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low as
So cial Even ts
Society Editor • Beve Wells • Phone HA 6-4412
Shelton Gardeners
Plan Member Tea
A memberstfip tea will kick-off
the fall season for tile members
of the Shelled (]arden Chlh, Mon-
day at the home of Mrs. George
Cropper. Mrs. Guy Norris, Mrs. H.
W. Gruver an(i Mrs. William R.
Baker will be co-hostesses.
Installation of officers will be-
gin the meeting at 1:30 p.m. All
prospective members nnd visitors
are cordially invited•
Mrs. Claudia Peters, Olympia
will show and speak on floral ar-
rangements. She has in the past
four years (tone tile arrangements
for the annual Orthopedic Tea at
the Governor's mansion in Olym-
pia. Members are asked to bring
fall flowers and containers for
horticultural and arrangement dis-
Temptation may be strong, but
it seldom overtakes the an who
runs from it.
Legion Aux. Hosts
Lake Veterans,
Plans Oct. Dinner
Tile American Legion Auxiliary
wa. hostess at the American Lake
Hostess Hut, last Sunday. Ten
cakes were donated by the mem-
bers to be served there. Members
making the trip to American Lake
to assist in entertaining the veter-
ans Were Miss Mary Dobson, Mrs.
Susie Dobson, Mrs. Amy Frank
and Mrs. Lucy Edmiston.
It was announced at the last
meeting that cards will be sent to
all members notifying them of
the raise in dues. Plans were also
discussed to h01d the past presi-
dents and past commanders' din-
her in October.
Miss Mary Dobson, president
announced the following commit-
tee chairmen for the coming year:
Amy Frank, Americanism; Ann
Levin, Sadie Munson and Jean-
ette Fisk, child welfare; Ira Parr,
............................................ community service; Addle Norris,
i% You're out on aroad in the West
-qti| ust stop Union stations are best.
Minute Men broom them,
scrub them, and groom them.
rest rooms clean, they won't rest!
II of the 76, you expect The Finest,
clean rest rooms.., and
:ed. You can depend
Oil Minute Men for he best of
as well asThe Fhw' of productS.
constitution, by-laws and legisla-
tion; Beryle Faubert, civil and na-
tidnal defense; Rae Melcum, edu-
cation; Lillian Norvold, Girls'
State; Lucy Edmiston and Gene-
va Crary, memorials.
Vera Troy will be in charge of
music; Ida Jemison, Pan-Amer-
ican; Mamie Earl, Poppy and Ki-
wanis luncheons;. Agnes Alexan-
der, publicity; Mary Cox, radio;
Dora Jackson, Marion Rishel and
Florentine Connolly, rehabilita-
tion; Auglmta Twohy, courtesy;
Mary Sykes, Etna Eliason and
Rae Melcum, finance and budget.
The Auxiliary meets the first
and third Tuesday of each month
at eight o'clock in the Memorial
Annual Bottle Drive
Projects for the coming year
was the topic of discussion by the
members of the Rainier Orthope-
dic Auxiliary when they met at
tile home of Mrs. Gene Lindberg
on Hood Canal, Co-hostess for the
meeting was Mrs. Robert Deth-
The annual bottle drive was set
for Sept. 22 until Oct. 4 with
nembers of Boy Scout Troop 12
assisting. Anyone wishing bottles
to be picked up at their home is
asked to call Mrs. Clyde Rudell
HA 6-2098 or Mrs. Robert Stein-
hoff, HA 6-8259.
Evergreen Auxiliary
New officers will assume their
duties at the first fall meeting of
the Evergreen Orthopedic Auxil-
iary today, Thursday at 8 p.m., in
the home of Mrs. J. O. Wetherby,
Jr. Mrs, Delbert W. Johnson will
be co-hostess.
--Try a Classified Ad--
tsap Butter
K,st Tuna
59 c
59 €
CHUNKST*00E,00OZ 39 c
MR, AND MRS. LYLE LINTON of Hoodsport are announcing the
engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Lyla, to Mr.
