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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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17,1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "ffhrmasow, U.S.A.," Shelton, POT OF GOLD Hoodsport PTA Plans Monday Meet By Mmxlne Peterson Friday morning, September 18, in College of Puget Sound. Waits Marine Store. Gary Bcarden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bearden, left on Tuesday for Sail Diegu where he will start his boot training In the Navy. A Moody Science film, "The Red River of Life", will be pre- sented in the Hood Canal Com- munity church, Friday evening, September 18, at seven-thirty o'clock. The fihn is a very inter- esting and informative one on the heart and blood circulation. Mr. and Mrs. William Ing trav- eled to Parkland Sunday to take their daughter Berry, to her new studies at Pacific Lutheran Col- lege. She plans to take a major in education. The Ings also enjoy- ed a visit this weeeknd from their son, Tom who is now in Seattle. Miss Jacqueline Brown also left Sunday for Tacoma where she will be enrolled in the Tacoma General Hospital School of Nursing, and IS COMING TO SHELTON DON'T BUY AN APPLIANCE UNTIL.... Details Next Week HOODSPORT ....... The first fall meeting of the Hoodsport P.T.A. will be held in the school on Mon- day evening, September 21, aL eight o'clock. It will feature a Teacher's Reception and will give all parents of school children a chance to meet the teachers. Re- freshments will be served by this year's officers, Mrs. Wee Johnson, Mrs. Fred Kilbomue, Mrs. Ray Peterson, and Mrs. Norman Gray. AIRMAN MIKE Kirk, of the Navy Air Corps, left for his new station at Moffett Field, Califor- nia, this week after spending a twenty day leave in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erin Kirk. Prior to his leave, Kirk completed training on the Avia- tion Hydraulics School, in Mem- phis, Tennessee. Fresh baked foods will be avail- able from the kitchens of Tiny Tim Orthopedic members when the group holds their Food Sale, PRODUCE ANOTHER COED who left for college this week is Judy Hale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hale. The family traveled to Se- attle on Monday where Judy has enrolled in the University of Washington for her sophomore year. Mrs. Don Rollevson and chil- dren traveled to Tacoma on the weekend to attend a gathering in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A..Borden to honor their 57th wedding anniversary. The group of friends and relatives also celebrated t h e seventy- eighth birthday of Mrs. Borden. The neighborhood group at In- dian Beach celebrated the birth- day of Mrs. Josie Peterson with a dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Evans, on Monday eve.. ning. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Renner were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gustin, of Bismark, North Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. John Renner, Mrs. Julle Ross and Gar- ry, of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Moore and children, of Vincentown, New Jer- sey, visited Mrs. Anita Dagger, Mrs. D. H. Pierce, and Mrs. Lulu Hunting on Wednesday. T h e Moore family were Canal resi- dents many years ago and their visit was muc.h enjoyed by their former neighbors. They stopped here on their way to Friday Ilar- bor to visit relatives. Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bingley were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vest, of Union. Mrs. Anna Litzenberg, of Wa- pato, is visiting in the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young. VISITORS in the John Laramie home were Mr. and Mrs. George Watson and girls, of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lanning and Ricky traveled to Aloha to visit in the home of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hughes. They also visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Eubanks, in Aberdeen. I Members of the Eastern Star Social Club held their first fall meeting Monday in the Union i Temple, A potluck b.mch was held. Mrs. George Grisdale, president, presided over the meeting. Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borg were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Arneson, of Ren- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Engels are looking forward to the arrival this week of their son, Larry, Jr., who will be arriving from California following his discharge from the service. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scott were visitors in the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Scott. They are now making their home in Portland where Mrs. Scott is employed as teacher in the Port- land s'chools. Scott has em'olled in the Multnomah School of the Bi- ble. The A. K. Scott's daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rodman are in the Ohop Valley near Eatonville where they are training under the Student Mis- sionary Council. The A. K. Scott's traveled to see their new home there on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Linscott have retmmed from a trip to the Ore- gon Beaches. In Tillamook they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Carver. They also vis- ited Mrs. Willis Hadley in South Bend. Saturday the Bill Renner fam- ily traveled to Tacoma to attend the wedding of his cousin, Doro- thy Gustin to Edward Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Tyler also attended the wedding. Mrs. Earl Hunting, of Los An- geles, who has been visiting her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunting in Shelton, and Mrs. Lulu Hunting, left for her home after a month's visit here. MIKE FERRIER and Darrell Peterson attended a Fall Fellow- ship of the Order of the Arrow at Camp Thunderbird this weekend. Mrs. Robert Smith has returned to her home after being confined to an Olympia hospital to under- go surgery. Among her first vis- itors were Mrs. Nola Hagen and Brent, of Tacoma, Mrs. Gene Mc- Cann, her daughter and grandson, of California. They were also luncheon guests in the Ray Peter- son home. Many Hoodsport Past Matrons and their husband: were in the group which met in the Goldberg home in Union, Friday cvening for ::Irli : -- I .--------. ) ,111 California mi -LB. PLIO a turkey dinner. Mrs. Ella Lange 0000teve s MEAT00 i UKRllUI:00 49' was hostess for the affair. Mrs. alenoia ..................... BAG ' V Peter Borg presided over the meeting and arranged an interest- H00_nu o'*-.'o*- oo o ............... __ 39 ing game where each person ' J St II hYll 0 Weiser Lake  1 -LB. PL,O bl)ught old pictures and a gless- l'" unvv,s ,umn 00eaf ] L, rUtHIt/¢0 Russets JLU € contest was hold Mrs L00go BAG won this contest. Mrs. Floy Yen- STEW 79 J' SEEDLESS GRAPES 10 tcr, fomncrly of Hoodsport, and Lean € . € now a Seattle resident, traveled herr to attend the meeting. Boneless Beef ............................ LB, . .................... LB. A potluck dinner held in the. TEAKS Goodi:i u. s. Beef ........................ LB. 79* / CUOUMBERS,  : SlicersLarge Local ...................... 2 FOR 15 € includeMrs.mercialH°(xlsp°rt School Monday eveningwas a Howalxlkick°ffOhlb'D°n OfficerSwarman,meetThomason,f°rfoX-president,thethesecre.C°m'year TOES 15 tary, and Harold Millo, treasurer. ; € California Fancy € The Reverend Wesley Gain has Slicers LB accepted the call to serve as min- ister of the Hood Canal Commu- nity Church. He and his family, his wife and three children, will be moving here soon from Long- view. Reverend Gain has led the Sunday Worship service many times this summer. Guest speak- er for the coming Sunday will be Rewrend Ed Green, director of Christian Literature. ' WEEKEND COMPANY in the D Karl Linscott home was Mr. and 00RGY DETERGENT L,OU,O 69 € l:h..._ o / for a picnic dinner. l;p  m ........  1  .... ) tl'. and Mrs. Roy Pierce and /k Dr V D l [ I r H a [ f i / i • I > Willy traveled to Aberdeen v,'Imre 1H-IIi I[  l lm ]l H1 Gallon ' -  • l  • .