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16 :; ....................................... TELT01:MXg0N 00U1WI ffOURNA- Published in "ChriMmaMown, U.g.A.," helton, Washington • Tlmrsday,
'-'" ' ..................................... !Country Squire From Grapeview Mystery Man
aiPrendulin Grade00 i lN JOURNAL WHO'S WHO LIST
Shell The .,o,, '-'O .,.,.s
-,---- oHIH" Oil o,,l into the country to get its
12th myshq'y cha,"tcter for this
, week's "Arl,()'s IV}lo In Mason
and County" lnstalhnent and came tip
with Grapeview's grand young
r i]lan, octogenarian VValt Eckert.
Pramium ce At 82 ye,.'s of ag,' he bss pass,.d
iD-- '-- J-fJ''qi the 4-score mih,lone (Bill John-
one wotdd never gllt'SS it to look
--.-r:.'-''-,,-,_ Perhaps i)' of the
.= =..= .a ,-,-----
l,tm healthy, outdoor life he has lived
that has kept him so well pro-
se,'ved for his years for he has
been a sports fall par excellence
(Kitsal)-Mason Dairy, pg. 6) since
his youth, when he actively played
and in his ohler years as a' fan
CALL who seldom missed attending a
game of any kind; or because be-
lug a vinoyardlst (Budget Shop,
GOTT OiL pg 15), grapegrower (Dairy
. Queen, p.,. 16. and hortic,d!urlst
*l'eisle,"s ICU Crcalfi Center, pg.
l;) is a rood p',s,.q'vaLivc.
,:" Trim' fl..M., p v,. 13).
l t,' h.,. llv,'d all his lift? at
(i I'}LI}C+ I,+V t-+J IS all t+ll ++,| -(,I, der
Phone IiA 6-A82 or IIA 6-fl207 ,:,.tle AK,,P>),', pg. 15), a true
BA'SIIt)lglL' ROAD l;ibtDL 4'Kb , i);oil¢.or (Lea Fields
.r-7-V---'--_"+'-'w .......... r ...................... %ut, I'att, lF,. 161 etrl(l C.Oltntry
............................................................................. 18).
..... : .... : He .m+n'ed Uncle Sam in a dou-
ble role ,+Beckwith Jewelry, pg.
15) by being postmaster and
weather recorder for so many
SATURDAY +o+,+ only he knows the number.
As such he is an ex-stampman
(L.M., pg. 9), record keeper (Eells
& Valley Appliance Center, pg.
13}, Inoisturt measurer (Leroy's
Television Service, pg. 91 and
cloud watcher (Eells & Valley Ap-
pliance Center, pg. 13).
To earn the daily necessities of
life he has made grpe juice, in
other words peddled grape queez-
ings (both In Waterfront Realty,
pg. 19). In carrying on his occupa-
tion purple hands were his prob-
lem (McConkey Pharmacy, pg.
20) because the grape juice was!
very difficult to remove from the
skin {or anything else, for that
matter). The grapes he squeezed
L GRANDSTAND ,o, juice came from a species he
helped his father, Adam Eckert,
develop in the Grapeview vine-
SHOWS DALLY! yards, and which they ntuned the
Island Bell. Thus came the clue
every Afternoon and Evening Island Bell his belle in the M & S
Food Store ad, pg. 16.
Bring the whole family-- Walt Eckert is a Klwaniml to
Fair Time Is Fun Time the core (Lawton Lumber, pg. 17)
as proven by the fact that he has
the GRAND maintained a perfect ttetlaeo
OLD rtword for 32 year,s (Saeger Mo-
tto' Shop, pg. 6) in that civic or-
FAIR ganization and was its song letuler
SIC[ (dolmny's Music Box, pg. 10) for
900 many years.
Another of Mr. Eckert's many
activities is his clmrch, Methodist
(Rex Floor Covering, pg. 16), in
which he served as choir director
Purple Hands His Problem
uire (,I&J Service, pg. 16). It
takes an old-timer or a clo stu-
dent of Mason County history to
know that his home was once call-
ed Detroit (Herbert G. Angle, pg.
Local Women
Become LPN
Five Shelton women were grad-
uated as Licensed Practical Nm's-
es from St. Peter's Hospital in
Olympia last Sunday.
Of the 15 women gradual)rig,
Shelton residents were Nor(me M.
Coleman, Clara V. He)hold, Irene
M. Luhm, Evelyn B. Morton and
Dora W. egg. Other Shcltonians
taking part in the ceremonies
were Frank Porter and Mrs. Har-
vey Hilhnan.
A reception followed in the
;, Nut'sos' Home.
Sis Theresa's Guild
Plans Walnut Sale
St. Theresa's Guild will repeat
their fall project of last year with
the sale of Oregon walnuts as
soon as the new crop is harvested.
The nuts will be available early
for holiday baking, it was an-
nounced at the last meeting of the
Guild in the home of the new
chairman, Mrs. George Hermes.
The next meeting will be held
Oct, 8, in the Capitol Hill home of
Mrs, R. J. Flakus,
Monday, Sept. 21 --- Chicken
noodle soup, meat sandwich, veg-
etable wedges, canned fruit an
Tuesday, Sept. 22 ...... Hamburg-
er gravy over hot biscuits, sliced
tomatoes, fruit jello and milk.
