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SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chtm,t&tvb U.S.A.;" Shelton, Washington
Dtl. DFkUJtn*:00 HISTORY
bi,l.U, vunLJ JutoueflleU
kL k l t t:qJ Ltli. UI Lll kJ CUI4
t. I bt title t'.oUft4 oiL Lllltl I lt
htkUlt 124l,¢gUlllltU UI Ille ItlUILLII lit.
.lit&It'll t tOOt). DIlL tll LAAU k/c4Beill-
Ius b*:4milUtl Ol IItl UI'UIIL IB-
IlttIICtS ttuW'tv@r Ille liu DU.t tt-
ctuuUlg tits nta[tr wa{ kuilellOOtt
eJtmtgflt the mune ot tsmunon to
Robed Sioane
200 East Pine HA 6-4147
• It.l .,, ., tilt tuuj ¢luUt Ilutdor (u
t:t Lt.IL tU LII t)) LtULAUULt*&a
11Ltt&tt" . .
touat2¢ pnt
In , u, ,vt, uia.un of Thur-
tUtt ULtllt. t O. UU Jtl'/:lOil-'4 t ' UJ&.
vtillt ....O,L VCtL'U VUt.UA'U. 'A4AI 1.
uUttut Uitly kit V¥ tt.Utll vva84&/n-
t.ut% LU %atOtJek %.Ut.ttit. wil.UI/ ltcAtA
kU LtA&Lt-ZUAt UL LkO'&. Lt tU U t
uJdbIUl/ 4/U# ll4a 14JllbU£1.tltb t t,l*U
*%*tttt.*Ut Ut. Lt(tyU5 U. L4l ltUUtt-
*lt Utt.*U.. lL W/.l$ UIIUtK t;UltttA-
tttt.tU LU GttL LAte UUktlAt. In 44L.
As a result, David Shelton, a
delegate to the Washington Legis-
lature.from the settlement of Shel-.
ton, then in Thurston County, in-
troduced g bill March 8, 1854, to
create and organize the county of
Sa-heh-wamish or Sawamlsh as it
was commonly spelled, after a
band of Indian of that name who
inhabited the region from Budd
Inlet west to the Pacific Ocean.
The new county embraced the then
western part of Thurston County
and extende'nm'ttt t'oed:Canal.
On March 15 the bUl for the
creation of $a-heh-wambh tMlmty
be¢une a law and the eotmty seat
watt established in the home of
MJor Hugh /L Gold, borough
whims home wa within the Umlt
of the future city of 8briton ml
Goidsboreugh Creek. Major Golds-
borough wa a bachdor and brotil.
er of Admiral Gdddlorough, UMN,
commander of the Mm which
was in Puget 8ound in 1850. The
major remained in Olympia when
the Mas sdled.
He had come to Washington
Territory from Washington, D. C.0
to conduct exploration of mineral
ited with the discovery of coal on
tie tmagua,nlsn llver in lou
aid wa tat{ Ill'St tollecLor OI £n-
b@rllat l%evt211u Ill yy a,iltngUOll
t et't'tLol'y, rl'ne t.OlGSbOl'Oun taJll-
Hy wad nave DUelL LCLIVe IL. vat'y-
.tllU pOliticS at'¢ llltlltLleV OJ. in@
uaae ,tamtly.
lr Commisoners
wa*thl L, omtuy were emey io-q-
nun, lot wnoJa roe}lletl t.,t UK 1
*lttlllULt; nal'lU l'xlilAU, UaCII -
clor wile p,abue tile town o1 .r-
tl, Lakt:c I'uAU:LHxeA #,.tcaula; LIIU
a.u ;t.anCOCK.
£'OllU.*. Lne llrrt meeting ox
Lle UUllUItttlOtleL' Ill tile llOllte O.
,vtJ UL' L*u*uuut uu, tile tUtt I LL.y
aat, wa tt.tDnetatt;t Ill 11112 LOW.