= I  ' they visited in the home of Mr. Ill Ill llllll I  l ¢ llP'  • l I  € and Mrs Bruce Ridgeway L-- llli iinn • m# , { HA • ii li I € ., A sql,a,'e of visito;," h'om I II II • M il Ilvaghn'we,'c ,00.,ests ;;t the s.,ty Oll III I  :.,..,.,.. lllIA. I  I- ) IISashayers Square dance on Sat- III I Im I I ku.'J I l I   IIurday evening. The four couples UK ii  A Self Polishing pl I  6=1= [] li.1  iljoined the canal grou in (lances ' il W I nol Quarts .... VO I ) on nllbLCNUeSli  Illeo by Fred Casassa, caller. Mr. I  I- """' " $ I],nd Mrs. Lionel Day wer host | and hostess for the evening aud ;" jan president of the group led A$C Extends farm Deadline According to Martin Auseth, chairman of the Agricultural Sta- bilizaLioa Conservation Committee of Mason County, word has been received that the date for accept- ing applications for Conservation iescrve Basic Farm Payment Rate has been extended through September 30 and tim date for ac- cepting applications for Conserva- tion Reserve Contracts extended througl C)ctober 16. Applicants that haw ah'cady requested basic rates will not be notffmd of the rates as set up by the ASC County Committee untu ater eptember 30, the new dead- line date. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Phone HA 6-3101 Sunday school and adult Bible classes convene at 9:45, each Lord's Day in the Odd Fellows Hall, followed by the morning worship at 11 a.m. Nursery rex-e- ices are provided for those with little tots. Vesper services are held from 7 to 8 p.m., each Sun- I day evening. Last Tuesday evening the La- dies Missionary group heJd a pre- Christmas party in the home of Mrs. Vernebelle Rice, The occas- ion was to give gi/ts to the Sand- ers family of Grandc Prairie, Ca nada. Each Wednesday (,vemng, mid- week Bible study is hchl at 7:30 p.m., it] the home of tim mmistct on West Raih'oad Ave. Sunday, Sept. 27, will be Rally Day. Everyone is cordially in- vited. MT. OLIVI!' LUTIIERAN (:ll U I{.CIi W. F. RellerHiall, Pastor Sunday school and Bible classes at 9:45, with worship service at 11:00. The Walther League meets Sun- LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET Open 'tll Noon 8aturdays J. V. "Joe" Simpson 'Fried floral purveying tv service day evening at 7:00 in the parish hall. The Lutheran Women's Mission- _ ., ary League will hold its monthly TOg SOt liquid be mlll meeting .on Tuesday evening at   I qalifled le¢lud¢l 8:00 in parish hall. ...... Choir rehearsal will begin on Thursday, Sept. 24 at 8:00 p.m. Religious instruction for chil- I.---"- dren of the seventh grade and up- t1 1 ll'i ward every Saturday morning at ,QS "",  9:3o. ond modd "I['. Tvne in the Lutheran Hour ev-  _S- ery Sunday after noon on your ra-  EP " _. diD, and see "This Is The Life' " program on KIG-TV their first meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Carlson served a.  secre- DinK S TV SRWn tary. The next dance will be held =" "" --""" Mutda Sel)erab¢ r 26 * 2n '' " Y'   r  ' "' HA 6-4633 114 S. d A. L. CALAHAN was elected to serve as commander of the (Timber Appliance Bldg.) Hood Canal American Legion at a meeting held on Thursday evening. Norman Gray will be lll Vice-Commander, Dan Anderson,  service officer and adjutant, Otto , Radtke, chaplain and Harry Poz- Ill[ c.t ski, sergeant-at-arms. A stag  installation will be held on Friday  evening, September 25, with the ..... Fourth District Commander pre- siding ............ NEW IDEA FOR SPARKLING INTERIORJ Pick up any color tone in any room-- and match it perfectly--in minutes! That's the wonder of ScuoaN'S new Aqua Tinter color system. Used with famous "velvet" fiat wall finish, VITA- • LX, you'll find the perfect combina- tion. Odorless (water thinned)! Dries in two hours! One coat does the trick! And apply it easily, quickly with brush or roller. Be first to transform "ordi- i nary" rooms with tasteful new colors --of you own individual choice. "TRY IT" OFFER We want: .you to try VITAPLEX. S(* with your purchase of a galhm or mare, you'll rteive a large 6' x 9' "cover. u p" drop cloth of heavy treat- ed crepe kraft. INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY 1ST & PINE ST, PHONE HA 6-4393 I iiii I I I III I I 17,1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "ffhrmasow, U.S.A.," Shelton, POT OF GOLD Hoodsport PTA Plans Monday Meet By Mmxlne Peterson Friday morning, September 18, in College of Puget Sound. Waits Marine Store. Gary Bcarden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bearden, left on Tuesday for Sail Diegu where he will start his boot training In the Navy. A Moody Science film, "The Red River of Life", will be pre- sented in the Hood Canal Com- munity church, Friday evening, September 18, at seven-thirty o'clock. The fihn is a very inter- esting and informative one on the heart and blood circulation. Mr. and Mrs. William Ing trav- eled to Parkland Sunday to take their daughter Berry, to her new studies at Pacific Lutheran Col- lege. She plans to take a major in education. The Ings also enjoy- ed a visit this weeeknd from their son, Tom who is now in Seattle. Miss Jacqueline Brown also left Sunday for Tacoma where she will be enrolled in the Tacoma General Hospital School of Nursing, and IS COMING TO SHELTON DON'T BUY AN APPLIANCE UNTIL.... Details Next Week HOODSPORT ....... The first fall meeting of the Hoodsport P.T.A. will be held in the school on Mon- day evening, September 21, aL eight o'clock. It will feature a Teacher's Reception and will give all parents of school children a chance to meet the teachers. Re- freshments will be served by this year's officers, Mrs. Wee Johnson, Mrs. Fred Kilbomue, Mrs. Ray Peterson, and Mrs. Norman Gray. AIRMAN MIKE Kirk, of the Navy Air Corps, left for his new station at Moffett Field, Califor- nia, this week after spending a twenty day leave in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erin Kirk. Prior to his leave, Kirk completed training on the Avia- tion Hydraulics School, in Mem- phis, Tennessee. Fresh baked foods will be avail- able from the kitchens of Tiny Tim Orthopedic members when the group holds their Food Sale, PRODUCE ANOTHER COED who left for college this week is Judy Hale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hale. The family traveled to Se- attle on Monday where Judy has enrolled in the University of Washington for her sophomore year. Mrs. Don Rollevson and chil- dren traveled to Tacoma on the weekend to attend a gathering in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A..Borden to honor their 57th wedding anniversary. The group of friends and relatives also celebrated t h e seventy- eighth birthday of Mrs. Borden. The neighborhood group at In- dian Beach celebrated the birth- day of Mrs. Josie Peterson with a dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Evans, on Monday eve.. ning. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Renner were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gustin, of Bismark, North Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. John Renner, Mrs. Julle Ross and Gar- ry, of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Moore and children, of Vincentown, New Jer- sey, visited Mrs. Anita Dagger, Mrs. D. H. Pierce, and Mrs. Lulu Hunting on Wednesday. T h e Moore family were Canal resi- dents many years ago and their visit was muc.h enjoyed by their former neighbors. They stopped here on their way to Friday Ilar- bor to visit relatives. Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bingley were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vest, of Union. Mrs. Anna Litzenberg, of Wa- pato, is visiting in the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young. VISITORS in the John Laramie home were Mr. and Mrs. George Watson and girls, of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lanning and Ricky traveled to Aloha to visit in the home of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hughes. They also visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Eubanks, in Aberdeen. I Members of the Eastern Star Social Club held their first fall meeting Monday in the Union i Temple, A potluck b.mch was held. Mrs. George Grisdale, president, presided over the meeting. Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borg were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Arneson, of Ren- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Engels are looking forward to the arrival this week of their son, Larry, Jr., who will be arriving from California following his discharge from the service. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scott were visitors in the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Scott. They are now making their home in Portland where Mrs. Scott is employed as teacher in the Port- land s'chools. Scott has em'olled in the Multnomah School of the Bi- ble. The A. K. Scott's daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rodman are in the Ohop Valley near Eatonville where they are training under the Student Mis- sionary Council. The A. K. Scott's traveled to see their new home there on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Linscott have retmmed from a trip to the Ore- gon Beaches. In Tillamook they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Carver. They also vis- ited Mrs. Willis Hadley in South Bend. Saturday the Bill Renner fam- ily traveled to Tacoma to attend the wedding of his cousin, Doro- thy Gustin to Edward Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Tyler also attended the wedding. Mrs. Earl Hunting, of Los An- geles, who has been visiting her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunting in Shelton, and Mrs. Lulu Hunting, left for her home after a month's visit here. MIKE FERRIER and Darrell Peterson attended a Fall Fellow- ship of the Order of the Arrow at Camp Thunderbird this weekend. Mrs. Robert Smith has returned to her home after being confined to an Olympia hospital to under- go surgery. Among her first vis- itors were Mrs. Nola Hagen and Brent, of Tacoma, Mrs. Gene Mc- Cann, her daughter and grandson, of California. They were also luncheon guests in the Ray Peter- son home. Many Hoodsport Past Matrons and their husband: were in the group which met in the Goldberg home in Union, Friday cvening for ::Irli : -- I .--------. ) ,111 California mi -LB. PLIO a turkey dinner. Mrs. Ella Lange 0000teve s MEAT00 i UKRllUI:00 49' was hostess for the affair. Mrs. alenoia ..................... BAG ' V Peter Borg presided over the meeting and arranged an interest- H00_nu o'*-.'o*- oo o ............... __ 39 ing game where each person ' J St II hYll 0 Weiser Lake  1 -LB. PL,O bl)ught old pictures and a gless- l'" unvv,s ,umn 00eaf ] L, rUtHIt/¢0 Russets JLU € contest was hold Mrs L00go BAG won this contest. Mrs. Floy Yen- STEW 79 J' SEEDLESS GRAPES 10 tcr, fomncrly of Hoodsport, and Lean € . € now a Seattle resident, traveled herr to attend the meeting. Boneless Beef ............................ LB, . .................... LB. A potluck dinner held in the. TEAKS Goodi:i u. s. Beef ........................ LB. 79* / CUOUMBERS,  : SlicersLarge Local ...................... 2 FOR 15 € includeMrs.mercialH°(xlsp°rt School Monday eveningwas a Howalxlkick°ffOhlb'D°n OfficerSwarman,meetThomason,f°rfoX-president,thethesecre.C°m'year TOES 15 tary, and Harold Millo, treasurer. ; € California Fancy € The Reverend Wesley Gain has Slicers LB accepted the call to serve as min- ister of the Hood Canal Commu- nity Church. He and his family, his wife and three children, will be moving here soon from Long- view. Reverend Gain has led the Sunday Worship service many times this summer. Guest speak- er for the coming Sunday will be Rewrend Ed Green, director of Christian Literature. ' WEEKEND COMPANY in the D Karl Linscott home was Mr. and 00RGY DETERGENT L,OU,O 69 € l:h..._ o / for a picnic dinner. l;p  m ........  1  .... ) tl'. and Mrs. Roy Pierce and /k Dr V D l [ I r H a [ f i / i • I > Willy traveled to Aberdeen v,'Imre 1H-IIi I[  l lm ]l H1 Gallon ' -  • l  • .