September 17, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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IID'KO]rli mY
In the Superior court of the State of
Washington in and for Mason County.
Corporation, Petitioner,
George H. Funk and Mrs. George H.
Funk, "his wife; William T. Putnam
and Harriet G. Putnam, his vife;
A. G. Cushman and Mrs. A• G, Cush-
man, his wife; Russell Homani a
bachelor; Puget Mill Company,
corporation; Olive Hanson, widow of
Arne Hanson, deceased; Marius Han-
son, Simon Hanson, FritJof Hanson;
Valborg Rustad, Mina Caroline Davis,
\\;Oloflne Thue, Agnes Gilbertson, Olaf
Hanson, children, heirs at law and
devisees r of Arne Hanson, deceased;
Frances Hanson, Carrie Faiie, Hassle
Hanson, Pie Hanson, Fred Hanson and
Jeanette Hanson, his wife,heirs at
law of Arnc Hanson, deceased; Alice
E. Dew Browner and C. W. Browner,
. .. . •
• , ..... , i. : ....... ::
_]I I I I I . ,
"tf6fi';"W. G; Rex and -rB::,v: O:" R$x;'l gneting plitnf 'u0n ahd" aIhg Lie 1"fl 'lectlon Ig; " Townshlp " 21 '-;; 1
his wife; W. H. Smith and Mrs. W. [Cushman and upon and along the I Range 4 West, W. M.
H. Smith, • his wife; Albert Hate and [ North Fork of the Skokomish River, in Tract 5 in Indian Allotment No. 5,
Mrs. Albert Hale, his wife; Frank W. lMaon County, Washington, and to ac- Tract 6 in Indian Allotment No. 6,
Hale and Mrs. Frank W. Hale, his l quire all rights, privileges, easements,
wife; Puget Sound Pttlp & Power rights of ways, overfiowage rights, Tract 21 in Indian Allotment No. 7,
Tracts 22 and 23,
Company, a corporation; Clinton O. water rights in and upon said lands
Harris and Mrs. Clinton O. Harris, and the right to divert the waters of Tracts 24 and 25, in Indian Allot-
his wife; Joseph M. Sparr; F. A. said North Fork of the Skokomish ment No. 9,
Rob[son and Mrs. F. A. Rob[son, his River as in said petition set forth: the Trac 26 in lndian Allotment No, 13,
Wife; John Doe Bunting and Mrs. lands, real estate and premises affected Tract 27 in lndian Allotment No. 12,
John loe Bunting, his wife; John by said proceedings being described as
Hawk and Mrs. John Hawk, his wife; follows, to-wit:
Dan Allen and Mrs. Dan Allen, his I The SE of SW and Lots 1 and 2,
The unknown heirs of Andrew Foster, I°f Section 7;
Lots 1, 2 3, and 4 of Section 18;
deceased; the unknown heirs of Mrs. t The NEZA, the SE, the E½ of
Wm. Frank, deceased; the unknown SW', Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, of Sdction
heirs of John Doe Pulsifer. deceased, ,19he; ;1 TM
husband of Kate Pulsifer, whose true NE%. the SEIA, the SW and
christian name is to petitioner un- ,h. ,,f vz ,e ,t. 9n.
known; the unkuown heirs of Ben I 1 e uo*t, ,.
Johns, deceased; and the unknown TheqE1A"and'the E of SE of
heirs of Mrs. Alen Yellout, deceased; Section 30;
Also all other persons and parties un. The EV of NE and the E of
knowp claiming any right, title, es-SEV, of Section 31;
tate, lien or interest in the real es- The NVA, the SWZA, the SE, the
Tract 28 in Indian Allotment No. 15.
Tract 14 in Indian Allotment No. 16,
In Section 14, Township 21 N. Range
4 West, W. M.
Indian Allotment No. 4 in Govern-
ment Lot No. 1 in NEA of NE,
Tract No. "2 in Indian Allotment No.
Tracts 3 and 4 in Indian Allotment
No. 1,
Tracts 7 and g' in Indian Allotment
No. 2,
In Section 15, Township 21 N., Range
4 West, W. M.
Group 3.
Description of lands required for
her husband; A• E. Hlllier and Stella ,o, no,h, . t, ,, ,n NVV. of NE -nd th .q n',r 7E n£ Canal. Regulating Reservoir, Penstocks
Hillier, his wife; Henry O, P x ey, ,,J,,. ,,,, r¢,,,,, ,-qe*i,, ' and Power House in the portion ex-
filliam ..Musser and Mrs. William "''v ....... ' "v'"- ..... t Ali'inownship 23 North, Range 4 tending from the south line of Soc-
Musser nls wife' Iua .. Jclncn. ana
.... We t r tion 16 T. 22 N., R, 4 W., W. M. to
rlncent Finch her husband; Tacoma THE STATE O1 WASHINGTON to the s , . M. " T-T.a . + n .e .* ,',,.
Ravins Bank & Trust Company, a said George H I unk' Mrs George H., The E½ of NE and the NE, of
- - - • ' • . , ship and range.
..... nornoration as Trustee: Marie H Funk" William. T. Putnam'., Harriett G , SE of Section 9', A strip of land 400 feet in width ]y-
Bradley, William T. Iradley and,Putnam, A_ G. Cushman, Mrs. A._ .G.:I The NW A, the SWA, the NWH. of ing 200 feet' on each side of a center
Edith C. BralleY,. his wife; James usnman; ussell -oman; Fu.get Mln SEA, and the S½ of SEA of Section:line discribed as follows" Beglnninz
W Bradley. Martha E Hyward, a :wompany; unve l-*anson' amus r, an- 10' ' i' _ ........ : ....
_.;__. .--3_.__ ....... ".___ __ 'son imon Hun-on Fitof Hanson * -- .................. ion tne north nne o[ ccuon zl T. zz
wauow; weyernacuar znntmr u;n- I _ -.-.., _ .... , ; Tne my oz /,, tne of m, N R 4 W V M at a point 869 4
puny a corporation; Thas B; Pres- Rustau; nna uaronne aws; and the S½ of SWA of Section 11" I'= •% ' ...... •'. _-. _:$ ............ 1
ton and: Mrs. Thas. B. Preston, his Olonne T hue; Agnes Gilbertson; Olaf The sw the N of SE Lc;t 1 1,52 L',t Y:&Z: ,'A"2Z [;
wife; Ellen• Rudy and John" Doei l-anson; l"rances^.l-lansog; car r)e aile;land Lot 2 of Section 12" " 13;'vV9444 ' ft':'•tence-souh-'2 • 41'
Rudy, her husband .Dr. $..Rlchter. afli.d i l-lassie ianson; ve rtason; Freu ran- I The NW£ the NWA 'of SWZA, the east "916 1" feet' 'thence by a curve to
rs. J. tlcnter, nls wte; -ouatcn :son; #eane tte_.-anson; .nce w l S½ of SWZA, Lots 1 2 3 and 4, in ! +h ,o*',e e,* ,alo s €+.
