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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lS " Shelton, TELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "ChrisfmaMown |t ] It FOR SALE ......... FOR &apos;.[28 .... FOR SALE [ 1tIGlt POWER Lightest Weight! Fast- BOYSEN PAINT--all types and klndm BUCK & SONS Farm Fuipment Corn- eat cutting at highest power! Rein- choice of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- party sales and service• Local repre- ington Saws. Bar-Dln's Marina, ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. sentative Wally Anderson. Phone Mountain View. . B 5114 tfn 1/29 tfn HA 6-6001. A4f30 tfn I,it f+q'tilizer. Phone orders between FOR SALE: Large seleetlotl of re- BOATS, TRAILERS and outboard ree- l p.m. and 4 pro. Phone HA 6-3626. conditioned ranges, refrigerators, tors at Shelton Marine Sup_ply, 1209 Mc 8/20 tin washers, dryers. Eelle & Valley Ap- Olympic Highway, outh, HA 6-3163. pliance Center. 6/5 tin 2/20 tin -- .......... ' ............. ROOFING and all other building me- ONE YF, KR GUARANTEED Reming- terials, nothing down, 36 months to ton saw, 60 days guaranteed chain. pay under FHA terms now available Bar-Din Marina and Power Me- DICK'S TRANSFER at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St.,' chinery. See themfl B 5/14 tin _phone HA 6-4308. 6/5 tin RUG CLEANING Professional equip- '" -yre've--" TBAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE ment for renL Makes rugs like new. and Hunting -- Fishing IM. Decorating Center, 821 Railroad. B 7/9 tin Do you know that you can be pro- teoted by accident insurance while BLUEBERRI, choice fruit, 25€ per PHONE HA 6-6364 you travel, The entire family, on Ib. or 14 Ibs $3.00. Phone Oiympla land, sea and air from oae  to FL 3-8081, Eberhardt Blueberry Day or Night Service 6 months. Policies issued while you Nurry. 8/18 tfn wail Angle Agency, pit HA &4/2. AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 7/25 tfa 5/14-tin COVERINGS  for walls, windows, floors. Paint, wallpaper, drepe rugs, tile yardgooda. L. M. DECR- ................... I ' , ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 tin JL_J ,, , '"' ..... ' ...... TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirL F. . Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 t/r APPLIANCES d- -÷r.-m-d- er, faster, more efficient- Also -; FOR RENT hour photo finishing. Try tin. Zleg- ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA 6416L 8/15 tin Clark Electric lloor Sanders ,rI]-i-8-T-M-A--S-O=--tU.S.A.--rI-  Sterling Electro Portable stamps for sale at the Journal. $1•26 Hand Sanders each. 107 So• 4th. 12/1 tfn i4 FT FIBERGLASS .hout---. i Regina Electric Floor hand starting Evinrude. All ready to[ Polisiler@ go. Complete price $I100.00 and up. [ Hou Jacks Shelton Marine Supply (formerly [ Hlllcrest Hardware). 7/30 tfnl Many progeny 6R-L]gXS E--O R SA L=---ffm--l- form: taln, light groceries and drugs. LAWTON LDTIBER Phone HA 6-3748 evenlngs. T 420 S. 1 Phan HA. 6-4808 S/20 tin YORKSIIIRE BRO-(D sows 2-10tin Wner pigs $9.00, Call HA 6-3624. 743-tin A 9/3-10/ ....... .................................................. EVINRUD - OUTBOAR-'Mb ................... :' .... NOTHING DOWN, 86 months to pay and service at Shelton Marine Supply. under F.H.A. terms on all building 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA -- ,i '" ' ' " " ' supplies. Lump it all unaer one bilL 6-816& 2120 tin !.. ........ Lawton Lumber, 420 S let St,, Ph. -N c'm te., model hearin aid A 6 tn .............. - uusEom "ITactor work H -4503. _ 615 eye glasses for sale• Uaed one month. Rotovatlng or regular plowing, .oLUR--RI-i'-I"I"I"I"I"I"I"plliCES RE D0D=. guaranteed• Phone HA 6-3318 after dtaCin nd hn.nwt,, tVtl. Made front your favorite color slide 5:80 p.m. 7180 tin .'. _ ? .-. ........ .', ".Y '" or colored negative. Post card size R-SALE.--m---'-a00 maue evelmg, roan graamg, roaa was 75#--now 39€, 5x7 was $1•50-- v .... w- z" " tr'e'"¢ gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work now 98€, Including deluxe folder, ...= .= .-w.:  .--.f =-: hv hur d.,lo-h.nd .Tnn One day service on Ektachrome and r m   zoot specs oat:. " ."--.-. "'i=.^--" ........... Anscochrome color processing  2[ np .ray arme engme:_.mxce.en urge,  o'er/6" day service on color nrlnts. Ztegler's I conmtion. Fnone umon z• • , Studio, 124 N• Second• Z 8/ tin I__ . M 9/3 tf_n ........................ :.-=;.:=-==:::----=-=-L--:-------'--:-=:--=- I AUTO-LITE BATTERIES and" acces- rw• w tit,_ after, cost '.u [ eories. Wholesale and retail• Shelton wn, sen or {im# t rhone A  e e • •  9.;[ Merino Supply (formerly Hillcr st aEPTIC TANKS , --  '" I _Hwe)._. H. illct_._____9/Stf. t, I SAR-DIN MARINA an Power Me-I FIREPLACS season Just around the rr-i- fields Ditohln .cavaH- I chlnery. /iagton ch/n saws, Zotts i corner -- Order that new fireplace ---- , m n i generators, portable power. 196 I screen and accessories NOW  from ;11....1.... ^4- FN^ I Olympia Hi.way NO. B 5/14 tin I Graystone HA 6-6661. 9/17-24 _ ] BR---0""XO'NI) at' Bar-ran. ere ] i-df---'---di", marl T. Marr [ ie sure to be something you will i road and fill gravel washed sani; Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 [ want either in the Thrift department [ and a, ravel drainase 'gravel and nee If no answer, Ph HA 6-4692 , or the Gift an, d ,Hobby Shop where I grave'l- for' driveways. Norman kn- ; • tnere are arulal fllower .arrange- derson, phone HA 6-855. John's! mens 0t e ver tuna ana m:_par- Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore• i ....................... m, opposite na Armory. b/;. un 7125 ffnl ! - .... '" "' . . + , , 'O MANUAL organ. Like new. Save $100.00. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box, 8/6 Lfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 612Tt ! !{ ..... i( ii | J [ ! ! -. I SEE IT AT Eells & Valley 123 SO. Sand HA 8-4663 913-10/8 Carpet Adds Warmth.. Rooms Look Larger! Loop Pile Viscose - Beige 12 x 15 just $139.00 Comptete with 100% Foam Rubber Pad (larger and smaller sizes available) 9x 12 $79.00 12 x 18 $159.00 $10 down and $10 per month Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 II I ill IIII III ' IIII Twin Hollywood Beds Englander COIL SPRING MATT- RESSES and matching BOX. Large coil count, fully tufted con- struction, durable heavy-weight ticking, and ventilators of course. Sturdy STEEL FRAM holds box spring firmly in place, large roll easy casters. TWO BED SETS COMPLETE $99.00 • 2 Mattresses • 2 Box Springs • 2 Hollywood Frames Olsen Furniture 328 Cote HA 6-4702 "-" ...... I Ill I fill II 1 .I [ I , r r I , ' . ,rr , ,, 11, FREEZER GIBSON 10:5 CU. FT. Freez- ing units in every helf--and side to(). Easy to clean soft pastel interior, large door storage shelves. An excellent buy in an uptqght freezer. $265 No trade-in required! Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 See FRIGIDAIRE First • REFEIGEBATORS • RANGES • WASHFJgS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 H i;RCANI'IL| BLUBERRIESI You pick, 15# per lb. Phone Olympia FL 1, Eberhardt Bineberry Nursery. 8/13 tin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAIL/, equlp- merit at Walt'e Marine Suppl, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tin P.H.A, TERMS now available oD" al'] building materials allows you to lump construction coet under ?ne bill• For information inquire at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. let St. Phone HA 6-430& 6/6 tin I SALE -- 300 ft. 3 ft heavy wire fencing. Phone HA 6-8120. G 8113 tin OLD FASHIONED bathtub for sale. In good condition. Sell for $10. Phone HA 6-85. P 8/13 tin Hunting  Fishing Do you know that you can be pro- tacted by accident insurance while ,aOU travel. The entire family on nd, sea and air from one day to 6 months. Policies issued while you wait, Angle Agency, ph. HA 6-8272. SKINDIVERS -- Used aqua lunge, new surplus -in. Neoprene wet suits, tailored -in, skldving and water skiing suits or kits Newest in skin- diving equipmenL 1951 Hillman Minx for eale. Phone HA 6-6877. Morgue' Divi & Marine, 4 miles East Arcadia Road. 8/19 tn 1956 10 HP. -$I-IRUDE 'boat motor Price. $175.00. Verne Rosenberg. Phone HA 6-8084. R 8/27 tin Ex T'"'--C  i-E-S"-S i'- -S-' 'W---F .I I and Winter catalog now available, W'ith wide selection school clothes. Won't you drop in today and get yours? Seam Catalog Sales Office. HA 6-8201. 6/27 tin I Illl , USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES ALL oil heaters, your choice $37.00 Wood heaters ......................... $25.00 2 Electric ranges ................ $49.50 NEW Electric dryer ............ $139.50 Chrome dinette, 6 chairs .. $35.00 Davenport & chair, very good .................................... $75.00 Daveno .................................... $39.50 Lounge chairs ................ Ea. $10.00 Duncan Phyfe Diningroom Table with 3 leaves, and 6 chairs, nearly new, beautiful ...... $199.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cola HA 6-4702 'IT i ' ii i i lilt i i i , ,, ,, ,,, , Lowest Price Ever! PACIFIC WOOD HEATERS All cast-iron construction, large easy-feed door, 20-24 inch firebox. See us before you buy for even greater savings. 01sen Furniture ' 328 Cote HA 6-4702 FREE Table Lamp or Floor Lamp with the purclase of a NEW DAVENO Sofa Bed • Biltwell @ Harmon • Simmons Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 ii 'l I I Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or leu (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two lnsertion, $2.00 for three insertions. AddiUonal in- sertions 25# each. Rates for larger ads on requesL Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column In. "Not Responsible" n o t l e • g $1.50 per inmuon. All classified advertient must be paid in advance, Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of tehe month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is aecemm'y. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. Phone HA 6-9231. C 8/6 tin WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone HA 6-4511. Charles A. Phillips, Islana Lake. P 8/20 tin WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell on consignment, your boats, motors, trailers, etc. Shelton Marine Supply. 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163. 2/20 tfn FOR SALE: Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone HA 6-8626, 9/8 tin GOOD BARGAINS  Miscellaneous household article, 9x12 rug, 2 bed- room sets, dining group, etc. Phone Union 41I. S 8/27 tn T H(''S--"E'LEc'Tt-i-C--org'" 'Hk e --new with bench and ear phones. Cost $750.00, will sell for $550.00. Phone HA 6-8067. L 8/18 tin FACTORY BUILT teat- drop camp trailer. Phone HA 6-8067. L 8/13 tfn FOR SALE -- Caterpiller Diesel RD6 with hydraulic blade, removable land clearing teeth. Wide tracks. Good mechanical condition, used compara- tively little. Price $1500.00. Phone HA 6-2305. C 9/10-24 cRUSH E D ' R-O-Ci(---"-'IT-w-'Is t h e time to apply on your driveways and parking areas. Call Graystone of Shelton HR 6-6661. 9117-24 GOOD SIOUX BEE Oil Heater and Westinghouse Electrie stove with owm -- for sale, reasonable. M. C. Stark, Union, Wash. Phone 261. S 9/10-17 No More Damp Clothes! New KELVINATOR AUTOMATIC DRYER all porcelain interior, low heat and large volume of air means fast and low cost drying, large easy-open door, easy to reach lint trap, absolutely will not scorch your clothes. Special Price $139.95 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 I Business Opportunity FOR LEASE SIGNAL SERVICE STATION, First and Cola, Shelton. Small investment required for stock. Phone Collect Olympia FL 6-8245 8/20 tin ,, ,,,, ,., , ,  , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,, ,, ,. HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stpage and Lands Interted parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Sheltou, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6837 Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning +" l [ I I II IIIII I I Exclusively at BEOKWITH JEWELRY BAR-DIN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHINERY PRAMS Unfinished Finished 8-it ............ $40 $55 10-ft ........... $60 $75 FISHING BOATS I2-ft. to 16-ft. $115 to $305 RUNABOUTS Custom built from blueprint or kits. See our plans and prices before you build. Marine paint, fiberglass, hardwood, hardware and repairs. Remington Power Saws Zeus Power Generators 3 Models from $243.50 to $279 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 FOR SALE FOR SALE --- Dining room set, din- ette set and ironer. Phone HA 6- 8576. D 9/10-17 -O- -R---S'A- ---T-- --;'a7 C--f 4--i-n-c h--220 volt contractor's power saw, togeth- er with two 10 ft. sections of rollers. Make offer. Contact Marden Stroud. Waterfront Realty, phone HA 6- 8585. L 9110-24 FOR SALE  One Bundy cornet and case, used 3 months. $100.00. Phone HA 6-4739. N 9/10-24 NEED A, RAINPROOF COVER? Slop at Graystone and get your Vie Queen now  100 sq. ft. only $2.50. 