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Pa 2
Beta Zetas Sample
Barbecue Foods
The first regular business meet-
ins of lhe Bot'l Zetn Chapter of
Epsilon Sigma All)ha was held
Wednesday, Sept. 9, at the home
of Mrs. Glenn .qowers with Mrs.
Ktlrt }]ron|en aH co-hnstess,
Committee chairnwn reported
their plans for tile ear's nctivi-
ties anti the club yearbook vva,
drawn up.
Following tile business meeting
Mrs. Glenn Sowers conducte(t the
first of her Educational Pro-
grains on "Living in the Honle".
She gave barbecue hints and dem-
onstrated sew, ral barbecue dishes.
Interesting cool{books were dis-
tributed among the men',hers.
]{efresllnlenttl consisted of sam-
pies of tile barbecued foods, sahtd
and hol rolls.
The Beta Zeta girls prepared
and served at a C.A.P. Fly-In
Breakfast. last, Sunday, at. tile
Moose Hall. Due to weather con-
ditions the crowd was small, but
the member's gained by experience
and the hotcakes were delicious.
• The next meeting of ¢he Chap-
ter will he a social Sept. 23 at the
Canal home of Mrs. Bill Hunter.
The members are reminded that
this is a Pe, rmy a Pound Party.
Shelton Auxiliar Plans
New Year's Projects
Projects for the enmling year
were dis(.ussed at Monday's meet-
ing of the David Shelton Ortho-
pedic Auxiliary in the home of
the president, Mrs. Duane Rodg-
era. Assisting Mrs. Ro(lgers with
refreshments was Mrs. Dean Mik-
The next meeting will be held
Oct, 12, in the llome of Mrs. Ed
Convenient Terms
* Reasonable Rates
Mason County Savings
& Loan Association
Title Insurance Bldg.
Reading Club
Contest Deadline
September 21
The (lesdline for the Slimmer
Reading Club ContesI at the Pub-
lic Library i next Monday, Sel)-
temher 21. All the members who
have finished reading their eight
books are encouraged to hand in
a report on "Why I liked this boon
the heat'.
THE BEST of these reports in
the various nge g'roups will win
prizes selected from the outstand-
big children's books published re-
cently. Impartial judges will
choose the winners. The pizes
will be awarded at a ceremony in
the library, at a date to be an-
nmmced later.
Reports for grades 1-2 sho'lld
be not over 25 words; parents may
help the children. Those for grades
3-4 should be not over 50 words:
those for" grades 5-6, not over 100
words: and those for Junior High,
not over 200 words Remember, do
not try to tell the story of the
book you liked, but tell why you
liked it!
There is still time for you to
win a prize. Why not write your
report today ?
Olympic Guild Plans
Busy Fall Season
The September meeting of the
Olympic Guild was held at the
home of Mrs. Jack Bishop. Plans
were made for the fall season
and a discussion of a rummage
sale, Nov. 7, was held. Proceeds
of the sale will be given to some
local project, to be announced
next month.
Anyone having rummage to do-
nate are asked to call Rubye
Frisken, HA 6-3167; Kay GetS,
HA 6-6207, or Vera Bishop, HA
Cut prizes were awarded to Mrs.
Haro|d Sutherland and Mrs. Gets
The next mooting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Sutherland.
Lantz Wiss retutaed home Sun-
day from three weeks stay in Sc-
uttle visiting with lis sister, Mrs.
Ira Libby. Mrs. Libby returned
with him and is visiting friends in
The Harstine Island Ladies Club
will hold a rummage sale Friday
and Saturday, Sept. 25 and 26, in
tile PUD building.
here is the
rmracle hearing aid
is talking
worn entirely in the ear
No cords, no tubes, no wires are
worn anywhere on the body with this
amazing Acousticon hearing aid.
The complete self-contained unit is
worn entirely in the ear.
In Sheiton One Day Only --Mon., Oet. 5
For further Information
call or write
Olympic Peninsula Rep, I
918 Weslon Place
• Bromerton, Wash.
In the office of
417Rallroad Ave.
6h¢lton, Wash.
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p,m.
_ - _ _ _ q
So cial Even ts
lj,, Society Editor • Beve Wells • Phone HA 6-4412
THE ENGAGEMENT and coming marriage of the 1959 Foest
eauval Queen, Apdrea Kneeland, was rooerly announced by her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tor Kneeland. Miss Knetland and Mr.
errold C. Lehrln of Olympia,have ohoun 8e=lember 30=as their
wedding date, Mr, Lehman is the a0n of MS;, Chester Lehman,
Olympia, and Mrs. G(0rgo Stl!iwell, San Qlio, Calif. (Dean photo)
MR. AND MRS. ABRAHAM TROOST Were honored August 20
on their 60tb wedding anniversary at an open house in their
home. The Troost home was gaily decorated with floral arrange-
ments from their garden. Hosts for the affair were their chi dren
Mr. and Mrs. Claude W leon of Seattle and Mrs. Harry C'0tton of
Sedro Woolley. Unable to attend was their son John of Klamath
River, Calif. The Troosts were married August 20, 1899 in Pat-
texaco, N. J. and lived in Yakima prior to moving to Shelton 25
years ago. Among their many friends who called were Mr. and
Mrs. Had.ll, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Comak, Mrs. Amy Frank, Mrs.
Mary Phillips, Mrs. Harry Dittman, Mr=. Bill Johnson, Mrs. Jess
Drake, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Prestel. (Dean print.l
' " J . u NO. 877 Schubert and Phlllp James Schubert.
runnel a"'"'"'" QUAUTY COCN,, i. indeterminate Interests: Assessor's
FOIICI,OSURE Ti, agt 6 0t NWi SI!., See. 9, Twp,
NO. 48 23 N., Range 1 W.W.M., particularly
IN Tile NUL*Eltli)R (It)UR OF '['|ll .described as follows: Beginning at
USED CARS ISTA'rE OF WASHINUTON the S q00arter corner, and proceeding
FOR MASON COUNTY thence along the S line of said See.
MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON, a 9, N, 89 ° 02' 21" E 1302.76 ft. thence
Municipal Corpora.lion and one of the along the E line of the W x& of the
Counties of the State ot Wahlngtqn, oi said lec. 9 N 0 ° IT 34" E
Plaintiff. 174.20 It. ; thence W 317.09 ft. to the
Westerly margin of Tiger Lake Road
which point Is the Southeast corner
of the tract herein described aSd the
'§6 ,VS. Fair[aone '"
H E. Htighes Jr., all persons here -
after named as owners of,,aILv of tile
hereinafter described real property, true point of beginning; thence W
S - ado - a - - - tic S and all persons unknown owtalng or 15,.82 ft.; thence N 1( ft.; thence
4"DO0 ed I [ claiming to own, or having or claim- Ill 146.43 it.; thence along tile West-
Rill Sharp ............................... NOW £/ lag to have, any right, title, estata, erly margin of Tiger Lake Road S
interest ov equity in and to ald prop- 21 ° 00' 10'" 107.13 ft. to the true
Chevrolet 210 VB- erty or any part thereof, .... pb, nt of beginning. Yaar in Certifl-
You, and each of you, are hereby :Original Certificate No. 3, Roll 1,
lff, Mason uouaty, a munlepa! cor- Am@; eser's Tract 4 of Gv. Lot
notifigd tha. the bove nae, .Plaint- P4¢e 0, line 6, a_memd to Vera L.