Commercial & Terminal .Compa.n, a, rowner; tA _..W.:• rowner; A: J'.. i-Ill- I Section 13" ' ' I thencesouth4;'1l"eas ' 362(}" feet"
corporation; S.IK..G. Aara ana.Mr.. [J.Cr.;.. uremia nner; enry. u. flxley; I The NE the NW, the SE, the I*h ........ * no ,, ,o* et'
Ilg. O. Aaraal, his Wlrs; 1-. 2, WOOl- Yvll|lam sausser; rs, Wllllanl vusser; .r, o o,;, --= , ,,,, ^o o,r,, i .......... ...... _ ..... .. ..... ,
flalrl gn T-T Wnln|d hl Ida M Finch" Vincent Finch" Tacoma * '* vv . tt,u t,u r-/4 u- vv- ,more or. less, to tne south line of said
ie" E Sim and Mrs A J Savings Bank & Trust Company" I mS ctton.14, ............... Section 21 intersecting the same at a
"Sims, h'ls'vife; George FranZ 'and Marie H• Bradley; William T. Bradleyl c ne y_qL^new% ne /or point 1.030 feet distant west of the
Mrs. George Franz, his wife: Myra [Edith C. Bradley; james W. Bradley; I'lon'r.. ...... *-7, o- v -ico.Lner to e.cuons zi, zz, z# anu zs or
L. Lutz and John Doe Lutz, her I Martha E. Hayward; Weyerhacuser ".''- ................. sam townsmp anu range.
t ne w ,/+ o m +ot ana +ot z A stri of land 400 feet in width ly
husband: W. D Davidson and Mrs. Timber Company; Thud B. Preston; of Sect[ 2 • ' P "
W. D. Davidson, his wife; Morrison Mrs. Thal B, Preston; Ellen Rudy; All in°nTo;nshi 23 North --an _ ling 200 feet on each side of
F. Pixley and Mrs. ]orrison F. Plx- John Doe Rudy Dr. J. Richter Mrs ......... P , 1 ge line described as follows: Beginning
lay, his wife; M M. Grogan and Mrs. J. Richter; Potlatch Commercial &west, w.M. !on the north line of Section 28, T. 22
M. M. Grogan, his wife. J. A. Terminal Company; Slg. G. Aardai; ) ............... i N., R. 4 W. W. M., at a point 1039 feet
ha+ oa r" j A Schnidt , Mrs Sig G Aardal" H N Woolfleld' I Tne ,/ or w/, or -ecuon 4; I distant west of the northeast corner
...................................... All of S
wife: Wm. Wagner and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. H. N. Woolfield;E. A. Sims; Mrs• I ection 5 lot said section; running thence south
Wagner, his wife: Abraham J Gross E. A. Sims; George Franz; Mrs. George,. The E of NE, and the E of 136 ° 23' east 861.4 feet; thence by a
and Mrs Abraham J. Gross, his Franz; sayra . utz; John Doe Lutz; , o ecuon ; I curve to the east of 287.9 feet radius
wife: Perry J. Perkins and Mrs. I_W_. D.. Davldson; Mrs. W. D. Davldson;I The NE of Section 8; 253.8 feet" thence south 87 ° 8' cast
Perry J. Perkins, his wife: The Ore- Mornson F. Pixley; Mrs. Morrison F. [ The S½ of NE, the N of NW, 317.4 feet 'to the east line of said See-
gon Mortgage Co., Ltd, a corporation; Pixley; M. M. Grogan Mrs. M. M. l the SW of NW the SW and the don 28 intersecting the same at a
Higgins-Cady Timber Co., a corpor- Grogan J. A. Schmidt Mrs. J. A. /S%V£ of SEA of Section 9; [point 837.3 feet south of the northeast
at[on; L. W. Olds and Mrs. L. W. Schmidt; Wm. Wagner; Mrs. Wm. j Frac. SW;£ of NW of Section 13; I corner of said section•
Olds, his wife J. T. Argyle and Mrs. Wagner; Abraham J. Gross; Mrs. Abra- The SW£ of NE Lot 1, the N½ of I A tract of land comprising a por-
J. T. Argyle, his wife; Stephen Mer-!ham j. ross; Ferry. J. FerKlns; lrs. l_NW'% of SE and the N of Lot 2, tion of the N½ of the NW£ and of the
rick and Mrs. Stephen Merrick, his i'orry J. 'erns; Tne regon ort-iseetion 14; I NIe¼ of Section 27 T 22 N R 4 W
wife; Mae Land Company a corpor- gageCo Ltd Higgins-CadyTimber-Co,; The SEA of NE/ of Section 15 • I%V M bounded and dscrib e"
' ; 1 r ' .........
ation" Knee]and Investment Co a LAV. Olds; Mrs. L.W, O ds' J. T, A gyie•l All in Townshin 22 North Ran a I ...... ..,,,. . h ..... t H €
corpo'ration; Rob't. E. Andrews "and Mrs• J. T. Argyle; Stephen Morrickl i WVcst V' M ' °7 " I sad'Secto'n"" at" a"po[ntO'637"'fet
Mrs. Rob't. E. Andrews his wife" Mrs. Stephen Merrick; Mae Land Corn-[ Als° water rights riparian ri,-h*= ,n,-* --* * .... *- ^* .... :-
Edw. F. Leach and Mrs. Edw. F. pany, Kneeland Investment Company, and the right to divert and annronriate thereat' runnin *hence 7° R' 0-o*
' Mr ' n I ......................
Lech, his wife; Northern Pacific Rob t. E• Andrews; s. Rob t. E. A - the waters of the North Fnrb n th I (, €, .... , .o +. , .... ,^
iRaill.ra(erC%rpany, rsCOrp%a.tionj. S. I dre, ! Eodrh Le w2foF• jSkoko+ish rover whe,'e Ja -'riv' r o¥, ",- &°,,"o;;
" " " -- ' " ' " V V [I - ' 22 "'O " "" # " I news oy or through the following de- / thence north 746 feet to the north line
man, his w1]e', Aary A, O. aachen-, puny', .... 1 waterman; ars "' scribed lands, real esta*e ,,-- yz=,-,u'--- '-o uau-:7 ..... uwuon" .... r" nence" .... easz ---,
darter and John Doe Rechenderfer IWaterman; Mary A O Rechenderfer" lin 14"n, ,,t -~'-" ....... ,'- [ ....... ' - -- ¢ ...... -
....... " ' -- ' 'oh- Do --hener'fe -" l'-m-i- T,^-', .......... va,,un, w wt • ne same lvu zeet oy overnment
net nusDano" ulympla Loor o a u Ix O v u r; , p z .a.,uu.r Gro. o ' ' • . . v - --
' ' •' Com • • -,, -. ' • ' measure to tile s corner or the
corpOration F B Pitcher and Mrs. pany F• B Pitcher Mrs. F. B.
