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H)LruI',MAON COUNTY JOURNAL m Published in "Chrstna.qtown., U,S.A.,'" neiton, wasmn TIulrsda'
Funeral Directors
703 Railroad Avenue
PHONE HA 6-4803
t SocialEvents
.,, Society Editor Beve We.liB Phone HA 6-4412
Rummage Sale
Lain'el Court No. 26, Order of
Anlaranlh will sponsor a rum-
n mge sale beginning at 9 a.m.,
Friday and'day, in the PUD.
A f{*%V cans ()f VaC'Hl|nl packed
fudge and fruit ('ake will be avail°
The Com'l's ()el. 21 meeting" will
honor IAne of fleet's, secretary and
t l'eastlrcr.
Try a Journal Want Ad
, " .... Edger and Vibrator Types
Morgan & Eacrett Lumber Co.
Hlllllt (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-4522
Surprise Visit Unites
Family 41 Years Apart
Three Shelton residents, Mrs.
(leorge (;riggs, Mrs. Hernmn
Heinohl mM Mrs. t,M leynohls
were pleasantly snrprised last
week with ilneNpeeted visitors.
Their in'other, ,Iohn Hu('her, St.,
of \\;Vesbaro, Visc. arrived for a
visit. Accompanying latin nn the
journey was his son and (hlug'il-
'let-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bucher of \\;Visconsin taphls, VVise.
M/Sgt. Albert Bethel, another
])rothel' aFl(l his wife came fl'onl
LaB Vegas for tile family retlnion.
Forty members of the family met
for tile first tinle in 41 years for
a week of celebration.
Tile visitors were entertained
visiting points of interest along
the Olympic Peninsula, which in-
eluded the beaches and Bremerton
Navy Yard.
Mr. and Mrs. E. !GENE) S.
Avey will assume their teaching
this year al Yakutat, Alaska, aft-
er spending the surnmer in Shel-
ton visiting relatives and friends.
Last year Mr. and Mrs. Avey
taught at TatiHek. Returning with
them to Alaska are two of their
three children. Mr. Avey is the son
of Mrs. Mabel Avey, Hood Canal
and Mrs. Avey, daughter of Mrs.
Estelle McGhee also of the Canal.
MISS ELIZABETH JOAN MENZEL became the attractive bride
of Mr. Richard Loyed Ellis in an August wedding. The couple is
making their home in Renton. (Fleming photo, Renton.)
Richard Ellis Takes Seattle Bride
Discover how your favorite Bundaes,
malts, shakes and splits taste better
made with Dairy Queen. That's
because Dairy Queen is served fresh
from the freezer at the very peak of
flavor perfection!
The Lakeridge Lutheran Church,
Seattle was the scene of the re-
cent marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Joan Menzel to Mr. Richard Loyed
Dr. Stuart Benson of the Ren-
ton First Baptist church officiat-
ed at the candlelight ceremony
before an altar banked with bas-
kets of yellow and lavender galld-
iolas and candelabra. Mr. Gordon
Voiles' sang "Oh, Perfect Love"
and "The Wedding Prayer" ac-
companied by Mrs. Joseph M. Er-
re, at the organ.
Tile bride is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Frederick Menzel,
Seattle, and Mr. Ellis, sort of Mr.
and Mrs. Loyed Ellis, Shelton.
Mr. Menzel gave his daughter In
marriage. For her wedding, the
bride chose a full length white silk
organz'a gown ac.cented by a prin-
Have Fun
at the Fair
September 19 through September 27
winds up the "fair season" for Western
Washington with the "big one" at Puy-
Mason county 4-H members who won
blue ribbons in the county fair competi-
tion will enter their exhibits in the fair
at Puyallup, and from the quality shown
in the Shelton Valley display, should
bring homeome honors from the West-
ern Washington Fair.