Verne Hunter, son of Mrs. Gladys Cox of Shelton. A November
wedding is being planned. (Dean photo.)
Local Girls Now Graduate Nurses
Karen McKhmey
Friends and relatives of Miss
Karen McKinney were present at
Tacoma General School of Nurs-
ing commencement exercises Sept.
4, at the First Methodist church,
Miss McKinney plans to con-
tinue her studies to attain a de-
gree in nursing. She began work
Monday at the University of
Washington hospital.
Co. Salon, 8 et 40
Installs Officers
Bouquets of red salvia and
white asters and red candles dec-
orated the tables at the no-host
dinner of the Mason county Salon
No. 508, 8 et 40, Monday evening
in the Shelton Hotel.
Following dinner, the salon's
newly elected officers were in-
stalled by Mrs. Warren Earl and
Mrs. Rae Melcum.
New officers are Mary Dobson,
le petit chapeau, Mrs. Roy Clin-
ton, le demi petit chapeau pre-
miere, Mrs. Guy Norris, le deml
petit chapeau deuxieme, Mrs. Er-
nest Campbell, l'archiviste, Mrs.
Lucy Edmiston, l'aumonier, Mrs.
Claude Jackson, la petite conci-
erge and Mrs. I-I. L. Alexander,
New committee chairmen ap-
'TOmato pointed for the ensuing year
....... :. " .... " ' elude Martha Witsiers, child wel-
t,tl ........... _N Marie Brickert, partnership; Ad-
1 i € fare; Shirley Clinton, Iva Parr,
'' "%: :;'.}.: Meleum, finance and budget; Ann
die Norris, Beryl Faubert, Rae
"\\;/• • ! 1 • • ! • I l • • 1 • Y/
.... lll00Ill!llll| ,00w00Campbell'; Derothyc°nstiuti°n and by-Robinson, ritual
S € )liiii ii ..... € and emblems; Jeanie Hell, tro-
phies and awards; Augtmta To-
hy, courtesy; Elma White, Beth
Johnson, fun and fellowship; initi-
ation officer, Merle Smith; Ki-
Xed ONE STEAK 98 wanis luncheon, Lucy Edmiston;
,/",,e'Pack I Dora Jackson, memorials; publici-
!!<;:,o.,, _ 19' T B .................... ty, Mamie Earl; ways and means,
'"*m Alice Hill, Mary Sykes and
Mayme Pozorski.
00i'i ''''' RIB STEAK .................................... 79* Visitors attheinstallationwere
from Pierce County Salon No. 220:
Digs Roberts, departmental la
reenter; Ethel Van reseeD, cha-
°0"1"9 ROUND STEAK Full CUt Lb 89' peau-elect; Winnie Slyter. Stella
....... Whitney, Mabel Johnson, Sodie
Burg. From Thurston County Sal-
on No. 642 were Florence L. Lem-
OAST ..... ........ I 1-49 ke, fourth district presid,nt; Jen-
lT D' r , Die Perry, departmental raxchiv-
Blade Cut Lb
iste; Bertha Wall, Alice Hurry,
., Ira Beach, chapeau passe' and
0 BEE[ :r 3 I]R°seTalms'chapeau'elect
GROUN n;S:ean ...... Lb. 9' ao
IlPuy " d
FRANKS =:: ......................... : .......... 49' Iley bldenlipr$
Members of the Golden Age
club are chartering a bus to travel
to the Western Washington Fair
D AMU' Morning 4 IIQ4 at Puyallup. The bus wil| leave
the bus depot at 8:30 a.m., Tues-
Glory Lba
UJVV .......................... " 117 day and begin its return trip at
5 p.m., from the fairgrounds.
il:l Lb. ql "" SEE US FOR THE BEST DEAL A rummage sale is sponsored
by the group each Friday in the
k 9 dC Union Hall on G'rove Street.
