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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa e 14 Southside Grange To Honor Couple SHELTON-MASON COUNTY' JOURNAL- Published in "Ghristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Monday. An enrollment of 52 kin .... the Ch)thesline" is open as us- River as far as Bonneville Dam was Sunday's outing, after which they returned home. Other recent visitors to tbe Ore- gon Centennial grounds were the Jack Harris family, who spent a weekend in Portland as guests ot Dr. and Mrs. John Partridge, for- mer Belfair residents. They par- ranee Robert Morgan at Point I CALIFORNIA VACATIONERS Roberts ( County). Ilel Mrs. LeRoy Robbins or Shelton • as It fol'Iner Belfair man, :on el and her mother, Mrs. Mtn'iel Dor- the late Mr. and Mrs. H.obert M,of it 5, of Brockville, Ontario, recent- ]V rl'iv( l h )t/e fl'Olll .rl-;;  1 • ' ! ....  :tLlI]g rel- gan, who liv(M here fol' lllHllY :iti\\;'tq4 in the S;tn Frandiseo and, years. Its was aceidenLa.lly sh()t. S;mia C]tl';t areas, l)revtOllSly by his soil, William, ]6, willie the Mrs. I)oritv spent a month here Friday with Party By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTH:SIDE. ..... The Southslde Grange regular meeting will be held September 18, followed by a psrty honoring Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mingus on their 50th wedding an- niversary. SOUTHSIDE GRANGE is hav- ing a card party at the Southslde hall on Sept. 19. Fried chicken dinner will be served by the Grange at the South- side Grange hall on Oct. 3, and the public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Putvin and Arlene motored to Portland Sat- urday. Arlene Putvin has enrolled for her second year at Concordia College and they also visited Eug- ene Jaeuboe of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. Elsie Stockton of Battle-i ground, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Newman and baby of Eugene, Ore., visited Mr: and Mrs. Harry Newman last week. Friendship Club met Sept. 2, at Mrs. Carl Rains, and they are meeting at Mrs. Alice Stotsberrys this week. GUESTS OF Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brumbaugh Is st Sunday were El- eanor Brumbaugh, Harold Shilling and John Lindsey, all of Seattle. They all enjoyed the day going for an airl)lane ride. Mr, and Mrs Clarence Madsen have returned home from spend- ing two weeks visiting at Havre Montana. Busy Bell 4-H club meeting was held at Becky Jacobsons, and they worked on their record books. The five members that entered cook- ies at the fair were Cheryl Cham- bers, Becky Jackson, Darlene Holtorf, Sue Smith and Diane Purvts. Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett, Ernie Swiger and Winnie Crr attended the Pomona meet- ing Sunday Pt Shett)n Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leggett and Susie of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Iggett Friday. SOUTHSIDE SEWING club met at Ann Castle's for an outdoor picnic. Those attending were Mrs. Coffey and daughter, Marie Perry and her two girls, Ruth Snyder, Lorratn Dalbott and daughter, Peggy Holman and daughter, Peg- gy Ros and daughter, Bobby Hol- man, Elnora Ft'azier, Ann Castle and Franvis Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brumbaugh and famiIy of Port Angeles spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ROy Brumbaugh. JHck Smith received all blue ribbons on his goats at tile Wash- tngton :Fair in Chehalis. It's the only all blue ribbon herd from here to Canada. John Holtorf, Sheila and Dsr- lene attended the play day at El- rna fsir grotmds Sunday. Dlckie Holtorf and Ed Carney went lo Elms Saturday and ca.roped over night Willing Workers 4-H club met at Terry Hartwells. Guests of tile club wre Mrs. Doris Jacl(son, Cindy Jackson and Eddie James of California. Cindy Jackson gave a demonstration on how tt) catch rabbits and put them in crates or boxes; snd Jimmy Swayze gave a demonstration oil caring for tools before putting them away for the winter. This was the fired meet- ins that ended this year's 4-H leetings. Mrs. Earl Iggett and Mr. and Mrs. Jhn Leggett and Susie of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Badgley of McCleary Friday af- ternoon. Mrs. L. H. Asche, Mrs. H'. J. Archer aJd Pat and Mrs. H. I). Johnson Of Olympia motored to Seattle Tnesday. WALTER KRATCHA visited :Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha and 1i(;hael, and John Krateha of SiN eta, Ore., for the weekend. _.2.