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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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17, 1959 fiT]TYLTON-MASON C0" JOINAL--lIblished tn "ChrLtrna.own, U.q.A.," Shdton, Pa ,5 a low its $159.50 Hiway Hardware) ,IOIJN AMONG LEADI,]I{,, I,ester E. Joslin, Mason County agent for the .Ves! Coast Life In- .'m'ance Company, was among the l()p sales l'epl'esen|atives for his I't)nll)il/ly's Tacoma division and e, rm.d meml)ersllip in lhe 1959 Leaders Club, according to infof nmtion from lhe honle office tn Slill }i'l'ancisc(). .loslin's achievements in 1959 put him in line to (lualify for at- tending the giant West Coast Life COllvPn|ion to be held in HOIlOl;lll in September 1960. Membership in the Leaders Club is limited only to those men who Among Your Merchants ....... • P t i PAI{KER S'rART. N FW 10EATUI{E With this edition of the Jour- rod, Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop in- lrodu('es a new feature which will lo,)k like advertising but read like l'ict ion. Each week on ihe sports page, under t.he title of "Parker's Tlu'eads", the l)opular apparel M,,re will present a sh'ort eOlurnn written by a high school student ,,n topics of current interest to , Ibis community's young folks, se- i r!,)lls and humorous. Readers are urged to express shaw ,mtstanding production dur- their views also hy writing to ling a .12-.molllh period. Parker's Shop. The introductory eohmm in today's Jourmll i, writ- Beauty Service Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,,, ,o. ,th HA 6-2431 OX THEATRE Saturday, Sunday, Sept. 18-19-20 it Hot," while Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon aripat their fun- niest best! Plus • "VALERIE" Starring: Anita Eckberg and Sterling Hayden Nobody ever turned it on like Eckberg as "Valerie." E IT HOT" Monroe, Tony ¢k Lemon the sound of the funniest pic- sings! you," "I'm like "IT HAPPENED TO JANE" Starring DoN• Day, LAST BLITZKRIEG" •tarring Van John•on 6 are your bills out of sight? bring them down with a CASH LOAN $25 to $1000 Pay off old bills and cut monthly payments as much as one-half. Quick confidential cash loans on signature only, car or furniture, FOR W. ross, Manager Phone HA 6-4447, Shelton gPOKANr WAN USA IRFWFR OF RXlNIgn I[fW ASP mAINIFR atl J¢ v,;..:%> that Brewing brings • @ BEEA nature's best, then patiently, ' ged .. brought to Life naturally tm by Wilhu'd Kessel, ()tie of the sltff menlbers of the student newspaper at Irene S. Reed high school. Willard has chosen "Go- ing Steady?" as his first subject. We think you'll find this fea- ture interesting and informative and hope yotl will follow it closely week-hy-week. SIMPSON RECUPERATING City finance commissioner Joe Simpson, owner and operator of the Lawton Lumber Company, re- turned home Sunday a week ahead of schedule to continue his excellent recuperation from a ma- jor stomach operation performed at Swedish hospital in Seattle on September 5. He had originally been sched- tded to spend two weels in the hospital but was recovering so nicely at the end of the first week that he was released to his home. He expects to return to his du- ties at the hunber company by short installments. ! € * * NEW DISTRIBUTORS FOR UNION OIL Bill Besch and Glenn Roessel have become the new Union ell distributors in Mason County, succeeding Joe Hansen, who has been the distributor over the past i four years. The new partnership will oper-: ate under the business name of B & R Oil Company, and will con- tinue to provide 24 hours oil ser- vice to their customers. Roessel has worked for the Un- ion Oil distributors for the past 12 yem. He lives in Shelton at 201 Aider Street. Besch worked the past 12 years for Graystone of Shelton, leaving there to form the new partnership last August 25. His home is at 714 Franklin St. Both are Irene S. Reed high school graduates, Glenn in 1942 and Bill in 1940. i imlm TIDES OF THE WEEK Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 min. later and plus 3.0 ft. i Computed for Hood Canal Friday, September 18 High .............. 5:37 a.m. 11.1 ft. Low . ............... 11:35 a,m. 2.7 ft. High .............. 5:46 p.m. 11.4 ft. Saturday, Septemlmr 19 Low . ........... 