, ON LOCKER MEAT * The next meeting of the senior
ci[izens will be a potluck dinner
at six o clock, Thursday, in the
€ Bali's Foe enter Memorial Hall. .
AT UNION The best known comet of the
19th century was Donati's. It had
a tail that reached half way across
Closed Sunday - Right to Limit the horizon; it appeared in 1858,
and it Will probably be seen again
about 2058.
Pu, t richt Palms
Other Sheltonians graduating
with her were Miss Patrlcia tel.
lani Palms, who will continue at
Tacoma General upon her return
from a vacation in Honolulu and
Mrs. Vera Joan Wingert Pelzel
who will also continue at Tacoma
Recipe Favorites of County Residents /tll
.y ,,..,, ,,a,,,,. Repeat Vows In
When dessert te comes in the
A. H. Ooodwtn home "apple cake"
seems to be the top favorite of
the family! Not only the favorite
cook of her two boys and husband
A1, this week's Mason Country
cook is also hostess for many wee-
ding receptions in her church, and
is a member of the Dirt Dobbers
Garden Club.
A special dessert for this season
Mrs. Goodwin shares with the
committee her recipe of "Fresh
Dinner to Precede
Sat. O.E.S. Meet
Welcome Chapter No. 40, Order
of Eastern Star will hold the reg-
ularly stated meeting at 8 p.m.,
Saturday, in the Masonic Temple.
Previmm to the meeting a pot-
luck dinner will be served the
members at six o'clock. The meal
dish and coffee will be furnished
by the Chapter. Members attend-
ing are requested to bring salads,
desssrts or rolls.
Worthy Matron, Viola Ferris
and Worthy Patron, Marvin Biehl
urge all members to attend.
Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5257
Our Hood Canal
Chrysler-Plymouth Cars
International Truoke
Yakima Ceremony
Tile recent marriage of Miss
Lydia Mac Hemuss and Mr. Lew-
is Wayne Smathers of was
eht in St. Michael's Episcopal
Church, Yakima.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. James T. Hennesm, Yak-
ima and Mr. Smathers, son of Mr
and Mrs. L. R. Smathers of Paste, l i'
and grandson of Mrs. Arvilla Wil- I
ey of Shelton. The couple is mak-
ing their home in Peace.
Apple Cake."
Fresh Apple Cake
1 cup sugar
,, Cup butter or crisco
1 egg
3 apples finely grated
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon soda
CUp nutmeg
V teaspoon cinnamon
% teaspoon salt
V.z cup raisins
A cup nuts
Cream sugar and butter. Add
effg and cream well. Wash and
core apples and grate. Combine
i dry igredients. Bake in 8 by 8"
buttered pan at 350 degrees for
45 minutes. Serve with sweetened
whipped cream.
, /
Ask About Our
Rental Plan
Years rest liKhlly
429 Railroad HA 6-4302
I I Design
ii "
,. Sewing
. Graduate of
, School of
i DrS
i Esther Johnson
1311 Summit Dr. HA 6-2464
I I i ii Ill I [ I _
Pmction f-n the "'
moment m begin pre. _ m rrr--rd
parin| for your trip
i1,11 iii .,i i
and traveling
--at the hunt,
,,| ,
1 Ii ,,n,, J,, i I
J i I, L
--till you reach home again
FOr bnmedlate coverage, phone
401 Railroad
are now distributed in the Mason County
area by a new partnership firm
officially formed on August 25, 1959
doing buaines
BILL sEscH under the name of uLENN ROESSEL
... and Suuessers ta the.,.
