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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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17, 1959 HOME Spencer or summer l|v- She&apos;llon. ,100 ft. ei(.ctrie heat, 2 H 7/2 tfn 84×28 with 10 REAL ESTATE WATERFRONT 200 x 650 ft. All clear- t ed, fenced, seeded, 2 wells, heat t lloUSO and boat, 5 rr)rnns and  Imsomont, 1% balh.. Electric heat, d.uble garage. Torms. Rt. 3 B.x -t28A, Shetton. B 8/27-(.t/17 Stewart street or N 7/23 tfn FOR SALVE: Itillcrest home. large fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A,." Shelton, ;'Mt, View honw. Util- station. Across townshi D 21, range 5. Price $750.00. [ school. By own- Phone 6-4064. K 8/20 ifn PC Box 9/17-10/g FOR SAI,E -- 3 lots, modern 2 bed- ]'l)onl hesse, dilling rol)ln, breakfast [ CLASSIFIED SERVIC-E ACCORDION private lessons In your l home. taneato Nntienal School of Accordion. Mrs. Canada, phone HA 6-8229, 1/1 tfn lion. Guaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. 6/20tfn 6-4522 dlys, HA 6-3559 after 6 p.m. both da*ryand beef, $7,00 cash, l.'v- r.ramie tile on E 3/27 tfn ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. Call Wlltam Turner, Olympia. eel- Phone HA ................................................................. loci, FL. 2-2113. tfn D 913tfn APPR()XIMATELY 6 acre level tract unfinisliod with creek on blacktop, i lnile l'/'onl --S]W-'-G--M-.CH---RE Expert work Bonded employee. me. Den. firel)laee, city limils. Phone tIA 6-8184. Leave calla at Journal office, phone :. Piton,, HA 6-8238 "(3- .......... AI .............................. J 7/30 tfn IIA. 6-4412  nger Sewing Machine s 9/tT-n/ F R s m: s.:i.ific;--i0t on fiillerest, C,,.. Olympia. ll/22tfn hjlie (,n 1 iicrein corner Cascade and Mason. 80x125. )IASgEUR TREATM.NTS--at--in; res: am or trade for Terms. Or will consider trade on idenee near the Lower Skokemisn Phone HA 6-6883 late model ear. 5103 N.E. Fremont Sc!lool, Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- H 9/17-10/1 Portland 13. ()regon. F 6/4 tfn i21ntment Saturday, Sunday, and mtage Allyn, Ft)t. SALE -- West 7 acres of the wednos(la.[: A. I,A Oppelt: " O4/!6 tfn Nt - NE' - SE'I .of Section 32. ICOMPLETE SERVICE - Photostats slid l'eln'(}dlnrtilols. Olynlllia ][uo- pliut and Co.. 111 E. State Aw... OI.vtlllH a FL 6-6707. 0 9/10 ifn nook, utility roonl and carport at reasonable l)ri(N'. HA 6-8154. A 8/27-9/17 1 ,AMNIFIED SERVICF PREES TOPPED, tnmmea, removed, i Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4828. 9/18tfn i ii SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANK lgal., 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. S-3660 S-lStfn ii _ ii cabin. 50 foli( loi soil er trade for roperty on Is- 6-4222. )ort hllne, ear garage, garden. Ph(,no Me 9/17 tfn Home :dining room, den, kitchen, floors, breeze- large fired hot we- Blvd. Price of C. C. e'441;;// a :RED PROPERTIES FOR SALE 35 acres of good land with fir cedar and alder timber, worth about $2500, 4 room modern home with 2 bedrooms and utility room. Includes small saw-mill and older Fordson tractor. Has good gravity water system, garden land and fruit trees, k real country spot with plenty of possibilities. Lo- cated about 7 miles southeast of shelton and a good value at $8500 with a substantial down payment. Better see it at once as it will move quickly. , €. , 40-acres of property with about 12 under cultivation, has 5 room house with unfinished upstairs. P],enty of coming second growth timber on hill in rear. This will make a good suburban property if you want to get away from town Located about 7 miles west oi helton in Dayton District. In. eludes field sprinkling system with plenty of water. Priced at $7750 with terms to reliable par- ties. 6-room modern home with utility orch, 3 bedrooms and new wall urnace and new roof. Located close in to city center and a good value at $6750 on some terms. 100 ft. of waterfront including tidelands at Towncreek about 1 mile east of Slmlton on Bayshore Highway. A good inexpensive building site at $2750.00. Very lit- tle property left in this vicinity for sale. $ * * 4-room modern home with electric hot water heater and wired for electric range. Located on good lot close to city center. A bargain price at $2250 cash to close an estate. With some repairs will make a nice inexpensive home or rental. Angleside resident. Nice tract of suburban property containing about 2½ acres of good cleared land that has been culti- vated for some years, l& story 3 bedroom home in good condition, garage and small barn. Drilled wen with ample water. Located a few miles from Shelton on good oiled road. Priced at $7950 with at least $2,000 down. May consider a small place on Hillcrest if desir- able, in trade, near new school. $ $ $ 210 ft. on Lake Nahwatzel with about 800 ft. on oiled road, homo with full basement, has about 4 acres of land with some timber, Lcated on sheltered cove. $ * * Can use listings on acreage and timber lands of all kinds as It am about sold out. HERBERT G. ANGL Angle Building Phone H& 6-91'| ROOMY 3 [E[}R00M HOME . • mile from city limits. Has fireplace, elec- large | room, dining room, roomy utility, plus many more extras to make good buy at $8,250.00, Take over 4½% Payments are $58.00 per month in- and insurance. DOWNTOWN, CITY VIEW .... charming older home is located on approxi- 1½ acres, it has 3 bedrooms and additional a 4th. Very attractive living* room with and dining room. Full basement, outdoor fruit tres and many expensive shrubs. real living for only $7,500. onventional of them than any others. IE GLAD YOU LOOKED .... attractive 3 bedroom home on Mt. View. old, on corner lot in excellent location homes. Fireplace, excellent forced air and double garage. Full price only and $400 down FHA. FAMILY, LIMITED BUDGET? .... You should investigate this 4 bedroom home It has that much neded extra ½ bath, full living room and kitchen. On cor- lots of nice shrubs and flowers. Take V/c G.I. mortgage with payments of only month including taxes and insurance. Full Equity $2,250. DU MUST SEEI .... ing 4 bedroom home on Mt. View. Has 'wall to wall carpet in living room, and hall. 1½ baths and many more to make this a very attractive buy at $750 down FHA. • LENT VIEW LOTS, . . . Iful view of the wh'e Olympic Range, the city. 300 feet deep with very. gentle daylight basement home. $1,250.00. lOOMS NEAR DOWNTOWN .... 4'/, GI mortgage on this one. Full $4,700 and payments are $37.50 includ- and insurance. Owner transferred and Call today. tM, MT. VIEW, $5,000.00 .... on 90x100 lot this modest home is only from Mt. View School. A good buy at and should be investigated at once. REALTY Call HA. 6-8535 Anytime 226 No. let EXCELLENT BUYS!, OOM HILLCREST HOME FOR $2950 . . . Alaska and wants fluick sale. Has 220 garage, and fencegl, EaSy terms. IN THIS &NGLESIDE HOME FOR $300 . . . and then only $45/month with total price size, but has many excellent features. AT THIS BUY IN A 4-BEDROOM HOME . , . it has a fiplaoe, t baths, full basement, etc. Only $500 down $50/month. A lot for 3 BEDROOM HOME ON 20 ACRE S . • • 15 mlnute from town. Lovely large living oven and table top range, and other little do-R.yourself finishing. $10,000 LY 3 BEDROOM lt/2 BATH HOME . , . and so many fine featurea--lrge $!eplace, living room, automatic dlhwashdr, nice yard, and large playroom area in full tinge- DRILLED WELL & SEPTIC TANK . . . burned so we can sell the acreage with fine and concrete septic tank. Dandy spot 'E RIGHT IN FOR ONLY. S500 DOWN . . . until modest price of $4950 is paid. It's South Hill area. Newly redecorated. HOME WILL BE SOLD FOR $250 DOWN cots. Has 9 nice bedrooms, a fireplace, washer, etc. A buy at $7500! Dy FAMILY HOME FOR MODEST PRICE . . . s, fireplace, electric heat, nd well-kept yard Upstairs bedrooms a little different. THE OUTDOOR PATIO & FIREPLACE . . . barbecue in nice fenced yard of this 2 bed- lot, 2-car garage and workshop. All for down FHA. Excellent view of Olympics. A FINE PHILLIP LAKE LOT . . . at $25/mont, h. YoU 11 really enjoy this swimming, fishing, etc. $1595. A. ROY DUNN I, 'I ' , : .',, , . .  ............... LL FOR SALE New 3 bedroom house, just being finished, all electric heat, plas- tered, walls and ceiling insulated, fire place with heatalator, ready to move into -- $14,900.00. Will FHA for $650 down payment and closing costs. * * $ 34 acre/, 10 acres cleared, 5 bed- room house, dining room, 1 baths, furnace, double garage, drilled well, 6 miles from town $11,500.00. * $ $ 11 acres in Skokomish Valley, good soil- $1,300.00. $ * $ 200 feet of waterfront, low bank, aVel beach, tidelands, orchard, es, 3 bedroom house could be 5 bedrooms, full basement, fur- nace, fireplace -- $16,800.00. $ $ $ 3 bedroom house, dining room and l|ving room combined, fireplace, furnace piped to each room, epar- ate utility room, pictul windows, six closets, 2 lots, double garage --- $13,000.00, 1 lot on Bay, 60 x 385 feet, gravel beach, tidelands, low bank, cabin 28 x 16 feet, well  $5,500.00. $ $ $ 5 acres, 3 bedroom house, garage and work shop, 2 wells and pumps, fireplace, furnace, i close to town  $8,750.00. 1 acre all cleared, close to town, 4 bedroom house, full basement, furnace, fruit trees and berries, insulated  $8,500.00, $1,200 down payment and reasonable monthly payments. $ * * 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, carport $7,500.00 terms. * * $ 4 acres, 3 acres cleared, large gar- age, new 3 bedroom house, fire- place -- $8,500,00. 3 bedroom house, dining area, plas- tered, fireplace, electric heat, car- port and storage space, 1 lot-- $12,000.00. WALTER .GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Rea.  6-330 ] iii iiiii i _ i iiiii I ii ii i • m life any Mary Eddy REALTOR • Ia00uma00, Z,d00 NOTI('E OF IIIIIGET IIEAIIING Nolire is hereiy given that the [(}al'/ (if Coeln(issiollO('s I}[' till' .3*II(S,)II C"unty Fire Prefer(Ira1 l)istriri N,. 3 ,t' ([h'itiwvi.ew. Washini!.!l. hav' r,,m- ph.tod and plaevn oil liD, the.Jr Jn'P- li(ninary trudge( (or Iht, fim'al yea/' 196{I and thai the I'hmrd *l" C-nnnis- sh,ners ifl" the Fire District will /he*'! al the Grape'¢icw I;'iro Hall, (]l-/ll)/,- view, %Vashington. Sol,iv 1 b,'r 28, I.q59. 7:30 lo 8:30 f,o' ill,, l,urilost, of fixing tile filial hutlgtq. All.',' taxpayer nlay al)llxa i - ltl the :lb*vv illenth)netl tillw anti 1)lace alld hi, heard for or attaillst ally part of ,aid hudget. By order of tile I-,hmrd €,1' Mason County Fh'e Protevli.n I)i.lric( No. 3, Grapevi,w, Washingh,n W. N. ETIIHttTON. chairlllall 9/172.1 21. NO'I'I('E ()F BI'D(;ET IIEARIN(; N.t iv,' i h,,r,,by giv('U lhal the bl,a rd of (.t }l lllll iSSilllOl'S ()J' .as( )ll Cntn/)" l'iro lvil|'('lilll Dill'hq NI*. 2 haw (',mqdeted alHi |dllced (311 file their Pl'olJlllJllal'y |Jtld,'t for tlH' ilSC/l[ y,,al' 1960 und hat ihv Board of Fire Dis- ll'hq (,,Itlll-lisshllOl'S will me,,I ai th,,ir o!'fh'P al Ih'llair on eitolHh-r 22. ],q59 ai 7;00 P.M. for tht, ])url),sr o[ fix- in' the fioal I/udg, q. Any taxpay,,r may appoar at the al)o%¢, lllPIlih,ll,d lhla! i(ll(J |)111' I(lld be tleltrd for o1' (t/Itinsl any 1)art of said budget. Deled at l,,,ll'air. WashinKion: Sol}t. 5. 195!}, By orel,r of ibe Board. LAWRENCE E. AI)AIR tHmilHan 9/10-17 2t FOR LEASE under Application Nee. 52830 and 53230:65 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $32.50 per annum, located on Part of E/, SW/, WV=, SE/b Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 3 West; Part E, NW1/ and Part NW/ SWl/ NE/, Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 4 West, W.M., by Commiss- ioner of Public Lands. Public Auction Octob- er 6, 1959, Mason County Courthouse, 10:00 a.m. The successful bidders will be required to perform certain cultural practices. These and other lease specifications may be em- ined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. i i i,,, ii r . FOR LEASE under Application No. 53347: 160 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $47.00 per annum, located on Part NW/, Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Public Lands. Public Auc- tion October 6, 1959, Mason County Court. house, 10:00 a.m. The successful bidder will be required' to perform certain cultural prac- tices. These and other lease specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District. Head- quarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. FOR LEASE under Application Nee. 53345 and F-5560:219 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $88.00 per annum, located on S1/. 2 NE/, Sec- tion 24, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, Part NEI/ NW/, Part SEI/, Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, Part Lots 2, 3, and 4, Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands, Public Auction October 6, 1959, Ma- son County Courthouse, 10:00 a.m. The suc- cessful bidder will be required to perform cer- tain cultural practices. These and other lease specifications may be examined at Port Or- chard District Headquarters, County Aud- itor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. """: FOR LEASE under Application No. 53346: 80 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $38.50 per annum, located on NE/v NW/ and NW/ NEFf, Section 29, Township 24 North, Range 2 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Public Lands. Public Auction October 5, 1959, Kit- -sap CountyCourthouse, 10:00 a.m. The suc- cessful bidder will be required to perform cer- tain cultural practices. These and other lease specifications may be examined at Port Or- chard District Headquarters, County Audit- or% office; and office of Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands, Olympia. I FOR LEASE under Application Nos. F-5294 and F-5495:35 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $17.50 per annum located ill the SWl/ NE/ and part EV.., NE/ NE]/, Section 5, Townshil5 23 North, Range 3 West; Part N/., iE]/, Sec- tion 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Public Lands. Pub- lic Auction October 6, !959, Mason County Courthouse, 10:00 a.m. The uccessfB1 .bid- ders will be required to perform certain Cul- tural practices. These and other lease specifi- cations may be examined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auqlitor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Landsl Olympia. No. 3131 N()TICE T/) ('I(EI)ITOIt 're l'|¢l,',l,',N'l' AND FII,I,; ('I.AIM IN THE SITPER]()R COtrtVF OF' THE STATI,,' eli" VCASI I IN(ITON FOR MAS(}N CO|rNq'Y IIII l'robah.) In t}1, Matt,'r I,f tll," li]:iale of [,. T. W A(ll'l'El. Dcl'eused. N()TICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that llle undorsiglled. Addle M, ruehtel has bren appdnted lind has qllalified as Adminislrutrix of ltm estate of L. T. W/(rifl,,I, dI!e'o:is,'d; and that all per- sl,ns bavillg rhiinls agahlst the said ost0te or tht! said decvascd a.l'e hereby r*'quirvd i(, st!l'%'e tll*  Silllle duly veri- t'ivd ill dul)til'atp with the necessary vooeiwrs at|tie]led Ul)oO the under- si411(!d Adlllinistratrix t11' her attorney ()f roe,>l'd at t|le law ,)ffiee o[ }L Frnnklin He(is(on, Anffl Building, Silcih,n, Washington, and file such clflilns t¢lglolh(!r wilb proof of service with the Ch.rk of the above entitled C,)uri within nix (6) montlls after the dale ot the first publication of this n.tice, to-wit: 27 August 1959, or all claims not SO presented and filed will be f(n'ever barred. ADDIE WACItTEL, Adnlinistratrlx of the Estate of L. T. Wachtel, doceased, Address: 921 Railroad Ave., Shelton, Wash. B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg., Sheltoa, Wash. 8/7-9/3-10-17 4t NO. 1634 SUMONB BY P.