September 17, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 17, 1920 |
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INsTTTSoUPEIO:IICNOURT OFrT2 V" MHerlan;E Laura'Jean Abell; Alfred (18) The SE 10 acres of NE delinquent 1913 to 1919 in lus
, - • ; . a,. Moore; Marun wins- NE se , , e ice; (78) The W 4 a NE
son County, Washington. low- Noah Goodman: n e McCarthy. z "o.;C=87twp'.lg' .N, R, 3, V...W. amount delinquent, $9.94" accrued in- NW t g. l,t, .^ lEz4 [years delinquent, 1913 to 1919. lneluo
Ar ' • Je ni .......... o, -- -y- ...... u . peaKer; gears aelln- terest 3 76" total ' ,, 3,, ......... ,., kv ., . a, ,slve; amount uellnquent, 1.29- accr
Case No. 3.27. . chibal d S. Hooten; J. F: Nieleon; quent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive" amount t1370' $ " ' due on said lot, W. W. M., a..sessed to Redlands Land interest, $43" total duc n ' ,1 tte2
tertiflcate .No. 11. arguette uion; Axil G, ulon; arry delinquent 592 ........ '' ....... v ,.... ..... o., years uellnquent 1914 to 1919 in-tl 6 " ' .... "7
Mason County Wh4n,rt-- a ts,,! ereert; Andrew Esler; Wallace Wm. $169. total d -" o-'+ ,euL, tv) ot .o; 1, sec. 26, twp. 24, N., clusive; amount deli'nquent t135 / ac-Iv 'o • ..............
lo ^.:.L,/."" % ..... '•L'" wavett', Walter Brown William Stone" }' , x -?^ -, .v. . o, w. w. a., assessed to Northern crued interest, ,.142" **"' :"= -'-^',,,, t,u wo"--'" ' " anu z, nl. 7., oro
-v-., anu one o u,e Ads Evalino tnnl. vh. * , ' • -, -, O, ov uescrlned as fol- Pacific R R • 'ears de i , ca ly, assessed te Jennie Ma h •
........... , ........ S omer; lows. , • ., _ 1 nquent, 1914 to tract, $1.77. yew,
Counties of the State of Washington, James A. McGtlllvray; Eunhenia W ...... .. beg. at the meander corner to 1919, inclusive; amount delinauent (791 The E. w. ..... , [Y_ear.s delinquent: 1913 to 1919 incluo
.............. Stewart" James L Stewart. Nora Cam' .' mechsv an ,x -twp. 19, N., R, $2.19; accrued interest, $.70" totai due 21 R 4-V . Vv':" T ":'='o==:^Z"* : I,- ve' amount aelnquent. $1•25; accrue¢
Fred Nicklason; Chas. Somers Co" erford. 'John Paterson. Hannah r" "' -- ....... Kooaum Inlet, rune on said lot, $2.89. ' Geneva A" ' • . ...... o=-u t terest, }.; total due on said lots
Chas. Somers Co. et al; 1. H. Randolph son; Lloyd Varron" lthoth Pate : S, 74. V.. 8:53 chains, to the initial (50) The NW. NE, seo. 5 ÷ ', ......,. years delinquent, 151.66.
B. A. Howard; David R. Mitchell; A. Sands and all-persons-n'lnovn: [o°nt.. tract of l ad described a..ol- 19, N., R. 4, WY W. M., asseSed'•(o[ufnt$.77 '. cUrmeVde'inaeUnt aelln: 1,!3) Lots 11 and 12. blk. 3, Nero
Antonia Cammasono; Wilbur L, Alden; any, having or claiming to have any *- -",o %'.- "- ^^w. .v cnams, tnas omers ;o. et al; gears dslin- I total 'due on said trao $ st, w ..... ! .... CAt.y: assessed t O Joseph W. Saul;
John Howson; Win. Emmerson; Wm. right, title, estate, lien or interest in "7o ', vv= .v chains, thence uent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; aount I (80) The NW SW''s'." t, [years aetlnquent,_191 - 1o 119, inclu.
Johnson; Per'or Sandberg; E. Speaker; and to the property hereinafter deserib- 8o E -, k .v nams; nence ; .ei]nquent. .5; accrued interest, ] 21, N R. 4 W t W ' es:s3'--U: [7 -':eLa-m°unt delint, $1.23: accrue
1.. Young; E. L. Capps; Emery White; ed, or any part thereof' ,and each of E 28"7 caiCnnos'--ncnce-- 63 30 #6;64;• total due on said tract, $96.29. [Geneva A. McNeely" "years del['en. /, P' '; foist ae on sad lots,
and Frank Ellis; argarct Goodwln; them and persons hereinafter named +alv'- ,,," v point o oeg. con- () The SW NEA, see. 5, twp. ]1914 to 1919 lnolus'i .... , .... , ",.' i"'%",', ...........
Arthur Shaw; I. O• O. F. Lodge No. as owners of the hereinafter described ec"]':t,,,acres'm.°re..°r° less, In 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M., asssed to[quent, $20.04" acrued'inte'res * '':|ffi x, v. , orwood City,
140; J. H. Scott and J. J. Brenner real property. -e---:; :'2a '" " " ' w. vv:.M., as- na. Somers Co. et al;years delinquent|total due on 'said trust '",. v .... , |=,-o, .o .. ,awaru Riley; years
Oyster Co.; Hanna E. and Percy Cole; You, and each of you as Owners [9] t o. oung; years Ueimquent , 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-[ (81) The W of" ' o |...nquen,..v • to _1919, inclusive;
Annie T. Capp;Saxnuel D. James; Dra-claimants, or holders of an interest or uent'*- ', ncusve; .a[nount uem- quent, $39.27 .accrued interest, $13.30;[1, twp. 19 N " I . 5- w" '" " Z" ]a[, $.6; accrued inter-
ham Timber Co.; Nellie M. Waxier; estate in and to the lands and uremlses [otal %ue '' oaecrue nerest $0,77; tota ldueon aid tract, $52.7. sessed to 4 A "'Duar" -,L '-,.'-'L'--^--" [es.t',Y=.v; toal u on said lot, $.82.
Herbert Cook; Gee. F. Bancroft; Wal- hereinafter described are herey notl-I 20 ons , , .... o) The S½ NE NW, sec. 5 ]1913 to 1919 "inclusle:'',," ' [.') ot Z2. blk•. , Norwood
ter J. Woods; W. W. Morris; A. C. fled that the above named plaintiff [as" f S'---:. o. 2?-? ,: .: u.escrlveu .wp 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M., asessed[quent $6 95:' accrue '"*'':' '" [Y' assesse to James D. L. Reid;
Everson; Wm, Alberta; Herman D. Mason County, one of the lawfully or-' [.---,,yw. a. uue tunas raying au- o tnas. omers. we. et al; years delin-I total ',, "-" --, . -. "''-'.-" w,; years delinnuent 1 +^ --. , •
Hertz; E. E. Hodder; W. C. Rueard; ganized and existing counties of" the],-en, ° ann oemngmg to that part of qent, 1914 to 1919, Inclusive; amount] (82... , triter, v.. _ |sine; amoun de[ln;:-=tw*.'o 'ncu-"
Olaf Anderson; Milton and Albert Har- State of Washington, is the owner and ]. .n sac. v, t wp._lg, N., of R. 3, delinquent, $655; accrued interest ]1 "tw 19"' " o-- o o. , see. |interest, t 15" tot--. =, ccruea
witz; Northern Pacific R. R.; F. E. holder of the Certificates of Delinnue-cv [':-" _w. ., m ymg ': or a c.ertan creek $2.2; total due onsald tract $8,76 ' [t T,' ---:'-"-" o, w. w: , assessed |g 70 *• , ,, u ttta ow
lmney' Chas. Somers- va E Bates. Issued 4n one general Certificate in o I runmng para[.el wcn anu about 20 rods (53) The NW NW NW - "ex- I;= ;..''" u.par.; years aelnquent, 1918 [ "" ' ^.. ..........