,u.;. :, " :,^ v , ...... I:Pitch r n ur,,• ar v ! The SE Of SE of Section 17 NWA of NEL£ • thence south aongthe
and Mrs J B Murphy his wfe']lurphY; ustave Pahrson Mrs Gus- hel,l°f NE: the^SEA and the least l![e of said_NV% of NE£ 670
, ' ' .... ' ' ta , w , ,w .&. o-eczlon zu" , 1"eat nence spurn east 1135
Gustax e Pahrson and Mrs Gustave [ Ye Pahrson' Deveron Investment ] Th ^ N xr' ....... , . --.. _ _ . ; . . 0
..... ' ,, 7+ ann tne w or w, 0 reel more or less zo the north line or
Pahrson his wife; Deveron !nvest- [Company; Henry Kahn Mrs. Itenry ] X']Z + t .... " ..... I J ' ' ,: _ .
andmentMrs•C°' Henrya Corporation'Kahn, 'bls'HenrYwife:.'KahnDe-I Storem ; I lahn ', DefianCeJohn DoeLUmberstorem ;C°mpanY'wllliam' JaneR ]a),l 'Thee Oo ......... eelon o zs'; or- .N 1 y' ..... anu the I tiouthe ;s°uththence ½ east°f tnealongNE¼theO, sareSaid sec-415
fiance Lumber Company, a €oriora- IHawthorne; H. C. Henry Investment i'O, o_[ecuon :): : ' =Sect to 'the 1-16 corner on the east line
lion; . Jane Storem and John Doe ICompany; Thomas Berg; Mrs• Thomas / ne r.' and the E of SEA of of the NE of said section; th#ence
ectlon outh on section lin 800 feet th n
Stores, her husbarid; William "R• lerg; Jeanne. Oeorgeon LeGall' John , .•.. . : " , • • c ; ece
:his, Wi.£e: .ay.. Cady and :J.ohn :o; ]Claude Ailen, Jackson;. Irs. Claude Al-'l 8 ,(s.q,r,,SW)-..?[/seqti0a L.. ;: of k;i thence north 174 feet mo¢.
ualy, her nuslJi)d; Budd A, Ransome !lien J.ackson; Ray J.; Hab,rs. Rh.y J• [ xr' "*d V(, ,v ., tne ;w.o or less to a point 400 feet distant from
_ : Walter Be g and. errs• Walter I Einily. Slaughter; John ,Doe Slaughter' I .... ";u "--- _. . thereto' 'thence N 87 + 8' V parallel
• ne o[ NWA the Nm/ or
Berg, hs wife; Henrietta L, Johnson Wlllam,.W. Rice; Mrs, William W. IS the SE of .... ' ........... , to first' |ine of t]Hs description 1993
tnu penn oe; J0nnson, net nusoana" 1 x; eorge .. _bLaay. eorge 74, 74 o vv 7 ,, o vv ? u e,t ,, n I + tl xvot 1 e
C laudeoAlen Jackson and Mrs. Claude I A. Hardy; J. J. Cruson; rIrs, J. J, Cru-ISE, and the SE, of SIA of Section Seclo'"'27 'foresaid y theneen'o/.ti"a]o'=
uen-'aonnson, his wife;' Ray J Hall }son David NelJist" Mrs, Davld lellist' l; '' the same 40n 6' %'* + + ---- '
S.S.yrY Ld,.a] mS +Wie: IEllA+.1{ad+; J oh Doe dVadd]; +WA: lV rl,,vnshlp 21 North I Range 4 beglnnlng ...................
e ertz x s rs w -ua on' " ' " • A tla '
• . " --" - ' - . ' [" " . . v .' ". . '• ' • ct of lad known as Tract No
nls Wig:e; oren C. elson and Mrs, tx. arrlson; Alary .. Garrison; Cnarles, The N xr o, : 1 of Lot 2 Seciio- 26 T 22 N R
Soren C Nelson his wife. Emily I Rub' ' C I Pritchard" Karl Rose. -. J " ' U ' -- ---- " ..... ; " ' "% ' ---- " I--'' " ' " :
laughte; an John Doe S/aughter JEmin R'ose: H Parry'Jones. D B' I1 .That portion o.tne y of SEA sa:,..2\\;,, comprmmg the nortn ot
her -husband- WIHtm W Rice end' Jackson. Mtry k Jackson • rash'ing" ylng nortn of Skoomish River - alu ot z.
Mrs. Wllllarn %V. Ric0 " iis wife' ]ton ill' Company: John L 'Sutherland: Beg: at SW cor .ofSEA O f' SE; /A strip of land taken off. the no.rth
teor A W.rdv nnd %2f'm a A' [%Tv Tnn I. .; ' *.*. .n run tncnee on line D ch thence N see o. raet o z el bet z ecuon
.Hardy0 ;!is wife; J. J. Cruson and lot Shelton- Oliver Bishop; School Dis- to Skokomish l..iver; thence following 26, T. 22 N., R. 4 W.., W. M., des.cibed
-Mrs. J J. Cruson_ his wife. David I trict No. 13, Mason County, Washing- r,per In wly olrecuon to W line of toHows- point on
ellist and Mrs. David Nellist his ton' R. B, Wilson" Bertha Wilson' Ar-:/ of SE, said section; run thence ne west nno o sa¢ eeuon 26 dis-
wit IS on W line of E of SE to lace rant north 460 feet from the south
-- e; Ella A. L.. Waddle and 'John l thur Jensen; William M. Foster; 'Mrs ....... ½ A p west corner ....... *
oo waddle, her husband: C. A. lud- [William M. Foster; James M. Sweet- ot oeglnn,ng, eelng W 5 chains of ._ .. oT_salu .Tract Z: r unnmg
son and Mrs. C A Hudson ]land; George A Sheppard" Lumber-of SE% south of Skokomish River. tnence nortn eet more or less to
i ' The E of SE l in S of Sk ko the north line of said Tract 2 thence
h S wife; T" G. ' Gar'rison and Imen's Mercantile CompanY" Thomas + . . " y g o - . . ..