W WE NVITE YOU TO !iO,L ! iliMrt;:::0:£d tT:::::P:, nit ii]mP:i!:f:!! I:::r servicea which I eft
DAY or NIOHT { O.,O.O,..O0¢T.",.T.IBO.0. I
Bill and Gleun !. . J°e H anLI
low as
So cial Even ts
Society Editor • Beve Wells • Phone HA 6-4412
Shelton Gardeners
Plan Member Tea
A memberstfip tea will kick-off
the fall season for tile members
of the Shelled (]arden Chlh, Mon-
day at the home of Mrs. George
Cropper. Mrs. Guy Norris, Mrs. H.
W. Gruver an(i Mrs. William R.
Baker will be co-hostesses.
Installation of officers will be-
gin the meeting at 1:30 p.m. All
prospective members nnd visitors
are cordially invited•
Mrs. Claudia Peters, Olympia
will show and speak on floral ar-
rangements. She has in the past
four years (tone tile arrangements
for the annual Orthopedic Tea at
the Governor's mansion in Olym-
pia. Members are asked to bring
fall flowers and containers for
horticultural and arrangement dis-
Temptation may be strong, but
it seldom overtakes the an who
runs from it.
Legion Aux. Hosts
Lake Veterans,
Plans Oct. Dinner
Tile American Legion Auxiliary
wa. hostess at the American Lake
Hostess Hut, last Sunday. Ten
cakes were donated by the mem-
bers to be served there. Members
making the trip to American Lake
to assist in entertaining the veter-
ans Were Miss Mary Dobson, Mrs.
Susie Dobson, Mrs. Amy Frank
and Mrs. Lucy Edmiston.
It was announced at the last
meeting that cards will be sent to
all members notifying them of
the raise in dues. Plans were also
discussed to h01d the past presi-
dents and past commanders' din-
her in October.
Miss Mary Dobson, president
announced the following commit-
tee chairmen for the coming year:
Amy Frank, Americanism; Ann
Levin, Sadie Munson and Jean-
ette Fisk, child welfare; Ira Parr,
............................................ community service; Addle Norris,
i% You're out on aroad in the West
-qti| ust stop Union stations are best.
Minute Men broom them,
scrub them, and groom them.
rest rooms clean, they won't rest!
II of the 76, you expect The Finest,
clean rest rooms.., and
:ed. You can depend
Oil Minute Men for he best of
as well asThe Fhw' of productS.
constitution, by-laws and legisla-
tion; Beryle Faubert, civil and na-
tidnal defense; Rae Melcum, edu-
cation; Lillian Norvold, Girls'
State; Lucy Edmiston and Gene-
va Crary, memorials.
Vera Troy will be in charge of
music; Ida Jemison, Pan-Amer-
ican; Mamie Earl, Poppy and Ki-
wanis luncheons;. Agnes Alexan-
der, publicity; Mary Cox, radio;
Dora Jackson, Marion Rishel and
Florentine Connolly, rehabilita-
tion; Auglmta Twohy, courtesy;
Mary Sykes, Etna Eliason and
Rae Melcum, finance and budget.
The Auxiliary meets the first
and third Tuesday of each month
at eight o'clock in the Memorial
Annual Bottle Drive
Projects for the coming year
was the topic of discussion by the
members of the Rainier Orthope-
dic Auxiliary when they met at
tile home of Mrs. Gene Lindberg
on Hood Canal, Co-hostess for the
meeting was Mrs. Robert Deth-
The annual bottle drive was set
for Sept. 22 until Oct. 4 with
nembers of Boy Scout Troop 12
assisting. Anyone wishing bottles
to be picked up at their home is
asked to call Mrs. Clyde Rudell
HA 6-2098 or Mrs. Robert Stein-
hoff, HA 6-8259.
Evergreen Auxiliary
New officers will assume their
duties at the first fall meeting of
the Evergreen Orthopedic Auxil-
iary today, Thursday at 8 p.m., in
the home of Mrs. J. O. Wetherby,
Jr. Mrs, Delbert W. Johnson will
be co-hostess.
--Try a Classified Ad--
tsap Butter
K,st Tuna
59 c
59 €
CHUNKST*00E,00OZ 39 c
MR, AND MRS. LYLE LINTON of Hoodsport are announcing the
engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Lyla, to Mr.
