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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ..... "&apos;" PAGE :FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920 _ IN SUPERIOR COURT [ ...,4 Po..--al _=-t Judke Wilson, who is now taking --_ L, vt,.a sst,s ,---. m his turn at residing over the Mason == _-- . .P: . -- County dlvmlon of the corn% heald = = the following matters at the Satur- 111111111111111111V411!II IIItlllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllilllliUIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII • day session: C. H. Ford of Lower Satsop was a A winter's supply of coal for the business visitor to town Weunesday. new hospital arrived last week. E. J. Murnen spent the week-endl Now that everybody has gas there with 31r-. Murnen who is visiting is more time to think of other here. troubles. Mr. and Ml:s. Frank H. Lamb of [ A daughter was born on Septem- Hoquiam were visitors here over last ber llth to Mr. aml Mrs. Jamcs unuay. Dorsey, Shelton. Mrs. S. G, Simpson returned to Seattle on Wednesday after spending the summer in town. F. M. Curl and HemT Wesserling drove to town from Allyn on a busi- ness trip Wednesday• Rev. Addison Self left Wednesday for Seattle where he will attend a Near East convention. Miss Nellie Maxwell arrived last week for a three weeks vacation from her hospital work in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Castle of Olym- ia visited at the Charles Saeger ome in Isabella Valley this week. Robert Swan and Thomas McDon- ald leave today for the winter term at the Washington State College at Pullman. , A1. Munson was over from Olym- pia Tuesday to cast his vote at the pmmary election, and size up pout- lcal conditions. i Most of the county voting districts were represented in town Wednesday by election officers ringing in the returns, Mr. and' Mrs. Brent Auseth are the parents of an ll-pound baby girl born at the home of iVh:s. Carrie Diggs at Agate. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ambler of Seattle are happy over the arrival of an eight-pound daughter at their home on September 9th. The closing "days of last week were about as wet as Puget Sound has to offer, and .effectually' ended the touring for this fall, unless there should be a few weeks of continued good weather ahead. Two scow loads of sand and gravel arrived last Saturday and a fleet of trucks has been busy this week haul- ing it to Mill Creek where it will be l used in the construction of the con- crete highway bridge at that point• Chas. Olson vs. Mason County, suit for damage to auto by county truck. Motion for a new trial and former costs by defendant was de- nied, and plaintiff was given judg- ment for dmnages $57 nad all costs to date $53. City of Tacoma vs. Frank Mac- Kean. hearing had on restraining order and temporary inunction is- sued against defenlant qnterfering with work of plaintiff's employes. Insanity of Ivor Guilberts. exam- ination had and man committed to asylum at Steilaeoom. Estate John Walko, deceased, no- tice t o creditors and appraisers ap- pointed, Chas• Wivell, Chris Bald- vih and John Hliboki. Estate Births Maria Nelson, de- ceased, will admitted to probate, Nels C. Nelson appointed executor. MasOn County vs. Fred. Nicklason and many others, general tax fore- clusurG certificate No. llq Case No. 1327. Order appointing Chas. R. Lewis to represent and protect in- terest of defendants as to their mil- itary status• City of Tacoma vs. George H. Funk- et ux, proceedings begun for comlmnnation of certain lands on th6' Sltokomish river and over Mason County for power site and transmis- sion lines as a public utility required by the municipality. Next Saturday, September 18th, tke following applicants for 'citizen- ship will appeal" and be examined regarding their qualifcations: Leslie Muller and Chas. A. Paine, Shelton; Edward Karten Christensen, Tahuya; Methodist Episcopal Church ,o  : Sunday