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September 17, 1920 |
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To be voted on November 2, 1929.
An Act to authorize the Issuance of
State Bonds to provide funds for the
Coostruction of a state system of hard
surfaced trunk line highways.
State of ,Vashington,
Office of tile Secretary of State,
To whonl it may concern: In obed-
tence to tile slale coostitution and an
act of tile legislature apl)roved by the
Governor March 12. 1919, entitled: "An
Act providhlg for lie construction of
a stalc systonl ot" trunk lille hard sur-
face hghlways, l)rovidlng for the ls-
SUrface, sale and redenlpttou of state
bonds to create a fund for such pur-
pose, and for tile submission of this
act to a vote of tile people," there is
hertby publislled for the consideration
of tile voters of tile State of Va.shlng-
toll the following proposed act of the
legislature of said state:
C H A-PTER 99.
(S. B. 24O)
An Act providing for the construction
of a state system of trunk llne
hard surface highways, providing
for the Issuance, sale and redemp-
tion of state bonds to crcate a fund
for such purpose, and far the sub-
mission of this act to a vote of the
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Washington:
Section I. A state system of trunk
' line hard surface highways shall be ac-
quired and constructed by the State
of \\;VmMlington as soon as practicable :
Upon tlle highways of the state along
tie routes herein descrlhod ,so as to
connect with each other the different
communities and principal cities of the
state as near as may be, to-wit:
(1) Tim Pacllic Highway from Blaine
1o Vancouver; also a highway running
from Seattle to Des Molnes and thence
by the most feasible route to Tacoma,
(2) The Sunset Highway from Ren-
tm to Spokane and thence east to the
Idallo State lille.
(3) Tlle Inland Empire Highway.
(4) The Olympic Highway.
(5) The National Park Highway from
Tacoma to Ashford and thence by the
most feasthlc route to tile Ra:lnler Na-
tlnnul /'ark; also from Elbo to tile Pc-
cilia Ocean at Hohnan.
See. '2. The highways constructed or
lnlproved tinder tile provisions of this
nc't sintll be finished with a wearing
surface of Portland cement concrete,
bit unflnous concrete, asphalt, brick,
wood block, stone or olher material
equally pernlancnt and durable, not less
ttlan eighteen feet In width, laid upon
Portland c.ment concrete base of a min-
lmlnn thickness of fivc inches: Proflded
tilat ll' the stale highway commissioner
shall deem' it Impracticable to improve
any portion of any highway herein de-
scribed by paving as herein provided,
the state highway board may provldo
for the improvement of such portion of
the highway in such manner as in Its
udgment will best accomodate bravel
No part of the money apportioned
under tills act shall be used, directly
or indirectly, to pay any premium or
royalty on any patented or property
material, specifications, process or type
of construction, unless purchased or ob-
tained on open actual competitive bid-
ding at the same or a 1 cost than
nnpatented articles ,or methods equally
Sac. 9. The money arising from the
sale of each issue of bonds shall be
deposited in state treasury to the
credit of a special fund to be known as
tile "State "lrunk Line Highway Fund,"
whtcl] shall be used in carrying out
tile provisions of this act.
See. 10, All moneys paid to tile state
known as tile Motor Vehicle Code, and
tile Svssion Laws of 1915, eonunonly
known as the Motor Velflcle Code, and
aH acts anlendatory thereof, over and
above such nloneys as shall be esti-
mated by the secretary of state to be
necessary for the purpose of adminis-
tering said chapter 14; shall be first
appropriated and used for the purpose
of paying and discharging annually
the principal and interest on such bond-
ed Indeinedness then due and payable
and shall from time to thne be de-
posited ill a speehd fund to be known
as ill(, "Stale Trunk Line Highway
Bond Redemption Fund." Each year
afh,r tills act becomes effective, and
until all of said bonds have been re-
th'ed, it shall be tile duty of tile state
board of equalization to Include in tile
tax levied for state purposes a direct
annual tax for such amount as shall
be necessary and sufficient, in addition
to the moneys collected under said
chapter 142 and paid into the said
state trunk lln highway bond redemp-
tion fund, to pay the Interest anmr.tlly
ms It shall accrue .on each and every
bond Issued under the provisions of tt,ls
act and also to pay and discharge the
principal of such bonds at par value as
such bonds shall respectively fall due:
Provided, that no direct annual tax shall
be levied for any year in which suffi-
cient money is collected under said
chapter 142 and paid into said bond
redemption fund to pay the lntorest
ms it silall accrue on said bonds for
that year and also to pay and discharge
the principal ef all of said bonds fall-
tng due during such year,
Any surplus of money collected un-
der said chapter 1,12 after the payment
of tile expenses of administering said
law by the secretary of state and pro-
vldhlg for tile payment of the princi-
pal of and the lmyment of the tntercst
on bonds falling due during that year,
as aforesaid, sh'.tll oe |mtt:l Int,1 It fond
to be known as tile "St.te i'ru,lk lane
M'aintainance IPllnd '' and uso.l for the
I)url)ose of nlaintainlng the roads here-
in described ill pnrsuance of appropria-
tions tilerefor by Jim lefftslature.