• aary 1. armson his 'wife' Charle W Webb" Maude Webb" ;he Federal mlsh River, except W 5 chains thereof east aJong the same 1380 feet more or
Ruby; C. I Priteh'ard" Karl tose and Land Bak" George Caneron" Louise and except the W 208.7 feet of S 304 0 less to the Government Meander Line
Emilio Rose, his wife; H. Parry!Cameron; Geneva A. McNeeley; John i feet of the E 15 chains of E of SE4, of Hood Canal; thence S. 4 E., and
Jones; D..B. Jackson and Mary A. I Doe McNeeley; W. A. Morris; Maude The S 364.6 feet of Wet 208.7 feet south by the courses of the same,
Jackson, ms wife' Washington Mill IMorris" George F Weaver" Mable H. i of East 15 chains of E of SE lying 185.2 feet more or less; thence west
Company, a 'corporation; John L. Weaver; J. .. McKiel; Mrs'. J. C. Me-S of Skokomish 'River, parallel to the first course of this de- and Mrs: John :L. Suther-[Kie! Hugh.Eaton; Nels Jydsfrup; V. t The SW£ of SE, the SE of SW scption, to the beginning_
Janu, nls wle: tate anK of Shel-IA. Nobles; rs. W. A. Nobles; Josepn and the SW of SWA TlUe ana anutting on Tract No.'1
l' a corporation: Oliver Bishop alVa[l; Mrs. Joseph Vail; W. A. Huiter;I All in Section 8 ToWnship 21 North, and the north 2.80 chains of Tract .No.
power; cnool District No: 43, Ia-[Olive Hunter; Robert Ebert; JeanRange 4 West W'M z, of Lot 2, section 26, T. 22 N. H. 4
son County, Washington, a municipal I Todd Fredson; William Deyette; Mrs. I ' " ' W., W. M.
corporation; R.. B. Wilson and Bertha ]William Deyette; JeanetteF. Ottermatt; [ The SEA of SE the SVJI of SEA Group 4.
wneon 4s wte' rthur Jansen" Wil- Lew Ottermatt" Jos C Mongrain; Mrs J the NW of SW z 't .u¢ r' TRANSMISSION LINE from o*'€
liam M%Foster and Mrs. William M.[Jos. C. 1Iongrain;. Ale.x Johnson: MrS. land the W of SW, proposed power house in Lot 2, Sec.
xoster, ms wte; James . weet-tAlex Jonnson; 'anme . rauptJy; All in-Section 9 Townehip 21 North, , Twp. 22 N., R. 4 W, W. M, to
' ]and: Goerge A. Sheppard; Lumber- John Doe Hauptly; Arthur H. Eells;IRange 4 West, r' M - Pierce County line. .
men's Mercantile Company, a corpor-[Mrs. Arthur "H. Eells; Ordelia E. Pater [ All that -art of'NE"' of N '' 1-'in- A. tract of land described as follows:
tion: Thomas W. Webb and Maude |A. L. Holley; Rasmus Hanson; rs.] ....... .......... . _ . Beginning at a point 114.8 feet dis-
Webb, his wife; The Federal Land ]Rasmus Hanson; Henry Barrett; Allce_ortion of Governs-n" Lo" -" tat west of the northeast corner.-of
Bank, a corporation" George Cameron |Lathan; Union City Boom Company" I .... Y^.. Y , . the NWA of SW of Sac 85 T 22 N
and Louise Camero'n, his wife: Go-|Skokomish Boom & Rafting Companyt...ove!nm_ cn. ot .z? ng NW4 o R. 4 V W M '"thence south "50" o
nea A. McNeeley and John Doe Me I George Webb Mrs. George Webb I. [ o oomsn .ver) ..... east 311'3 feet to the south lln € '
leeiey, ner husband: W. A. Morris IN. •Wood" Ethel Wood" Robert Lewis'] overnment ot teing w Oidian Lot T, e € , ''= '^.:=':
:and Maude Morris, his wife: George [Joseph M. Sparr; Augusta Robinson;I _ . anu .ptn of S E of NW. East |west alon th ,,m ÷: * ....
o oh Meeker Pete ot oommh River) o , ......
, F. Weaver and Mabel H. Weaver, his IHerbert Johns n; J n . . ; r J Government Lot '8 "bein .... of Inorth 50 87 west 2583.'4" feet: 'tlence
Wife; Y. C. ]fcKiel and MP. J. C. Me, [Squally; Minath Sherwoou; also Kn0wnl ..... g ptn 'l south 12" a ÷*." th .... " ^*.' =no o,,
Klel, his wife" Hugh Eaton, a bach*]as Sarah Sherwood; Mrs. Charles!..Y4 .of SW4 and NW of SW [W 734fo*'.o,'Z"=+"'' =^,°2
elor: Nels Jyclstrup, a widower: r. Baker; Alice Pemmant; Mary Bill; Pat]£y]ng S and E of Skokomish River), I the be]nnl= .....................
A. Nobles and Mrs. W. A. Nobles, his Siade; Francis Bowers' Charles Frank" overnment Lot 7 (being ptn of I A stY"- -" ............
F Ottermatt and Lew Ottermatt her John.: Wm Frank" Lottle Robb' Stella NW East of SkokoAsh ive Ining 35thTno22 +Io""R' 4 W,_,_W. M. run-
h+sband; Jos. C. mongrain and 'Mrs. Cree; 'Margaret Fr+nk: Louise P+lsifer;] All in Section 13 Township 21North|feet to a po[+ptnn ++he"hnea+tt lose52
Jos C Mongrain, his wife' Alex Charles Frank" Robert Lewis; Mrs Ran-e 4 West "" "" I _. . , w n
ohhso; d Mrs Ale JohnsOn his rlnce of Waie' James Wilbur; Jenniel Gvernment'L ''bein- NW ' ofl.¢t Lnd'2-°€-'-2 N. B. 4 W.