0:03 a.m. 2.0 ft. High ............ 6:20 a.m." 11.0 ft. Low . ............... 12:15 p.m. 3.5 ft. High ............. " 6:13 p.m, 11.2 ft. Sunday, September 20 Low .............. 0:39 a.m. 1.7 ft. High .............. 7:05 a.m. 10.8 ft. Low ................ 12:53 p.m. 4.2 ft. ttigh ........... 6:40 p.m. 10.8 ft. Monday, September 21 Low .............. 1:18 a.m. 1.6 ft. High .............. 7:52 a.m. 10.5 ft. Low ................ 1:35 p.m. 5.0 ft. High .............. 7:10 p.m. 10.4 ft. Tuesday, September 22 Low ............... 2:00 a.m. 1.6 ft High .............. 8:47 a.m. 10.3 ft. Low . ............... 2:23 p.m. 5.8 ft. High .............. 8:22 p.m. 9.5 ft. Wednesday, September 23 Low ................ 2:46 a.m. 1.7 ft. High ............. 9:49 a.m. 10.0 ft. Low ................ 3:20 p.m. 6.5 ft. High .............. 8:22 p.m. 9.5 ft. Thursday, September 24 Low ................ 3:37 a.m. 1.9 ft. High .............. 11:00 a.m. 10.0 ft. Low ................ 4:29 p.m. 6.9 ft. High .............. 9:06 p.m. 9.0 ft. Joe Simpson Now Roding at Home City finance commissioner Joe Simpson is now recovering from surgery performed at the Swedish hospital in Seattle at his home here. He has been gone for two weeks but is expected to be back at work shortly. -- Liquor sales in Shelton totaled $23,518.81 for tle month of tlAu- gust according to figures released by the Washington State Liquor Control Board. SIMPSON'S MEN'S LAGUE W L Mill 1 .................................. 3 1 Railroad .............................. 3 1 Mill 2 .................................. 3 1 Loggers .............................. 2 2 Loaders 2 2 Engineers ...... 3 Insulating ]3oard"[[[i ...... 1 1 3 Shops .................................. 1 3 High gmeBlll Klngery 185 High toal---Cec Crow 506 SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L Olympic Plywood ........... 31 1 Lumber .............................. 3 1 Purchasing .........  .............. 3 1 Insulating Board ............ 2 2 Research ............................ 2 2 Accounting ........................ 1 3 Loggers ........................... 1 3 1 t 3  Englneer'ng ...................... "/2 ,% High game--LaVonne Cole 209 High total Phyl Ziegler 552 MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Western Meat .................... 6 2 Olympic Plywood .............. 6 2 Johnson's Shell Service .. 4 4 Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 4 4 Prepp's Rexall Store ........ 4' 4 Kimbel Motors lnc ........... 3 5 Den's Flying A Service .. 3 5 Thackeray Electric .......... 2 6 High game--Jim K2tna 211 High total--Jim Kiths 5{}0 THE ROARING and crackling of flame• were kept under the watchful eye• of Department of Natural Resources fire fighters a• a 111-acre tract began burning Tuesday after slashing opera- tions, near Car•on Lake, northeast of Shelton. The slashing and burning was staged to clean up po••ible fire hazards. (Journal photo. ) Letters to Editor TAll UYAN DEFENDS BOOKMOBILE SERVICE TO The Editor Shelton-Mason County Journal Dear Sit': Why is this controversy about the Thurston-Mason County Re- gional Library again growing? It sdems strange to hie that anyone cn'feel justified in thinking that the Bookmobile is not needed in Fishermen's Club Plans Boat Cruise Members and friends of the Shelton Fishermen's club enjoyed a Saturday cruise and fishing trip in three chartered boats at West- port. The three boats from the Beacon Light Charter setwice were the "Thehna L", the "Hazel H", and the "Judy Kay". Guy Beckwith was in charge of the charter service and the ar- ............... Baptists Slate .... :Teenage Movie "Teen-Age Rock" is an exciting, sensational but .true story told in the color film scheduled at the Shelton Baptist church Friday evening, according to word re- ceived from Gorda McLean, Youth Leader in Tacoma. Frank Fetters, teen-age star of the fihn will be present in person for this picture presentation. Mc- Lean schedules interesting weekly programs/every Saturday evening in the city of Tacoma and has of- fered to sponsor this program in Shelton with the cooperation and tlse of the lapt.tst church ltudl- t0rium. Thi s program is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Friday