[IBI,IC&TIO IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE ()F WASHINGTON FOR MASON C()UNTY BLANCH B. B E L 14, a widow, Plaintiff, vs. NILS A. LINDAHL and Jane Doe LINDAItL, his wife; JO- SEPHINE MOHN and John Dos MOHN. |ler husban0, W. M. K'R][DLl[:t d Jane Doe KRIDER. his wlfe; PALME P, ENGER and Jane Doe ]N- GER. his wife; NILS J. MOLTAD uul Jane D)e MOLBTAD, his wife; the Slate )f Washington, an d a'll oth- er perMons i)1. |)artie unknowll ola|l'- ing any right, title, estate, lien or in- terest in the real estate deserilmd in the complaint hereia, DeeadnLs, THE STATE OF WAS.IN(]:TON O NII.4 A. LINDAHL and Jane Doe N DA H L, Ilia wife ; JOPHNE HN and John Doe MOHN, her hs- band; W. M. KRIDER and Jane oe KRIDER. his wife; PALME P. EN- GER and Jam Doe ENGER, his wife; NILS J. MOLSTAD and ,Jane 1)oe MLff-T,AO, hl wife; tile $rAHg OF WASHINGTON, and all other persoIL, or parties unkmlwn claiming any right, title, estate, li-n o,' interest in the real estate described in the complaint Ilerein. You and each of you, sa'e he.reb¥ summoned to appear witllin sixty (80) days after the date of tho first publi- cation of this sun,mona, to wit, with- in sixty (60) days after the 20th day of August, 1959. and defend the above- ent'itled action in tile Sqperior Coart aforesaid and answer the conlplaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of yore' answer ul)on the tmdsrsigned attor- ney foc the Plaintiff, at his office be- low stated; and. in ease of your Sail- ure 8o to do. judgment will be render- ed against you aceurdlng to the de- Inands of the complaint ill this action which has been filed with ttae Clerk of said Caurt. The objeet of this action is to quiet title in PlaLntiff to rel estate in Me- $(11). County, Washington, d(,seribed a: PARCEL 1: That part of lots 5 ad 6 of .lectlon 6, T,,wasiflp 22 North. Range 1 W.M,, aud of tide- hinds in front thereof described as foil(WS: Beginning at a point on the meander line of Hood Canal N 34*22  E 46il.9 feet from the governlent llleander corner conlmon LO ction 1, Township 22, Nortb, Range 2 West, W.M.. and said Sectlop 6, TwnshiD 22 North. Range 1 West, W.M.; cunning lheneie S 51 ° 05  E 156.5 feet more or les, to the north- erly lille of Primary Stale Highway No, 21; thence noctheastcrly along said northerly line of highway to the southw(terly line of tract con- veyed to L.uise Johnson by deed dated April 29, 1938 add recorded in Volume 68 of De(is. page 20*3; theace n0rthweeterly along said southwest- ',,erly line. o.e Johnson tract to said .meander line; thence southwesterly : "along said meander line to maid lnt of beginning; TOGETHER ITH all tidelands as conveyed by State of Waslfingten lying ill front of, adjacent to and abutting on sa|d tract, easterly of a line running south from the southeast corner of tract conve, yed to Eugene E. Taylor by deed recorded AUgust 24, 18 In Vnhlme 120 of Deeds, page 842and southerly of tract conveyed to John G. Johnson by deed re orded June 9.0, 1904 ill Vohlnle 8 of Oysterland Deeds. page 263; PARCEL 2: That part of Lots 5 and 6 of Section 6, Townslfip 22 North, Range 2 West. W.M., lying euuth- erly of Prhnary State ttighway NI), 21; EXCEPTING therefrom the west 5) feet.; and PARCEL 8: The southeast quarter of the southwest quat0r of Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 1 Wst, W.M.; EXCEPTING therefrom :he east 25 acres. againet the claim of tile Defendants and any one of them. GLENN E. CORREA Attorm'y for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: Bell Building 12i South Fouth Street Shelton, Washington. 8/20-27-9/3-10-17-24 t FOR LEASE under Application Nee. F-5561 and F,5562:448 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $144.50 per annum located an Part El/., SE/ SWl/, Part S/2 SE/ and Part Sl/.2 NEW SE/, Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 3 West, Lots 1 and 2, Part SW/ NE1/, Section 4, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, Part Lot 4, Section 3, Township 22 North, Range 3 West; Part E/., SWl/, Part S/:.2 SE/, Section 4, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, Part E/.2 NE/ NW/ and part NWl/ NE1/, Section 9, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Public Lands. Public Auc- tion October 6, 1959, Mason County Court- house, 10:00 a.m. The successful bidders will be required to perform certain cultural, prac- tices. These and other, lease specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, COunty Auditor's office, and .ffi of ,Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. Pae ADVERTISEMF.NT FOR RIDS Sealed bids are invited by the l- ton Schol)! District No. 909 for the Re- n)odellng of the Electrical Systems at the Senior High School, the Jr. High, School, the Bordeaux Elementary School and the Rogers School at Shel- t(n. Washingttn. until g:00, Wednes-, day., Reptemer 3 1t59, at Evergreen Elementary School. ! Bids received by this thne at the l off lee of the Superintendent of Schools, J Shelton, Washingtou, wilt then and I there be publicly opened and read I aloud. Bids reeeived after the. time fixed for ol)ening cannot he consider- ed. l NOT|CE OI P I|U1)GFT II1EARING NO. 2'/ Nolic(, is Ierel,y gh',,n (hat (ll0 P()rt Nt}TI('F: OF HEARIN(; ON FINAl. Con)mission of tiw ['(,rt (,f Sh,ql-n ItEl'O|tT AND I)k;TITION FOR has adoDt('d and Dla:ed on fih, It Dry- I,I"TIIIt[!TION Iiul Ilal'y budge! hlr ill(' cal,'udur yt!ar J960, aad ihat rol3h,s of ihia budNet IN THE S|PF;II(II ('tl(T (IF THE lllay I)(' ()blltllled I)3' interesi(,d parti,,. STATE (}B' WASII|N(VI"¢IN b'O1R at tile officv ¢)J' ifle P(,rl ()[ Fhelh•)n, MAS()N CI)VNTY 501 I.ailroad and 131 t¢.aih'oad, Shelton, (in Pr.i)n(e) Washingttm. It( the Matter uf Ihe l';state ,,17 llOR- Noik'o i8 furile,r glvPn that the Port ACI M. HALb, l)el"tq(sed. Co)nndssion of tt.! Pori ,)f Sht,lton .NrOTICE 1S PIEREF).Y (:rv),'N (bta will nltci at 8:!hq I'.M.. M,,aday, e!)l. [,IDITtl M. ItAI,L. as x(!cutrix ()f lbe EsialC of Itoraee M. Hall ]1:.1 fil,qt ill 28. 1959 ill ,ttie Mas()n (]l)Llni.y Conri- tilt? office uf the Clerk ()f ,<tlld (?