Ally surplus remaining tn tlle state
trunk line highway maintenance fund
over and abt)ve thal expended in pur-
Nuance of aPi)roprialions for tile main-
tenance of roads as herein i/rovided,
simll annually be distributed Io the
various counties, cities and towns of
tlle state ill the following manner:
To tile vari,,us counties of the state
in which are located primary highways
tile improvement and nlalntenaneo of
wiflch is not provided for by tills ac,
for tile malntenanvo of such higilways; ;
and to the various cities and towns of
the state in which are located streets
forming a part of tile route of any
primary highway through such city or
town, for the maintenance and Improve-
ment ot such streets, a sum not to ex-
ceed two hundred dollars ($209.00) per
mile for each mile of such primary
highway and streets.
Prhnary highways and city and town
'streets, in order to come under the pro-
visions of tills act for maintenance
purposes, must be of a character equal
and up to the standard of permanent
highway construction. All sums appor.
tioned to c)unties shall be placed in thc
suitable for thc same purpose, permanent highway maintenance fund
of snch county. All sums distributed
Ses 3 Whenever the makln of any
... .. . n I to cities and towns shall be remitted
part or an)" reap to oe Iraprove41 or con. b'" - ............
S+.,,.^.a ...4 vh^ rovilo @ 4I I Y tile sale auditor o %no Cl[leS and
..... I to ns entitled iherelo and shall be ex-
act, or the Ice.zing oI a route or any I-ended b,, such cltt .... • ......... '--
• • r Ltrx|t unly
part thersof, or tile obtaining of road Ifo-.i,.--.i.o ....... , ......... .-.
building mater a s or such work, re- I s,,e ot.. .Pho .........
...... .*. --.. ltl.te nlgnWay ooar(l
quires that private property be taken I sllall determln ^ w ............ '-,-
- lltE trt42LS in elltm
or damaged, the state highway beard[and towns form * o+ € - ..... Z¢
hall have the right to acquire any I any nrlmar, hl,o., +*, ..... .... - -,*.
such property by purchase or by con-Ior-to"wn an .%'L''--'."--;' ----'-/-
detonation in the manner prescribed bY'the lmp'rovemen "'*t and ........ malntenanc "'"Yof
law for the acquirement or condemns- which is not provided for by this act
and shall between the 15th day of Feb-
tlon of lands necessary for the public
uses of the state,
Sec. 4, The state highway board
shall divide the state highways Into con-
venient sections for construction pur-
poses, and shall make diligent effort to
have the entire trunk line system of
hard surface highways completed with-
in six years after the taking effect of
this act. The construction work shall,
so far as possible, be commenced .in
different sections of the state approxi-
mately the same time and carried on
continuously until all work is com-
Sac. 5. The funds provided by this
act for the acquisition, construction
and Improvement of the state system
of trunk line hard surface highways
shall be expended only for surfacing
and the construction of the necessary
subgrade therefor including the pur-
chase of machinery or supplies. All
construction work shall be done under
the supervision of and upon plans and
rusty and the 15th day of March of
each year certify in triplicate, one copy
to the state treasurer, one copy to the
county commissioners of each of such:
counties, and one copy to the clerk of
cecil city or Iowa affected by the pro-
visions of this act, the umber of
miles of primary high%,ay, or city and
town streets entitled to apportionments
as provided by tills act. Any surphls
remaining in the state trunk line high-
way maintenance fund after the mak-
ing of such apportionments shall be
,distributed to the various counties of
the state in proportion to the nmounts
paid into the permanent highway fund
by the various countfes of the state
and placed in the permanent highway
maintenance fund•
Sac. 11. Wienever any county shall
have expended any moneys from the
road and bride fund or from the pro-
ceeds of bonds In the improvcment or
construction of any of the highways
I Posed act of the legisla____ture of said otate:
(H. B. 2)
An Ac[ providing for the payment o[
equalized compensation to veterans
of the war with the Central Allied
Powers. authorizing the issuance
and sale of state bonds and the levy
of a tax to pay said bonds, making
