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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r 17, 1959 /17-24-10/1.8 4t No&apos;rICE OF SIIERIFF'S SALB OF ILEAL I'ROPERTY By virtu(' of a Writ ()r i!ixecutien is- sued oHt of tile Sup(qqq)t' Court of Mason Couaty+ r Wllshingtt)ll, on July 10. 1959. by the Clerk tilereof, in tile OF THE case ()1' Tpd DePoe, })l/lintiff. against FOR Owen Mt)dlin, Defendant, being cause No. 7586, and it) me, as Sherifi, direct- of GENE t,d and deliv(u'ed: Noii(.c, is le'e)y givt,n that I wilt the appoint- procovti to sell :it public alwiion to of 8aid es- tilt, highest bidiipr ft,r cash, witifin against (Iw htbttt's pvosvribed by lnw l'ov Shvl'- to S('A'v o duly vcrifitd, iff's sales h,-wit: al 10 Wciockt A.M.. her altornev, on the 9th day el' Octobeq', I,L),t, IlPf(ll 't address be- the Ct)ltt'tilouse door of itas[)ll Coutlty. Same with tlt, ill Siwlton, Washingttn. the following together witll dvsvrib*d Prol)erty sitnate ill MasoU within six t?OUllty. WashiaglOll, hi-wit : lh An tract of land in lhat pro'thin of !irst puMIca- li'raet itmai Not'thvasi qln ('tel' same will (NEI+) of the NoPthwest quarter tNWI]) of Sectiou ;3, Township 20 Septem- North, Rangt 3 West. W.M., °lying STOCKWELL Northerly and Easterly of the can- tot' lilm el' tile County Road. par- Lake l ieularly described tls follows: BEGINNING at tht, N,,rtlu,ast c.r- Xiagton her of said Nortileast quarter (N]I) of tile Northwest quarter (NWl,). thence West, ah)ng the North line of said fm'ty, to a Imint lgi t'epi East of tim E s ,+'ly right-of- way line of said County Road: 9/10-17-24-10/1 4t thence South. parallel wilh the. East line oI said NE!:i of NW,, 5 feet mitre or Jess, to tilt' North++rly right- 1TOR S of-way lint, of a i)rivato r<)adwaY; 0E THE thane1, , Southwesterly alo n g the Nm'thprly line of saM private road- FOR way to an intersectJou with tlic Easterly rlght-oI-way line of said County Road; thence Southerly along Estate of MAT.- ill*' Easterly rtght-ff-way line of GIVEN that said County Road, 30 l'e+,t, more or appointed less. to the Northwest cl)rner of a ira('( of land In,retofore conve.ed to of Lester D, +Elliott and Josephine E. JONES, de- Elliott, husband and wife, by deed lag claims recorded in Volume 145 of Deeds page 176, upder ,auditor's File No. 1.156901 thence East, ah)ng the North line of said Elliott tract, 250 feet to at the tile Northeast corner of said Elliott the same with traet;:thence South, along the East line of said Elliott tract, 320 feet to tile Southeast Corner thereof, being first publi- the North line of a tract of land same will heretofore conveyed to M. E. Wright. FULWILER" a bachelor, by deed recorded in Vohnne 157 of Deeds, page 431, an- Estate of dt,r Aoditor's File No. 154198; thene Jones, East along" the North line of said Wright tract, to tile East line of said NEI of NW;,, thence North along the East line of said NE'4 of NW!4 to the point of beginning, Street (2) A tract of land in the South half (Sfi) of the Soutlv;a,st quarter ,9/8-10-17-24 4t (SEll() of Section 34, Township 21, North Range 3, .West, W.M. particu- larly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the quartt,r post TIIRS on the Soutil line + of Section 34. Og' THE TownMfip 21, North Range 3, West, FOR W,M.; thence East, (var. 22 degrees. 30'E) 30 cllains; thence North 208 feet, more or less, tile point of be- Estate of ginning, excepting therefronl how- Deceased. ever, the West ninety (90) feet GIVEN that thereof heretofore conveyed: to G. Thompson, a bacheh)r, by deed re- corded in Volume 138 of Deeds, page D. STOCK- 378, under Au41tor's file No. 139985, ,erS0ns lv- and excepting roadways. eem,ed are levied on in the hereinabove deserib. the same, ed cause to satisfy a judgaaent amount amounting to $2511.50, together with interest, attorneys fees, (:outs in favor and file the of Plaintiff. qu.rt, DATED THIS 3rd day of September, rvlce 1959. tile date of W, A. POTTER notice or the Shm'iff of Mason County, Washingtol] Septem- . D. MORRISON Deputy 9/10-17-24-10/1-8 41 SALE OF. TJMBER SiiOKOMISII INDIAN It F+SEBVATION SEALED BIDS, xn duplicate, on forms provided therefor, nmrkcd out- /1D-17-24-10/1 ,it side, "Bid, Thomas Pulsifer Tilnber", addressed to the Superintcndcnt, West- OF era Washington Indian Sub-Agency, NI)s Hoquiam, Washington will be received That until 1:30, Pacific Standard Tilne, of October, September 29, 1959, for 1he purchase ::lock in the of timher on a tract within the Sko- of the komish Indian Reservation designated the County as tile "Pulsifer Timber Sale Unit". Shelton, The unit is more sbeclfically described as ail, t,ff the Tholna Pulsiter allot- mcnt No. 10-B, NESE4 Section 27, state Township 22 North, Range 4 West. n'ovcme, nts Willamette Merldiau, Washington, aud pub- contains 40 acres, situated & mile there- west of Highway 101 and 11 miles north of Shelton, Washington. The eltizens of unit contains an estimated stnnd to be wllo cut. wllich estimate Is not guaranteed, 10 he- .f approximately 155,000 feet, board state land, nleasuro, of Douglas fh', 2,000 fact, l)oard measure, of western redccdar, o. 13276 7,000 feet, board nleasure, of western 2ond class hendoek and other species. Each bid- dcr alust state the prtee per thousand to or feet, B.M., Sc,qbuer Decinlal C Log 400 feet of St:ale that will be paid for timber to Lot be cut tnl the unit. and no bid will be 22 North, considered for less than $15.20 per a frontage tnoLLand feet. board measure. In," less, ap- Douglas fir, $6.55 per thousand feet, chain or board lneasure, for western rcdccdar; and $6.55 Per thousand feet, board side of measUre, for westet;n hendock and oth- southwest er speeies+ A certiIied cheek In the County. amount of Five Hundred' dollars Seat ($500.00). uu a solvent bank, payable zt 10 to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, must accompany each sealed bid. The right between to' waive technical defects and to re- the+ fore- jest any and all bids is reserved. Per- s01Lq bidding for or on behalf of com- panies, corporations, qr partnerships, advertised must at the time of bidding, submit In ae ou the writing conc|uaive evidence at'-their hours of authority to do so. The deposits of un- and four successful bidders will be returned Any sale after the successful bid has been as- for which cept0d by the Area Director. The de- hall not posit of the succtssful bidder will be n held in lieu of bond pending satis- fatatry completion of the terms of the ,contract or retained as liquidated dmn- )r not le es if the bidder shall not execute st!ted" Pne :contract within sixty (60) days ditions tram notice of acceptance of his bid. The contract will, specify tlmt all des- ignate timber shall be and re- moveff from the unit wRh|n 'one year from appreval of the coati'act by the must Area Director; end will also specify makiBg tJtgt logs ctit under the contract shall the ap- be scaled by the PUget Sound Log Scaling and Grading Bureau and that the cost of such scaling shall be paid by the purchaser. An advance pay- ment of tea (10 pe,ent of the pur- of the timber on the al- must be made within thirty  of approva! of fhe contrbcL Negotiations for the rightlr-of-way across land adjacent to the allotment will be the reep0nsibiltty of the pr- cheer. Bureau .of Inolan Affairs bid forms for use in sUbnlittttg sealed bids and full information cSncerning the timber, the conditions of the sale ad the Sublnisaion of bids should be ined from the Superintendent, tern Washi'ngton ndian Agency or are made representatlv at ooln 206, Post • e Building. oqJ4,m. Wuhington, or the Area Diect0r, Bureau of In- dian Affairs, PortLand Area Office, Box 4097, Portland 8, Oregon. Dated