__ ...................... . .......... WEEKEND GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. A! Stanso of Mil. ton were weekend guests nf Mr. s,nd Mrs. R. P. Reck, spending Sunday at the Recks' cabin on Picketing f'as. One of the unus- us! highlights of the weekend wa the 15{)0 diamond tmmlp hand of Mr. Reck and :Mr. Stanso, while the ladles held an almost 1500 spade trump hand minus only one ten of spades in the same hand. dergarteners necessitates two ses- sions, which will be held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, morn- ings and afternoons. Mrs. Phyllis Millet' is the kindergarten teacher. Total enrollment in dlstrlct schools comes to 525 stuaents, with neaz-ly 200 of them in the junior;senior high ........... 7th through 10th grades. Twenty-five teachers reported for duty on opening day, September 8. Mrs. Delia Moore, hot lunch cook, reports participa- tion in the hot hmch program at a little short of 250 lunches daily. Mrs. Moore is assisted in the school kitchen by Mrs. Mark Mc- Donald and Mrs. E. Riedle. Coach Byron Grubb has an- nounced the first football game of the 1959 season for next Saturday, eptemDer 19, at Yashon hgn school. Whether there will De nome games this year is still in some doubt, depending on the con- dition of the new football field. The field has been covered with new dirt and graded, and at pres- ent looks very promising, accord- ing to Superintendent Robert Johnsen. On the first day of school, all teachers participated in a potluck luncheon, as a "welcome-back-to- school" affair. On September 25, they will join with other Mason County teachers in the annual Teachers' Institute. There will be no school for Mason County stu- dents on that day. First P.T.A. meeting of tle new season will be held Thursday eve- ning, September 17, at the junior high building. Mrs. James Edman, president, will conduct the meet- ing and will introduce this year's teaching staff, which includes five new teachers. All parents are urg- ed to be present. The time will be 8 p.m. Refreshments will be serv- ed. The benefit dinner, served at the Belfatr Masonic temple, Sunday, for the purpose of assisting finan- cially the Bob Henningsen family, cleared nearly $500. It was spon- sored jointly by several communi- ty groups; Belfair Community Baptist church, VFW auxiliary, Belfair fire department auxiliary, Eastern Star, and Masons. The vohmteer waitresses were 16 girls from the Girl Scouts, the Baptist You th Fellowship, and Job's Daugh te rs. Bob Henningsen, tumself, while still a hospital patient, is making satisfactory progress. He was crit- ically injured recently in a log- grog aeeldent neat' Belfalr. Bill Landram of the Belfair Builders' Supply, has also been a Harrison Memorial hospital pa- tient, following a heart attack last. Thursday morning. He too, is recovering nicely and hopes to be home soon. A number from Belfair attend- ed the wedding, Friday evening, of Miss Margo Carlson, daughter of the C. A. Carlsons, Lakebay; an( Richard Brentin of Gig Harbor. Th ceremony was held at Sain Nicholas Catholic church, Gg Harbor, with a reception following at. Fortnightly Hall, Gtg IlarDor. The young couple, will be at home in Tacoma following a wedding trip to the Oregon Coast area. Mr. Brentin is employed by the Car- sten meat packing company in Taeonla. The Carlsons are folane| North Shore residents anti Marge spent her early years in this com- munity. Guests last week at the James Wilson home were the Reverend and Mrs. John Haugan and daugh- ters, Becky and Nancy. of Oppor- tunity, Washington. Mr. Haugan was pastor of the Belfair Commu- nity chur( until lsst June, when he made the change to the Bap- tist church in Opportunity. Dur- ing last week he spent tht:e days attending a Ministers' Retreat, held at Camp