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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SIX ........... I _ !.,; I  I ii I I LI I I , " , L, ,L-Lh, " , ,[, , Lt, ,h,[' nc '/, [ , WHEN IN: DANGER" OF FIRE PROFESSIONAL CARDS i Walk, but Don Run, in Burning , Building or In Bulnm Frenzy  Keep Coal. When some one shouts "PIre I" in a theater those most likely to be tram- pled down are those who start a wild stampede. Those who keep their heads and act rationally stand better chance of escaping injury," remarks Forbes Magazine. The cry of "FlreI" was re- cently raised in the business world and started a stampede In many quar- ters. Now, it cannot lie donbted that the war time frenzied boom has reached Its zeuith and that prices are reeving downward. It remains to be seen, however, whether It was wise to attempt to force goods on the market at greatly reduced prices and to can- cel orders for fresh supplies on the assumption that producers would also cut their prices drastically In a mad effort to get from under. It is worth noting that woolen, shoe, silk, and certain other manufacturers promptly curtailed operations, thus refusing to gamble to the limit In futures. If pro- duction be curtailed on all sides, then some merchants may find that they overplayed the cancellation game. Goods cannot be produced for some little time at any tremendously lower cOSt than formerly because it takes time for raw materials, labor, taxes and other expenses to fall drastically. Maxwell Maternity Home 711 West Fourth St. Phone 981 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 7J N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the office of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Postoffice Building, Shelon, Wash. Open 9 to 12.---1 to 5 Evening by appointments. A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash. CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEYAT--LAW, Phoe 463. SHELTON, WASH. (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.) THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL II I I =OOSED mffim,ffiNT .o- tA CONSTITUTION. The advice prominently printed on ew York theater programs iS: "In case of fire walk tO the nearest exit. Don't run." This advice might be worth heeding by the business community at this moment, e'RIAD IHAI, MR. COX';"' AND MR. COX DID READ. A little incident connect& with can. didate Cox's recent campaign visit to New York indicates that the Demo- cratic non-ee is striving to forget certain indiscreet editorials which aP- peared in his newspaper, the Dayton ews, before the owner of the paper aspired to the Presidency. As the Democratic nominee was leaving the Hotel Commodore after luncheon a commercial traveler forced his way through the throng of curious spectators and th,'ust into Mr. Cox's hand an editorial clipping which prov- ed to be his denunciation of the commercial travelers of the United States. "Read fist, Mr. Cox," com- manded the traveling man. The Demo- cratic candidate unfolded the frayed column of newspaper matter, glanced at the heading, scanned the first para- graph, flushed scarlet to the ears and crumpling the offensive and offending editorial In his fist mumbled some- thing which none of those near him at the time would repeat and hurried to his waiting automobile. In 1904 one of Mr. Cox'smewspapers denounced the army of trabeling sales- men as "unmitigated bores." What would he say now that he desires their votes?--South Bend (Ind.) Tribua{a Largeat Venomous Snake. The bush master is the largest known venomous snake. It inhabits the Amazonian region in South kmer- ACe. Its teeth and poison apparatus resemble those of a rattlesnake, and the fangs are very large. Death ham been known to occur withiu 10 minutes after the bite of one of these reptiles. It lives in dens and holes In the ground, frequenting river banks and[ does not climb trees. This snake at- tains a length of 12 to 15 feet; the color of its body Is }'eilowlsh pink,,| with brown patterns and tints of pu | pie. J L To be voted on November 2, 1929. An amendment of Section 16, Article I of the state constitution, relating to Eminent Domain. State of Washington. Oillcc of the Secretary of State. To whom il may concern: In obedi- enos to the State Constitution and an act (,f tile legislature, aPl)roved by the Governor March 17, ]919, entitled as fol- lows: "An Act providing