this 12th day of August, 1959 at Portland, Ox;egon. JAMES ]. SYERS Acting Area Director 9/10-17 2t NOTICR OF BDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Comroiesl0ners of Public Utility District No. 8]of Mason Coun- 'ty, Washington, have prepared a budget for the year 1960 and that a final hearing on the proposed budget will be held in the offices of the Dls- ,trict at Third and: Cota Street, She.l- ton, Washington, at 1:00 October FINAL 5, 1959. FOR " T. W. WEBB, Secretary 9/17 and 10/1 2t NO. 3145 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of STELe LA D. BURKE. Deceased. Howard M. Burke is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the in duplicate, duly verified, on xeeuto or his attorney, Robert eder at the address below stated. the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with Ptoof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred, DATE of first publication: Septem- ber 17, 1959; ...... of September, HOWARD M, BURKE Executor 607 West 1371h Street Seattle 77, Washington ROBERT L. SNI'DER Attorney at LW Gove Building" Shelton, W ,umngton 911,7.24-10/1.8 4t SH "  S Washington ELI ON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christma,town, U.,q.A.,"  helton, NOTI(!F OF WATER R1GIIT AIq'I,I('ATION N(}. 1++38 STATE OI" WASItIN(ITON, OFFICE OI," SUPEB.VIS()R (IF" WATF'R RI,:- S(gl IRCEs, () LYM[PI2k TAKb2 NOTICE: That Tholnlls W. :lnd Clara I+'r,)sl ,f Sealth., Was]ring- D,II on AUgtlSl 21, 1959, filed al)plic'a- tirol for l).rlltit to divert the public+ W;tlOl't.l of K,'lmal Cre0k, Jntcrnlilteut In'il)utnry tf Hood tilnal, 111 the lltlount t)f 0.Ill S t/t1(] fowl, stbj+! it) oxisling l'ihls, c()n II t+ttS y Pal'il ye¢ir for tile purpose, of densest ic st p]) y that tllt' aPi)r(+xiltlatc+ point el' tlix+r- sit,n in h,:tltc(t wilhin G,,vt I..,,t 1 ,,f,n 3(I, Township 22 N., Rungs 3 W., W.M,. in Mason County. ;%11)' ,,b joe(ions l+llust bt! act.onlptlnied by u lW,, tiidlar ($2.00) r,+col'din l't!, and I'itt'(I with Ib Stab, Sup, rvis,n ,f %V.qtez' l{oslur(es within thirty CI0) (I:I3S I'l'tln St!ptOllll'+(!l' .17. J.},),Llct Witness Illy hllld tltl(I official tiffs 26th tny of August, 1959. 1H. G. WALKER State Su|)t!rvisol. O|' Wa|q'l' I{t'St)Ul'('oS (SEAL) 9/I0-17 2t 4)I"FI('IAI. NO'r I('F: I)ISTRI('T VII IUt'Unllt I,, Chtp e 16:t. Laws of l.)i}.L £. J,)e DWypr. L) I'et:t()v t)f AKri- ctlittll'q' 4) the Start+ t)l" Wltshitllon, ilel't'})y .N!V+! .n({ti<'o that a pu )lic ltlc+l.- ng x4 )+ n('ld It :0 I).OI. OU Wt!d" llesd83'. ()('ttd.,r 7, 1959 :tt llle Masoll t,.untY t'.U.D. No. 3 audit(o'illlll at Thi](i and C,}t;t Sit'at'is in Shelt,,n for lhe I)ur|)t!st+ + of nozninating candidate.s t t+,t' atp,)l/}ttl+lent to !h+! Washin/4'ton State l)tllr3 1 rodu(,t. (++OoltnissiOll i+l+Ottl 1)ISlv'ict VlI c(,mln.ising tilt' t'ItUU[OS of C]allalll, Grays H0+rbor, ,fefferst)ll Kitsalt, Mason and Thurston. Ally (1+1 'ynlfln who resides in t], distt'itt and has, within sixty (lays n' t3 the nit,(cling, pl'odu(:o(I mil'k or <:ream upon whtcil (hi+ [,'t)lllnlission aSS!SS" nlent has been P/lid, is entitled to parth;lpat aid nominate ('alldtdates. 9/17-24-10/1 3t NO. 3086 NOTICE OF IIEAItlNG FINAL itEI,ORT AND I'ETLTION FOR l)iwr B! BITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASttINGTON FOR+ MASON COUNTY In thP Matter of the Estate of MATHA M. LOFbNESS. Deceased. ELizabeth A. Oyor, Adnlinistratrix e.t.a, of said Estate, has filed with said Court h,q" final report and peti- thin for dlstributimL asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the prop+wty to the pors.ns thereto endo (led and to discharge said Admlnlatra- trix c.t.a. S!lid report and petition will he hears on the_ 16th day of Oc- toiler, 1959, at 10 A.M. in the Court- r,,(mt of said Court, in the n,ntv Courth ,use at She ton, Washmg{{.-" DATED THIS l,lth day of Septem. bar. 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Sul)+,t'ior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law (hwey Building Shelttm, Washington (SEAL) 9/17-24-10/1-8 4t NO. 3141 IN NOTICE T() CREI)IToItS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LEVI R. WYNN, Deceased. alga Wynn is the appointed and qualified Administratrix t)l; said es- tate. All persons having (laims aga nst said deceased are required t ) serve the same in duplicate, duly verified,' on said AdlninJstratrix or her attor- proof of such service, within SiX months after the date of first publi- cati(,ll t)l' this nt)tic+!, or Lhc sanle will be barred. DATE of first publicathm: Septem- ber 10, 1959. aLGA WYNN Adln inistra tri x Route.l, Box 598 Shelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law o Govey Building Shelton, Washington 9/10-17-24-10/1 41 NO, 3 ! ,", NOTICE TO CR]DITOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF' TI-II STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FRED MILLER, Deceased. GEORGIA MILLER is the appointed and qualified Administratrix of said estllle. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to s+,rve the same in duplicate, duly veri- fied, on said Administratrix or her at- (,)rney, Rol)ert L. Snyder a the ad- dress below stated, attd file the same with the Clerk (d' said Court together wilh proof of such ,erviee, withfn mix months after the date of first publi- <'arian of this notice, or the same will bc Imrred. DATE of first publication: Septenl- bar 10, 1959. GEORGIA MILLER A dnlinistrat fix Star Route 1, Box 165 Shelton, Washingtun ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law (1ov+Jy Building Sllelton, Washington 9/10-17-24-10/1 ,it NOTICE OF HEARING ON COUNTY BUDGET NOT)CE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thai the Conlnfisaioners of Masoll CoUnty have completed and placed on file their preliminary budget for Mason County IDELINE LANTS by BILL DICKIE ((?,/llillued frt)lll P:lt, 6) tll re, ulthough it wouhl not ; nece,++an.ily Ivrminate+ lll!ty on a nOll-(.on fl,ren(.e basl.. It seems a bit ironic that this should be the case (the excus being Sheltt,n is too big) when the fact is (hal the Higheliml)ers imven't had any marle(I success against these smaller conference brothers in basketball over the past 25 years, and not a gr((t deal better in football either. Such is the story of "progress," however, and this surely is an era of change we're living in, isn't it! Wi'OCK FINISHE AT 6-6 Wee Stock's final fling in the Pacific Coast league last Friday nigit wasn't a happy finale to his first year in the PCL, unfortun- ately. lit the t'irt place he hall the mLst'ortnne to be the victim of a costly defensive m|scne V.'il|ch allowed three unearned runs g'ainst him atd in the second place he unforttmatfly drew ,ie- attle's hottest late-season hurl- er, Mark Freeman, t'er Ills lllotlnd rh'al. Since Vancouver failed to score against Freeman iL made Stock's task completely futile. The Allyn boy's troubles ocqurred in the 1;hird inning, during which Seattle si:ored four runs on one hit and l one walk ]nixed with Mountie er- rors. Wes pitched 2 2/3 innings and took the defeat, leveling his sea- son's record at 6 wms and 6 de- feats in the partial season he spent with Vancouver. T00 L.t. T0 Lo(KER MEAT Cut, double wrapped and trimmings ground--5 cents per pound. Don Wil- liams, 604 Dearborn. Phone tIA 6-3040. 9/_+,+_+ _+ml EaR RENT--Small furnished guest house suitable for one or working couple, Hillcrest. Phone HA @.4428. J 9/17-1Q/1 NOTICE -- On and after this date Sept. 17, 1959 I will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted by anyone other than nlyself. Frederick E. Wood 9/17 RV-KG-E--s-'h-G------gtJSh};r-&i-+3)y tIarstine Island LIJ, dies Clut b Sept. 25 and 26, Friday aad Saturday. PUD Building. H 9/17 GIFT -- Nice 10 week old kittens to anyone who will give good homes. Good rodent hunters. CMI HA 6-6677. G 9/17 WWX ti b-'No V-;ff rZ,7,Tg, ao {V-d i fi " t ;, return of M'flte ct,cke f =Sju inger spaniel with brown spots (answel's to "ToughiC'). Joe Rank. 719 N. 4th. Phone ItA 6-45t5. 