Services Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock• Preaching 11 o'clock. Evening Sewices at 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Thursday evening. The public is cordially invited to these meetings. W. H. Thomas, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m. },iorning Selwice a 11 a. m• Young Peoples meeting at 7 p. m. Evening setwice at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. You are cordially invlted to attend these services. Addison Self, Pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH "St. Edward's Catholic Church" On 2nd Sundays first Mass is at a. m. and second Mass at Skoko- mish at 10:45 a. m. On fourth Sundays mass at 9 a.m. Benediction after mass. Mass 'Monday morning. Father Benedict Schweizer, O. S.B. H. Sauer, pi•actical painter and decor- ator, Shelton. 9-2. NOBLES LEAVES TO A;rTEND NEW YORK ART SCHOOL Mr. Orrie N: Nobles of Union City left Sunday for New York City where he will enter an art school. LET THE CHILDREN KODAK Of course they can make a picture of grandma--the kind of a picture that you'll be glad to treasure• The can make pictures of their playground pals, ms well, and their pets. There is nothing confusinr about a Kodakand a Brownie is even simpler. KODAKS $9.49 UP--BIIOW..NI:S' $2.86 UP Fir Drug Store HOME COOKING QUALITY AND SERVICE THE BEST PLACE TO EAT IS AT Paine's Restaurant SAVE ,OUR SHOES E. M. timothy hay ........... 45•00 BROWN-GR1GGS tButter, two pounds .......... 1•45 __:=:=- - :==-,,N..,.-.---- - • Fear. will help out the need for houses to IBest lard, ten pounds ......... 3A)0 .......... ----- : .... Scott Hayes, a fomner resident but I. N. Wood left Wednesday for Se- now in business in Eugene, Oregon, Win. Dave Regal, Camp 1. Mr. Nobles and his brother who is attle where he will look over the where his sbn Henry is a student in Any ex-soldier who desires natur- manual training teacher in the Brem- jewelry market and select goods for the state university, was in town yes- alization can appear before the court erton high school have just completed • " trade terday for a (lay on business and to in Olympia September 21 wlth his the construction of the Nobles home °HORT ORDERS ICE CREAM the holiday .... 2_ meet'everybody within reach. He re-discharge and two "witnesses who on the Navy Yard highway, one UICK SERVICE AND LUNCHES Marfield Boleolm of Seattle is a ports a prosperous business and his can vouch for his identity for the mile above Union. The oromers aiu member of the crew of engineers family enjoying health, necessary preliminary hearing before all the work and finishing them- who started work at the Lake Cush-  federal agents, whicfi is reqmred be- selves and the house is considered .......... :: - ................. - man power this week. Mr. and Mrs. Reed and family this fore they can file petition for cit- by far the finest in the Canal dis- -:---:- - =- ..... ;- ...........  _• I week returned to toyn from their izenship. [triet. . ....  ....... " J. B. Shelton was in Olympia 1;; summer place at 2maelanndil atd Wn:ll w . I day attending the meeting, oI , 1 [occuPy their old h ' m' " ' "  SUND BALCH I '" CARD OF THANKS state e ualization board in the ine '- I residence is finished and furn•.ned , , : - I q " " " r - i est of the Mason ounty assessment which will requre another month o - - 'A /  ouI heartfelt fi res. Itwo. In meantime Mrs. S. G. Sin,p-I' ' At ;t!m residence of Rev; W.r.A_. !.:we wish to xp .,. " . . , r .........  .- gu • . , • ' a art- .M "or m beame on eptemDer lom tnanKs to our neigntmrs and iriemts  " A T T T T..I'I_-I '. ort TrlTF "1. ....... son letmns to .he Seatt!e P}  a.._ rx:,.,. Dn e..A cluny t r of l.,, *1, W f vtr edge for the Ir' .lt.lAJ .It.k. .IaA.M -=-' t.a.. vv .,.x,-a. w • " eIt l;nls e ts o s en(l mosl oi Wllt, rua ,u,, ,u.u, __oh_e ................ ,,. L , , lVl, ss Frentne Faubert l.m ..isit linenS,but exec,2, in uture in the [:Mrr:ahd Mrs. C. J. Sund, of Sund's l many kindnesses and floral offerings a,,,,a en q'her- oldeauxs before entre g home fitted fol her oceup y wth the B .• ............. 1-, " IbezriBalch both being wel-known[funeral of our dear husband and  ___ .... ,,1 T -,4,,,1 T,'t' the Univeysky .or wasnmgon wmc, I • 1" u uanm" a-oveva • hem• Lake, . / and'pbpular' young people, and both | father.. We also, wish to thank those rues JO]]].{:: i:IILt .L.Ittl,tt.*AA ,aAt, opens nex week .... A: •   ....... .on h, [of .:uiother families: of the Canal dis- | who rendered the beautiful musical ..... -__ _   -' ..... A %-i,-, Rev. W. B. Waddington was avis- [ _ _ ,._the Antlers Hotel was closes or me ,tc t. '" "? ..... , "'.."..° ,d2"u.l :Y'';2:2" d P L., ......... ,, .,aa,o,, " ..... %VdJJ£my tEolmasi[°frie%drsSrhea°dbS:ah e/eeaS°nprthicah;i:;oi:i'uPSi 2°;Pi:it!iciie6y!:i/ • i u. o/ ,:: ., Parker's Lucky Curve Fountain Pens b that he had been transf Y ,, . i month, because " " ' "P t "" the ceremon'" | * -  ' ' recent' conference to the Methoms;Ithe county bridges and they had just IPev;w%l:%pr:satlA  de=-rted next |''' : CARD OF THANKS .... - ---- • no ualmie: been re laced. Mr. Burbank will zw ": a , "S.. " . ] * ' 4_ " , r Chulch at S q ua,mm. [ ....  'M p ,mav to Seattle, for the ]morm*g for:San Francisco, and plan ! .... _ ::. o,. .... SHELTON PH/kRMACY a " ................ " ' -- ¢ ta s d some* Urn" e on a noneymoon I we Tel;uITI our ;,iu,..3 .......... ---•-- ' ,  , , , Mrs. C W. Bullock of Island Lake winter, .but expects .to open. earlY lh)reri,, iHrough Soltlern Cal- to those" ldnd h;iends and neighbors ' L B" ALLPHIN, Prop. , rtainin net tromer-m-mw, next ' ear 'ior a tmsy season. - -'  .... :" ' -  " ave comfmt and as ....... x vas e nte g- ,€o and her [ Y ' ' "  ' " ...... lilbiNlg. Tllelr county r}enrt wll ]WhO so Ireeiy,:g . ... " " '  ,, .,[-d.:-,- .... -n n a -eanuts--fresh every day. ur• bameron ox. , ...... .---- * - '. , ,,,,'lhem both nlcau'ro and success sisance ]n our .grea ereavemen, "ry our ue. u,.,v .... . brother Mr. Granv, of Hamilton, .Onl After a month at bos 'Angems, "-%': t'- .......... - ........ 'a t for tie many beautiful floral ' ........ tario, and returned to eattle wzn [ Mrs. B. H. Allen and her sister: Mrs. ]' ':' ,:: I., , ' ' , ' ] orings' " : : them £o a shot stay. Gemge W: Drahmn, are at their. ' NELSON'GREENE j L  * Mts. Wm. Cooper and family_. . , '  i "',, ,. _ homes agam.' They returned yeste- I " --  '  ' ' ' \\; Mr. and Mrs. Ted callow nave re-lday" In the soutbern city they pass-} r: ............. I ' 'I; ;-7'--- .... . .... moved to Ehna from MauocK m,ed" four .weeks with their mther, I 2t uamand, tanornm, on op- I I ,', , : . ' r '  order lace the}r childxen i n the . W' Kneeland, who is con-itember 1st was consummated thel{P.IVrtt! llAVUqP DEIDT I I v T'r "l r#=rT'% l'Tg,lr- O to p Ms H  school here. 'Mr. Callow will. still valescing a£tr.recejving i_njuies jnlmarlage of lss I, rances Elaebeenth'Olll!Ull lvl/nan/nm-unt AY '- X'UU][' nul: look af:te't his lo ging. ineress a an aUtomobile accident. ,Mrs..Jnee- ........  .emor o mr._ unarms wpono U'er s"  ' . • • romcle o return to 01ymma for and the wedding has specml mt e (R  sed Setembe " 16, 1920 .... Matloek--Elma C • I land Inns t , . • • - , ..... , ,r : • ' " " hem at the re er tnne It ------7 _. ;, inn inefinfte vimt wthm a month orlto ths commumt. where the .tde BdtterJat ...$ .6O by letting us repmr t P P • cnmld ale fl has hve(1 and g]own to ouctdmg S. Mr. and Mrs. J. A& Ic " ....  ,two.--Olympid DR" y. ' '" od 'an" tlete wiil be m[ain "* Oats, per ton".'.'•:: ........... 65.00 means a great saving at the present pt]ee o£ shoe this week stayin at tne l-loel ne- , Iwomanro , • u , " "  Potatoes, per ton bOO0 ton while Mr. Scmidt is undergoing Mr. and Mrs. George Lawler dro, o here o extend bet wjshes to the Eg s " ............... 