evening, Sept. 18 at the church located at 5th and Cota. Local Ministers Plan Tues. Meet. The Mason county ministerial association will meet next Tues- day morning at I0 a.m. in the Baptist church. This will be the first fall' meeting and the first meeting for several df the new pastors in the city. About 15 pastors of the county belong to the group and others are invited who a interested in plan, sing programs and sharing in the spiritual life of the community. Officers for the coming season are Rev. E. C. Knautz, president; Rev. Mason Youngland, vice pres- kient; and Rev. Eugene Bried, sec. ALDERBROOK IN:N DINING DESIGNED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Yason County. We must try to see the other side of any picture if we are to be fail' in our decisions, but while I feel that anyone who puts up a strongly felt argument on ay subject thinks that he is right arid is slncere, usually, I cannot follow the thinking in this case. Yes, anyone who lives in Shel- ton or on the outskirts can go to her library and does not need the Bookmobile probably. Mason County, on the other hand, is a large and widely spread area. Probably the majority of its pop- ulation does not visit Shelton once a month, leave alone once every week or two. Is Shelton  Christ- mastown, U.S.A. -- behind this? If she is it would seem to me no asset to her name to have this kind of blot upon it. If those of you who wish to discontinue the Bookmobile services would ride around 'the outer edges of your county and find out what those who 'need and appreciate this service think you ..might change your opinions, for I am sure that l you have Just not given it enough over-all thinking. Surely, ih this age of speed and specialized eveTthing, we need to, know all we are capable of learn- ing. We haven!t the time to learn very much as it is. If we would take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to fir, d out: almost anything we wish to know merely by requesting reading matter on rangements for the date in coop- eration with the president, John Stentz. President Stentz has for the past year talked about the wonderful fishing trip o[ last year until 'about 33 men were willing to take the day off and enjoy the trip. A bus was chartered to take the men to the fishing grounds leav- ing Shelton at 5 a.m. last Satur- day and arriving back at 7 p.m. weary but happy. A trophy was awarded Bob Def- finbaugh for the largest king sal- mon caught and to Bernie Dorcy for the largest oliver caught. Both men received a beautifully inscrib- ed trophy with a mounted fish and the identification of the award. Other men had rare experiences to tell like John Cole, St. who al- most landed a larger king salmon than Deffinbaugh but after sev- eral times around the boat the leader came untied and a beautiful fish was lost. Also Harry New; man caught a large shark but had to let it go also. Plans are being made for an- other trip next fall already. Next Sunday morning at the meeting place, P.U.D. auditoriu at 3rd and Cota, the guest speal¢- er wiI1 be Chaplain Leinuel D: Md- Elyea, senior chaplain at the Mili- tary Air Transport command at McChord field. Everyone interest- ed in the programs and fellowship the subject we could broaden our for men are invited to be present view in all directions. I from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. Our school children -- and the .......... : .......... : ....................... schools are in vaious parts of IAdult Night Classes the county - nee this supple- v   .... * mental reading, and can get books Jornl oon ibex; our .... | • ., on hobbies, games, music, records, SubJect Wishes Known a.t, fiction and anyth!ng .you or I Adult education night classes they wren to Know or be: There m will soon be starting under the little excuse for their not being auspices of the Shelton school sys- able to become A students if they were encouraged and helped. Per- haps the TV might get a rest. Stnly this county is not going into a financial tailspin! Talk on other subjects points up the high eb.rnings of Mason County work- ing people. The richness of thee county is well knowp; and her taxes .should adequately support not only one BookmObile but in