9/17 ?TYR--RmNT- =--qw-6 l;i:iii:,m-iNi:= nisbed h<,use. Ph,,nt ttA 6-4622 after 5:30 p.m. A 9/17 NO. 3004 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOB. COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Prol)ate) In the Matter oI the Estate of MAT- TIB E. JONES. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that CHARLES J. FULWILER, in his ca- pacity as Emecutor of the above estate, will m+ll al. private sale the. followiug descrihed real estate: Lot 3, Bh)ck 16, Frances Shelton's Addition to Shelton, W#shington, according to the recorded plat there- of on file in the office of the Audi- tor t,f Mason County, Washington, excepting the weerly 12 feet there- of. Together with all furniture and ac(:essot'ies. to the highest and best hidder. Bid8 must be subntitted in writing and ntay be lelt with thc Executor at 12t South Fourth Street, Sheltun, Washi,nmn. Bids will be receiwd until" 12 0'dl0k noon 0n the date of sale.  .... The sale will be made at l o'oloqk noon on the 21st day of Sepmlt,, 1959. The Executor reserves the right to reject any and all bids. CHARLES J. FULWILER Executor GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 9/10-17 2t NO. 30S9 • By Mrs." T. B. Balch BRINNON Charles MaNes1 had a harowing experience wit]] 'his amphibian Sea Bee plane Sun- t day when he was caught in the sudden wind storIn about noon. He had left early Sunday morning on a business trip to Seattle and was returning when the wind struck. He tried to land m the East Shore of Hnod Canal but was unabh2 to get the plane ant t)f the water. One of the pont(lens on the wing filled with water and the wind shield was broken allowing water to fill around him. He man- aged to keep the plane afloat and maneuvered it to the West shore of the Canal. His family heard his radio call to stand by with thc motor boat, and Leon, his 16 year old son went into the storm with the motor boat to assist his father They managed to get the plane to the cove near the Johnny Johnson place where the water wax smooth enottgh to get Mr, MeNeal into the small boat. The plane is a total loss. MR. AND MRS. McNeal are very proud of their son wan so courageously and capably man- aged the boat and kept a level head for those many hours of physical endurance. The Coast Guard was called by Mr. Hughes, who lives near Mc- Donalds Cove, and Dean Wilcox of the Brinnon ervice Station came and secured the plane and helped Mr. McNeal in many ways. The State Patrol investigated the : accident to determine the extent i of the damages and possible in- juries. Church-goers are sure to notice the work that has beet] done on the building and grounds each time they attend Sunday service :or one of the nmny group meet- ings. There was a work day Sat- urday and a small but energetic group turned out with paint brushes, sandpaper and rakes. A: second coat of protective varnish now covers the otltside of the church, and a :few women work(d on the inside walls. The area around the church has been raked as smooth as possible with Mrs, Duckworth wielding the rake or shovel, along with the more hardy! --"-2-- ..................... i MIXED FOURSOM V L Deer Slayers ........................ 4 ] TREKKING HIGHCLIMeERS OPEN SEASON AT MT, VERNON THIS FRiOAY EVENING The "globe trotting" Highclimb- Ctmet' Bob Sun(t and a charter ers of 1959 gtl off on the first leg bus h)aded with more than :i0 l)layet's, nmnagers, and coaches of their travel-heavy footlmll sea- will lear(, at }1:00 rfeloek Friday son this Friday when thoy hpad m()rning f(n" the Bulldog den. tray- for Mt. Vernon a,d what shapes cling via the Kingston ferry route. Ul) as perllaps the strongest op- On t, iw Skagit county g'ridi/'on )anent they nay face all year, [thp Mason conrlty (!]ll) will' at- Forced to Land Plane In Canal Timber Ducks ....................... 4 0 Pin Busters ............................ 3 , Odd Balz .............................. 3 1 Wee Urts .................... , ......... 1 3 Bluffers .... . ............................. 1 3 Who Knows .......................... ,0 € Rusty Ducks .................... ... 0 4 High ganie ........ Vi McG'ee 21g High total ......... Dave McGee 562 WOMEN'S crFY LEAGUE W L Cota Grill .............................. 4 0 Joy Novelty. .......................... 3 1 Hedrick Sport Center ......... 2 2 Morgan Transfer . ............ 2 2 McConkey Pharmacy ........ 2- 2 Qlsen Furniture .................. 2 2 'Ritner's ................................ 1 3 Shelton Hotel ...................... 0 4 High game ...... Evelyn Eliot 189 Higt total -- Evelyn Eliot 492 RAYONIER RESEAR! L Silva Foxes. ......................... 3 I Cellulouses .......................... 3 1 Acetate Aces ...................... 2 2 W¢od Birds ..... : .................... 2 2 NOTICE OF HEABING (IN FNAL Pin Curlers .......................... 2 2 REPORT AND PETITIOI F()lg Maintenance 2 2 DISTRIBIITION ........................ for the fiscal year of 1960, a copy of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE Clockwatchers .................... 1 3 which will be furnished any citizel STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Rayonettes .......................... 1 3 who will calL at this office for same MASON COUNTY High'game -- Ky Wilson 234 NOTICE IS FURTHEE GIVEN tha (IN" PROBATE} this Board will meet at the Cour IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- High total .--Ky Wilson 547 House In Shelton on the 5th day of TATE OF WLTER RAYMOND Mc- O0tober, 1959, at the hour of 1:30 DONALD Dr, ceased WOMiI.I' (7]flM[ERC[AI. P..M: '95_tl)e purpQs.e, of fixin the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that --" ........  --, fJl]atallOuoge ann making tax levies, Margery_, H, Gibson, ..+.]tseutrix of the , vv ,, and y taxpayer nay appear at said estate of Walter Raymond McDonald Richfield Oih$ ............ + .... 8 0 h0aring and be heard for or against deceased lras filed w|th the' Clerk o Don, Wlvin A. Service 5v,, 2V,, aAPrt of, budget... . the above entitled Court her final z'e -- ..... = = o + -. "' 2 ,, 7" . .,.z, at J)eltpn, w a:ungton this port amdpetitibn for distribution ask- 12AngOla. ......  .......... . ...... a |st uay o.e.tmDer, ...9:.-- lag the Court: to settle and approve MiBgTre0 Cfe ....... : ........ 4 4 tt) OF tutJr'i'x said final report and petition f6r dis- Eelis "& Valley ' 3 5 COMMISSIONERS OF tribution to distribute the prcperty to f,^,. ,=,^_^,2__" ............... o MASON COUNTY, [ the person thereto entitled and to dis ,y t.,rtc ............ o o B WASHIN_TQN I charge the said Administratrix. Tlmll¢ Bowl ........... ':...::- 21/'.5 ¥: C. NOLAN MASON I NOICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that .yn Shell Service ' 1:7 ounty Auditor and I said flnal report and petttion tar dis" ': INt.+m.t "'e--*+°'+'r'i0 °'' 1 ua ex-officio Clerk of the ] tribution will be hetrd on F,'lday, the: : :- ,''  " .2 -'. +' oard | 9th day of October, 1959. at the heat, h tOtal -- Jba RU 54I 9/10-17 2t I of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the / k2. ....  .... ;,, , -- court room in the Court Honae Is. + : NO NO. 3094 Shelton. Washington. | F . t4-1tl4. .4- ' n TI6'E__OF HEAR_IN_G FINAL Dated this 4th day of Septemb%| -m--aas  a:wv : • .