' , ' " ' ---- . o ne w. line or said lot bein 1603 ce )tin , reclusive; amount dehnquent .-. o ,-,u elK. 0 or-
Chas. Gearheart, J_ I..Cr?wn and Jan- formnumbered eleven (11)by theTreas-[, ............. , . g . l g S.W 2_0 ft., sec. 5, twp. 1. N., [$3.52" acrued ,nt .... t ......... , I wood City, assessed to ]lvn w ...
hie J. Blougett" tedanas Lmd Co." urer of Mason County Washington to | ,,m, more or esm¢ In sac. 1u , w w. M., assessed to F E Ran- |on Sld tr¢- ':'= .... 4.,, tota sue lYeare delln ..... * c -='-'q=" .'..
J. L. Keesler; Jb Captan; Redlands saidMason County dated June let, 1920 |to'E '; " o; w. W., M., assessed nay; years delinquent, 1914 'to" 1915 /--(8-3-)-- Tract' N°i - ._ _ isive, amount-'elntnt-Z .v. lnelu-
Land Co.; A. B. Newell; L C. and Jane and eub-nunbered consecutively from 1 ]- --. " .apps.; years aclinquent 1914 also 1917 to 1919, inclusive, amount [lows. Co .... ._ • : aescrlea:s f.ol- I]nterest, t 42" tot =.-^ ; acol-.uecl
hie Lanee" Lyman Rogers" M V .A. o 247 in,lumi, to .vlv, InClUSive; amount delinquent delinquent 536" a ' [ • m,.mxv,zg a a point 17 cnans .. , .. ,u vn au lOtS,
r , -, ............... v to cOrrespond with 16 ....... $ " ' ccrued interest, N of the sou i$1.64.
• • 1 $ .03. accrued interest $597" total us 177" ot • theast corner of uec 1
Smith, Vm. I• MONamara, The Mus- such tract and its owner . , • 0 d $ • , t al due on said tract, 7.13. / " , 11
cian. Association of Seattle; S a.uel .set forth, with the desoriptionSofn:sn I°1,o said ract: $ffi21.30. - --- . . __(84) The SW NW sac $5 twp Pt29'h•'-l'-5-W;.-Vr' '" run thence w(o]d)ltvL0,slesloand. 19: blkL 5,. lOro
Neely;-k A Dupar" :Hermmn John- [Co-untv"'lr.-':on"c.neacwn_.nell°ws: commencing at qUarter post on' Chas "'Somers; "v'ears • de]n.9 |-" oowng mean_derings of ald lake on,:.raellnquent, 1918 to 1919, in-
SOn; Wad/land L, Srff; T. V• Little; ]Ington. July27th 1920." le"aee" ne sac. llne betwesn sec*s 11 and 14 [;o 1919, /nelusive; amount del/nquent [N £Ptle uracil-y-w" .of'a pt• 1 chain eelYtrenc..Oellnquent,. $1.22; ac-
John BarKer; Elmer E. Kin'g; *Ge0rge]lng the emount 'then "due and delin-" andr I''' R: St W., in said.ounty. [$21.87; accrued interest, $6.27; total ]nt" i ehalnP °rfD*eh'theeceh] to said Iota $164 g, @..; tota due on said
XV. Upper andC0; John J. O'Kelfe; Mar-|quent upon each lot tract or .--o o • . rtry, running . or smu post luue on said tract $2814 i. '- .... "- .".. .... s., um,u ,%©." :';_ ......
. . ' , , - ..... .o .-o rous, tnence E 28 * , • • . au the salu pt. O£ Dog. 6xee t .o . £o anu 1, blk. 8 Nor-
tha.Nunn; B enjam, ln F_Sklllen, Vt r. F•[of land, respectively, for taxes for thenc , g 1 . a. * .... 3+rods. i(55 The SE N W4, see. 5, twp, 2 rods wide -' * ' ..a P road wood City, assessed . o:, ....
arer; I. T• ]r£lllS tTrustee}; trce the yeaxs. 1918 and 1914 to i . e N. 2_ _- ..... , ........ ....- .. -, .., . , w. w. d., assessed to .alo.• ... . .. . . ears to .... .....;
o.ash; MaJorie Co.lmary;_ Peter. .]clusive, (As will more speaiflc21 aln- aceebel-nntng °"talnln-g--5--res, lChv'S°mer.s;i. Years delinquent, 1914 tric frn highway an d a Path 10_ft. sYve . adme2unlntUent,i 1,9,13. to.191.9, inclu:
olron; J. K. Bosler; teo. tlar; [pear by reference to each o.o.. '=r,+tW.., ... , W. W. M., IO 919, inclusive; amount delinquent, o th n'ln ,ae snore xor a oot lnt ' . ..... ., ...... .., accrues
Adolph.Kritzer; Marie Kritzer;_D. Ed- inumbered description with the'ovn'rs eo ?o myry. wrote anq Frank [v,.7iaccrued interest, $6.27; total due )a less:'-i-'= .v+ an are more $16e. t' $.42, total due on sntd lots,
warn llley" t:ora 1. :vans; v art- name thereto to,-atbo- ..,,.h -+ .... . ,-;-,, ,= u.uquen, ,v to 1919, ion sala tract $28.14 ffi.. .. , -:- -. -, ..•.,-. .€, z., . , l'n r.*o qo - . ..
, ' , " ' " . • . ...... .-- ..m=t,, ncus]ve' amount delinquent 8 $6" ac- 56 Th ' • w. w, at,, Years aelln uent 1913 to .---. o o unu , nlK. 5 Nor-
lett, Jennie Ma hew, Joseph W. SaUl, penalty and costs thereon u ' ' $ • ' ( ) e N½ NW SW, sec. 5, • q ' wood '
James D L eid" Rives W Eddy' tneludin the 1st day ,V P to nd crued interest, $8.27; total due on eaid twp, 19 N R 4 W W M assessed 1919, inclusive, a__sessed to Herman ...... C lt, asses se._to John R. Evans;
Andrewnderson; .; B. Currier; John each suc'h lot traetr-or parce-o land' ' €" x, ....... to Chas. Somer's; "years "delinquent c°nn2°taems?n..ellnq.uent, $1.91; ac- lve. aounqUninl13, t°. 1919, inclu-
t, Evans" Merle L Elliott" A G having been essed to t u ......... Z , . y, .e .... v, w, of sec. ,v14 to 1919, inclusive, amount delln: .; q t.t; total Uue ou said intt € - - -- %" vx ' accrued
. ' . " , " : ,, =r.= v, x, tWp. l'J _N., ][l 3. W W V¢ as- quent 1.9 6 ,. ' --, v.. . ......... , v.¢, otal uue on said lots
Xcarp, L. L. Smith, Eunlee L. Spring, corporations whose names are given sessed to Maxgaret Goodwln years de: total 'd:e "on°'saCdCrUect d it6e.t' $6.04, (84) Tract No, 3, described as fol- $16^..
' , , • ows: commencing at ant 1 chain N ..t,u) .ots 1 to 4, inclusive, blk. 6,
-" • orwood City, assessed to D. Edwar4
G2rdon A. Spring; C ; Allyn; Carl with the sub-numbered descriptions linquent 1914 to 1919 inclusive €57 ,,u^ o,, ..... , ......
ogmnu" wnester mln" ,eser anu , thereo ae , , ; - • ,x 74 tow 74 174 1()5
, , e h and all of the persons mount delinquent $15 74 accrued inter see 5 tw) 1 N • o fthe southeast corner of sec 1 t
Tlarold Munson" Gee. Cyphert" V. I-I and cor r , • , - • , I. 9, . R. 4 W W M as- • , wp.