School children from this area will
have an opportunity September 25 to
take in the fair, as teachers institute will
be going on that day and there will be no
cess style waistline and sequin
scalloped lace neckline. The full
skirt falling into a balance train
was enlphasized by a lace bow
with cascading streamers, tter
tulle finger tip veil was trimmed
with matching lace and canght by
a heart shaped pearl crown. Yel-
low rose buds and stephanotis
Ellyn Menzel was maid of honor
and Misses Janet Corey, Elaine
were used in the bridal bouquet.
The bride's sister, Miss Mary
Ellis and Margaret Ann Menzel,
sister of the bride, were brides-
maids. They wore identical cock-
tail length gowns of flowered
white silk organdy and carried
bouquets nf lavender and yellow
gladiolas. Misses Linda Roy and
Marlys Ingerbritson, candlelight-
ers wore yellow organdy gowns
and wristlets of yellow chrysan-
Mr. Donald ForBy was best man
and Mr. William Carlson and Mr.
Dennis Carlson were ushers.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Menzel chose a biege l:tce
dress with a (lark )),own satin
cumberbund, matching aceessorie
and cor:mge of bl'OV.'ll orchids.
Mrs. Ellis, mother of tile bride-
groom, wore a pink embroidered
sheath with white accessories arid
pink orchid corsage.
At the reception following In
the church parlors yellow and
lavender gladiolas and chrysan-
thernums decorated the reception
table. A double layer pedestal Mal-
tese Cross cake decorated with
yellow roses, bells and lily of tile
valley was cut by Mrs. Ira Han-
sen and Mrs. Paul Gibson, Mrs.
Catherine England and Mrs. Mary
Rose poured while Miss Ellyn
Hawley was in charge of the guest
book. Mrs. Elton Roy and Mrs.
Herbert Thomas were in charge
of the bride's table.
For her California hone)maoon
the bride changed to a blue wool
sheath with matching jacket. The
new Mrs. Ellis was graduated
from Renton high school and Mr.
Ellis, h'ene S. Reed high school.
The couple is making their home
in Renton where Mr. Ellis is em-
ployed at Boeing Aircraft.
Out-of-town wedding guests in-
chided the bridegroom's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Loyed Ellis and fam-
ily; Mrs. Mae Frederickson, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Carlson and family
all of Shelton, and Capt. and Mr:.
P. L. Gibson of Oak Hart)or.
Local VFW Aux
Reviews Trips
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
Auxiliary wishes to thank the
public and its members who help-
ed to make last Friday's bake
Sale, a success.
Youth activities chairman, Fae
Robinson, ha's purchased school
clothes for the auxiliary's Slon-
sOled boy, Michael Wayne at
At the last meeting, Miss Mari-
an Johnson, gave an interesting
report of her trip with the Cas-
cade Council to Tokeland and
Last Saturday, the fifth district
meeting of the VFW Post and
Auxiliary was held in Montesano.
Members attending from Shelton
were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Godwin,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert pinney, Mr.
and Mrs. William Gephart, Mr.
and Mrs. Darrell Spraks, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cox, Ernest Malloy,
John Jannsson, Miss Marian John-
son, Mrs. Mary Cox, Mrs. Augusta
Twohy, Mrs. Agnetha Whiting,
Mrs. Sue Weaver, Mrs. Lucy Ed-
ralston, Mrs. Jack Gray and Mrs.
Florence Hamilton.
A tribute was paid to the VFW
Gold Star Mothers attending, Mrs.
Twohy, Mrs. Whiting and Mrs.
Mary Cox, of the local auxiliary.
The fifth district won several
awards at the National Encamp-
ment held last month in Los An-
geles, for membership, in Wash-
ington state and first place among
the districts for publicity.
Fifth district officers from Shel-
ton are Mrs. Jessie Cox, junior
vice president, Mrs. Beatrice Gray,
Canal Gardeners
Picnic At Twanoh
The Hood Canal (]:tr(h,n Club
eh()se :t beautifltl (iny for the :tn-
nu;tl pi('nic of the group last
'l'htlrs(hty :11 Twan()h Slate Park.
A b(HlntoollS |)OIIIlc]< (|inllt*l' WaS
served to the 2:I lneFlll)Ol'S altt!ll(1-
in °" "lad their husbands.