..... " ..... '- .... i r Jose-h' Pulsifer Old He He s I ulstant € reel north of the
wire' Fanme u l-iauptl ana donn ru£s e ; p ; " ; SW n " ' '
-- t. .... . . . I .............. Robert Lewis Mrs , a d ptn if any of SW, of]southeast corner of the SE of NE
Loe l-lauptt ner nusnana: Arthur l-l. jonn wr*pe; a*rs. ; . ' .... 1/4
NWA S of Skokomish River) of NEM of said section 2
Eells and rs Arthur H Eells his Henry Allen" Mrs cKinney Pulsiferl ........ - ..... | _
• " " ' " ......... terman ' Sam Pete Lucy S I overnmen ot u toemg y orl. A strip of land 100 feet in idth l
wife' Ordelia E. Vater, ,a wiaow' A. lHly war ; ; " '1 ' , ' Y"
L I-olley; Rasmus Hanson and rS Kamown" Marion Towallard" McKinneyiSWw , and Ptn: if. any: of SE of|!.ng 50 feet on each side of a center
• • -- - " .... ' -----.- ..,,kL ore w el KOKOmlSn lIVer) nne eescrloed as follows. Be |nnin
Rammus Hanson, his wife; l-lenry ar- 'um][er; J. IIOIIII .um**a; '-- o ' [ " g E
rett. a bachelor: Alice Latham; Union Pulsifer; Wm. pulsifer; Kate Pulsifer: i SE vernment Lot 7 (bein _i..y of]on the west line of the SE of NW4
City Boom Company a corporation" Mrs. Andrew Foster; Wm. Frank; Mrs. x ana pn It. any,. o wY4 o[or ec. 1. T. 21 N.. R. 4 W., W. M., at
' ' Allen" William '* or KOKOmlSn lIver) a polnt 285 feet south of the no
Skokomish Boom & Rafting Co,, a Joe Anderson; Henry. ' - G ....... • ,__. .| rthwest
ice Jonnston warren overment Lot Inelng I¥ o corner thereof runni
corporation; George Webb and Mrs. I. Johnston; Al " ; ............. ]__0 : ng thence south
George Webb, his wife; I. N. Wood Johnston; Gertrude Johnston; Mrs. anq ptn, flr a.ny,.o y of NEd|L0 37' E. 876.4 feet; thence south 80 °
and Ethel Wood, his wife; Robert Lila Fleser; Mrs. Nellie Bryden: tier- 1 n°°c n lverL . .... ' '.. |t east 1989.6 feet to a point on the
Lewis: Joseph M. Sprr, Augusta man Ahem; _Edwin Ahern;. Chester . =z= !n a,_Townsmp z qrtn east line of Lot 3 of said Seelon 1,
Robinson: Herbert Johnson: John Vally; Maria Jensen; rs. Jonn ocl- ange a west, w.M. . ]sz feet distant north of the south-
iIeeker; Peter Squally: Minath Sher- ar; Arthur Jansen; Anna Jansen Flan- Government Lot 9 (being ptn of east corner thereof.
wood, also known as Sarah Sherwood; igan' Mrs. Lillian Wallace; Mrs, Jane NEA of NE S of Skokomish River),
Mrs. Charles Baker; Alice Pemmant: Doe Lorndorf; Stella Jansen; Tacoma
Mary Bill; Pat Slade: Francis Bowers;
Charles Frank; Annie' Frank; Lizzie
Wells; Allen Yellout; Ben Johns:
Lucy Allen: Freddie Miller; Howard
Miller; Horace Strong: Agnes Sim-
mons; Annie Bliner: Emma DeFoe:
Abbie H. St. Johns; Agnes Choke
Joh Henry; Louis Purdy; Ben Johns
Wm. Frank; Lottie Robb; StellaCree
., pa_y, a + corporation; W B.
i: and ]vlr. W. B. Sammons, his
i! W.H. Rowe. and Mrs.'W H
:I hiq 'wife: The Northern Banl%
Trus't Company, a eorporaUbh;
Savings Bank & Trust Company; Ma-
sOn County; State of. Washingon; Frank
i MacKean; Mrs. Frank MacKean; Mason
tCounty Power Company; A. D. Miller;
Mrs. A. D. Miller; Alonzo Ray;Bessie
Ray; Paul A. Paulson; Mrs. Paul A.
Paulson; Joseph Wickstrom; Mrs. Jos-
eph Vickstrom; West Coast Power
Company; W. B. Sammons; Mrs. W. B.
Sammons; W. H. Rowe; Mrs. W. H.
case of your re sO to
A, .Paulson, his wife; Joseph ,Wick- Judgment will:be rendered against
strom ad Mrs. Joseph Wlckstrom, according to the. demand of the
his wife: West Coast PbWer Corn- plaint which has been filed with the
Clerk of said Court.
:The object and purpose of the action
herein is o: condemn cltain trips or 4
eh of 1arid hereinafter desoribed,
the of a site for
fargaret Frank: Louise Pulsifer;
Charles Frank; Robert Lewis: Mrs. Rowe; The Northern Bank and Trust
Prince of Wales: James Wilbur; Jen, tCompany; Joseph W'ickstrom Company;
hie Pulsifer; Joseph Pulsifer and]W. G. Rex; Mrs. W. G. Rex; W. H.
]Irs. Joseph Pulsifer, his wife' Old I Smith; Mrs. W. H. Smith; Albert Hale;
He-He; John Cripe" Mrs. Robert pMrs. Albert Hale; Frank W. Hale; Mrs.
Lewis; Mrs, Henrykllen; Mrs. Me-[Frank W. Hale; Puget Sound Pulp and
Kinney Pulslfer: Wilson Waterman" Power Company; Clinton O. Harris;
Anne lWoran; Billy Watterman" Sam J Mrs. Clinton O. Harirs; Mrs. Joseph
Pete; Lucy S. Kamown. Marion To-M. Sparr; F. A. Rob[son; vrs. F. A.
wallard; McKlnney Puis'lfer, Thomas[Rob[son; Wilson Waterman; Anne
Fulsifer; George Pulsifer: %Vm. Pul-Moran; Mrb Joseph Pulsifer; John Doe
slier Kate Pulsifer; Mrs. Andrew ]Bunting; Mrs. John Doe Bunting;
Foster; Vm. Frank: Mrs. Joe Ander- The unknown heirs of Andrew 'oe-
eson; Henry Alien: William H. Johns-[ter, deceased; the unknown heirs of
ton, husband of Alice Johnston de-[Mrs. Wm. Frank,. deceaseu;, the un-
ceased; Alice Johnston" Warren known heirs of Jonn Doe Pumifer0 de-
Johnston, Gertrude John'ton Mrs ceased; the unknown heirs of Ben
Llla Frt¢sr, Mrs, Nellie Bryden Her-" John, deceased, and the unknown heirs
man Ahern. Edwin Ahern and Cheste.Jof Mrs. Allen Yellout, deoeased; John
aily, children and heirs at law o'Hawk; Mrs. John Hawk; Dan Allen;
Alice Johnston. deceased; Maria Jen- Mrs. Dan Allen;
sen, widow of Hans Jansen, deceased, j Also all other persons and parties Uno
and Mrs. John Kockar, Arthur Jen- :kuown clming any right title, estate,
.on; A nnna Jansen Flanigan_Mrs. Lll- I lien ¢,r interest in the. real estate de-
nan wallace; Mrs. Jane Doe Lorn-scribed in the compamt ana petition
dorf, !children and heirs at law of !herein, Defendants.