€111 hH/Lt(!, SIleiton. Wahingtou for th,' her Final R,pl.'i aad t'elititm f)l" DI- l)OrllOS,* of fixing and adopting ihe tribution asking the Col.lri i,) settle fhlal hudg.t for tile year 195}. hirer- s;lJ(l FU,I)ort. dlstril)u(e tb, 11 'oI)'r!Y ,, ested IRLriios lllay appt,ltr at said nteet- the Ders(,ns tie,re(() entith,d nnd i;) ing and |)(' he0.1"d prior it) tbe Conl- dlaeharge said exct'n!FiX; slid that nlissi()o's adoi)tton ()|' said final budge!, sahl tl.epol't and Pvtllh)n will t)(! hear(l PORT OF SHELTON on !he 251h day t)f,mtw, 1959, a! .lAMES A, I?AUIA']Y 10:() A.M. at the Ct)urt l:to(,)n ,d' lhe President Probate Depart/uent ,)i' said C,)urt, a.t 9/17-2,1 2t whi(:h ii,uv rnd l'darP ally Ill)l-sun ill- ............................................. lel'e,'|,'d in s:tid Ester- rlBty aPD'ar IN '11'111'; itiA'I"rEIK OF and file obje('ti(,ns th.'r,,t,, and e-n-. (!O[!NTY It(tAil |)IRO,|ECT N{). ',119 test th(" sauu.. IT IS HEREHY RESOLVED BY the DATED this 21 day (,)" AllHst. 1959, Board of Count" C,nmlissiu|l(+,'s tirol IIARRy I)EYFYI'TF, it is their ilitelttm to inlprnve Co',ulty Cb,rk of snid t',fil)l Road No. 120. Ptckering Pass r-lid, By: IRENE .M(i;UlllE by widening. The prop(,sed imln'()v¢!- l)(,puty ulent Is in Bectiona 9,'& 16, Township LEWIS & CORREA 20 Nortll, Range 2 West. The principle Attorneys for Estate, quantity hlvoh'ed it 7,000 eu. yds. of 121 South Fourth Siroet conunon excavation. 8hell on, Washlngt,m BE IT ,FURTHER RESOLVED that (SEAL) 8/27-9/:t-I0-7 ,It the abov( descrll.led county road proj ............................................................... oct Is necessary and proper, and the e.stimated costs of said project re'l) On Augamt 11, 1890, the [ISS herewith set oUt in detail as follows: Palos became the first U. S. Navy Engineering, 00.00; Road Construc- tion, $3,500,00; Tolal, $,0.00, ship to transit the Suez Canal. Day Labor. The county road projtt ll)l'ein de- scribed is HEREBY DEOIARED to ,,,,,,,,_,A,,, t II 'I ' III II Ba a public ,necessity and tile County d 00,,gineer is 00EREB00 ORDER- S bl D dd's 0hut h AUTHORIL to ralB0,'t .nd a a proceed thereon as bY" Ittw provided. " Bl I.T FURTIER ROLVID that (Episcopal) this pl'bJe4, if dy work, be perform- ed bY supervisor in accordance with 4th & Cedar Streets the, Standard Road ma0 Bridge Spifi- catio '. the State ot"Wahingtotl am RgV. RebBrt onner Ech011, affopted by thi board. ' Vicar ADOPTED this Sth dsy of .ptent- ber. 1959. SUNDAY, SEPT. 20TH: BOARD OF COUNTY C)MMIBSIONIRS OF MASON OOU. 8 a.m. Holy Communi(:)n. W/HINGTON Jt)HNB.IM&I, Clmirman 9:45 a,m. Church School. ca.°w.%VmCrACH ,1:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Attest : and Sermon. {L NOLAN MASON Clerk of ttoard 9/10 It , , CAIJ4 FOR BII)N Mason Cmnty Fire Proteatioa D- trict No. 2, Belfair, Wa.t, ington, will ,o, oertaln.,00e00 Rml 0hrltllan ulPlaeJfl; tntLI 8:00. P.M. oni P-. tenlber, 1959. at which time I}I0. will /t_..._t by 00Ire Comml.on-- 00nm.n in BIfair, Whlngton, at tlm Fire Ha.ll, At this time th. bits will be read, "New Testament Christianity"" A (,opy of the spectfieatiom for this Lwls E. Whitney, Mlnists radh) equipment can be obtained by Interested parties at the Fh'e Hall of ast County Fire Prot,ctiun District Odd Fellows Hall No. 2, Holfah', Waal)ington. By Order (If the" Board, SECOND STREET Mason Cnunty Fqre Protection Dlstriet No. 2 Bible School 9:45 a.m. LARRY ADAIR, Cl, aJrlnan Church Services 11:00 a.m. 9/3-10-17 3t ...................... and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. JoBrnal Want A4S Pay ........ , ............. i  .... . ill . , j _ •... j Voice of Christian Youth invites you to see "T " E EEN All ROOK" Exciting . . . Sensational . . . But True! and IN PERSON FRANK FETTERS Teen Star of the Film FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 - 7:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST GHURGH 5th and Cota Shelton ..... [ • SHE/TeN ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1"}0 East Pine Mason Younghmd, Pastor HEAR - Revi and Mrs. David Peck Returned Mtsslonarie From Africa S y: Sept 20, 11:00 a.m. unda ., ,, ,, Sunday School "Sunduy School Is for Everyone" 9:45 a.m. Chri,,K'a Ambassadors ................................................... 6:00 ll.m, Revival Service .................................................................... 7:00 p,m, FISHERHEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD & COTA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20-- 9:15 a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 a.m. Guest peaksr Chaplain Lmul MoElyea, Chaplai. for Military Air Trans- ports 10:00 a,m.--Bibte Study venth & Flln Bts. --J. Bnhard B¢thelm, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mid-week Service--Wed, ?:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. ! N L THI METHO00$T OHUIOH SpeeiJ'ieathms ,nay be examined at North 4tb II P|mI Streets the offiee of the SuperlntelflelR Of lO ]lr JR, IHC. Minister Schools. Evergreen School Building, Shelton, Washington, and at the Of. MOelB Wol 11180 and 11:00 s.m. flee of Davis & Bogue, nglneers, 8 So. Tacoma AvenUe, Tacoma, Wam- Chur@h :BOI II1 a,m. ington, and may be obtained by bid- . =. ders at the office of Davis & Beue, ' . ,.'. , ' ' "  220 South Tac(,ma Avelltle, Tacoma, I Ul u I ]u I I [ u |H Washington. I F00$T 00RIST 00IEIfflST | Ewh bid must be accompanied 'by a l | certified check, or c.ashlar s check 0rill / bid bond as surety, in all amount ngt I!  AId" tlt,) lheit#n, Wagh. | lms tat 5% of the largest bid, t.It.oeli Sun,. m.... a,oa ---- ...-... -- " payable to the Shelton Scholl Dlrmt ]1 .... ,_lr . €,€:v. ..:,-, . ,, an. I No. 3($. /I . . Vnlay nmlng  maags  p.m. / The right is reserved to reject any ]1 Readlnff room located in ohurch. Reading room hours 2 to / or all bids snd to waive informalities. 4 .tl. MO. :  W. eren" :4 to 7:45. No bidder may the thno set for the unless the award of layed for a period exceeding thlrty (30) days. ,, ,, o, HItST BAPTIST 00UlCH SIIELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 MAON COUNTY SHELTON. WASHINGTON 5th & Cta Roy. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 9/8-10-17 8t SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20--- No. 8 g;5 a.m. Su.4ay Sdloal. NOTICE OF HEARING, FINAL 11:00 a,m, Morning Worship. REPORT AND IETITION FOR |)|STRIBUT|(}N .. "Life and Peace" IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THe' STATE OI" WASIIINGTON FOR :0 p.m. Youth Grotps. Four Departments. TI"IE COUNTY OF MASON In the Mafter of lhe Estate of ROB,- 7: p.m. Evening sol*vice. ERT A. HANSEN, De(,eased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that "No Failures In God's Will" LOTTIE HANSEN. Administratrix of the estate of ROBERT A. HANSEN has ftled in the. off((,,, of Ihe Clerk of " s/lid Courl her Final Repori and Poll- ............ .s tim, t'o; Distrthuti,m.  as,ing the Court .... GHUCH tO set!ie said repnrt, distribute the IT I/IEW ALLIAIIOE propor|y to the persons theret(, enti- tled and to discharge said LOTTIE • HANEN and that said report and pe- tition will be heard on the 2nd day of Wasklngtoa & J ts. Eugene Breid, Ptltor October. 1959, at 10:00 a.m.. at the court room of the Probate DepartlneIlt | St2day Sll0Ol .................................................................... 9: a.m. of said Court, at which time and plaoe I any persona interested in said eat } lgratlag Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. may aplmar aad file obj$ctions ths!'e-/ A.Y.  ................................................................................. 6;0 p.ITL to and contest the same. / Ving tvCe .................. 7:O p,ra. Dated this 3rd day of September, I ]dW¢k Ser5 Wln:hlKl{by .......................................... 