Wednelay, Sel,t. 23 ....... Wiener
in a buttered bun, macaroni sa,-
ad, carrot sticks, apple Brown
Betty and milk.
Thursdty, Sept. 24 Chili con
carne, vegetable wedges, cheese
slice, hot light rolls, peaches ant,
Friday, Sept. 25 --- Teachers' In-
stitute --- no school.
(Herb Angle, pg. 18) for a long
And there you have the 24 cities
which identified Walt Eckert as
your 12th "Who's Who in Mason
County" mystery man.
Another batch of tips pointing
the finger at the 13th personality
in the contest will be found scat-
tered in sponsors ads throughout
this edition, and deposit boxes
where you may place your entrie,
are' located at Saeger's Motor
Shop on Hillcrest, Prepp's Rexall
Store at;, 2nd and Railroad, Shel-
ton Recreation at 128 N. 1st,
Coast-to-Coast Stores at 2nd and
Cota, Johnny's Music Box at 429
Railroad, and Western Auto Sup-
ply at 315 S. 1st.
These boxes will be retrieved at
5:00 o'clock Monday afternoon
and the 13th "Who's Who" winner
picked a few minutes later.
It was not until 1876 that the
Navy adopted the English Morse
telegraphic code.
Dayton Riders
Compete at Elma
Posse P layday
By Mabel Kidd
I)AYq'ON At ten(ling tle
Grays Harbor Posse Playday llelt
in I]lma S,lrl(tay \\;vas a group o
Bell Riders of Shelh.m, Mr. one
Mrs. Pete Roberts and snns. Mr.
and Mrs. Cub Ogg and sons, Sug-
ar' Townsend. Dick Holtorf. Jan
Peq rson, (h+raldine Schm. All
Ribbans, Mike Haskins, Don Ruth-
erford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sharpe, Sr. ana
Susan Carney. t.ic.hard Roberts
Was quite thrilled when he places
second in the eighth mile race as
this was his first time to race.
Congratulations go to Mr. ano
Mrs. Al Chappell on the birth ot
daughter, Pair)eta Eileen, born or
Monday, Set)t. 14. This new little
"bundle from heaven" weighed in
at six poumts and seven ounces.
I)ayton ,esident, graduated u+,,-
day afternoon from the St. Peter>
ttospital course of practical nurs-
ing. (h'a(tuation exercises were
held in the Garfield school audito-
rium in Taconta. Attemling the
graduation were Mrs. egg's chl,,
dren, Mrs. Joe Duffey of Sheltmt
and Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Brown. Two other ladies win,
known in this community als
graduated: Mrs. Joe Luhm, now
of Elms and Mrs. Evelyn Morton
of Olympia.
Carroll McHenry and son, Data
accompanied by Leon Scott ox
Shelton spent a very enjoyable
weekend east of the
dee,' hunting with bow and arrow.
Last week, Mrs. Gertrude Scott
returned home from Santa Clara,
Calif., from a several weeks' va-
cation spent with her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
SUNDAY DROP-IN visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darl
Goldy were Roy Getty of Shelton
and his brother, Eddie of Kodiak,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson
and Mrs. Art Barrett of Port An-
geles called on Mrs. Marian Valley
on Sunday afternoon.
Monday evening drop-in guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde
were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnes
nd Arnold of Shelton.
John Schur spent an enjoyable
weekend on a cruise frol]l Seattle
nto Canada.
Mrs, Clyde Michler left last
Wednesday to return to her home
in Oxnard, Calif. after' spending
several weeks with her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Wednesday evening callers in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
M. Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Luhm arid daughter of Shel-
Mrs. Carrel McHenry and chil-
dren accompanied by Mrs. Leon
Plan Services
The Seven th I)ay Adventist
worshi I) service will begin at 11
o'('h)cl Saturday mornino'. It is
expected tile speaker will be D,'.
Ihavi<l L. Glenn of Belfair. Morn-
ing 13iblc school will be taughL al
9:30 'l.n). with classes for all age..
Midweek prayer meeting iv helo
each Wednesday evening 7:30 a.
tile church.
AnnoliT1CPnlet of a new tele-
cast on TV will be made soon.
Bordeaux Parents
To Meet Tonighi
The first monthly nteeting of
the Bordeaux Parent-'Peachers As-
sociation will be held this evening,
Thursday, in the Bordeaux school.
Hold Meeting
By Mrs. Earl llarrinmn
Piekering Homenaakers eluh met
last Thursday for tim first n)eel.-
in K of nc lall season with 19
members present and three guests.
There was a (tisellssion shout a
new roof fol' the club house. Mrs.
Helen Cameron and Mrs. Ruth
McCleary were the hostesses for
this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson en-
tertained Monday a week ago,
Mrs. Gertrude Howard of Langley,
with Mrs. Mabel Hart)man (t,'op-
ping in for the evening.
Mrs. Jessie Jones is the proud
grandmother of twin boys, born
recently to Mr. and Mrs. Erick-
t¢ooms will be open at 7:30 p.m.,
to give parents and teachers a I son of Seattle.
cha]+ce to get acquainted. ] Mrs. Lillian Cameron has her
The business Fleeting will begin I sister visiting her.
at 8 ()'clock with all teachers and] We understand Mrs. Bessie An-
school personnel introdueed dur- l derson enjoyed her recent airplane
ing the program. Refreshments trip to Alaska to visit her son
will be served, veryand familY,much, the James Andersons,
Scott and children of Shelton
spent Saturday shopping in Brem-
Yvonne York is houseguest of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy.