You and ach of o ar' her b um
Jansen, widow and heir at law oil . e y U 'e e y s -
Carl enen, deceased, son of Hana]mcned..t o .appear wit.bin ai.xty .(.00)
Jenen deceased" Tacoma Savings I la:s after me ate or the nrst puonca-
Bank . Trust Company; ,a 0orpora-|ti.on • of_thls. Summgns,.to-wi_t.:. .Within
lion; vason county, a municipal cot-ISlXW to) aays ater .tne tn aa or
potation; and-State of Washington' |So, retorter, 19zu,.and ueend the aoove
• rank..cK.en and Mrs. Frr)k Ma [enAtld action In _the above. .entitled
ean, ms wre: as0n count P6wer ] cgur.,._anP a.swer t ne complaint or tne
company, a corporation; A. D. Mill - pialnUlT, anu serve a
an4' MrI,.A•' D, Millt,
A0nzo, RaY- and- Besef
wie; .;Paul' A+ P&ulson' and
The SE% of NE%, '"
Government Lot 12 (being SWi, 'of
NE and ptn, if any, of NW, of
NEA S of Skokomish River),
Government Lot 11 (being SE of
NVM, and ptn, if any, of NE of
NW S of Skokomish River inClud-
ing that portion of Lot 11 lying north
of present main channel of Skokomish
The south 25 acres of SW of NVA
The north 15 cres of SW of NW%
Government Lot 10 (being ptn of
NW of NWA S of Skokomish River,
The NW of SE,
The NEA of SE,
All in Section 15, Township 21 North
Range 4 West, W. M.
The NE of NW the W of
NW. of NE the E of NW. of
NEA, and the E of NE of Sec-
tion 16, Township 21 North, 'Range 4
West, W. M.
The NE0 of NWA, the W of
Nm of NE, the E of NW4 of
NE, a 80 foot R-W for skid road
over E of NW of NE, and the
NE of NE, of Section 18, Township
21 North, Range 4 West, W. M.
Government Lot 8, and "possible in-
terests in front of eaid Lot 2,
Government Lot 5, and possible in-
terests in front of said Lot 5,
In Section 8, Township 21 North,
Range 3 West, W. M.
Government Lot 2 and R-W over
said Lot 2, in Section 7, Township 21
North, Range 3 West, W. M.
Lot 2 in Indian Allotment No 9'a
in Section 6,
Lot 1 in Indian Allotment No. 9-a in
Section 7,
Township 21 North, Range 3 West,
Lot 1 comprising" Tracts 1, 2, '2 "and
Lot 2 comprising Tracts'l g;'2".ffd"4'
Indian Allotment N6'4i ' ' :.,,•'', ' i
1' ifi Indian Allotment No: 20,
Tract 15 in Indian Allotment No. 19,
Tract 16 in Indian Allotment No. 18,
All ih Sec. 12 Township 21 N, Range
West, W.M. , 1
Tract 1 Indian Allotment No.
Tracts 2 and 3 in Ihdian
A strip of land 100 feet in width
lying 50 feet on earth side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the meander line of Lot
1, Sac. 6, T, 21 N., R, 3 V.. W, M. dis-
tant south 66½ east, 134.4 feet from
meander corner between section 6
afm'esaid and section 1 of T. 21 N., R.
4 W.: running thence south 80 ° 48
east 1950 feet to the west line of Tide
Land heretofore granted to the Pot-
latch Commercial and Terminal Com-
pany, being the center of the main
channel of the Skokomish River,
The right to set poles or towers on
meadow lan and to string wires
across meadow and water areas on a
strip of ]and :100 feet in width lying
50 Teat on each side of a center line
located as follows: Beginning on the
Government Meander Line where the
same intersects the north line of Lot
3 of 8ec. 6, T. 21 N,, R, 2 W., W..M.:
t_hence on said meander line aouth 83"
..3,80. chains: thence south 46+;
est 3.42 cnans to the above men- I
tioned center line and the beginning of,
this description. The said center llnel
of 100 foot strip runs ,thence north
80" 46' west I010 feet, more or less, to
the center of the present main channel
of the Skokomlsh River.
A strip of land 100 feet in width,
lying 0 feet on each side of a center
line located as follows: Beginning at
a point on the Government Meander
Line of the Skokomish River, where
the same intersects the north line of
Lot 3, See, 6 T. 21 N,, R. 8 W., W. ]f,;
running thence on said Meander Line
south 33" west 3.80 chains: thence
south 46 • weet 3.42 chains to the
anove mentioned center line and the
beginning of this description: the said
center line runs thence south 80' 48'
east 070 feet, more or less to the east
:line, of said Lot-8, intersecting the
mm. t poin 424. feet south of a
ertai s'take sed as the northeast
orner thereof.
Lots 4 and 5 in Mock 9,
Lots 3; 4 and 5 in Block 10,
Lot 8 in Block 11.
Lots I and 8 in Block 12,
5ors 1, 2, 7, and in Block 13,
bets 1, 2. 7 and 8 In Block 14,
B; 8, 7 in Block 15, "
Lots 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 in
BloCk 22,
Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 23.
Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in
Block 26,
Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in' Block 27,
Lots 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 49 In
Block 30.
Lots :L 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 31,
Lots 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 in Block
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 35,
Lots 38, 39 and 40 in Block 38,
Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block 39,
McReavy's 2nd Addition to Union
City, Mason County, VCash.
A strip of land 400 feet in width
lying 200 feet each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning at
a point on the west line of See. 5, T.
21 N., R. 3 W,, W. 1. distant 879 feet
south of the west quarter corner of
said section; thence east 5367 feet to
the east line of said section, intersec-
ting the same at a point 801 feet south
of the east quarter corner thereof.
A strip of land 400 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
',at a point on the west line of Sac. 4,
T. 21 N., R. 3 W., W. M,, distant 801
feet south of the quarter corner; run-
ning thence east 1312 feet to the east
line of the W½ of SWA of said sec-
tion 4.
A strip of land 200 feet in width ly-
ing 190 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginnin
at a point on the west line of the
NEt4 of SW, of Se. 4, T. 21 N., R.
3 W., distant 834 feet south of the
east and west quarter llne of said
section; running thence east 1312 feet
to the east line of said tract.
A strip of land 200 feet in width ly-
ing 100 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of the W½
of NW of SE of Sec. 4, T. 21 N.,
R. 3 W. W. M., distant 867.5 feet south
of the east and west quarter line of
said section; running thence east 655
feet to the east line of said tract.
A strip of land 200 feet in width ly-
ing 100 feet on each side of a center
llne described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of thd E½
of NV/ of SE/ of Sec. 4, T. 21 N., R.
W,, W, M•, dlstant 884.1 feet south
of the east-and-west quarter line of
said section; running thence east 655
feet to the east line of the said tract.