the ft/ttre '. (if things go as they have begun) two or three! We would like to get something be- sides narrow roads, holey black. top and tow voltage electricity for those tax dollars. The Bookmobile is a step in the right direction and I for one will be ashamed of those who cause its discontinuance if that happens. I cannot believe that we will loe this fine service with its highly trained personnel. It is a service for everyone, no matter who or what age they are. It can be so immeasureabli help- ful to anyone who will use it that it seems astounding that anyone should have to say anythin.g in its behalf; like saying we thtnb the electric light is a fire thing and more people should get to know how to use it! So the merger will cost Mason County more. So we are willing to pay for it. We don't mind pay- lng for something that isvaluable to us and that is costly only inas- much as we neg|ect to ge.t out of it what' we can if we only want to. Traveling over some of the roads in Mason County probably makes the upkeep more expensive, too, as some of us can testify to, If the proposed petition against the Bookmobile gets man signatures it will be a th(ghtless tern so persons interested in par- ticular subjects are urged to make their wishes known and if enough individuals are interested classes will be arranged in almost any subject. Principal George Hermes sug- gests that snch interest be put on record by'calling the senior high school office. The phone number is HA 6-8261. gesture and one completely at variance with the finest progress of our county in my opinion. If self-betterment by reading or just reading PERIOD is considered un- necessary (although you ARE reading to find out what this says!) .... try to think of the chin dren, of the sick and handicapped and the old people who cannot drive forty miles for a book. Sincerely, Ranka S. Rendsland, Tahuya For Reservations Call Union 232 • Fine Foods • Cocktail lounge • Banquets • Parties • Weddings • Receptions OPbN YEAR AROUND Save on' our Shoes retary-treastrer, Reports of past business an¢ activities will orient the new pas- tors. Fall plarls and schedules will be arranged and agreed on, with PER PAIR items of interest to the churches of the community to be discussed. FOR YOUR eL SHOES Committees Wtll be appointed for ON A NEW' PAIR -- ,,--_activities during the coming, year. MEN'S - WOMEN'S - OHILDREN'S Firefipters Meet Limit 1 Pair Old Shoes 01 Palr New Shoes Here T0niO!, Friday and Saturday [ The Kitsap-Vlas County Fire [ Fighters Association. will hold. a meeting tomght at 8 p.m. m the lrhe BO00I'|RY It is expected that more than 50 fi-emen from the tWo counties wtll E OF POLL OT SHOES' attend the meeting and discuss mutual problems. Be warmer In every room, Save ]4 on fuel co|11. SUPER CHALLENGER OIL HEATER L , L  ' '' Here is advanced dign offering dllPp'l|L i p ,lal.heating eonomy mo biKl ith moderate cot. ' 2-WAY D=u'= o. 000Un t BA(K GUARANTEE ItU]V Mt.Vmw ]U OLD HEATm o...,.-,.,..,--,. ,  vn np='.m n. cemfortinuvdryreomofyeur o• the qly puhh• of is Iome en Im fuel Ih•a as/' Quaker H•atsr equipped with ordinary h•tor er*YOUK astemutis forced eir fsa end MONEY BACK. Po.wer Mowers off regular prices $79.95 to $119.95 agm=li ie food,  . On 2|% to$t% |OH foiL FORD AIR FAN YOUR MONIff BACK, | E'xdveve gedian! "H.t-Re" FrOM nuttio --bin ides forced air circulsti h,in .yst, I I I;,I.kli warmth you get a smooth flow o • Tams ilt ' /[]] radiant heat wsrmth throuilhout on hnd oft .A%,'/j'/ .automati- ¢ the room. cally. " RIU" Quaker tong.Life "|mokelsts ° • Cireulatee "-'- 8urnor--give8 extra heat trOm ONE-THIPJ:) morn warm air every drop of oil/Doem't mmim than ordinary hter blower or at any stage Of e. AIl-|tesl Con0truetln--glvml 6-1/S timm lurer wea-up than .old- " AU|IB€ fuhtoned slow heating out iron, PItm Hendy Front Lighting Door "AIR-FEEt , Approved for esfOW iJ Un- derwritera Laboratories a Waixt Automatically Ilup- ]rlfrn=l Smoke high finger-tip control a Err- plies corrt smOunt Clear flame abet • Automatio o! 8it to burner, into Heefl lmliminat draft Sfetv. oil valVa  Sttotatl problen, drt" zeKuls. I ,L SLEYsTER'S BIKe & FIXlT SHOP 01S e n F u r n i t u r e C o. • ALWAYS TOPS FOR SCISSORS AND