for the amend- men) of see)ion 16 of article I of the constitution of the State of Washing- ton, relating to l]nlinent Domain," there is hereby puhll.hed for the consideration oE the voters of the State of vVasiflm- ton the following proposed amendment to the eeustitution of said state: CIAPTIgR 36. (S. i. 257) An Act providing for t.he amendnlent of sm.tion 16 of article l oi: the consti- tution of tte StaLe of "Washington, relating to Eminent l)on]ain. Be., it enacted by the Legislature of tile State of Washington: Section l. That at the general elec- tion to be held tn thts state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Mon- day in November, 1920, there shall be suhlnltted to the qualified electors of the state, for their adoption and approval or rejection ,an amendment to section 16 of article I of the Constitution of the State of "Vashington, so that the same shall when amended, read as follows: Section 16. Private property shall not be taken for private use, except for pri- vate ways of necessity, and for drains, flumes, or ditches on or across the lands of others for agricultural, domestic, or sanitary purposes. No private property shall be taken or damaged for public or rivate rise without Just compensation aving been first made, or paid into court for the owner, and no right-of- way shall be appropriated to the use of any corporation other than municipal until full compensation therefor be first Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyancing Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON i ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelton PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash. I I made in money, or ascertained and paid into court for the owner, irrespective _ ,Passeners, ?naggage of any benefit from any improvement proposed by such corporation, which and - ...rel e'h* compensation shall be ascertained by a t Jury, unless a Jury be waived, as in REASONABLE RATES l other civil cases in courts of record, in PHONE 41, I the manner prescribed by law. When- [ ever an attempt is made to take private D. E. BARREq_'I' ]property for a use alleged to be public |the question whether the contemplated , [use be really public shall be a Judicial ' [question and determined as such, with- |out regard to any legislative assertion GRANT C. ANGLE |that the rise is public: Provided, that t the taking of private property by the ..... o+°r "Public state for land reclamation and set- tlement purposes is hereby declared to be for public use. Passed the Senate March 8 1919. Passed the House Maroh II 1919. Approved by the Governor March 17 1919, SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods Try our fresh roasted peanuts W. H. SNffH NOTE BY SECRETARY OF STATE. The above act flied in the office of the Secretary of State March 17, 1910 I. M, HOWELL, __Secretary of State. There shall be 0rlnted on all ballots I for said election the words: . lit "For the proposed amendment to sac- : on 16 of Article I of the Constitution relative to Eminent Domain." VAgainst the proposed amendment of section 16 of Arttc,le I of the Constitu- tion relating to Eminent Domain." In testimonv whereof, I have here- unto set my l'mnd and affixed the seal of the State of Washington. t Done at olympia, this Ist day of June, ' 1920.. (Seal) I. IW. I-TOWELT, -," Secretary of State. 7-30-10-29-14t. t;OTICE O:I' BAIZE ul" BT&TE :LA2)S Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 5th day of October, 1920, be- tween the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the City of Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, either by the County Auditor of said county, or by a member of the Board of State Land Commissioners of the State of Washington, the following described state lands, together with the improve- ments situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Application o. 77T9, All tide lands of the second class, as defined by section 1 of chapter 36 of the session laws of 1911, owned by the State of Arashington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that part of lot 4, section 26, township 22 north, range 4 west, W. M., meas- ured along the meander line u fob- lows: Beginning at the meander corner to fractional sections 26 and 35, town- ship 22 north, range 4 west, W. M., and .running thence N. 20" E. 4.60 80" E. 8.10 ohalns and N. chains, N. 42" E. 8.80 ohains to