Smith; John Slebenhaum; John M-'lhereinat'to p0 atnl°nd herenbcf°tre and s,,$4.79; total de on said tract, sessed to Eva E.' Bats; years delin- 19, N., R. 5, W...W.M., run thence W. Rlle.y;..y.ears delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
leavy" E C McReavy" Samuel B I puted owner----;- '"° ,t", "" ';2." ....... quent, 1913 and 1914 and 1917" amount o the llne of lake, thence in uv amout aelnquent, $2.44; ae-
w "_:.',,_ _+^_' .. 4_..:: ........ , rac •23) :no - NE NW1/ SElh NEz ' delinquent R • , t northerly direction followin th vuu neres '" total due on said
....... , ,,,, ,,, x v." xrry or a ' , , -, , w.ol, accrued interest g e me- , • ,
, P reel, the description whereof is of see. 20 twp 19 N R 3 W W M $1 87' total due on anderiugs of said lake to a oint dirc 1 lots $3 33
Welles; Beaulah Meador 1 and Hrr:¢ -iven with • • ......... • , said tract $5 13 ' P e t y ' • •
Wells / Beulah Mead,r , and W 13 ugnd .... said owne name herein ass(!ssedu[o Arthur Shaw; Years delln- (58) The NW NW NV/ " 85 P.oint 2c_hains N. of said point (121) Lots_5 and 6, blk. 6 Norwoo
Brook /: J. J and lar l Spaulding' ert,.-b,e::ujuf ao saa proD- (]u!nL 1:13 to 1919 inclusive; amount sec 6, twp, 19, N R 4 -W "W" I' o t oe.g., tencc E. to said pt. 2 chains Y-' assesse _to Merle L. Elliott;
Vm W tee" M M "Grogau* J A' 7,= .... s ,--: ,n :wason wouny, uonnquent. $1.7t;; accrued Interest $61 lassessed to Chas ('earleart ear ., . ot sam pt. of beg thence south 2 yars uennquent 1913 to 1919, lnclu-
......... vvn,ngon, anu more particularly de- total due on said tract ' " ' .... , , - - - cnains to pt of be sve- amount dolin uent 1 " .
Schmidt; William Wagner; Abraham t scribed au )N,. ,o- - -- $2.37. [linquent, 1914 to 1'J19 inclustvo" - .. ._ , . g. excepting a road .." ........ q. . , $ .09, acerued
J, Gross" David Nell[st" Perr,, L Per-i ,,,-,m , =-=--. .... o) Tax o 740 B-41.81 L. C., de-]amount delinquent 6 55" 'accr,,-n ,-' rous wiue amng the E. end of said '' .a; total sue on said lots,
kins" MarJorie J Weaver. Minnie R [los . ]rnn eserxe " as fol= s.cqbed as follows: all tide lands oflterest $2.29' total' due on said'trat tr tct for a highway and a Path l0 ft v%L'2 .... -
tk" J. B. Bartlett" Mike 'De Lorenze: lhe NVeg- ..... ..... e ortn lne or tlo seeon cmss owned by the State $8 75.' ' " , wue amng the lake shore for a foot (,) .ots 7 and 8. blk. 6, Norwood
' , . , A (f the NW¼ of sec. 6, twp. of Vashington lying between t . . path, containing 50 acres City assessed to A. G Kear• a
George W Johnson" Gilbert Fig ' ]th '. ...... ,: ..... li ....... 30 f,t: Vof ot mean low_ tide an.d the line of ox- see. 6, twp. 19 N. It: 4 W W , in sec 1, tw)._19: N, R. 5, W. W. M. linq.u.cnt, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
Lawrence G. Wosterman, B E. Miley, 21 N" R 1 W at a )oint 3 , . he line (o9) The NW NE SWA, (127) • more or less, ( • p, yc rs de-
Frank K, Harvey; E.' Frampton; Jo [an Ntl:nc''ra;n[;;" "r'" n'te w "( : ned me 0w te .an__u n front of lots 1,lscsed to Cha. Garhert; 'yearsMd'el s. )ey,and L. Scarff; year amut del!nquent, $1.23; accrued in-
... xruttm; ttuue . r.,,; ,r: soutnerl at ri lit an 1 ' , . , ......... , -.. ..... , €o.,,; accrues lnteresL . . , .-, ..... ,--
Schmiedehausen; John Llndqulst; Ches-[easterl -y ..... g=, ...ges669 ft.,.thenco]twi 19, N,, .R. 3, W. W. M., assessed 152.76; total due on said tract, $10.95 teest, $.74, total due on said tract, ,,(123) Lots 9.and 10, blk, 6, Norwoodk
ter L. Cox; Monslne Johnson; A. J.]said-se 't 'w*-[n°--,l-n, orjo 1-1. cott_an.d J. J. Brenner Oys-[ (60) The W. 30 acres of" NW o; .... . _, asesea to L. L Smith; year
Sandusky; E L Deering; Gilbert Knut- a straiuhtline'6{;0't" ,°rtley n [ er o::_ year oennquen.t 1914 to 1919 ]SE excepting W 30 ft. sec 6 twp'. xb The .W. 11 acres of E½ SW ':xnqu.e,.. vl . to 19_19 inclusive
son ¢ un nuts n " ., .... ,,, . ,,,,,,v amount uelln uent 11 64 [ 19 N R 4 ' " ' • : o*v 74 excepting 10 ft S o ,,v,, ueimquen $1 z3 accrue
, e en K o 0 and Mrs, Ole he Inn[ q , $ .... , • ,.W.W.M., assessed to J. • • f sec. 12, . , - , ' d in-
Nelson Pr Willia o--. v .... |. g ng• said flract contains 5 acres accrued interest $3 83; total due on I Crown an twp 20 N. R. 5 W W M terest, $ 43 total due on said
Nearhouse; William Wilson" Fred W [soseC't:wP2l'N::-,I-'l- 'W" W.M, said tract, $15.4.7. __ . ]delinquent, 1914 to i919 inclusive; toT. W2.^Ll.ttle; •Years delinquent, $1.66. __ . .
.................... mse ' " • d Jennie J. BIodgett; ears , • • .. assessed • , lots,
Webster. C]arence E Skinner, Annie [_.}o.= ,[u :,,p%n; .years aeiIn-[. ,?J. :ne..,& IWt NWWt or see. lamount delinquent $19 65" acorued i =:i ,v, Incluslve; amount delih- _. (124) .Lta 13 and 14, blk. 6, Noro
Geak ' ' , , o to .,v, reclusive" amount , twp. Zl N R 3 W W. M as terest . ...... queue. $1023" accrued nt . woou tlty, assessed to D 1 d
e, Minnie Wilhelm, Mary Mcln ............. - , $6.64, total due on said tr t • l crest, $8,21, . • ward
..o .................................. w. ,,,,lo - a,,. o--,,,u; [delinquent,. $11.66, accrued interest, sessed to Hannah E'. and Percy Cole," [$26,29. ac ,1 total due on said tract, $13.44. .Riley years delinquent, 1913 to 1919.-
lrrv W Clak Gee x¢ ..... ,,[;. otal due on said tract, $1590 Years delinquent 1914 to 1919 1-,, 1 mh z , , _ _ (86) The W4 NVI. .ur. ,, Inclusive" amount dolinnuent •
. An,/ LH . Wbo ,,h' o | t) The NE of the NE eec 7 [sire" amount delinquent 13 98" tw 7 sec 7. sec 12 twp 20 N R . accrued interest $ 43 total due
................... ; ............... , .... - .p. 19 .N., . 4 .... " ...... 5 W. W . , • ; on sai
Gilbert 00nutson and Ole Nelson; R 1, W W M: 00ssessed 0000rued 00nterest, $453; total due on .id[to Redl00nds I assessed to T W Little years 00eil00: lots $168
am H icharqs.o.n: Bertha_4. New-|lt 9°z.eric?°ivYe..eaoauetnqdU?t,:Itr)'" SW4 SE" NW'" o" J191,•to I!9, i.clusie; amo'len:]3unuelng4 to41919, Incl.siveq :amount wo(o125)Cit?tSal:esasnd 2t0 hlk, Nor=
e; eo. A. Menllela; I-L '. Maxnela. ue ' . , - • x sec. qUent, $16,37; ,,accrued interest .; , • • ; accrueu fnterest u . uwarm
James L, MeCowan; Mollie C lranner: ]qt+nt, $19._49, accrued interest $4.43113-twv. 22,.Lq. , R. 3, W.7V¢. M,. assessed [total dtte on said tract $2191' $5.54, [$142;. total due on said tra0t, ,$5,91.'' JR/lay;. years delinquent 1918 to 1919
N. B. Simpson" Ralieh W and Saral /--u?j n 9u tract , jz.z. I.?.nnm :. al)P; years delinquent, I 62 Th wu .... o/ Tne W. of tract No.. reclusive; amount delinquent 1.24
Martin" V.E. tnd J. Bartlett: Rob- [--^) Tax 0. 652--44.72 L. C. de-[:tollg,,tncluslve; amount delin-i[:ce(tir "e//lN%. .vNE, - ex-! 13, wp. 20, N., R. 5, W. w .5' e']accru. ed interest, $.43; total'due _o
eft Johnson" Bertie Rallson" Siegel |rdas=. °!lOws- tide land in ro_nt [quenL $16.58; .a.ccrued interest, $6.11"|N i:'4:"r: ' .='sess' r %'i]sessed to John 'Eargor; .rsV,-'o]'. |said Iot#.0.$1:67: .