A strip of land 200 feet in width, ly-
ing 100 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of the
SV of NE of SE. of Sac. 4, T. 21
N:, R. 3 %V., V, M.. distant 901 feet
south of the east-d-west quarter
line of said section; "running thence
east 655 feet to the east line of said
A strip of land 2)0 feet in width ly-
ing 100 feet on each side of a center
llne described as follows: Beginning
on the west line of the W½ of SE
of NE of SEA of See. 4, T. 21 N., R.
3 V¢., V. M. disiant 917.4 feet sour%
of the east-and-west quarter ltno of
said section: running thence east 327;5
feet to the east line of said tract.
A of land 290 fcet in width ly-
ing 100 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of the E
of EA of NE¼ of SEM of Sec. 4, T.
21 N., R. 3 W., W. M., distant 926 feet
south of the eastandwest quarter line
of said section; running thence east
327.5 feet to the east, line of said
trmct, which is tho east line of said
section, intersecting the same 934 feet
south of the quarter corner,
A strip of land 200 feet in width ly-
ing 100 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on" the wcst line of Section
3, T. 21 N,, R, 3 W., r. M. distant
934 feet south of the quarter corner;
running thene'e east 2632 feet to the
east line of SVCtA of said section.
A strip of land 400 feet in width
lying 200 feet on each side of a center
line described .as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of the
SE of Sec. 3, T, 21 N., R• 3 W., V.M.
disiant 901 feet south of the enter of
said section; running thence east 2635
feet to the east line of said section,
intersecting the same at a point 879
feet south of the quarter corner,
A strip of land 400 feet in width in
the S%V,/+ of Section 2, T. 21 N., R. 3
W., W. M. lying 200 feet on ech side
of a center line described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the west line
of said Section 2 distant 879 feet south
of the quarter corner, running thence
north 68 ° 30' E. 2552 feet more or less,
to the north line of the said SW of
Sac. 2.
A strip of land 409 feet in width in
e N of Sec. 2, T. 21 N., R. 3 V., W.
• lying 200 feet on each side of a
center line described as follows: Be-
ginning at a point on east-and-west
quarter line of said section 2356 feet
east of the west quarter corner there-
of; running thence north 68" 30' east
1692 feet t¢> the east line of SW of
NE of said section.
A strip of land 400 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet in each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the east line of Sec. 2.
T. 21 N., R. 3 W., V. M. distant 1932
feet south of the NE corner of said
section; running thence south 68* 30'
west 1414 feet to the west line of the
SE of NE of said section,
A strip of land 400 feet in width, ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of See. 1,
T. 21 N,, R. 3 W., W. M. distant 1932
feet south of the NW corner, of said
section; running thence north 68" 30'
east 5341 feet to the north line of said
A triangular tract of land bounded
and described as follows: Beginning
at the southeast cornel" of Section 30,
T. 22. N., R, 3 W., W. M.; running
thence west along the south line of
said section 905 feet; thence north 08"
30' E, 973 feet to the east line of said
section; thence south along the same
356,5 feet to the beginning.
A "strip of land 490 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of See. 31.
T. 22 N., R. 2 W., W. M. distant 141.6
feet north of the SV corner of said
section: running thence north 68 ° 30'
east 3021 feet to the "east line Of the
SW¼ of said section.
A strip of land 200 feet in width ly-
ing 100 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the east line of Section
31, T. 22 N,, R, 2 W., W, M, distant
271,0 feet south of tim quarter cor-
ner; running thence S. {;8 ° 30' V, 2826
feet to the west line of the SE of
said seciion.
A triangu|ar tract of ]and in the
SW,. of Sec. 32, T. 22 N., R. 2 V., V.
M., bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the west quarter corner
of said section; running thence east
960 feet; thence 68 ° 30' W. 1033 feet
to section line; thence north along
same 378•5 feet to the begining,
A strip of land 200 feet in width ]y-
quarter+corner of Sac. 28. T. 22 N., 30R;
2 W.. W. M.; running thence N 68 °
E 2894 feet to the east line of said
A strip of land 400 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of Sac. 27,
T. 22 N., R. 2 W., W. M. distant 1467
feet north of the SW corner of said
section; running thence N. 68 ° 30' E.
3341 feet to the north line of south
italf of said section.
A strip of land 400 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
,t. a point on the east line of Sac. 27,
• 22 N., R• 2 r., "V. M,, distant 81,
feet norti of the east quarter corner
thereof; running thence south 68" 30'
V. 227(; feet to the south line of the
NEb of said section.
A strip of land 490 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each .side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of the
NV¢ of Sac. 26, T• 22 N., R. 2 W,, W.
M,, distant 813 feet north of the west
quarter corner thereof; running ihence
N. 68 ° 30' E, 2840 feet to the east line
of said quarter section intersecting
the same at a point 790 feet south, of
the north quarter corner of said ec.
A strip of land 400 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point 799 feet south of hte north
quarter corner of Section 26, Twp. 22,
N,, It. 2 W. V• M., running thence N.
68" 30' E. 1418 feet to the east line of
the NV£ of NEA of said section.
A triangular tract of land bounded
and described as follows: Beginning
at the NEW of Section 26, T. 22 N., R. o
2 W., ,V. M., running thence S. 68 ° 30'
V. 1420 feet, more or less, to the west
line of NE of NE, of said section:
thence north 496 feet to the north line
of said tract; thence east 1312 feet,
more or less, to the begining.
A triangular tract of land bounded
and deacribed as follows: Beginning
at the southeast corner of Sac 23, T• 22
N., R. 2 W., W. M., running thence
west along section line 1120 feet;
thence N, 68 ° 30' E. 1203 feet to the
east line of said section; thence south
along same 439 feet to the beginning.
A strip of land 400 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of Sec. 24,
T. 22 N., R 2 V., V. M., distant 217
feet north of the SW corner thereof
running thence N. 68 ° 30' E 5574 feet
to a point on east line of said section
distant 272 feet south of the quarter
A strip of land 400 feet in width ly-
Ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beghmlng
at a point on the west line of Section
19, T. 22 N., R, I V., %V. XI., distant
272 feet south of the west quarter Cor-
ner thereof: running thence N. 68 ° 30'
E. 4441 feet, more or less, to the east
line of the west ½ of NE of said
A triangular tract of. ]and bounded
aod described as follows: Beginning
at the NV¢ Corner of the SE. of NEA
of Section 19, T, 22 N., R• 1, W. V..
running thence east 652 feet; 'thence
south 68 ° 30' r 06 feet to the west
line of said tract; thence north along
the same 248 feet to the beginning.
A tract of land comprising a portion
of the S of NEA of NE of Section
19, T. 22 N,, R. 1 V., ,V, M. bounded
and described s follows: Begtnn/ng
at a point On the east line of said
seotion 19, distant 660 feet south of
the NE comber of same; running thanes
south 415 feet; thence S. 68° 30 r W.