7:30 ,p.m. 1959. HARRY DEYETE , VERY0tW WME Clerk of saht Court | 9/10-17-24 at i ,  , .... ,,a, .... - .... ,,, . , , . i[ ! 17, 1959 HOME Spencer or summer l|v- She'llon. ,100 ft. ei(.ctrie heat, 2 H 7/2 tfn 84×28 with 10 REAL ESTATE WATERFRONT 200 x 650 ft. All clear- t ed, fenced, seeded, 2 wells, heat t lloUSO and boat, 5 rr)rnns and  Imsomont, 1% balh.. Electric heat, d.uble garage. Torms. Rt. 3 B.x -t28A, Shetton. B 8/27-(.t/17 Stewart street or N 7/23 tfn FOR SALVE: Itillcrest home. large fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A,." Shelton, ;'Mt, View honw. Util- station. Across townshi D 21, range 5. Price $750.00. [ school. By own- Phone 6-4064. K 8/20 ifn PC Box 9/17-10/g FOR SAI,E -- 3 lots, modern 2 bed- ]'l)onl hesse, dilling rol)ln, breakfast [ CLASSIFIED SERVIC-E ACCORDION private lessons In your l home. taneato Nntienal School of Accordion. Mrs. Canada, phone HA 6-8229, 1/1 tfn lion. Guaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. 6/20tfn 6-4522 dlys, HA 6-3559 after 6 p.m. both da*ryand beef, $7,00 cash, l.'v- r.ramie tile on E 3/27 tfn ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. Call Wlltam Turner, Olympia. eel- Phone HA ................................................................. loci, FL. 2-2113. tfn D 913tfn APPR()XIMATELY 6 acre level tract unfinisliod with creek on blacktop, i lnile l'/'onl --S]W-'-G--M-.CH---RE Expert work Bonded employee. me. Den. firel)laee, city limils. Phone tIA 6-8184. Leave calla at Journal office, phone :. Piton,, HA 6-8238 "(3- .......... AI .............................. J 7/30 tfn IIA. 6-4412  nger Sewing Machine s 9/tT-n/ F R s m: s.:i.ific;--i0t on fiillerest, C,,.. Olympia. ll/22tfn hjlie (,n 1 iicrein corner Cascade and Mason. 80x125. )IASgEUR TREATM.NTS--at--in; res: am or trade for Terms. Or will consider trade on idenee near the Lower Skokemisn Phone HA 6-6883 late model ear. 5103 N.E. Fremont Sc!lool, Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- H 9/17-10/1 Portland 13. ()regon. F 6/4 tfn i21ntment Saturday, Sunday, and mtage Allyn, Ft)t. SALE -- West 7 acres of the wednos(la.[: A. I,A Oppelt: " O4/!6 tfn Nt - NE' - SE'I .of Section 32. ICOMPLETE SERVICE - Photostats slid l'eln'(}dlnrtilols. Olynlllia ][uo- pliut and Co.. 111 E. State Aw... OI.vtlllH a FL 6-6707. 0 9/10 ifn nook, utility roonl and carport at reasonable l)ri(N'. HA 6-8154. A 8/27-9/17 1 ,AMNIFIED SERVICF PREES TOPPED, tnmmea, removed, i Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4828. 9/18tfn i ii SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANK lgal., 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. S-3660 S-lStfn ii _ ii cabin. 50 foli( loi soil er trade for roperty on Is- 6-4222. )ort hllne, ear garage, garden. Ph(,no Me 9/17 tfn Home :dining room, den, kitchen, floors, breeze- large fired hot we- Blvd. Price of C. C. e'441;;// a :RED PROPERTIES FOR SALE 35 acres of good land with fir cedar and alder timber, worth about $2500, 4 room modern home with 2 bedrooms and utility room. Includes small saw-mill and older Fordson tractor. Has good gravity water system, garden land and fruit trees, k real country spot with plenty of possibilities. Lo- cated about 7 miles southeast of shelton and a good value at $8500 with a substantial down payment. Better see it at once as it will move quickly. , €. , 40-acres of property with about 12 under cultivation, has 5 room house with unfinished upstairs. P],enty of coming second growth timber on hill in rear. This will make a good suburban property if you want to get away from town Located about 7 miles west oi helton in Dayton District. In. eludes field sprinkling system with plenty of water. Priced at $7750 with terms to reliable par- ties. 6-room modern home with utility orch, 3 bedrooms and new wall urnace and new roof. Located close in to city center and a good value at $6750 on some terms. 100 ft. of waterfront including tidelands at Towncreek about 1 mile east of Slmlton on Bayshore Highway. A good inexpensive building site at $2750.00. Very lit- tle property left in this vicinity for sale. $ * * 4-room modern home with electric hot water heater and wired for electric range. Located on good lot close to city center. A bargain price at $2250 cash to close an estate. With some repairs will make a nice inexpensive home or rental. Angleside resident. Nice tract of suburban property containing about 2½ acres of good cleared land that has been culti- vated for some years, l& story 3 bedroom home in good condition, garage and small barn. Drilled wen with ample water. Located a few miles from Shelton on good oiled road. Priced at $7950 with at least $2,000 down. May consider a small place on Hillcrest if desir- able, in trade, near new school. $ $ $ 210 ft. on Lake Nahwatzel with about 800 ft. on oiled road, homo with full basement, has about 4 acres of land with some timber, Lcated on sheltered cove. $ * * Can use listings on acreage and timber lands of all kinds as It am about sold out. HERBERT G. ANGL Angle Building Phone H& 6-91'| ROOMY 3 [E[}R00M HOME . • mile from city limits. Has fireplace, elec- large | room, dining room, roomy utility, plus many more extras to make good buy at $8,250.00, Take over 4½% Payments are $58.00 per month in- and insurance. DOWNTOWN, CITY VIEW .... charming older home is located on approxi- 1½ acres, it has 3 bedrooms and additional a 4th. Very attractive living* room with and dining room. Full basement, outdoor fruit tres and many expensive shrubs. real living for only $7,500. onventional of them than any others. IE GLAD YOU LOOKED .... attractive 3 bedroom home on Mt. View. old, on corner lot in excellent location homes. Fireplace, excellent forced air and double garage. Full price only and $400 down FHA. FAMILY, LIMITED BUDGET? .... You should investigate this 4 bedroom home It has that much neded extra ½ bath, full living room and kitchen. On cor- lots of nice shrubs and flowers. Take V/c G.I. mortgage with payments of only month including taxes and insurance. Full Equity $2,250. DU MUST SEEI .... ing 4 bedroom home on Mt. View. Has 'wall to wall carpet in living room, and hall. 1½ baths and many more to make this a very attractive buy at $750 down FHA. • LENT VIEW LOTS, . . . Iful view of the wh'e Olympic Range, the city. 300 feet deep with very. gentle daylight basement home. $1,250.00. lOOMS NEAR DOWNTOWN .... 4'/, GI mortgage on this one. Full $4,700 and payments are $37.50 includ- and insurance. Owner transferred and Call today. tM, MT. VIEW, $5,000.00 .... on 90x100 lot this modest home is only from Mt. View School. A good buy at and should be investigated at once. REALTY Call HA. 6-8535 Anytime 226 No. let EXCELLENT BUYS!, OOM HILLCREST HOME FOR $2950 . . . Alaska and wants fluick sale. Has 220 garage, and fencegl, EaSy terms. IN THIS &NGLESIDE HOME FOR $300 . . . and then only $45/month with total price size, but has many excellent features. AT THIS BUY IN A 4-BEDROOM HOME . , . it has a fiplaoe, t baths, full basement, etc. Only $500 down $50/month. A lot for 3 BEDROOM HOME ON 20 ACRE S . • • 15 mlnute from town. Lovely large living oven and table top range, and other little do-R.yourself finishing. $10,000 LY 3 BEDROOM lt/2 BATH HOME . , . and so many fine featurea--lrge $!eplace, living room, automatic dlhwashdr, nice yard, and large playroom area in full tinge- DRILLED WELL & SEPTIC TANK . . . burned so we can sell the acreage with fine and concrete septic tank. Dandy spot 'E RIGHT IN FOR ONLY. S500 DOWN . . . until modest price of $4950 is paid. It's South Hill area. Newly redecorated. HOME WILL BE SOLD FOR $250 DOWN cots. Has 9 nice bedrooms, a fireplace, washer, etc. A buy at $7500! Dy FAMILY HOME FOR MODEST PRICE . . . s, fireplace, electric heat, nd well-kept yard Upstairs bedrooms a little different. THE OUTDOOR PATIO & FIREPLACE . . . barbecue in nice fenced yard of this 2 bed- lot, 2-car garage and workshop. All for down FHA. Excellent view of Olympics. A FINE PHILLIP LAKE LOT . . . at $25/mont, h. YoU 11 really enjoy this swimming, fishing, etc. $1595. A. ROY DUNN I, 'I ' , : .',, , . .  ............... LL FOR SALE New 3 bedroom house, just being finished, all electric heat, plas- tered, walls and ceiling insulated, fire place with heatalator, ready to move into -- $14,900.00. Will FHA for $650 down payment and closing costs. * * $ 34 acre/, 10 acres cleared, 5 bed- room house, dining room, 1 baths, furnace, double garage, drilled well, 6 miles from town $11,500.00. * $ $ 11 acres in Skokomish Valley, good soil- $1,300.00. $ * $ 200 feet of waterfront, low bank, aVel beach, tidelands, orchard, es, 3 bedroom house could be 5 bedrooms, full basement, fur- nace, fireplace -- $16,800.00. $ $ $ 3 bedroom house, dining room and l|ving room combined, fireplace, furnace piped to each room, epar- ate utility room, pictul windows, six closets, 2 lots, double garage --- $13,000.00, 1 lot on Bay, 60 x 385 feet, gravel beach, tidelands, low bank, cabin 28 x 16 feet, well  $5,500.00. $ $ $ 5 acres, 3 bedroom house, garage and work shop, 2 wells and pumps, fireplace, furnace, i close to town  $8,750.00. 1 acre all cleared, close to town, 4 bedroom house, full basement, furnace, fruit trees and berries, insulated  $8,500.00, $1,200 down payment and reasonable monthly payments. $ * * 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, carport $7,500.00 terms. * * $ 4 acres, 3 acres cleared, large gar- age, new 3 bedroom house, fire- place -- $8,500,00. 3 bedroom house, dining area, plas- tered, fireplace, electric heat, car- port and storage space, 1 lot-- $12,000.00. WALTER .GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Rea.  6-330 ] iii iiiii i _ i iiiii I ii ii i • m life any Mary Eddy REALTOR • Ia00uma00, Z,d00 NOTI('E OF IIIIIGET IIEAIIING Nolire is hereiy given that the [(}al'/ (if Coeln(issiollO('s I}[' till' .3*II(S,)II C"unty Fire Prefer(Ira1 l)istriri N,. 3 ,t' ([h'itiwvi.ew. Washini!.!l. hav' r,,m- ph.tod and plaevn oil liD, the.Jr Jn'P- li(ninary trudge( (or Iht, fim'al yea/' 196{I and thai the I'hmrd *l" C-nnnis- sh,ners ifl" the Fire District will /he*'! al the Grape'¢icw I;'iro Hall, (]l-/ll)/,- view, %Vashington. Sol,iv 1 b,'r 28, I.q59. 7:30 lo 8:30 f,o' ill,, l,urilost, of fixing tile filial hutlgtq. All.',' taxpayer nlay al)llxa i - ltl the :lb*vv illenth)netl tillw anti 1)lace alld hi, heard for or attaillst ally part of ,aid hudget. By order of tile I-,hmrd €,1' Mason County Fh'e Protevli.n I)i.lric( No. 3, Grapevi,w, Washingh,n W. N. ETIIHttTON. chairlllall 9/172.1 21. NO'I'I('E ()F BI'D(;ET IIEARIN(; N.t iv,' i h,,r,,by giv('U lhal the bl,a rd of (.t }l lllll iSSilllOl'S ()J' .as( )ll Cntn/)" l'iro lvil|'('lilll Dill'hq NI*. 2 haw (',mqdeted alHi |dllced (311 file their Pl'olJlllJllal'y |Jtld,'t for tlH' ilSC/l[ y,,al' 1960 und hat ihv Board of Fire Dis- ll'hq (,,Itlll-lisshllOl'S will me,,I ai th,,ir o!'fh'P al Ih'llair on eitolHh-r 22. ],q59 ai 7;00 P.M. for tht, ])url),sr o[ fix- in' the fioal I/udg, q. Any taxpay,,r may appoar at the al)o%¢, lllPIlih,ll,d lhla! i(ll(J |)111' I(lld be tleltrd for o1' (t/Itinsl any 1)art of said budget. Deled at l,,,ll'air. WashinKion: Sol}t. 5. 195!}, By orel,r of ibe Board. LAWRENCE E. AI)AIR tHmilHan 9/10-17 2t FOR LEASE under Application Nee. 52830 and 53230:65 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $32.50 per annum, located on Part of E/, SW/, WV=, SE/b Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 3 West; Part E, NW1/ and Part NW/ SWl/ NE/, Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 4 West, W.M., by Commiss- ioner of Public Lands. Public Auction Octob- er 6, 1959, Mason County Courthouse, 10:00 a.m. The successful bidders will be required to perform certain cultural practices. These and other lease specifications may be em- ined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. i i i,,, ii r . FOR LEASE under Application No. 53347: 160 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $47.00 per annum, located on Part NW/, Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Public Lands. Public Auc- tion October 6, 1959, Mason County Court. house, 10:00 a.m. The successful bidder will be required' to perform certain cultural prac- tices. These and other lease specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District. Head- quarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. FOR LEASE under Application Nee. 53345 and F-5560:219 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $88.00 per annum, located on S1/. 2 NE/, Sec- tion 24, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, Part NEI/ NW/, Part SEI/, Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, Part Lots 2, 3, and 4, Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands, Public Auction October 6, 1959, Ma- son County Courthouse, 10:00 a.m. The suc- cessful bidder will be required to perform cer- tain cultural practices. These and other lease specifications may be examined at Port Or- chard District Headquarters, County Aud- itor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. """: FOR LEASE under Application No. 53346: 80 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $38.50 per annum, located on NE/v NW/ and NW/ NEFf, Section 29, Township 24 North, Range 2 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Public Lands. Public Auction October 5, 1959, Kit- -sap CountyCourthouse, 10:00 a.m. The suc- cessful bidder will be required to perform cer- tain cultural practices. These and other lease specifications may be examined at Port Or- chard District Headquarters, County Audit- or% office; and office of Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands, Olympia. I FOR LEASE under Application Nos. F-5294 and F-5495:35 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $17.50 per annum located ill the SWl/ NE/ and part EV.., NE/ NE]/, Section 5, Townshil5 23 North, Range 3 West; Part N/., iE]/, Sec- tion 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Public Lands. Pub- lic Auction October 6, !959, Mason County Courthouse, 10:00 a.m. The uccessfB1 .bid- ders will be required to perform certain Cul- tural practices. These and other lease specifi- cations may be examined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auqlitor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Landsl Olympia. No. 3131 N()TICE T/) ('I(EI)ITOIt 're l'|¢l,',l,',N'l' AND FII,I,; ('I.AIM IN THE SITPER]()R COtrtVF OF' THE STATI,,' eli" VCASI I IN(ITON FOR MAS(}N CO|rNq'Y IIII l'robah.) In t}1, Matt,'r I,f tll," li]:iale of [,. T. W A(ll'l'El. Dcl'eused. N()TICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that llle undorsiglled. Addle M, ruehtel has bren appdnted lind has qllalified as Adminislrutrix of ltm estate of L. T. W/(rifl,,I, dI!e'o:is,'d; and that all per- sl,ns bavillg rhiinls agahlst the said ost0te or tht! said decvascd a.l'e hereby r*'quirvd i(, st!l'%'e tll*  Silllle duly veri- t'ivd ill dul)til'atp with the necessary vooeiwrs at|tie]led Ul)oO the under- si411(!d Adlllinistratrix t11' her attorney ()f roe,>l'd at t|le law ,)ffiee o[ }L Frnnklin He(is(on, Anffl Building, Silcih,n, Washington, and file such clflilns t¢lglolh(!r wilb proof of service with the Ch.rk of the above entitled C,)uri within nix (6) montlls after the dale ot the first publication of this n.tice, to-wit: 27 August 1959, or all claims not SO presented and filed will be f(n'ever barred. ADDIE WACItTEL, Adnlinistratrlx of the Estate of L. T. Wachtel, doceased, Address: 921 Railroad Ave., Shelton, Wash. B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg., Sheltoa, Wash. 8/7-9/3-10-17 4t NO. 1634 SUMONB BY P.