' ° .... , -. o. cwp. zl , t 1 W: total hue on mld tract $2269 ' ;' ' • • ", ...... . quent 1914 to 1919 in lus • ) ocs 21 and 22 blk 6 Nor-
:nF2i'e lalrlitaeT Fravr2:s.W EB;!e/, i_w- M., 32.02 lincal chains; begin-[ (28) .Lot No: 5° .cc,° 24, [wI). 22, V. ;[?:5';¥'{!n:t- . toJg>.![ollnquet, .8; ' a(luVe'.l:e°untt.-[.woo, d City, esed t) Eunlce I
H. Mecn; Joseph 'Lhanee. .mma n,ngat.nopoxnt o. mter-secuon of the ,. o, v. v...., assessed 'to Samuei,[aecrued , test , -.- ....... .*...;|$1.41; total due on said tract. $ , 0|.prmg; years ue,mquent, 1913 to 1919
-ohns,," Alfr- r.h ....... : ....... [line between l_ots 2 and 3, above sec-.[:D.^[ Y:ears. delinquent 1914 'to u er 0 $ .76° total due on (88) The . ,W 5 89 inolus|yo amount delln uent 1
........................... uon tw and R wi v 1 " : I'sald tract, $10.95: .[ , , _, S, N N ' I ' q ' $ .24; ac-
Waldemar Cook" F ..... th the meander .... ncluslve, amount dlin uen see. 22 tw i N crued .Interest, 48" total
, . Freeman. Lela . line an o • q t,, (63 ,The,:SE SW NE , P. , ., R. 5, . W. ., $. , due on sald
Jones Hugh McKenzle Alice r Ram.|557' ehain:Ulngrthence N/ 9 E [$3n,66,arued/ntereat, $I12; total due see , twp 19 .R'4 E., (217), assessed to Elmer E. King; y,ars dean'. Iots/$I{67 .
s__ay; Jonn F. Thompson; Jane Smith ]or nr .. 7-%" -,_---, ,..o i .'. .. ?o ..,. : , . [assessed to'jac)b,at'n..',.'-'--v'-.,u- ' [quent, 1914 t01.9!9 , ,nel¼$1ve; ,amount I-.'-. °ts 29 and 24, blk. 6, Nor-
walker" • " [i - ....... , - wn wnere tne[ - .,vv . w see 15 tw [,, --, - umn- aelnlqunt $299. ace [ ngWO°d L:lty assessed to Got
, Laura Hall, James Brown, said m .... P., uent 1914 to 191 , ..... rued Interest 9t" ,' don A.
Mar aret Dundas" candor line is intersected by the .28, ., R. 3 . .W.W. ., assessed to .... , 9, inclusive, aont total due on said tac ' $ Spr years dlinquent 1913 to 1
g , William Frank south boun ellnquert. $8'19" accr t, $3.3. ...... ,. , .... 919
Erne t" B JIs ng .meander |Inn. in gront of due on mld Iract, ,$29 54 '- , t • , M.. assessed l n uent, 191.8 to 1 , (128) Lots 9 and 10 '
s lanche May Mrregor Jefo a art . to Rcdlands Lan . , • 19 9 inclusve;,amount , blk. 7, Nor-
fre • . . P of lot 2, sec, 8, two. 21, N., (39) Lot No. 1, Ex, 'R Of W eec d CO., gears delinquent, Ieinquent 289" wod CAt assessed o -
y, lercival Dawson, Mar Hender- R 1 W T 12 " " " 1914 to 1919, lncluei • . , $ .0 .... acgrud interest, , y, t C, M. Alin
son" Ella Thomas; F B ancaSter: ['flnn . °talofr°nta.ge0f both de- .L twP 24..N.., It. 3,_ V. W. M., as- quent la, ..... ,,ve, amount delin- $10A, total due onsaid tract 3, Years delinquent, " 1913 to 1919, inclu--
' . " " - ---. ......... .,/ nl enalns In see. mu ,tu zellle, t. waxier, ear - .... , '-.-, ,.t=., o.oa; tu; 'xn . , $ 4. sive; amount Uelln U '
Agnes He gie, Chas E Fulmcr; Rag- 3 tw 21 N R lin ,y s de-total due on said tr e NE NE SW. SC q ent, $1,23 ace ued
men • , P. , ., . 1, W. W, M. assessed quent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive. - act $23.93 24 tw 20 ' • interest 3" tot
d 0, gith, Wm. O, F. Richmond; to Chas Sou ..... a (65) The ....... P" , N. R. 5, W. :Vt r M., as- , $, , al due on said ots
. era Co. etal, gears delin mount delinquent, $3291' accrued n- W. 3 acres, NW SW sassed to Ge ' $1.66.
ltonald S. Foster, Wm. Henderson; uent . , i NW sec o.W. IYpper & Co • rs
George Armatage; Margaret Y Gal- H 1913 to 1919, inclusive; .a[nount terest, $10,54, total due on aald 'tract, oo=17,.twl 19 N R. 4, W- W. delinquent, 1915 to 1919.' in '°''y'ea , 19) Lots 11 to 14, inclusive blk
• ' ..... . ...... , ,....o a-crueu Interest : v.o .... ., .oo . ... ewel]: 'years amount . elusive, 7 orwood Ci c,
braith, Ross J. Galbraith; Edith A, 16.43' to ' , delin uent 1 delinquent. $11.27; accrued In- " t.y, assessed to D. Edward
Foulis; Gee. H. Manche. Myrtle Cox" [$ a' taiue on said tract, $61.41. I (3!)•Unrecorded plat of Eldon, lotlo....,,, 914 to 12q19 , ,inclu.eive /terest. $4.02; total due on sai a ..... .Ril.ey.;.,years delinquent, 1914 to 1919
Mabel Davidson. Chas L Murnhv. ' i t.. -- .y: .. . t., ae- /, VK, .. ann in see. 22, twp. 24, N., R. |t''t"" .%,.,,qu?n, _,ve: accrues In- [$15.9. .... lnolus!ve;amount delinouent 2.17" ae:-
W Herman. IAtttra Jn Ab ''''--[sc-m-ea as ouows: all tide lands of|.3, w. ,W..,., assessed to Herbert Cook, l'' , ., total Uue on said tract, [ (91) The SE u N r ..... .__ /crued interest, $67' total du: nn 'nn
" r.H, -'w "r '. =Z" ¢?,'Z_:le...econa -class ,owned .y:tie State ]years uellrtquent, 1913 to 19'19 lnclu'lV" • t21 N * G;-7 -.. o, wp, /lots $284 ...........
fow4"q,m:yi,.-,yv," IO wasnl.ngton lying between the line[,Sive; amount delinquent $123; lte6rued/ ju6) The SE SE NW (299) [Jo'hn J ;;c:;e :''----w-" ,m... assessed to | (1'39") " L)ts • --. ht- r .......