all aPi)ropriatlon, providing penal-
ties, and providing for the submis-
sion of this act to vote of the peo-
Be tt Inacted by the l,eglslature of the
State of VCmshington:
Section 1. There shall be paid to each
person WllO ",*,'as regularly called, en-
list,d, drafted, inducted or commis-
sh)ned and who served on active duty
ill the Arnly, Navy or Marine Corps of
the United States between the i;th day
of April, 1917, and the 11tl day or o-
x'ember, 1918: and to each per.on who,
being a citizen of tile United States at
the thne of thts entry timrein, served
on active duty tn the naval,'mllltary or
air forces of any of the gCwernmonts
associated with the Untted States dur-
Ing the war with tile central alllcd pow-
ers between the 6th day of April, 1917,
and the ]lth day of November, 1918; and
who, at the time of his call, enlistment.
tnduetlen, commlsshm or service, was a
bona fide resident of thc State of Wash-
ington, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.-
00) for each and every month or major
fraction thereof of active duty perform-
ed subsequent to April 6. 1917. and prior
to November 11, 1919: Provided, That if
an)" such person shall have borrowed
money from the Veteran's %Velfaro Com-
mission and shall have failed to repay
said money, then tile anlount thereof
shall he deducted from any sums pay-
able to any such person under this act
and said loan silall thereupon be can-
celled and discharged: Provided, fur-
ther, 'Plaat p(rsons who have received
extra compensation from any other state
or natien other than the United Statcs
for such acth'e s,r\\;dce shall not be an-
titled to compensation under this act
unless the anlount of compensation so
reelved is less than they would be en-
titled to hereunder, in which event they
shall receive tile difference hetwecn the
eonlponsallon aIlowahlc undeP this act
and lhe extra compensation alretdy
received fron) such olher state or na-
il,m: Provided, further, That persons
wile 13ax'e reeetvcd greater compensallon
than lhe regular pry of the Army, Navy
or Marine Corps and commutation for
quarters and snbsisienee ,shall not he
onitlled to receive compensation under
thts act nnless the amount of extra
compensatlon so received is less than
they would be entlllod to hercunder, In
which event they shah recclvc the dlf-
ference between the compensatlon al-
lowable under thls act and such extra
compensation. In case of the death nf
any such Derson while tn such servlce
an equal amount shall be paid to his
surviving widow, if not re-married at
the time compensation Is requested, or
In case he left no widow and left child-
ren, then to his surviving children, or
or In the event he left no widow or chil-
dren, then to his surviving parcnt or
parents if actually dependent upon such
deceased person for support. Persons
of the female sex, or their surviving
children or parents, who are in all
other respects within the terms of this
act, shall We entitled to compensation
Sac. 2, The word "person." as used in
section 1 of this act shall not include
persons, who, during the period of their
service, refused, on conscientious, politi-
cal or other grounds, to subject them-
selves to full military discipline or un-
qualified service, or who. while In such
service, were separated therefrom vnder
circumstances amounting to a dishonor
able disc,barge and who have not suime-
!quently been officially restored to an
Ihonorable status, and such person shall
not be entitled to the benefits of this
Sec. 3. All dlsbursemcnts required by
this net for compensation shall be ,n,de
upon the presentation of a eertlllcate
upon a form to be preserlhed by Ibe
state auditor, which certificate slmll be
duly verlfied by the claimant under oath
an(1 shall set forth the name, residence
at the time of entry into ths service
date of enlistment, induction or com-
mission, date of discharge or release
from active service tf the claimant
is not on active duty a statement
that the claimant during the period
for which compensatlon is allowed
did not refuse to subject himself
to full military discipline and un-
qualltled service and that he has not
been separated from the servl:e under
circumstances amounting to a ,lishonor..
able discharge ,and such furtlaer infor-
,mation as the state auditor may re,'lulre.
