September 17, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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(Continued from Page Ten)
to (148) All of blk. 24, BaY View Add.
Union City, assessed to Harry Wel-
les; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, in-
clusive; amount delinquent, $2.49; ac-
Crued interest, $.95; total due on said
block. $3.44.
(149) Lots 1 and 2, blk. 1, Town-
Send add. to Union City, assessed to
Samuel B. Sweeney; years delinquent,
1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
quent, $1.25; accrued interest, $.45;
total due on said lots, $1.70.
(150) Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, blk. 1
Ownsend Add. to Union City, assessed
to Beulah Mender ½ and Harry Wel-
les z/; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.49; ac-
Crued interest, $.95; total due on said
lots, $9.44.
(151) All of blk. 3, Tond Add.
to Union City, assessed to Beulah
Meador and Harry Welles ; years
delinquent, 1913 to 1919, Inclusive;
amount delinquent, $2.49; accrued in-
terest, $.95; total due on said blk.,
T(152) Lots 3 to 8, incve" blk. 4.
ownsend Add. to Union City, asessed
to Beulah Meatier and W. B. Brook
; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, in-
elusive; amount delinquent, $1.86; ac-
crued interest, $.70; total due on said
lots, $2.56.
(153) Lots 3 to 8, Lnclmz4ve, blk. 4,
Townsend Add. to Union City, assessed
to Samuel B. Sweeney; years delin-
quent, 1913 to 1919, lncluatve; amount
delinquent, 3.10 ; accrued interest,
$1,17; total due on said lots, $4.27.
(154) Lots 3 to 6, inclve, blk. 7,
Townsend Add. to Union City, assessed
to Beulah Mender ½ and Harry Wel-
les ½;years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.50;
accrued interest, $.94; total duo on said
lots, $3.44.
(155) Lots 3 and 4, blk. 8, Town-
Send Add. to Union City, assessed to
1]eulah Meador % and Harry Welles
,; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
ncluslve; amount delinquent, $1.26; ac-
crued interest, $.46; total due on said
lots, $1.72.
(156) Lots 7 and 8, blk. 8, Town-
send Add. to Union City, assessed to
J. J. and Mary E. Spaulding; years de-
linquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $1.24; accrued inerest, $,45;
total due on said lots, $1.69.
(157) Lots 3 and 4, blk, 11, Town-
send Add, to Union City. assessed to
%Vs. W. Rice; years delinquent, 1913
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$1.25; accrued interest, $.45; total due
on said lots, $1.70.
(158) Lots 4 to 8, inclusive, blk.
12, Townsend Add. to Union City, as-
delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $.60. accrued in-
terest, $.19; total due on said lot, $.79.
(185) Lots 18 and 19, blk. 4, Lake-
wood Plat A, assessed to E. Framton;
years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $1.22; accrued
interest, $,41; total due on said lot,
(186) Lots 20 and 21, blk. 4, Lake-
wood, Plat A, assessed to John F.
Deavell; years delinquent; 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.22; ac-
crued interest, $.41; total due on said
lots, $1.63.
(187) Lot 24, blk. 4, Lakewood,
Plat A, assessed - to J. B. Bartlett;
years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $.60; accrued
interest, $.19; total due on said lot,
(188) Lot 25, blk. 4. Lakewood, Plat
A, assessed to John Richard Carline;
years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $.60; accrued
interest, $.19; total due on aaid lot, $.79.
(189) Lot 26, blk. 4, Lakewood, Plat
A, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years de-
linquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delnquent, $,59; accured inter-
est, $.18; total due on said lot, $.77.
(190) Lot 28, blk. 4, Lakswood, Plat
A, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years
delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $.60; accrued inter°
est, $.19; total due on said lot, $.79.
(191) Lots 37 and 36, blk. 4, Lake-
wood, Plat A. assessed to A. W. Gra-
ham; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.$1; ac-
crued interest, $.40; total due on said
lot, $1.61.
(192) Lots 99 and 50, blk. 4, Lake-
wood, Plat A, assessed to J. B. Bart-
lett; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, in-
clusive; amount delinquent, $6.38; ac-
crued interest. $1.96; total due on said
lots, $8.34.
(193) Lots 13 to 16, inclusive, blk,
:5, Lakewood, Plat A, assessed to Claude
J. Braman; years delinquent, 1913 to
1919, nclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.41; accrued interest, $.85; total due
on said lots, $3.26.
(194) Lots 37 to 40, inclusive, blk.
5, Lakeood, Plat A, assessed to J. B,
1]artlett; year s delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.41; ac-
crued Interest, $.85; total due on said
lots, $3.26.
(195) Lots 8 and 9. blk. 6, Lake-
wood, Plat A, assessed to Charles
Schmtedehauson; years delinquent, 1913
to 1919, nelusvc; amount delinquent,
$1.22; accured interest, $.40; total due
on said lots, $1,62,
(196) Lots 17 to 24, Inclusive, blk.
6, Lakewood, Plat A, assessed to John
Lindqulst; years delinquent, 1913 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
, L " •
I 1 I I I i liHl . I I I ill i illlll I I I
, i¢ i ,Tr i , i , " ,,, r" , i
(223) Lots 41 to 48, inclusive, Blk. lcrued interest, $.59; total due on said $2.27; accrued interest, $.66; total due (337) Lots 17 and 13, blk 3, Lgke-
3, Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to Gee. lots, $2.66. on said lots, $3,98. wood, Plat I. asaessed to J. B. Barto
McQueen; years delinquent, 1914 to[ (261) Lots 12 and 13, Blk. 9, Lake- (299) Lots 36 and 37, Blk. $, Lake- lett; years delinquent. 1914 to 19;[9,
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, [wood Plat E, aasessed to Alfred John fzlcluSive awiouht delinquent, $1.05; &co
$4.13; accrued interest, $1.19; total due Wilson; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.19; ac-
on said lots, $5.32.
(224) Lots 45 to 48, inclusive" Blk. crued interest, $.40; total due on said
4, Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $3.07;
accrued interest, $.58; total due on
said lots, $2.65.
(225) Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, Blk. 5,
Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to Celia
C. and Lelia L. Hawkes; years delia-
uent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount
ollnquent $4.74 ; accrued interest,
$1.68; total due on said Ides, $6.43,
(226) Lots 6 to 8, lncluhive, Blk. 6,
lots, $1.59.