DOOR Radio, hen p(,ra.tin, anti ope. of the IWlUIIy. or- 1, arid Tax 12 A, See 4, Twp. 20 N.,
ianmea and existing cotS(ice of the :Range 2 W,W,M., psrttqularly de-
4- - IEDAN Sir, SI'I aJ mate of Washington, is the owner and
holder 9f a certificate, of dltquency ribed aS follows: lagihning at a
PowerOilde. OW .i. ,..ed i. oe €rtte I. k form pI.t :O.S it. S na S.FS ft. W
§§ Pltmduth V8 Suburban ,o, the Govt. quarter Section corner
and dated the 4th: day o SiStemoer, lb,twen 8ec. 8 and 4, ; thence N 14"
1959, by the Treasurer of said Mason 10' E d09.8 ft. to true point of begin-
County, Washgton. ami issued to the
said Mason" UW for the several nln41'; thence S ff ° 15' E 318 ft., more
a?unts dge aa.(l, oWI for taxes, o o3' less, to the shore line of Plekerlng
2-Door. Radio- Heater- Overdrive- St 40 eaen ana ever, at. u:act. Or parcel o, lau: these S Si' W along the said
land hereinafter more pF,rtleularly shoreline 50 ft.; thence N 55 15' W
aescrlbea aria set forth. ald amount 800 ft..more or less, to a point which
OO of our best-dreued ............................. NOW IIII belng set out opPosite each particular biu's 8 14' 10' W" from the trqe point
34 Chrysler Imperial V8 description and beta. the amount ,,us °' beglanl'g; thence N 14° 10' "to
and delinquent upon each lJtd tn.¢ .true point of beginning; ALSO all
uaemnaa of the second clue, former-
lot, tract, or parcel of land rPect- 1¥ owned b, the State of Wuhington,
ix, ely for taxe for the y,r 1954 for
which said Maon County ¢lainm right lying above the line of mean low
of foreclosure u will more specific- tide; ALO a 15 ft, right of way to
4-DOOR IEDAN, Radio, heater, Power Steering, Power Seat, ally appear by reference to each par- the present County Road for roan
Power Jrakell. Power Wlndow$, St I a' titular descrlption hal'el., together purposes; also. however, subject to a
wlth all interest, costs, al penalties 15 ft. right of way over the above
Rebuilt en0ln¢. NOW £ £ theraon up to and Including the 4th described property for road purpose..
of September. 1959 and the name Year in Certificate 1954 Certificate
§ international .
K U Original Certificate No. 4, Roll 8,
I-TON PICK.UP, Heater, new paint, $lJlp
Ro.I clean ...........................................................................
dhooe From Our
Dial HA 6-3433 - Shelton, Wash.
in aOhHstmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington
Mar/H. Knight
PTO Meeting
Set Tonight
By Mary Dawson
Mary M. Knight P.T.O. will hohl
its first regular meeting. Thm's-
day, Sept. 17, at 8 p.m. in the aud-
Itorium o fthe school. Alhm Hick-
son, president, said the entertain-
ment would inehtde the introduc-
tion of the new teachers to the
community. Cookies, sandwiches
and coffee will be served ill tile
cafeteria followihg the meeting.
Everyone is welcome.
MR. AND MRS. Roger Hewson
of Seatlie are spending a few days
wsitmg with Mr. and Mrs. F. iI.
Monday shoppers in Aberdeen
were Mrs. Myrtle Cameron, Mrs.
Edrie BaSeman, Mrs. F. E. Hew-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hew-
kst week Monday and Tues-
day, Mrs. Edrie BaSeman and Mrs.
Myrtle Cameron had as their
guesti$, Mr. and Mrs. M. "vVanee of
Gerber, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Keys (Mad-
eline Blitz) are spending their
honeymoon this week at the sum-
mer home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
cam Dick of Montesano. The
ymmg couple were married in Se-
attle 'last Saturday. Congratuht-
tions to you both.
Miss Gloria Pauley of Shelton
was the weekend guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Kelly and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell
and Ronnie KJellman attended the
wedding reeption ill Shelton Sat-
urday night for Mr. an4 Mrs. Joel
Chamberlain. Out" congratulations i
to you and your bride, Joe.
MR. AND MRS. Robert Men-
denhall had as their Friday eve-
ning dinner uests, :Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Kelly and family, Miss
Gloria Pauley and Mr. and Mrs.
Hem'y Chappell.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Walker were Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Ewen of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Hem'y Chappell
and three children and Ronnie
KJellman drove over to Oakville
Sunday to watch the baseball
game• The Skokomish Valley team
ended up as the champions.
Mrs. Gordon Dundas and son,
Butch of Port Orchard are now
making their home at the Resort.
Butch has em'olled as a junior in
the Mary M. Knight School.
Mr'. and Mrs. Ed Keys and fam-
ily of Tacoma were vacationing
last weekend at the Melcum Dick
I cabin here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Surest of
Washougal, Washington, was a
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. K.
E. Johnson.
Mrs. Sammy Diggle, Jr. and
Mrs. Robert Mendenhall were co-
hostesses Saturday night at the
Matlock Grange hall at a baby
shower given in honor of Mrs.
Beulah Muller. Many nice gifts
were also sent. The evening Was
spent playing games. Later re-
freshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Howard
and family of Matlock called Sun-
day evening on Mr'. and Mrs.
Ralph Springer.
Tlmrsday hmcheon guests ot
Mrs. Kenny Howard were Mrs.
Linza Cook of Quinault and Mrs.
Kenneth Zillyette and son and
Mrs. Ralph Springer and children,
all of the Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette
and son were weekend guests in
Tacoma of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
House. On Sunday they motored
to Paradise Inn for lunch.
Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette and son
spent last Friday visiting Mr. ann
Mrs. Ralph Rothrock.
Lee E, Dawson returned home
Friday evening after three days
spent in the Virginia Mason Hos-
pital. While in Seattle he also vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Pigg.
"Sherry" Chappil of Matlock
was a Sunday visitor of Lee Eddie
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Maxwell of
Mason County. Year in Certificate
1954. Certificate $.51.
Original Certificate No. 12, Roll 7C,
page 112, line 14, assessed to L. N.
Molter; Lots 10 and 11 Block 10, Mc-
Reavy's Third Add. to Union, accord-
ing to the recorded Plat thereof ou
file in tho office of the Auditor of
Mason County'. Year in certificate
1964, Certificate $.51.
Original Certificate No, 13, Roll 7C,
Rage 113, line 2, assessed to L. N.
oller; Lots 7 and 8 Block 15, Mc-
cavy's Third Add. to Union, accord-
ing to the recorded Plat thereof on file
in the office of the Auditor of Mason
County. Year in Certificate 1954
Certificate $.51.
Original Certificate No. 14, Roll 7C,
page 119, line 10. assessed to L. N.