the true point of beginning of this decrtptlon thence running N. 6" W. 9.00 chains and N. 9 ° W. 2.56 chains, more or less, to'the mint of lnterseo¢ion of the north flue All the Daily Papers 00:'l'he Olym_pi Li t _ I kl _ J If You Can't Get 'EmUp Try serving fluffy, brown hot cakes - made with  Flour- and there'll be a merry scramble for the breakfast table. Every one likes pan- cakes for breakfast--sort of bucks one up for a good day. And with l of said lot 4 with said meander line with a frontage of 11.56 lineal chains r, mre or less, measured along the mandor line according to a certified copy of the government field notes of the survey thereof on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia, Washington, appraised at $86.70. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised eel',re above stated and upon tie terms and conditions fol- lowing: Terms and Conditions of Sale.--Not less than one-tenth of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale to the otllcer making the sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the ofileer making the sale the full amonnt of the appraised value of the inloroven}ellts, as above stated. One- tenth of the l)Ul'chLse l)rtee nlllSt be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred 1)aynlents at tile rate Of six per ceotllnl per annuln, togetter with accrued interest on any btlance at the same rate: Provided, That any purchaser lav make full payulent of principal, interest and statutory fees .t any time and obtain deed or state patent, The purchaser of ]sod contain- ing timber or otter valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or n]aterlals without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands or the board, until the full amount f the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in the act of the leg- islature approved March 20, 1907, being section 3 of chapter 2[;6 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subJec to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of 1911, relating to easements for rights. of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, mineral and other products over the same. The above described lands are offered for sale in pursuance of an order of the Board of State Land Commission- ers, and an order of sale duly issued and certified by the Commissioner of Publlc Lands of the State of Washing- ton now on file in the office of the county auditor of said county. CLARK V. SAVIDGE, Commissioner of Public Lands. 8-27-10-1-6t NOTICE O SAIE 0' STATE Z,A Notice Is hereby given, that on Tues- day, the 5th day of October, 1920, be- tween the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afterooon, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the city of Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, either by the county auditor of said county or by a member of the Board of State Land Commis- sioners of the State of Washington, the following described state lands, together with the improvements'sltu. ated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder tlerefor, to-wit: Application NO. 11063. NE of S W% of section 16, town- ship 21 north, range 4 west, W. IV[., containing 40 acres, more or less, ac- cording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $1760,00. Im- )rovcments appraised at $1.605.00. Applloatlon No. III03. NW of SE, of eection 36, town- 8hip 23 north, range 2 west, w. M.. containing 40 acres, more or less, ac- cording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $899.00. Im- )rovements appraised at 175.00. Aplalioation No. 11129. SV¼ of SE of section 36, town- ship 21 north, range 3 west, W. [., containing 49 acres, more or less, ac- cording to the •government survey thereof, appraised at $600.00. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions for lowing: Terms and Conditions of Bale.