BIKE REPAIRS • 223 Cota Street Phone HA 6-8118 328 COTA SI"REET PHONE HA 6-4702 17, 1959 fiT]TYLTON-MASON C0" JOINAL--lIblished tn "ChrLtrna.own, U.q.A.," Shdton, Pa ,5 a low its $159.50 Hiway Hardware) ,IOIJN AMONG LEADI,]I{,, I,ester E. Joslin, Mason County agent for the .Ves! Coast Life In- .'m'ance Company, was among the l()p sales l'epl'esen|atives for his I't)nll)il/ly's Tacoma division and e, rm.d meml)ersllip in lhe 1959 Leaders Club, according to infof nmtion from lhe honle office tn Slill }i'l'ancisc(). .loslin's achievements in 1959 put him in line to (lualify for at- tending the giant West Coast Life COllvPn|ion to be held in HOIlOl;lll in September 1960. Membership in the Leaders Club is limited only to those men who Among Your Merchants ....... • P t i PAI{KER S'rART. N FW 10EATUI{E With this edition of the Jour- rod, Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop in- lrodu('es a new feature which will lo,)k like advertising but read like l'ict ion. Each week on ihe sports page, under t.he title of "Parker's Tlu'eads", the l)opular apparel M,,re will present a sh'ort eOlurnn written by a high school student ,,n topics of current interest to , Ibis community's young folks, se- i r!,)lls and humorous. Readers are urged to express shaw ,mtstanding production dur- their views also hy writing to ling a .12-.molllh period. Parker's Shop. The introductory eohmm in today's Jourmll i, writ- Beauty Service Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,,, ,o. ,th HA 6-2431 OX THEATRE Saturday, Sunday, Sept. 18-19-20 it Hot," while Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon aripat their fun- niest best! Plus • "VALERIE" Starring: Anita Eckberg and Sterling Hayden Nobody ever turned it on like Eckberg as "Valerie." E IT HOT" Monroe, Tony ¢k Lemon the sound of the funniest pic- sings! you," "I'm like "IT HAPPENED TO JANE" Starring DoN• Day, LAST BLITZKRIEG" •tarring Van John•on 6 are your bills out of sight? bring them down with a CASH LOAN $25 to $1000 Pay off old bills and cut monthly payments as much as one-half. Quick confidential cash loans on signature only, car or furniture, FOR W. ross, Manager Phone HA 6-4447, Shelton gPOKANr WAN USA IRFWFR OF RXlNIgn I[fW ASP mAINIFR atl J¢ v,;..:%> that Brewing brings • @ BEEA nature's best, then patiently, ' ged .. brought to Life naturally tm by Wilhu'd Kessel, ()tie of the sltff menlbers of the student newspaper at Irene S. Reed high school. Willard has chosen "Go- ing Steady?" as his first subject. We think you'll find this fea- ture interesting and informative and hope yotl will follow it closely week-hy-week. SIMPSON RECUPERATING City finance commissioner Joe Simpson, owner and operator of the Lawton Lumber Company, re- turned home Sunday a week ahead of schedule to continue his excellent recuperation from a ma- jor stomach operation performed at Swedish hospital in Seattle on September 5. He had originally been sched- tded to spend two weels in the hospital but was recovering so nicely at the end of the first week that he was released to his home. He expects to return to his du- ties at the hunber company by short installments. ! € * * NEW DISTRIBUTORS FOR UNION OIL Bill Besch and Glenn Roessel have become the new Union ell distributors in Mason County, succeeding Joe Hansen, who has been the distributor over the past i four years. The new partnership will oper-: ate under the business name of B & R Oil Company, and will con- tinue to provide 24 hours oil ser- vice to their customers. Roessel has worked for the Un- ion Oil distributors for the past 12 yem. He lives in Shelton at 201 Aider Street. Besch worked the past 12 years for Graystone of Shelton, leaving there to form the new partnership last August 25. His home is at 714 Franklin St. Both are Irene S. Reed high school graduates, Glenn in 1942 and Bill in 1940. i imlm TIDES OF THE WEEK Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 min. later and plus 3.0 ft. i Computed for Hood Canal Friday, September 18 High .............. 5:37 a.m. 11.1 ft. Low . ............... 11:35 a,m. 2.7 ft. High .............. 5:46 p.m. 11.4 ft. Saturday, Septemlmr 19 Low . ........... 0:03 a.m. 2.0 ft. High ............ 6:20 a.m." 11.0 ft. Low . ............... 