--__L,._,.V" '%':'Y:_', --."".."Y; I °t mean lOW tide and the line of ex /Interest $ 44; total due' on" ald tP,t :[sec. 17, twp' 19 N R 4 W 'W w ' ltn n£ ''"' Yvars aell.nquent, d,9141.. =_ .... - .-.-, -.-, :..,:y
r.,utt, u o. ooen" j, - Nlelson" tram " ' • ---- .... , • ' • • , ...... . ...... u, inclusive' amount dell ,-., su to u. v:uwaru .t%lley-
Marguetto Bulon, Axi/ G Buion Harr It e low tide and in front of lot 3 ]$167j..... |..aSeS_sed to H._€, Jennie Lange. 1514.73" accrued lnternt: anquent [years, delinquent 1913 to 191n inh,"
, ' ' ' -! ......... -. -*, ..., z. , w w _ , ) -art or acc 22 tw ;r uennquent '1914 to 191 ' " ' .... * .... ; "' ' °' -'--
• -Ierbe.rt,_.ndrsw Esler; ,Vallace Wm.[with a fronta nf nq ,,-_', _=.."[w w ...... • . _ _p..24, .,,[sive , . ..... • ^d ........... 9, lnclu-Idue on aid tract $1938 Isive, amount delinquent, $1,23" accrued
t;avett; .wafter Brown; William :Stone. I ........ --o - :, y. ,,,c nazns I_' ..... ... vv. t., exn lOt 10, blk, A., _.':".'22 ,y.,,qun, .; accrued [ (92) The NW' SW." " ..=_ imterest0 $.43; total duc On said lots
Aria Evaiine ,Stonier; Thorhas 13tonir: I trt niAs'± Is° m .trent .of that l unrecor.neu pt of Eluon, Wn.. aseseed [.'' ..... ¢.vo; total due on said tract, [21, N,, ,R, , W:" r'" ' ',''."2 151.66. •
James A. McGillivray; Euphenia W' I W "W. "J-'-'-?y=2'-'wp" z., ., m.l,l2.Lrnrt, wqo ,years aelinq_ue.nt, .o .vh .... . ... ...... ,. [Martha Nunn; years • de'ine'.a_ (131)Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, blk. 9.
Stewart; James L Stewart. N0r.:C;l,,r.^ =2-=-,?,_uju mng tne meanuerl±.fo v .,v ,mcustve; amount delln-[1 .--. .... ,..7 ow,4 wy4, see, If,to 1919 lnlsi • . , ,1...[orwooa clt assessed to --
error • • :- ....... . ,,,,= .v.n u,ows; vcgnmng at the point quen $124" accrued interest 18 twp 19 N" R 4 W W , re, amount delinquent . Y, Carl Skog
d, John Paterson. Hannah Pater- Of inters c , 0 $.46 .......... M,, as-$14.73, accrue interest 4 • lud, gears delinquent 1913 to 1919
son; Lloyd .'Warren; Elizabeth Busse; liot 2 wihti°n°fthes°uth- line of Saidl0taldu on said 1oo$1.69. _ __: Isssed..^to Red lands Lad Co.; .,gears |(lue on said tctl $19.33' $ .60, total lincluslve; amount deliniuent, $2.46; ac
.. anas; also all other persons .or[ninln" +h.r,.,u,.;e, ana r Un-l : f u. .ec.,.:, twp...z4, .,R. .,..o + %..v, mcmslve; (93) The N NTV , " erued;interest, :$.90; total due on sald
parties unkn.own, havlngor elaimlng to l0e'0r'•1".%2"'21Z._ ' o.o: chaln.s.,:|=-v^, a,=, neLng m.t , _9_ik. A, uno 17=7=27--.=..-.,ue.n.., ,€. .... ; accrued in-Itwp. 21, N., R 5..W ASV' Y e--8-22 [ots, $3,36.
nave anY. right, title estat lien or l---- ,, , y.- t.te point In sala I,u. v, pttt .o .laon; wash, As-I;' -, €o.oo total ue on said tract lto Benjamin % ",.,G^2"." '" P.Ul /182 r,o o.. • hi lO .,..
Interest ": ' -, . .,.uer ine tnenee N 88 " E 713 sasses to Gee F Bancroft. ar ,o ol ' , .... .u." Years " ..........................
]n rnt areal estate described be-[hains more or less to the /lnt ,[inquent 1913" t 1 %Yeh,.de'l " (68i" Lot 1 h o 14 .... [quent, 194 to 1919, IncluSive /true'tint [City, ,as..sed .to D. :Edward Riley
...... -=-unts. the meander line is i ............ mount i - -" ............. " N" R ....... ' ..... , --..u, u nn,quent 8,22; accrued 'interest Year sue lnquent, 1913 1919 lnclusive.
IJMMON I O , ntersected by the clinquent, $1.24; accrued inter ..... 4, W. W.,M.,assessed tel man .34' ' amount., 1 , :
• p, LoS0000E Of State. Oyster Reserve, ].st, $:43; total, due on said lot, $.1.67. I00000cr.00: y,ars delinquent, 1913 to 919 I7.94 ', tol le Qnid tract, ,$10_¢6.Jter_t ,!i,.nitl t, d$,128.nacored :/n
• mL. .-.. ^. ._ ,'_' ....... I Fm o. vv anu having a rontae of I ta) 'art ot sec 22 twn 24 IlnClUSlVe. amount de]inmnf € a' |,o, "- . - __ _p7€ ow-/ -W , v, v, , ...... - ....... ....
, , • e 1 chains, more or less, R, 3, W. W. M.,, being lot 19 'blk A aCcr, ued i tereet, .54" tota ...... , ., , , W, W. ,M .... ,
above named,defendants, ........ [easUred.along the meander line rrhelnrecorded plat of Eldon Wash "-o'[Sald lot 216 $ , 1 due on[:a.sessed to W..:._ Parker: ,.years ,deln. l ,, (L133) Lots 1 to4, inclusive, blk. 11,
'.u ,,vl; ,l;tt, oUlltr u; I tWO a18crlntions tomfh_, ho,, --'.^,wa,, I sessed_ eta g. ,ttlivFu£L,--------]" gears" ue'" | na# #,Af'- * o° c 1'" tw" '' g-- I q_ucllt, 1, to 1J14 |nc/usIve , aiount vrwoou lty, assesses to nescr ,,.
Chas. Seiners Co. et al" I H Randolph" lfronta-e 4472 ehns"'--'2-%'^- -- Ilinnuent 191 " " - .... ". . " t -, =- , se . _,. p. 0, Idelinqueflt, $8.99"' accrued interest. Smith; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919
B.: A: Howard; Davtd "R Mltchell [in sec 8 ' twp 21 . 'R l,rV "V'. ' mount eiinquen u $.25; ' alnCUeSVte |7 :' S'mlh.W'-wslainSe:se. toM..'v'. 151.44; total duo. on' sd tract $5 43 . "i reclusive} amount delinquent, $2.47; ac-
joAnt°nlahn Howson,Cammas°n°" Wm.' WilbUrEmmersonL. .Alden'wm.' Iv] asseesedear "to Ch :'=-' ' :,--:=--.= ..... -o ..'^" e-; v-"" |.lest ..-.; .., ...... uuu"- on ......... sam lot 1 ..... }|'" "'i~,'.=l._..v,u.,ve, amount q ent,.dellnquent,..l to [121, ,.] (95 R 6The NWW :r SE sac. ,,22,' "twp" lsC uea$3.37.1nerest, .... $90;: total lue on sald
ohnson, Peter S andborg;_ E. Speaker;[ive. amount delinquent 291" acq. .... I, W W M being. ], 1 ht-'"...'[n said ,+ ,91. , $.54, total ducaT. Hills (Trstee) yeare delillquent.|
. . , Y s delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclu- (35) Part of sec, 22, twp. 24 R .62; accrued interest • , • . M,, assessed to S.
.(1.34) An undivided b ,int. in David
._xoung; . .. capfls; w, mery White; l interest $ 86 total dte' on" ld t.''[rorcled" lt ,"." ;:.'" -?'1" t-.' ";- ........ [lw to 1919, iclusive; a o nt delin-" [lton's ;_r,a addition to Shelton lot
ann 'rank Ellis; aargaret Godwin; [ $3 77 : ' , rT-- -:-- [Sessed to Vv;at- --'-" -"--- .... - [y ,'- ,- .,.,. v, see. 1 t twp..zo, I quent, $33.67; aedru6d intB '$11 37: [ an_' z, iK. 24, "assessed to Lester-
Arthur Shaw; I. O O. F. £,odgb 1o. i; 5" 'mh, ,-'* ..... -,. oz ..,',, [thn.nt ' ' la •-" -'" w?ua; ,ears .ae- ..... ,, w. vy. . ,assesseu to lyman [total due i on said ,tnn a'nl " lanu /arold:MUnson; vcara d]lnn,t
140; J. H. Scott and J. . 'rennerIS¢. c''','.Cw, 2" %ru'':[alun't"deln,.'° i1,, inclusive: ][ogerS YS,s..deltnquent. 1913 to 1919, [. (96 Tl)e -S]'';'S "''" . 191,4 to 1919, inclusive; aon["ein'=
uyster co.; anna E. and Percy Cole; [M tssess'ed g T'W ':."2.:.- ,'::= It .... t £.".'2=7"/. " .... ; :..'"_ .... .''-r,: - ..... unc uellnquent, cz.z; ac-121, R' '6 'r,W MI''- 2" .two_ [quent, $2065; scrued interest c. a-
..... , -- v , ut uuo on salu lot $I 70 crueu Interest, $.54 total du " * "
.Annie?'. CappLSamuel D. James; Dra-'[de'/inquent "I1'4 "to " 199"'ii..iv: [" (36)' Part of See *=- "r" Icr. 1 ; € on said T, Hiils," TrUs'tee)'; yas°.ent" [total ,due bn aid lots, $27,29. .... ."