[IBI,IC&TIO IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE ()F WASHINGTON FOR MASON C()UNTY BLANCH B. B E L 14, a widow, Plaintiff, vs. NILS A. LINDAHL and Jane Doe LINDAItL, his wife; JO- SEPHINE MOHN and John Dos MOHN. |ler husban0, W. M. K'R][DLl[:t d Jane Doe KRIDER. his wlfe; PALME P, ENGER and Jane Doe ]N- GER. his wife; NILS J. MOLTAD uul Jane D)e MOLBTAD, his wife; the Slate )f Washington, an d a'll oth- er perMons i)1. |)artie unknowll ola|l'- ing any right, title, estate, lien or in- terest in the real estate deserilmd in the complaint hereia, DeeadnLs, THE STATE OF WAS.IN(]:TON O NII.4 A. LINDAHL and Jane Doe N DA H L, Ilia wife ; JOPHNE HN and John Doe MOHN, her hs- band; W. M. KRIDER and Jane oe KRIDER. his wife; PALME P. EN- GER and Jam Doe ENGER, his wife; NILS J. MOLSTAD and ,Jane 1)oe MLff-T,AO, hl wife; tile $rAHg OF WASHINGTON, and all other persoIL, or parties unkmlwn claiming any right, title, estate, li-n o,' interest in the real estate described in the complaint Ilerein. You and each of you, sa'e he.reb¥ summoned to appear witllin sixty (80) days after the date of tho first publi- cation of this sun,mona, to wit, with- in sixty (60) days after the 20th day of August, 1959. and defend the above- ent'itled action in tile Sqperior Coart aforesaid and answer the conlplaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of yore' answer ul)on the tmdsrsigned attor- ney foc the Plaintiff, at his office be- low stated; and. in ease of your Sail- ure 8o to do. judgment will be render- ed against you aceurdlng to the de- Inands of the complaint ill this action which has been filed with ttae Clerk of said Caurt. The objeet of this action is to quiet title in PlaLntiff to rel estate in Me- $(11). County, Washington, d(,seribed a: PARCEL 1: That part of lots 5 ad 6 of .lectlon 6, T,,wasiflp 22 North. Range 1 W.M,, aud of tide- hinds in front thereof described as foil(WS: Beginning at a point on the meander line of Hood Canal N 34*22  E 46il.9 feet from the governlent llleander corner conlmon LO ction 1, Township 22, Nortb, Range 2 West, W.M.. and said Sectlop 6, TwnshiD 22 North. Range 1 West, W.M.; cunning lheneie S 51 ° 05  E 156.5 feet more or les, to the north- erly lille of Primary Stale Highway No, 21; thence noctheastcrly along said northerly line of highway to the southw(terly line of tract con- veyed to L.uise Johnson by deed dated April 29, 1938 add recorded in Volume 68 of De(is. page 20*3; theace n0rthweeterly along said southwest- ',,erly line. o.e Johnson tract to said .meander line; thence southwesterly : "along said meander line to maid lnt of beginning; TOGETHER ITH all tidelands as conveyed by State of Waslfingten lying ill front of, adjacent to and abutting on sa|d tract, easterly of a line running south from the southeast corner of tract conve, yed to Eugene E. Taylor by deed recorded AUgust 24, 18 In Vnhlme 120 of Deeds, page 842and southerly of tract conveyed to John G. Johnson by deed re orded June 9.0, 1904 ill Vohlnle 8 of Oysterland Deeds. page 263; PARCEL 2: That part of Lots 5 and 6 of Section 6, Townslfip 22 North, Range 2 West. W.M., lying euuth- erly of Prhnary State ttighway NI), 21; EXCEPTING therefrom the west 5) feet.; and PARCEL 8: The southeast quarter of the southwest quat0r of Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 1 Wst, W.M.; EXCEPTING therefrom :he east 25 acres. againet the claim of tile Defendants and any one of them. GLENN E. CORREA Attorm'y for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: Bell Building 12i South Fouth Street Shelton, Washington. 8/20-27-9/3-10-17-24 t FOR LEASE under Application Nee. F-5561 and F,5562:448 acres of Christmas Tree Land at $144.50 per annum located an Part El/., SE/ SWl/, Part S/2 SE/ and Part Sl/.2 NEW SE/, Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 3 West, Lots 1 and 2, Part SW/ NE1/, Section 4, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, Part Lot 4, Section 3, Township 22 North, Range 3 West; Part E/., SWl/, Part S/:.2 SE/, Section 4, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, Part E/.2 NE/ NW/ and part NWl/ NE1/, Section 9, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, W.M., by Commissioner of Public Lands. Public Auc- tion October 6, 1959, Mason County Court- house, 10:00 a.m. The successful bidders will be required to perform certain cultural, prac- tices. These and other, lease specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, COunty Auditor's office, and .ffi of ,Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. Pae ADVERTISEMF.NT FOR RIDS Sealed bids are invited by the l- ton Schol)! District No. 909 for the Re- n)odellng of the Electrical Systems at the Senior High School, the Jr. High, School, the Bordeaux Elementary School and the Rogers School at Shel- t(n. Washingttn. until g:00, Wednes-, day., Reptemer 3 1t59, at Evergreen Elementary School. ! Bids received by this thne at the l off lee of the Superintendent of Schools, J Shelton, Washingtou, wilt then and I there be publicly opened and read I aloud. Bids reeeived after the. time fixed for ol)ening cannot he consider- ed. l NOT|CE OI P I|U1)GFT II1EARING NO. 2'/ Nolic(, is Ierel,y gh',,n (hat (ll0 P()rt Nt}TI('F: OF HEARIN(; ON FINAl. Con)mission of tiw ['(,rt (,f Sh,ql-n ItEl'O|tT AND I)k;TITION FOR has adoDt('d and Dla:ed on fih, It Dry- I,I"TIIIt[!TION Iiul Ilal'y budge! hlr ill(' cal,'udur yt!ar J960, aad ihat rol3h,s of ihia budNet IN THE S|PF;II(II ('tl(T (IF THE lllay I)(' ()blltllled I)3' interesi(,d parti,,. STATE (}B' WASII|N(VI"¢IN b'O1R at tile officv ¢)J' ifle P(,rl ()[ Fhelh•)n, MAS()N CI)VNTY 501 I.ailroad and 131 t¢.aih'oad, Shelton, (in Pr.i)n(e) Washingttm. It( the Matter uf Ihe l';state ,,17 llOR- Noik'o i8 furile,r glvPn that the Port ACI M. HALb, l)el"tq(sed. Co)nndssion of tt.! Pori ,)f Sht,lton .NrOTICE 1S PIEREF).Y (:rv),'N (bta will nltci at 8:!hq I'.M.. M,,aday, e!)l. [,IDITtl M. ItAI,L. as x(!cutrix ()f lbe EsialC of Itoraee M. Hall ]1:.1 fil,qt ill 28. 1959 ill ,ttie Mas()n (]l)Llni.y Conri- tilt? office uf the Clerk ()f ,<tlld (?€111 hH/Lt(!, SIleiton. Wahingtou for th,' her Final R,pl.'i aad t'elititm f)l" DI- l)OrllOS,* of fixing and adopting ihe tribution asking the Col.lri i,) settle fhlal hudg.t for tile year 195}. hirer- s;lJ(l FU,I)ort. dlstril)u(e tb, 11 'oI)'r!Y ,, ested IRLriios lllay appt,ltr at said nteet- the Ders(,ns tie,re(() entith,d nnd i;) ing and |)(' he0.1"d prior it) tbe Conl- dlaeharge said exct'n!FiX; slid that nlissi()o's adoi)tton ()|' said final budge!, sahl tl.epol't and Pvtllh)n will t)(! hear(l PORT OF SHELTON on !he 251h day t)f,mtw, 1959, a! .lAMES A, I?AUIA']Y 10:() A.M. at the Ct)urt l:to(,)n ,d' lhe President Probate Depart/uent ,)i' said C,)urt, a.t 9/17-2,1 2t whi(:h ii,uv rnd l'darP ally Ill)l-sun ill- ............................................. lel'e,'|,'d in s:tid Ester- rlBty aPD'ar IN '11'111'; itiA'I"rEIK OF and file obje('ti(,ns th.'r,,t,, and e-n-. (!O[!NTY It(tAil |)IRO,|ECT N{). ',119 test th(" sauu.. IT IS HEREHY RESOLVED BY the DATED this 21 day (,)" AllHst. 