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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(/ ili; !: ;{,! I 2 i i[ 4!¸ d,' !F 2 iii ii i i iii I u ............ i ............................................................ In Area lUni0n ! NEW SKYLINE t l DRIVE-IN TItEATRE ryi ,g Hand At Grouse, Pige , Retur From 5 ml,es o, She.on Fish- ;::2t:":t:':;I Gates Open 7:30 P.M. ing' sea,~;on closed at Lake Nahwat- enjoyed estlil,g i(',e crc, anl and (,',lice. Friday and Saturday (1) WIVES AND LOVERS (2) SURF PARTY (3) Can You Take . . . SHOCK TREATMENT Come Early, SLay Late . . . One Complete Showing BLUE OX THEATRE zel on Labor l)ay, and the fisher- men lmve laid their fishing tackle aside. Now hunters are trying i:heir lut:k at 0igeons and gr(mse, • ,n:l looMnz forward to the open-' ing of ,leer season eeL. 10. The fai,ly nice wcather over the weelmnt in contrast to the :ni:i~rnble L:-D.)or Day weekend, brought era water-skiiers, Lake ; rmddents and their visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hetlala oF A.gtr, ria, Ore., visited their daugh- let and family, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford H.eeves for a few days over the weekend. Vis;ting Mr. and Mrs. John Pat- ten last F,iday evening were Mr. P,n:l MFS. Bill MeKimson and fan,- ily of P0i'i Orchard, formerly of Shelton. Mr. nn::! Mrs. I,awrenee IIansen ~ittended the Bell Riders Play Day at tte ShelLon firgrounds last Sun- day aftern;)oiL ON ~EPT. 6, Toni Diggle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~ a m D i g g 1 e celebrated her ~hird birthday with her brothers Doors Open 6:45 p,m. Friday and Saturday What A Show! A most mischieveous girl! JESSICA DR. NO James Bond THE STRIPPER stars Joanne Woodward 1 complete showing only on Crawlers, Trucks. all types of Logging Equipment Industrial and Equipment & Machinery and Farm Machinery ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC All Types of Equipment Sold on Censignmenl Equipment and Machinery Rentals EQUIPMENT COMPANY Warren Rand, manager Phone 426-4116 1629 Ridge Road--Across highway from 20th Century Thriftway , TI LTON--MA (SN COI/tNTV ,TOI_ NAL- Published in '¢Ohr;, fma.vfow ? hoflon, Wa.@ington Dinner gueul s at the he,no of Mr. and M~s. Pranl: (7cope:' Sepl. ~1 were )lr. awl Mrs. J. P. Lie- Chl.nal-:m el' P.l,.elion. L&sL ~Isn(lay vis:iol's at: the Coo- pe;'s were Mrs. Lee H,l?]tel' and daughter, Mrs. C:PTie Row(i, ~ll,(.~ children, all ()f ~;he!ton. L:~ter Sun- day afternoon Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Rowe visited at the tlome of Mrs. Miller at the Ii'k~h tlatch- ery, near Matloek. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. E. |-~ewqf)n live,' the Weel(e,s(I v,'ns M,'. Sanl H(~ws,'m of Tielon. Sllll~l:ly Dflernooll visitors al the Hcwson h(mw was ]Vh's, Cli~t 'of Mallock. Spending the weekcnd hmne with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Kelley, was Miss Betty Kelley, who is employed at the St. Joseph tIospital in Aberdeen. TIlE ANNI~AL meeting of the Lake Nahwatzel Vohmtcer Fire Department was held last Sun- day morning at Tupper.~ Resort with President Al Tupper presid- ing at the meeting. Those attend- ing were Pedar Aurstad, Clifford Reeve, Lawrence Hansen, Amel Tweit, and Mrs. Everett Sellers all of t he Lake. Mrs. Sellers and Aurstad were elected trustees for two years. Tupper was re-elec- ted for another term as president of the association and Hansen was re-elected secretary-treasurer. John Tupper and Steve Crape left last Sunday evening for Cen- tralia Junior College for the fall semester which started on Mon- day. Shawn Dallam Is Still Unconscious Shawn Dallam, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dallam, former Sheltonians now living in Gig Harbor, re!nains in unsatis- factory condition at Mary Bridges Childrens' Hospital in Tacoma. The boy was injured Aug. 26 when he fell fl'om a. tree in Gig Harbor. He has not regained cons- ciousness since the accident, hos- pital authorities reported. Sloth never arrived at the at- tainment of a good wish. --Cervantes Kamilche Hall SATURDAY By Iletty Dean UNION Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bi;;ht)p retm'nerl honle Sunday Fl'om :i lwo-weel/ t~ip that took lhem tc) Fullerton, Calif., where they spent ~, week visiting their