-,rUKT  ' ' T N Felt 1959 ]' U ' I THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE • Clerk of Mason Coullty, Wa$ [" O,.,AtE it sihTgs oft the ifected STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR By Irene McGuire |skilL Thee Watch fresh healthy skin MASON COUNTY -- Deputy Clerk ' [ rtce it, Get instant'-dryJlg T-4-L n the Matter of the Estate of WIL- B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, I likL a keratolytic, at any drug store. LIS B. PALMER, Deceasedl Attorney for 8aid Estate, | Ifr0t delighted in 3 DAYS, your 48¢ LAWRENCE PALMER Executor of Angl Bldg. | b, Use T-4-L FOOT POWDER too said Estate, has filed with sald Court Shelton, Washlngton. I---gives antiseptic, soothing protectlon. his final report and petition for dis- 9/10-17.4-10/Io4t NOW at Prepp's Rcxall Drugs. i!!00ii! g+gg+ 1959. "HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shelton. WaMtington (SEAL) 9/3-10-17-24 4t NO. 3133 qOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of O'DESSA ZENTNER, Deceased. C. F. Zentner is the appointed anQ qualified Executor of said estate. At: persons having claims against said de- ceased are required to serve the same In duplicate, duly verified, on eaid Ex- seater or his attorney. Robert L, Sny- der at the address below stated, and • file the same with the Clerk of sale Court, together with proof of such western born women. The+hintbpr hns arrived for the pew and E(I Andrews will begin working on them this week Chimney blocks have been delivered and as st)on as Imilders can be found the chim- ney will be constr,eted. For thc time beini4 a wood beater will bc installed ttl save exl)ense of buy- ing oil f(,r the furzace which has also been provided, A pot-luck dinner wax served at anon, LVehich (lid ere(lit to the housewives of Brinnon, Clam chowder, served piping hot hy Mrs. Jay Swanson, was first on tile menu, with meat h)af, spagh(,tti, beans, and salads in abundance, Cake and c, offee topped off the meal. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL has been moved f/'(}n the school gym to the church since school opened. Sept. 13 was the first day. Junior and Senior Felkwships will also be held in the church. The electrical work has been started by Bill Whitney and soon the lights will be on, Light fix- tures are needed and lnany other essentials will be forth-coming. Mrs. J. L. Zimmerman is flow- er chairlnan for the Sunday set'v- ice. A flower lover "s well as an avid gardener, she knows where to get flowers and how to arrange them tastefully. For two Sundays the flowers were given by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson of Black Point. They are fanciers of dahlias and baskets of choice blooms 'dorned the church. Mrs. C. V. Dorothy is church li- brarian. Many good books are available before and after service. PASTOR J O It N Duckworth traveled to Seattle Monday to at- tend a dinner meeting of the Christian Business and Profes- sional Council at t,'rederiek and Nelson, where he was a guest speaker. Mrs. George Weigand reported that the Brinnon Schoo! Board has given permission to plant flowers on the school grounds, A group of interested pebple have vohmteered t h i s beat]tification project. Anyone having daffodil bulbs, crocLm or i.ulips, please call Mrs, Weigand. Mz' Larry Handysides had as cr houscguests over the weekend her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Finkbonrmr of Fern- dale. Mr. Handysides who works at Boeings, who returns week- ends will remain for a ten day va- + citt i(in. itlter Kelly, True 13alch and EL R. Beck attendcd the dinner and Cenlennial Meeting of Frank- lit] Lodge No. 5 at Porl Gambh+ last Satuvtta, y, Sept, 5. Following the meeting, which convened at+ i p.m, they rettrned to Port Tewn- send for a fraternal dinner and Centennial meeting of Port Town- Send Lodge No, 6. Mr. an(! Mrs John W. Watkins are the new owners of La Tet Re- sort, which they pureha.sed from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evarts on Sept+ 1, Mr. Watkins is associated with the Lacey Plywood Company att(t rettn-n home weekends. Mrs, Watkins is a real estate sales- = woman, working with Was John- son of the Hood Canal Real es- tate. •, [, • 7-,. Page 7 ,tempt to extract the fangs of a Bulldog eleven favored in pre-sea- ( fie 1 s m t ring to win the Northwest .lqague f(,)tball crown. Tile HIdt4CLIMBERS have a dental drew which c6uld do It, 1 1.hough, with a hard-core of elev-I eft lettermen who know something l about extractions nf this nature, I most of tlin nmnning berttis, in l 'a tough and muscular forwor(t wall which the Bulldogs will have to go through, ar(iqnd or over be- fore hitting the scoreboard. Defen,ively, this 1959 Climber club shapes up as a stingy yard- age-yielder with ground,rnise):s like Dave Sha rpes and Nell Close gnarding tlm wings, Jerry Spiker, Bill Goodpaster, Warren Zeltler, Jim Mettle, Pete Buechel and Ran Ellis pluggiflg t]ae middle. THEY'RE ALL lettermen, along: with Denny Temple, whose main assignment pobbly will put his 220 I)ttltdS into, punting unless some of the nther six middlemen need relief. Spiker, smallest of the middle SEASON FOOTBALL TICKETS ON SALE Sense() t!ekcl io lligheliml.'r home f0otlmil gun+,,.,, this l'all will be less lhan hlil .Ve:ir ia,- canoe there i,, one h, game on the 139 Chlqhlle. ']l'bt'y n, re i141%1 Oli %11|(, II| (lip ,Plllor' .hlgLll +chool ofl'i<. Ior $3.'5. |,llsl )'ear thl,y v+ere $7). Last yeur's S('lt,4011 lh'llel he1<1+ er will I)e given fir+| l,hui{,p Ill the sa, lrne ,eat, if lh-.ire(l. Firm home gll ul(, tlf thP sche(hlle brings ll'hnll t. 1,oo I) l"iehl on Oetoher 2. Eggs AA MEDIUM and will be at one of the guard or tackle spots for Friday night's kickoff. El'lis will handle the defensive center post, with Roger Hermes, a non-letterman, doing the offens- ive sluicing. The other three spots are a toss- up among the remaining four vet- erans. RAY MANKE at quarter and Rawlin McInelly at fullback are the certain backfield starters bat the two halfback posts are some- what Of a scrtinble arnong' Roy Buzzard, Jerry Mallgry, Kendall and Will ders. ManRe and McInelly are lettermen, the latter a converted lineman, the others all B team graduates from lastyear. :Kendall has a gashed elbow which may limit his play. Just how the Climber offense is going to function is the big ques- tion going into this distant opener for there is not much speed anY- where on the club and only fair passing so far. McInelly has made the switch to the fullback spot in good shape except for learning to utilize his interference efficiently. He has good pqwer and may develop into the workhorse of the backfield. Friday's kickoff is at 8:00 o'clock• 00IIELTON MARINE SUPPLY PAPER HANGING+ • PIINTING • Plaster Board Taping • E. F. FULMER Phone HA 6-4:)13 I , 1951 M0twy,, $195 1957 FAIR NE"GOQ" 'LA ,$ ' 2 DOOR, V-8, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION % 1956 GOUNTRY SEDIN 6 CYL., OVERDRIVE, XCELNT.0ND|T|ON l!l00 V4 FORDOR FAmLANt WiTH OVERi)RIVE 19M G RESTLI, NE VlOTORIA V41 ' : ENCELLENT CONDITIDN ', '+ 1952 PLYMOUTH S00UgBAN ,, NEW TIRES, REAL PRACTI(;AL STAT|ON WAGON 1962 MEROURY 4-D0011 RADIO- HEATER 1952 FORD V-8 TUDOR OVERORIVE, R &, H -- LIKE NEW 1961 FORD 2.000011 HARGTOP V'-8, AUTO. TRANS., LOTS OF GOOD MILES LEFT PICK-UPS - i I ...... 1--1967 FORD i }-TON 6-0YL, OVERDRIVE 1960 FORO V-If I-TON STAKE Ul i iiii RED SAYS IT'S TIME TO CHECK YOUREXHAUST LINES FOR WINTER DRIVING i i il i u n , servLce, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice. or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: August 27, 1959. C. F. ZENTNER Executor 227 So. 8th Street Shelton, Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorae¥ at Law Govey Bundle@ . SheltU, wJsh]ngton 8/27-9/3-1U-17 4t' + Ji Pauley Inc starring ..... K,,t m , . .v+ +" Ot'OI 'IANNIN(I Robert CUMMINGS TF.AgMS -- TRADES WI+  gMell: Ify dItTH End Louis PRIMA , plmudly prelentedby FIFTN nd RAILROAD PHONE HA. 6-8231 r 17, 1959 /17-24-10/1.8 4t No'rICE OF SIIERIFF'S SALB OF ILEAL I'ROPERTY By virtu(' of a Writ ()r i!ixecutien is- sued oHt of tile Sup(qqq)t' Court of Mason Couaty+ r Wllshingtt)ll, on July 10. 