--Not less than one-tenth of the purchase )rice must be paid at the time of sale to the officer making ttte sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of the appraised value of the improvements, as above stated. One- tenth of the purchase price must be paid annually thereafter azn In,crest on all deferred payments at the rate pf six per centum per annum, together With accrued interest on any balance at the same rate: Frovtded, That any purchaser may make full payment of principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed or state patent. The purchaser of land contain- ing timber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaintn$ consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands or the board, until the full amount of the purchase'price has been paid and deed Issued. / All sales of state lands ai'e made subject to the reservations of oils, gaes, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and c)n- dltlons prescribed in the act of the leg- islature approved March 20, 1007, being section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 108 of the Session Laws of 1911, relating to easements for rights- of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, mineral and other products over the same. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920 I I I Ill T hat Stuff May Go in Ward Politics, but Not Here r Reproducel by permission *New Cork Tribune, Inc., Copyrighted 1920. SUD NS IN :]E'OIE CI, OSUE OF TAX LIEN. Case No.- In the Superior Court of tile State of Washington, lu aud for Mason County. %',' VS. Seymour, plaintiff, Vs. Nel- lie 1. \\;Vaxler, a widow, and lot No. 1, Sac. 6, Twp. 24 N,, 1{. 2, V. V¢. M. and Lot No, 4 and Tax No. 043, 75.91 L. C., See, 6, Twp. 24 N,, R. 2, "vV, V. M., and the S, W. Quariier of the N. ]fi. Quarter, Sac. 1, Twp. 24 N, 1¢. 3, %V. W, M,, and the N. E. Quartet' of the S. V. Quarter of Soc. 1, Twp, 24 N. R. 3 V. %V. M. and the S. E. Quarter of the S. W. Quarter of Sec. 1, Twl). 24 N. 1t. 3 x,V. V. M. and the N. W. Quarter of the S.E. Quarter of Bee. 1, 'Fwp. 24 N. 1L 3 W. %V. 1%I. and the S. %V. Quarter of the S. 1!]. Quarter, and Lot No. 5 except Right of Vv'ay in Sac. 1, Twp. 24 N, 1L 3 %V. V. M and all persons uuknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real prot)erty hereinafter described, defen- dants. The State of Washington, To Nellie R. Waxier, a widow, and Lot No. 1, Sac. 6, Twp. 24 N., R. 2 %V. V. M. and lot No. ,t a,ld Tax No. 643 75.91 L. C. See, 6 Twp. 24 N., t.. 2 V. "V. M. and the S. W. Quarter of the N. E. Quar- ter of Sac. 1, Twp, 24 N. R. 3 W. W. iV[. and the N. E, Quarter of S, W. Quar- ter of Sac. 1 Twp. 24 N. 1L 3 W. W. M. and the S. E. Quarter of the S. r. Quarter of Sac. 1 Twp 24 N. tL 3 W, V. M. and the N. W. Quarter of the S. E, Quarter of Sac. 1 Twp. 24 N. R. 3 W. W. M. and the S. W. Quarter of the S. E, Quarter and Lot No. 5 ex- cept Right of Way in Sac, 1 Twp. 24 N. R. 3 W. W. M. and all persons un- known, if any having or olaimlng to have an: interest in and to the real property hereinafter described. You and each of you are hereby notified that W. W. Seymour is tte holder of Certificate of Delin(iuency numbered 1635 issued on tlc 29{h day of June, A. ). 1916, by the County of Mason, State of Wasiflngton, for the amount of Fifteen and 21-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the years 1914-1915 together with penair.7, inter- est and costs thereon, upon real prop- erty assessed to you and of xhieh you are the owner or reputed owner, situate In said County and particularly bounded and described as follos to- wit: Lot No. 1 Sec. 6° Twp. 24 N. R, 2. W. W. M. and upon wide!) he has paid taxes assessed against said prop- arty as follows: Y ear's Date Tax Tax Paid Receipt No. Amt. 1916 Sept. 3, 1920 3262 9.89 1917 Sept. 3, 1920 3262 8.37 1918 Sept. 3, 1929 3262 9.00 1919 Sept. 3, 1920 3413 8.60 Total Amount of Taxes paid since date of Certincate of Delinquency 35,86 You and each of you are hereby The above described lands are offer- notilicd that W. W. Seymour is the ed for sale in pursuance of an order holuer of Certlltcate of Delinquency of the Board of State Land Commis- numbered 1638, Issued on the 0ti day of June, A. D. 1916, by the County of stoners, and an order of sale duly Mason, State of Washington, for the tssued and certified by the Commis- !stoner of Public Lands of the State of amount of Fifty-Four and 47-100 Dol- Washington now on file in the office lars, tile same being the amount then of the county auditor of said county, duc and delinqucnt for taxes for the ,*rr ryears 1914-1915 together with penality CLARK V. v, n ' *.., v.-a. I Itorests and costs thereon, upoa l'cal Commissioner of u..[ property assessed to you and of which 8"27"10"1"6t I you are the owner or reputed owner, -- i situate in said )county and particularly , n f bounded as follows to-wit: Lot No 'OTIO O:][' IIA-E O' ...... 