Burton on Vashon Island. On Thursday, Mrs. Wilson was hostess at an afternoon cof- fee party in honor of Mrs. Hau- gan, so that she might renew ac- quaintance with old fl'iends here. Becky Itaugan had the bad luck midway in the visit, to come down with a case of measles, but was already recovering when they left here Friday. Miss Betty Bogle, of "The Clothesline", is spending this week vacationing in Victoria, B.C. TIRE AND BATTERY SILVER DOLLAR WITH EACH TIRE AND BATTERY PURCHASED AT OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES 116 N. FIRST ual, with Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs. Jack Harris serving the cus- t onlers. Tile William Wing family trav- eled to Portland last weekend, where they visited relatives, and at[staled the Oregon Centennial eelebration. A highlight of the vis- it was the viewing of "The Oregon Story", a musical pageant, depict- ing the history of Oregon for the 100 years. Music for the show was composed by Meredith Wil- son. A trip along the Columbia tteularly enjoyed touring the his- toric Pittock mansion, open to the public during the Centennial. During the past weekend, the Harris family drove to Stevens Pass, where they joined a fro, work party at the Bremerton Sk! Cruisers' lodge. The Harris's are members of the Ski Cruisers, vis- iting the lodge often during skiing season. Belfair citizens were shocked to hear of the recent death of Lau- latter was cleaning a pistol. He is survived in Point Roberts by his wife, Madeline ([)at), who taught in the Belfair school district un- til moving to Point Roberts two years ago, by a son. William, 16, and a daughter, Patricia, 13. Oth- er survivors are his brothers anu sister, all well known in Belfair; John Morgan of Bremerton, James Morgan of Salem, Oregon, ana Mary Lou Morgan of Vallejo, Cal- ifornia. visiting with her daughter and will ret:m'n to Canada with Mr. I)m'ity sometime in October. Mr. Dority will join his wife here in the near future. BOND SALES I County sales of U.S. Savings I Bonds amounted to $I6,477 for] August, and state sales for the] month totaled $4 708 531 County ] Bond Chairman L'. A.' Carlson an- I noune.ed here this week. Thursday, W e!l Drilli WELLS -- TEST Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton 303 TINS (RERm, [ORn or WHOLE KERNEL LIBBY'S 303 TINS PlnERPPLE ITEm LIBBY'S CRUSHED LIBBY'S 24-OZ. TIN NO. 2 TINS LIBBY HASH OO.N.-- 16-OZ. TIN LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT .................................................................. 5 TINS UBBY'S GRAPEFRUIT 5 TINS° $1 UBBY'S MINTED PINEAPPLE 3 N0.2 $1 .............................................. TINS BETTER MEALS BUILD POTTED MEAT LIBBY'S 6  $1 ...................................................... TINS [HILl DENNISON'S CHILI CON CARNE 16 OZ. TINS MEAT BALLS and SPAGHETTI CHEF BOY AR DEE (0 FOLGER'S ?,-Lb. Tin 16 OZ. TINS 35 Kitsap BUTTER ,b € Boned Chicken 35 c tISSUE ZEE 4,o000033 c PKG. SPRY SHORTENING ........................................................................ .L,. T,N 77* NABISCO SNOWFLAKE ORAOKERS , , . lb. 29o LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE wow! It's our Annual IAbby Sale with Super Terrific on Canned Foods . . . Yes, Sir, You Always Buy Right at Shop-Rite ! LIBBY'8 GARDEN SWEET . . . SAVE AT SHOP-RITEI 303 TINS BEETS LIBBY'S 8HOEBTRING . . . A TERRIFIC BUY! 0 303 TINS BERn| JUI(E LIBBY'S CUT GREEN . . . STOCK UP NOWI LtBBY'S TOMATO 303 TINS 46 07. LIBBY BARTLETT PEARS 4 LIBBY CORNED BEEF PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT .............................................................. 12.OZ. DRINK .......................................... 