Glen Young of Bremerton spent
the weekend in the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Sunday visitors in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams were
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams ano
children of Tacoma.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were
Mr. and Mrs. Rormie LeGarde ana
daughter of Shelton and Mr. Pare
Challender and children.
On Monday evening, Mr. arm
Mrs. Sam egg and children ol;
Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs.
Darl Goldy.
MI, William Brown and girm
and Mrs. Joe Duffey, Jr. of Shel-
ton spent Saturday shopping in
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.
Gertrude Scott were Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer McCoy and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill ttoman of Shelton.
1Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy ants
children called on Mr. and Mrs.
A. XV. Puderbaugh of Agate Fri-
day evening.
Clint and Cindy Tibbits wer,,
Saturd'y overnight guests o;
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dell Adams.
Mr. aml Mrs. Gary Cole spem
a recent weekend sightseeing m
Canada, while Tina slayed with
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams
and Steve with Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Cole of Kamilche.
Mrs. Carrel McHenry and chil-
dren were Sunday dinner guest
of Mrs. Jeff Hayes of Shelton.
soring a Tymkana (Play Day) to
be held on Sunday, Sept. 20 at the
airport Posse grounds. There wil
be events for all ages and ribbons
for all events with a trophy or
high point winner.
Friday Night
Sat. Morning'!
Sat. Evening
""" a,, umg jusl
... th, msr ,'
.. but thanks to an :rt
ii ing number of inL :I J ge
ii thrifty customers . . , w¢
i ! quiet TRUTH w!ll
"<!iii!i!!!!iii':i!, :i::::i:" •
"i:i: :
/.el YOUR gift bear the name of a R|$PECT|D
it WI£L mean MORE... !
Convenient terms... I )
OK Rubber
2226 N. Olympic Hwy.
HA 6-4832
Son sells shoes
Evergreen Texaco
Motor Tuneup, Generators,
StartePs, Lubrloatlon,
Brake Relining
let & Franklin HA 6-3031
Kimbel Motors
707 S. Firet HA 6-3433
"Shelton's Favorite"
For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner
or Just a Snaok
125 Cota HA 6:3953
Shelton Union Service
• First In tlres---U. S. Royal
• Economy Car Wash
• Vacation Trailer Rentals
• U Drive Trucks
332 S. First HA 6-8002
Leroy's Television
Motorola rslsvlalon & Radios
"You Get Guaranteed Quality
In 8ales and Service"
221S N. Olympic Hwy.
HA 6-3172
Sears Catalog
"Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Your Money Back"
Evergreen Square HA 6-8201
"Look to the Finest First"
Eells & Valley
123 S. 2nd HA 6-4663
Forrest's Flowers
Cut Flowers - Plants
Floral Designs
Plowers and Gifts for
All Oo0asJcns
Flowers by Wire
S13 Railroad HA 6-6513
Kitsap-Mason Dairy
"Good Milk is Good Food"
• Milk & Cream
/ • Ice Cream
• Cheese
• Butter
Third at Grove HA 6-4473
Rex Floor Coverings
HA 6-2292
1723 Olympic Hwy, N.
Timber APldiance
AuLh0rized Dealer
Sales & Service
Elcctvical Contracting
Heating -- Wiring
HA 6-4633 114 S. 2rid
Bill Johnson's
Shell Service
"Service First- Satisfaction
A Iways"
Goodyear Tires
Nio-L-SIIver Batterlee
First & Cota HA 6-390
Quality at Budget Prices
Evergreen Squars HA 6-8293
Waterfront Realty
Developers of Highland Terrace
Marden M. Stroud, Broker
226 No. First HA 6-8535
J & J Service
"The Best Frlsnd
Your Car Ever Had"
Mt. View HA 6.3959
I Wingard's Sport Shop
• Complete Fishing and
Huntlrlg Supplies
"Take Along A Buddy"
All Resident & Non-Resident
2210 Olympic Hwy, N.
HA 6-8672
• " !1
Saeger's Motor Shop
• Johnson Outboards
• H0mellte Power Saws
Insursnce Coverage & Service
Angle Agency
Insurance - Real Estate - Travel
4th & R.R. HA 6-8272
Evergreen Fuel Co.
Diesel Oil & Stove Oil
Automatlo Refill Service
819 S. First HA 6-8103
Plumbing, Heating & Sheet
Metal Contracting -- Plumbln0
Supplies OII Burners
623 8. First HA 6-3483
"YOU Can't Better The Best"
Premium Ice Cream
At Less than Popular Prices
422 N. First HA 6-6675
20th Century
Thriftway '
"Where Every Cuetomer
Is Important"
Ppp's Rexall Store
'In Business for
Your Healtn '
a 8kagit Boats
Sales & 8ervice
HIIIoreet HA 6-4602
.... lo ...... I .... , III • II
"with that
Country Fresh Flavor"
• 19 Railroad
HA 6-6283
Beautiful matron Blue-grasser
1st & Cedar Westinghouse Appliances
, The best oot s no more •
Wheatley & Keary Co.