Moiler; Lots 14 and 15, Block 18, Me-
Reavy'a Third Add, to Union. accord-
lug to the recorded Plat thereof on
file in the otflce of the Auditor ot
Muon County. Year In Certificate
1954. Certificate $.51.
That any of the foregoing lots,
tracts, Or parcelS" of land hereinbe-
fore described and having been in-
cluded in the Certificate ot Delin-
quency heretofore issued to Mason
County will be sold subject to any
local improvement assessments for
pavlng, drainage, irrigation, or any
other kind or sort of local improve-
sent assessment lawfully assessed,
That all of the several amounts
hereiaabove set opposite the several
descriptions of each particular lot,
tract, or parcel o! real property bear
interest at the rata of twelve per cent
(12%) per annmn from and includ-
ing the 4th day of September. 1959,
until the payment thereof be made,
or Judgnent entered herein.
You, and each of you, are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty (60)
days after the date of the first pub-
lication of this sumnmns and notice,
to-wit: within sixty days after the
10th day of September, 1959, exclusive
of said date, and defend the above
District 403PT A Meets Tonight
By Marlene Burgeson house guest last week, Emice
ALLYN. - .... Thursday evening,
Sept. 17, the first Parent Teachers
meeting will be held at the North
Mason County Junior High build-
in at 8 o'clock. Paul Olson from
the Mason,County Ci]ild Guidance
Coster will speak on tie child
guidance program.
All parents with children at-
tending the North Mason County
Scho()ls from Victor, Allyn and
Belfair are urged to attend. Re-
freshments will be served.
THE - F I R ST school board meet-
ing was held Monday evening. A
new school bus service will be
picking up students who live along
tile Grapeview Rood from tbe A1-
lyn bridge to Hamiltons. The new
school additkm for the North Ma-
son County High School is ex-
pectedto be ready for occupancy
by th{i fifteenth of September.
There will now be fifteen rooms
available for classroom use in this
new progressive high school. A
recent purchase of 21 new type-
writers will make possible anew
class in typing.
Another accomplishment is the
completion of the athletic field
with four thonsand yards of fill
dirt having been hauled in and
A new little grandson was wel-
comed by Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stock last week. The baby was
born at the Shelton General Hos-
pital last Thursday, Sept, 10, to
their daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Young of Union
and weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces
at birth and has a good start of
22 inches in length, Baby Todd
Craig comes to join brother Ter-
ry, Mrs. Young will spend a week
or so at her parents! home. The
paternal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. George Young, also of Union.
LAST WEEK Wesley Stock was
playing in Seattle with the Van-
couver Mounties versus the Rain-
iers, Sunday he returned home to
remain a few weeks before tak-
ing up new assignments.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Smith com-
bined a bit of pleasure with busi-
ness and had a short visit with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Brooks, in Everett last Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Weckhorst
welcomed home her two daugh-
ters and their families, Sally
Leimback and Betty Young, for
the weekend.
Mr. Angus Smith celebrated his
79th birthday last week with an
enjoyable visit fron his daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hulsopple of Portland, Ore., and
a birthday dinner Wednesday at
the home of Mr'. and Mrs. B. Got-
tenborg of Rocky Point, near
Bremerton. Other guests were his
niece, Mrs. Blanche Zeitner, and
daughter, Janis, and Mr. and Mrs.
O. Wesby o$ Bremerton.
CALLING AT the Charles Baird
home last Saturday was Miss Lil-
lian Scott of Portage, Alaska, to
visit Wesley Painter also of Port-
age and who is staying with his
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Baird, while he attends
school this winer. Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Chapin of Lilliwaup drove
down Monday to show tbe Bairds
their' new car.
Mr. Bob Huey and son, Bruce,
spent Saturday with the Bairds.
Mr. and Mrs. James Edman and
family and his mother, Mrs. Fred
Edman, and Penny attended the
Henderson benefit dinner held in
the Masonic Lodge at Belfair
Sunday. Many from Allyn and
vicinity were in attendance.
Mrs. Fred Edman had as a
Hoquiam spent Sunday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed at the
Matlock Store.
MARY M. KNIGHT students
had a very successful back to
school dance last Friday night.
Lots of fun was had by all.
Supt. Gene French announced
that the 7th through the 12th
grade students will be taken by
bus to the Puyallup Fair on the
22nd of Sept. He also stated Mrs.
Watt, the school nurse will be at
our school Thursday morning,
Sept. 17.
Ryan, a retired I]ur'sc %vho W':IS
employed for five years as a ran'so
in Mrs. Edman's nursing home in
Tacoma. She has just returned
from Lansing, Mich., and will be
making her home in Longview,
Vash., this winter.
Another old frieucl and hmg
lime neighbor of Mrs. Edman, who
paid her' a visit Saturday was
Mr. and Mrs. Ski Austin and Mrs.
Effie McGhee of Graham, Wash.
Thcy had lived as ncighb(u's for
30 year's.
was Mrs. Margaret Schubert of
Tacoma and an()ther Dleasanl visit
was enjoyed by the Edmans.
Mrs. F. L. Noble has lef( for
Patterson, Calif., for an extended
visit with her mother.
M:r. and Mrs, Andy :Danielson
welcomed his niece and', lmsband.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller of Ta-
coma, as Sunday diuner guests.
Neighbors and friends (ff Mrs.
Kenneth Rothlein wish to extend
their sincere sympathy for the re-
cent loss of her mother who
passed away last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rice just
returned from a two wcck vaca-
tion trip to Colorado. A week was
enjoyed with his sister', Mrs, Anna
Leigh Cromar and family in Cor-
tez. Tien a couple of days was
"spent in Denver visiting various
relatives and friends.
A WEEKEND fishing trip was
enjoyed hy Mr. Frank Jolley, Mr.
Bud Knutzen and Mr. Hary Hess
in the region of Noah Bay.
A day of fishing was also in-
dulged in Saturday on the Colum-
bia near Ilwaco, Wash., by Clem
Sargent, Leonard Peterson, Ernie
Wynn, Harris MeKean and Terry
McKcan, but with rather poor
luck. It mnst have been the fishs'
day off too.
A pleasant weekend was had by
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izett when
their friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Warner, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Klind-
worth and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hall,
all of Portland, Ore., drove up and
stayed with them through the
weokend attending church with
them Sunday and leaving Monday
Monday was a happy day for
the Howard Wynn family when
daddy Wynn rejoined his family
from Crescent City, Calif.
Wedding bells rang for Mr, VCm.
Austin Sen September 2 when he
took as his bride Mrs. Norms Nel-
son of Gig Harbor. They chose.
Tentecton, Canada, as the place
for their honeymoon. The new
home will be made in Allyn.
MR. FRED Valley, Jr., is happy
to have his wife home again after
her recent stay in Harrison Mem-
orial Hospital in Bremerton. While
she is on the convalescent list and
will require bed rest for awhile,
friends will be glad to know that
she is recovering nicely. Of re-
cent interest and delight to the
family is their new little daugh-
ter, Cassy Lee.