= I  ' they visited in the home of Mr. Ill Ill llllll I  l ¢ llP'  • l I  € and Mrs Bruce Ridgeway L-- llli iinn • m# , { HA • ii li I € ., A sql,a,'e of visito;," h'om I II II • M il Ilvaghn'we,'c ,00.,ests ;;t the s.,ty Oll III I  :.,..,.,.. lllIA. I  I- ) IISashayers Square dance on Sat- III I Im I I ku.'J I l I   IIurday evening. The four couples UK ii  A Self Polishing pl I  6=1= [] li.1  iljoined the canal grou in (lances ' il W I nol Quarts .... VO I ) on nllbLCNUeSli  Illeo by Fred Casassa, caller. Mr. I  I- """' " $ I],nd Mrs. Lionel Day wer host | and hostess for the evening aud ;" jan president of the group led A$C Extends farm Deadline According to Martin Auseth, chairman of the Agricultural Sta- bilizaLioa Conservation Committee of Mason County, word has been received that the date for accept- ing applications for Conservation iescrve Basic Farm Payment Rate has been extended through September 30 and tim date for ac- cepting applications for Conserva- tion Reserve Contracts extended througl C)ctober 16. Applicants that haw ah'cady requested basic rates will not be notffmd of the rates as set up by the ASC County Committee untu ater eptember 30, the new dead- line date. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Phone HA 6-3101 Sunday school and adult Bible classes convene at 9:45, each Lord's Day in the Odd Fellows Hall, followed by the morning worship at 11 a.m. Nursery rex-e- ices are provided for those with little tots. Vesper services are held from 7 to 8 p.m., each Sun- I day evening. Last Tuesday evening the La- dies Missionary group heJd a pre- Christmas party in the home of Mrs. Vernebelle Rice, The occas- ion was to give gi/ts to the Sand- ers family of Grandc Prairie, Ca nada. Each Wednesday (,vemng, mid- week Bible study is hchl at 7:30 p.m., it] the home of tim mmistct on West Raih'oad Ave. Sunday, Sept. 27, will be Rally Day. Everyone is cordially in- vited. MT. OLIVI!' LUTIIERAN (:ll U I{.CIi W. F. RellerHiall, Pastor Sunday school and Bible classes at 9:45, with worship service at 11:00. The Walther League meets Sun- LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET Open 'tll Noon 8aturdays J. V. "Joe" Simpson 'Fried floral purveying tv service day evening at 7:00 in the parish hall. The Lutheran Women's Mission- _ ., ary League will hold its monthly TOg SOt liquid be mlll meeting .on Tuesday evening at   I qalifled le¢lud¢l 8:00 in parish hall. ...... Choir rehearsal will begin on Thursday, Sept. 24 at 8:00 p.m. Religious instruction for chil- I.---"- dren of the seventh grade and up- t1 1 ll'i ward every Saturday morning at ,QS "",  9:3o. ond modd "I['. Tvne in the Lutheran Hour ev-  _S- ery Sunday after noon on your ra-  EP " _. diD, and see "This Is The Life' " program on KIG-TV their first meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Carlson served a.  secre- DinK S TV SRWn tary. The next dance will be held =" "" --""" Mutda Sel)erab¢ r 26 * 2n '' " Y'   r  ' "' HA 6-4633 114 S. d A. L. CALAHAN was elected to serve as commander of the (Timber Appliance Bldg.) Hood Canal American Legion at a meeting held on Thursday evening. Norman Gray will be lll Vice-Commander, Dan Anderson,  service officer and adjutant, Otto , Radtke, chaplain and Harry Poz- Ill[ c.t ski, sergeant-at-arms. A stag  installation will be held on Friday  evening, September 25, with the ..... Fourth District Commander pre- siding ............ NEW IDEA FOR SPARKLING INTERIORJ Pick up any color tone in any room-- and match it perfectly--in minutes! That's the wonder of ScuoaN'S new Aqua Tinter color system. Used with famous "velvet" fiat wall finish, VITA- • LX, you'll find the perfect combina- tion. Odorless (water thinned)! Dries in two hours! One coat does the trick! And apply it easily, quickly with brush or roller. Be first to transform "ordi- i nary" rooms with tasteful new colors --of you own individual choice. "TRY IT" OFFER We want: .you to try VITAPLEX. S(* with your purchase of a galhm or mare, you'll rteive a large 6' x 9' "cover. u p" drop cloth of heavy treat- ed crepe kraft. INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY 1ST & PINE ST, PHONE HA 6-4393 I iiii I I I III I I