"Servioe and Quality First"
Plumblrlg Hegtlng
Paper Paint
Contraotin g
317 S. First HA 6-4553
Open Bowling for the Whole
Family Friday, Saturday,
Zonitan past president
Shelton Recreation
128 N. First HA 6-6252
Budget Shop
Decorating Center
Across from Evergreen Square
M. and S. Food Store
Quality Food -- Low Prices
Free Delivery
120 Cota HA 6-4892
Southeran belle
2nd & Cota HA 6-6311
Lawton Lumber Co.
• C & C Paints
• Building Materials
• Tools-- Rentals
420 S. First HA 6-4303
For over 24 years It has been
McDonkey's for Drugs
"Two Locations to Serve YOU"
306 Raitroad 329 Railroad
HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456
Johnny's Music Box
429 Railroad HA 6-4302
Pianos • Organs
Acoordlon Lessons
Band Instruments
Jest Musio
.... II .....
Thackeray Electric
"Electrical Contraotors"
Lighting Fixtures
Electric Heat
Wiring Supplies
and Repairs
217 Cota HA 6-6477
Shelton Hotel
"If You Can Find A Better
Place To Eat Try It!"
• Banquet Facilities
• Sat. Nite Smorgasbord
• Blue Ox Corral
Ph. HA 6-3341
Les Fields Auto Parts
Complete line o4 parts for all
cars & trucks
Automotive Machine Shop
Tools Batteries
229 S. First HA 6-3351
, Store
Sitlce 1895"
C. C. Cole & Sons
Standard Oil Products
"Trouble Free Fuel OII Servk:m
for the Home"
118 S. Third HA 6.4411
Exolusive Dealers for
129 Railroad HA 6-3283
Western Auto Supply
The Name fur Quality
315 S. First HA 6-6183
Ritner's Broiler
"For Fine Foods
Reasonabl Prices"
102 S. First HA 6-4223
Where lu Look for Glues,..
Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights
Clues may be hidden in ANY ad in this group sd.
appears in any of thee ads, it means that additional
that merchant appears elsewhere in this issue of the
tional clues may be hidden in any of those ads also!
€lues will be scattered.., there may be from one to
any ad -- or none. This is a contest of kill -- and we
our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to
1. This is a family fun ontest. 10n-
trier welcome from every member of
the fmnilY old enou[h to fill out his
or her own, You MAY submit one en-
try per person at any or all of the
Sponsoring Merchants whose ads are
in the row that ha heavily bordered
this week but only one entry per
person at any one, store (more than
one will disqualify all entries of that
pereoa t week). Anyone may
enter unless a member f ¥lr family
is employed by the 30URNA. Spon-!
sorlng Merchants and their families[
(and their employees and families) are
most welcome to enter EXCEPT during
the weeim that the Sponsoring Mer-
chant's store is featured.
2. Nothing to t,uy. Use any slip of
paper for entry blank. DO NOT put
your entry in an 'envelope. Not neces-
sary to be present at the drawing to
win. Not necessary to be a subscriber
to the JO'RNAL to participate.
3. WHO'S WHO may be anyone in
the Mason County area. Clues to his
(or hex) Jr]entity will be hidden ONLY
in ads of SponsOring Merchants (this
means any ad In this section or any
ad of the game merchant elsewhere In
the paper). When star(s) appear in
any ad in tltis section, it is your warn-
ing that other ad(s) of the same mer-
chant (in which there may be clues)
appear elsewhere in the paper. Clues
will be scattered--many ads will have:
no clues, while others may have as
many as five. This is a contest of skill,
and we intend to do our best to outwit
you. We'll be delighted if you succeea
In outguessing us, in sPite of our best
4. If by colncldence, the name of the
WHO'S WHO (or other facts about
him) happen to appear in news item,
editorial matter, or other places in this
newspaper, these will not count as
5, To enter, write down the name
you think the WHO'S WHO Is. List
all the clues you can find In all the
ads of the Sponsoring Merchants in
this issue. Don't forget your own name
and address!! Then, drop your entry
at any Sponsoring Merchant whose ad
Is between the heaVY
issue. You may enter
wish! There are no
entries will be
tries will not be
ber of the family maY
tpies for that family.
12 must be accompanle
6. This week's
you receive this
p.m. Monday of the
tlmt time (5 p.m.
drawing will be
drawn that correCtlY
rHO'S WHO will Wi
entry also lists every
ads of Sponsoring
NUS of $35.00 will
ever this BONUS is
added to next week'S
will contlnuto grOW
Winning the BoNU[
FECT list of clues
ber. and all copied
7. At unannounced
the contest, a
wtll take place
drawing Is completed'
regular drawing will
for the drawing of
3AC'POT. Winner °,a
will be
drawn (after completlO
drawing) which has *
rect identification ?
and a perfect list oq
will not be held for ""
POT every week.
8. Every possible pre
taken to prevent tYP°
that might he mi stake'
errorless typograPhY+,
lishcr of the jOUR
judge in all question'
is final.