710 feet, more,or less, to the southline
of tlle' NEb, of NEA o£ the said see-
tlon; thence west 652 feet to the west
line of tract first abovementioned in
this description: thence north 183 feet,
thence N 68 ° 30' E 1345 feet to north
line of S½ of the said tract; thence
east 64 feet to the beginning.
A strtp of land 409 feet in width ly-
ing 290 feet on each side of a center
line descTibed as follows: Beginning
at a point on the west line of Sec. 20,
T 22 N., 1l. 1%V. V. M., distant 851
feet south of the'NV corner thereof;
running thence N• 68' 30' E. 2327 feet
to the no.rth line of said section, in-
tersecting the same at a point 505 feet
west of the quarter cornel,.
A triangular tract of land bounded
and described as follows: Beginning
at the south quarter corner of section
17, T. 22 N., R. 1 V¢., W. M., running
thence west along the south line of
said section 1053 feet; thence N 68" 30'
E. 1131 feet, more or less, to the east
line thereof; thence south along same
413 feet to the beginning.
A strip of land 400 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point. 198 feet north of the south
quarter corner of Section 17, T. 22
R. 1 W., V. M.: running thence N. '
30' E. 1040 feet; thence S. 85 ° 44' E.
350 feet, more or less, to the east line
of the SWA of SE of said section.
A etrip of land 490 feet in width ly-
ing 200 feet on each side of a center
line described as follows: Beginning
at a point 530 feet north of the SW
corner of Lot 4, Sac. 17, T. 22 N.. R. 1
V., V M., running thence S. 85 ° 44
E. 742 feet, more or less, to the Gov-
ernment Meander Line on east side of
said Lot 4.
A tract of land bounded and describ-
ed as follows: Beginning at a point on
the east-and,west quarter section line
of fractional See'. 26, Twp. 22 N., R.
4 W., W. M., distant 16 chains east of
the quarter-section corner: running
thence north 460 feet to the line of
the other land to be acquired by the
City of Tacoma; thence east 245 feat,
more or less, to the west line of the
Olympic Highway as now located:
thence southerly along the same 403
feet to the said quarter-section line;
thence west along the same 278 feet
more or less to the beginning.
A tract of land, being a portion of
the N of N½ of Lot 3, fractional See.
26, 'T. 2'2 N., R. 4 W., V. M., bounded
and described as . follows: Beginning
on the east-and-west quarter-section
line of said Seetion 26 at a point 16
chains east of the quarter-section cor-
ner; 'running thence east on said quar-
ter-seetion line 278 feet more or less
to the west line of the Olympic High-
way as now located; thence south 12"
09' cast along the same 837 feet more
or less to the south line of the N½ of
N of Lot 3 aforesaid; thence west
along the same 346 feet; thence north
5 chains by Government measure to
the beginning.
A tract of land comprising a portion
of the N of S½ of Lot 3, fractional
Section 26, T. 22 N., R. 4 r., %V. M,,
bounded and described as follows: Be-
ginning at apoint 10 chains sooth by
Government measure and 16 chains
east from the west quarter-section
corner of the said Section 26; running
thence east 350 feet: thence south 5
chains by Government measure: thence
west 350 feet; thence north 5 chains to
thk beginning.
tract of land comprising a por-
tion of the S of S½ of Lot 3, frac-
tional Section 26, T. 22 N,, it, 4 W,, W.
ing 109 feet on each side of a center M., bounded and described as follows:
line described as follows: Beginning Begin.ning at a point, on the south line
or sal Lot 3 15
at a point on the south line of the .. , : chains distant east of
NW of Sec. 32 T. 22 No., R. 2 "V,,'vV. [le southwest corner of said Lot; run-
M. distant 687 feet east of the west rang thence north 5 chains by Govern-
quarter corner of said section; run- sent.measure to, the north line of the
ing thence N. 68 ° 30' E• 2120 feet to safl tract; thence east 416 feet; thence
the east line of said NWA of See. 32. ,[OaU:h 5.chains to .the.south llne of said
A strip of land 200 feet in width ly- feet ;" nonce west.along the same 416
ing 100 feet on each side of a center ¢o the oeglnnlng.
A ract of land corn ri
line described as follows' Beginning P sing a portion
at a point on the west • line of the f Lot 4,4rationai See. 26, T. 22 N..
NE of Sec. 32, T. 22 N., R. 2 W. W. as follovs ' w', pounded and described
M, at a point 1842 feet more or less .... ". egflnnlng at a point on
' ' the norn line or said lot 4 15
south of the north quarter corner of dlst .... chains
said section, runing thence N 68 ° 30' ant east of the northwest corner
east 2820 feet to the east line of said ther%of running thence east 416 feet:
section, intersecting the same at a mthn-ur°Uth, e ua o the 20 south chainSlinebY Government of the said
point 796 feet distant south of the NE , .....
..... +. .... .,u,.. ; nence west 416 feet" thence
:?A's'trlp'ol'and 200 feet in width ly- n°thnlc0aphain.s to th.e beginn(ng.
' - - - - ],p on to sala 0UPt for a de
ing 100 feet on each slde or a c,enetr cree ad'udl ....... -- "
J ng ne centare mtea taKtng
line described as follows' Beginning of --'J .... ' - P
' . ..... ouau tunas real estate premlses
on the west line of Sec 3 T zz rights of way 'ov .... '
' ' " "' - - ornowage rights wa
R. 2 W., W. M. distant 796 feet south ter ri-hts "an ...... ' :
of the NW corner of said section" run- privileges t-na'°tner easements.,
o ' I u u a pUOIlC se Will De
ning thence N. 68 30' E. 2072 feet to maa ^- ^ -,,1,,t- o - - -
the north line of aid section 33 , tie. .uy-p . ,:,,, o n_tur.uay
A trian " " , ux u ovemDer, lug0" at the
and d scfbl, lar tracto.of land bounded ICourt House of the Superior Court of
e ea aS tOIJOWS: eglnnlngtMason uountv Wash+^- -* .^,^-
at the" South"qUarter 'coYh%r Lf "Sed; 2; |"in sail State" -,.-v,,.= .... su,
T. 22 N., R. 2 W., r. M.; running[ '" ' J'. cIARL.S DENNIS,
thence west along sept[on line 920 [ , PERCY P BRUSH
feet; thence N 68 ° 89' E 986 feet tel T '
q rter section line: thence south J CHARLES R. LEWIS,
along the same 383 feet to the begin- PETERS & POWELL,
nlnff. Attorneys for Petitioner•
A strip of land 400 feet in width ]y- P. 0. Addess: 800 ity Tacoma,
ing 200 feet on tch side of a center Pierce County, Washi care
line described as follows: Charles R.