Mrs. Valley's mother. Mrs. How-
ard Woodard, redntly: flew up
from California to ou dur-
ing the illness of her daughter,
but plans to return soon to her
home and employment since her
daughter is so improved.
SEPTEMBER 26 is the date set
for a dance to supplement the
North Bay Ambulance Fund. The
Puget Sounders will furnish the
music. The time and place will be
announced later.
the person, firm or corporation to
om or which said property is as-
sessed being set forth with each par-
tleular descripthm, oil of said property
being situated in Mason County, State
of Washington, and being more par-
lariy described as follows, to-wit:
iginal Certificate No. 1, Roll 1,
re 66, line 2, assessed to H. E.
ibes Jr. et ux; Assesser's Tract 12
SE, Sac. 21, Twp, 23 N.,
ago 1 W.W.M., par :ulariy de-
lhed as follows: BE iNNING at
the Southwest corner ot said SW4
SE4: thence N along W:line of satd
forty, 850 ft., more or less; to an in-
tersection with the Southeasterly
Tht of way line of Primary State
,rhway No. 14 (Navy Yard High-
' thence Northemterly, along
I rlgt of way line, 125 ft. to a
point thereon; thence Southeasterly at
rLght angle It) said right of way line.
10K) ft., more or less to a point on the
S lin of said SW.SE. which Is 800
ft., E of Southwest corner of said
SWV, SEE; h,mce W. siena" the S
IIhe of said forty, to tile polnt of be-
ginning, ' ct,ntaining 7,13 acres, more
@r less, sub,iedt to all road rights-of-
way. k'ear In Certificate 1954, ertl-
ficte $5.7.
Original Certiflcale No, 2, Roll 1,
page 58, line 4, assessed to Richard
age 10, line 4, assessed to Frank
Ink et ux: All that portion of the
NvW SEM.SWA NW b Sec. 7 Twp,
19 N,, Range 4 W.W.M., which lies
Northerly of the Northerly right of
way line of the County Road as the
same is now established and in use
over and across said land, excepting
therefrom allgaes, otis, coal, fossils
and all mineral rights therein as here-
to fore conveyed to Mason County,
Washington, Vol. 77 of Deeds, page
298, under Auditor's File No. 103824,
and subject to exceptions and reser-
vations on behalf of the Northern Pa-
cific Railroad Company, its success-
ors and assigns, Year ill Certificate
1954, Certificate $.80.
Original Certificate No. 5, Roll 8,
page 51, line 17, assessed to Carles
Eugene Anderson; Lots 6 and 7, Block
9. HHlcrest Addition, according to the
recorded plat thereof on file in the
office of tile, Audltor of Mason County.
Year In Certificate 1954, Certificate
$25.20. ;
Original Certificate No. 11, Roll 7C,
age 112, line 8, assessed to L. N.
[oller; Lots I and 2 ,Block 8 Me.
Levy's Third Add. to' Union, cord-
g t0 the recorded Plat thereof on
le in the office of the Auditor of
entitled action in the above entitled
court, and serve a copy of your an-
swer upon the undersigned attorney
for plaintiff, at his office address
hereinbelow gives, or pay the ahount
a hereinabove set forth Upon each
of said tracts or parcels of real prop-
erty of which you are the owner or,
reputed owner, or In which you own
or claim to own or have, or claim
to have, any right, title or interest
therein, together with all costs, Ln-
Sorest or penalties attached thereto.
In the event of your failure to ap-
peax and defend such action and pay
the amount due on such lot, tract, or
parcel of land assessed to you, or in
which you have an interest as herein-
above stated, judgment will be ren-
dred against you and against the lot
tract, or parcel of land. forech)sing
thereon the lien of Mason County for
its certificate of delinquency, which
incAudesll taxes, Penalties, interest,
and costW against said lots tracts, or
parcels of land .up to and including
the date on wnlcn said certificate was
Any pleading, answer, appearance,
or process, shall e served upon the
OIe Dec Stork delivered a bounc-
ing baby boy to Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Danielson at Harrison Mem-
orial Hospital, Bremerton, Tues-
day night. Mrs. Danielson is tbe
former Leona Myers. Proud grand-
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Danielson, of Shelton.
The "Vo}'lan's
tian Service met
room of tile
1:00 p.m. or]
llaVi!l (HI.joyed
serv.d I)y Mrs.
I)ato for lhc
dinner was set for ,,
"I al the church.
Rowe was app
clmirman of
dinner will bc
(rf Mrs.
Mrs. VVillia m
Past president
senSed to Mrs.
Mrs. William ]
Th(>mns Rowe and
who were
were available.
tenKcr made the
Tle program
tries" was under
Mrs. David Little,
of the officers. It
motor nmst have
functioning in
The Tacoma
its fall seminar
First Met hodist
and the "Vesterp.,
nteeting will be il:!
21 arrd 22.
Circles will meet
Sept. 23.
Two Sheilon
Pledge al
WSU's 13
wotmd up the
rush today by,l
to membership.
Donna Jean Orr
Umphenour, both
nut Kappa.
Now pledges
their sorority
traditional "st
at the houses o
have been going
rush at WSU for
A two car
damage to both
bernoon at the
Cole Road. The
the Wasiington
ported thnt the
Harry Daniels,
was hit broadside
Grigal. 59, Seat
dan, while
to turn onto tire
Repossessed, take
$5.00 per month or
($42). This
is equipped to
do decorative
FL 7-7761.
Do You Have Someone Going
Away For College?
Giay To Attend WWl
Radi0 0rew Reu00,, Every Week
Postmaster Jack' Gra ]eaves
Satutxiay on a two-week vacation
trip with his wife whicl $,ill be Special Journal Rates
highlighted by,his first 'iuutlion For the School Year
with members of the radio crew
of the battleship Florida in San ..
Francisco next week.
This is the ninth reunion of the
World War I group which wit =
nessed the surrender of the Ger-
man fleet on the decks of the
Florida. Gray himself was the ra- I
dioman On duty who received the
message to tke Florida announc-
ing the end of World War I.
Gray had planned to attend two
previous reunions of his radio
crew but was unable to make
them because of last minute com-
Mr. and Mrs. Gray will be gone
two weks, visiting some of her '/
relative in Salem: and Lodi en-
route. The reunion" itself lasts a
week, starting nex Wednesday.
Memorial Service
The Degree of Holor Lodge will
have a memorial service and hen- For '
or past presidents at next Tues-
day's meeting in the Memorial the School
Hall. The meeting will begin Year
promptly at eight o'clock. All
members are asked to wear for-
The Lodge will travel to Castle
Rock, Oct. 1, for an afternoon and
evening district meeting.
The next executive meeting will
be held Oct. 8 in the home of Br-
tha Taylor.
Send Them News From
Call Now and Place Your
undersigned attorney for the Plaint-
iff. Mason County, at his office below
stated, and a copy thereof filed with
the Clerk of the above entitled Court.
A Municipal Corporation
Prosecuting Attorney. and
Attorney for PlaLntiff
Office and Post Office Address of
Attorney for Plaintiff: Mason County
Court Horse, Shelton, Washington.
No. 43, Pub. September 10, 17, 24,
October 1, 8, 15, 1959.