Family part icipattOl |
ter ,'iumei to win tlt
wife. }msband. or $0,
youngstdr MAY spot $
miss !
don't enter! €#
• . 1Remember, yea
Got any Perry Ma$OP
think YOU can Out't
16 :; ....................................... TELT01:MXg0N 00U1WI ffOURNA- Published in "ChriMmaMown, U.g.A.," helton, Washington • Tlmrsday,
'-'" ' ..................................... !Country Squire From Grapeview Mystery Man
aiPrendulin Grade00 i lN JOURNAL WHO'S WHO LIST
Shell The .,o,, '-'O .,.,.s
-,---- oHIH" Oil o,,l into the country to get its
12th myshq'y cha,"tcter for this
, week's "Arl,()'s IV}lo In Mason
and County" lnstalhnent and came tip
with Grapeview's grand young
r i]lan, octogenarian VValt Eckert.
Pramium ce At 82 ye,.'s of ag,' he bss pass,.d
iD-- '-- J-fJ''qi the 4-score mih,lone (Bill John-
one wotdd never gllt'SS it to look
--.-r:.'-''-,,-,_ Perhaps i)' of the
.= =..= .a ,-,-----
l,tm healthy, outdoor life he has lived
that has kept him so well pro-
se,'ved for his years for he has
been a sports fall par excellence
(Kitsal)-Mason Dairy, pg. 6) since
his youth, when he actively played
and in his ohler years as a' fan
CALL who seldom missed attending a
game of any kind; or because be-
lug a vinoyardlst (Budget Shop,
GOTT OiL pg 15), grapegrower (Dairy
. Queen, p.,. 16. and hortic,d!urlst
*l'eisle,"s ICU Crcalfi Center, pg.
l;) is a rood p',s,.q'vaLivc.
,:" Trim' fl..M., p v,. 13).
l t,' h.,. llv,'d all his lift? at
(i I'}LI}C+ I,+V t-+J IS all t+ll ++,| -(,I, der
Phone IiA 6-A82 or IIA 6-fl207 ,:,.tle AK,,P>),', pg. 15), a true
BA'SIIt)lglL' ROAD l;ibtDL 4'Kb , i);oil¢.or (Lea Fields
.r-7-V---'--_"+'-'w .......... r ...................... %ut, I'att, lF,. 161 etrl(l C.Oltntry
............................................................................. 18).
..... : .... : He .m+n'ed Uncle Sam in a dou-
ble role ,+Beckwith Jewelry, pg.
15) by being postmaster and
weather recorder for so many
SATURDAY +o+,+ only he knows the number.
As such he is an ex-stampman
(L.M., pg. 9), record keeper (Eells
& Valley Appliance Center, pg.
13}, Inoisturt measurer (Leroy's
Television Service, pg. 91 and
cloud watcher (Eells & Valley Ap-
pliance Center, pg. 13).
To earn the daily necessities of
life he has made grpe juice, in
other words peddled grape queez-
ings (both In Waterfront Realty,
pg. 19). In carrying on his occupa-
tion purple hands were his prob-
lem (McConkey Pharmacy, pg.
20) because the grape juice was!
very difficult to remove from the
skin {or anything else, for that
matter). The grapes he squeezed
L GRANDSTAND ,o, juice came from a species he
helped his father, Adam Eckert,
develop in the Grapeview vine-
SHOWS DALLY! yards, and which they ntuned the
Island Bell. Thus came the clue
every Afternoon and Evening Island Bell his belle in the M & S
Food Store ad, pg. 16.
Bring the whole family-- Walt Eckert is a Klwaniml to
Fair Time Is Fun Time the core (Lawton Lumber, pg. 17)
as proven by the fact that he has
the GRAND maintained a perfect ttetlaeo
OLD rtword for 32 year,s (Saeger Mo-
tto' Shop, pg. 6) in that civic or-
FAIR ganization and was its song letuler
SIC[ (dolmny's Music Box, pg. 10) for
900 many years.
Another of Mr. Eckert's many
activities is his clmrch, Methodist
(Rex Floor Covering, pg. 16), in
which he served as choir director
Purple Hands His Problem
uire (,I&J Service, pg. 16). It
takes an old-timer or a clo stu-
dent of Mason County history to
know that his home was once call-
ed Detroit (Herbert G. Angle, pg.
Local Women
Become LPN
Five Shelton women were grad-
uated as Licensed Practical Nm's-
es from St. Peter's Hospital in
Olympia last Sunday.
Of the 15 women gradual)rig,
Shelton residents were Nor(me M.
Coleman, Clara V. He)hold, Irene
M. Luhm, Evelyn B. Morton and
Dora W. egg. Other Shcltonians
taking part in the ceremonies
were Frank Porter and Mrs. Har-
vey Hilhnan.
A reception followed in the
;, Nut'sos' Home.
Sis Theresa's Guild
Plans Walnut Sale
St. Theresa's Guild will repeat
their fall project of last year with
the sale of Oregon walnuts as
soon as the new crop is harvested.
The nuts will be available early
for holiday baking, it was an-
nounced at the last meeting of the
Guild in the home of the new
chairman, Mrs. George Hermes.
The next meeting will be held
Oct, 8, in the Capitol Hill home of
Mrs, R. J. Flakus,
Monday, Sept. 21 --- Chicken
noodle soup, meat sandwich, veg-
etable wedges, canned fruit an
Tuesday, Sept. 22 ...... Hamburg-
er gravy over hot biscuits, sliced
tomatoes, fruit jello and milk.