(262) Lot 14, Blk. 9, Lakewooa,
Plat E, assessed to Henry Waldemar
Cook; years delinquent, 1913 to, 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $.59; ac-
crued Interest, $.19; total due on said
lot, $.78.
(263) Lot 15, Blk. 9, Lakewood,
plat E, assessed ot F. Freeman; years
delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
amount dellnquenL $,59; accrued in-
terest, $.19; total dus on said lot, $.78.
Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to Reuben (364) Lots 20 to 23, icluslve; Blk.
and Gilbert Knutson and Mrs. Ole Nel- 9, Lakewood, Plat E. aasessed to J. B,
son; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, n- Bartlett; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
elusive; amount delinquent, $1.77; ac- inclusive; amount delinquent $3.37; ac-
crued interest, $.62; total due on said crued Interest, $.83; total due on said
lots. $3.39, I lots., $8.30.
(227) Lots 25 to 28, lncltlsive" Blk. I '(05) Lots 48 to 46, inclusive; Blk.
6, Lakewood, Plat C. assessed to Wil-09, Lakewood; Plat E, assesse[ to Lela
liam H. Richardson; yeare delinquent, [M. Jones; years delinquent, 1913 to
1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-1%lg, inclusive; amount delinquent.
quent, $2.06; acorued interest, $.58; $2.37; accrued interest, $,83; total due
total due on said lots, $2.64. " Ion said lots, $$.20. . ....
(228) Lots 38 to 31, inclusive, Blk. I (266) Lots 1 to , inclusive" BIK. iv,
7 Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to J. B. i Lewood, .Plat E, eeesed to J. B.
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 toil Bartlett,. 1913 to 1919, inoluaive;
1919, inclusive; amount dslinquen,'iamount delinquent. $3.38; accrued 1n-
$2.06; accrued interest, $.57; total duelterest, $.88; total due on said lots
on said lots, $2.63. l $3.21.
(229) Lot 4, Blk. 8, Lakewood, Pat[ (267) Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, Blk.
, assessed to Bertha A. Nowcomb; [ 10, Lkewood, Plat E, assessed to
years delinquent, 1913 to 1918, lnelu-[Hugh McKenzie; rers 1913 to 1919,
sire amount delinquent, $.48; accr0ediinclusive; amount delinquent, $2.37; ac-
nterest, $.20; total due on said 'lots,]crued iterest, $.83; total due on said
lots, $3.20.
(230) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Blk.[ (268) Lots 34 to 27, inclusive; Blk,
Lakewood, Plat C, assessed t'o J. B. [10, Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, I Allce V. Ramsay; years delinquent,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.37; ac-]1914 to 1919 inclusive; amount de-
crued interest; $.83; total due on said[llnquent $2.06; accrued interest, $.58;
lots, $3.20. [total de on said lots, $2.64.
(231) Lots 22 and 23, Blk, 1O, Lake- I (269) Lots 43 to 46, inclusive, Blk,
wood, Plat C, assessed to J. B. Bart-]10, Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to John
lett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, F. Thompson; years delinquent, 1913 ot
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.34; ac- 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
crued interest, $.32; total due on said $2.37; accrued interest, $.83; total due
lots $1.56.
(232) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Blk,
11, Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett; yeLrs delinquent, 1914 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.06; accrued interest, $.58; total due
on said lots, $2.64.
(233) Lot 13, Blk. 11, Latewood,
Plat C, assessed to J. B. Bartlett;
years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, "$.52; accrued
interest, $13; total due on said lots,
(234) Lots 14 and 15, Blk. 1, Lake-
wood, Plat D, assessed to J. B. Bart-
lett; yea÷s delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
on said lots, $3.20.
(270) Lots 8 to 11, inclusive, Blk.
II, Lakewood, Plat E, asscsesd to Jane
Smith Walker; years delinquent, 1913
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.37; accrued interest, $.83; total due
on said lots, $3.20.
(271) Lots 20 to 23, inclusive, Blk.
11, Lakcwood Plat E, assessed to
Laura Hall; ears delinquent, 1913 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.38" accrued interest, $.83; total due
on said lots, $3.21.
(272) Lots 31 to 35, inclusive, Blk.
11, Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to
James Brown; 'years delinquent, 1914
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.58; accrued Interest, $.74; total due
inclusive; amount delinquent, $.99; ac-
sassed to M. ]%[. Grogan; years delin- $4.83; accured interest, $1.71; total due trued interest, $.27; total due on said
quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount on said lots, $6,54.
delin-uent 159 accrued inter,mr 8" (197) Lots 9 to 12 inclusive blk lots, $1.26. on said lots, $3.32.
total"due on said lots $2 17 ...... 8, Lakewood, Plat A, assessed to 'Ches" . (285) Lots 41 to 56, inclusive: Blk. (273) iota 88 to 38, inclusive, Blk.
(159) Lot 7 blk 1'3 ToWnsend Add ter L. Cox; years delinquent, 1913 to b ,.aewood Plat D assessed to J. B. 11 Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to J.,
to Union City' assessed I:o J A. Sch-' 1919. inclusive; amount delinquent $artlett; ycars delinquent, 1913 to B. Bartlett; =years delinquent, 112 to
midt. years delin-uent 1913" to 1919 $2.43; acoured interest $.86; totaJ due 1919. lncmsive; amount delinquent, 1919 inclusive; amount delinquent,
inclusive, amount lin'-ent 2" --' on said lots, $3 29. ' $9.54; accrued interest $3.45" tota duo $1.87. accrued interest, $.69; total due
crued interest $1O'tota due'on'sat'd (198) Lot 13', blk 8 Lakewood Plat on saidlots, $1299. ' ' . On said lot, $3.58.
lot $ 42 ' " ' A assessed to J. B.' Bartlett; 'years (236) Lots 21 to 34, inclusive, Blk. (274) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Blk. 1,
i'169 ') "Lot 8 blk 12 Townsend Add delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; 3, Lakewood, Plat D, assessed 4o J. B. L4zkeood, Plat F, asleessed tO J. B.