&At uahlu, l|t OiL tJillU J4.. WJIUI't:;
UUIL&.) / UVel'lllilell/ til lllUVULt LU
**u*tU*I xn Ibm.
u---t; aL V,-xot prior to l
t.lPJ t, Ott, t,y *tUmULt.U/.', Xk, Jl. %¥llO*l,
IILtAU 4tl llUlllt lit d.l'UttAtU. t LAIUI't
vv lie IW b L4IaL t, llltU l'UtLtlt'lll
.to uUtt.y ttuxt.or LO tVt: ht *
*JtJUl|L.y aL, .fi, reumt, maL.y o,
.**e ,u't.f t ecuru tm,.r Llle tttttllt
kl'ULttt, WIAIUII &tit st AUrA litaily tJ.'-
ult LO Uelleye lUltely Llltt& 2.r- W,$ Ultta Ulu tlt: ot vkaSult
,.,ult uy 111 ovenfflleAL
xau z,c uu,uy oKtcials of Ule
;lety eaLlDlLlllleu UUULILy Ill J.00!t
WtKt: J'. 1%,. :IIIIIUOIII:I, SlleL'Lil; . '.
+v.tOrW , I.L,UALUI' ; k)t',LUtgtOat t.USlt-
41tlll; LL'aUUI'Ug; t£re rlttll, .DL'u-'
uut JUU% ttlltl £'OA tOu,'m,
jut U£ lle ptalce.
em-nen-wuu continued am thb
uaute 01 t, UO 4:.Ut lot ,LU .ye6rb
mtt Ut OU-* tlIe ltttu wast tffi[ett
tU .IAU.Ntl UUIIU.L' LILt |lOlttl* Ut.
tttt'tet It. xvttt4Wu lUt t'etarff
ut tttt&tttttgtOtt 'ter£ttor" atilt auk-
utg M'oYtrur I11UCa 01 LttO tune tit
¼uu 6t#0tt US oVtruo£ ,buo,ttt.
lt.e wtt.q Ill4 Wllo"e IPtAtIU l'e-
£1et;t,$ IIIUUII UliOr 01I Lne county.
ke WSg 0£ Le nlgllCSl, cnaraLLtav.
elucleat, ulcort'up,ute lta(.t aJ.waLyu
pt'o.lp aiKt cotrt.euus, -too gt'ettt,
w 4 LLIU|n wlt|l WCLI 14 WU,
dnuit n fha .qmtnd T-TIn ta md llt41.t alllOllg nls XOIIUW t;llAellB aL
, 2 ........ UAe llIle Ot IS UetMl tliaLL nt wa
I UUrIeU WKA ule Ililteilll, lioltora OL
.................. al I tie ;Ls, tea Jilt all . £ultera4 wit .
i 9-D STAMPEDE BARN DANOE °, °°°,,,°. °,°°..
n W-lW VlllUVlI lalh IFUtII Imlva il ,,. . Do,.** at ,o,L .,n.
• - ,-. , . ,--., i'l muull on me rowxnal¢ anu wala
m very mremy te m l-, so o ,aor .o L... o,
• •l v evnmlit, OeyuLv quarLernlasLe
9"30 pm 1"30 am
m u ... cur-OFF il,an campaagns. ,its mo.ther wa,
• ,P. *r-$A, m l e ,tauve t vrowue.ce, tuloue -
• .......... 111 ue team or ms aU,er In la',.
m ) M utlo by i l no was gz'atuated from Brown
• --A/gMT$Y! m. , , .... ml university in 1850 and admitted
'Ine velvetones
i °:-' "L:t'vt, /e" ml to the bat" one year later.
... Admission $1 00 J
• ' (Continued next week)
A .•.,, ,,j L,.t. ,ut±, , ,1, *.
*.C t.tVt't:ttC l#kUlt.: LALtU ell"
tktilJLt t.kG £VLfJ. LIU.I t.dIJ.kit tktk
tJt Ct.t bt tIUVIt, t /tlblt tV t L'l*
v*y mucrt.
i co tug ottu 1)11 o.luw£ 1,
,toiLet U vtt. ttt 4vtu*tt I 'l Lt
t.itu .¥.LLUt'. tdltt.6U nodl .';tt.Ui'U.y
vnt*t ttIlkl UIIU *nUlt; UUOb I-
;5tVU *it€LiLy IOVU*y IJ.L.
,vx l'. U,I tt lX*'t. . t; t Ok'L k'lt Ill *
ellJuu tt gtl.x*y UIIUIUK at. Lilt: OJ. *tl'. trite ytl'. kl'Vl O01lll-
Ult t. I%Ui%UIIILII U|ly lit llUti-
ul" U. J.l';. t'.tt.tltg JtUUObJLI 0£ %i,l-
*..t'. and Mrs. Halph WalKer oi
VVlilulla I tYxtkt. I ali ;vii'. UllLt ,k¥1lb. i
lieu AI%U L ' O& UUUX' 11 Wel' U I
iSuuba lot' ulree uays u£ ivtr. am,
,vtr& Jarl WalKer ,tte[ WeeK.