Verne Hunter, son of Mrs. Gladys Cox of Shelton. A November
wedding is being planned. (Dean photo.)
Local Girls Now Graduate Nurses
Karen McKhmey
Friends and relatives of Miss
Karen McKinney were present at
Tacoma General School of Nurs-
ing commencement exercises Sept.
4, at the First Methodist church,
Miss McKinney plans to con-
tinue her studies to attain a de-
gree in nursing. She began work
Monday at the University of
Washington hospital.
Co. Salon, 8 et 40
Installs Officers
Bouquets of red salvia and
white asters and red candles dec-
orated the tables at the no-host
dinner of the Mason county Salon
No. 508, 8 et 40, Monday evening
in the Shelton Hotel.
Following dinner, the salon's
newly elected officers were in-
stalled by Mrs. Warren Earl and
Mrs. Rae Melcum.
New officers are Mary Dobson,
le petit chapeau, Mrs. Roy Clin-
ton, le demi petit chapeau pre-
miere, Mrs. Guy Norris, le deml
petit chapeau deuxieme, Mrs. Er-
nest Campbell, l'archiviste, Mrs.
Lucy Edmiston, l'aumonier, Mrs.
Claude Jackson, la petite conci-
erge and Mrs. I-I. L. Alexander,
New committee chairmen ap-
'TOmato pointed for the ensuing year
....... :. " .... " ' elude Martha Witsiers, child wel-
t,tl ........... _N Marie Brickert, partnership; Ad-
1 i € fare; Shirley Clinton, Iva Parr,
'' "%: :;'.}.: Meleum, finance and budget; Ann
die Norris, Beryl Faubert, Rae
"\\;/• • ! 1 • • ! • I l • • 1 • Y/
.... lll00Ill!llll| ,00w00Campbell'; Derothyc°nstiuti°n and by-Robinson, ritual
S € )liiii ii ..... € and emblems; Jeanie Hell, tro-
phies and awards; Augtmta To-
hy, courtesy; Elma White, Beth
Johnson, fun and fellowship; initi-
ation officer, Merle Smith; Ki-
Xed ONE STEAK 98 wanis luncheon, Lucy Edmiston;
,/",,e'Pack I Dora Jackson, memorials; publici-
!!<;:,o.,, _ 19' T B .................... ty, Mamie Earl; ways and means,
'"*m Alice Hill, Mary Sykes and
Mayme Pozorski.
00i'i ''''' RIB STEAK .................................... 79* Visitors attheinstallationwere
from Pierce County Salon No. 220:
Digs Roberts, departmental la
reenter; Ethel Van reseeD, cha-
°0"1"9 ROUND STEAK Full CUt Lb 89' peau-elect; Winnie Slyter. Stella
....... Whitney, Mabel Johnson, Sodie
Burg. From Thurston County Sal-
on No. 642 were Florence L. Lem-
OAST ..... ........ I 1-49 ke, fourth district presid,nt; Jen-
lT D' r , Die Perry, departmental raxchiv-
Blade Cut Lb
iste; Bertha Wall, Alice Hurry,
., Ira Beach, chapeau passe' and
0 BEE[ :r 3 I]R°seTalms'chapeau'elect
GROUN n;S:ean ...... Lb. 9' ao
IlPuy " d
FRANKS =:: ......................... : .......... 49' Iley bldenlipr$
Members of the Golden Age
club are chartering a bus to travel
to the Western Washington Fair
D AMU' Morning 4 IIQ4 at Puyallup. The bus wil| leave
the bus depot at 8:30 a.m., Tues-
Glory Lba
UJVV .......................... " 117 day and begin its return trip at
5 p.m., from the fairgrounds.
il:l Lb. ql "" SEE US FOR THE BEST DEAL A rummage sale is sponsored
by the group each Friday in the
k 9 dC Union Hall on G'rove Street.