to TTnion it, 'sess t, vlm amount delinquent, $.60" acCrUed in- Bartlett; year delinquent, 1913 to artlett. yea/m delnquent, 1914 to'
• Vaner. years delin-uent 1913 to 199 terest, $.20; total due on said lot, $.80. 1919, inQlusive; amount delinquent. 1919. ,inclusive" amount delinquent,
lnclsive"amount €lllnqtzmt $30" ac (199) Lot 24 to 27 nelusive blk. 8 $3.3,7; ,cusd interest, $.83; total due $2.37: accrtiod interest, $.66; total dZe'
crud int • e. tats! ' 'aaa Lakewood, Plat A assessed to Men-' on aid lots, $3:20. , on said lots $3,93. ,
lot.$ 4"0 "--'' ""' " ....... ..... sine Johnson; yrs delinquent 1913 ('237) Lbts 9 to. 12, ln01usive" BIlL 4, ('37) Los 10 ot 12. inclusive, Blk,
}'161 'Lots 1 and 2 zzr nw.. to 1919 incdlusive; amount delinquent Lakqwood,'Plat D assessed to 'Geozge 1, Itkwood, ,Plt F, aessed to Mar-
.............. 2 41 .............
send Add to Union Cite" assessed to $ ' ; accured interest, $;84; total duo A. Mehlfeld; years d¢liDqunt, ,913 garet Diindas: years delinquent, 914
Abraham "r ...... .%'. .. ..... t on said lot, $3.25 : to 1919, inclusive" amdmlt delinquent, to 1919 inclusive' amount delinquent,
1913 to 1919 inclusive, amount de- .^(0O) Lots 35 to 38, inclusive; blk., $ .36; accrued interest, $ 83: total due $1.73;.acred 4ntert, $.50: total due
]t.u.t • : .,T, 'l.toot • 1, x.zKewood, Plat A assessed to A. on said 1ots,:$3,18. : ion eaR1 10ts, $339, ,
€'1"--d', '.'l"t-' ...... " "'" J Sandusky. years delinquent 1914 to I (238) Lots 125 to 28 lncl siva lk (2) Lots 12 to 16 inclusive Blk
rl "T:ta"'-.,"a "'h'{t d P---- 1919, inclusive: amount delinquent, [4, La/ewood, l]at D, essessed o H.: 1, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to Wll-
send Add 'to Union City asad *o $ .10; accrued interest, $.59; total due IF. Maxfleld; Years deliDquent, 914 .to [liam Frank Gamey; ,years delinquent,
Dvi zmo. ..... k] ..... ,7--o on said lots, $2.69 11919, ihclUsive; amot't delinquent, 1914 to 1919 4nclUsive; amount delin-
.......... " ......... " ......... 201 o 2 .......... "
to . .z..t.., .m.. aA.,,.* ( ) L ts 32 to 35 inclusive, blk. [$ ,05; accrued interest, ,'$.57" total due:Jquent, $2.28; ccrued interest, $.67;
5K...ued lnt.t • 1. *^*- ". ^i , Lakewood, Plat A, assessed to J. B. [on said lotS, $2.62. ; [total due on said lots, $3.95.
'd' "*'-" .............. "" ""= u'lBartlett; years delinquent 1913 to 1919, (339) Lots 53 to 56 inclusive, ]k. [ (277) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Blk 2,
-a"T.'*'"a . oT,,a., T a elusive amount delinquent, $2.41; ac-]4, Lakewood, Plat D, assessed to James [Lakewood( Plat F. assessed to Sarah
T','"'..v'''.'-'.'.'-'. I crued interest, $.84; total due on said ]L. McCowan; years delinquent, 1914 IHuggan. years de]ineuent 1914 to 1919
tn ,'',',,'"T' ...... .. 'H.,... lo s, $3.25. [to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent inclusive; amount delinquent, $3.27; ac-
:'-$'"7'a'=..''...=.':.=y''=':.'i (202) Lots 21 and 22, blk. 2 Lake- $2.98; accrued interest $58; total due crued interest $66" total due on said;
mt . . t, . ]we d, Plat B, assessed to E. L. Deer- on said lots, $2.66. lots, $3.93.
o€.] 'd. nn' nt. en ' ' i g; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, in- (240) Lots 9 to 16 inclusive Blk. (278) Lots 5 to 8 inclusive, blk 2,.
(164) Lots 2 to 4 inclusive blk c usle, amount delinquent, $1.05; ac- 5, Lakewood, Plat D, aesed to Mol- Lakewood Plat F. assessed to Lcona
, ...... .^'w-,^. r,..'. 'lcrued interest $,28' total due on said lie C. Branne r" years delinquent 1914 Anderson" years de}inquest 1914 :to
se - ,. v. p... ...... ^ J s, $1.33. to 1919, inclusive" amount delinquent 1919 inclusive" amount delinquent
linauent*. 1913" t" --1"9T9:" ncl[u's ::I (203) Lots 23 and 24, blk, 2, Lake- $4.12; accrued interest $1.18" total duo $2.28:: accrued interest $.67" total due
amount .u.,,. . ,...a ' ood,lat B assessed to Gilbert Knut- on said lots, $5.30. on said lots, $2,95.
............. " son
tr.t z .. +'.T ,,.',.4',t=' "' teuben Knutson and Mrs Ole (241) Lots 29 to 32 inclusive B]k. (279) Lots 21 to 24, inclusive" Blk
--'"'itsT* ;,'',7.'-"']Ne]son; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, 5, Lakewood, Plat D, assessed to'J. B, 3, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to May
............. incJusl m
Tn' Ar TTI' glt '.='-''-.'i re; a ount delinquent, $105; ac- Bartlett; years delinquent 1913 1916 McGregor; years delinquent. 1914 to
tn w,- £'6.:"%':^.==" _,TZ.'.2'lcrued interest, $.28" total due on said to 1919 inclusive" amount dells uent 1919 inclusive" amount delinquent,
........ • .. .*., um,,,u.m, lots 1 33 ' 1 ' ' " ' ' '
191. * 4z,,. ....... . ^.,_ ] , $, • $ .65; accrued interest $.50" totk due $2.26: accrued interest, $.65; total due
........ , .......... ,-,,.,, u,,,,- 204 Lo ' '
..... • oo .. ....... ' .......... i ( ) ts 83 to 36 inclusive blk. on said lots $2 15 on said lots; $2.91.