50 YOU can rely on our work absolutely. We nanmea treatments for injm'ies receives sev-tl°ver from Tacoma Wedncsday on halp?: young couple, q:h9 tgroo ai  ..... :i(Jdl'f'rfJ; ....... line of the best loggersboots and heavy and light weeks ago xnen ne.3as i.}un sevelal busmeSsalemahs, OnenorthOt l a ormer serviCebut man ' o  St'g n, new, pet lound •::::: :r,2 work shoes at pLmes" that are L00vln lower,. by his car while cranking ]vbich was the of timber I B 'eme -ton, r0tunc,1 to 1}!s home I';at, 1'25 pomds _ , tel town to Swan & Johnson, who at Oakhmd and civi inn m(. l ne [corn L "" 4..0 rs W H Thomas, wno e o n m that d(( [blde s th( younger daughtm of 5 Rev and M • ._ . .. [will continu 1 ggi g " , '",-, '" "  .... i r : " li'Ou'il i''i;y'': :::::::::::: s?, 11 u oaev,,a!,P etlVI'aM annual u r \\;xme Ms H Nelson io]memy have been ..... attedmg the • tion Mr and Mns Lawle, '." t Mr. ....... and ". C. -' ,• " ' . [Of! meal ..................... " " 55o n. lvl. lWOrdlVhl,. Olllihltl,l • E. conference at ely.rap}a, have one residents of Shelton some 25 years: of Oyster Bay, now resmcn m Looicho p 3 45 to spend a week with their daughter ]ago. Angeles. iill r'tln," "80" ioun(is" "::. : .... 2.60 ewlle befole retulnng o Th second colts e, ommtlly a 0 at Coup .... - e ,g ","  . • - |Alfalfa ltay .............. :.. 38.0 Shelton, which will continue to .be part of the Reed ]ome, has been , ' " Mr. Thomas' charge for the eommg made over into a neat cottage m,d Miss Edith Broum, (laught,er of Bacon, per pound ............. 55 Mr. and Mrs. A• K. Brown of Thurs- Ham, per pound ... ........... 50 ton ounty, became the wife of Mr. Flou, pet' sack .............. 3.65 =ioward R. Gri:g's, son of Mr. and Oats ........................ 4.00 Mrs. R. N. Gnggs of tbis city at S:atch feed .................. 4.50 [Olympia on Saturday, September 11. Alfalfa me.'fl ................ 2.00 ITte ceremony was performed by .... ___ __ lustiee Crosbv of th't city. They [,:iil make hmir home at icCleary ,,*here Mr. 00,',ggs emplo, e(l by Attractive the McCleary Lumber Company. SPECIALS Ill, t0r Saturdays Government InsPected Meats • Always the Best I PEERLESS 00ARKET I Dalton's Restaurant I I Ulll (Formerly Wheeler's) SF NOT YOU ARE OVERLOOK- ING THE BEST AND HAND" IEST PLACE TO GET YOUR MEALS. Short Orders OWl, ?ll, ZOlI All ZO:I "Iome of Good Coffee" DALTON BROS. Prop. Ladies and Hisses ,Coats A part of our new fall line of coits for ladies and misses are now in stock, nd you will find they are a very desirable line of excellent ma- terials and styles, with a pleasing variety of colors and trimmings. Prices range from $25 to $48.00. SCHOOL SHOES We are prepared to fit the school children from a nev fall stock of shoes." $3.50 to $5.50 for the dependable scuffers and from $5.00 to $7.00 for the heavy shoes with high top. CHILDREN'S DRESSES A few sizes in Children's, Gingham Dresses, good style, $1.50 to $2.00. McDonald & { F,,, ovrxrr, PROPERTY AT OTIOm OF &PPOrTM'T Oe IG. brgain, two-story residence m [ BoNarOtlceof iouI,eboml|oJht htah: good order and two lots, €aeat[mae..^ follmowing,, a,[,Otit%?t gf ' walks and all improvements, down] c'u'%V'e'l'.ha{o£' ....... " .^__ ^ ,I^. rie for -uckl Southside--Mrs. Clyde Jones--ooks wu a,,. "  "- , i tO be ,kept at Rldence. ,ale $1600. For terms and iafor-i " ,,,e,k ;, t°'O Ot- m$,OD illqlllre at Journal 4ta, commtsstone; 9.nA4.1t Mr. and Mrs--W. E.------Parker return- rent. ed last,Friday from an auto trip ot PEOPLE SAVING MONEY Puyallul where they visited friends. They also looked over the ruins of the Blew mill plant which had burned On page eight will be found the the preous day, covering three ouarterly statement of the State blocks and entailing a loss (if about ]3ank of Shelton which continues to show that resources of the home in- stitution of more than a million don lars, over $300,000 of which is rep- resented in the savings accounts of the farmers and citizens who are not in business• It wouhl indicate a healthy business condition and also that the people generaqy were pros: perlng under present conditions an(t even laying up for the rainy day. HIGHWAY TROUBLES The sections of highway under im- rovement between Shelton and lympia are well-nigh impassable in several spots on account of the recent rains, and one adds several miles to the distance• Travel %hat way s $400,000. o Mrs. 