Mrs. Jennie ttoff, president, an-
nOllll(!lql that sh(, received three
i)hle ribbons for her Afri(.an vio-
h,ts and beef sleak beb;onia al tile
Mason courtly b'air.
The Garden Chit) voted to do-
nale llloney to tile Hood (?glllal
'V()lllan's Chlb to pay for new ta-
bles for Ill(, ehtl)house.
New officers will he inslalled at
lhe next meeting Thtlrsday, OcI..
1, al the home of Mrs. Harry
Brown, Union. Mrs. Carl Blank,
district director will be in charge
of the installation cerenmnies.
Men,bern are asked to bring a fall
fh)wer arrangenlent to tile meet-
tog' to be judged. A prize will be
awarded for firsl an(t second best
It rl'angenlent s.
The Woman's Club will hold
their first fall nleeting at tile
clubhottse, today.
VFW Aux To Fete
Gold Star Parents
Irinal a)'rangenmnts have been
made fol the Gold Star Mothers'
clinner by the Veterans of Foreign
Wars Auxiliary for 6:30 p.m., D',i-
day in tile Menlorial Hall.
All auxiliary members not al-
ready contacted, nmy call Mrs.
Fae Robinson, chairman of the
food committee, as to what pot-
luck dish to bring. Mrs. Ruth Nel-
son will also serve on this com-
Miss Marian Johnson will be in
charge of the tables and decora-
tions. Assisting her will be Mrs.
Ann Campbell, Mrs. Merle Van-
derWal and M.'s. Betty Godwin.
Cleannp committee chairman is
Mrs. Sue Weaver assisted by Mrs.
Viola Laugen, Mrs. Josephine
Sparks, Mrs. Bernice Jansson and
Mrs. Colleen Gephart.
Gold Star Mothers chairman is
Mrs. Jessie Cox, who will super-
vise corsages, gifts and entertain-
merit. All Gold Star parents who
will be attending the dinner are
asked to contact Mrs. Cox.
Baby Shower Fetes
Mrs. Thomas Ryan
Mrs. Thomas Ryan was the hon-
ored guest at a surprise baby
shower Sept. 2, at the home of
Mrs. Bernie Dorcy. Mrs. Les Jos-
lin was co-hostess.
Tiny bassinettes were used as
favors for the party. Games were
played and won by Mrs. Stan
Parker, Mrs. Togc.r Lee and Mrs.
Charles Redman.
Those present were Mrs. Park-
er, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Redman, Mrs.
Rocky Hembroff, Mrs. Jess Wolfe,
Mrs. Bernie Bailey, Mrs. Cliff
Starkey, Mrs. Joe Borek, Mrs.
Robert Purvis, Mrs. Robert Sund,
the honored guest and hostesses.
Local Music Club
Plans Vocal Study
The Shelton Music Club, an af-
filiate of the Washington State
and National Federations of Mu-
sic Clubs, will hohl its first fall
meeting at 8 p.m, Tuesday, in the
home o( Mrs. Harry Carlon, 116
West Pine. Mrs. R. Pat Wagner,
new president of the club, will
The program theme chosen for
the year is "Vocal Forms". Chair-
man for the first meeting will be
Mrs. R. W. Norvold.
New Officers Installed
By Beachcombers
Newly elecled ()ffi(.,,)'s ()f Ihe
[]e't('h('ombe)'s (;ar(len Club were.
inslalled I) 3" Mrs. Chy Jones al
l]le Septetnbcr meeting of I]1O.
Rrotlp nt the holl|e ()|" M'I's. g.
Griggs. Mrs. L,. M. Soule was co-
Ta kill °" office for I he 1.959-60
| tl'lll \\;Vel'e Mrs, lqmil (JltOl alllt,
presidenl, Mrs. U r. A. Anderson,
vice presidenl, Mrs. E, (;riggs,
secretary and Mrs. E. Tern'ell,
[ l'eaSllreI,, l)lle to the absence of
the newly ele(ted preside)H, (,hah-
Illen of lhe variollS col3111/il tees
will be a nnotltlce(i }.t the t/t'xt
Pi;tTlS were diSCLlssod and ;ti'-
rangemenls made for the (:oming
(listt'i('t meeting Oct. 20, :it lhe
Belfair Community church.