12:15 p.m. 3.5 ft. High ............. " 6:13 p.m, 11.2 ft. Sunday, September 20 Low .............. 0:39 a.m. 1.7 ft. High .............. 7:05 a.m. 10.8 ft. Low ................ 12:53 p.m. 4.2 ft. ttigh ........... 6:40 p.m. 10.8 ft. Monday, September 21 Low .............. 1:18 a.m. 1.6 ft. High .............. 7:52 a.m. 10.5 ft. Low ................ 1:35 p.m. 5.0 ft. High .............. 7:10 p.m. 10.4 ft. Tuesday, September 22 Low ............... 2:00 a.m. 1.6 ft High .............. 8:47 a.m. 10.3 ft. Low . ............... 2:23 p.m. 5.8 ft. High .............. 8:22 p.m. 9.5 ft. Wednesday, September 23 Low ................ 2:46 a.m. 1.7 ft. High ............. 9:49 a.m. 10.0 ft. Low ................ 3:20 p.m. 6.5 ft. High .............. 8:22 p.m. 9.5 ft. Thursday, September 24 Low ................ 3:37 a.m. 1.9 ft. High .............. 11:00 a.m. 10.0 ft. Low ................ 4:29 p.m. 6.9 ft. High .............. 9:06 p.m. 9.0 ft. Joe Simpson Now Roding at Home City finance commissioner Joe Simpson is now recovering from surgery performed at the Swedish hospital in Seattle at his home here. He has been gone for two weeks but is expected to be back at work shortly. -- Liquor sales in Shelton totaled $23,518.81 for tle month of tlAu- gust according to figures released by the Washington State Liquor Control Board. SIMPSON'S MEN'S LAGUE W L Mill 1 .................................. 3 1 Railroad .............................. 3 1 Mill 2 .................................. 3 1 Loggers .............................. 2 2 Loaders 2 2 Engineers ...... 3 Insulating ]3oard"[[[i ...... 1 1 3 Shops .................................. 1 3 High gmeBlll Klngery 185 High toal---Cec Crow 506 SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L Olympic Plywood ........... 31 1 Lumber .............................. 3 1 Purchasing .........  .............. 3 1 Insulating Board ............ 2 2 Research ............................ 2 2 Accounting ........................ 1 3 Loggers ........................... 1 3 1 t 3  Englneer'ng ...................... "/2 ,% High game--LaVonne Cole 209 High total Phyl Ziegler 552 MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Western Meat .................... 6 2 Olympic Plywood .............. 6 2 Johnson's Shell Service .. 4 4 Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 4 4 Prepp's Rexall Store ........ 4' 4 Kimbel Motors lnc ........... 3 5 Den's Flying A Service .. 3 5 Thackeray Electric .......... 2 6 High game--Jim K2tna 211 High total--Jim Kiths 5{}0 THE ROARING and crackling of flame• were kept under the watchful eye• of Department of Natural Resources fire fighters a• a 111-acre tract began burning Tuesday after slashing opera- tions, near Car•on Lake, northeast of Shelton. The slashing and burning was staged to clean up po••ible fire hazards. (Journal photo. ) Letters to Editor TAll UYAN DEFENDS BOOKMOBILE SERVICE TO The Editor Shelton-Mason County Journal Dear Sit': Why is this controversy about the Thurston-Mason County Re- gional Library again growing? It sdems strange to hie that anyone cn'feel justified in thinking that the Bookmobile is not needed in Fishermen's Club Plans Boat Cruise Members and friends of the Shelton Fishermen's club enjoyed a Saturday cruise and fishing trip in three chartered boats at West- port. The three boats from the Beacon Light Charter setwice were the "Thehna L", the "Hazel H", and the "Judy Kay". Guy Beckwith was in charge of the charter service and the ar- ............... Baptists Slate .... :Teenage Movie "Teen-Age Rock" is an exciting, sensational but .true story told in the color film scheduled at the Shelton Baptist church Friday evening, according to word re- ceived from Gorda McLean, Youth Leader in Tacoma. Frank Fetters, teen-age star of the fihn will be present in person for this picture presentation. Mc- Lean schedules interesting weekly programs/every Saturday evening in the city of Tacoma and has of- fered to sponsor this program in Shelton with the cooperation and tlse of the lapt.tst church ltudl- t0rium. Thi s program is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Friday evening, Sept. 18 at the church located at 5th and Cota. Local Ministers