4 NEW MINTED DRINK L,OBY'S 3 PINEAPPLE DRINK ....................... Cantaloupe 6 'or Fancy Washington State Jonathans TOKAY APPLES , . . lb. 9 = GRAPES . .. :? BUY VNF MEATS A 5HOP.RItE POT ROiLqT VNF, U.S. "CHOICE" BEEF • . . MEATY BLADE CUTS POUND ROR|T BONELESS VNF, U.8. "CHOICE" BEEF CHUCK ROAST Rolls VNF, CHOICE BONELESS HYGRADE 3 $ 4-OZ. TINS 'ON WA Prices Effective Thurs. Noon, Friday, Saturday. Right to Limit LIBBY'B FRUIT (O(NTnlL NEEDHAM'S DOES IT AGAIN[ ANOTHER GREAT SALE FOR YOU[! GIANT LIBBY CANNED FOOD SALE Pa e 14 Southside Grange To Honor Couple SHELTON-MASON COUNTY' JOURNAL- Published in "Ghristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Monday. An enrollment of 52 kin .... the Ch)thesline" is open as us- River as far as Bonneville Dam was Sunday's outing, after which they returned home. Other recent visitors to tbe Ore- gon Centennial grounds were the Jack Harris family, who spent a weekend in Portland as guests ot Dr. and Mrs. John Partridge, for- mer Belfair residents. They par- ranee Robert Morgan at Point I CALIFORNIA VACATIONERS Roberts ( County). Ilel Mrs. LeRoy Robbins or Shelton • as It fol'Iner Belfair man, :on el and her mother, Mrs. Mtn'iel Dor- the late Mr. and Mrs. H.obert M,of it 5, of Brockville, Ontario, recent- ]V rl'iv( l h )t/e fl'Olll .rl-;;  1 • ' ! ....  :tLlI]g rel- gan, who liv(M here fol' lllHllY :iti\\;'tq4 in the S;tn Frandiseo and, years. Its was aceidenLa.lly sh()t. S;mia C]tl';t areas, l)revtOllSly by his soil, William, ]6, willie the Mrs. I)oritv spent a month here Friday with Party By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTH:SIDE. ..... The Southslde Grange regular meeting will be held September 18, followed by a psrty honoring Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mingus on their 50th wedding an- niversary. SOUTHSIDE GRANGE is hav- ing a card party at the Southslde hall on Sept. 19. Fried chicken dinner will be served by the Grange at the South- side Grange hall on Oct. 3, and the public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Putvin and Arlene motored to Portland Sat- urday. Arlene Putvin has enrolled for her second year at Concordia College and they also visited Eug- ene Jaeuboe of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. Elsie Stockton of Battle-i ground, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Newman and baby of Eugene, Ore., visited Mr: and Mrs. Harry Newman last week. Friendship Club met Sept. 2, at Mrs. Carl Rains, and they are meeting at Mrs. Alice Stotsberrys this week. GUESTS OF Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brumbaugh Is st Sunday were El- eanor Brumbaugh, Harold Shilling and John Lindsey, all of Seattle. They all enjoyed the day going for an airl)lane ride. Mr, and Mrs Clarence Madsen have returned home from spend- ing two weeks visiting at Havre Montana. Busy Bell 4-H club meeting was held at Becky Jacobsons, and they worked on their record books. The five members that entered cook- ies at the fair were Cheryl Cham- bers, Becky Jackson, Darlene Holtorf, Sue Smith and Diane Purvts. Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett, Ernie Swiger and Winnie Crr attended the Pomona meet- ing Sunday Pt Shett)n Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leggett and Susie of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Iggett Friday. SOUTHSIDE SEWING club met at Ann Castle's for an outdoor picnic. Those attending were Mrs. Coffey and daughter, Marie Perry and her two girls, Ruth Snyder, Lorratn Dalbott and daughter, Peggy Holman and daughter, Peg- gy Ros and daughter, Bobby Hol- man, Elnora Ft'azier, Ann Castle and Franvis Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brumbaugh and famiIy of Port Angeles spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ROy Brumbaugh. JHck Smith received all blue ribbons on his goats at tile Wash- tngton :Fair in Chehalis. It's the only all blue ribbon herd from here to Canada. John Holtorf, Sheila and Dsr- lene attended the play day at El- rna fsir grotmds Sunday. Dlckie Holtorf and Ed Carney went lo Elms Saturday and ca.roped over night Willing Workers 4-H club met at Terry Hartwells. Guests of tile club wre Mrs. Doris Jacl(son, Cindy Jackson and Eddie James of California. Cindy Jackson gave a demonstration on how tt) catch rabbits and put them in crates or boxes; snd Jimmy Swayze gave a demonstration oil caring for tools before putting them away for the winter. This was the fired meet- ins that ended this year's 4-H leetings. Mrs. Earl Iggett and Mr. and Mrs. Jhn Leggett and Susie of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Badgley of McCleary Friday af- ternoon. Mrs. L. H. Asche, Mrs. H'. J. Archer aJd Pat and Mrs. H. I). Johnson Of Olympia motored to Seattle Tnesday. WALTER KRATCHA visited :Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha and 1i(;hael, and John Krateha of SiN eta, Ore., for the weekend. _.2.