Wednelay, Sel,t. 23 ....... Wiener
in a buttered bun, macaroni sa,-
ad, carrot sticks, apple Brown
Betty and milk.
Thursdty, Sept. 24 Chili con
carne, vegetable wedges, cheese
slice, hot light rolls, peaches ant,
Friday, Sept. 25 --- Teachers' In-
stitute --- no school.
(Herb Angle, pg. 18) for a long
And there you have the 24 cities
which identified Walt Eckert as
your 12th "Who's Who in Mason
County" mystery man.
Another batch of tips pointing
the finger at the 13th personality
in the contest will be found scat-
tered in sponsors ads throughout
this edition, and deposit boxes
where you may place your entrie,
are' located at Saeger's Motor
Shop on Hillcrest, Prepp's Rexall
Store at;, 2nd and Railroad, Shel-
ton Recreation at 128 N. 1st,
Coast-to-Coast Stores at 2nd and
Cota, Johnny's Music Box at 429
Railroad, and Western Auto Sup-
ply at 315 S. 1st.
These boxes will be retrieved at
5:00 o'clock Monday afternoon
and the 13th "Who's Who" winner
picked a few minutes later.
It was not until 1876 that the
Navy adopted the English Morse
telegraphic code.
Dayton Riders
Compete at Elma
Posse P layday
By Mabel Kidd
I)AYq'ON At ten(ling tle
Grays Harbor Posse Playday llelt
in I]lma S,lrl(tay \\;vas a group o
Bell Riders of Shelh.m, Mr. one
Mrs. Pete Roberts and snns. Mr.
and Mrs. Cub Ogg and sons, Sug-
ar' Townsend. Dick Holtorf. Jan
Peq rson, (h+raldine Schm. All
Ribbans, Mike Haskins, Don Ruth-
erford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sharpe, Sr. ana
Susan Carney. t.ic.hard Roberts
Was quite thrilled when he places
second in the eighth mile race as
this was his first time to race.
Congratulations go to Mr. ano
Mrs. Al Chappell on the birth ot
daughter, Pair)eta Eileen, born or
Monday, Set)t. 14. This new little
"bundle from heaven" weighed in
at six poumts and seven ounces.
I)ayton ,esident, graduated u+,,-
day afternoon from the St. Peter>
ttospital course of practical nurs-
ing. (h'a(tuation exercises were
held in the Garfield school audito-
rium in Taconta. Attemling the
graduation were Mrs. egg's chl,,
dren, Mrs. Joe Duffey of Sheltmt
and Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Brown. Two other ladies win,
known in this community als
graduated: Mrs. Joe Luhm, now
of Elms and Mrs. Evelyn Morton
of Olympia.
Carroll McHenry and son, Data
accompanied by Leon Scott ox
Shelton spent a very enjoyable
weekend east of the
dee,' hunting with bow and arrow.
Last week, Mrs. Gertrude Scott
returned home from Santa Clara,
Calif., from a several weeks' va-
cation spent with her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
SUNDAY DROP-IN visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darl
Goldy were Roy Getty of Shelton
and his brother, Eddie of Kodiak,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson
and Mrs. Art Barrett of Port An-
geles called on Mrs. Marian Valley
on Sunday afternoon.
Monday evening drop-in guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde
were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnes
nd Arnold of Shelton.
John Schur spent an enjoyable
weekend on a cruise frol]l Seattle
nto Canada.
Mrs, Clyde Michler left last
Wednesday to return to her home
in Oxnard, Calif. after' spending
several weeks with her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Wednesday evening callers in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
M. Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Luhm arid daughter of Shel-
Mrs. Carrel McHenry and chil-
dren accompanied by Mrs. Leon
Plan Services
The Seven th I)ay Adventist
worshi I) service will begin at 11
o'('h)cl Saturday mornino'. It is
expected tile speaker will be D,'.
Ihavi<l L. Glenn of Belfair. Morn-
ing 13iblc school will be taughL al
9:30 'l.n). with classes for all age..
Midweek prayer meeting iv helo
each Wednesday evening 7:30 a.
tile church.
AnnoliT1CPnlet of a new tele-
cast on TV will be made soon.
Bordeaux Parents
To Meet Tonighi
The first monthly nteeting of
the Bordeaux Parent-'Peachers As-
sociation will be held this evening,
Thursday, in the Bordeaux school.
Hold Meeting
By Mrs. Earl llarrinmn
Piekering Homenaakers eluh met
last Thursday for tim first n)eel.-
in K of nc lall season with 19
members present and three guests.
There was a (tisellssion shout a
new roof fol' the club house. Mrs.
Helen Cameron and Mrs. Ruth
McCleary were the hostesses for
this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson en-
tertained Monday a week ago,
Mrs. Gertrude Howard of Langley,
with Mrs. Mabel Hart)man (t,'op-
ping in for the evening.
Mrs. Jessie Jones is the proud
grandmother of twin boys, born
recently to Mr. and Mrs. Erick-
t¢ooms will be open at 7:30 p.m.,
to give parents and teachers a I son of Seattle.
cha]+ce to get acquainted. ] Mrs. Lillian Cameron has her
The business Fleeting will begin I sister visiting her.
at 8 ()'clock with all teachers and] We understand Mrs. Bessie An-
school personnel introdueed dur- l derson enjoyed her recent airplane
ing the program. Refreshments trip to Alaska to visit her son
will be served, veryand familY,much, the James Andersons,
Scott and children of Shelton
spent Saturday shopping in Brem-
Yvonne York is houseguest of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy.