Plan Tues. Meet. The Mason county ministerial association will meet next Tues- day morning at I0 a.m. in the Baptist church. This will be the first fall' meeting and the first meeting for several df the new pastors in the city. About 15 pastors of the county belong to the group and others are invited who a interested in plan, sing programs and sharing in the spiritual life of the community. Officers for the coming season are Rev. E. C. Knautz, president; Rev. Mason Youngland, vice pres- kient; and Rev. Eugene Bried, sec. ALDERBROOK IN:N DINING DESIGNED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Yason County. We must try to see the other side of any picture if we are to be fail' in our decisions, but while I feel that anyone who puts up a strongly felt argument on ay subject thinks that he is right arid is slncere, usually, I cannot follow the thinking in this case. Yes, anyone who lives in Shel- ton or on the outskirts can go to her library and does not need the Bookmobile probably. Mason County, on the other hand, is a large and widely spread area. Probably the majority of its pop- ulation does not visit Shelton once a month, leave alone once every week or two. Is Shelton  Christ- mastown, U.S.A. -- behind this? If she is it would seem to me no asset to her name to have this kind of blot upon it. If those of you who wish to discontinue the Bookmobile services would ride around 'the outer edges of your county and find out what those who 'need and appreciate this service think you ..might change your opinions, for I am sure that l you have Just not given it enough over-all thinking. Surely, ih this age of speed and specialized eveTthing, we need to, know all we are capable of learn- ing. We haven!t the time to learn very much as it is. If we would take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to fir, d out: almost anything we wish to know merely by requesting reading matter on rangements for the date in coop- eration with the president, John Stentz. President Stentz has for the past year talked about the wonderful fishing trip o[ last year until 'about 33 men were willing to take the day off and enjoy the trip. A bus was chartered to take the men to the fishing grounds leav- ing Shelton at 5 a.m. last Satur- day and arriving back at 7 p.m. weary but happy. A trophy was awarded Bob Def- finbaugh for the largest king sal- mon caught and to Bernie Dorcy for the largest oliver caught. Both men received a beautifully inscrib- ed trophy with a mounted fish and the identification of the award. Other men had rare experiences to tell like John Cole, St. who al- most landed a larger king salmon than Deffinbaugh but after sev- eral times around the boat the leader came untied and a beautiful fish was lost. Also Harry New; man caught a large shark but had to let it go also. Plans are being made for an- other trip next fall already. Next Sunday morning at the meeting place, P.U.D. auditoriu at 3rd and Cota, the guest speal¢- er wiI1 be Chaplain Leinuel D: Md- Elyea, senior chaplain at the Mili- tary Air Transport command at McChord field. Everyone interest- ed in the programs and fellowship the subject we could broaden our for men are invited to be present view in all directions. I from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. Our school children -- and the .......... : .......... : ....................... schools are in vaious parts of IAdult Night Classes the county - nee this supple- v   .... * mental reading, and can get books Jornl oon ibex; our .... | • ., on hobbies, games, music, records, SubJect Wishes Known a.t, fiction and anyth!ng .you or I Adult education night classes they wren to Know or be: There m will soon be starting under the little excuse for their not being auspices of the Shelton school sys- able to become A students if they were encouraged and helped. Per- haps the TV might get a rest. Stnly this county is not going into a financial tailspin! Talk on other subjects points up the high eb.rnings of Mason County work- ing people. The richness of thee county is well knowp; and her taxes .should adequately support not only one BookmObile but in the ft/ttre '. (if things go as they have begun) two or three! We would like