Mrs. Ehna Anderson fnrnished
fh)ral arangements for judging.
Visitors for the (lay were Mrs.
Fred Givens and Mrs. Orrin Soule.
'l'ie next m(,eting will be held at
the hOl/le ()[" MI'S. Clay Jones, Oct.
N-tlvati,)n Army Truek
The Sah,ation Army truck will
be in Shelton to pick up discards
Wednesday. Th,)se wishing the
truck to stop may call HA 6-2215
or leave their dolations on the
porch at :),25 North Fifth.
By Top
Only the
2218 OlynlF
Now Is The Time To...
% Per Annum
All accounts insured up to $10,000 by F. S.
5th and Capitol Way, Olympia,
3. C. Minshull, Vice President ARNOi
t tAZNIa
Carlton I. Sears, President
V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pres. V.R.
Hazel Walmer, Secretary-Treas. J.C.
Eugene Dolan, Asst. Secy.-Treas. CARLTO i
You always score
with good g
Everyone goes for that spic 'n'
good grooming . . . and it's so easy to
send your clothes to us. We'll chase
ly spot and stain . . . recapture
for everything from suits to sportswear!
wardrobe will have a new lease on life'
ter to help you get on the ball for fall!
You'll find them pleasingly thrifty!
Our 64th Year
legislature, Mrs. Weaver, member-
ship and Mrs. Dorothv Surratt, p i
youth activities. " antor um
Royal Neighbors
Tile Royal Neighbors of Amer-
ica, Rhododendron Camp No. 8S58,
will meet in regular session, at
7:30 p.m., Monday in the Menlo-
rial Hall. Hostesses for the meet-
ing will be Phyllis Moore and
Letha Quinn.
* Where the Oharm of Newness Is Restored •
H)LruI',MAON COUNTY JOURNAL m Published in "Chrstna.qtown., U,S.A.,'" neiton, wasmn TIulrsda'
Funeral Directors
703 Railroad Avenue
PHONE HA 6-4803
t SocialEvents
.,, Society Editor Beve We.liB Phone HA 6-4412
Rummage Sale
Lain'el Court No. 26, Order of
Anlaranlh will sponsor a rum-
n mge sale beginning at 9 a.m.,
Friday and'day, in the PUD.
A f{*%V cans ()f VaC'Hl|nl packed
fudge and fruit ('ake will be avail°
The Com'l's ()el. 21 meeting" will
honor IAne of fleet's, secretary and
t l'eastlrcr.
Try a Journal Want Ad
, " .... Edger and Vibrator Types
Morgan & Eacrett Lumber Co.
Hlllllt (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-4522
Surprise Visit Unites
Family 41 Years Apart
Three Shelton residents, Mrs.
(leorge (;riggs, Mrs. Hernmn
Heinohl mM Mrs. t,M leynohls
were pleasantly snrprised last
week with ilneNpeeted visitors.
Their in'other, ,Iohn Hu('her, St.,
of \\;Vesbaro, Visc. arrived for a
visit. Accompanying latin nn the
journey was his son and (hlug'il-
'let-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bucher of \\;Visconsin taphls, VVise.
M/Sgt. Albert Bethel, another
])rothel' aFl(l his wife came fl'onl
LaB Vegas for tile family retlnion.
Forty members of the family met
for tile first tinle in 41 years for
a week of celebration.
Tile visitors were entertained
visiting points of interest along
the Olympic Peninsula, which in-
eluded the beaches and Bremerton
Navy Yard.
Mr. and Mrs. E. !GENE) S.
Avey will assume their teaching
this year al Yakutat, Alaska, aft-
er spending the surnmer in Shel-
ton visiting relatives and friends.