t ]3_,..L.akewood, ,Plat B, assessed to Percy (242) Lots 49 to 62 inclusive blk. (389) Lots 25 to 28, nclusive Blk,
otlde ontSaid lots, $8.44_ ............ ;wunam ayers; years delinquent, 1913 5, Lakew0od Plat D assessed to N B 2, Lakewood Plat F assessed to James
• " .^'_ .... ;'._'./_",_'..I _" [to 1919, inclusive" amount delinquent Simpson" years delinquent 19'13 to 1919" Keen" years' delinquent 1914 to 1919
soo- ÷ h.. v ..,o; ...... ...o o. ]$ .4 , accured interest, $ 84, total due inclusive', amount delinquent, $3.25" .... inclusive" amount delinquent $2 36; ac-
lin-unt "tqlt *n 1GIG 4h,a! .... ]onsaid 10ts, $3.25 accrued interest $ 80; total due on said cruod interest, $.65; total due on said
........... ' "" " ZU 0
.,,.* '.u ..... * e- -- ''." :' I t 0) ts 17 to 20 inclusive blk lots $3 05 lots $3 91 ,,
......... ........, w-; aecruea In- 4 Lake O ' ' " ' " " ' " "
terest • n int.1 R.a .... 4R ^*o .. .we d Plat B assessed to J B (243) Lots 36 to 43 lclusive Blk (381) Lots 39 to 22 inclusive Blk,
• o ' .1.2 ........... .. ....... xartlett ;years ael]nquent, 1913 to 1919, 8 Lakowood Plat D assessed to' Ra]: Lakew0od, Plat F, usessed to' Wm.
7 T.,,* o ... o .... , ..... ]inclusive; amount delinquent $2 42" ac- sigh W and Sarah 'Martin years de- Huggan. years delinluent 1914 to
to TTlnn tv .oo. * .o. i.. d nterest, $.84, total due on said limzuent 1913 to 1919, inclusive: 19, inclusive; amount delinquent,
.......... "' ........ *"'"* ' lOtS ' " "
Gross" e-rs dZin ..... * sL e o" .^.326. delinquent $4 76; accrued tr .3; accrned interest $.66" total due
lnclus ve" amount n, .,,. L wJ ,.ozs 1. to 4, inclusive, blk. $1;70" total due on said lots $6 said lots, $2.92. . .
cr,,|.. ....... del:2u-.t., Z_.' e, xazewooa, Fiat , assessed to J. (24'4) Lots 28 to 35 incluslv (_282) Lots 33 to 38, inclusive. Blk.
lot 7,,ro, .., ,,.,..,t.. uuu v. mu Bartlett;. years delinquent, 1914 to. 9, Lakewood. Plat D sessed tc Le.kewood; Plat F, assesed to Charles
/'^. __ * ,.1,. oo ,___ reclusive; amount delinquent, and J B. Bartlett" years "dell[ delinquent, 1914 to1919,
. .-. • ,,u , ..,. , .w.- accrued •interest, $ 59; total due 1913 t 1919, inclusive: amount delinquent, $2,26; no-,
send Add. to Union City, aessed to on said lots, $2.70.
(207,) Lots 19 to 24, inclusive, blk. quept, :$4.74; crued interest, $1 '$.66; total due O said
total due on aid lots, $8.43.
(45) Lots 41and 42, Blk. 10, Lake-
wood, Plat D, assessed to Robert 3ohn-
son; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919
Inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.04; &c-'
crued interest, •$.28; total dub on said
lots, $1.33.
($46) Lots 1 .to 8, inclusive, Blk.
11, Lakewood, Plat D, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1913 to 19i9,
ineluslye; amount delinquent, $473: ac-
crued mterest, $1.67; total due on Bald
lots, $6.39.
($47) Lots -9 to 32, tncluslv Bik.
1, Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to Ber-'
tie Rai|son; years delinquent, 1913 to;
1919, inoluaive; amount delinquent,
$1.90; accrued:interest, $.81; total due
on,said lots, $3.71.
.(4&). Lots 33 to 36, inclusive, *Blk.
1, Lakewood, Pat E, assessed to Sel- I
gle BoYd,; years delinquent, 1913 to
!919, incuslve; amount delinquent,*
$2.371 accruedlinterest, $.82: total dun
on said 10tS, $8.19. ,
. (249) Lots 49 to 53, inclusive" Blk.
2, Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to J. B,
Bartlett; years "delinquent, 1913 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.37; aCcrUed interest, $.83; total duo
on,said lots, $3,19. '
(250) , LOtS 1 to 2,4, inclusive, ,Blk.:
3 Lakewood Plat E, as seesed to Wil-
llam , Francis; years delinquent. 1913
to 1919, Inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2,39; alcrued interest, $.84; total due
on said lots, $3.23.
La51) Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, Blk. 4
ewood, Plat E, assessed to W. Z
Hartley; years dellnqqnt, 1913 to 1919
inclusive; amotnt delinquent, $4.76; ,ac
crued iterest, $1.70; total due on said
lots 6 4
()" LOtS 25 t'o 8, inclusive, ,Blk.
4, Lakewood. Plat E,,asseesed to Selgle
Boyd; Years deIInqunt. 1913 to,.1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $],97;
accrted interest, $.83; total due on said
lots $3.20.
(53) Lots 33 to 44, inclusive" Blk.
4, Laitewood, Plat E, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount 'delinquet, $7.14; ac-
crued interest, $2.5?; total ¢.pe on said
lots, $9.71.
(254) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive" Blk. ,
Lakowood, P)at , assessed to Jennie
Carter Davis; years delinquent 1913 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.87; accrUed interest, $.83; total due
on said lots, $3.20.
(355) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Blk.
5, Iakewood, Plat E, ,assessed to A. J.
Brady: years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; ainount delinquent, $2.37;
acerued interest, $,83; total due on
said lots, $9.20.
(256) Lots 37 to 40, ncluive" BIk.
5, Lakewood, Plat E, assShed to J. B,
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.38; ac-
crued interest, $,83; total due on said
lots, $3.$1,
(257) Lots 13 and 16, Blk. 6, Lake-
wood, Plat E, assessed to E. H. Mean;
years delinquent, 1913 ot 1919, lhclu-
siva; amount delinquent, $2.21; accrued
interest, $.70; total due on Said ots,
(258) Lots,9 to 12, inclusive:
8, Plat ], Lakewood, assessed to
eph Lachance; years delinquent, 1914
9],9, inclusive; amount delinquent,
accrued interest, $.58: total* due
Iots, $2.64. '
(289) Lots Se to 8'8, inblulve" Blk;
8, Lakewood; Plat E, sdeesed/to 3. B,
Bartlett: years delintiUnt. 19 i4 to
1919, inclusive; amount [llnQUet,
$1.19; accrued intel', $.35; toa[ Ue
on said lots," $1.48, ,
Lots 9
1914 to
t, $ 6;
MaJorie J. Weaver; yearn, delinquent,
1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
quest, $1.16; accrued lnteeat, $.38;
• otal due on said lots, $1.54.