,J.r. an0, /vLI'. JlVln earing
wets ktmluay umner guests u
rs. 2vtarte lee,t qr (.umpla.
Mr. ann vtra. Lad nouumaier
ca,ea on vtr. ann lvtrs. tam
tmce nctay evening ann on
'uesuay evemng ,wr. aim Vtr.
lmzt xvelt vtszte, the Junce Zam-
,vtr. and Mrs. Homer Adams re-
turneO unuay trom .eulng,
tant., where mey spent ten oay
Vlmltng re,atlves a,tt then Utey
8pen two says a KennewlcK,
wash., wltI tr. and /vu'. W. .
Dunce. i
We are happy to report that
Clarence Rarer was improves
enough to leave the nop,ai last
week and is at a rest humc near
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams
were Sunctay supper guests ot Mr. I
and Mrs. Ulain unce.
Mr. an Mrs. bud Rossmaier
and daughter, Margaret, attenctc
the weoumg recepuon ot Mr. ann
Mrs. Joe Chamoerlaln at the
agles tiall on Mt. Vlew Saturclay
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simpson ot
Bremerton and Mr. and Mrs. Le-
rtoy Boothe and family ot Ho-
qmam were Sunday dlnncr guests
ot Mr. and Mrs. L C. Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
spent Sunday at Rochester wim
the former's folks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill
and sons, Charles and Carl, spent
Middle Sltokonush
Saturday evening with Mrs. Aug-
usta Portman and Carl.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman returned home Thurs-
day after spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman
of Shelton.
Mrs. Truman Meyers of Mel-
bourn spent the weekead with her
daughter and family, Mrs. Wayne
Mr. Wayne Evers, Mr. Truman
Meyers and Supt. Eugene French
spent the weekend at the Queets
on a fishing trip.
4-H Glubs to i)ompete
Ju ruyamlup ta,r
Jgcl]lo.:utttaun ant* judging ctm-'
LCBL LO €211 lJlLa,-)lZe LIL( "KIIO.V
lXOW' ,Jr t/ltLUL' ,t, Arlner8 Of AIIIeI'-
IC ail(1 4-l-t_ CJUD lUt21nDtl'S Ill
t'atsiJlg poulLry wnl lCaLuve t/it
l,i Ill a|titua| VasnlngLon J unlof
t'OtllLt'y JxposltlOn October U-i aL
tile V' tSLUL'Jl Y aSIIIIILOI1 Latr-
6;otlncls &L Puyallup.
/LILUI'e Lal'nlrs will teanl up to
jtlttg laying all(1 tryer cnlcr.e,s,
ul'uckpr UII'LLt turvy alLu e,
WILl1 pI'IZU gOlllg LO the lllnt:t.
ua.* aim inaivmuals.
'lucy NIII apIo ltave denlollstra-
J.'d.lLll LUC.IIIqUes Call Ue ttLU
"; L)OtAILI' raltlig /oLilt.t ,VIII SHOW
tAlt:o ;JUIaL lll Ill a leat, Ll£'t3
ot t,'. ev Lyman. AtLer the
)LLl*lu,.'4 IIIUULII U, Ull'thUiy pal'L
vVet LVeLl 141 IIU41U' O l allAl'tt Iy.
r. anct rs. Eric Sjohoim ant
uau;iLur LLy UlOVu Lo wtmal
vv.,t Daturuy. *>Ly l cm'o,-
--I 6 at VVAILWOL'tfl otegt?,.