Pa 2
Beta Zetas Sample
Barbecue Foods
The first regular business meet-
ins of lhe Bot'l Zetn Chapter of
Epsilon Sigma All)ha was held
Wednesday, Sept. 9, at the home
of Mrs. Glenn .qowers with Mrs.
Ktlrt }]ron|en aH co-hnstess,
Committee chairnwn reported
their plans for tile ear's nctivi-
ties anti the club yearbook vva,
drawn up.
Following tile business meeting
Mrs. Glenn Sowers conducte(t the
first of her Educational Pro-
grains on "Living in the Honle".
She gave barbecue hints and dem-
onstrated sew, ral barbecue dishes.
Interesting cool{books were dis-
tributed among the men',hers.
]{efresllnlenttl consisted of sam-
pies of tile barbecued foods, sahtd
and hol rolls.
The Beta Zeta girls prepared
and served at a C.A.P. Fly-In
Breakfast. last, Sunday, at. tile
Moose Hall. Due to weather con-
ditions the crowd was small, but
the member's gained by experience
and the hotcakes were delicious.
• The next meeting of ¢he Chap-
ter will he a social Sept. 23 at the
Canal home of Mrs. Bill Hunter.
The members are reminded that
this is a Pe, rmy a Pound Party.
Shelton Auxiliar Plans
New Year's Projects
Projects for the enmling year
were dis(.ussed at Monday's meet-
ing of the David Shelton Ortho-
pedic Auxiliary in the home of
the president, Mrs. Duane Rodg-
era. Assisting Mrs. Ro(lgers with
refreshments was Mrs. Dean Mik-
The next meeting will be held
Oct, 12, in the llome of Mrs. Ed
Convenient Terms
* Reasonable Rates
Mason County Savings
& Loan Association
Title Insurance Bldg.
Reading Club
Contest Deadline
September 21
The (lesdline for the Slimmer
Reading Club ContesI at the Pub-
lic Library i next Monday, Sel)-
temher 21. All the members who
have finished reading their eight
books are encouraged to hand in
a report on "Why I liked this boon
the heat'.
THE BEST of these reports in
the various nge g'roups will win
prizes selected from the outstand-
big children's books published re-
cently. Impartial judges will
choose the winners. The pizes
will be awarded at a ceremony in
the library, at a date to be an-
nmmced later.
Reports for grades 1-2 sho'lld
be not over 25 words; parents may
help the children. Those for grades
3-4 should be not over 50 words:
those for" grades 5-6, not over 100
words: and those for Junior High,
not over 200 words Remember, do
not try to tell the story of the
book you liked, but tell why you
liked it!
There is still time for you to
win a prize. Why not write your
report today ?
Olympic Guild Plans
Busy Fall Season
The September meeting of the
Olympic Guild was held at the
home of Mrs. Jack Bishop. Plans
were made for the fall season
and a discussion of a rummage
sale, Nov. 7, was held. Proceeds
of the sale will be given to some
local project, to be announced
next month.
Anyone having rummage to do-
nate are asked to call Rubye
Frisken, HA 6-3167; Kay GetS,
HA 6-6207, or Vera Bishop, HA
Cut prizes were awarded to Mrs.
Haro|d Sutherland and Mrs. Gets
The next mooting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Sutherland.
Lantz Wiss retutaed home Sun-
day from three weeks stay in Sc-
uttle visiting with lis sister, Mrs.
Ira Libby. Mrs. Libby returned
with him and is visiting friends in
The Harstine Island Ladies Club
will hold a rummage sale Friday
and Saturday, Sept. 25 and 26, in
tile PUD building.
here is the
rmracle hearing aid
is talking
worn entirely in the ear
No cords, no tubes, no wires are
worn anywhere on the body with this
amazing Acousticon hearing aid.
The complete self-contained unit is
worn entirely in the ear.
In Sheiton One Day Only --Mon., Oet. 5
For further Information
call or write
Olympic Peninsula Rep, I
918 Weslon Place
• Bromerton, Wash.
In the office of
417Rallroad Ave.
6h¢lton, Wash.
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p,m.
_ - _ _ _ q
So cial Even ts
lj,, Society Editor • Beve Wells • Phone HA 6-4412
THE ENGAGEMENT and coming marriage of the 1959 Foest
eauval Queen, Apdrea Kneeland, was rooerly announced by her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tor Kneeland. Miss Knetland and Mr.
errold C. Lehrln of Olympia,have ohoun 8e=lember 30=as their
wedding date, Mr, Lehman is the a0n of MS;, Chester Lehman,
Olympia, and Mrs. G(0rgo Stl!iwell, San Qlio, Calif. (Dean photo)
MR. AND MRS. ABRAHAM TROOST Were honored August 20
on their 60tb wedding anniversary at an open house in their
home. The Troost home was gaily decorated with floral arrange-
ments from their garden. Hosts for the affair were their chi dren
Mr. and Mrs. Claude W leon of Seattle and Mrs. Harry C'0tton of
Sedro Woolley. Unable to attend was their son John of Klamath
River, Calif. The Troosts were married August 20, 1899 in Pat-
texaco, N. J. and lived in Yakima prior to moving to Shelton 25
years ago. Among their many friends who called were Mr. and
Mrs. Had.ll, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Comak, Mrs. Amy Frank, Mrs.
Mary Phillips, Mrs. Harry Dittman, Mr=. Bill Johnson, Mrs. Jess
Drake, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Prestel. (Dean print.l
' " J . u NO. 877 Schubert and Phlllp James Schubert.
runnel a"'"'"'" QUAUTY COCN,, i. indeterminate Interests: Assessor's
FOIICI,OSURE Ti, agt 6 0t NWi SI!., See. 9, Twp,
NO. 48 23 N., Range 1 W.W.M., particularly
IN Tile NUL*Eltli)R (It)UR OF '['|ll .described as follows: Beginning at
USED CARS ISTA'rE OF WASHINUTON the S q00arter corner, and proceeding
FOR MASON COUNTY thence along the S line of said See.
MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON, a 9, N, 89 ° 02' 21" E 1302.76 ft. thence
Municipal Corpora.lion and one of the along the E line of the W x& of the
Counties of the State ot Wahlngtqn, oi said lec. 9 N 0 ° IT 34" E
Plaintiff. 174.20 It. ; thence W 317.09 ft. to the
Westerly margin of Tiger Lake Road
which point Is the Southeast corner
of the tract herein described aSd the
'§6 ,VS. Fair[aone '"
H E. Htighes Jr., all persons here -
after named as owners of,,aILv of tile
hereinafter described real property, true point of beginning; thence W
S - ado - a - - - tic S and all persons unknown owtalng or 15,.82 ft.; thence N 1( ft.; thence
4"DO0 ed I [ claiming to own, or having or claim- Ill 146.43 it.; thence along tile West-
Rill Sharp ............................... NOW £/ lag to have, any right, title, estata, erly margin of Tiger Lake Road S
interest ov equity in and to ald prop- 21 ° 00' 10'" 107.13 ft. to the true
Chevrolet 210 VB- erty or any part thereof, .... pb, nt of beginning. Yaar in Certifl-
You, and each of you, are hereby :Original Certificate No. 3, Roll 1,
lff, Mason uouaty, a munlepa! cor- Am@; eser's Tract 4 of Gv. Lot
notifigd tha. the bove nae, .Plaint- P4¢e 0, line 6, a_memd to Vera L.