1959, Board of Count" C,nmlissiu|l(+,'s tirol IIARRy I)EYFYI'TF, it is their ilitelttm to inlprnve Co',ulty Cb,rk of snid t',fil)l Road No. 120. Ptckering Pass r-lid, By: IRENE .M(i;UlllE by widening. The prop(,sed imln'()v¢!- l)(,puty ulent Is in Bectiona 9,'& 16, Township LEWIS & CORREA 20 Nortll, Range 2 West. The principle Attorneys for Estate, quantity hlvoh'ed it 7,000 eu. yds. of 121 South Fourth Siroet conunon excavation. 8hell on, Washlngt,m BE IT ,FURTHER RESOLVED that (SEAL) 8/27-9/:t-I0-7 ,It the abov( descrll.led county road proj ............................................................... oct Is necessary and proper, and the e.stimated costs of said project re'l) On Augamt 11, 1890, the [ISS herewith set oUt in detail as follows: Palos became the first U. S. Navy Engineering, 00.00; Road Construc- tion, $3,500,00; Tolal, $,0.00, ship to transit the Suez Canal. Day Labor. The county road projtt ll)l'ein de- scribed is HEREBY DEOIARED to ,,,,,,,,_,A,,, t II 'I ' III II Ba a public ,necessity and tile County d 00,,gineer is 00EREB00 ORDER- S bl D dd's 0hut h AUTI'IORIL to ralB0,'t .nd a a proceed thereon as bY" Ittw provided. " Bl I.T FURTIER ROLVID that (Episcopal) this pl'bJe4, if dy work, be perform- ed bY supervisor in accordance with 4th & Cedar Streets the, Standard Road ma0 Bridge Spifi- catio '. the State ot"Wahingtotl am RgV. RebBrt onner Ech011, affopted by thi board. ' Vicar ADOPTED this Sth dsy of .ptent- ber. 1959. SUNDAY, SEPT. 20TH: BOARD OF COUNTY C)MMIBSIONIRS OF MASON OOU. 8 a.m. Holy Communi(:)n. W/HINGTON Jt)HNB.IM&I, Clmirman 9:45 a,m. Church School. ca.°w.%VmCrACH ,1:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Attest : and Sermon. {L NOLAN MASON Clerk of ttoard 9/10 It , , CAIJ4 FOR BII)N Mason Cmnty Fire Proteatioa D- trict No. 2, Belfair, Wa.t, ington, will ,o, oertaln.,00e00 Rml 0hrltllan ulPlaeJfl; tntLI 8:00. P.M. oni P-. tenlber, 1959. at which time I}I0. will /t_..._t by 00Ire Comml.on-- 00nm.n in BIfair, Whlngton, at tlm Fire Ha.ll, At this time th. bits will be read, "New Testament Christianity"" A (,opy of the spectfieatiom for this Lwls E. Whitney, Mlnists radh) equipment can be obtained by Interested parties at the Fh'e Hall of ast County Fire Prot,ctiun District Odd Fellows Hall No. 2, Holfah', Waal)ington. By Order (If the" Board, SECOND STREET Mason Cnunty Fqre Protection Dlstriet No. 2 Bible School 9:45 a.m. LARRY ADAIR, Cl, aJrlnan Church Services 11:00 a.m. 9/3-10-17 3t ...................... and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. JoBrnal Want A4S Pay ........ , ............. i  .... . ill . , j _ •... j Voice of Christian Youth invites you to see "T " E EEN All ROOK" Exciting . . . Sensational . . . But True! and IN PERSON FRANK FETTERS Teen Star of the Film FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 - 7:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST GHURGH 5th and Cota Shelton ..... [ • SHE/TeN ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1"}0 East Pine Mason Younghmd, Pastor HEAR - Revi and Mrs. David Peck Returned Mtsslonarie From Africa S y: Sept 20, 11:00 a.m. unda ., ,, ,, Sunday School "Sunduy School Is for Everyone" 9:45 a.m. Chri,,K'a Ambassadors ................................................... 6:00 ll.m, Revival Service .................................................................... 7:00 p,m, FISHERHEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD & COTA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20-- 9:15 a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 a.m. Guest peaksr Chaplain Lmul MoElyea, Chaplai. for Military Air Trans- ports 10:00 a,m.--Bibte Study venth & Flln Bts. --J. Bnhard B¢thelm, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mid-week Service--Wed, ?:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. ! N L THI METHO00$T OHUIOH SpeeiJ'ieathms ,nay be examined at North 4tb II P|mI Streets the offiee of the SuperlntelflelR Of lO ]lr JR, IHC. Minister Schools. Evergreen School Building, Shelton, Washington, and at the Of. MOelB Wol 11180 and 11:00 s.m. flee of Davis & Bogue, nglneers, 8 So. Tacoma AvenUe, Tacoma, Wam- Chur@h :BOI II1 a,m. ington, and may be obtained by bid- . =. ders at the office of Davis & Beue, ' . ,.'. , ' ' "  220 South Tac(,ma Avelltle, Tacoma, I Ul u I ]u I I [ u |H Washington. I F00$T 00RIST 00IEIfflST | Ewh bid must be accompanied 'by a l | certified check, or c.ashlar s check 0rill / bid bond as surety, in all amount ngt I!  AId" tlt,) lheit#n, Wagh. | lms tat 5% of the largest bid, t.It.oeli Sun,. m.... a,oa ---- ...-... -- " payable to the Shelton Scholl Dlrmt ]1 .... ,_lr . €,€:v. ..:,-, . ,, an. I No. 3($. /I . . Vnlay nmlng  maags  p.m. / The right is reserved to reject any ]1 Readlnff room located in ohurch. Reading room hours 2 to / or all bids snd to waive informalities. 4 .tl. MO. :  W. eren" :4 to 7:45. No bidder may the thno set for the unless the award of layed for a period exceeding thlrty (30) days. ,, ,, o, HItST BAPTIST 00IIICH SIIELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 MAON COUNTY SHELTON. WASHINGTON 5th & Cta Roy. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 9/8-10-17 8t SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20--- No. 8 g;5 a.m. Su.4ay Sdloal. NOTICE OF HEARING, FINAL 11:00 a,m, Morning Worship. REPORT AND IETITION FOR |)|STRIBUT|(}N .. "Life and Peace" IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THe' STATE OI" WASIIINGTON FOR :0 p.m. Youth Grotps. Four Departments. TI"IE COUNTY OF MASON In the Mafter of lhe Estate of ROB,- 7: p.m. Evening sol*vice. ERT A. HANSEN, De(,eased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that "No Failures In God's Will" LOTTIE HANSEN. Administratrix of the estate of ROBERT A. HANSEN has ftled in the. off((,,, of Ihe Clerk of " s/lid Courl her Final Repori and Poll- ............ .s tim, t'o; Distrthuti,m.  as,ing the Court .... GHUCH tO set!ie said repnrt, distribute the IT I/IEW ALLIAIIOE propor|y to the persons theret(, enti- tled and to discharge said LOTTIE • HANEN and that said report and pe- tition will be heard on the 2nd day of Wasklngtoa & J ts. Eugene Breid, Ptltor October. 1959, at 10:00 a.m.. at the court room of the Probate DepartlneIlt | St2day Sll0Ol .................................................................... 9: a.m. of said Court, at which time and plaoe I any persona interested in said eat } lgratlag Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. may aplmar aad file obj$ctions ths!'e-/ A.Y.  ................................................................................. 6;0 p.ITL to and contest the same. / Ving tvCe .................. 7:O p,ra. Dated this 3rd day of September, I ]dW¢k Ser5 Wln:hlKl{by .......................................... 7:30 ,p.m. 1959. HARRY DEYETE , VERY0tW WME Clerk of saht Court | 9/10-17-24 at i ,  , .... ,,a, .... - .... ,,, . , , . i[ !