, ON LOCKER MEAT * The next meeting of the senior
ci[izens will be a potluck dinner
at six o clock, Thursday, in the
€ Bali's Foe enter Memorial Hall. .
AT UNION The best known comet of the
19th century was Donati's. It had
a tail that reached half way across
Closed Sunday - Right to Limit the horizon; it appeared in 1858,
and it Will probably be seen again
about 2058.
Pu, t richt Palms
Other Sheltonians graduating
with her were Miss Patrlcia tel.
lani Palms, who will continue at
Tacoma General upon her return
from a vacation in Honolulu and
Mrs. Vera Joan Wingert Pelzel
who will also continue at Tacoma
Recipe Favorites of County Residents /tll
.y ,,..,, ,,a,,,,. Repeat Vows In
When dessert te comes in the
A. H. Ooodwtn home "apple cake"
seems to be the top favorite of
the family! Not only the favorite
cook of her two boys and husband
A1, this week's Mason Country
cook is also hostess for many wee-
ding receptions in her church, and
is a member of the Dirt Dobbers
Garden Club.
A special dessert for this season
Mrs. Goodwin shares with the
committee her recipe of "Fresh
Dinner to Precede
Sat. O.E.S. Meet
Welcome Chapter No. 40, Order
of Eastern Star will hold the reg-
ularly stated meeting at 8 p.m.,
Saturday, in the Masonic Temple.
Previmm to the meeting a pot-
luck dinner will be served the
members at six o'clock. The meal
dish and coffee will be furnished
by the Chapter. Members attend-
ing are requested to bring salads,
desssrts or rolls.
Worthy Matron, Viola Ferris
and Worthy Patron, Marvin Biehl
urge all members to attend.
Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5257
Our Hood Canal
Chrysler-Plymouth Cars
International Truoke
Yakima Ceremony
Tile recent marriage of Miss
Lydia Mac Hemuss and Mr. Lew-
is Wayne Smathers of was
eht in St. Michael's Episcopal
Church, Yakima.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. James T. Hennesm, Yak-
ima and Mr. Smathers, son of Mr
and Mrs. L. R. Smathers of Paste, l i'
and grandson of Mrs. Arvilla Wil- I
ey of Shelton. The couple is mak-
ing their home in Peace.
Apple Cake."
Fresh Apple Cake
1 cup sugar
,, Cup butter or crisco
1 egg
3 apples finely grated
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon soda
CUp nutmeg
V teaspoon cinnamon
% teaspoon salt
V.z cup raisins
A cup nuts
Cream sugar and butter. Add
effg and cream well. Wash and
core apples and grate. Combine
i dry igredients. Bake in 8 by 8"
buttered pan at 350 degrees for
45 minutes. Serve with sweetened
whipped cream.
, /
Ask About Our
Rental Plan
Years rest liKhlly
429 Railroad HA 6-4302
I I Design
ii "
,. Sewing
. Graduate of
, School of
i DrS
i Esther Johnson
1311 Summit Dr. HA 6-2464
I I i ii Ill I [ I _
Pmction f-n the "'
moment m begin pre. _ m rrr--rd
parin| for your trip
i1,11 iii .,i i
and traveling
--at the hunt,
,,| ,
1 Ii ,,n,, J,, i I
J i I, L
--till you reach home again
FOr bnmedlate coverage, phone
401 Railroad
are now distributed in the Mason County
area by a new partnership firm
officially formed on August 25, 1959
doing buaines
BILL sEscH under the name of uLENN ROESSEL
... and Suuessers ta the.,.
W WE NVITE YOU TO !iO,L ! iliMrt;:::0:£d tT:::::P:, nit ii]mP:i!:f:!! I:::r servicea which I eft
DAY or NIOHT { O.,O.O,..O0¢T.",.T.IBO.0. I
Bill and Gleun !. . J°e H anLI