,vLr. autl lvlL'. JOD YV lliLnlal'si
and 'IY. 8lU tz'S: tan L,ynletn
ul'uve to UL'LUI IaSL WeUK ul' t
w,*t WIU11 ;vtr. ttnU a.Lr& AL VV.r111."
r. and Mrs. Chester Valley en-
LeI'LaLIILtU WIll a ullLer lal;:;t tU/L-
uty EeL' ;Vkr. aalu ;vt.r. llUu V alto 3
titt UalUg'iiL{r tllLUa Jltlll ekLlo
LILU 4VLI". KILU .tVLJ.'. tJeul'ge v alle$
:ZL (/aug£1Lers ue alLU Ottll Ut J.-
'll ,.**ules Stewalrash,p of the
kOlnnlUIIILy .IIUI'GII WIll lnucL Ut
ttlt 110111e of vt£'& 4v£aLrgaLruL L'-laLn-
vnns next 'x'uettay eVellUig oetut-
tltll aLL p,m. VJ.L'. JUHAL J.)LtUK-
wutn zrom zrlnnon Will lVe tt
c tt K € uecorauloll aemolleLX.auon
ttltCl alISO DL'lllg special IIIU$1C.
A Very lllLt£t$SLln Li£allKe meet-
1 wa4 ILelU ILSL t.' rluay uve,liAA
wlUl 8, lai'u aLLelLualLCe. 'J. walLu.t,
l'ale t',tellLUd Llle ""lTaVel*ll
D.Vt.:t LU KOKOIIlI41. Tne IeCLLL£-
t:I', 2nltal L)Ltgger AaO l, gout p*'O-
gL%UI]. WalC/l 17.ttLUGU(I glvup *IL-
*ll', VOUal IIUnLDur3 Dy 2kl't. LNltA.-
zttul, acuonloallylng ltlllisel wILli
t.lle elecLr,c guitar, al La*K on IIL-
Lt£alLUt Uy ,lleLtr Valley, aCCOf
1OIl ntllnuer Dy Jlmny auy,
anke 8axe 8. SKIL by JUL'L ailu Lie-
,reval JJeyeLe. '£'ne nexE l'eguta
laeeung ot the Grange wm De
netd a Cloquallum on Sept. 2.
where Skokomih will be preent-
ing the gavel to that Grange.
RALPII E. MeNISH, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard J. M('Nish is
currently attemling technical
school at Amarillo Air Force
Base, Texas. McNish is expect-
lng to spend his leave with his
parents in about six weeks whUe
whUo he awaits reassigltment.
The following divorces were
granted by the Mason county su-
perior court last month:
Donald Cress vs. Bernice Cress.
Frank Make vs. Nevella Make.
Edward G. Ayers vs. Louise Ay-
Robert C. Faler vs. Norma M.
Billey Joe Casey vs. Verla M.
Ruth E. Miner vs. Francis L.
LUUU Lille Ll'id'Y
**LI.UH UtJtllLLy
JIttC ([lltL'lt8 'J,"
UL'tlltt IlL i)LtUllC'
C()/ItAI LlOl[ Llla
1!,\\; t_'lCuL a[l{l IIV0
ldl'Cl I t * ttl not
Udll' Ikl|Lll i%e 15
Jctcty' has Deefl
Cz'Lt Lt,Lt De UEe
Ctli L/tLC ll()
IILU[' /0"
..U al) tu ire111
tt* u.uctt uy
.*ICL'LL B o£tice
'Jnu In'sL ial
taclici lxliott
Will DC held
2n's. £)oll
lal.K A_£1dlL101L
WIll pl'eLue at
lllg, lOliOwlng a
uvs. l-lerO octet
1st Dnce dl
125 0ola Slmel
We have planned some interesting and tasty menus for your fall and winter
noon-time lunches--which will include:
Chicken Fried Steak '1.OO
Cla Chowder with whole milk 40"
& lots of butter • • • • •
Buttermilk Pancakes Golden brown 45"
Served all day
H mb ge with Soup mad all the 60"
a lr r Homemade trimmings
Vi's Homemade Pies( 20"
Just to Mention a Few -- There are Many More •
Phone HA 6-3953
. : i:i ii . ::
::i:' !! {ii ¸¸:
--Our Anniversary Mont00-
Seplember J sl marks our 14th year in She,O,,
wish Io lhank our many palrons and friends tot
past suppod and patronage, it is our pledge
tinue to offer fine foods, well prepared, and
eoudeous servioe thai we may merit your
..... Quick, €ourteous Service Amways
he Rumpus Room
Mason county students of teen-age only in good standing
admitted. Parents are invited and encouraged to serve as
chaperones for Friday night dances.
The Rumpus Room Is Also Available For
Private Padies
8 a, m, to 10 p.m. daily
11 a, m, to 10 p. m, Sunday
Cleanliness is a Ritual at Maniey's.
SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chtm,t&tvb U.S.A.;" Shelton, Washington
Dtl. DFkUJtn*:00 HISTORY
bi,l.U, vunLJ JutoueflleU
kL k l t t:qJ Ltli. UI Lll kJ CUI4
t. I bt title t'.oUft4 oiL Lllltl I lt
htkUlt 124l,¢gUlllltU UI Ille ItlUILLII lit.
.lit&It'll t tOOt). DIlL tll LAAU k/c4Beill-
Ius b*:4milUtl Ol IItl UI'UIIL IB-
IlttIICtS ttuW'tv@r Ille liu DU.t tt-
ctuuUlg tits nta[tr wa{ kuilellOOtt
eJtmtgflt the mune ot tsmunon to
Robed Sioane
200 East Pine HA 6-4147
• It.l .,, ., tilt tuuj ¢luUt Ilutdor (u
t:t Lt.IL tU LII t)) LtULAUULt*&a
11Ltt&tt" . .
touat2¢ pnt
In , u, ,vt, uia.un of Thur-
tUtt ULtllt. t O. UU Jtl'/:lOil-'4 t ' UJ&.
vtillt ....O,L VCtL'U VUt.UA'U. 'A4AI 1.
uUttut Uitly kit V¥ tt.Utll vva84&/n-
t.ut% LU %atOtJek %.Ut.ttit. wil.UI/ ltcAtA
kU LtA&Lt-ZUAt UL LkO'&. Lt tU U t
uJdbIUl/ 4/U# ll4a 14JllbU£1.tltb t t,l*U
*%*tttt.*Ut Ut. Lt(tyU5 U. L4l ltUUtt-
*lt Utt.*U.. lL W/.l$ UIIUtK t;UltttA-
tttt.tU LU GttL LAte UUktlAt. In 44L.
As a result, David Shelton, a
delegate to the Washington Legis-
lature.from the settlement of Shel-.
ton, then in Thurston County, in-
troduced g bill March 8, 1854, to
create and organize the county of
Sa-heh-wamish or Sawamlsh as it
was commonly spelled, after a
band of Indian of that name who
inhabited the region from Budd
Inlet west to the Pacific Ocean.
The new county embraced the then
western part of Thurston County
and extende'nm'ttt t'oed:Canal.
On March 15 the bUl for the
creation of $a-heh-wambh tMlmty
be¢une a law and the eotmty seat
watt established in the home of
MJor Hugh /L Gold, borough
whims home wa within the Umlt
of the future city of 8briton ml
Goidsboreugh Creek. Major Golds-
borough wa a bachdor and brotil.
er of Admiral Gdddlorough, UMN,
commander of the Mm which
was in Puget 8ound in 1850. The
major remained in Olympia when
the Mas sdled.
He had come to Washington
Territory from Washington, D. C.0
to conduct exploration of mineral
ited with the discovery of coal on
tie tmagua,nlsn llver in lou
aid wa tat{ Ill'St tollecLor OI £n-
b@rllat l%evt211u Ill yy a,iltngUOll
t et't'tLol'y, rl'ne t.OlGSbOl'Oun taJll-
Hy wad nave DUelL LCLIVe IL. vat'y-
.tllU pOliticS at'¢ llltlltLleV OJ. in@
uaae ,tamtly.
lr Commisoners
wa*thl L, omtuy were emey io-q-
nun, lot wnoJa roe}lletl t.,t UK 1
*lttlllULt; nal'lU l'xlilAU, UaCII -
clor wile p,abue tile town o1 .r-
tl, Lakt:c I'uAU:LHxeA #,.tcaula; LIIU
a.u ;t.anCOCK.
£'OllU.*. Lne llrrt meeting ox
Lle UUllUItttlOtleL' Ill tile llOllte O.
,vtJ UL' L*u*uuut uu, tile tUtt I LL.y
aat, wa tt.tDnetatt;t Ill 11112 LOW.