7th and Park. 9/17-24 FOR SALE -- Portable wood buzz saw, 11 fL plywood boat glass bot- tom, 385 gal. gas tank. Call Ken Cox, HA 6-2118, C 8/27 tfn FOR SALE  R-4 Caterpillar tractor, good condition. One Carco etch, also some rigging. Phone Drew Cole HA 6-8448 or Mrs. Louis Durand HA 6-3036. D 9/17 tfn FOR SALE or trade -- Monitor oil heater, 5 room size, Shallow well mp with tank. Windows. Chair. one HA 6-6547. p 9/17 FOR SALE  Used Quaker oil heater, very good condition. Phone HA 6- 6795, F 9/17-24 1950 40 ft. 2 bedroom New Moon trail- er house for sale. Good condition. Phone HA 6-6666. M 9/17 1958 MODEL ASHLEY console wood heatt,r, used 3 months, like new, $100.00. Phom HA 6-6150. R 9/17-24 PROTECT YOUR SOIL with a cover crop, Common Vetch seed, 12 cents a pound; Fall Rye seed, 7 cents a pound. Order now while supply lasts. Washington Co-op, Sheiton, _.HA_ _6-4873. 9/17-24 FOR SALE -- Cold Cache modern room temp. locker plant, 220 lockers, also complete equipment for Pre Cool room. almoet new and reason- able. A & M Fine Foods, Forks. Wash. D 9/17-24 IT'S TERRIFIC the way we're selling Blue Lustre for cleaning rugs and upholstery, Lumbermen's Mercantile _.€+mpany. 9/17 FOR SALE -- 30 ft, trailer house with push-out bedroom, modern, fully equipped. Make nice cabin for your lot, Call 457 Union after 3 p.m. A 9/17 t/n FOR SALE --  hp. Berkely shall|)w well pump, $45.00. Phone HA 6-6768, -_ B 9/17 months old. 15 weaner pigs, 7 and 8 weeks, $7.50, cholee. 1 Palouse boar with papers, 3 Palouse sows. Pione .__H_A 6-684'2. R 9/]7 HOTPOINT ,; good condition $60. Sunbeam electric shver, practically new $12. Phone HA 6-4328; W 9/17 tfn FOR SALE -- Heavy cast "Cannon" stove. Burns wood. coal or trash. 32 inches high. Like new $20.00. Stan Parker, HA 6-3542 or HA 6-4653, 9/17 tfn FOR SALE -- Frigidaire refrigeritiil: .75. 6 yesr e.rib and mattress $20, x12 rose rug and pad $40. Winegard all-purpose aerial $15. White button- hole maker $3. Phone HA 6-8255. L 9/17 F6-R--SX-/E---Riin,.-/-wi:itlg;r Lype washer in excellent condition $45. Fa¢ tory built oil range $35. Oil heat- er $8. HA 6-6714. W 9/17 XLL-LAWN- (:AR--=:--d]Vr :+-youi' lawn an application of Mossitc now. A soil sweetener to help eliminate moss and a fertilizer too. Call Gray- stone HA 6-6661. 9/17-24 FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2 bedroom home, clean, comfortable, floor furnace. $55.00 per month. Call Waterfront Realty. HA 6-8535. 9/3 tfn F0-1t RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L 10/9 t/n C-'-L--F_-N-D--U-i.- rooms, by day or week, Cameron Hotel. 2/3 tfn USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R. R. Ave HA 6-4332 b/7-tin FOR SALE 2nd Hand Furniture 2 wood cook stoves, $22.50-$69.50 2 Montag wood heaers, $20 Mahogany desks, $29.50 Combination Chesit-Desks, $19.50 2 30-inch ranges (like new) Refrigerators, $39.50 to $69•50 40-gal. electric hot water tank, $39.50 2 electric ranges (mew elements) 5 electric dryers 1 bedroom suite complete 1 Hide-a-bed Floor lamps, $2.50 to $5,00 4 Cosco posture chairs, $6,50 each 1 blonde mahogany chetst of drawers, $39,50 1 40-inch Phtlco range with 30- inch oven 1 freight-damaged new 5pc. bed- room gutte, $40 discourg. e New Furniture 4-pc. bedroom suite, $169.50 1 3-pc. solid maple bedroom suite, $189.50 Daveno & chair, $169.50 5-pc. daveno & chair, 3 ta- bles, $229.50 Hassocks, all sizes, $3.95 to $2295 e All Summer Furniture Discontinued e Standard-gauge inlaid linoleum tile, 9¢ each 9x12 rugs, $47.50 (pads $7.95) Oval rag rugs, $2.95 up. KELLY'S FURNITURE 625 S. 1st HA 6-2411 I FOR RENT I G(LDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. L;onvenlent to nlills and downoWn I stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge S 4 4 tfn i ............ ,- / i RENT: light hbLsekeeping rooms. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-4679. R 4/18 tin LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., heat and hot water furnished. Phone HA 6-3084. $3/19 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom unfur- nished house, Angleside, $30.00 per nmnth. Phone HA 6-3234. B 8/13 tfn FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments. Ranges and refrigerators supplied. Laundry fa- cilities, riot water heat. Holly Hill Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. B 7/9 tfn FIVE ROOM furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, washer, dryer, refrigera- tor, electric range, trash burner, oil heater. Water and garbage included. Ground floor, Shorter Apartments. 325 -- 5th and Pine. B 8/20 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom house, furnished, three rooms and bath. Phone HA 6-4644. S 8/20 tin unite ideal for single men ox, wom- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments• All utilities furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tin 'OR RENT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free• Reasonable. Phone HA 6-6489. C 1/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom home, wood panelled inte+rior, fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement with furnace.. Located at 7th street bridge, $65.00, Write Mrs, Norman Hulbert, Rte. 1, Box 301, Camp Grisdate, Montesano, Wash. No telephone calls. H 9/10-214 NICE SMALL 2 bedroom unfurnished house. Phone HA 6-4000. B 9/10 tfn F-()R--RE'I' -- Large 8 bedroom'-un: furnished house on nice beach. 4 miles from town. Phone HA 6-4000. B 9/I0 ftn 3 ROOM apt. and bath downtown: Un- furnished except for range, Refriger- ator if desired. Phone HA 6-3288, Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26-7/8 tin FOR RENT -- Three room urnished apartment $45, 218 North First. Adults only. Call HA 6-6176. M 6/11 tin FOR RENT--Partly furntshed-apt. 2 large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:90 p.m. K2/26 tfn FURNISHED 2 bedroom canal beach home. fireplace, oil furnace, auto- marie laundry. Phone TR 7-5457 or ._OlYmP!a FL 2-3760. C 9/3 tfn FOR RENT--=L+ M { __V]iw--1- b e d roord duplex with stoves, garage, water and garbage /urnished. Adults only. .... HA 6-3218. B 9/10-24 MODERN 2 bedro|nu duplex, electric heat, utility room and garage. Phone HA 6-8150. N 9/10 tfn SMALL FURNISHED two bedroom house for renL downtown. Phone HA _. 