4 ' ' , ' ETATE V-AND [ and 'Iax NO. 643-75.91 L. C. Sec. 6 Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 5th day of October, 1920, be- tween the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the after- noon, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the City of Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, :either by the County Auditor of said county, or by a member of the Board of State Land Commissioners of the State of Twp. 24 1L 2. W. V.M, and upon which he has paid taxes assessed against said property as follows: I Year's Date Tax Tax Paid Receipt No. Amt. ]1910 Sept. 3, 1920 3263 36.24 ( ( ) 1917 Sept, 3, 1920 3263 30.72 1918 Sept. 3, 1920 3263 32,70 1919 Sept. 3, 1920 3414 31,28 Total Amount of Taxes paid since date of Certificate of Delinquency 130.94 You and each of you are hereby notified that V. W. Seymour Is , tte Year's Date Tax Tax Paid Receipt No. Amt. 1916 Sept. 3, 1929 3265 9.89 11917 Sept. 3, 1920 3265 8.37 I1,)1 Sept. 3, 1,[)20 3265 8.65 i1919 Sept. 3, 1920 3410 8.27 Total Anlount o1' Taxes paid since date of Certificate of Delinquency 35,08 You and each of you are hereby m)tiiicd that "V, W, Seymour is the iholder of' Certificate of Delinquenoy inumhercd 1660, issued on the 20th day of June, A. D. 1916, by the Couuty of iMason, State of Washington, for the i alnount of Eiglt and 78-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the years 1914- 1915 together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon, upon real property as- sessed to you and of which you are the .owner or reputed owner situate in said County and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: S, E. Quarter of the S. V, Quarter, See.1 i Twp. 24 N. IL 3, VS. V. M. and upon ; which lie has paid taxes assessed :against said property as follows: Year's Date Tax Tax Paid Receipt No. Amt. 1956 Sept. 8, 1920 3266 5.57 1917  Sept. 3, 192 3266 4,72 '1(.)13 Sept. 3, ]920 3260 4,82 1919 Sept:. 3, 1920 3417 4.66 Total Amouot of Taxes paid since date of Certifloate of Deliuquency 19.77 You and each of you are hereby notified that %V. r. Seymour is the holder .of Certificate of Dclloquency numbered 1662, issued on the 20th day of June, A. D. 1916, by the County of Mason. State of Washington, for the amount of Eighteen and 62-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the years 1914-1915, together with penalty, in- terest and costs thereon, upon real property assessed to you and of which you are the owner or reputed owner situate in said County and particularly bounded and described as follows, to- wit: N. W, Quarter of the S. E,Quar- tar, Sac. 1, Twp, 24 N. R. 3, W. W. M. and upon which he has paid taxes as- sessed against said property as follows: , Year's Date Tax Tax Paid Receipt No. Amt. 1916 Sept, 3, 1920 3267 12.17 1917 Sept. 3, 1920 3267 10.30 1918 Sept. 3, 1920 3267 11.90 1919 Sept. 3, 1920 3418 11.20 Total Amount of Taxes paid sinc date of Certificate of Delinquency 45.57 You and each of you are hereby notified that V. %V. Seymour Is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1663, issued on the 20th day of June, A, D. 1916, by the County of Mason, State of "Washington, for the amount of Eleven and 44-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the years 1914-1915, together with penalty, in- terest and costs thereon, upon real property assessed to you and of which you are the owner or reputed owner situate in said County and particularly bounded and described ae follows to- wit: S, W. Quarter of the S. E. Quarter and Lot No. 5 except R. of W. in sac. 1 Twp. 24 N..R. 3, W. "W. M. and upon which he has paid taxes assessed against said property as follows: Year's Date Tax , Tax Paid Receipt No. Amt. 1916 Sept. 8, 1920 8268 7.35 ' q 9 1.17 Sept. 3, 1, 20 3268 0.22 1',)18 Sept. 3, 1929 3268 6.36 1919 Sept. 3, 1920 3419 6,14 Total Amount :of Taxes paid since date of Certificate of Delinquency 36.07 All of said amounts bearing interest at the rate of fifteen per cent to June 7th 1917 and tweh'e per cent there- after; and you are, further notified that he will apl)ly to the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for said County, for a Judgment foreclos- ing his llen against the property here- inbefore mentioned, and you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication and defend this action or pay the amount due, together Pancake Flour they're so easy to make.. $: Washington, the timber