Last year Mr. and Mrs. Avey
taught at TatiHek. Returning with
them to Alaska are two of their
three children. Mr. Avey is the son
of Mrs. Mabel Avey, Hood Canal
and Mrs. Avey, daughter of Mrs.
Estelle McGhee also of the Canal.
MISS ELIZABETH JOAN MENZEL became the attractive bride
of Mr. Richard Loyed Ellis in an August wedding. The couple is
making their home in Renton. (Fleming photo, Renton.)
Richard Ellis Takes Seattle Bride
Discover how your favorite Bundaes,
malts, shakes and splits taste better
made with Dairy Queen. That's
because Dairy Queen is served fresh
from the freezer at the very peak of
flavor perfection!
The Lakeridge Lutheran Church,
Seattle was the scene of the re-
cent marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Joan Menzel to Mr. Richard Loyed
Dr. Stuart Benson of the Ren-
ton First Baptist church officiat-
ed at the candlelight ceremony
before an altar banked with bas-
kets of yellow and lavender galld-
iolas and candelabra. Mr. Gordon
Voiles' sang "Oh, Perfect Love"
and "The Wedding Prayer" ac-
companied by Mrs. Joseph M. Er-
re, at the organ.
Tile bride is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Frederick Menzel,
Seattle, and Mr. Ellis, sort of Mr.
and Mrs. Loyed Ellis, Shelton.
Mr. Menzel gave his daughter In
marriage. For her wedding, the
bride chose a full length white silk
organz'a gown ac.cented by a prin-
Have Fun
at the Fair
September 19 through September 27
winds up the "fair season" for Western
Washington with the "big one" at Puy-
Mason county 4-H members who won
blue ribbons in the county fair competi-
tion will enter their exhibits in the fair
at Puyallup, and from the quality shown
in the Shelton Valley display, should
bring homeome honors from the West-
ern Washington Fair.
School children from this area will
have an opportunity September 25 to
take in the fair, as teachers institute will
be going on that day and there will be no
cess style waistline and sequin
scalloped lace neckline. The full
skirt falling into a balance train
was enlphasized by a lace bow
with cascading streamers, tter
tulle finger tip veil was trimmed
with matching lace and canght by
a heart shaped pearl crown. Yel-
low rose buds and stephanotis
Ellyn Menzel was maid of honor
and Misses Janet Corey, Elaine
were used in the bridal bouquet.
The bride's sister, Miss Mary
Ellis and Margaret Ann Menzel,
sister of the bride, were brides-
maids. They wore identical cock-
tail length gowns of flowered
white silk organdy and carried
bouquets nf lavender and yellow
gladiolas. Misses Linda Roy and
Marlys Ingerbritson, candlelight-
ers wore yellow organdy gowns
and wristlets of yellow chrysan-
Mr. Donald ForBy was best man
and Mr. William Carlson and Mr.
Dennis Carlson were ushers.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Menzel chose a biege l:tce
dress with a (lark )),own satin
cumberbund, matching aceessorie
and cor:mge of bl'OV.'ll orchids.
Mrs. Ellis, mother of tile bride-
groom, wore a pink embroidered
sheath with white accessories arid
pink orchid corsage.
At the reception following In
the church parlors yellow and
lavender gladiolas and chrysan-
thernums decorated the reception
table. A double layer pedestal Mal-
tese Cross cake decorated with
yellow roses, bells and lily of tile
valley was cut by Mrs. Ira Han-
sen and Mrs. Paul Gibson, Mrs.
Catherine England and Mrs. Mary
Rose poured while Miss Ellyn
Hawley was in charge of the guest
book. Mrs. Elton Roy and Mrs.
Herbert Thomas were in charge
of the bride's table.
For her California hone)maoon
the bride changed to a blue wool
sheath with matching jacket. The
new Mrs. Ellis was graduated
from Renton high school and Mr.
Ellis, h'ene S. Reed high school.
The couple is making their home
in Renton where Mr. Ellis is em-
ployed at Boeing Aircraft.
Out-of-town wedding guests in-
chided the bridegroom's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Loyed Ellis and fam-
ily; Mrs. Mae Frederickson, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Carlson and family
all of Shelton, and Capt. and Mr:.