1959. by the Clerk tilereof, in tile OF THE case ()1' Tpd DePoe, })l/lintiff. against FOR Owen Mt)dlin, Defendant, being cause No. 7586, and it) me, as Sherifi, direct- of GENE t,d and deliv(u'ed: Noii(.c, is le'e)y givt,n that I wilt the appoint- procovti to sell :it public alwiion to of 8aid es- tilt, highest bidiipr ft,r cash, witifin against (Iw htbttt's pvosvribed by lnw l'ov Shvl'- to S('A'v o duly vcrifitd, iff's sales h,-wit: al 10 Wciockt A.M.. her altornev, on the 9th day el' Octobeq', I,L),t, IlPf(ll 't address be- the Ct)ltt'tilouse door of itas[)ll Coutlty. Same with tlt, ill Siwlton, Washingttn. the following together witll dvsvrib*d Prol)erty sitnate ill MasoU within six t?OUllty. WashiaglOll, hi-wit : lh An tract of land in lhat pro'thin of !irst puMIca- li'raet itmai Not'thvasi qln ('tel' same will (NEI+) of the NoPthwest quarter tNWI]) of Sectiou ;3, Township 20 Septem- North, Rangt 3 West. W.M., °lying STOCKWELL Northerly and Easterly of the can- tot' lilm el' tile County Road. par- Lake l ieularly described tls follows: BEGINNING at tht, N,,rtlu,ast c.r- Xiagton her of said Nortileast quarter (N]I) of tile Northwest quarter (NWl,). thence West, ah)ng the North line of said fm'ty, to a Imint lgi t'epi East of tim E s ,+'ly right-of- way line of said County Road: 9/10-17-24-10/1 4t thence South. parallel wilh the. East line oI said NE!:i of NW,, 5 feet mitre or Jess, to tilt' North++rly right- 1TOR S of-way lint, of a i)rivato r<)adwaY; 0E THE thane1, , Southwesterly al o n g the Nm'thprly line of saM private road- FOR way to an intersectJou with tlic Easterly rlght-oI-way line of said County Road; thence Southerly along Estate of MAT.- ill*' Easterly rtght-ff-way line of GIVEN that said County Road, 30 l'e+,t, more or appointed less. to the Northwest cl)rner of a ira('( of land In,retofore conve.ed to of Lester D, +Elliott and Josephine E. JONES, de- Elliott, husband and wife, by deed lag claims recorded in Volume 145 of Deeds page 176, upder ,auditor's File No. 1.156901 thence East, ah)ng the North line of said Elliott tract, 250 feet to at the tile Northeast corner of said Elliott the same with traet;:thence South, along the East line of said Elliott tract, 320 feet to tile Southeast Corner thereof, being first publi- the North line of a tract of land same will heretofore conveyed to M. E. Wright. FULWILER" a bachelor, by deed recorded in Vohnne 157 of Deeds, page 431, an- Estate of dt,r Aoditor's File No. 154198; thene Jones, East along" the North line of said Wright tract, to tile East line of said NEI of NW;,, thence North along the East line of said NE'4 of NW!4 to the point of beginning, Street (2) A tract of land in the South half (Sfi) of the Soutlv;a,st quarter ,9/8-10-17-24 4t (SEll() of Section 34, Township 21, North Range 3, .West, W.M. particu- larly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the quartt,r post TIIRS on the Soutil line + of Section 34. Og' THE TownMfip 21, North Range 3, West, FOR W,M.; thence East, (var. 22 degrees. 30'E) 30 cllains; thence North 208 feet, more or less, tile point of be- Estate of ginning, excepting therefronl how- Deceased. ever, the West ninety (90) feet GIVEN that thereof heretofore conveyed: to G. Thompson, a bacheh)r, by deed re- corded in Volume 138 of Deeds, page D. STOCK- 378, under Au41tor's file No. 139985, ,erS0ns lv- and excepting roadways. eem,ed are levied on in the hereinabove deserib. the same, ed cause to satisfy a judgaaent amount amounting to $2511.50, together with interest, attorneys fees, (:outs in favor and file the of Plaintiff. qu.rt, DATED THIS 3rd day of September, rvlce 1959. tile date of W, A. POTTER notice or the Shm'iff of Mason County, Washingtol] Septem- . D. MORRISON Deputy 9/10-17-24-10/1-8 41 SALE OF. TJMBER SiiOKOMISII INDIAN It F+SEBVATION SEALED BIDS, xn duplicate, on forms provided therefor, nmrkcd out- /1D-17-24-10/1 ,it side, "Bid, Thomas Pulsifer Tilnber", addressed to the Superintcndcnt, West- OF era Washington Indian Sub-Agency, NI)s Hoquiam, Washington will be received That until 1:30, Pacific Standard Tilne, of October, September 29, 1959, for 1he purchase ::lock in the of timher on a tract within the Sko- of the komish Indian Reservation designated the County as tile "Pulsifer Timber Sale Unit". Shelton, The unit is more sbeclfically described as ail, t,ff the Tholna Pulsiter allot- mcnt No. 10-B, NESE4 Section 27, state Township 22 North, Range 4 West. n'ovcme, nts Willamette Merldiau, Washington, aud pub- contains 40 acres, situated & mile there- west of Highway 101 and 11 miles north of Shelton, Washington. The eltizens of unit contains an estimated stnnd to be wllo cut. wllich estimate Is not guaranteed, 10 he- .f approximately 155,000 feet, board state land, nleasuro, of Douglas fh', 2,000 fact, l)oard measure, of western redccdar, o. 13276 7,000 feet, board nleasure, of western 2ond class hendoek and other species. Each bid- dcr alust state the prtee per thousand to or feet, B.M., Sc,qbuer Decinlal C Log 400 feet of St:ale that will be paid for timber to Lot be cut tnl the unit. and no bid will be 22 North, considered for less than $15.20 per a frontage tnoLLand feet. board measure. In," less, ap- Douglas fir, $6.55 per thousand feet, chain or board lneasure, for western rcdccdar; and $6.55 Per thousand feet, board side of measUre, for westet;n hendock and oth- southwest er speeies+ A certiIied cheek In the County. amount of Five Hundred' dollars Seat ($500.00). uu a solvent bank, payable zt 10 to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, must accompany each sealed bid. The right between to' waive technical defects and to re- the+ fore- jest any and all bids is reserved. Per- s01Lq bidding for or on behalf of com- panies, corporations, qr partnerships, advertised must at the time of bidding, submit In ae ou the writing conc|uaive evidence at'-their hours of authority to do so. The deposits of un- and four successful bidders will be returned Any sale after the successful bid has been as- for which cept0d by the Area Director. The de- hall not posit of the succtssful bidder will be n held in lieu of bond pending satis- fatatry completion of the terms of the ,contract or retained as liquidated dmn- )r not le es if the bidder shall not execute st!ted" Pne :contract within sixty (60) days ditions tram notice of acceptance of his bid. The contract will, specify tlmt all des- ignate timber shall be and re- moveff from the unit wRh|n 'one year from appreval of the coati'act by the must Area Director; end will also specify makiBg tJtgt logs ctit under the contract shall the ap- be scaled by the PUget Sound Log Scaling and Grading Bureau and that the cost of such scaling shall be paid by the purchaser. An advance pay- ment of tea (10 pe,ent of the pur- of the timber on the al- must be made within thirty  of approva! of fhe contrbcL Negotiations for the rightlr-of-way across land adjacent to the allotment will be the reep0nsibiltty of the pr- cheer. Bureau .of Inolan Affairs bid forms for use in sUbnlittttg sealed bids and full information cSncerning the timber, the conditions of the sale ad the Sublnisaion of bids should be ined from the Superintendent, tern Washi'ngton ndian Agency or are made representatlv at ooln 206, Post • e Building. oqJ4,m. Wuhington, or the Area Diect0r, Bureau of In- dian Affairs, PortLand Area Office, Box 4097, Portland 8, Oregon. Dated this 12th day of August, 1959 at Portland, Ox;egon. JAMES ]. SYERS Acting Area Director 9/10-17 2t NOTICR OF BDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Comroiesl0ners of Public Utility District No. 8]of Mason Coun- 'ty, Washington, have prepared a budget for the year 1960 and that a final hearing on the proposed budget will be held in the offices of the Dls- ,trict at Third and: Cota Street, She.l- ton, Washington, at 1:00 October FINAL 5, 1959. FOR " T. W. WEBB, Secretary 9/17 and 10/1 2t NO. 3145 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of STELe LA D. BURKE. Deceased. Howard M. Burke is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the in duplicate, duly verified, on xeeuto or his attorney, Robert eder at the address below stated. the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with Ptoof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred, DATE of first publication: Septem- ber 17, 1959; ...... of September, HOWARD M, BURKE Executor 607 West 1371h Street Seattle 77, Washington ROBERT L. SNI'DER Attorney at LW Gove Building" Shelton, W ,umngton 911,7.24-10/1.8 4t SH "  S Washington ELI ON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christma,town, U.,q.A.,"  helton, NOTI(!F OF WATER R1GIIT AIq'I,I('ATION N(}. 1++38 STATE OI" WASItIN(ITON, OFFICE OI," SUPEB.VIS()R (IF" WATF'R RI,:- S(gl IRCEs, () LYM[PI2k TAKb2 NOTICE: That Tholnlls W. :lnd Clara I+'r,)sl ,f Sealth., Was]ring- D,II on AUgtlSl 21, 1959, filed al)plic'a- tirol for l).rlltit to divert the public+ W;tlOl't.l of K,'lmal Cre0k, Jntcrnlilteut In'il)utnry tf Hood tilnal, 111 the lltlount t)f 0.Ill S t/t1(] fowl, stbj+! it) oxisling l'ihls, c()n II t+ttS y Pal'il ye¢ir for tile purpose, of densest ic st p]) y that tllt' aPi)r(+xiltlatc+ point el' tlix+r- sit,n in h,:tltc(t wilhin G,,vt I..,,t 1 ,,f,n 3(I, Township 22 N., Rungs 3 W., W.M,. in Mason County. ;%11)' ,,b joe(ions l+llust bt! act.onlptlnied by u lW,, tiidlar ($2.00) r,+col'din l't!, and I'itt'(I with Ib Stab, Sup, rvis,n ,f %V.qtez' l{oslur(es within thirty CI0) (I:I3S I'l'tln St!ptOllll'+(!l' .17. J.},),Llct Witness Illy hllld tltl(I official tiffs 26th tny of August, 1959. 1H. G. WALKER State Su|)t!rvisol. O|' Wa|q'l' I{t'St)Ul'('oS (SEAL) 9/I0-17 2t 4)I"FI('IAI. NO'r I('F: I)ISTRI('T VII IUt'Unllt I,, Chtp e 16:t. Laws of l.)i}.L £. J,)e DWypr. L) I'et:t()v t)f AKri- ctlittll'q' 4) the Start+ t)l" Wltshitllon, ilel't'})y .N!V+! .n({ti<'o that a pu )lic ltlc+l.- ng x4 )+ n('ld It :0 I).OI. OU Wt!d" llesd83'. ()('ttd.,r 7, 1959 :tt llle Masoll t,.untY t'.U.D. No. 3 audit(o'illlll at Thi](i and C,}t;t Sit'at'is in Shelt,,n for lhe I)ur|)t!st+ + of nozninating candidate.s t t+,t' atp,)l/}ttl+lent to !h+! Washin/4'ton State l)tllr3 1 rodu(,t. (++OoltnissiOll i+l+Ottl 1)ISlv'ict VlI c(,mln.ising tilt' t'ItUU[OS of C]allalll, Grays H0+rbor, ,fefferst)ll Kitsalt, Mason and Thurston. Ally (1+1 'ynlfln who resides in t], distt'itt and has, within sixty (lays n' t3 the nit,(cling, pl'odu(:o(I mil'k or <:ream upon whtcil (hi+ [,'t)lllnlission aSS!SS" nlent has been P/lid, is entitled to parth;lpat aid nominate ('alldtdates. 9/17-24-10/1 3t NO. 3086 NOTICE OF IIEAItlNG FINAL itEI,ORT AND I'ETLTION FOR l)iwr B! BITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASttINGTON FOR+ MASON COUNTY In thP Matter of the Estate of MATHA M. LOFbNESS. Deceased. ELizabeth A. Oyor, Adnlinistratrix e.t.a, of said Estate, has filed with said Court h,q" final report and peti- thin for dlstributimL asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the prop+wty to the pors.ns thereto endo (led and to discharge said Admlnlatra- trix c.t.a. S!lid report and petition will he hears on the_ 16th day of Oc- toiler, 1959, at 10 A.M. in the Court- r,,(mt of said Court, in the n,ntv Courth ,use at She ton, Washmg{{.-" DATED THIS l,lth day of Septem. bar. 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Sul)+,t'ior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law (hwey Building Shelttm, Washington (SEAL) 9/17-24-10/1-8 4t NO. 3141 IN NOTICE T() CREI)IToItS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LEVI R. WYNN, Deceased. alga Wynn is the appointed and qualified Administratrix t)l; said es- tate. All persons having (laims aga nst said deceased are required t ) serve the same in duplicate, duly verified,' on said AdlninJstratrix or her attor- proof of such service, within SiX months after the date of first publi- cati(,ll t)l' this nt)tic+!, or Lhc sanle will be barred. DATE of first publicathm: Septem- ber 10, 1959. aLGA WYNN Adln inistra tri x Route.l, Box 598 Shelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law o Govey Building Shelton, Washington 9/10-17-24-10/1 41 NO, 3 ! ,", NOTICE TO CR]DITOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF' TIII STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FRED MILLER, Deceased. GEORGIA MILLER is the appointed and qualified Administratrix of said estllle. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to s+,rve the same in duplicate, duly veri- fied, on said Administratrix or her at- (,)rney, Rol)ert L. Snyder a the ad- dress below stated, attd file the same with the Clerk (d' said Court together wilh proof of such ,erviee, withfn mix months after the date of first publi- <'arian of this notice, or the same will bc Imrred. DATE of first publication: Septenl- bar 10, 1959. GEORGIA MILLER A dnlinistrat fix Star Route 1, Box 165 Shelton, Washingtun ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law (1ov+Jy Building Sllelton, Washington 9/10-17-24-10/1 ,it NOTICE OF HEARING ON COUNTY BUDGET NOT)CE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thai the Conlnfisaioners of Masoll CoUnty have completed and placed on file their preliminary budget for Mason County IDELINE LANTS by BILL DICKIE ((?,/llillued frt)lll P:lt, 6) tll re, ulthough it wouhl not ; nece,++an.ily Ivrminate+ lll!ty on a nOll-(.on fl,ren(.e basl.. It seems a bit ironic that this should be the case (the excus being Sheltt,n is too big) when the fact is (hal the Higheliml)ers imven't had any marle(I success against these smaller conference brothers in basketball over the past 25 years, and not a gr((t deal better in football either. Such is the story of "progress," however, and this surely is an era of change we're living in, isn't it! Wi'OCK FINISHE AT 6-6 Wee Stock's final fling in the Pacific Coast league last Friday nigit wasn't a happy finale to his first year in the PCL, unfortun- ately. lit the t'irt place he hall the mLst'ortnne to be the victim of a costly defensive m|scne V.'il|ch allowed three unearned runs g'ainst him atd in the second place he unforttmatfly drew ,ie- attle's hottest late-season hurl- er, Mark Freeman, t'er Ills lllotlnd rh'al. Since Vancouver failed to score against Freeman iL made Stock's task completely futile. The Allyn boy's troubles ocqurred in the 1;hird inning, during which Seattle si:ored four runs on one hit and l one walk ]nixed with Mountie er- rors. Wes pitched 2 2/3 innings and took the defeat, leveling his sea- son's record at 6 wms and 6 de- feats in the partial season he spent with Vancouver. T00 L.t. T0 Lo(KER MEAT Cut, double wrapped and trimmings ground--5 cents per pound. Don Wil- liams, 604 Dearborn. Phone tIA 6-3040. 9/_+,+_+ _+ml EaR RENT--Small furnished guest house suitable for one or working couple, Hillcrest. Phone HA @.4428. J 9/17-1Q/1 NOTICE -- On and after this date Sept. 17, 1959 I will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted by anyone other than nlyself. Frederick E. Wood 9/17 RV-KG-E--s-'h-G------gtJSh};r-&i-+3)y tIarstine Island LIJ, dies Clut b Sept. 25 and 26, Friday aad Saturday. PUD Building. H 9/17 GIFT -- Nice 10 week old kittens to anyone who will give good homes. Good rodent hunters. CMI HA 6-6677. G 9/17 WWX ti b-'No V-;ff rZ,7,Tg, ao {V-d i fi " t ;, return of M'flte ct,cke f =Sju inger spaniel with brown spots (answel's to "ToughiC'). Joe Rank. 719 N. 4th. Phone ItA 6-45t5. 