Glen Young of Bremerton spent
the weekend in the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Sunday visitors in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams were
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams ano
children of Tacoma.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were
Mr. and Mrs. Rormie LeGarde ana
daughter of Shelton and Mr. Pare
Challender and children.
On Monday evening, Mr. arm
Mrs. Sam egg and children ol;
Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs.
Darl Goldy.
MI, William Brown and girm
and Mrs. Joe Duffey, Jr. of Shel-
ton spent Saturday shopping in
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.
Gertrude Scott were Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer McCoy and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill ttoman of Shelton.
1Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy ants
children called on Mr. and Mrs.
A. XV. Puderbaugh of Agate Fri-
day evening.
Clint and Cindy Tibbits wer,,
Saturd'y overnight guests o;
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dell Adams.
Mr. aml Mrs. Gary Cole spem
a recent weekend sightseeing m
Canada, while Tina slayed with
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams
and Steve with Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Cole of Kamilche.
Mrs. Carrel McHenry and chil-
dren were Sunday dinner guest
of Mrs. Jeff Hayes of Shelton.
soring a Tymkana (Play Day) to
be held on Sunday, Sept. 20 at the
airport Posse grounds. There wil
be events for all ages and ribbons
for all events with a trophy or
high point winner.
Friday Night
Sat. Morning'!
Sat. Evening
""" a,, umg jusl
... th, msr ,'
.. but thanks to an :rt
ii ing number of inL :I J ge
ii thrifty customers . . , w¢
i ! quiet TRUTH w!ll
"<!iii!i!!!!iii':i!, :i::::i:" •
"i:i: :
/.el YOUR gift bear the name of a R|$PECT|D
it WI£L mean MORE... !
Convenient terms... I )
OK Rubber
2226 N. Olympic Hwy.
HA 6-4832
Son sells shoes
Evergreen Texaco
Motor Tuneup, Generators,
StartePs, Lubrloatlon,
Brake Relining
let & Franklin HA 6-3031
Kimbel Motors
707 S. Firet HA 6-3433
"Shelton's Favorite"
For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner
or Just a Snaok
125 Cota HA 6:3953
Shelton Union Service
• First In tlres---U. S. Royal
• Economy Car Wash
• Vacation Trailer Rentals
• U Drive Trucks
332 S. First HA 6-8002
Leroy's Television
Motorola rslsvlalon & Radios
"You Get Guaranteed Quality
In 8ales and Service"
221S N. Olympic Hwy.
HA 6-3172
Sears Catalog
"Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Your Money Back"
Evergreen Square HA 6-8201
"Look to the Finest First"
Eells & Valley
123 S. 2nd HA 6-4663
Forrest's Flowers
Cut Flowers - Plants
Floral Designs
Plowers and Gifts for
All Oo0asJcns
Flowers by Wire
S13 Railroad HA 6-6513
Kitsap-Mason Dairy
"Good Milk is Good Food"
• Milk & Cream
/ • Ice Cream
• Cheese
• Butter
Third at Grove HA 6-4473
Rex Floor Coverings
HA 6-2292
1723 Olympic Hwy, N.
Timber APldiance
AuLh0rized Dealer
Sales & Service
Elcctvical Contracting
Heating -- Wiring
HA 6-4633 114 S. 2rid
Bill Johnson's
Shell Service
"Service First- Satisfaction
A Iways"
Goodyear Tires
Nio-L-SIIver Batterlee
First & Cota HA 6-390
Quality at Budget Prices
Evergreen Squars HA 6-8293
Waterfront Realty
Developers of Highland Terrace
Marden M. Stroud, Broker
226 No. First HA 6-8535
J & J Service
"The Best Frlsnd
Your Car Ever Had"
Mt. View HA 6.3959
I Wingard's Sport Shop
• Complete Fishing and
Huntlrlg Supplies
"Take Along A Buddy"
All Resident & Non-Resident
2210 Olympic Hwy, N.
HA 6-8672
• " !1
Saeger's Motor Shop
• Johnson Outboards
• H0mellte Power Saws
Insursnce Coverage & Service
Angle Agency
Insurance - Real Estate - Travel
4th & R.R. HA 6-8272
Evergreen Fuel Co.
Diesel Oil & Stove Oil
Automatlo Refill Service
819 S. First HA 6-8103
Plumbing, Heating & Sheet
Metal Contracting -- Plumbln0
Supplies OII Burners
623 8. First HA 6-3483
"YOU Can't Better The Best"
Premium Ice Cream
At Less than Popular Prices
422 N. First HA 6-6675
20th Century
Thriftway '
"Where Every Cuetomer
Is Important"
Ppp's Rexall Store
'In Business for
Your Healtn '
a 8kagit Boats
Sales & 8ervice
HIIIoreet HA 6-4602
.... lo ...... I .... , III • II
"with that
Country Fresh Flavor"
• 19 Railroad
HA 6-6283
Beautiful matron Blue-grasser
1st & Cedar Westinghouse Appliances
, The best oot s no more •
Wheatley & Keary Co.