(169) .Lots 5 and 6, blk. 3, Town-
send Add. ,to Union City, assessed to
Minnie R,, Kik: years delinquent, 1913
to 1919, 'tnclus|ve; amount delinquent
$1.17; accrued interest, $,38; total due
en said h)ts, $1.55 .....
t (170) Lot 7, blk, $2, rrownsend Add.'
o Union City, assessed to .braham J.
Gross; years delinquent, 1913,to lP19,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $.60; ac-
crued interest, $.19; t0tl due on said
lot, "$.79 ......
T (171) Lots 2 to 4, inelttve, b|k. 23,
ownsend Add. to Union City, assessed
to William .W. Rice; ,years ,delinquent,
1913 to 1919, inclusive; .amount delin-
quent, $1.75; !accrued' lntezt, $.9;
zotal due On said :lots 2.|4, .
(172) Lot I, blk. $5, Townsend AAd.
to Union City, assessed to Abraham J.
Gross years delin'qucnt, 115 to 1919,
Inoluslve amount deiinquet, $,31; :ac-
crued interest $.10; total due on said
lot, $.41. ' ' ....
1 (.173) Lots 9 to I, inclusive, b]k.
, Lakewood, Plat A, aeed to J. B.
Bartlett" years delinquent, 1918 to 1919,
lnclusiv amount delinquent, $3.09; ,ac-
.rued interest, $.94; total due On said
lots, ,$4,03 ....
L (174) Lots 8 to 8, incltve, blk. 2,
akewood, 'Plat A, asesSed to J. B.
artlett. years delinquezit, 1915 to 1919,
/nclusive; amount delinquent, $L43; a
crued interest, $.84; total due on said
lots, $3.26.
(175) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive; blk.
: , Lakewood Plat A, assessed to Mike
Di Lorenze;' years delnqUzt, 1913 to
1919, nclusive, amount delinquent,
"($2.41; accrued Interest, $.84;,total due
on said lotS, $3.25.
2 (176) Lots 17 to 20, inclusive" blk.
, Lakewood Plat A, assayed to J. B.
Bartlett" YrS delinquept, 1913 to 1919.
tnclusiv amount delinquent, $2.41; ac-
Crued tnterest $.84; total due on Said
lots, $3.25.
(177) Lots 33 to 36, inclusive, blk.
2, Lakewood, Plat A, assessed to Law-
erence . Westerman; years delinquent,
1913 to 1919, tnclusve; ,am0unt dells-
quent; $2.43; accrued lhterest, $.$0;
• Otal due on said lots, $3.29.
2 (,178) Lots 37 to 40, /nelusive" blk.
., Lakewood, Plat A, assesse to B, E.
iley; years delinquent, 1913 to 199,
nclusive; amount delinquent, $2.44; ac-
Crued interest $ 26" total due on sat
lots, *$3.30. ' ' ' "
2 (:179)Lots 45 to 48, inclusive, L]k.
Lakowood, Plat A, assessed to J. B.
• artlett; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
ncluslve: amount delinquent, $3.98f ao-
rued interest, $.83; total *due on said
ots, $3.21. . '
A (180) Lot,53, blk. ,2, Itkewo0d, Plat
, assessed to George W. JohnsOn:
'ears delinquent, 1918, 1915 :' to 1919,
Inclusive; amount delinqutt, $.55; ac-
.trued interest, $.15; total 'due on atd
ot7 70" .... In ...... '" '
, .1..) Lot, 54 to . o,.sive
Lakewood,Plat A, aa tO
artlett, years delinqu
to 1919,' inclukive: ame
$1.69: accrued interest, 1
On said lot, $2.11.
Lots 5"
interest, .$! 65:
6,37, '
Lots .13
6, Lakewood, Plat B, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919.
inclusive; amount delinquent. $3.17; ac-
e'ued interest, $.92; (otal due on aid
lots, ,$4,09.
(208) Lots 26 to 28, inclusive, Blk,
6, Lakewoed, Plat B, assessed to Lvcr
Nearhouse; $2.13; accrued int., $.66;
total due on said lots, $2.79: Years de-
linquent, 1913, 1914, to 1919, inclusive,
(209) Lots 29 to 32, inclusive, Blk.
6, Lakewood, Plat B, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett, years:delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive, amount delinquent $2.42; ac-
crued interest, $.84; total due on said
lots, $3.26.
(210) Lots 37 to 49, inclusive, Blk.
6, Lakewood, Plat B, assessed to Wil-
liam Wilson; years delinquent, 1914 to
1919, .Ineluslve; amount delinquent,
$2.09; accrued interest, $.58; total due
on said lots, $2.67.
6 (211) Lots 41 to 44, inclusive, Blk.
; Lakewood, Plat B, assessed to Iver
Nearhouse; years delinquent, 1913 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.16; accrued interest, $,58; total due
on said lots, $2.84.
6 (212) Lots 45 to 48, inclusive, Blk.
, Lakewood, Plat B, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett; Lyears delinquent, 1913 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2,42; accrued interest, $.84; total due
on said lots, $3.26.
6 (213) Lots 49 to 52, inclusive" Blk.
, Lakewood, Plat-B, assessed to Fred
W. Webster; years delinquent, 1913 to
1919, Inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.38; accrued interest, $.84; total due
on said lots, $3.22.
(214) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Blk. 7,
Lakewood, Plat B, assessed to Clarence
E. Skinner; yearsl delinquent, 1913 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.41; accrued interest, $,84; total due
on said lots, $3.25.
(215) Lots 37 to 44, inclusive; Blk.
7, Lakowood, Plat B, assessed to Annie
Geake; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $4.83;
accrued interest, $1,71; total due on
said lots, $6.54.
(216) LOts 43 to 46, inclusive, Blk
L, Lakew(
)0d, Plat B, assesed to Min-
nie Wilhelm, years delinquent, 1914 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2,14; accrued interest, $.61; total due
on said lots, $2,75.