/lam "llmDer .; ellle M, Waxier; [amount delinquent $851" accrued nte': [R 8 W ! W M boi='^:'%" -?- "' I "'-'''" ......... -- _ [191 to 199, inlusive" ,aount ,del|n' |: (Z3.5)...ot 1, blk. 2, C phert's Add
er ; . .- . . , • , -- • , • • ,, - ., v, m. . --; -w WK See 1 tw Z0 quent 3367: a ued to nelton assessed to eo
a-I rtxvoo. eo!F. B a¢l:oft,'W$.[91t, - $2.56, ftal due on said ,trat,[Unrecorded Plat of Edon Wash ---IN R xxr r r" o.oo'-' v p" , [ ..... $ . : cut interest, $11.37; I ......... . Cyphert;
-.:__Z-_--0 w...;r rrm; -. _:I$11.07. ! " "[essed to Walter .I" Wo[0''-' ['o-ers:'..Z'-'.-':,2''..'-'--'2°=Y'2. "yman[r°talaue on aald trust, $45,04 ' [years acllnquent, 1914 tO 1919, inclu-
tertz; E. E H0dder • W C Rtcard ¢ ']o . • , *" ........ =o ty':' .... -•.-, -o4a tv z, reclusive; mcmslye' amotint delinquent 102" "sess ' " " "' '"'"'"" " in .... * ..........
Ol Anderson. *:.' -- --?- ...... , ['lows, lot.2, .sec.o 8, twp. 20, N., R. ,2;[amount,delin,qucnt, $1.24 . accrued inter- IgCrued inerest. g ....... :.$ , . a C- .... ed to !.^0: O..F. No, 140; yqars de- [.tore st, .$4.21,. total dtts on said lot.
wit'S" Northern ac ='' u.'z'" I'VV" except therefrom 9,4 acres hee*l€, $.$4; total due on 'st/d lot, $168 |lot $216 ' ...... wt=, uuv on salu Imquet, :,, tO '1919/ ihc]us/Ve; [m..aa, ,
., , eese • Jac6b Ca tan" Redlaridd W W'." asesed to "]3 k " " ' snt i9 4 " ' ' - i l ;' vmrount de/Inq[ent $1 $2" ac. de l qu0nt "i91i ' " " " '' in scc '20 iW' '2b € "R
....... • • • . I-oward. , 1 tO 191.'ii¢tuefve, amount u ........ n . .to 1919, in u l,-e" . ..... 8, W. W" M,
, ,,,A. b. Newel and Jen- rs del , . , . er ed Interest, $ 54" total d ...... ' -q ..............
to 1919, Inclu-[i00,00q:00n00 ,1.10; interest $88.1!00t --,. " ' ue ou .00dl0000o00nt .dWinq00ent. ,1, le; accr,ed fn.[!s' -to , H. Smith[' gears delin-
:__,,'=.'rp_ •''J'_¢t-r,.m-, .w. r." .:l.e;amcunt leiInqunt, $568. accrued I total tUs on ald lot, llJ[ .... , ['- Z',-,'. , |forest, $.16; total due on said 'lot. ]:quet, :11 to ,191, inclusive; amount-
m2q; ;m.,;__vamaa:.:ne _Um: i/ntert, $004: total due on said tract [ (38) Part of ee 2 [n 24 N [-'i.) - ".me N. S',E NWzA SWKI [$1.52. , " [,l ue t, $.624" accrued interest
.]0as. &: ]l.ta.u._ e [|7,, ...... , _._ A f. : 18, W.-. M., b01ng lot blk .... I_J . , nllg. 7., ,see. 15, two. 20 | (9)_ Lot 2, blk. 7, Lakeshle,' as- I ', tlai sue on said tract, $119.67.
;r'__'.'T-q,n..---,.. ...... _ .°[ (7 'Tile IE eztne E, sac 24 [record6d Igl&t 0f ' Eld0h,-41h sa [_IN_.,<._. ,_, W ir. M. a.sessed to-Wm' sassed to Grace 'So$ish" i-/ ¢le,|In- (3) ,lot 51 blk, !48, Union ity.
Sel';,;.:a upar; ,er ann J nn- twp $0 ,N R " ' to WW ° . ---" .... " H. Mcaxnara. years delin ,' " uet, 1914 to 199 • sad to John Sl b •
,o o,_ , jil..=:ld, Mlel:;,ear, ielinquent [I18 to 1919 inclusive0 ,.4 .......... '100o 191,. tn,00u00v,..amOunt dslinoue00,l00cllnquont $57" a00rued lnt .... , ,,e. [."[liucnt 19114 to 1919 'inclUslVe"
.:sOn; y ' L.HCa ""tT; + . ..... • ,...,. , ,$. r,, , W, .M, assessed • • Morris, yrs delinquent qUent, 19.18 ..... , lnoiuslv, e .amount. , e, yeara
fU,r,,dco,.Joim0j,,o'e|fe=-Mar-I,,t°s1919; ,/nlusvo;..amount deUn- |.quent,_ $1,4 ao¢,ued :interest, $.48: |_$LSl-',2,eru1.. interest, $.5,; tota due |totadue.o sai 0 lot, $.87. ..... [amount:dellnque_nt, ,$,54; ccrued inter-
th>;,Jgen'ln' "ihIcn;V.--' I'?--,=;°'¢.-'Y'-'-.-e-rue-l-nt-eY est. $14.62; ItO.r.t uue on' sd.lot, i$1.$ - i,m.:=,u. ,o, cz.. ' /. ,2 0ots 1 to 24, lnoluslve,,blk. [st,,l;ttal Cue on said lot, $.69.
:,11.':; 'T: Hills (Trustee). Grac[w') Uhnssa':.t" 67' __ US, ()w.Par.t qf,P:2,x¢.w " 24, N., R.[(74)_ 'The E, $0 acres f SE NW,|trea__ eslue, .as.essed to MaJorisCol.],'). o_t,.!,to 10,.incIusive .b]k.
oash; be Colmarv, Peter N [t - g''- T.. y, sea. a. I o, .._..m.',nrg 0t IL, blk. C un-|so0, 1, w.p. 20 N, R "4, W.'W M as,|- .,:,years ennquont, :191 to 1919, [ nlon'°ztY; ' aSseu zb"Jbnn co
iX)¢|ro;!j:", Bosler. -'Gee Clark: I A)l "J,?...'--'--" w_:_., assessed to I recoruedpla of ]ld0n,ah,, aseessed I. essetd to Phe Musicians Assn "of St: nClmve;- ,gmount dellnqunt, ,$18.$3; |'/vy.;,yers dMing..nt , 1918 to 19,9.'u., ..0.. ' vr"*'="v,.. ' , ,' [.1 .. " o " J.,2YP'"'t"Uitncl SlveYearsam0aelmquenL [_1_91 1914" 'to'' ,,versn; yea. ; delinn.nt... - [¢Iul tie; years delin-uent ..... 1918 to ' 1919 r', ] ac.crUeUa Interest, $?.35; total due on ]!lncnislve; aount dell uent, $9.95" ace
"" = " '" ' " v " " , r $ " , ; " unt delin- 19, :LnVltlsive; ount del]'n elusive: amount dell ' s Id lot ,$25.65 , rued iflteret, $889; oal dus on Said
_war'_'y;rA:. ]; V.'.E. art- quent, $104 . 'accUed uen : . , al - , nquent, $42,18; ac ..... ,
lett :Je}3ayhe_w; Joseph ,W Saul: [otal du n *. interest, $8.17; [qt .... .:$1,10, ._¢crucd 'lterest, $.$8; |er,.ued interest, $15.28. total due on sai [-(1-I)- .iota 1 to 24, Jnluslye, k. ll°ts.L$18,'.5, ; "• ......