6-304, ................................... W 9/17 tin FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom house with attached garage. Spencer Lake. HA 3726 after 4 p.m. Available after Oc; tober 1st. It 9/17-24 FOR RENT --- One bedroom unfur- nished house on Northcliff. Phone HA 6-3586. K 9/17-24 FOR RENT -- 3 bedroom house on Hillcrast. apply to Mrs. Thompson, 1239 Ellinor. phone HA 6-84.t6. D 9/17 tfn --'-HR ROOM furnished apartment for rent. Downtown near stores. Phone IIA 6-6365. M 9/17 tfn unfurn/;hed except for sieves, nice ya|'d, garage. Phone HA 6-6270. D 9/17 tin 1512 Boundary, newly redecorated. Inquire John Getty, 1601 FranKlin. phone HA 6-6265. 9/17 tfn FOR" RENT -- Oil "bedi:t);tii" furnished house. Phone HA 6-8150. N 9/17 tfn FO-R--RENT -----C 'I]:t'a b I + sleel) ing rooms with kitchen priv'ileges it de- sired. Phone HA 6-3487. Inquire 720 No. 4th, R 9/3 tin ment, washing facilities. 7(}6 Cola sireet. P 9/3 tn FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Goldeborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn 1 ONLY Refrigerator-Freezer TURBO-AIRE SPECIAL.. $309.95 Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 IIII BA2V2ERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Allstate Silent Cushion Tires Advertised Tyrex Cord Spouse is a professional tapper FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 1 ='--i i - ., , , ,, , ,, Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Rmodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No Job too large or too small. Shelton, Wuhington 11-20 tin BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tin IS| Shingling and Painting CONTRACT JOBS Estimates • Phone HA 6-3910 , Anthony J. Florek 8/6-9/3 lmt j ..... A,' I,/,/,// FOR RENT OOM AND BOARD, attractive rooms, excellent mettle, downtown. Double rooms also available. Phone HA 6-2208, B 6/11 tfz ONE LARGE 8-ROOM apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1208 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tin FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un- furnished, yard, large garage. Walter Gooz'ge, HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. 10/2-11/13 tn OR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th, phone MA 6-4348 after _55+p.m. D 10/11 tin OVERNIGHT or WEEKEND guests you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments now/available by day, week or month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177 7/16 tin HOUSE FOR RENT -- suitable for working couple. Inquire 14."7 Cote, across the bridge. L 7/30 tin FOR RENT -- 9 room apartment with bath, downtown. Unfurnished except for range. Refrigerator if desired. Phone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26 tin FOR RENT -- Downtown apartments, reasonable rent, lurnished. Inquire 234 So. Second. B 8/20 tin FOR RENT -- Two, new one-bedroom ] apartments, available soon. Large, spacious ceramic tile kitchens and baths. 528 Cota st. Phone HA 6-6424. J 8/27 tin TWO BEDROOM rental. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-8423. W 8/27-9/3-10 FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- nished aparUnent. Adult only. 311 N0._ ls.L_ptm.n_e_H..6-3025. P 3/12 tfn FOR RENT -- Downtown-, -large3 room apartment, good furniture, fireplace, steam heat, Carlon Apts, Phone HA 6-4655. 9/3 tin USED CARS 1952 CHEVROLET % ton pick-up. Clean inside and out. Good rubber. Deluxe cab. Phone HA 6-3824. L 9/3-17 1953 PACKARD Clipper for sale. Runs good, aut|)matic transmission, good tires, powcr brakes. $325.00 cash. Phone ltA 6-8820. F 9/17 WE BUY scrap tors. coppcr, Shelton Junk Streets. Phone CHAIN SAW aecurate preci Saeger Motor HA 6-46U2. WANTED : 1000 Rubber Weiders, MAKING and tonioles, and fancy I-LA. 6-21U4. MAN OR k£ne in hours ol your per hour and tired persen Wrote 11th St., call a.m. PAINTING paint houses, hone St. WANTED -- Bark ot and piling. Conlpany• 99, JUmper HXg5£-MXW -- think it can't Landis, ttA WANTED -- courteous scrvtCO. Elma 1211, GraYS Inc. EXPERIENCED part time eon. Mrs. PORTABLE MILL cat operator Phone HA WANTED timber and evenings. 6-6837. WANTED tial or FL 7-3744. FURNACE CLF_,AN I stallations, el Fuz'nace CO., 6-6121. FOP:-SALE-X:-+47--Di)i'e.--pi'(:J<ui):- flat bed, Phone HA 6-3871. E 9/17 tfn ONE ............................................... available on ]941 CHEVROLET, homemade pickup, are better overload springs, good condition, $100.00. Phone HA 6-6150. R 9/17-10fl WANTED WANTED: large or smart tracts of timber. Cash. Cruiser available at our expense. Jones Tie & Lumber Co., P. O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20 tfn | BI)DGET SHOP who m willing Watkms extz'acs are dies Home Products erton. 7-6561, 8:00 a.m. IRONING DoNE per h,ur, Mrs. HA 6-8003. WANTED -- bicy(:!e. P!!?n e Advocate of "Cheaper bythe Doz." MOTltER OF O • Oil(! or tWO Across From Evergreen Square USED FURNITURE Swing Rocker ...................... $12.50 Daveno .................................. $19.50 Sofa and Chair .................... $29.00 Chrome Set ........................... $35.00 5-Pc. Dinette ........................ $29.00 Wood Bed .............................. $9.00 Chest, Blonde A-1 ................. $29.00 Dbl. Dresser w/mirror ........ $49.00 Brass Bed .............................. $12.00 Coil Springs .......................... $7.50 Vanity with Bench .............. $30.00 Wood Heater, like new ...... $59.00 Frig. Refrigerator ................ $79.00 321 Railroad Ave - HA 6-4332 i Ul WANTED: Bidders and Buyers! Selling 82 Bulls and Bred Heifers "Cascade Heritage" Herefords Sat. Noon, Sept. 26 Rea Hereford Ranch 4 Miles East of Rifle, Wash., On White Pass Hiway hollle, fenced WANTED--- Child :l" n(,t,d'd inun mation cootact 6-3363 or the Ma the State Del sistance. 6th LOT F()UN D - young d,,g. identifying. SOMEONE'S tan, soluJ-]ong call tlA 6-4528. FOR SALE borne, two b and storage, heat, firepl from Mt. priced. 2127 two fir|place, basen attic with roonls, nook. utility 6-6513, FOR 110 ACRES TREE HA 6-3579 or HEATHER Over 25 varieties from 15€ - $1.50 each Still have Azaleas - 3 for $1.25 Astilbe - 3 for $1.50 , BELFAIR GARDENS Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wn. Across from Belfair P.U.D. II I[ I WOR Sure -- It'+ ss I WOOl) Work|n| WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 I Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street Tel. HA 6-2042 JOHN BUNKO 225 South 11th Street Res. Tel. HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS 7/9 tn . innll - I FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 6-2271 or 6-6553 CABINETS  STYLED TO ORDER J. H. Tice Bayshore Road Phone HA. 6-6700 7-9tfn dr The aspsclally of Ihom dr FIVE models (plus GET YOURS stocks are For lols 1ST & MIt, lS " Shelton, TELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "ChrisfmaMown |t ] It FOR SALE ......... FOR '.