Such ccrttflcate shall be present,)d to the
state auditor or hts representa:te to-
gether with an honorable dlseharKe or
release from active servtce, or in case
of its loss a properly authenticated rec-
ord of service or in the event thai the
claimant is still In the aereb;e a prop-
erly authenticated record of eH active
specification prepared by the state high-
Way commissioner. Contracts for the
construction and imprdvement of said
trunk line hlghways shall be let by by
the state hlghway beard to the lowest
and best responsible bidder or bidders
on such terms and conditions and on
open competitive bidding after publlo
advertisement in suoh manner and for
such times as may be prescribed by
said state highway board.
The state highway board shall have
power to provide for the furnishing by
the state of any tools, machinery, sup-
P|les or materials needed for such work
and in tile event the state highway
board undertakes to furnish tools, ma-
chinery, supplies, or materials, such
tools, machinery, supplies and mater-
ials shall be purchased by the state
highway board on open competitive
Sec. 6. The state highway board Is
authorized to cooperate with the proper
authorities of any city or town of the
third or fourth class and expend men-
eye for the improvement of any portion
described In this ae by paving such service performed by the elalm:mt ub-
highway ,the state highway board shall, sequent to April 6, 1917, and prior to
if such paved highway ts of proper and November 11, 1919, or if the same e
durable hard surface type to make it presented by the widow, child or parents
ractlcable to do so, utilize such paved of a deceased veteran, then with proper
highway In the system of state trunk bvidenee of death, together with a prop-
line highways provided for In this at. erly authenticated record of service, and
If any highway so paved by any counfy ,thc state auditor shall cndorse upon
be so utilized, the state highway board aueh discharge, release or record of ac-
shall determine the amount by which rive service, a statement that such dis-
the utilization of such paved highway charge, release or record of active set-
lessens the cost of improving and con- vice was madc the basis of the appllca-
siructing the state trunk line system tlon and shall return such discharge or
of highways provided for In this act and release or record of active service to the
such amount (in no event to exceed claimant and shall forthwith draw his
the actual amount of the first cost of warrant in the name of the claimant
construction paid from the funds of upon the Veterans' Compensation Fund
such county) shah be placed to the for an amount equal to fifteen dollars
credit of such cunty In the permanent for each and evcry month of active ser-
highway fund tn six'annual installments, vice ,or major fraction thereof, be-
beginning on the first day of January° tween the 6th day of April, 1917, and
1922, or, If the board of county corn- tile llth day of November, 1919, and
missioners of any county so ele(t, such the state treasurer shall pay such war-
payment, instead of being credited to rants from Veterans' Compensation
such county In the permanent highway Fund. In cases where application for
fund, shall be paid to such county to compensation Is made by the widow,
be used in the Payment of any county children or parents of a deceased vet-
the Veterans' Compensation Fund.
Sc. 5. The state auditor may in his
discrctien issue warrants under the pro-
visions of this act in anticipation of the
sale of the bonds herein authorized.
Sac. 6, For the purpose of providing
means for the payment of compensation
hereunder and for paying the expcenses
of administration, there shall be issued
and sohl bonds of the state of Washing-
ton in the sum of eleven million dol-
lars ($11,900,000.00): Provided ,that if
the proceeds of the sale of suci bonds
be insullichmt to pay the compensation
heroin allowed, then sufficient additional
bonds to pay sucll compensation shall
:be issued and sold• Tile issuance, sale
and retirement of said bonds shall be
under the genera] supervision and con-
trol of the State Board of Finance. The
State Board of Finance may, in its dis-
cretlon, provide for the Issuanc of cou-
l)on or registered bonds to be dated, is-
sued ,and sold from tlme to tinle and in
Stlh aFOOtln[s aS may be necessary to
make tile payments provided for by this
act. Each of such bonds shall be made
payable at any time not excceding twen-
ty years from the date of its issuance,
with such reserved rights of prior re-
demption as the State Board of Finance
may prescribe,to be speclited therein.The
bonds shrill be signed by the governor
and the state auditor under the seal of
the state; and any coupons attached to
such bonds shall be signed by the same
olllees, whose signatures thereon may
be In facsimile; and such bonds shall
bear interest at a rate not to exceed six
er cent per annum, which bonds shall
e sold for not less than par. Any bonds
may be registered in tile name of tile
holder on presentation to the state
treasurer or at thc lisclal agcncy of the
state of 'ashtngton in New York, as to
l)rincipai alono or as to both principal
and interest, under such regulations
as the state trcasurer muY prescribe.