3Lm, 'Y)_ Z' .. '--'"," x" ,- .^-.--=.-.,--.:.-.-----'., v..O', ,I' uean sa lot,. $4a. t lot, $57.46.. ' - z, ,.aReslae iassessed to fa or/e 'Cbl- h ) o s 1 to. 8, inclusive, blk., 1
-l-wd..],, .v.ur.e.r, ay [ (s. 'nE. :NW4, see. 1.80. twp 1, ] (4)'.Ftrt of sec. ,, two. 24 N R [' {75) Trat r -= .... = .' [mary;. years delinquent, t9.9 j to: 919 Mclvy's st add. to Union CRy"
IR vaasr--]rere ;'i. "Elt.7-5?''l-:--,.,.w.=aa., a.$eaeq to^Cha,lO_. ,v_,,,,?ei_n.glot, blk 'D."un:]lows..Th--2.y:..%-,..aeecroe aSOl[Inclusl.e;, amount delinquent, $18.34 liassessed to _E._ C. McReavy; yea de -
T.'. L 'v.wT__a.,. 2;_*' ' .'.'|yvL .u..!ers uelnquent # to:lL.oruSu plat or mld0n, Wa h assessa IL=..= ,^..,..,?, roaa put, accrueu Interest, $786- total du llnquent, 91;$ to 1919 lncus! e
:"' "mm-n'c.U°e.prng{[l19'-nclus-lve;-am°untdeinquent $'2.=[-VZ-m.' A.lbrts.;:Years del|nquent 1915 t[rct'"''-e .oll0wn.g desrtbed[said lots,.,$2570 • , s O n mount dollnquent $4 98" ' accrued e.
;,ag^,..U;.£:.egT..Zt: [,.?;.y_,2f,l,,; a?crue atereqt, $1S,7; total duelist9 fn01uslve; amount dlin--n* |-'- - X','yuuflt. In WlUtn, Iegmmngl ao T../.' ," ,._ .o '. . . _,_ Iterest, $190" total dus 'on a l,,'=-
i.taroid MunsoaL. Geo..Cyphert; ,V• H,|(10) .The N SWU see • .... '['-l"''e,'vr-t, .*.ao; total due[Is W. 28:5 ft. (va 25i-4-5,--- d'-2113,'Lake/lde, asels6d 'to MaJorid Col: ..... "" ..... . .... '
mlt.h; ohn, Slbohbaum; .=Ohn Me-| 2, N. R. W as'sess'e" • (41) P ' ..... .L ..... [13' W. 16 S ft 8 55 ° 48 W--'6"9 -$* a [mar y • years ueltnquent. 1918 to 1919, 1:-(,.140, )- Lots 5to.8 ,.lnclu?l, blk. 1
.,: - a eavy; Sam e ° ' " " " ..... ,% twp" i r 9 ° 20'W "" " • ..... ' " InClUSIve" amount delin . : vw au. o union L:lty asSessea:
.... • , g .B. has. Somsrs Co,; years delinquent R. 8, '. W. M,, bein lot 5 , • 6 .. • $78 ft. S: 60 W, 917 ft. and .... quent, $9.18, ac- 'to Samuel B w en • '*'.,ox;o,e..arY[913 to 1919, inclusive, amoUnt aA,,-'luRlrecorded -,o. of l,lgn..,. Blk. D.I|. 28 .V. t4 5 ft from the 1- .... /rued_interest, $,.68; total due on said , S e_ey, .gears deiin-
vve)es; ea,|&n Meador ,, anu ltsrry quent 582. ' ........ ="" wasn as her of )a,/dLnCelratmf [lOtS, $12.86. , uent 1914, 918 a.d .1919, amount
0hldtj ./_ti/,,,agnr; A_brah_am[xilbur L. Alde'n; rea: del/nauent'l ,42 ._, ..... " ^= ." [>oint Of eg. run S '28; W 2 ft'Jd°lnq ue'nt $62" ccrued interest 20.1atin ":' ....... _City; as se.ssed to
=.: rom; aym :elust: 'erry 1, Per-[1913 to 1919 inclusive, a-,,-* ,-' Io ." ! " ec. zz, two. 24, N., R. [thence S. '71" s , " so ..' . .', /tots 1 a,. ".'.=;. ^. ' v" ' [a, - ff?.er .ux; years ue/lnquent,
gms; ,ar:prle J. Wagner" Minnie R [quent $9042: accrued nt.' "og''?° o, w..w M,, being lot 1 bik E un-[ of wt.. -f" ":"--" L° [ rn-..% .., ..€ _ _.: io to.19, inclusive; amount delin-
Kik; J. B; r.Baxtlett 'Mlks 'Do :Lorenzeil total 'due on' oo,- + .... -v7/. oo,uo; Irecorueu plat of Eldon, Wash sessed Jwstern v ,_ .tm nezton. oucn- |..a .."v"',-u',:.- ": rorwooa _u1.ty lquent, .62; 'accruod Interest, $.21;
Lawrence G Westorman. B E Miler, I--,o, ,. .... % "'??, 2.!!. __ [to Herman D Hertz. years d'[b' et "'.C.-u;, nene.e . 33 55' E. /=ZZ%- • .... .. omer; years aenn- total duo on said lots $.83
:George W'*Johnson. 'Gilbert" Fi:lx,.; ,, ,,, ,^ nelng _j NE 11913 to 1919"inclusl'v: am,=;-%=7;-"[;" ,; .:,.o.alu right o1: way thence /.%u, ", ,9132to 1919, inclusive; am0unt I {14'= T..t= *^ ',,,,..-- ..... I. ,.
..... . . , , ,, ,v 7 om, sec. z, twp. 23 N R 2 us ' , .... u,, oa w 449 ft to the t Gellquent, .sz, ace ued tnte o--, - , , ,,,,uov, u,. ,
'= ,.g :IVl _ . , b .[on; : . I toal due )n said trac $358 " |t ....... . _ , .. sessed [at a point on the €-u'nt-. roa '---.-' /amount 'delinqUent • 4 u, =. ,.+.! .total due on said lots $169 " '
nausy' . L, Peering; GhDert Knut- ](!(13 Trat • . | crman . ertz; years ueltn uen I/fl_ • u wncn | , . ,'- ...... .... .| ' ....
) 22 being SW 'NEXA 1913 to 1919 q t, is W. 28.5 ft : (ca 46' E S 6 ° est $.21; total due on said lots. 0 (14,) Lots 8 to 6 im usive blk 8
sn , Re en Knutson, and M s Ole N , inclusive, amount . , • .) • 0 , $.7 , ] 1 ,
'elsoh" 'ta, ¢r,m ......... r. • .... |w4. SE, sec.,2j twp. 23, N., R. 2, ]quent $125" accrued' ,,, ..... deltn ]13 W. 16.5 ft'.; ,S. 55" 48' W. 69 ft" [ (106) Lots 12 to 14. inclusive, blk,/Bay iew Add. to Union Clt , assessedt
Nbh,'.=Y...,;;:'-1"W...--=v'--'--v-.e! 1 Zv: w-_a, except S. 30 ft. assessed to [total 'dUe "on .aid [t-. "vr, m' o; IS: 59"_30' W 873 ft ' S 60" ' |1 Norwood City 'asSessed to Adol to Harry Welles ears Y 1
...... -, ,w,.,m wmon; 'rea 'w Jonn /-low , ' - ....... cz u o ., , , W. 917 . ' ' h ; Y de inquent
t- . .... , ........ ._.[JO ..... so.n,.Years delinquent, 1912[ (44) Part Of- ' w " [rrt an S. 28 W 137 ft from t /:tzer years delinquent 1913 to 1 f9 1913 to fl919, inclusive amount n
• ,--=err; ............ ,nnvr; ,exnnm to ,u.[.v, Inclusive. amount del/n .... o-, .... , N., R. outnwest corn ' " hc Inclusive. , .9 , uen r . , dell-
GeakeL Mnn/e Wilhelm • Mary McKin-[;.63: accrued tnt.* • o ._quent, [8, W, Yv'. M:, being lot 8 lk E. un-[..a. .... el" o_f Dav!d She[tons . . .., amount del/nquent, $1.85, ac ..t,. $1,26, .accrued interest, $.47;
nOW; cran,iE Hall- Eclwa-d MaxwsH. Ion" said tr-act-'360 ......... ; toa uue ]rscoraea plat Of Eldon 'ash "assessed I-" ..... am, sal corner being the |cr,ueu n_\\;erest, $,65; total sue on said [toal sue on salu lOtS. $1,73. ,
arry ,$V.. |rri" Ge'o McQuegn" "e]ia ]"(14) Tract 5 A being. N ...... [to E.E_. Hod.def.; years delincl'uent, 1918 [oUnct °rner Of the EZ/ of N'EA |10ts%$.bU.^._ .. _..n ... ,_., | "(144_) It.s.l .to r, .inclusive, blk. 19,
. and :11a 'L, Hawkes" Wil N va .,,v¢ to z19, Incnuslve; amount d . , ', zv, , , w.w. vL fro ,- v ano , 01e. I, ord ay ylew ,Ul, to u .