(217) Lots 7 and 8 Blk. 2. Lake-
wood, Plat, C, assessed to Mary Mc-
Kinnon; Yars delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
ins!us[vs.; amount delinquent, $1.20; .ac-
crues znterest, $.40; total due on said
lots, $1.80.
(218) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Blk. 2,
Lakewood, Plat C, assessed tO Francis
E. Hall; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount .delinqUent, $2.37; ac-
crued interest, $.82; otal due on said
lots, $3.19.
(219) Lots 21 to 24, inclusive, Blk.
Lakewood, Pat u, assessed to J. B.
rtl it; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
elu re; amount delinquent, $3,38; ac
orued interest, $.83; total due on enid
lots, $3.31.. .
(220) Lots 37 to 40, inclusive, Blk.
2, Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to J. B
ett; years delinquent, 1918 to 1919,
five; •amount delinquent, $3.38; ae-
$nterest,.z, $.83; total due on said
' Lots 49 ,to 52, lnem$1ve, Blk.
P|at ,C, azsesaed to :Ed-
$3.19. ' ' $"
,Lots,S1 to 24, inclusive, -Ik.
Plat C, assessi 'to Hal--
years delinquent,
; amount delin
accr, usd nterest, $88;'
lots, $3.2L , ,
wood, Plat F,, assessed to Margaret Y.
Galbraith; years delinquent, 1914 o
1919, inclusive; amount delinqueflt,
$1.14; accrued interest, $.31; total due
on said lots. $1.4.
(300) Lots 38 and 39, Blk. 8, Lake-
wood, Plat F, assessed to Ross J. Gal-
braith; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.14; aC-
crued interest, $.31; total due on said
lots, $1.45.
(301) Lot 40, Blk. 8, Lakewood,
Plat F, assessed to Edith A. Foulis;
years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, Inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $.56; accrued
interest, $.16; total due on said lots,
(302) Lot 42, Blk. 8, Lakewood.
Plat F, assessed to Gee. H. Manehe;
,ears delinquent, 1914 to 1919, ln01-
sire; amount delinquent, $.86; accrued
interest, $.16" feral due on Said lot,
$.72. ' -- '
(303) Lot 43, Blk. 3. LaRewood.
Plat F, assessed to Myrtle Co; 'ears
delinquent, 1914 to
crUed interest, $.29; total due on d
lotS, $1.34. .-
(338) Lots 19 and 0, Blk. 3, Lake-
ood, Plat I assessed to Euphenia W.
towart; Years delinquent, 1914 to
1919. inclusive; amount• delin quaint,
$1.0; accrued interest, $.29; total due
on sald lots,, $1.35, •
(339) Lots 21 and 23, Blk 3, Lake-
Wood, Plat I, assessed to James L.
Stewart; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $L06; a c-
crued interest. $.9; toal dueon maid
1 $1.85.
(4) , Lots 47 and 48; Blk. ,5. Lake-
wood, asesed to Nora Camerford:
years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inlu-
alve; amount delinquent, $1,06; acored
interest; $.29: total due on sald lot,
$1,S: ' , .....
(841) Lota 49 to |2, Inclusive" BIlL
5, kewood; Plkt I, asseed to J, B.
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
incite[re; gmuunt delinqut, $1.85; gO-
crued ;lnterest, $;$?; total due on dd
1919, incluslve;
amount deiinqtient, $.56;" accrued in- lots.' $L99. ....
rarest, $,16; total due on :Said lot; $:72/: (342) Lot I to 4, inclusive, BI.
(304) Lot 44, Blk, $; Lewbo. 11,: LakeW, Plat.I.,..memd to J
Plat F, assessed to Mabel Davidson; FateroU; '' aotiuent, 1914 :'O
years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, in01u- 1919;'' lne1tv¢: ont delinut
siva; amount delinquent, $56; acrued $1.85 obd tnteret,: $.51; total due
interest, $.16" total duc on said 10t, on Said 10tSi'$.SS, '
$.72. ' ' ' (3;t3)' Lots ,5 to 8, inclusive, Blk.
(305) Lots 21 to 3, inclusive" BIk. 11 LakewQod, Plat I, asessodto I-z-
9, Lakewood, Plat F, 'assessed to J. B. nah Pat cron; years uelinqent, 191'4
Bartlett; years delinquent,' 1914 to 1919, to 1919, tnelusive amount delinquent,
inclusive; amount delinquent, '$1.71; sc-'$1.84; accrued interest, $.50; total dis
crued interest, $;51,; total duo on said loti s&t'd 10is, $2.34.
lots, $2.22.
(306) Lots 24 to 27, inclusive" Blk.
9, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to Chas,
L, Murphy; years delinquent, 1914 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.29; accrued interest, $.67; total due
fen said lots, $2.96.
(307) Lots 32 to 35, inclusive, Blk.
9, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to J. W.
Herman; years delinquent, 1914 to
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.30; acrued interest, $.68; total due
on said lots, $2.98.
(308) Lot 36, Blk. 9, Lakewood, Plat
l ,, assessed to Laura Jean Abell. years
delinquent 1914 to 1919 inclusive;
amount delinquent, $.56; accrued in-
terest, $,16; total duc on said lot, $.72.
(309) Lot 39, Blk 9, Lakewood, Plat
i,' assessed to Alfred W. Martin; years
delinquent, 1914 to 1919, Inclusive;
amount delinquent, $.56; accrued in-
terest, $.16; total due on said lqt, $.7,2.
(310) Lots 44 to 46, inclusive; Blk.
9,. Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to
('344) Lots 41 to 44, inclusive" Ik.
3' Lakewood, Plat J, assessed to J. B.
Bartlett years delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
inelust,0; amount delinquent, $2.06;
accrued ilterest, $.58; total due on
said lots, $2.64.
(345) Lot 25 to 28, inclusive, Blk.
4, Lakewood, Plat J, assessed to LlOYd
Warren, years delinquent 1914 to 199,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.09; aC-
crued interest, $.60; total due on said
lots, $2.69.
(346) Trac.t H', and Lots 39 to 45,
inclusive, Blk 8, Lakowood, Plat J. as-
sessed to Elizabeth Busso; years de-
linquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $4,46; accrued in-
terest, $1,33; total due on said lots,
(347) Lots 28 to 31, Inclusive" Blk.