DOOR Radio, hen p(,ra.tin, anti ope. of the IWlUIIy. or- 1, arid Tax 12 A, See 4, Twp. 20 N.,
ianmea and existing cotS(ice of the :Range 2 W,W,M., psrttqularly de-
4- - IEDAN Sir, SI'I aJ mate of Washington, is the owner and
holder 9f a certificate, of dltquency ribed aS follows: lagihning at a
PowerOilde. OW .i. ,..ed i. oe €rtte I. k form pI.t :O.S it. S na S.FS ft. W
§§ Pltmduth V8 Suburban ,o, the Govt. quarter Section corner
and dated the 4th: day o SiStemoer, lb,twen 8ec. 8 and 4, ; thence N 14"
1959, by the Treasurer of said Mason 10' E d09.8 ft. to true point of begin-
County, Washgton. ami issued to the
said Mason" UW for the several nln41'; thence S ff ° 15' E 318 ft., more
a?unts dge aa.(l, oWI for taxes, o o3' less, to the shore line of Plekerlng
2-Door. Radio- Heater- Overdrive- St 40 eaen ana ever, at. u:act. Or parcel o, lau: these S Si' W along the said
land hereinafter more pF,rtleularly shoreline 50 ft.; thence N 55 15' W
aescrlbea aria set forth. ald amount 800 ft..more or less, to a point which
OO of our best-dreued ............................. NOW IIII belng set out opPosite each particular biu's 8 14' 10' W" from the trqe point
34 Chrysler Imperial V8 description and beta. the amount ,,us °' beglanl'g; thence N 14° 10' "to
and delinquent upon each lJtd tn.¢ .true point of beginning; ALSO all
uaemnaa of the second clue, former-
lot, tract, or parcel of land rPect- 1¥ owned b, the State of Wuhington,
ix, ely for taxe for the y,r 1954 for
which said Maon County ¢lainm right lying above the line of mean low
of foreclosure u will more specific- tide; ALO a 15 ft, right of way to
4-DOOR IEDAN, Radio, heater, Power Steering, Power Seat, ally appear by reference to each par- the present County Road for roan
Power Jrakell. Power Wlndow$, St I a' titular descrlption hal'el., together purposes; also. however, subject to a
wlth all interest, costs, al penalties 15 ft. right of way over the above
Rebuilt en0ln¢. NOW £ £ theraon up to and Including the 4th described property for road purpose..
of September. 1959 and the name Year in Certificate 1954 Certificate
§ international .
K U Original Certificate No. 4, Roll 8,
I-TON PICK.UP, Heater, new paint, $lJlp
Ro.I clean ...........................................................................
dhooe From Our
Dial HA 6-3433 - Shelton, Wash.
in aOhHstmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington
Mar/H. Knight
PTO Meeting
Set Tonight
By Mary Dawson
Mary M. Knight P.T.O. will hohl
its first regular meeting. Thm's-
day, Sept. 17, at 8 p.m. in the aud-
Itorium o fthe school. Alhm Hick-
son, president, said the entertain-
ment would inehtde the introduc-
tion of the new teachers to the
community. Cookies, sandwiches
and coffee will be served ill tile
cafeteria followihg the meeting.
Everyone is welcome.
MR. AND MRS. Roger Hewson
of Seatlie are spending a few days
wsitmg with Mr. and Mrs. F. iI.
Monday shoppers in Aberdeen
were Mrs. Myrtle Cameron, Mrs.
Edrie BaSeman, Mrs. F. E. Hew-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hew-
kst week Monday and Tues-
day, Mrs. Edrie BaSeman and Mrs.
Myrtle Cameron had as their
guesti$, Mr. and Mrs. M. "vVanee of
Gerber, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Keys (Mad-
eline Blitz) are spending their
honeymoon this week at the sum-
mer home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
cam Dick of Montesano. The
ymmg couple were married in Se-
attle 'last Saturday. Congratuht-
tions to you both.
Miss Gloria Pauley of Shelton
was the weekend guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Kelly and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell
and Ronnie KJellman attended the
wedding reeption ill Shelton Sat-
urday night for Mr. an4 Mrs. Joel
Chamberlain. Out" congratulations i
to you and your bride, Joe.
MR. AND MRS. Robert Men-
denhall had as their Friday eve-
ning dinner uests, :Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Kelly and family, Miss
Gloria Pauley and Mr. and Mrs.
Hem'y Chappell.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Walker were Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Ewen of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Hem'y Chappell
and three children and Ronnie
KJellman drove over to Oakville
Sunday to watch the baseball
game• The Skokomish Valley team
ended up as the champions.
Mrs. Gordon Dundas and son,
Butch of Port Orchard are now
making their home at the Resort.
Butch has em'olled as a junior in
the Mary M. Knight School.
Mr'. and Mrs. Ed Keys and fam-
ily of Tacoma were vacationing
last weekend at the Melcum Dick
I cabin here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Surest of
Washougal, Washington, was a
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. K.
E. Johnson.
Mrs. Sammy Diggle, Jr. and
Mrs. Robert Mendenhall were co-
hostesses Saturday night at the
Matlock Grange hall at a baby
shower given in honor of Mrs.
Beulah Muller. Many nice gifts
were also sent. The evening Was
spent playing games. Later re-
freshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Howard
and family of Matlock called Sun-
day evening on Mr'. and Mrs.
Ralph Springer.
Tlmrsday hmcheon guests ot
Mrs. Kenny Howard were Mrs.
Linza Cook of Quinault and Mrs.
Kenneth Zillyette and son and
Mrs. Ralph Springer and children,
all of the Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette
and son were weekend guests in
Tacoma of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
House. On Sunday they motored
to Paradise Inn for lunch.
Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette and son
spent last Friday visiting Mr. ann
Mrs. Ralph Rothrock.
Lee E, Dawson returned home
Friday evening after three days
spent in the Virginia Mason Hos-
pital. While in Seattle he also vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Pigg.
"Sherry" Chappil of Matlock
was a Sunday visitor of Lee Eddie
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Maxwell of
Mason County. Year in Certificate
1954. Certificate $.51.
Original Certificate No. 12, Roll 7C,
page 112, line 14, assessed to L. N.
Molter; Lots 10 and 11 Block 10, Mc-
Reavy's Third Add. to Union, accord-
ing to the recorded Plat thereof ou
file in tho office of the Auditor of
Mason County'. Year in certificate
1964, Certificate $.51.
Original Certificate No, 13, Roll 7C,
Rage 113, line 2, assessed to L. N.
oller; Lots 7 and 8 Block 15, Mc-
cavy's Third Add. to Union, accord-
ing to the recorded Plat thereof on file
in the office of the Auditor of Mason
County. Year in Certificate 1954
Certificate $.51.
Original Certificate No. 14, Roll 7C,
page 119, line 10. assessed to L. N.