P. L. Gibson of Oak Hart)or.
Local VFW Aux
Reviews Trips
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
Auxiliary wishes to thank the
public and its members who help-
ed to make last Friday's bake
Sale, a success.
Youth activities chairman, Fae
Robinson, ha's purchased school
clothes for the auxiliary's Slon-
sOled boy, Michael Wayne at
At the last meeting, Miss Mari-
an Johnson, gave an interesting
report of her trip with the Cas-
cade Council to Tokeland and
Last Saturday, the fifth district
meeting of the VFW Post and
Auxiliary was held in Montesano.
Members attending from Shelton
were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Godwin,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert pinney, Mr.
and Mrs. William Gephart, Mr.
and Mrs. Darrell Spraks, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cox, Ernest Malloy,
John Jannsson, Miss Marian John-
son, Mrs. Mary Cox, Mrs. Augusta
Twohy, Mrs. Agnetha Whiting,
Mrs. Sue Weaver, Mrs. Lucy Ed-
ralston, Mrs. Jack Gray and Mrs.
Florence Hamilton.
A tribute was paid to the VFW
Gold Star Mothers attending, Mrs.
Twohy, Mrs. Whiting and Mrs.
Mary Cox, of the local auxiliary.
The fifth district won several
awards at the National Encamp-
ment held last month in Los An-
geles, for membership, in Wash-
ington state and first place among
the districts for publicity.
Fifth district officers from Shel-
ton are Mrs. Jessie Cox, junior
vice president, Mrs. Beatrice Gray,
Canal Gardeners
Picnic At Twanoh
The Hood Canal (]:tr(h,n Club
eh()se :t beautifltl (iny for the :tn-
nu;tl pi('nic of the group last
'l'htlrs(hty :11 Twan()h Slate Park.
A b(HlntoollS |)OIIIlc]< (|inllt*l' WaS
served to the 2:I lneFlll)Ol'S altt!ll(1-
in °" "lad their husbands.
Mrs. Jennie ttoff, president, an-
nOllll(!lql that sh(, received three
i)hle ribbons for her Afri(.an vio-
h,ts and beef sleak beb;onia al tile
Mason courtly b'air.
The Garden Chit) voted to do-
nale llloney to tile Hood (?glllal
'V()lllan's Chlb to pay for new ta-
bles for Ill(, ehtl)house.
New officers will he inslalled at
lhe next meeting Thtlrsday, OcI..
1, al the home of Mrs. Harry
Brown, Union. Mrs. Carl Blank,
district director will be in charge
of the installation cerenmnies.
Men,bern are asked to bring a fall
fh)wer arrangenlent to tile meet-
tog' to be judged. A prize will be
awarded for firsl an(t second best
It rl'angenlent s.
The Woman's Club will hold
their first fall nleeting at tile
clubhottse, today.
VFW Aux To Fete
Gold Star Parents
Irinal a)'rangenmnts have been
made fol the Gold Star Mothers'
clinner by the Veterans of Foreign
Wars Auxiliary for 6:30 p.m., D',i-
day in tile Menlorial Hall.
All auxiliary members not al-
ready contacted, nmy call Mrs.
Fae Robinson, chairman of the
food committee, as to what pot-
luck dish to bring. Mrs. Ruth Nel-
son will also serve on this com-
Miss Marian Johnson will be in
charge of the tables and decora-
tions. Assisting her will be Mrs.
Ann Campbell, Mrs. Merle Van-
derWal and M.'s. Betty Godwin.
Cleannp committee chairman is
Mrs. Sue Weaver assisted by Mrs.
Viola Laugen, Mrs. Josephine
Sparks, Mrs. Bernice Jansson and
Mrs. Colleen Gephart.
Gold Star Mothers chairman is
Mrs. Jessie Cox, who will super-
vise corsages, gifts and entertain-
merit. All Gold Star parents who
will be attending the dinner are
asked to contact Mrs. Cox.