&At uahlu, l|t OiL tJillU J4.. WJIUI't:;
UUIL&.) / UVel'lllilell/ til lllUVULt LU
**u*tU*I xn Ibm.
u---t; aL V,-xot prior to l
t.lPJ t, Ott, t,y *tUmULt.U/.', Xk, Jl. %¥llO*l,
IILtAU 4tl llUlllt lit d.l'UttAtU. t LAIUI't
vv lie IW b L4IaL t, llltU l'UtLtlt'lll
.to uUtt.y ttuxt.or LO tVt: ht *
*JtJUl|L.y aL, .fi, reumt, maL.y o,
.**e ,u't.f t ecuru tm,.r Llle tttttllt
kl'ULttt, WIAIUII &tit st AUrA litaily tJ.'-
ult LO Uelleye lUltely Llltt& 2.r- W,$ Ultta Ulu tlt: ot vkaSult
,.,ult uy 111 ovenfflleAL
xau z,c uu,uy oKtcials of Ule
;lety eaLlDlLlllleu UUULILy Ill J.00!t
WtKt: J'. 1%,. :IIIIIUOIII:I, SlleL'Lil; . '.
+v.tOrW , I.L,UALUI' ; k)t',LUtgtOat t.USlt-
41tlll; LL'aUUI'Ug; t£re rlttll, .DL'u-'
uut JUU% ttlltl £'OA tOu,'m,
jut U£ lle ptalce.
em-nen-wuu continued am thb
uaute 01 t, UO 4:.Ut lot ,LU .ye6rb
mtt Ut OU-* tlIe ltttu wast tffi[ett
tU .IAU.Ntl UUIIU.L' LILt |lOlttl* Ut.
tttt'tet It. xvttt4Wu lUt t'etarff
ut tttt&tttttgtOtt 'ter£ttor" atilt auk-
utg M'oYtrur I11UCa 01 LttO tune tit
¼uu 6t#0tt US oVtruo£ ,buo,ttt.
lt.e wtt.q Ill4 Wllo"e IPtAtIU l'e-
£1et;t,$ IIIUUII UliOr 01I Lne county.
ke WSg 0£ Le nlgllCSl, cnaraLLtav.
elucleat, ulcort'up,ute lta(.t aJ.waLyu
pt'o.lp aiKt cotrt.euus, -too gt'ettt,
w 4 LLIU|n wlt|l WCLI 14 WU,
dnuit n fha .qmtnd T-TIn ta md llt41.t alllOllg nls XOIIUW t;llAellB aL
, 2 ........ UAe llIle Ot IS UetMl tliaLL nt wa
I UUrIeU WKA ule Ililteilll, lioltora OL
.................. al I tie ;Ls, tea Jilt all . £ultera4 wit .
i 9-D STAMPEDE BARN DANOE °, °°°,,,°. °,°°..
n W-lW VlllUVlI lalh IFUtII Imlva il ,,. . Do,.** at ,o,L .,n.
• - ,-. , . ,--., i'l muull on me rowxnal¢ anu wala
m very mremy te m l-, so o ,aor .o L... o,
• •l v evnmlit, OeyuLv quarLernlasLe
9"30 pm 1"30 am
m u ... cur-OFF il,an campaagns. ,its mo.ther wa,
• ,P. *r-$A, m l e ,tauve t vrowue.ce, tuloue -
• .......... 111 ue team or ms aU,er In la',.
m ) M utlo by i l no was gz'atuated from Brown
• --A/gMT$Y! m. , , .... ml university in 1850 and admitted
'Ine velvetones
i °:-' "L:t'vt, /e" ml to the bat" one year later.
... Admission $1 00 J
• ' (Continued next week)
A .•.,, ,,j L,.t. ,ut±, , ,1, *.
*.C t.tVt't:ttC l#kUlt.: LALtU ell"
tktilJLt t.kG £VLfJ. LIU.I t.dIJ.kit tktk
tJt Ct.t bt tIUVIt, t /tlblt tV t L'l*
v*y mucrt.
i co tug ottu 1)11 o.luw£ 1,
,toiLet U vtt. ttt 4vtu*tt I 'l Lt
t.itu .¥.LLUt'. tdltt.6U nodl .';tt.Ui'U.y
vnt*t ttIlkl UIIU *nUlt; UUOb I-
;5tVU *it€LiLy IOVU*y IJ.L.
,vx l'. U,I tt lX*'t. . t; t Ok'L k'lt Ill *
ellJuu tt gtl.x*y UIIUIUK at. Lilt: OJ. *tl'. trite ytl'. kl'Vl O01lll-
Ult t. I%Ui%UIIILII U|ly lit llUti-
ul" U. J.l';. t'.tt.tltg JtUUObJLI 0£ %i,l-
*..t'. and Mrs. Halph WalKer oi
VVlilulla I tYxtkt. I ali ;vii'. UllLt ,k¥1lb. i
lieu AI%U L ' O& UUUX' 11 Wel' U I
iSuuba lot' ulree uays u£ ivtr. am,
,vtr& Jarl WalKer ,tte[ WeeK.