Said bonds shall be ill a form embody-
ing an absolute promise of the state of
%Vashington to pay both princil)al and
intercst Ill gold coin of tile ITaited States
of 1)resent standard of value, at such
l)lace or i)laces as thc State Board of
iOinance may provide, and shall be in
such denominations as may be pres-
cribed by sald Board. All bonds issued
under the provisions of thls acL may b o
sold in snch manner and in such a-
II1OUUtS and at sucil thncs and on sueil
tcruls and conditions ss the Stltie Board
of F|n0.nce inay l)rescribe: " I)rovided
That it' said bonds are sold to any per-
sons other than tile stale of ,Vashing-
ton they shall be sold at public sale
and it shall be tile duty of the State
Board of Finance to cause such sale to
bc advertised ill such manner as it shall
deem sulllclent.
Bonds Issued under the provisions of
this act shall be a legal investment for
ally Of the funds of the sLaLe, includhlg
the permanent school fatal, ally higher
educational funds, and accident fund of
the Industral insurance department,
Sac. 7. The money arising from the
sale of each issue of bonds shall be de-
posltcd at tile state treasury to the
credit of a speclal fund to be known as
the "Veterans' Compensation Fund,"
which shall be used for payment of the
compensation provided in this act and
for paying tile expenses of the adminis-
tration thereof. For the purpose of
carrying out the provisions of this act
there is hereby appropriated from the
New fail'samples have arrived, so order
that new Suit now
Cleaning, Pressing and Altering
Ladies Gentlemen
Suits sponged and pressed . . 1.00 Suits sponged and pressed . . $I.00
Suits cleaned und pressed . , 2.00 Suits dry cleaned and prsed . 2.00
Skirts " "' .... 1.00 Coats ...... • 1.00
Jackets ...... 1.00 Pants ...... • 1.00
' ' Pants sponged sad prwd . " "2 00
Dresses ...... • • • 1.75 up Overcoats dry cleaned and presse .
Fancy Dresses cleaned and Overcoats dyed ...... 5.00
pressed ........ 2.25 up Suits dFed ........ 5.00
J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton
Veterans' Compcnsation Fund the sum
of eleven million dollars ($11,000,000•00)
Sac. 8. For the purpose of creating a
'etlrement fund for the retirement of
such bonds upon maturity and the pay-
ment of interest tilereon as it falls due,
the proper state and c)unty officers shall
levy and collect a tax of one mill upon
each dollar of the taxable property in
the state for the year 1921 and for each
ear thereafter: Provided, that if said
Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks .....
tax be insufficient then the proper state
and county offices are authorized and di-
rected to levy and collect such addition-
al taxes as may be necessary for the • ,
payment of interest upon said bonds ,Jl. " EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr. ,, _-
and the retirement of the principal
thereof upon maturity. All moneys de- \\; _
rived from such tax shall be paid into ---
the state treasury and credited to a fund |||||||||||||||||||||||||i|||i|||||||||||||||||||||||i||||l|i||||||i||||||||||||||||||||||||i||i||||
to be known as the "Vol,eranS' Comp0n-
satlon Bond ]otlrement Fund."
Sac. 9. No charge made by any agent,
.. , . ,H.
Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, 0ils, Varnishes and Brushes,
Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing
guaranteed as to work and material for one year.
Shelton Market and
Ice Plant
notary public or attorney for any ser-
:vice in connection x*,ith obtaining tile
allowance as provided for by this act
shall be recognized hy the state and
any person who. for a eonadieration,
discounts or attempts to discount, or
for a consideration advances money up-
on any certificate or certilleate issued
pursl)ant to the terms of this act, shall
be ,gllty of a gross misdemeanor.
Sec. 10. Any person who, with intent
to defraud, subncribes to any false
oath or makes any false representation,
either in the execution of the certifi-
cates provided for by this a-t or who
with intent to defraud, presents to the
state auditor, or to any other officer of
the state, any certificate for the purpose
of obtdning funds provided by tiffs act
which do not in fact belong to such
person, or nlakes ally false representa-
tions in connection with obtaining any
funds under the terms of this act, shall
be guilty of felony.
Sac, 11. The legislature may provide
additional means for raising moneys
for the payment of the interest and
principal of said bonds and this act
shall not be deemed to provide an ex-
clusive method for such payment.