to get something be- sides narrow roads, holey black. top and tow voltage electricity for those tax dollars. The Bookmobile is a step in the right direction and I for one will be ashamed of those who cause its discontinuance if that happens. I cannot believe that we will loe this fine service with its highly trained personnel. It is a service for everyone, no matter who or what age they are. It can be so immeasureabli help- ful to anyone who will use it that it seems astounding that anyone should have to say anythin.g in its behalf; like saying we thtnb the electric light is a fire thing and more people should get to know how to use it! So the merger will cost Mason County more. So we are willing to pay for it. We don't mind pay- lng for something that isvaluable to us and that is costly only inas- much as we neg|ect to ge.t out of it what' we can if we only want to. Traveling over some of the roads in Mason County probably makes the upkeep more expensive, too, as some of us can testify to, If the proposed petition against the Bookmobile gets man signatures it will be a th(ghtless tern so persons interested in par- ticular subjects are urged to make their wishes known and if enough individuals are interested classes will be arranged in almost any subject. Principal George Hermes sug- gests that snch interest be put on record by'calling the senior high school office. The phone number is HA 6-8261. gesture and one completely at variance with the finest progress of our county in my opinion. If self-betterment by reading or just reading PERIOD is considered un- necessary (although you ARE reading to find out what this says!) .... try to think of the chin dren, of the sick and handicapped and the old people who cannot drive forty miles for a book. Sincerely, Ranka S. Rendsland, Tahuya For Reservations Call Union 232 • Fine Foods • Cocktail lounge • Banquets • Parties • Weddings • Receptions OPbN YEAR AROUND Save on' our Shoes retary-treastrer, Reports of past business an¢ activities will orient the new pas- tors. Fall plarls and schedules will be arranged and agreed on, with PER PAIR items of interest to the churches of the community to be discussed. FOR YOUR eL SHOES Committees Wtll be appointed for ON A NEW' PAIR -- ,,--_activities during the coming, year. MEN'S - WOMEN'S - OHILDREN'S Firefipters Meet Limit 1 Pair Old Shoes 01 Palr New Shoes Here T0niO!, Friday and Saturday [ The Kitsap-Vlas County Fire [ Fighters Association. will hold. a meeting tomght at 8 p.m. m the lrhe BO00I'|RY It is expected that more than 50 fi-emen from the tWo counties wtll E OF POLL OT SHOES' attend the meeting and discuss mutual problems. Be warmer In every room, Save ]4 on fuel co|11. SUPER CHALLENGER OIL HEATER L , L  ' '' Here is advanced dign offering dllPp'l|L i p ,lal.heating eonomy mo biKl ith moderate cot. ' 2-WAY D=u'= o. 000Un t BA(K GUARANTEE ItU]V Mt.Vmw ]U OLD HEATm o...,.-,.,..,--,. ,  vn np='.m n. cemfortinuvdryreomofyeur o• the qly puhh• of is Iome en Im fuel Ih•a as/' Quaker H•atsr equipped with ordinary h•tor er*YOUK astemutis forced eir fsa end MONEY BACK. Po.wer Mowers off regular prices $79.95 to $119.95 agm=li ie food,  . On 2|% to$t% |OH foiL FORD AIR FAN YOUR MONIff BACK, | E'xdveve gedian! "H.t-Re" FrOM nuttio --bin ides forced air circulsti h,in .yst, I I I;,I.kli warmth you get a smooth flow o • Tams ilt ' /[]] radiant heat wsrmth throuilhout on hnd oft .A%,'/j'/ .automati- ¢ the room. cally. " RIU" Quaker tong.Life "|mokelsts ° • Cireulatee "-'- 8urnor--give8 extra heat trOm ONE-THIPJ:) morn warm air every drop of oil/Doem't mmim than ordinary hter blower or at any stage Of e. AIl-|tesl Con0truetln--glvml 6-1/S timm lurer wea-up than .old- " AU|IB€ fuhtoned slow heating out iron, PItm Hendy Front Lighting Door "AIR-FEEt , Approved for esfOW iJ Un- derwritera Laboratories a Waixt Automatically Ilup- ]rlfrn=l Smoke high finger-tip control a Err- plies corrt smOunt Clear flame abet • Automatio o! 8it to burner, into Heefl lmliminat draft Sfetv. oil valVa  Sttotatl problen, drt" zeKuls. I ,L SLEYsTER'S BIKe & FIXlT SHOP 01S e n F u r n i t u r e C o. • ALWAYS TOPS FOR SCISSORS AND BIKE REPAIRS • 223 Cota Street Phone HA 6-8118 328 COTA SI"REET PHONE HA 6-4702