'l'ilree ]llundred alld Nllle ])oI- htrs and 23 cents ($309,2,% for goods. ° wares and nlerehandtse heretofore sold and delivered to you by platnliff. You are hereby furiller notified tilal Ill,tin- tiff has heretofore caused a Writ of Aitae'hment to be issued In this cause slid has placed the same In the bands of the shertff of Mason County, Wash- ington, for service ,and tlutt satd slier- tff has heretofore under said rrtt lev- ied upon and attached certain real rcperty belonging to you In the County of Msson, State of Washington, de- scribed as follows: to satisfy Judgment will be sold and the proceeds applied to the satisfac- tion of said Judgment In the manner )rovlded by the laws of the State of Washington. CTAS. R. LE%VTN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Ofltce and Postomce Address, Rooms 7 &  l,umbermen's Building, Shelton, Washington. Date of first publication, September 3. 1920. 9-3-10-15-7t. No. 566. :S'OIC:£ O ODITOS In the Superior Court of the State of %Vasiltngion for Mason County. Ia Probate. In the Malterelf the Estate of IIRTHA MARIA NELSON, l)eceased. Notle'e is hereby given, that the I undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as executor of the estate of Btrlha Maria Nelson, deceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased Sl'I hereby reqtlired Io serve the same. (lilly verified, on said execu- tor or his attorney of record at the address below stated, and tile the same with tiu: clerk of said court, to- gether with proof of sucb service with- in six (6) months after the date of flrsl publication of this notice, or same will be barred. Date of first publication September 17, 1920. NELS C. NELSON, Executor of said Estate. Address Matlock, Wash. OH.AS, R. I.,E'VIS. Attorney for Estate, Roams 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Bldg., Shelton. ,Vash. 9-17-10-8-4t '0. SS9. IOTZO TO O'DZO8 O Z.G]I o'r.Az8. In the Superior Court of tte'-State 'of • V/ashtngton. for Mason County. ]n Probale. In the 1Malter of tbe Estate of JOHN VAI,I(O, l')eeeased. NOTICE IS tIEI).EBY GIVEN, That l,etters of Administration on the Es- tate of John Walko, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the 4th day of September, 1920, by the said Superior Court:. All persons having claims against said estate are required to serve them wltll tile necessary vouchers upon hie at the Law OHtee of Alden C. Bayley, Slelton, rashingten, that being the laee of business of said estate, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit, with- in six monils after tile 17th day of Sepember, 19211. and file the same with the clerk of this Court together with proof of such service, or they shall be forever barred. Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 17th of September, 1920. MIKE I-II,IBOI{I. Administrator of the Estate of 3ohn Valko, Deceased. ALT)EN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Ad- ministrator, Shelton, vVash. 917-108-4 No. 568. In the Superior Court of the State of ashington for Mason County. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Carl Jacobsen, Deceased. Notice is bereby given that the nnderslgned has been appointed and has qualified as administrator of the estate of Carl Jacobsen, deceased; that all persons having laims against said deceased or against said estate are hereby required to serve, the same, duly verified, on said administrator or his attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the clerk of the Court, togethor with proof of suoh service within SIX (6) months after the date f first publication of this notice, or the sane ,wil be barred. Date of first publication September 3, 1I0, SOPHUS JACOBSEN, Administrator of Said Estate. Address Matloe'k, Wash. CHAS. R, LEVIS, Attorney for Estate, Rooms 7 and 8 Lumbmn¢° Building, Shelton, Wash. 9-3o24-4t. For Your Sunday Dinner for your party.--for you at any time, our ce cream is the 'cream to eat. It is as good as can be made, pure and tasty. Let us serve you some to-day and learn of the difference in our ice cream and the other kind. All flavors. gPvernment. N o ()thor l'overn]mnt en eart:h has been so tolerant with this bunch as we have. A free gov- ernment guarantees lo all citizens no m:ttter of what so-c.)lled "class," the same privileg'es and rights to in- dividual happiness, and to prosper by individual effort in f;tet equal liberty to all, but nowhere does it give the right to unbridled license, or the right to violate the laws, or to step on the rights of others. Your radical wants to dictate what kind of a g,'overnment, we }v:ve,, .. what. ldn(t of industry we carry on m ths country, without gxanting the non-radical the same right. As someone has said, the right of any American, man or women, to enjoy the privilege of "free speech" and "free assembly" should be measured by the loyalty of that individual to the American flag.--Chehalis Bee-Nugget. STALLAl{- CHANGE OF FRONT H. H. Stallard, high just now in the councils of the Non-Partisan League and who at Ykima a few weeks ago defended the league in a debate with Senator Coman has suffered a change of viewpoint. Here is what Stallard wrote to a socialist organ published December 20, 1917: "I am now in Idaho and I am sorry to report that many good comrades have been misled into going into the Non-Partisan League. I can't see how a socialist could be fooled into paying ;16 to the league and leave his own organization to suffer. So'cialists be- lieve jn democracy and if there ever was an autocratic organization on emh it is the Non-Partisan League. Yau may pay your $16 in and that is all you have to say about itthey never make a report of what becomes f the money. They say if you will visit headquarters at Minneapolis you can look over the books. "Well that may be all right fo some, but for me, give me the old so- cialist organization that is world- wide and a financial report of' a) money received and how it was, spent is furnished to the humblea memhen We have no secrets. Soci'aHsm is, the issue throughout the civilized world and you should ty with :fu.r organization and bull4  pJ'- SALARIES NOT FORGO'ffrEN" The alliance is more liberal than the old parties with their ofls The chairman of its central eotmi tee gets $250 a month and traveh'ng, expenses; a vice chairman and ec, etary-treasurer each $20 a mttth with traveling expense not to ex, ceed $6 a day. The athm, cmmtttm men when engaged in the general work of the orgaazation; get $? a day and travelin expense. Salaries are paid weekly. The term ot h officers are two years. Tlmr ar fifteen committeemen, and if' they have the leisure there seem ta be no reason for saying that they can- not all he engag in m'ganiation work, am they alone determine the necessity. Of .course this org, a.ntza. tion extends d0wa ,0 he ¢l,ctia ptx¢Incts,x, SHEET MUSIC--Quite an assort- ment of recent Issues Just came from ;he East. Journal StationeT Shop. i [ • INSYDE TYRES SAVE !! Tire trouble and money Order a set toda" and double the life , " your tires. J. B. RANSOM Phone 625, Shelton, Wash. PAULSON'S SOFT DRINK STORE illll i i i i i i ill i i ii PLUMBING General Repair Work SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C. F. WILSON PHONE 104 Shop at Fifth and Cedar. !i  'i :ii il ]i ;i! i!