Moiler; Lots 14 and 15, Block 18, Me-
Reavy'a Third Add, to Union. accord-
lug to the recorded Plat thereof on
file in the otflce of the Auditor ot
Muon County. Year In Certificate
1954. Certificate $.51.
That any of the foregoing lots,
tracts, Or parcelS" of land hereinbe-
fore described and having been in-
cluded in the Certificate ot Delin-
quency heretofore issued to Mason
County will be sold subject to any
local improvement assessments for
pavlng, drainage, irrigation, or any
other kind or sort of local improve-
sent assessment lawfully assessed,
That all of the several amounts
hereiaabove set opposite the several
descriptions of each particular lot,
tract, or parcel o! real property bear
interest at the rata of twelve per cent
(12%) per annmn from and includ-
ing the 4th day of September. 1959,
until the payment thereof be made,
or Judgnent entered herein.
You, and each of you, are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty (60)
days after the date of the first pub-
lication of this sumnmns and notice,
to-wit: within sixty days after the
10th day of September, 1959, exclusive
of said date, and defend the above
District 403PT A Meets Tonight
By Marlene Burgeson house guest last week, Emice
ALLYN. - .... Thursday evening,
Sept. 17, the first Parent Teachers
meeting will be held at the North
Mason County Junior High build-
in at 8 o'clock. Paul Olson from
the Mason,County Ci]ild Guidance
Coster will speak on tie child
guidance program.
All parents with children at-
tending the North Mason County
Scho()ls from Victor, Allyn and
Belfair are urged to attend. Re-
freshments will be served.
THE - F I R ST school board meet-
ing was held Monday evening. A
new school bus service will be
picking up students who live along
tile Grapeview Rood from tbe A1-
lyn bridge to Hamiltons. The new
school additkm for the North Ma-
son County High School is ex-
pectedto be ready for occupancy
by th{i fifteenth of September.
There will now be fifteen rooms
available for classroom use in this
new progressive high school. A
recent purchase of 21 new type-
writers will make possible anew
class in typing.
Another accomplishment is the
completion of the athletic field
with four thonsand yards of fill
dirt having been hauled in and
A new little grandson was wel-
comed by Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stock last week. The baby was
born at the Shelton General Hos-
pital last Thursday, Sept, 10, to
their daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Young of Union
and weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces
at birth and has a good start of
22 inches in length, Baby Todd
Craig comes to join brother Ter-
ry, Mrs. Young will spend a week
or so at her parents! home. The
paternal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. George Young, also of Union.
LAST WEEK Wesley Stock was
playing in Seattle with the Van-
couver Mounties versus the Rain-
iers, Sunday he returned home to
remain a few weeks before tak-
ing up new assignments.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Smith com-
bined a bit of pleasure with busi-
ness and had a short visit with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Brooks, in Everett last Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Weckhorst
welcomed home her two daugh-
ters and their families, Sally
Leimback and Betty Young, for
the weekend.
Mr. Angus Smith celebrated his
79th birthday last week with an
enjoyable visit fron his daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hulsopple of Portland, Ore., and
a birthday dinner Wednesday at
the home of Mr'. and Mrs. B. Got-
tenborg of Rocky Point, near
Bremerton. Other guests were his
niece, Mrs. Blanche Zeitner, and
daughter, Janis, and Mr. and Mrs.
O. Wesby o$ Bremerton.
CALLING AT the Charles Baird
home last Saturday was Miss Lil-
lian Scott of Portage, Alaska, to
visit Wesley Painter also of Port-
age and who is staying with his
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Baird, while he attends
school this winer. Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Chapin of Lilliwaup drove
down Monday to show tbe Bairds
their' new car.
Mr. Bob Huey and son, Bruce,
spent Saturday with the Bairds.
Mr. and Mrs. James Edman and
family and his mother, Mrs. Fred
Edman, and Penny attended the
Henderson benefit dinner held in
the Masonic Lodge at Belfair
Sunday. Many from Allyn and
vicinity were in attendance.
Mrs. Fred Edman had as a
Hoquiam spent Sunday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed at the
Matlock Store.
MARY M. KNIGHT students
had a very successful back to
school dance last Friday night.
Lots of fun was had by all.
Supt. Gene French announced
that the 7th through the 12th
grade students will be taken by
bus to the Puyallup Fair on the
22nd of Sept. He also stated Mrs.
Watt, the school nurse will be at
our school Thursday morning,
Sept. 17.
Ryan, a retired I]ur'sc %vho W':IS
employed for five years as a ran'so
in Mrs. Edman's nursing home in
Tacoma. She has just returned
from Lansing, Mich., and will be
making her home in Longview,
Vash., this winter.
Another old frieucl and hmg
lime neighbor of Mrs. Edman, who
paid her' a visit Saturday was
Mr. and Mrs. Ski Austin and Mrs.
Effie McGhee of Graham, Wash.
Thcy had lived as ncighb(u's for
30 year's.
was Mrs. Margaret Schubert of
Tacoma and an()ther Dleasanl visit
was enjoyed by the Edmans.
Mrs. F. L. Noble has lef( for
Patterson, Calif., for an extended
visit with her mother.
M:r. and Mrs, Andy :Danielson
welcomed his niece and', lmsband.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller of Ta-
coma, as Sunday diuner guests.
Neighbors and friends (ff Mrs.
Kenneth Rothlein wish to extend
their sincere sympathy for the re-
cent loss of her mother who
passed away last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rice just
returned from a two wcck vaca-
tion trip to Colorado. A week was
enjoyed with his sister', Mrs, Anna
Leigh Cromar and family in Cor-
tez. Tien a couple of days was
"spent in Denver visiting various
relatives and friends.
A WEEKEND fishing trip was
enjoyed hy Mr. Frank Jolley, Mr.
Bud Knutzen and Mr. Hary Hess
in the region of Noah Bay.
A day of fishing was also in-
dulged in Saturday on the Colum-
bia near Ilwaco, Wash., by Clem
Sargent, Leonard Peterson, Ernie
Wynn, Harris MeKean and Terry
McKcan, but with rather poor
luck. It mnst have been the fishs'
day off too.
A pleasant weekend was had by
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izett when
their friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Warner, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Klind-
worth and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hall,
all of Portland, Ore., drove up and
stayed with them through the
weokend attending church with
them Sunday and leaving Monday
Monday was a happy day for
the Howard Wynn family when
daddy Wynn rejoined his family
from Crescent City, Calif.
Wedding bells rang for Mr, VCm.
Austin Sen September 2 when he
took as his bride Mrs. Norms Nel-
son of Gig Harbor. They chose.
Tentecton, Canada, as the place
for their honeymoon. The new
home will be made in Allyn.
MR. FRED Valley, Jr., is happy
to have his wife home again after
her recent stay in Harrison Mem-
orial Hospital in Bremerton. While
she is on the convalescent list and
will require bed rest for awhile,
friends will be glad to know that
she is recovering nicely. Of re-
cent interest and delight to the
family is their new little daugh-
ter, Cassy Lee.