[28 .... FOR SALE [ 1tIGlt POWER Lightest Weight! Fast- BOYSEN PAINT--all types and klndm BUCK & SONS Farm Fuipment Corn- eat cutting at highest power! Rein- choice of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- party sales and service• Local repre- ington Saws. Bar-Dln's Marina, ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. sentative Wally Anderson. Phone Mountain View. . B 5114 tfn 1/29 tfn HA 6-6001. A4f30 tfn I,it f+q'tilizer. Phone orders between FOR SALE: Large seleetlotl of re- BOATS, TRAILERS and outboard ree- l p.m. and 4 pro. Phone HA 6-3626. conditioned ranges, refrigerators, tors at Shelton Marine Sup_ply, 1209 Mc 8/20 tin washers, dryers. Eelle & Valley Ap- Olympic Highway, outh, HA 6-3163. pliance Center. 6/5 tin 2/20 tin -- .......... ' ............. ROOFING and all other building me- ONE YF, KR GUARANTEED Reming- terials, nothing down, 36 months to ton saw, 60 days guaranteed chain. pay under FHA terms now available Bar-Din Marina and Power Me- DICK'S TRANSFER at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St.,' chinery. See themfl B 5/14 tin _phone HA 6-4308. 6/5 tin RUG CLEANING Professional equip- '" -yre've--" TBAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE ment for renL Makes rugs like new. and Hunting -- Fishing IM. Decorating Center, 821 Railroad. B 7/9 tin Do you know that you can be pro- teoted by accident insurance while BLUEBERRI, choice fruit, 25€ per PHONE HA 6-6364 you travel, The entire family, on Ib. or 14 Ibs $3.00. Phone Oiympla land, sea and air from oae  to FL 3-8081, Eberhardt Blueberry Day or Night Service 6 months. Policies issued while you Nurry. 8/18 tfn wail Angle Agency, pit HA &4/2. AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 7/25 tfa 5/14-tin COVERINGS  for walls, windows, floors. Paint, wallpaper, drepe rugs, tile yardgooda. L. M. DECR- ................... I ' , ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 tin JL_J ,, , '"' ..... ' ...... TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirL F. . Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 t/r APPLIANCES d- -÷r.-m-d- er, faster, more efficient- Also -; FOR RENT hour photo finishing. Try tin. Zleg- ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA 6416L 8/15 tin Clark Electric lloor Sanders ,rI]-i-8-T-M-A--S-O=--tU.S.A.--rI-  Sterling Electro Portable stamps for sale at the Journal. $1•26 Hand Sanders each. 107 So• 4th. 12/1 tfn i4 FT FIBERGLASS .hout---. i Regina Electric Floor hand starting Evinrude. All ready to[ Polisiler@ go. Complete price $I100.00 and up. [ Hou Jacks Shelton Marine Supply (formerly [ Hlllcrest Hardware). 7/30 tfnl Many progeny 6R-L]gXS E--O R SA L=---ffm--l- form: taln, light groceries and drugs. LAWTON LDTIBER Phone HA 6-3748 evenlngs. T 420 S. 1 Phan HA. 6-4808 S/20 tin YORKSIIIRE BRO-(D sows 2-10tin Wner pigs $9.00, Call HA 6-3624. 743-tin A 9/3-10/ ....... .................................................. EVINRUD - OUTBOAR-'Mb ................... :' .... NOTHING DOWN, 86 months to pay and service at Shelton Marine Supply. under F.H.A. terms on all building 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA -- ,i '" ' ' " " ' supplies. Lump it all unaer one bilL 6-816& 2120 tin !.. ........ Lawton Lumber, 420 S let St,, Ph. -N c'm te., model hearin aid A 6 tn .............. - uusEom "ITactor work H -4503. _ 615 eye glasses for sale• Uaed one month. Rotovatlng or regular plowing, .oLUR--RI-i'-I"I"I"I"I"I"I"plliCES RE D0D=. guaranteed• Phone HA 6-3318 after dtaCin nd hn.nwt,, tVtl. Made front your favorite color slide 5:80 p.m. 7180 tin .'. _ ? .-. ........ .', ".Y '" or colored negative. Post card size R-SALE.--m---'-a00 maue evelmg, roan graamg, roaa was 75#--now 39€, 5x7 was $1•50-- v .... w- z" " tr'e'"¢ gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work now 98€, Including deluxe folder, ...= .= .-w.:  .--.f =-: hv hur d.,lo-h.nd .Tnn One day service on Ektachrome and r m   zoot specs oat:. " ."--.-. "'i=.^--" ........... Anscochrome color processing  2[ np .ray arme engme:_.mxce.en urge,  o'er/6" day service on color nrlnts. Ztegler's I conmtion. Fnone umon z• • , Studio, 124 N• Second• Z 8/ tin I__ . M 9/3 tf_n ........................ :.-=;.:=-==:::----=-=-L--:-------'--:-=:--=- I AUTO-LITE BATTERIES and" acces- rw• w tit,_ after, cost '.u [ eories. Wholesale and retail• Shelton wn, sen or {im# t rhone A  e e • •  9.;[ Merino Supply (formerly Hillcr st aEPTIC TANKS , --  '" I _Hwe)._. H. illct_._____9/Stf. t, I SAR-DIN MARINA an Power Me-I FIREPLACS season Just around the rr-i- fields Ditohln .cavaH- I chlnery. /iagton ch/n saws, Zotts i corner -- Order that new fireplace ---- , m n i generators, portable power. 196 I screen and accessories NOW  from ;11....1.... ^4- FN^ I Olympia Hi.way NO. B 5/14 tin I Graystone HA 6-6661. 9/17-24 _ ] BR---0""XO'NI) at' Bar-ran. ere ] i-df---'---di", marl T. Marr [ ie sure to be something you will i road and fill gravel washed sani; Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 [ want either in the Thrift department [ and a, ravel drainase 'gravel and nee If no answer, Ph HA 6-4692 , or the Gift an, d ,Hobby Shop where I grave'l- for' driveways. Norman kn- ; • tnere are arulal fllower .arrange- derson, phone HA 6-855. John's! mens 0t e ver tuna ana m:_par- Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore• i ....................... m, opposite na Armory. b/;. un 7125 ffnl ! - .... '" "' . . + , , 'O MANUAL organ. Like new. Save $100.00. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box, 8/6 Lfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 612Tt ! !{ ..... i( ii | J [ ! ! -. I SEE IT AT Eells & Valley 123 SO. Sand HA 8-4663 913-10/8 Carpet Adds Warmth.. Rooms Look Larger! Loop Pile Viscose - Beige 12 x 15 just $139.00 Comptete with 100% Foam Rubber Pad (larger and smaller sizes available) 9x 12 $79.00 12 x 18 $159.00 $10 down and $10 per month Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 II I ill IIII III ' IIII Twin Hollywood Beds Englander COIL SPRING MATT- RESSES and matching BOX. Large coil count, fully tufted con- struction, durable heavy-weight ticking, and ventilators of course. Sturdy STEEL FRAM holds box spring firmly in place, large roll easy casters. TWO BED SETS COMPLETE $99.00 • 2 Mattresses • 2 Box Springs • 2 Hollywood Frames Olsen Furniture 328 Cote HA 6-4702 "-" ...... I Ill I fill II 1 .I [ I , r r I , ' . ,rr , ,, 11, FREEZER GIBSON 10:5 CU. FT. Freez- ing units in every helf--and side to(). Easy to clean soft pastel interior, large door storage shelves. An excellent buy in an uptqght freezer. $265 No trade-in required! Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 See FRIGIDAIRE First • REFEIGEBATORS • RANGES • WASHFJgS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 H i;RCANI'IL| BLUBERRIESI You pick, 15# per lb. Phone Olympia FL 1, Eberhardt Bineberry Nursery. 8/13 tin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAIL/, equlp- merit at Walt'e Marine Suppl, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tin P.H.A, TERMS now available oD" al'] building materials allows you to lump construction coet under ?ne bill• For information inquire at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. let St. Phone HA 6-430& 6/6 tin I SALE -- 300 ft. 3 ft heavy wire fencing. Phone HA 6-8120. G 8113 tin OLD FASHIONED bathtub for sale. In good condition. Sell for $10. Phone HA 6-85. P 8/13 tin Hunting  Fishing Do you know that you can be pro- tacted by accident insurance while ,aOU travel. The entire family on nd, sea and air from one day to 6 months. Policies issued while you wait, Angle Agency, ph. HA 6-8272. SKINDIVERS -- Used aqua lunge, new surplus -in. Neoprene wet suits, tailored -in, skldving and water skiing suits or kits Newest in skin- diving equipmenL 1951 Hillman Minx for eale. Phone HA 6-6877. Morgue' Divi & Marine, 4 miles East Arcadia Road. 8/19 tn 1956 10 HP. -$I-IRUDE 'boat motor Price. $175.00. Verne Rosenberg. Phone HA 6-8084. R 8/27 tin Ex T'"-C  i-E-S"-S i'-  S-' 'W---F .I I and Winter catalog now available, W'ith wide selection school clothes. Won't you drop in today and get yours? Seam Catalog Sales Office. HA 6-8201. 6/27 tin I Illl , USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES ALL oil heaters, your choice $37.00 Wood heaters ......................... $25.00 2 Electric ranges ................ $49.50 NEW Electric dryer ............ $139.50 Chrome dinette, 6 chairs .. $35.00 Davenport & chair, very good .................................... $75.00 Daveno .................................... $39.50 Lounge chairs ................ Ea. $10.00 Duncan Phyfe Diningroom Table with 3 leaves, and 6 chairs, nearly new, beautiful ...... $199.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cola HA 6-4702 'IT i ' ii i i lilt i i i , ,, ,, ,,, , Lowest Price Ever! PACIFIC WOOD HEATERS All cast-iron construction, large easy-feed door, 20-24 inch firebox. See us before you buy for even greater savings. 01sen Furniture ' 328 Cote HA 6-4702 FREE Table Lamp or Floor Lamp with the purclase of a NEW DAVENO Sofa Bed • Biltwell @ Harmon • Simmons Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 ii 'l I I Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or leu (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two lnsertion, $2.00 for three insertions. AddiUonal in- sertions 25# each. Rates for larger ads on requesL Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column In. "Not Responsible" n o t l e • g $1.50 per inmuon. All classified advertient must be paid in advance, Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of tehe month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is aecemm'y. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. Phone HA 6-9231. C 8/6 tin WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone HA 6-4511. Charles A. Phillips, Islana Lake. P 8/20 tin WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell on consignment, your boats, motors, trailers, etc. Shelton Marine Supply. 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163. 2/20 tfn FOR SALE: Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone HA 6-8626, 9/8 tin GOOD BARGAINS  Miscellaneous household article, 9x12 rug, 2 bed- room sets, dining group, etc. Phone Union 41I. S 8/27 tn T H(''S--"E'LEc'Tt-i-C--org'" 'Hk e --new with bench and ear phones. Cost $750.00, will sell for $550.00. Phone HA 6-8067. L 8/18 tin FACTORY BUILT teat- drop camp trailer. Phone HA 6-8067. L 8/13 tfn FOR SALE -- Caterpiller Diesel RD6 with hydraulic blade, removable land clearing teeth. Wide tracks. Good mechanical condition, used compara- tively little. Price $1500.00. Phone HA 6-2305. C 9/10-24 cRUSH E D ' R-O-Ci(---"-'IT-w-'Is t h e time to apply on your driveways and parking areas. Call Graystone of Shelton HR 6-6661. 9117-24 GOOD SIOUX BEE Oil Heater and Westinghouse Electrie stove with owm -- for sale, reasonable. M. C. Stark, Union, Wash. Phone 261. S 9/10-17 No More Damp Clothes! New KELVINATOR AUTOMATIC DRYER all porcelain interior, low heat and large volume of air means fast and low cost drying, large easy-open door, easy to reach lint trap, absolutely will not scorch your clothes. Special Price $139.95 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 I Business Opportunity FOR LEASE SIGNAL SERVICE STATION, First and Cola, Shelton. Small investment required for stock. Phone Collect Olympia FL 6-8245 8/20 tin ,, ,,,, ,., , ,  , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,, ,, ,. HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stpage and Lands Interted parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Sheltou, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6837 Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning +" l [ I I II IIIII I I Exclusively at BEOKWITH JEWELRY BAR-DIN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHINERY PRAMS Unfinished Finished 8-it ............ $40 $55 10-ft ........... $60 $75 FISHING BOATS I2-ft. to 16-ft. $115 to $305 RUNABOUTS Custom built from blueprint or kits. See our plans and prices before you build. Marine paint, fiberglass, hardwood, hardware and repairs. Remington Power Saws Zeus Power Generators 3 Models from $243.50 to $279 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 FOR SALE FOR SALE --- Dining room set, din- ette set and ironer. Phone HA 6- 8576. D 9/10-17 -O- -R---S'A- ---T-- --;'a7 C--f 4--i-n-c h--220 volt contractor's power saw, togeth- er with two 10 ft. sections of rollers. Make offer. Contact Marden Stroud. Waterfront Realty, phone HA 6- 8585. L 9110-24 FOR SALE  One Bundy cornet and case, used 3 months. $100.00. Phone HA 6-4739. N 9/10-24 NEED A, RAINPROOF COVER? Slop at Graystone and get your Vie Queen now  100 sq. ft. only $2.50. 