9/17 ?TYR--RmNT- =--qw-6 l;i:iii:,m-iNi:= nisbed h<,use. Ph,,nt ttA 6-4622 after 5:30 p.m. A 9/17 NO. 3004 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOB. COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Prol)ate) In the Matter oI the Estate of MAT- TIB E. JONES. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that CHARLES J. FULWILER, in his ca- pacity as Emecutor of the above estate, will m+ll al. private sale the. followiug descrihed real estate: Lot 3, Bh)ck 16, Frances Shelton's Addition to Shelton, W#shington, according to the recorded plat there- of on file in the office of the Audi- tor t,f Mason County. Washington, excepting the weerly 12 feet there- of. Together with all furniture and ac(:essot'ies. to the highest and best hidder. Bid8 must be subntitted in writing and ntay be lelt with thc Executor at 12t South Fourth Street, Sheltun, Washi,nmn. Bids will be receiwd until" 12 0'dl0k noon 0n the date of sale.  .... The sale will be made at l o'oloqk noon on the 21st day of Sepmlt,, 1959. The Executor reserves the right to reject any and all bids. CHARLES J. FULWILER Executor GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 9/10-17 2t NO. 30S9 • By Mrs." T. B. Balch BRINNON Charles MaNes1 had a harowing experience wit]] 'his amphibian Sea Bee plane Sun- t day when he was caught in the sudden wind storIn about noon. He had left early Sunday morning on a business trip to Seattle and was returning when the wind struck. He tried to land m the East Shore of Hnod Canal but was unabh2 to get the plane ant t)f the water. One of the pont(lens on the wing filled with water and the wind shield was broken allowing water to fill around him. He man- aged to keep the plane afloat and maneuvered it to the West shore of the Canal. His family heard his radio call to stand by with thc motor boat, and Leon, his 16 year old son went into the storm with the motor boat to assist his father They managed to get the plane to the cove near the Johnny Johnson place where the water wax smooth enottgh to get Mr, MeNeal into the small boat. The plane is a total loss. MR. AND MRS. McNeal are very proud of their son wan so courageously and capably man- aged the boat and kept a level head for those many hours of physical endurance. The Coast Guard was called by Mr. Hughes, who lives near Mc- Donalds Cove, and Dean Wilcox of the Brinnon ervice Station came and secured the plane and helped Mr. McNeal in many ways. The State Patrol investigated the : accident to determine the extent i of the damages and possible in- juries. Church-goers are sure to notice the work that has beet] done on the building and grounds each time they attend Sunday service :or one of the nmny group meet- ings. There was a work day Sat- urday and a small but energetic group turned out with paint brushes, sandpaper and rakes. A: second coat of protective varnish now covers the otltside of the church, and a :few women work(d on the inside walls. The area around the church has been raked as smooth as possible with Mrs, Duckworth wielding the rake or shovel, along with the more hardy! --"-2-- ..................... i MIXED FOURSOM V L Deer Slayers ........................ 4 ] TREKKING HIGHCLIMeERS OPEN SEASON AT MT, VERNON THIS FRiOAY EVENING The "globe trotting" Highclimb- Ctmet' Bob Sun(t and a charter ers of 1959 gtl off on the first leg bus h)aded with more than :i0 l)layet's, nmnagers, and coaches of their travel-heavy footlmll sea- will lear(, at }1:00 rfeloek Friday son this Friday when thoy hpad m()rning f(n" the Bulldog den. tray- for Mt. Vernon a,d what shapes cling via the Kingston ferry route. Ul) as perllaps the strongest op- On t, iw Skagit county g'ridi/'on )anent they nay face all year, [thp Mason conrlty (!]ll) will' at- Forced to Land Plane In Canal Timber Ducks ....................... 4 0 Pin Busters ............................ 3 , Odd Balz .............................. 3 1 Wee Urts .................... , ......... 1 3 Bluffers .... . ............................. 1 3 Who Knows .......................... ,0 € Rusty Ducks .................... ... 0 4 High ganie ........ Vi McG'ee 21g High total ......... Dave McGee 562 WOMEN'S crFY LEAGUE W L Cota Grill .............................. 4 0 Joy Novelty. .......................... 3 1 Hedrick Sport Center ......... 2 2 Morgan Transfer . ............ 2 2 McConkey Pharmacy ........ 2- 2 Qlsen Furniture .................. 2 2 'Ritner's ................................ 1 3 Shelton Hotel ...................... 0 4 High game ...... Evelyn Eliot 189 Higt total -- Evelyn Eliot 492 RAYONIER RESEAR! L Silva Foxes. ......................... 3 I Cellulouses .......................... 3 1 Acetate Aces ...................... 2 2 W¢od Birds ..... : .................... 2 2 NOTICE OF HEABING (IN FNAL Pin Curlers .......................... 2 2 REPORT AND PETITIOI F()lg Maintenance 2 2 DISTRIBIITION ........................ for the fiscal year of 1960, a copy of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE Clockwatchers .................... 1 3 which will be furnished any citizel STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Rayonettes .......................... 1 3 who will calL at this office for same MASON COUNTY High'game -- Ky Wilson 234 NOTICE IS FURTHEE GIVEN tha (IN" PROBATE} this Board will meet at the Cour IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- High total .--Ky Wilson 547 House In Shelton on the 5th day of TATE OF WLTER RAYMOND Mc- O0tober, 1959, at the hour of 1:30 DONALD Dr, ceased WOMiI.I' (7]flM[ERC[AI. P..M: '95_tl)e purpQs.e, of fixin the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that --" ........  --, fJl]atallOuoge ann making tax levies, Margery_, H, Gibson, ..+.]tseutrix of the , vv ,, and y taxpayer nay appear at said estate of Walter Raymond McDonald Richfield Oih$ ............ + .... 8 0 h0aring and be heard for or against deceased lras filed w|th the' Clerk o Don, Wlvin A. Service 5v,, 2V,, aAPrt of, budget... . the above entitled Court her final z'e -- ..... = = o + -. "' 2 ,, 7" . .,.z, at J)eltpn, w a:ungton this port amdpetitibn for distribution ask- 12AngOla. ......  .......... . ...... a |st uay o.e.tmDer, ...9:.-- lag the Court: to settle and approve MiBgTre0 Cfe ....... : ........ 4 4 tt) OF tutJr'i'x said final report and petition f6r dis- Eelis "& Valley ' 3 5 COMMISSIONERS OF tribution to distribute the prcperty to f,^,. ,=,^_^,2__" ............... o MASON COUNTY, [ the person thereto entitled and to dis ,y t.,rtc ............ o o B WASHIN_TQN I charge the said Administratrix. Tlmll¢ Bowl ........... ':...::- 21/'.5 ¥: C. NOLAN MASON I NOICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that .yn Shell Service ' 1:7 ounty Auditor and I said flnal report and petttion tar dis" ': INt.+m.t "'e--*+°'+'r'i0 °'' 1 ua ex-officio Clerk of the ] tribution will be hetrd on F,'lday, the:: :- ,''  " .2 -'. +' oard | 9th day of October, 1959. at the heat, h tOtal -- Jba RU 54I 9/10-17 2t I of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the / k2. ....  .... ;,, , -- court room in the Court Honae Is. + : NO NO. 3094 Shelton. Washington. | F . t4-1tl4. .4- ' n TI6'E__OF HEAR_IN_G FINAL Dated this 4th day of Septemb%| -m--aas  a:wv : • .