__ ...................... . .......... WEEKEND GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. A! Stanso of Mil. ton were weekend guests nf Mr. s,nd Mrs. R. P. Reck, spending Sunday at the Recks' cabin on Picketing f'as. One of the unus- us! highlights of the weekend wa the 15{)0 diamond tmmlp hand of Mr. Reck and :Mr. Stanso, while the ladles held an almost 1500 spade trump hand minus only one ten of spades in the same hand. dergarteners necessitates two ses- sions, which will be held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, morn- ings and afternoons. Mrs. Phyllis Millet' is the kindergarten teacher. Total enrollment in dlstrlct schools comes to 525 stuaents, with neaz-ly 200 of them in the junior;senior high ........... 7th through 10th grades. Twenty-five teachers reported for duty on opening day, September 8. Mrs. Delia Moore, hot lunch cook, reports participa- tion in the hot hmch program at a little short of 250 lunches daily. Mrs. Moore is assisted in the school kitchen by Mrs. Mark Mc- Donald and Mrs. E. Riedle. Coach Byron Grubb has an- nounced the first football game of the 1959 season for next Saturday, eptemDer 19, at Yashon hgn school. Whether there will De nome games this year is still in some doubt, depending on the con- dition of the new football field. The field has been covered with new dirt and graded, and at pres- ent looks very promising, accord- ing to Superintendent Robert Johnsen. On the first day of school, all teachers participated in a potluck luncheon, as a "welcome-back-to- school" affair. On September 25, they will join with other Mason County teachers in the annual Teachers' Institute. There will be no school for Mason County stu- dents on that day. First P.T.A. meeting of tle new season will be held Thursday eve- ning, September 17, at the junior high building. Mrs. James Edman, president, will conduct the meet- ing and will introduce this year's teaching staff, which includes five new teachers. All parents are urg- ed to be present. The time will be 8 p.m. Refreshments will be serv- ed. The benefit dinner, served at the Belfatr Masonic temple, Sunday, for the purpose of assisting finan- cially the Bob Henningsen family, cleared nearly $500. It was spon- sored jointly by several communi- ty groups; Belfair Community Baptist church, VFW auxiliary, Belfair fire department auxiliary, Eastern Star, and Masons. The vohmteer waitresses were 16 girls from the Girl Scouts, the Baptist Yo u th Fellowship, and Job's Daugh te rs. Bob Henningsen, tumself, while still a hospital patient, is making satisfactory progress. He was crit- ically injured recently in a log- grog aeeldent neat' Belfalr. Bill Landram of the Belfair Builders' Supply, has also been a Harrison Memorial hospital pa- tient, following a heart attack last. Thursday morning. He too, is recovering nicely and hopes to be home soon. A number from Belfair attend- ed the wedding, Friday evening, of Miss Margo Carlson, daughter of the C. A. Carlsons, Lakebay; an( Richard Brentin of Gig Harbor. Th ceremony was held at Sain Nicholas Catholic church, Gg Harbor, with a reception following at. Fortnightly Hall, Gtg IlarDor. The young couple, will be at home in Tacoma following a wedding trip to the Oregon Coast area. Mr. Brentin is employed by the Car- sten meat packing company in Taeonla. The Carlsons are folane| North Shore residents anti Marge spent her early years in this com- munity. Guests last week at the James Wilson home were the Reverend and Mrs. John Haugan and daugh- ters, Becky and Nancy. of Oppor- tunity, Washington. Mr. Haugan was pastor of the Belfair Commu- nity chur( until lsst June, when he made the change to the Bap- tist church in Opportunity. Dur- ing last week he spent tht:e days attending a Ministers' Retreat, held at Camp Burton on Vashon Island. On Thursday, Mrs. Wilson was