7th and Park. 9/17-24 FOR SALE -- Portable wood buzz saw, 11 fL plywood boat glass bot- tom, 385 gal. gas tank. Call Ken Cox, HA 6-2118, C 8/27 tfn FOR SALE  R-4 Caterpillar tractor, good condition. One Carco etch, also some rigging. Phone Drew Cole HA 6-8448 or Mrs. Louis Durand HA 6-3036. D 9/17 tfn FOR SALE or trade -- Monitor oil heater, 5 room size, Shallow well mp with tank. Windows. Chair. one HA 6-6547. p 9/17 FOR SALE  Used Quaker oil heater, very good condition. Phone HA 6- 6795, F 9/17-24 1950 40 ft. 2 bedroom New Moon trail- er house for sale. Good condition. Phone HA 6-6666. M 9/17 1958 MODEL ASHLEY console wood heatt,r, used 3 months, like new, $100.00. Phom HA 6-6150. R 9/17-24 PROTECT YOUR SOIL with a cover crop, Common Vetch seed, 12 cents a pound; Fall Rye seed, 7 cents a pound. Order now while supply lasts. Washington Co-op, Sheiton, _.HA_ _6-4873. 9/17-24 FOR SALE -- Cold Cache modern room temp. locker plant, 220 lockers, also complete equipment for Pre Cool room. almoet new and reason- able. A & M Fine Foods, Forks. Wash. D 9/17-24 IT'S TERRIFIC the way we're selling Blue Lustre for cleaning rugs and upholstery, Lumbermen's Mercantile _.€+mpany. 9/17 FOR SALE -- 30 ft, trailer house with push-out bedroom, modern, fully equipped. Make nice cabin for your lot, Call 457 Union after 3 p.m. A 9/17 t/n FOR SALE --  hp. Berkely shall|)w well pump, $45.00. Phone HA 6-6768, -_ B 9/17 months old. 15 weaner pigs, 7 and 8 weeks, $7.50, cholee. 1 Palouse boar with papers, 3 Palouse sows. Pione .__H_A 6-684'2. R 9/]7 HOTPOINT ,; good condition $60. Sunbeam electric shver, practically new $12. Phone HA 6-4328; W 9/17 tfn FOR SALE -- Heavy cast "Cannon" stove. Burns wood. coal or trash. 32 inches high. Like new $20.00. Stan Parker, HA 6-3542 or HA 6-4653, 9/17 tfn FOR SALE -- Frigidaire refrigeritiil: .75. 6 yesr e.rib and mattress $20, x12 rose rug and pad $40. Winegard all-purpose aerial $15. White button- hole maker $3. Phone HA 6-8255. L 9/17 F6-R--SX-/E---Riin,.-/-wi:itlg;r Lype washer in excellent condition $45. Fa¢ tory built oil range $35. Oil heat- er $8. HA 6-6714. W 9/17 XLL-LAWN- (:AR--=:--d]Vr :+-youi' lawn an application of Mossitc now. A soil sweetener to help eliminate moss and a fertilizer too. Call Gray- stone HA 6-6661. 9/17-24 FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2 bedroom home, clean, comfortable, floor furnace. $55.00 per month. Call Waterfront Realty. HA 6-8535. 9/3 tfn F0-1t RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L 10/9 t/n C-'-L--F_-N-D--U-i.- rooms, by day or week, Cameron Hotel. 2/3 tfn USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R. R. Ave HA 6-4332 b/7-tin FOR SALE 2nd Hand Furniture 2 wood cook stoves, $22.50-$69.50 2 Montag wood heaers, $20 Mahogany desks, $29.50 Combination Chesit-Desks, $19.50 2 30-inch ranges (like new) Refrigerators, $39.50 to $69•50 40-gal. electric hot water tank, $39.50 2 electric ranges (mew elements) 5 electric dryers 1 bedroom suite complete 1 Hide-a-bed Floor lamps, $2.50 to $5,00 4 Cosco posture chairs, $6,50 each 1 blonde mahogany chetst of drawers, $39,50 1 40-inch Phtlco range with 30- inch oven 1 freight-damaged new 5pc. bed- room gutte, $40 discourg. e New Furniture 4-pc. bedroom suite, $169.50 1 3-pc. solid maple bedroom suite, $189.50 Daveno & chair, $169.50 5-pc. daveno & chair, 3 ta- bles, $229.50 Hassocks, all sizes, $3.95 to $2295 e All Summer Furniture Discontinued e Standard-gauge inlaid linoleum tile, 9¢ each 9x12 rugs, $47.50 (pads $7.95) Oval rag rugs, $2.95 up. KELLY'S FURNITURE 625 S. 1st HA 6-2411 I FOR RENT I G(LDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. L;onvenlent to nlills and downoWn I stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge S 4 4 tfn i ............ ,- / i RENT: light hbLsekeeping rooms. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-4679. R 4/18 tin LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., heat and hot water furnished. Phone HA 6-3084. $3/19 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom unfur- nished house, Angleside, $30.00 per nmnth. Phone HA 6-3234. B 8/13 tfn FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments. Ranges and refrigerators supplied. Laundry fa- cilities, riot water heat. Holly Hill Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. B 7/9 tfn FIVE ROOM furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, washer, dryer, refrigera- tor, electric range, trash burner, oil heater. Water and garbage included. Ground floor, Shorter Apartments. 325 -- 5th and Pine. B 8/20 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom house, furnished, three rooms and bath. Phone HA 6-4644. S 8/20 tin unite ideal for single men ox, wom- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments• All utilities furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tin 'OR RENT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free• Reasonable. Phone HA 6-6489. C 1/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom home, wood panelled inte+rior, fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement with furnace.. Located at 7th street bridge, $65.00, Write Mrs, Norman Hulbert, Rte. 1, Box 301, Camp Grisdate, Montesano, Wash. No telephone calls. H 9/10-214 NICE SMALL 2 bedroom unfurnished house. Phone HA 6-4000. B 9/10 tfn F-()R--RE'I' -- Large 8 bedroom'-un: furnished house on nice beach. 4 miles from town. Phone HA 6-4000. B 9/I0 ftn 3 ROOM apt. and bath downtown: Un- furnished except for range, Refriger- ator if desired. Phone HA 6-3288, Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26-7/8 tin FOR RENT -- Three room urnished apartment $45, 218 North First. Adults only. Call HA 6-6176. M 6/11 tin FOR RENT--Partly furntshed-apt. 2 large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:90 p.m. K2/26 tfn FURNISHED 2 bedroom canal beach home. fireplace, oil furnace, auto- marie laundry. Phone TR 7-5457 or ._OlYmP!a FL 2-3760. C 9/3 tfn FOR RENT--=L+ M { __V]iw--1- b e d roord duplex with stoves, garage, water and garbage /urnished. Adults only. .... HA 6-3218. B 9/10-24 MODERN 2 bedro|nu duplex, electric heat, utility room and garage. Phone HA 6-8150. N 9/10 tfn SMALL FURNISHED two bedroom house for renL downtown. Phone HA _. 