Baby Shower Fetes
Mrs. Thomas Ryan
Mrs. Thomas Ryan was the hon-
ored guest at a surprise baby
shower Sept. 2, at the home of
Mrs. Bernie Dorcy. Mrs. Les Jos-
lin was co-hostess.
Tiny bassinettes were used as
favors for the party. Games were
played and won by Mrs. Stan
Parker, Mrs. Togc.r Lee and Mrs.
Charles Redman.
Those present were Mrs. Park-
er, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Redman, Mrs.
Rocky Hembroff, Mrs. Jess Wolfe,
Mrs. Bernie Bailey, Mrs. Cliff
Starkey, Mrs. Joe Borek, Mrs.
Robert Purvis, Mrs. Robert Sund,
the honored guest and hostesses.
Local Music Club
Plans Vocal Study
The Shelton Music Club, an af-
filiate of the Washington State
and National Federations of Mu-
sic Clubs, will hohl its first fall
meeting at 8 p.m, Tuesday, in the
home o( Mrs. Harry Carlon, 116
West Pine. Mrs. R. Pat Wagner,
new president of the club, will
The program theme chosen for
the year is "Vocal Forms". Chair-
man for the first meeting will be
Mrs. R. W. Norvold.
New Officers Installed
By Beachcombers
Newly elecled ()ffi(.,,)'s ()f Ihe
[]e't('h('ombe)'s (;ar(len Club were.
inslalled I) 3" Mrs. Chy Jones al
l]le Septetnbcr meeting of I]1O.
Rrotlp nt the holl|e ()|" M'I's. g.
Griggs. Mrs. L,. M. Soule was co-
Ta kill °" office for I he 1.959-60
| tl'lll \\;Vel'e Mrs, lqmil (JltOl alllt,
presidenl, Mrs. U r. A. Anderson,
vice presidenl, Mrs. E, (;riggs,
secretary and Mrs. E. Tern'ell,
[ l'eaSllreI,, l)lle to the absence of
the newly ele(ted preside)H, (,hah-
Illen of lhe variollS col3111/il tees
will be a nnotltlce(i }.t the t/t'xt
Pi;tTlS were diSCLlssod and ;ti'-
rangemenls made for the (:oming
(listt'i('t meeting Oct. 20, :it lhe
Belfair Community church.
Mrs. Ehna Anderson fnrnished
fh)ral arangements for judging.
Visitors for the (lay were Mrs.
Fred Givens and Mrs. Orrin Soule.
'l'ie next m(,eting will be held at
the hOl/le ()[" MI'S. Clay Jones, Oct.
N-tlvati,)n Army Truek
The Sah,ation Army truck will
be in Shelton to pick up discards
Wednesday. Th,)se wishing the
truck to stop may call HA 6-2215
or leave their dolations on the
porch at :),25 North Fifth.
By Top
Only the
2218 OlynlF
Now Is The Time To...
% Per Annum
All accounts insured up to $10,000 by F. S.
5th and Capitol Way, Olympia,
3. C. Minshull, Vice President ARNOi
t tAZNIa
Carlton I. Sears, President
V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pres. V.R.
Hazel Walmer, Secretary-Treas. J.C.
Eugene Dolan, Asst. Secy.-Treas. CARLTO i
You always score
with good g
Everyone goes for that spic 'n'
good grooming . . . and it's so easy to
send your clothes to us. We'll chase
ly spot and stain . . . recapture
for everything from suits to sportswear!
wardrobe will have a new lease on life'
ter to help you get on the ball for fall!
You'll find them pleasingly thrifty!
Our 64th Year
legislature, Mrs. Weaver, member-
ship and Mrs. Dorothv Surratt, p i
youth activities. " antor um
Royal Neighbors
Tile Royal Neighbors of Amer-
ica, Rhododendron Camp No. 8S58,
will meet in regular session, at
7:30 p.m., Monday in the Menlo-
rial Hall. Hostesses for the meet-
ing will be Phyllis Moore and
Letha Quinn.
* Where the Oharm of Newness Is Restored •