Sac. 12. If any section, subdivision.
sentence or clause of this act is for
any reason held to be unconstitutional
such decision shall not affect the val-
idity of the remaining portions of this
Sac. 13. This act shall be submitted
to the people for their ratification at
the next general election in accordance
with the provisions of section 3, of
Article VIII of the State Constitution;
and in acordance with the provisions l
of section 1 of Artlcl II of the State
Constitutlo as amended at the general
election held in November, 1912, and
the laws adopted to facilitate the opera-
tion thereof.
Passed the House, March 22, 1920.
Passed the Senate, March 23, 1920.
Approved by the Governor, March 25,
of any highway herein described which
may pass into or through any such
city or town.
Sec. 7. All highways herein de-
.;crtbed when constructed along perman-
ent grades and alignment shall be per-
manently controlled and maintained by
the State of Washington.
Sec. 8. For the purpose of provid-
ing means for the payment of the coat
of construction of said state system of
trunk line highways there shall be
issued and sold bonds of the State of
Vashlngton for an amount not ex-
ceeding thirty millio n dollars ($$0,009,-
000.00), to bear interest at a rate not
to exceed five per cent (5 per ent) per
annum, payable semi-annually.
The issue, sale or retirement of said
bonds shall be under the general super-
vision and control of the state highway
board. Such board may in its discre-
tion provide for the issuance of cbu-
pen or registered bonds, to be dated,
tssued and sold from time to time as
the construction work progresses, in
such amounts as may be necessary to
Provide money to pay for said work
and the expenses incidental thereto.
All of the bonds issued hereunder shall
mature at the rate of one million five
hundred thousand dollars ( $1,500,-
00.00 prlncipal each year, commencing
n the year 1922 and ending n the year
1941. Such bonds shall be signed by
the governor and the state auditor
Under the seal of the state, and any
interest coupons attached to such bonds
Shall be authenticated by the fac-simile
signatures of the same officers. Any
bonds may be registered in the name
of the holder on presentation to the
state treasurer or at the fiscal agency
of the State of Washington in New
ork, as to principal alone or both
principal and interest, under such reg-
Ulations as the state highway board
may prescribe. Said bonds shall be in
such denominations as may be pre-
scribed by the state highway board and
embody an absolute promise of the
State of Washington to pay both prin-
cipal and interest in gold coin of the
United States of the present standard
bods Issued by said county for the eran, such person shall furnish the same 1920.
improvement, of any such highway• Information aa though the appllcation
See. 12. This act shall be submitted were made by the deceased veteran and
to the people for their ratification "at the state auditor shall prepare an ap- NOTE BY SECRETARY OF STATE.
the next general election in accordance propriate form of certificate to cover
with the, povistons of section 3 of ar- such cases. Compensation allowed to The above act filed in the office of the
ticle VIIIf,the state constitution: and the children of deceased veterans shall Secretary of State March 25, 1920,
in a,ccordande with the provisions of be paid to the guardians of such chii- I.M. HOWELL,
section. 4 of article II of the stats dron, which guardians, if appointed by Secretary of State,
constiution, as amended at the general the courts of this state, shall serve
election held in November, 1912, and without compensation and in the There shall be printed on all ballots
the laws adopted to facilitate the opera- tion of the court without bond and it' provided for the said election the
don thereof, shall be the duty of every attorney words:
Passed the Senate March 9, 1919. this state to appear in the courts or "For Referendum Bill No. 2, relat-
Passed the House March 8, 1919. render any other necessary legal assist- ing to equalized compensation to vet-
Approved by the Governor, March 1 anco In behalf of such children In so far erans of the war with the Central A1-
1919. as the provision of this act arc concern- lied Powers."
ed, without compensation, and no pub- "Against Referendum Bill No. 2, re-
NOTE BY SECRETA'RY OF STATE. lie officer shall conect any xees *n any lating to equalized compensatloa to vet-
t In behalf of suen
The above act filed in the office of the proceedings brough .. ' . erans of the war with the Central AI-
Secretary of State March 13, 1919. children to secure compensauon unuer lied Powers"
(Sea]) L M. IOWEI,I. this act. is em%owered to ' In testimony whereof, I have hereun-
The state auditor !,. . I to set my hand and affixed the seal of
Secretary of State. make such additional reasons e require- [ the State of Washington.