11, Lakewood, Plat J, assescd to A.
Sands; years ,delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.09; a-
crued interest, $.59; total due on said
lots, $2.68.
That all of said everal amounts
1919, Inclusive; amount delinquent, abefore set opposite said several
$1.70; accrued interest, $.49; total due pti0ns of property bear interest
on said lots, $2.19. rate of 12 per cent per annum
(311) Lots 11 to tom and lrluding the first day 'oT
I0, Lakewood , Plat ;1920, itmtil
thereof b
M. Moore; years entered herein.
1919 Ancluaive.;. eaeh of yOU, are hsre-
..zs; accruea In crooned tO appear :tfhi..
on.s.Id Iots: $,9.5. days after Aukut 2"7/h',"I'i'207" -
i ) .0ts i to ve of acid day. and deYend thb
Lkewood, Plat G • enUtle uti0n in the above eUo
artlett; years 191'4 to I cOurL 0r pay th. amount dUs'
1919. inclusive; delinquent, ! o st forth pon 'th o said Io,
$2;13 ;.aqcruJnte total due traota: or psels Of l ad of.which u
on sala .ot, s,74. - • , ; are tha owne or reputed on',"or'.'lJa
(131) ' Lots $9 t |nclus|ye, . Blk. l whloh you have; Or eklm 10 have, 'i
1. ew0d, Plat , esSed to Mar-: intert b etate, 'to0ther dth "te
tin V¢lnkl0,W,; ytrs d quent, ,114:to: 0oSts. ': • '
1919, i'ucl'fi'si,@; mount delinquent,./ 'In cue bf 7our fai;ure tO 'do S0,
$3.6.1; .accrued interest, $.'01i 'totai "du! Jment :will e rendered frluain
on;sald lots t '4.63: .,.. : :] said:ties fbr.ld C/ato: Of Dli- -
^ (314) or.a, $9. o , znctuS|ve Blk.i: quency' ,texas; i pRlt; "/star,st ad
,, tewood, Plat .G,.,aasessed to Noahli edits aindt.eeh oSth 1t, "t=!
99 maja;, y.ears uelmqUent,. 1914 'tel paYclof laird' herlnbefOl meitionef
s, neusxve; alnount , asnnquezt, I and deerie. " . ! ..... r ' '
$2.1; accrued interest, "$.60: t0tal dus'[ 'A?y 'lMading Or >receS may 1be
on said lots, $2.,73. ' r :1 served Upon the 'ndersl/ied attest' y
. (.315) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive. Blk. 3 ![ for said [51aintlff kt the address na
.xaKewood, Plat G, assessed' t Jennie iinafter beltw ztated.; -- --
carthy; 'Years delinquent, 1914 to*j .... : ' -SON CUITT,r,
1919, . inclusive; amount delinluent,;4 " Y 'Ads ,CIothler.
$3.12; accrued interest, $.60: total due I Treasurer of Mason ,County,
on said lots, $2.72. J .State of %Vashington.
(316) Lots 14 to 30, inclusive, Blk. ]M, V. LOGAN.
6, Lak. ewood, PlatG: assessed to J. B.] Pr0secutingAttorne of Mason Coun-
artlett; years uennquent, 1914 to] ty, State 0f Washington, and Attoro
1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, i nay for P]kintiff.
$3.15; accrued interest, $.86; total duel With '0flee and P. O Address, at
on said lots, $4.01. ] 8helton, Wahingtom
(317) Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 7, Lake- Published August 27; September 3-10-
wood, Plat G, assesed to Archibald S.I iY-2-Oct 1.8.
Hootcn; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, I ; .......... . , " , . ,;, --
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.0,7; ac i)gOt$Z);!]Tl)]t3B:l' TO TA
crued interest, $.29; total due on sald l :' : : ,O0,,PPg, , ,, r
lots, $1.36. I .... : ' ' '
(318) Lots 28 to 31, Inclusive, Blk.[ To be voted on November , 192. "
7, Lakewood, Plat G, assessed to J. F.J Anmendment Of 'e "'.,- • .....
Nielsen; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, [19 ()" ........ ..:,- *u, L.
inclusive; amount delinquent, '$3;13" ac- !ok'(*h,a u z. re!e l.)." te ta 2
-. - rmung tO alarles O[
crUed interest $.61; total due on 'said :.*=;''I.
lot ! $9 74 ' ............. "
' , " ' !S ate of WaShin on,
9 ({wLt. s 35 t 3SiesnCslhsi -- )fflee. of tbe'Seretlrgry of State.
' ,. ' , To whom lt'm €ofirn. In ObSd-
:,!t Bul0n e to'the state "
.... " of the lgtsiatu
, March 1
.... "An 'ACt
amendment of stio
1 'and 22 of article']
,tion of the bf
919, amount
;2.37; accrhed crest, r $,66;
said 10is
,is, $5,
Lots 13 to 16, incluslve" Bik.'
nquent. $9.27; accrued in
total due on said lots
Lots iS7 to 40, inclusive
the fcllowin tO
:the constlt tte:
am0ui CHAPTER ISS. ''
rest, I (I,'B. 101) ....
to 30, .|nclusive, Bik. An Act for the amendment of article _
df the Constitution Of the State. of
Plat G. assessed to ',J. Washington 'rqlatiUg tO the salart
l; ( ,delinquent , of state o cezt. • : '
; amount de: enacted'Plb the Legislature of the
crest, $.61; f 'ahington: '
Thttt Rt the elee-
4, Inc]us|ve, ]]k. :on to be held in his
G, , assessed , to
dellnluent, 190 there l bb'su
"delinc voters of
$.60; Ot
9 to 16, inclusive" Dlk.:
Plat H, r SS to J. , sections
[ett; years delinquent, 131'4 to:
inclusive; amount dslinquent, ,tO Tead, , folloWl .... sn
cerued interest;:$1.19; total du I • ThS .goveror shall T*
on said lots, $5.33. an annlsal salary of tn':thumLtid
• (225) Lots 17 to 29, incluaie, Rlk.i ' *
4, Lakewood, Plat H, asaessed to An- 13. lieut
drew Fler; yaors delinquent. ;bathe'
inclusive; amount
Plat F, assessed accrued ntorest, $.57; sr
. lots, $2.62. . , . an a_nnal alary Of
oust ..... (338) Lots 21 to 24, inclusive. Blk. . nve'unared dollars,
1 ...... , #.0"L: oax aue 4, Lakewood, PlatH, assessed to Wal- lon 1,7. The ecretary of state
ors. z,,; . . =,._, ....... lace Wm. Cavett; years dolinent eej.a record of the off, sial t Of
u p,,ffi..j.aewuu, rav 1914 to 1919, inolusivs; amount dlin" s.t.ureanu'executive dvarftnnt
sea to ary tlenqers?n:.,y.eaxs quent, $2 06" aorued Interest, $57; state, nnd Shall hen '-U|Ped.