"Servioe and Quality First"
Plumblrlg Hegtlng
Paper Paint
Contraotin g
317 S. First HA 6-4553
Open Bowling for the Whole
Family Friday, Saturday,
Zonitan past president
Shelton Recreation
128 N. First HA 6-6252
Budget Shop
Decorating Center
Across from Evergreen Square
M. and S. Food Store
Quality Food -- Low Prices
Free Delivery
120 Cota HA 6-4892
Southeran belle
2nd & Cota HA 6-6311
Lawton Lumber Co.
• C & C Paints
• Building Materials
• Tools-- Rentals
420 S. First HA 6-4303
For over 24 years It has been
McDonkey's for Drugs
"Two Locations to Serve YOU"
306 Raitroad 329 Railroad
HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456
Johnny's Music Box
429 Railroad HA 6-4302
Pianos • Organs
Acoordlon Lessons
Band Instruments
Jest Musio
.... II .....
Thackeray Electric
"Electrical Contraotors"
Lighting Fixtures
Electric Heat
Wiring Supplies
and Repairs
217 Cota HA 6-6477
Shelton Hotel
"If You Can Find A Better
Place To Eat Try It!"
• Banquet Facilities
• Sat. Nite Smorgasbord
• Blue Ox Corral
Ph. HA 6-3341
Les Fields Auto Parts
Complete line o4 parts for all
cars & trucks
Automotive Machine Shop
Tools Batteries
229 S. First HA 6-3351
, Store
Sitlce 1895"
C. C. Cole & Sons
Standard Oil Products
"Trouble Free Fuel OII Servk:m
for the Home"
118 S. Third HA 6.4411
Exolusive Dealers for
129 Railroad HA 6-3283
Western Auto Supply
The Name fur Quality
315 S. First HA 6-6183
Ritner's Broiler
"For Fine Foods
Reasonabl Prices"
102 S. First HA 6-4223
Where lu Look for Glues,..
Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights
Clues may be hidden in ANY ad in this group sd.
appears in any of thee ads, it means that additional
that merchant appears elsewhere in this issue of the
tional clues may be hidden in any of those ads also!
€lues will be scattered.., there may be from one to
any ad -- or none. This is a contest of kill -- and we
our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to
1. This is a family fun ontest. 10n-
trier welcome from every member of
the fmnilY old enou[h to fill out his
or her own, You MAY submit one en-
try per person at any or all of the
Sponsoring Merchants whose ads are
in the row that ha heavily bordered
this week but only one entry per
person at any one, store (more than
one will disqualify all entries of that
pereoa t week). Anyone may
enter unless a member f ¥lr family
is employed by the 30URNA. Spon-!
sorlng Merchants and their families[
(and their employees and families) are
most welcome to enter EXCEPT during
the weeim that the Sponsoring Mer-
chant's store is featured.
2. Nothing to t,uy. Use any slip of
paper for entry blank. DO NOT put
your entry in an 'envelope. Not neces-
sary to be present at the drawing to
win. Not necessary to be a subscriber
to the JO'RNAL to participate.
3. WHO'S WHO may be anyone in
the Mason County area. Clues to his
(or hex) Jr]entity will be hidden ONLY
in ads of SponsOring Merchants (this
means any ad In this section or any
ad of the game merchant elsewhere In
the paper). When star(s) appear in
any ad in tltis section, it is your warn-
ing that other ad(s) of the same mer-
chant (in which there may be clues)
appear elsewhere in the paper. Clues
will be scattered--many ads will have:
no clues, while others may have as
many as five. This is a contest of skill,
and we intend to do our best to outwit
you. We'll be delighted if you succeea
In outguessing us, in sPite of our best
4. If by colncldence, the name of the
WHO'S WHO (or other facts about
him) happen to appear in news item,
editorial matter, or other places in this
newspaper, these will not count as
5, To enter, write down the name
you think the WHO'S WHO Is. List
all the clues you can find In all the
ads of the Sponsoring Merchants in
this issue. Don't forget your own name
and address!! Then, drop your entry
at any Sponsoring Merchant whose ad
Is between the heaVY
issue. You may enter
wish! There are no
entries will be
tries will not be
ber of the family maY
tpies for that family.
12 must be accompanle
6. This week's
you receive this
p.m. Monday of the
tlmt time (5 p.m.
drawing will be
drawn that correCtlY
rHO'S WHO will Wi
entry also lists every
ads of Sponsoring
NUS of $35.00 will
ever this BONUS is
added to next week'S
will contlnuto grOW
Winning the BoNU[
FECT list of clues
ber. and all copied
7. At unannounced
the contest, a
wtll take place
drawing Is completed'
regular drawing will
for the drawing of
3AC'POT. Winner °,a
will be
drawn (after completlO
drawing) which has *
rect identification ?
and a perfect list oq
will not be held for ""
POT every week.
8. Every possible pre
taken to prevent tYP°
that might he mi stake'
errorless typograPhY+,
lishcr of the jOUR
judge in all question'
is final.
Family part icipattOl |
ter ,'iumei to win tlt
wife. }msband. or $0,
youngstdr MAY spot $
miss !
don't enter! €#
• . 1Remember, yea
Got any Perry Ma$OP
think YOU can Out't