There shall be printed on all ballots ments from applicants as are'ncess rY I Done at Olympia this Ist day of June,
to precent fraud or the pa;ment ot11920
provldedwords: for the said election the compensation to persons not entitled I (S'eal) I.M. IfOWELL,
"For Referendum Bill No. 1 relating thereto ...... I Secretary of State.
tn a system of hard surface trunk line Sec. 4. The state auditor sna'l ur-! 7-30-10-29-14t
highways, nlsh free of charge, upon application| "
"Against Referendum BIll o, 1, re- therefor ,the necessary form of certi-1
latlng to a system of hard surface flcate to all persons entitled thcrcto, and
trunk line highways."
In tesflmonv whereof, I have here-
nnto set my and and affixed the seal
of the State of Vahington.
Done at Olympia, this 1st day of Juno,
(Seal) Secretary of State.
may establish at different points within
the state of Washington, offices at which
there shall be kept on file for tile use
of persons c)vcrcd by thls act, a suffi-
cient number of forms of certificate so
that there may be .no delay In tile pay-
ment of tills compensation, Tim state
auditor may authorize the county audi-
tor or county clerk, or both, of any coun-
ty of the state to act for hlm in re-
calving application under the provisions
of this act ,and shall furnish such per-
P:¢O]POSB 0 '::IB POP- " sons with the proper certificates to an-
w -GA'I'D'I. able them to accept such applications.
The state auditor Is hereby authorlzcd
To be voted on November 2,, 1929. and directed to procure such println
and office supplies and equipment, and
REFRENDUM BILL NO, 2. to enll)loy such persons as may be noces-
in order to properly carry out the
An act providing for the paTment of sions of this act ,and all expenses
equalized compcnsatton to veterans of mcurrcd by him in the administration
the war with tile Central Allied Powers, of this act shall be paid by warrants
State of Washington, drawn upon the Veterans' Compensation
of value and fineness, at such place or Office of the Secretary of State.
Places as the state highway board may Tile adjutant general shall advise wlth
Provide, and to levy sufficient taxes To whom it may concern, tn obedl- nd assist the state auditor in the per-
each year to pay the.Interest and prln- ence to the state constitution and an formance of the duties of the auditor
clpal of said bond as they become due act of the legislature approw,d by the under this act, and when so called upon
All bonds issued under the provisional Governor March 25, 190, earl'tied' "An the adjutant general may employ such
ef this act shall be sold to the highest I Act providing for the paynent of qua- persons and incur such expenses as may
om ensation to veterans of the be necessary ,such expenses to be paid
and beet bidder or bidders, on such ized c P ns'
terms and conditions and on open corn- [ war with the .Central Allied Pawe rs, I by warrants drawn upon the Vetera
Petltive bidding after public advertise- I authorizing the asuance and Bale of state omponsalon ,'Unu.
rnent and at such times as may be pre-I bonds and the levy of a tax to pay Bald I The auditor and the adjutant gev
scribed b the state highway board but | bonds making an appropriation, provid- I may require persons employed by t
not Cn. .,,m .n Inw mS tn make theling penallties ,and providing for the ',under this a.ctto f.urnlsh:ood and
net inters-returnl"to the purchaser/submission of t.hls act. to a y.o.t? o.f the Ificient surety, vons o ,ne ar,
exceed five per cent per annum, PaYabIe | people, there, is hereby p.ulMIsne O. i_.. ^ +h, a-tl and the nreml
Semi.annually as computed by stan-,tne con.slaera.uon_oz n voturm, ox t2_ i- t'?Z-"2,2"='-.-.... h...v.
dard tables, upon such sum, State of WMlllngton, tn IOllOWlng pr ° upoa mt .,,u . ...... v- ....
///(7 / : ' ;/ :" '
Hotel Holland
Modern and Fireproof
Reasonable rates for transients and weekly
rates f0r permanent guests.
Fourth Ave. at Jefferson
Opposite new c0m;t house, four blocks from
depots and docks
Eugene Brunner, Mgr.
• Single Fare $1.51. Round trip $2.72 .....
(Daily except Sundmya)
Leave Shelton 7 m. Leave Tacoma B p. m.
The morning tril connects with the 11 o'd0ek Tacoma to Seattl
boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Shelton
should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p, m.
Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 3.
L:I (( ..... / ..... ., -