,J.r. an0, /vLI'. JlVln earing
wets ktmluay umner guests u
rs. 2vtarte lee,t qr (.umpla.
Mr. ann vtra. Lad nouumaier
ca,ea on vtr. ann lvtrs. tam
tmce nctay evening ann on
'uesuay evemng ,wr. aim Vtr.
lmzt xvelt vtszte, the Junce Zam-
,vtr. and Mrs. Homer Adams re-
turneO unuay trom .eulng,
tant., where mey spent ten oay
Vlmltng re,atlves a,tt then Utey
8pen two says a KennewlcK,
wash., wltI tr. and /vu'. W. .
Dunce. i
We are happy to report that
Clarence Rarer was improves
enough to leave the nop,ai last
week and is at a rest humc near
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams
were Sunctay supper guests ot Mr. I
and Mrs. Ulain unce.
Mr. an Mrs. bud Rossmaier
and daughter, Margaret, attenctc
the weoumg recepuon ot Mr. ann
Mrs. Joe Chamoerlaln at the
agles tiall on Mt. Vlew Saturclay
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simpson ot
Bremerton and Mr. and Mrs. Le-
rtoy Boothe and family ot Ho-
qmam were Sunday dlnncr guests
ot Mr. and Mrs. L C. Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
spent Sunday at Rochester wim
the former's folks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill
and sons, Charles and Carl, spent
Middle Sltokonush
Saturday evening with Mrs. Aug-
usta Portman and Carl.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman returned home Thurs-
day after spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman
of Shelton.
Mrs. Truman Meyers of Mel-
bourn spent the weekead with her
daughter and family, Mrs. Wayne
Mr. Wayne Evers, Mr. Truman
Meyers and Supt. Eugene French
spent the weekend at the Queets
on a fishing trip.
4-H Glubs to i)ompete
Ju ruyamlup ta,r
Jgcl]lo.:utttaun ant* judging ctm-'
LCBL LO €211 lJlLa,-)lZe LIL( "KIIO.V
lXOW' ,Jr t/ltLUL' ,t, Arlner8 Of AIIIeI'-
IC ail(1 4-l-t_ CJUD lUt21nDtl'S Ill
t'atsiJlg poulLry wnl lCaLuve t/it
l,i Ill a|titua| VasnlngLon J unlof
t'OtllLt'y JxposltlOn October U-i aL
tile V' tSLUL'Jl Y aSIIIIILOI1 Latr-
6;otlncls &L Puyallup.
/LILUI'e Lal'nlrs will teanl up to
jtlttg laying all(1 tryer cnlcr.e,s,
ul'uckpr UII'LLt turvy alLu e,
WILl1 pI'IZU gOlllg LO the lllnt:t.
ua.* aim inaivmuals.
'lucy NIII apIo ltave denlollstra-
J.'d.lLll LUC.IIIqUes Call Ue ttLU
"; L)OtAILI' raltlig /oLilt.t ,VIII SHOW
tAlt:o ;JUIaL lll Ill a leat, Ll£'t3
ot t,'. ev Lyman. AtLer the
)LLl*lu,.'4 IIIUULII U, Ull'thUiy pal'L
vVet LVeLl 141 IIU41U' O l allAl'tt Iy.
r. anct rs. Eric Sjohoim ant
uau;iLur LLy UlOVu Lo wtmal
vv.,t Daturuy. *>Ly l cm'o,-
--I 6 at VVAILWOL'tfl otegt?,.