_. a.. ii4 tO .lylS, lnClUS|ve; total iue on 'said 10is, $2.63. .., ",.._ lesame and 'all 'matt'ers lreltl*Q
amon uennqen ., .; .axuea z_n- (32?) Lots 41 to 4 inclusive Blk.*l._n.creo, of the'|l-
terest,, $16", total use on saza ot, ¥.71. 4 Lakewood. Plat H. sedsed to°Wal, imazure ann snau perform such 0they
" " Idutles as Bh 1
(389) Lots 6 to 8, inclusive, BIk. 6: tar Brown. years delinqUent, 1914 to e h al 'he iKned him bylaw
-I s all receive au
, , , , , ' e; amount ' dellrquent, "anlai Sai .....
Lakawood Plat F, assessd to Ella 1919 lnclusiv
• ' five thousand dollars ary Of
Thomas, years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, $3.05; accrued interest, $.56; total due Section 19 -" -" ......
inclusive; amount delinquent $3.28": on said lots, $2161 I._ .' ....'me tr'.eursr:shallp.
accrued interest, $.67; total 'due, on (328) L0ts 45 t'0 48, incl'uSive Blk.'lexr?awSUC.autles as shall be Dreseriled
said lots $2.95, ' ]4 Lakew0od, Plat H, assessed to An-ir_ ._" e..shall'rclve an annual bal-
Pl(a29 01
t . U ss d t F B Lancaster: I 1919 inclusive" amount del|nquent I... _ :. or sall be ati.
years delinquent *1914 'to '1919 lnclu- [$3 05; accrued interest, $ 56; total due ]nlor or public aeccmntm,:'and !shall s
siva; amount delinquent, $ 57" 'accrued on' said lots '$3 61 " : such owers and perform such dutl 'in
interest, $,16 total due on said lot [ (39) Lots 49 to 52, incl siva" Blk jco nectlou therevith m '/nay be p e-
$.73. ' ' 4 ewood Plat H es[e to Wal: scbed by' law, 'He'sball rbcelv an -
' ' uai salary of five ho a d
2 n
( 91 Lot 20 B]k 6 Lakew0od lace Wm avott" Years delinqu0nt S- tion 21 --- " U 'doa: ._
Plat , :0ssesas to "Agnes Haggle; ] 194 to 1919 iniUSiVS ° ass-ant detn-' I be e¢ . :'ge_eral shall
ears delin uent 9i4 19 " ' " .... ' - ' "'-"-* I ega aaws0r or zn state oscars nd
,Y q , , to 19, Inclu- lquen, z.07; accrUea zncs'c, '"'; ,shall -erfo ........... q ! '
p rm suffn oner Utes m
siva; mo,unt.delinquent, $.56; accrued [total du'e 9n said lotS, $264. be =o_ib_= _. .. q. L [ .F
interes't $.16" total due on said lot/ ,.n 'T'.;.+o' ^ 11 i...t nTb -- p r e 9 -¥'aw: .e sali-'rece!ve
$.73. ' ' """ " " "I , ................ an annual salat'y or lX n0uad d011ar.
, 7 Lkkew0od Pat as essed to Wil- Section 2
(39) Lots 21 to. 22 Blk 6, Lake- liam Stone' years deinl quent 1914 to ub' c l . The su eri tendent bf
wo0d P]atF assessed t'o Chas E Fuli .... P ,|| , n trust[on sBalhITe*superr .
mer' years 'delinqu t 1914 "to "1919 : 19 9 Acluaive; amount delinquent0 ion over al matte'erttn|ng to puIfe
• .; . . . '. ...... :$2,' accrued interest, $.57; total due schools and Shall perform such
lnclumve" amount uennquent, 1' .... 2 • .... Special
' • , on said lots, $ ,64. dutles as ay be eserlbed b law
accrued interest $ 31, total due on ha Y 1 " e
said lot $1 45 ' " , (331) Lots 12 to 19, inelua[ve" Blk. s II receive an nual salary of five
' • 1919. :lnclusive amount delinquent 'e Dr6pos In S"
L years elinquent 1914 to 1919, i 4 14; accrued interest, $120; tota t ion 1 of this act o*be .DUblfslied for
z ; a 0ant: dennquent, $1.1.4] u'e on said lots $5 34 " three months n t.'preceding said elde-
nter 't $.31; total due on saiu (332) Lots 31 to 3'4 inclusive. Blk lOn in some wseay heWSpaper In
1 . ' q l ev ry
7 Lake'wood Plat H as-" S-csSeu .... o" "'v. county wnere a newspaper is 'pul,|shed.
i) Lot "28 Blk 6 Y-k0wood 'o.. *n ' ...... '..T,... " throughout ths s at [
" , . ' .......... ; a-= .,,4Uel } P S ' "
O. P. I%ich. 1919 inclusive; amo nt , pa ed, .the 8__erate .arch 7, 1919.
- 06 accrued inter ..... asseu ne HOuse March 11. 1 . m
,o,s,.62 est. Aoproved by the OoZe,nor 13,
' • ' 1919. .
lot, ,$.72.
(295) Lots 13 to
$3.28; aecru
on said lots,' $2.95.
(296) Lots 17. 18, and 20, Blk..8,
Lakdwood, Plat F, assessed 'to J. B,
Bartlett; .years delinquent 114 to
1919, lncsumvel amOUnt delinquent,
$1,69; acorue interest. $49; total dus
O n kaid 'lots, •$2'15. ' ' '
(333) LOts 35
7, Lakewood,
Bartlett; years
1919, inclusive amount
$8.05; accrued interest, $.56;
0n d j IOi $2.'61.
334) Lots 1 to
The above act fled ln'th0
Secretary of 8tats Marb
for Said