on the follow- holder of Certificate of Delinquency with costs; and in case of your failure ing described state land will bs sold at lnumbered 1656, Issued on the 20th day to do o UdL-ment will be rendered Just add equal parts water or milk. " public auction to the highest bidder, of June, A" D. 116, by the County of forec]osin' tbe'lien for said Certificate • therefor to-wit: Mason, State of Washington, for the of Delinquency taxes penalty, interest .... Apploaton o 2 11058. _. __ !tln°ulLtm°fbSexte%,2ndn73ulO0thDeOllars, and costs agal'nst the lands and pres- s .rAa/4, el eeOtlOn I0, towasnlp l e uue i es ' in s. hereinbefore mentioned. Other favorites with the folks are   north, range 6 west W. M. containing land dl: quent (or taxes for the years Dat, nf n.t --hliti,m  a ' ' J.O £'a lY£D O et ........  ........ *''" ' g her with penalty in 160 acres, more or less, acoording to " -  , " 1920 VheatHearts and thegoodies made'tom the ~overnment surve-- thereof a,-rarest anu costs thereon, upon real .. om. nralsd at 14 r,60 25 " ' " I property assessed to you and of which I==,= ,',',"'/ ,°r2r°ee omay be lour. $ . $ , EI north, 9"f 'of" eeetiOnrange t west, W.16' township i sYtUataeeinttea..n arM., cn- I^...,. __ . m *u ouny°ranurCputed'parucmary°Wner II dressherea'fterme'n't't°ne'l':M W ........... L,U-AN talnlng 160 acres, more or lees, aecord-]nvd,n._e.cribed, as foll ow to-19-16-10-22 Plai'ntlff's Aorney " ng to the government survey thereof, :L'- : "_ "2 .uarter 9]: [ne £. J. uar- [ ..... "'- ............ v,.. Wlvr stock a.d poultr are ralL! ' for pmt I appraised at $12 821 2 n' "'€--± "'wp. 24 .. R. 3.. r. . M. I lqOTZCZ Or SA.] Or 0OIffNT ........ ' --" -" ......... .,. I u upon wnlcn ne has palu taxes as- ZO:TY. mJL--sCRATCHamin°t putime' thtlm°w a°m°fth'f°ll°w" " i !FdS:FEED HORSE-- ,- o lif: EGGIA STOCKASD D.MRY FEED under lease No. 1139 Issued for thell9 o_.L., . ........ ... ]te.m.bcr, A. D., 1920, due and legal CRATE FATTENq MOFIF,]D CALF MEAL purposes of mining and extracting/ 'v.. , $2u  . J notzce tnereof first having been given - ,-- oep o v oo 9-1 Iccordlng to law in the matter of the,gatn, erefr°m() ITptal Amount'of'Taxespaid since ' I proposed sale of certain hereinafter [ [ [ I[ ' [ of Certificate of gelinquenc 8867 , i for not le4ss than the appraised value I Yo .................. Y '. I descrlbed, proper.t E helonglng to said [ as appraised by the Board of State'  .u u* u Juu r liur2u.' COllnv, the snerlE Or said County will I Yov%O]o'_e._.L__y2_ a,r/helper o.t eru.ncate of _.ennqucncy [of October, 1920, at the front door of s now o tiP' a_me*nn oz wncn[numcerca.:o, ssuea on.the 20th say ith e Court House at Shelton in said - -.  In the otnce OI ne /o[ suns, A. .U. alS, ny the uounty ot I county ffe- So- - -* -,,*-'- -,.^*'^- ' u tor of said county. [Mason, State of Washington. for the lt o the hlhest and best bidder thr Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid |amount of Fifteen and 22-100 Dollars I fore all the right title and tnteres( of on the day of sale the same being the amount then due 1¼he s-l ot,. .......... - " and dolin uen  ;, . . .. .. , ....... . n vmson or;, In anQ XO t. "the.timber on th e .above described 191  q,....,ior yeaL.s the following described property to- 'of an order of tbe Board of State Lad . P P- [wit: II ii ,,anus,s oKerea rot sale,n pursuance ........ g ........... , ...... . ........ ether with a ..... f ....... ,h...÷ , n est and costs thereon upon real re " "" .................. ' "" Y Commissioners, and an order of sale lerty assessed to you and of which you l S, E, Quarter of N. E. Quarter of [i }UR FlED ,m# vli-m-=-kt-' . duly issued and certified by the Corn-[are the owner or reputed owner situate iN. E. Quarter of See. 14, Twp. 20 N. missioner of Public Lands of the State[in said County and particularly boun- [Rapge 2 West, of Washington, now on file in the office I ded and described as follows, to-wit" [ Terms of Sale: Cash at time of sale. \\; [   i iE !-'  ! of the County Auditor of said county IN E Quarter of the S W Quarter" [ Dated at Shelton, Vashington ,this ...... 10th day of Se!ember A D 1920 : :  CLARK V. SAVIDGE, I See. 1 Twp. 24 N. R. 3 W. W. M. and [ IONI' ; DOYLE " ' ' --  , Commissioner of Public Lands. ]upon which he has paid taxes assssed I (Sea]) County Audit'of 'tA 8-27-10-1-6t , . ._. against said property a a f01!.0ws; [9-10-10-8-it. " '.