,vLr. autl lvlL'. JOD YV lliLnlal'si
and 'IY. 8lU tz'S: tan L,ynletn
ul'uve to UL'LUI IaSL WeUK ul' t
w,*t WIU11 ;vtr. ttnU a.Lr& AL VV.r111."
r. and Mrs. Chester Valley en-
LeI'LaLIILtU WIll a ullLer lal;:;t tU/L-
uty EeL' ;Vkr. aalu ;vt.r. llUu V alto 3
titt UalUg'iiL{r tllLUa Jltlll ekLlo
LILU 4VLI". KILU .tVLJ.'. tJeul'ge v alle$
:ZL (/aug£1Lers ue alLU Ottll Ut J.-
'll ,.**ules Stewalrash,p of the
kOlnnlUIIILy .IIUI'GII WIll lnucL Ut
ttlt 110111e of vt£'& 4v£aLrgaLruL L'-laLn-
vnns next 'x'uettay eVellUig oetut-
tltll aLL p,m. VJ.L'. JUHAL J.)LtUK-
wutn zrom zrlnnon Will lVe tt
c tt K € uecorauloll aemolleLX.auon
ttltCl alISO DL'lllg special IIIU$1C.
A Very lllLt£t$SLln Li£allKe meet-
1 wa4 ILelU ILSL t.' rluay uve,liAA
wlUl 8, lai'u aLLelLualLCe. 'J. walLu.t,
l'ale t',tellLUd Llle ""lTaVel*ll
D.Vt.:t LU KOKOIIlI41. Tne IeCLLL£-
t:I', 2nltal L)Ltgger AaO l, gout p*'O-
gL%UI]. WalC/l 17.ttLUGU(I glvup *IL-
*ll', VOUal IIUnLDur3 Dy 2kl't. LNltA.-
zttul, acuonloallylng ltlllisel wILli
t.lle elecLr,c guitar, al La*K on IIL-
Lt£alLUt Uy ,lleLtr Valley, aCCOf
1OIl ntllnuer Dy Jlmny auy,
anke 8axe 8. SKIL by JUL'L ailu Lie-
,reval JJeyeLe. '£'ne nexE l'eguta
laeeung ot the Grange wm De
netd a Cloquallum on Sept. 2.
where Skokomih will be preent-
ing the gavel to that Grange.
RALPII E. MeNISH, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard J. M('Nish is
currently attemling technical
school at Amarillo Air Force
Base, Texas. McNish is expect-
lng to spend his leave with his
parents in about six weeks whUe
whUo he awaits reassigltment.
The following divorces were
granted by the Mason county su-
perior court last month:
Donald Cress vs. Bernice Cress.
Frank Make vs. Nevella Make.
Edward G. Ayers vs. Louise Ay-
Robert C. Faler vs. Norma M.
Billey Joe Casey vs. Verla M.
Ruth E. Miner vs. Francis L.
LUUU Lille Ll'id'Y
**LI.UH UtJtllLLy
JIttC ([lltL'lt8 'J,"
UL'tlltt IlL i)LtUllC'
C()/ItAI LlOl[ Llla
1!,\\; t_'lCuL a[l{l IIV0
ldl'Cl I t * ttl not
Udll' Ikl|Lll i%e 15
Jctcty' has Deefl
Cz'Lt Lt,Lt De UEe
Ctli L/tLC ll()
IILU[' /0"
..U al) tu ire111
tt* u.uctt uy
.*ICL'LL B o£tice
'Jnu In'sL ial
taclici lxliott
Will DC held
2n's. £)oll
lal.K A_£1dlL101L
WIll pl'eLue at
lllg, lOliOwlng a
uvs. l-lerO octet
1st Dnce dl
125 0ola Slmel
We have planned some interesting and tasty menus for your fall and winter
noon-time lunches--which will include:
Chicken Fried Steak '1.OO
Cla Chowder with whole milk 40"
& lots of butter • • • • •
Buttermilk Pancakes Golden brown 45"
Served all day
H mb ge with Soup mad all the 60"
a lr r Homemade trimmings
Vi's Homemade Pies( 20"
Just to Mention a Few -- There are Many More •
Phone HA 6-3953
. : i:i ii . ::
::i:' !! {ii ¸¸:
--Our Anniversary Mont00-
Seplember J sl marks our 14th year in She,O,,
wish Io lhank our many palrons and friends tot
past suppod and patronage, it is our pledge
tinue to offer fine foods, well prepared, and
eoudeous servioe thai we may merit your
..... Quick, €ourteous Service Amways
he Rumpus Room
Mason county students of teen-age only in good standing
admitted. Parents are invited and encouraged to serve as
chaperones for Friday night dances.
The Rumpus Room Is Also Available For
Private Padies
8 a, m, to 10 p.m. daily
11 a, m, to 10 p. m, Sunday
Cleanliness is a Ritual at Maniey's.