Mrs. Valley's mother. Mrs. How-
ard Woodard, redntly: flew up
from California to ou dur-
ing the illness of her daughter,
but plans to return soon to her
home and employment since her
daughter is so improved.
SEPTEMBER 26 is the date set
for a dance to supplement the
North Bay Ambulance Fund. The
Puget Sounders will furnish the
music. The time and place will be
announced later.
the person, firm or corporation to
om or which said property is as-
sessed being set forth with each par-
tleular descripthm, oil of said property
being situated in Mason County, State
of Washington, and being more par-
lariy described as follows, to-wit:
iginal Certificate No. 1, Roll 1,
re 66, line 2, assessed to H. E.
ibes Jr. et ux; Assesser's Tract 12
SE, Sac. 21, Twp, 23 N.,
ago 1 W.W.M., par :ulariy de-
lhed as follows: BE iNNING at
the Southwest corner ot said SW4
SE4: thence N along W:line of satd
forty, 850 ft., more or less; to an in-
tersection with the Southeasterly
Tht of way line of Primary State
,rhway No. 14 (Navy Yard High-
' thence Northemterly, along
I rlgt of way line, 125 ft. to a
point thereon; thence Southeasterly at
rLght angle It) said right of way line.
10K) ft., more or less to a point on the
S lin of said SW.SE. which Is 800
ft., E of Southwest corner of said
SWV, SEE; h,mce W. siena" the S
IIhe of said forty, to tile polnt of be-
ginning, ' ct,ntaining 7,13 acres, more
@r less, sub,iedt to all road rights-of-
way. k'ear In Certificate 1954, ertl-
ficte $5.7.
Original Certiflcale No, 2, Roll 1,
page 58, line 4, assessed to Richard
age 10, line 4, assessed to Frank
Ink et ux: All that portion of the
NvW SEM.SWA NW b Sec. 7 Twp,
19 N,, Range 4 W.W.M., which lies
Northerly of the Northerly right of
way line of the County Road as the
same is now established and in use
over and across said land, excepting
therefrom allgaes, otis, coal, fossils
and all mineral rights therein as here-
to fore conveyed to Mason County,
Washington, Vol. 77 of Deeds, page
298, under Auditor's File No. 103824,
and subject to exceptions and reser-
vations on behalf of the Northern Pa-
cific Railroad Company, its success-
ors and assigns, Year ill Certificate
1954, Certificate $.80.
Original Certificate No. 5, Roll 8,
page 51, line 17, assessed to Carles
Eugene Anderson; Lots 6 and 7, Block
9. HHlcrest Addition, according to the
recorded plat thereof on file in the
office of tile, Audltor of Mason County.
Year In Certificate 1954, Certificate
$25.20. ;
Original Certificate No. 11, Roll 7C,
age 112, line 8, assessed to L. N.
[oller; Lots I and 2 ,Block 8 Me.
Levy's Third Add. to' Union, cord-
g t0 the recorded Plat thereof on
le in the office of the Auditor of
entitled action in the above entitled
court, and serve a copy of your an-
swer upon the undersigned attorney
for plaintiff, at his office address
hereinbelow gives, or pay the ahount
a hereinabove set forth Upon each
of said tracts or parcels of real prop-
erty of which you are the owner or,
reputed owner, or In which you own
or claim to own or have, or claim
to have, any right, title or interest
therein, together with all costs, Ln-
Sorest or penalties attached thereto.
In the event of your failure to ap-
peax and defend such action and pay
the amount due on such lot, tract, or
parcel of land assessed to you, or in
which you have an interest as herein-
above stated, judgment will be ren-
dred against you and against the lot
tract, or parcel of land. forech)sing
thereon the lien of Mason County for
its certificate of delinquency, which
incAudesll taxes, Penalties, interest,
and costW against said lots tracts, or
parcels of land .up to and including
the date on wnlcn said certificate was
Any pleading, answer, appearance,
or process, shall e served upon the
OIe Dec Stork delivered a bounc-
ing baby boy to Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Danielson at Harrison Mem-
orial Hospital, Bremerton, Tues-
day night. Mrs. Danielson is tbe
former Leona Myers. Proud grand-
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Danielson, of Shelton.
The "Vo}'lan's
tian Service met
room of tile
1:00 p.m. or]
llaVi!l (HI.joyed
serv.d I)y Mrs.
I)ato for lhc
dinner was set for ,,
"I al the church.
Rowe was app
clmirman of
dinner will bc
(rf Mrs.
Mrs. VVillia m
Past president
senSed to Mrs.
Mrs. William ]
Th(>mns Rowe and
who were
were available.
tenKcr made the
Tle program
tries" was under
Mrs. David Little,
of the officers. It
motor nmst have
functioning in
The Tacoma
its fall seminar
First Met hodist
and the "Vesterp.,
nteeting will be il:!
21 arrd 22.
Circles will meet
Sept. 23.
Two Sheilon
Pledge al
WSU's 13
wotmd up the
rush today by,l
to membership.
Donna Jean Orr
Umphenour, both
nut Kappa.
Now pledges
their sorority
traditional "st
at the houses o
have been going
rush at WSU for
A two car
damage to both
bernoon at the
Cole Road. The
the Wasiington
ported thnt the
Harry Daniels,
was hit broadside
Grigal. 59, Seat
dan, while
to turn onto tire
Repossessed, take
$5.00 per month or
($42). This
is equipped to
do decorative
FL 7-7761.
Do You Have Someone Going
Away For College?
Giay To Attend WWl
Radi0 0rew Reu00,, Every Week
Postmaster Jack' Gra ]eaves
Satutxiay on a two-week vacation
trip with his wife whicl $,ill be Special Journal Rates
highlighted by,his first 'iuutlion For the School Year
with members of the radio crew
of the battleship Florida in San ..
Francisco next week.
This is the ninth reunion of the
World War I group which wit =
nessed the surrender of the Ger-
man fleet on the decks of the
Florida. Gray himself was the ra- I
dioman On duty who received the
message to tke Florida announc-
ing the end of World War I.
Gray had planned to attend two
previous reunions of his radio
crew but was unable to make
them because of last minute com-
Mr. and Mrs. Gray will be gone
two weks, visiting some of her '/
relative in Salem: and Lodi en-
route. The reunion" itself lasts a
week, starting nex Wednesday.
Memorial Service
The Degree of Holor Lodge will
have a memorial service and hen- For '
or past presidents at next Tues-
day's meeting in the Memorial the School
Hall. The meeting will begin Year
promptly at eight o'clock. All
members are asked to wear for-
The Lodge will travel to Castle
Rock, Oct. 1, for an afternoon and
evening district meeting.
The next executive meeting will
be held Oct. 8 in the home of Br-
tha Taylor.
Send Them News From
Call Now and Place Your
undersigned attorney for the Plaint-
iff. Mason County, at his office below
stated, and a copy thereof filed with
the Clerk of the above entitled Court.
A Municipal Corporation
Prosecuting Attorney. and
Attorney for PlaLntiff
Office and Post Office Address of
Attorney for Plaintiff: Mason County
Court Horse, Shelton, Washington.
No. 43, Pub. September 10, 17, 24,
October 1, 8, 15, 1959.