6-304, ................................... W 9/17 tin FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom house with attached garage. Spencer Lake. HA 3726 after 4 p.m. Available after Oc; tober 1st. It 9/17-24 FOR RENT --- One bedroom unfur- nished house on Northcliff. Phone HA 6-3586. K 9/17-24 FOR RENT -- 3 bedroom house on Hillcrast. apply to Mrs. Thompson, 1239 Ellinor. phone HA 6-84.t6. D 9/17 tfn --'-HR ROOM furnished apartment for rent. Downtown near stores. Phone IIA 6-6365. M 9/17 tfn unfurn/;hed except for sieves, nice ya|'d, garage. Phone HA 6-6270. D 9/17 tin 1512 Boundary, newly redecorated. Inquire John Getty, 1601 FranKlin. phone HA 6-6265. 9/17 tfn FOR" RENT -- Oil "bedi:t);tii" furnished house. Phone HA 6-8150. N 9/17 tfn FO-R--RENT -----C 'I]:t'a b I + sleel) ing rooms with kitchen priv'ileges it de- sired. Phone HA 6-3487. Inquire 720 No. 4th, R 9/3 tin ment, washing facilities. 7(}6 Cola sireet. P 9/3 tn FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Goldeborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn 1 ONLY Refrigerator-Freezer TURBO-AIRE SPECIAL.. $309.95 Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 IIII BA2V2ERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Allstate Silent Cushion Tires Advertised Tyrex Cord Spouse is a professional tapper FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 1 ='--i i - ., , , ,, , ,, Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Rmodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No Job too large or too small. Shelton, Wuhington 11-20 tin BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tin IS| Shingling and Painting CONTRACT JOBS Estimates • Phone HA 6-3910 , Anthony J. Florek 8/6-9/3 lmt j ..... A,' I,/,/,// FOR RENT OOM AND BOARD, attractive rooms, excellent mettle, downtown. Double rooms also available. Phone HA 6-2208, B 6/11 tfz ONE LARGE 8-ROOM apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1208 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tin FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un- furnished, yard, large garage. Walter Gooz'ge, HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. 10/2-11/13 tn OR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th, phone MA 6-4348 after _55+p.m. D 10/11 tin OVERNIGHT or WEEKEND guests you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments now/available by day, week or month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177 7/16 tin HOUSE FOR RENT -- suitable for working couple. Inquire 14."7 Cote, across the bridge. L 7/30 tin FOR RENT -- 9 room apartment with bath, downtown. Unfurnished except for range. Refrigerator if desired. Phone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26 tin FOR RENT -- Downtown apartments, reasonable rent, lurnished. Inquire 234 So. Second. B 8/20 tin FOR RENT -- Two, new one-bedroom ] apartments, available soon. Large, spacious ceramic tile kitchens and baths. 528 Cota st. Phone HA 6-6424. J 8/27 tin TWO BEDROOM rental. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-8423. W 8/27-9/3-10 FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- nished aparUnent. Adult only. 311 N0._ ls.L_ptm.n_e_H..6-3025. P 3/12 tfn FOR RENT -- Downtown-, -large3 room apartment, good furniture, fireplace, steam heat, Carlon Apts, Phone HA 6-4655. 9/3 tin USED CARS 1952 CHEVROLET % ton pick-up. Clean inside and out. Good rubber. Deluxe cab. Phone HA 6-3824. L 9/3-17 1953 PACKARD Clipper for sale. Runs good, aut|)matic transmission, good tires, powcr brakes. $325.00 cash. Phone ltA 6-8820. F 9/17 WE BUY scrap tors. coppcr, Shelton Junk Streets. Phone CHAIN SAW aecurate preci Saeger Motor HA 6-46U2. WANTED : 1000 Rubber Weiders, MAKING and tonioles, and fancy I-LA. 6-21U4. MAN OR k£ne in hours ol your per hour and tired persen Wrote 11th St., call a.m. PAINTING paint houses, hone St. WANTED -- Bark ot and piling. Conlpany• 99, J Umper HXg5£-MXW -- think it can't Landis, ttA WANTED -- courteous scrvtCO. Elma 1211, GraYS Inc. EXPERIENCED part time eon. Mrs. PORTABLE MILL cat operator Phone HA WANTED timber and evenings. 6-6837. WANTED tial or FL 7-3744. FURNACE CLF_,AN I stallations, el Fuz'nace CO., 6-6121. FOP:-SALE-X:-+47--Di)i'e.--pi'(:J<ui):- flat bed, Phone HA 6-3871. E 9/17 tfn ONE ............................................... available on ]941 CHEVROLET, homemade pickup, are better overload springs, good condition, $100.00. Phone HA 6-6150. R 9/17-10fl WANTED WANTED: large or smart tracts of timber. Cash. Cruiser available at our expense. Jones Tie & Lumber Co., P. O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20 tfn | BI)DGET SHOP who m willing Watkms extz'acs are dies Home Products erton. 7-6561, 8:00 a.m. IRONING DoNE per h,ur, Mrs. HA 6-8003. WANTED -- bicy(:!e. P!!?n e Advocate of "Cheaper bythe Doz." MOTltER OF O • Oil(! or tWO Across From Evergreen Square USED FURNITURE Swing Rocker ...................... $12.50 Daveno .................................. $19.50 Sofa and Chair .................... $29.00 Chrome Set ........................... $35.00 5-Pc. Dinette ........................ $29.00 Wood Bed .............................. $9.00 Chest, Blonde A-1 ................. $29.00 Dbl. Dresser w/mirror ........ $49.00 Brass Bed .............................. $12.00 Coil Springs .......................... $7.50 Vanity with Bench .............. $30.00 Wood Heater, like new ...... $59.00 Frig. Refrigerator ................ $79.00 321 Railroad Ave - HA 6-4332 i Ul WANTED: Bidders and Buyers! Selling 82 Bulls and Bred Heifers "Cascade Heritage" Herefords Sat. Noon, Sept. 26 Rea Hereford Ranch 4 Miles East of Rifle, Wash., On White Pass Hiway hollle, fenced WANTED--- Child :l" n(,t,d'd inun mation cootact 6-3363 or the Ma the State Del sistance. 6th LOT F()UN D - young d,,g. identifying. SOMEONE'S tan, soluJ-]ong call tlA 6-4528. FOR SALE borne, two b and storage, heat, firepl from Mt. priced. 2127 two fir|place, basen attic with roonls, nook. utility 6-6513, FOR 110 ACRES TREE HA 6-3579 or HEATHER Over 25 varieties from 15€ - $1.50 each Still have Azaleas - 3 for $1.25 Astilbe - 3 for $1.50 , BELFAIR GARDENS Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wn. Across from Belfair P.U.D. II I[ I WOR Sure -- It'+ ss I WOOl) Work|n| WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 I Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street Tel. HA 6-2042 JOHN BUNKO 225 South 11th Street Res. Tel. HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS 7/9 tn . innll - I FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 6-2271 or 6-6553 CABINETS  STYLED TO ORDER J. H. Tice Bayshore Road Phone HA. 6-6700 7-9tfn dr The aspsclally of Ihom dr FIVE models (plus GET YOURS stocks are For lols 1ST & MIt,