"(' .: ,:: , • ; ob- , .84; total due on said tract, 161 uent 1919' ' " .; Y dolin- W 450 ft to the ' " [ ....... [, (145)LOts 8 blk. 19, Bay View Add
Jonm0.; %le Rallson; isgel les'l) Tract 2 hel-. ;,," I .. , . to 1919, InclUSive; amount I.-n ..- -- Yr. of beg..eontainlng (108) Lots 21 and 22 ,blk. 1 N0r- tO Union .....
Boy; '/l]|m'>,' n'l ] le" N'W NW S -- -ca -- • nennquent, $I.z3; accrued,nterest 45* "-- -" m0re or ]ems.m see{ 24, wood Clty sassed to D ['i W ItF assessed to Hary
• , .$ ,, • . , E, see, 2, 'two. 25 .', total due on s ' $" , two. 20, N, R; 4 W ,. as .... . dward , elias; Y,0rs d lnquent. t918 to 119,
, ..--- o r -.- u dell
,. Jaeen, :J0seDn .J.nmee; Emma [Emmerson: Year de;Innun ..... " I. t__ __ artor sac. zz two 24 1 R [;-" ."g, .ng;. Tears delinquent, Imelumve: amount delinnuenl I 28' 10rued'ln*-- .., .:'.-=----, -'', ,-r=
/0blson;,fred:0 WilSon;_ Henry [1919, lnolus-tvs. r-fi---elen. [.^w__:,W-.M2, b_nff lot_'l :blk.' F.' un" |,tu ., lnctuslve; amount deln-|crued In{erect, $.45; tal duo" on '(Sd Hot, $,41""'"" ""v; togal uue on sala
tlaem..r =ooK; ;3f,Freema; laela :M. I $1.17; accrued tnterest t a. --;'='# =?- I.Y-ruv-u-Pmt: Or .'laon, Wash., assessed IY2;"-- €''°°; . a.ccrueo lnerest, $,84; I lots, $1,66. : K ,,,o, ", _: ..... '- '!" .
[ones; lli MoKensie; Wil!m Frk[on said'tra a11 -, , .... .uu= uue[o ulaz Anaorson; Yearmdelinquent 1912 I o= uue on Sald traot, $2.82, | '(109 T,t. .I=, ,,, '.,,. • ,.v-- .. ,o z,¢s =._o 7, lneluslvo, ,blk.
:urfns¥; '-grah,t:Wb'ggn; Letma Ander.| (16) TrOt' 6"'beln ......... io 919 InclUsXve: amount delln'uont I (76) The E -ICEA SEU Nu |w,i-*"Z%.7.:o;'=%"; .h .'2_ r" I,0-BaY. View Aou:._to. Unlon City, as-
n Ma' C , ' • m t s w¥ .z" accrues Interest • ' See 31 tw . .., ....... ,, ....... vrtt . vm; .eases o l-larry Welles
9 g r,,,J es,Kean; m. Nr EK exce tin , , $,44, tota due . , p. 20 N., .4. W f; ;' ears dslin-
[ % ,N [:n .,d lot, $1.68. l:_esed .to A..B. Newell..'" " " as" Y,ar.s dIIn uent, ,192 to ,1919, Ine.u- ,: uent, 1913 to,,1919, 4nelusfvee;Lamount
rnesz ................... , ,', 'art o: see 22 uent , ears de in- r.!ve0 amou0000 dell quent, $1.25; ac.rued elinquent 486"
........ , ...... J hnacn, ears elin- 9 W W M bein ......... clue, amount interest, $45; tol dus on said lots, $166. total .... et.
a MqY roger Jef- sessed to Wm o . • tp 24, N, R q 1914 to 1919 'i * . . ..... , , accrued tntar
',Y, sV--.PSon,aGr Hender-[:ent, 1914 to ,9,s ,--,..--.' ....... [' "......, g lot 2, blk. F. ,n-Iilnq,ont. **.. accr%,.t .... • ,,,. ,,s," • 0 due on said lot, $6.02.'
n II o * o, ,.,...ow, moun recoreu plat of E]aon h ass total due on --- v v i 147
n; . ;.$x m as; ._: "B. 2Laneter; [de.I/nquent, $2.82; adcru interest $72" Po Olaf Ander-- , as ..... essed [tot " eaid tract, $8..'4.-" ..... ' "''" "{1" r+- ,'*^ '- "h:,:,,,, :'.,,. v ,( _ )_Lots' 2 to 8i /noldSlVe blko
s =gle.; Jnas, 9.Fulmer: tay. ltOtal due on tract, $804 " ' 11918 to -1 ^ "m°n;-Year dell-nq-uent' I '(77) "The E' acres ^ N z',, .., N-'--'-'- ",-- "=----=""-""' =; =,,ay. vi_ew.Add..Lto Umon,,CitY, as.
"n°na" "O'±Sm--ith;l F wm..). P. R/chmond; [ (17) The NWA of "SEI sco _n ,,,t .... zvf'z mcmsxVe;accrued :amoUntnterest delln-[ N:g. ec' $1' ---.t'' n vr. va ar¢0 RileyUWuuuy as'''d=linqUvnt2"""¢e'-eeu to1913, to u'lwgra scsSeau to kiarr welles; ears delin
,_anL!a p. : 9ster; ..Win, Hen_tiers on; [twp_@, N R. 2, W. W. f' assessei toa! uo n s-l ,^* -' 21 , $.44; IM,, asseesd t A B'lewell" ,=ars' 2:-" inoh,J. ........ -a,l'Z--J--- '', quent, 191, t?_ _919, lnlusvee: amoUn
,eor • Armata e; M rgayst : . Gal- to 'eter andberg, ears dell ..... i 'x,oo. fin uent .... " " r ,:., .... -- .--.-, ........ uun uent, *" .aealnquenti $u;06" accrued
!rd; Ross Graithl d/th A. ]1. to "1919 ,',- .... a ngue.nt, _ (45) Part of sec.22, two. 24 N R [l_n..., .1.914 : t.o .fl.919, /ncluslve; accrued Interest, $,89;,tot due on eai $ 73" total due nn' ..a .o /nterest,
ulls; Geo, ]. Manche; 1ry1e Cox. ll/nquent It47.8'8.*'c'e"r'd'.-[n-°unt. ae" ;$, W'---W'..M., belng all of blk,'H,"un L" j_ount ae!ngupnt,_$z.26; accrued ,, in lets, $8,36. ' , ...... .' ' ' ;',,, -: ........ - ........ v ........
bel Davlon; ChU. L. Murphy; J '61;tota ue on d'ra:'','9 '''" re eOr-ed Datof1.don, W_ash. assessedJ'. ' ,.0; total aU0 on said trot. (111.) ,Lots 19 and 20, blk. d,,,Nor- .. ..,: _ .... .... : -
' , • o auton and Albert Jarwitz; yearn " • . I wood Ct¥, assessed to Y. ]9. Bartlett; onmued on Page Elven)