-,rUKT  ' ' T N Felt 1959 ]' U ' I THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE • Clerk of Mason Coullty, Wa$ [" O,.,AtE it sihTgs oft the ifected STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR By Irene McGuire |skilL Thee Watch fresh healthy skin MASON COUNTY -- Deputy Clerk ' [ rtce it, Get instant'-dryJlg T-4-L n the Matter of the Estate of WIL- B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, I likL a keratolytic, at any drug store. LIS B. PALMER, Deceasedl Attorney for 8aid Estate, | Ifr0t delighted in 3 DAYS, your 48¢ LAWRENCE PALMER Executor of Angl Bldg. | b, Use T-4-L FOOT POWDER too said Estate, has filed with sald Court Shelton, Washlngton. I---gives antiseptic, soothing protectlon. his final report and petition for dis- 9/10-17.4-10/Io4t NOW at Prepp's Rcxall Drugs. i!!00ii! g+gg+ 1959. "HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shelton. WaMtington (SEAL) 9/3-10-17-24 4t NO. 3133 qOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of O'DESSA ZENTNER, Deceased. C. F. Zentner is the appointed anQ qualified Executor of said estate. At: persons having claims against said de- ceased are required to serve the same In duplicate, duly verified, on eaid Ex- seater or his attorney. Robert L, Sny- der at the address below stated, and • file the same with the Clerk of sale Court, together with proof of such western born women. The+hintbpr hns arrived for the pew and E(I Andrews will begin working on them this week Chimney blocks have been delivered and as st)on as Imilders can be found the chim- ney will be constr,eted. For thc time beini4 a wood beater will bc installed ttl save exl)ense of buy- ing oil f(,r the furzace which has also been provided, A pot-luck dinner wax served at anon, LVehich (lid ere(lit to the housewives of Brinnon, Clam chowder, served piping hot hy Mrs. Jay Swanson, was first on tile menu, with meat h)af, spagh(,tti, beans, and salads in abundance, Cake and c, offee topped off the meal. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL has been moved f/'(}n the school gym to the church since school opened. Sept. 13 was the first day. Junior and Senior Felkwships will also be held in the church. The electrical work has been started by Bill Whitney and soon the lights will be on, Light fix- tures are needed and lnany other essentials will be forth-coming. Mrs. J. L. Zimmerman is flow- er chairlnan for the Sunday set'v- ice. A flower lover "s well as an avid gardener, she knows where to get flowers and how to arrange them tastefully. For two Sundays the flowers were given by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson of Black Point. They are fanciers of dahlias and baskets of choice blooms 'dorned the church. Mrs. C. V. Dorothy is church li- brarian. Many good books are available before and after service. PASTOR J O It N Duckworth traveled to Seattle Monday to at- tend a dinner meeting of the Christian Business and Profes- sional Council at t,'rederiek and Nelson, where he was a guest speaker. Mrs. George Weigand reported that the Brinnon Schoo! Board has given permission to plant flowers on the school grounds, A group of interested pebple have vohmteered t h i s beat]tification project. Anyone having daffodil bulbs, crocLm or i.ulips, please call Mrs, Weigand. Mz' Larry Handysides had as cr houscguests over the weekend her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Finkbonrmr of Fern- dale. Mr. Handysides who works at Boeings, who returns week- ends will remain for a ten day va- + citt i(in. itlter Kelly, True 13alch and EL R. Beck attendcd the dinner and Cenlennial Meeting of Frank- lit] Lodge No. 5 at Porl Gambh+ last Satuvtta, y, Sept, 5. Following the meeting, which convened at+ i p.m, they rettrned to Port Tewn- send for a fraternal dinner and Centennial meeting of Port Town- Send Lodge No, 6. Mr. an(! Mrs John W. Watkins are the new owners of La Tet Re- sort, which they pureha.sed from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evarts on Sept+ 1, Mr. Watkins is associated with the Lacey Plywood Company att(t rettn-n home weekends. Mrs, Watkins is a real estate sales- = woman, working with Was John- son of the Hood Canal Real es- tate. •, [, • 7-,. Page 7 ,tempt to extract the fangs of a Bulldog eleven favored in pre-sea- ( fie 1 s m t ring to win the Northwest .lqague f(,)tball crown. Tile HIdt4CLIMBERS have a dental drew which c6uld do It, 1 1.hough, with a hard-core of elev-I eft lettermen who know something l about extractions nf this nature, I most of tlin nmnning berttis, in l 'a tough and muscular forwor(t wall which the Bulldogs will have to go through, ar(iqnd or over be- fore hitting the scoreboard. Defen,ively, this 1959 Climber club shapes up as a stingy yard- age-yielder with ground,rnise):s like Dave Sha rpes and Nell Close gnarding tlm wings, Jerry Spiker, Bill Goodpaster, Warren Zeltler, Jim Mettle, Pete Buechel and Ran Ellis pluggiflg t]ae middle. THEY'RE ALL lettermen, along: with Denny Temple, whose main assignment pobbly will put his 220 I)ttltdS into, punting unless some of the nther six middlemen need relief. Spiker, smallest of the middle SEASON FOOTBALL TICKETS ON SALE Sense() t!ekcl io lligheliml.'r home f0otlmil gun+,,.,, this l'all will be less lhan hlil .Ve:ir ia,- canoe there i,, one h, game on the 139 Chlqhlle. ']l'bt'y n, re i141%1 Oli %11|(, II| (lip ,Plllor' .hlgLll +chool ofl'i<. Ior $3.'5. |,llsl )'ear thl,y v+ere $7). Last yeur's S('lt,4011 lh'llel he1<1+ er will I)e given fir+| l,hui{,p Ill the sa, lrne ,eat, if lh-.ire(l. Firm home gll ul(, tlf thP sche(hlle brings ll'hnll t. 1,oo I) l"iehl on Oetoher 2. Eggs AA MEDIUM and will be at one of the guard or tackle spots for Friday night's kickoff. El'lis will handle the defensive center post, with Roger Hermes, a non-letterman, doing the offens- ive sluicing. The other three spots are a toss- up among the remaining four vet- erans. RAY MANKE at quarter and Rawlin McInelly at fullback are the certain backfield starters bat the two halfback posts are some- what Of a scrtinble arnong' Roy Buzzard, Jerry Mallgry, Kendall and Will ders. ManRe and McInelly are lettermen, the latter a converted lineman, the others all B team graduates from lastyear. :Kendall has a gashed elbow which may limit his play. Just how the Climber offense is going to function is the big ques- tion going into this distant opener for there is not much speed anY- where on the club and only fair passing so far. McInelly has made the switch to the fullback spot in good shape except for learning to utilize his interference efficiently. He has good pqwer and may develop into the workhorse of the backfield. Friday's kickoff is at 8:00 o'clock• 00IIELTON MARINE SUPPLY PAPER HANGING+ • PIINTING • Plaster Board Taping • E. F. FULMER Phone HA 6-4:)13 I , 1951 M0twy,, $195 1957 FAIR NE"GOQ" 'LA ,$ ' 2 DOOR, V-8, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION % 1956 GOUNTRY SEDIN 6 CYL., OVERDRIVE, XCELNT.0ND|T|ON l!l00 V4 FORDOR FAmLANt WiTH OVERi)RIVE 19M G RESTLI, NE VlOTORIA V41 ' : ENCELLENT CONDITIDN ', '+ 1952 PLYMOUTH S00UgBAN ,, NEW TIRES, REAL PRACTI(;AL STAT|ON WAGON 1962 MEROURY 4-D0011 RADIO- HEATER 1952 FORD V-8 TUDOR OVERORIVE, R &, H -- LIKE NEW 1961 FORD 2.000011 HARGTOP V'-8, AUTO. TRANS., LOTS OF GOOD MILES LEFT PICK-UPS - i I ...... 1--1967 FORD i }-TON 6-0YL, OVERDRIVE 1960 FORO V-If I-TON STAKE Ul i iiii RED SAYS IT'S TIME TO CHECK YOUREXHAUST LINES FOR WINTER DRIVING i i il i u n , servLce, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice. or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: August 27, 1959. C. F. ZENTNER Executor 227 So. 8th Street Shelton, Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorae¥ at Law Govey Bundle@ . SheltU, wJsh]ngton 8/27-9/3-1U-17 4t' + Ji Pauley Inc starring ..... K,,t m , . .v+ +" Ot'OI 'IANNIN(I Robert CUMMINGS TF.AgMS -- TRADES WI+  gMell: Ify dItTH End Louis PRIMA , plmudly prelentedby FIFTN nd RAILROAD PHONE HA. 6-8231