hostess at an afternoon cof- fee party in honor of Mrs. Hau- gan, so that she might renew ac- quaintance with old fl'iends here. Becky Itaugan had the bad luck midway in the visit, to come down with a case of measles, but was already recovering when they left here Friday. Miss Betty Bogle, of "The Clothesline", is spending this week vacationing in Victoria, B.C. TIRE AND BATTERY SILVER DOLLAR WITH EACH TIRE AND BATTERY PURCHASED AT OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES 116 N. FIRST ual, with Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs. Jack Harris serving the cus- t onlers. Tile William Wing family trav- eled to Portland last weekend, where they visited relatives, and at[staled the Oregon Centennial eelebration. A highlight of the vis- it was the viewing of "The Oregon Story", a musical pageant, depict- ing the history of Oregon for the 100 years. Music for the show was composed by Meredith Wil- son. A trip along the Columbia tteularly enjoyed touring the his- toric Pittock mansion, open to the public during the Centennial. During the past weekend, the Harris family drove to Stevens Pass, where they joined a fro, work party at the Bremerton Sk! Cruisers' lodge. The Harris's are members of the Ski Cruisers, vis- iting the lodge often during skiing season. Belfair citizens were shocked to hear of the recent death of Lau- latter was cleaning a pistol. He is survived in Point Roberts by his wife, Madeline ([)at), who taught in the Belfair school district un- til moving to Point Roberts two years ago, by a son. William, 16, and a daughter, Patricia, 13. Oth- er survivors are his brothers anu sister, all well known in Belfair; John Morgan of Bremerton, James Morgan of Salem, Oregon, ana Mary Lou Morgan of Vallejo, Cal- ifornia. visiting with her daughter and will ret:m'n to Canada with Mr. I)m'ity sometime in October. Mr. Dority will join his wife here in the near future. BOND SALES I County sales of U.S. Savings I Bonds amounted to $I6,477 for] August, and state sales for the] month totaled $4 708 531 County ] Bond Chairman L'. A.' Carlson an- I noune.ed here this week. Thursday, W e!l Drilli WELLS -- TEST Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton 303 TINS (RERm, [ORn or WHOLE KERNEL LIBBY'S 303 TINS PlnERPPLE ITEm LIBBY'S CRUSHED LIBBY'S 24-OZ. TIN NO. 2 TINS LIBBY HASH OO.N.-- 16-OZ. TIN LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT .................................................................. 5 TINS UBBY'S GRAPEFRUIT 5 TINS° $1 UBBY'S MINTED PINEAPPLE 3 N0.2 $1 .............................................. TINS BETTER MEALS BUILD POTTED MEAT LIBBY'S 6  $1 ...................................................... TINS [HILl DENNISON'S CHILI CON CARNE 16 OZ. TINS MEAT BALLS and SPAGHETTI CHEF BOY AR DEE (0 FOLGER'S ?,-Lb. Tin 16 OZ. TINS 35 Kitsap BUTTER ,b € Boned Chicken 35 c tISSUE ZEE 4,o000033 c PKG. SPRY SHORTENING ........................................................................ .L,. T,N 77* NABISCO SNOWFLAKE ORAOKERS , , . lb. 29o LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE wow! It's our Annual IAbby Sale with Super Terrific on Canned Foods . . . Yes, Sir, You Always Buy Right at Shop-Rite ! LIBBY'8 GARDEN SWEET . . . SAVE AT SHOP-RITEI 303 TINS BEETS LIBBY'S 8HOEBTRING . . . A TERRIFIC BUY! 0 303 TINS BERn| JUI(E LIBBY'S CUT GREEN . . . STOCK UP NOWI LtBBY'S TOMATO 303 TINS 46 07. LIBBY BARTLETT PEARS 4 LIBBY CORNED BEEF PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT .............................................................. 12.OZ. DRINK .......................................... 4 NEW MINTED DRINK L,OBY'S 3 PINEAPPLE DRINK ....................... Cantaloupe 6 'or Fancy Washington State Jonathans TOKAY APPLES , . . lb. 9 = GRAPES . .. :? BUY VNF MEATS A 5HOP.RItE POT ROiLqT VNF, U.S. "CHOICE" BEEF • . . MEATY BLADE CUTS POUND ROR|T BONELESS VNF, U.8. "CHOICE" BEEF CHUCK ROAST Rolls VNF, CHOICE BONELESS HYGRADE 3 $ 4-OZ. TINS 'ON WA Prices Effective Thurs. Noon, Friday, Saturday. Right to Limit LIBBY'B FRUIT (O(NTnlL NEEDHAM'S DOES IT AGAIN[ ANOTHER GREAT SALE FOR YOU[! GIANT LIBBY CANNED FOOD SALE