'Joseph Ritner and twins and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hunter and daughter Ruth ,of Olympia and Mrs. Badderl}', of Aberdeen spent last week-end at the Ritner home here. Miss Hunter left this week for Drain, Oregon, where she will teach school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Hall of Bristol, Conn., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gill at Allyn• The faro- flies are 'connected by rearrange, Mrs. Gill's brother, the late Rev. R. R. Reynol4s having been the husband of Mrs. HklFs niece. Mrs. Reynolds is at uresent deaconess of the Vl. E. Churc at Bristol, Conn. Mr and M" seber of Upper having its troubles and the autos are -. .- r. " -;isitors Monda- having hard sledding. It is also Kol(omsn were v. . -" reported that the contractor on the, MI Lebe who s ragging on  e ". ", " Southshore road has failed to finish uper river ndnhaabemendhdttlol t up his work before the Weoeatt i hm landing b ' g 2 med orl began and that road is c  d f month or so, has Iesu w or a • - [ma,, not be o,,en to travel again this • V J L as the hgh water has cleared awa, l season the logs. The river was yank run/ after the rains of the week. t / -- / yOWLING' FOR STATE AID Dr Silver and Mrs. Graham of Se- - , " stile: who are connected with :he l in A l:oedglg'cultu:stthaS:uahv::n new Clark Creek Logging tomp y ........ ...- ........ *^ on Hood I smtes on a lecture tour. une eve- _t g. . !r ..... ;,, i nlng, niter delivering his lecture, he Canal two roues .emw .rmVl'lon approached a grizzled farmer with were business visitors to  .... , - - - iness connected with ,tne inenion of starting a conversa- yesmaay on us . ' m._ -onke"s and a [tion on the betterment of crop con- me new camp. Awo u  .. • . " te dttmns crew of twent men will eonstitu 1 ,,, *• • • ,, ..... the -ratin  fYorce [ ,.,ooa evemng, mr, sam me agn- w s ...... | culturist. | The frowner regarded him doubt- DAY FAMILY REUNION ]fully for a moment and then said __ /abruptly, "You can't learn me noth= ..A rmmion of _the Day_ family, .. was in'.. .I've,, done 'wore out' two farms held at the George Shorter home mreaay. here last Sunday. Outside membe;s '------'--"- --. of the family present for the o'cdk-  ....... .= ..... sion were: Mrs. Josie Day Mr. and DANCE SHELTON VALLI Mrs. Gene Rogers and son and Mr: ' -- and Mrs. Albert Callow and family A dance will be given at Shelton of Hoquiam; Mr and Mrs. RoIie Day Valley hall on Saturday, September and family of Montesano, and Mrs. 25th. Shelton music. Chicken sup- J. T. Bt{ke and on Howard of per. Will be another big get-to- .Walls Wafts. gether. ,/ 3DROWNED IN CANAL Sheriff Ralph Potts received a rues- sage advising him of the drowning of am employe of the Washington Bml6 Co, who fell from a tug owned by that 'compmv off the bqom of the Stimson Iimber Co., near Belfair Sunday night. It was ported that the unfortunate man cduld not swim and others were un- able to save bim. The body was ot recovered and may be located later somewhere along the shore of the Canal. Iis name was not given. ECONOMICS CLUB CLASSES" The Shelton Home Economics Club wishes to announce that the date of the class to be held bY Miss Suther- land is as yet uncertain and that only members of the club will be I given the lessons. Anyone wishing to join the club may do so by sign- ling the consttuti0n and paying the annual dues of 50 cents to Mrs. Blanche Bell, secretary. Fall Hats ,:':My new fall stock of Milli- nery includes a large num- ber of the latest models. These will meet your ap- <-val. The prices are mod- SHICK'S "-MILLINERY