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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PADE Thur. dny, SALE- A-THON Chance of a Lifetime to @ ,~ v :~.:~:~I~~:~ ' ~:!:!:;:ii~i;i~i! !:: ~,. '~iii!!~ ( Push-Button B0bbin--the bobbin fills right ill the . machine! "PLUS- DoHysovlnoson unadvertised speciols! INGER SEWING CENTER 107 East 5th St. Phone 357-7586 OLYMPIA *L~'~ eA Trademark of THE SINGER COMPANY ~) Listed in phone book under SINGER COMPANY Cookin'? !" ::i !/i[ ',ii!!i ii (il FIVE YOUNGSTERS keep Mary Jo Koch on the alert for new recipes for family eating enjoyment. Her R,oman Egg Soup Fecipe is one that will get a good workout in the fall and winter months ahead. * ¢ * :!: Mary Jo Koch's recipe for Ro- man Egg Soup is about as unus- L I I I1[ THOUSANDS OF ATTRACTIONSi 2 GRANDSTAND SHOWS DALLY! Exciting, enterlo;nlng and thrilling variety shows are staged every afternoon and eve- ning. See hlgh-wlre performers trapeze art- ists, bicycle, musical and comedy acts, plus Thoroughbred horse racing world champion' ddp rodeo and spectacular fireworks every nighfl IFUN and. THRILLS on the FAIRWAY. , There are rides ga'ore on the Fa;rway--~"i '~ ~"~ |hriJJing, giant roller-coaster, ferris wheel, ~.~ ..... . I~ ~'~;L~/~ ~ fun house, and many more. And the [(~' ~'~,~,J-.--/'/~ L IKiddielandl ,'= ~'e~~T~ SEE THE RICHES OF YOUR STATE ~;-~ .mire ,h..a,,h of .,, the .~,b,,~ of oor~coltur. oaa tndu,try. There or,, ,restock .... n,- ' ~l~l~,~ foclurer¢ products, orL hobbies, flowers, photogra- phy, See them oil at Ihe Grand Old Foirl Your home deserves the heat that's The very simplicity of natural ga= heat makes it trouble-free and carefree. Gas burners have no moving parts. Central heating plants require no pumps because gas ispropelled by its own pres- sure, controlled by your gas company. There's little to get out of order--that's why natural gas heating systems seldom require service. Add this superior fuel's many other £ine qualitles-- cleanliness, quietness, abundance, dependabillt safety, mention a few--and you'll know why more and more people,.right here inthls co unity, are turning to n tural gas heating. A MONTH PAYS FOR CONVERSION If you are a qualified householder you may have your present heatln@ s~stem, either furnace or space heaters, converted to natural gas for only $2 a month, added to youp regular gas bill, October throuEh May-'only $16 a year; no other charges, no%hing else to pay. Our representative will gladly give you full detail~; no obligation. Learn also about our ALL-GAS rate whlchbrings extr~ added savings, SHELTON • CORPORATION 122 S. THIRD ST. ual as any we have had to offer. It sounds real tempting for the cool fall days ahead. The Koch family moved here from Bellevue about two years ago when husband Forrest was traam- / tarred by Simpson Timber Co. They have lived in the Pacific Northwest for the past six years. They made their home in Salt Lake City and Kansas before dis- covering our area which they like very much. The rest of the Koch family is made up of two girls, Sandy, 17, and Linda, 11, and three boys, J. L., 14, Ron, 8, and Steve, 6. Mary Jo keeps busy with Girl Scout work where she is an assist- ant leader, awl with Job's Daugh- ters. She is vice president of the Wesley Circle at the Methodist church. Sewing, ceramics, bridge and golf are pastimes M~try 3o an- Mt. View Club .Sets Dales For Business Heeling, Card ear~y The Mountain \ ivw C.nmmnity Club will hold it:q next, regular bt[siness nzeeting nL S p.m. Mon- day at the clubhouse, "K" and Laurel St. All members dry asked to attend. At the Septemher 5 card party prizes for high scores w{.;llt, to Nell Kilburn and Ruby l,orenzen; see- end high to Margaret Newell and Charles Morgan. Lucille Speece and Lester I-hm- tin~to.u held the last double pin- o(,hh~. Prizes for the last series were taken by Art Hazelquis~ and Cora Hill. The next card party will be held at 8 p.m. this Saturday ttt the club- house. The public is invited. Canal Club Begins Fall Schedule With Meeting Today The Hood Canal Fbderated Wo- man's "Club inyites all interested women to attend its first fall meeting today in tim clubhouse aL Potlatch. A business session will be called to order at 11 a.m. pre- sided over by the new president, Mrs. Nina Miller of Union. Luncheon will be served by a hostess gronp from the Lilliwaup area with Mrs. Waiter S. ~llison as chairman. An opportunity to learn a new craft will be offered members and guests at the afternoon program scheduled for 1:30 p.m. when Mrs. Merle VanderWal Of Shelton dem- onstrates Tri-Chem liquid embroid. ery techrliques. Everyone will be given a chance to try this liquid painting craft for themselves. The club meets monthly on the third Thursday, WORK PARTY SLATED A wor~ party will precede a potKIck luncheon when the Dirt Dobber Garden Club meets ~tt 10 a.m.s.harp next Tuesday in the POD auditorium. PLANS WEDDING l SUMMER THE ENGAGEMENT OF Miss Cheryl Sue Butler to Donald Leonard Faulb son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Faull of Bremerton, has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ernest Butler of Shelton. Miss Butler, a 1962 graduate ,of Shelton High school, attended Olympic college and Emanuel Hospital School of Nursing in .Portland. She is presently employed as secretary at t.he First Baptist church but will resume her nurses training in Spokane where they will make their home following their marriage. A 1960 graduate of East High school in Bremerton, he also at- tended Olympic college and is now in theU.S. Air Force station- ed at Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane. June 19,. 1965 is the date set for the wedding. I WSCS Heeling Held In Melhodis! Church The }Vomen'.~' Society of Ctn'ist- illn Service 111¢I ~e[)tt'lll})OF 9 ill the hftqllottisfl (:hllrt'h. Al'iel' hln-. cheon s¢I'vod by lhe M~t'y C, ircle President Mrs. I'hilip Hardy con- thieved the bll,qint,ss mcetil~g' with MT'S. Gm'don 13ennelt ,qll(l ~[I'S. ~-~. T. Cf)IltI()ll giving the i~:'oKram. Mrs. Har(dd Van l)el{iet c(m- ducted the do.votious. Mrs, I)ale Cowles was at the plan(). Next Wednesday the Martha Circle will meet at the home of Mrs, Thomtts Rowe; Mary Circle with M~is, H. W. McChtry; l~.uth Circle with Mrs. Dale Cowtes; Es- ther Circle with Mrs. Waller Mar- ble; and MiriamN2irclc with Mrs. Eber Angle. ............................. GOODWILL TR L" ('K The Goodwill truck will be ip to~m nexL Tuesday. To have arti- icles picked up phone 426-4847. DOMINOES A RT TO IlEGIN Art chtsst','~ for dren will be next 'l'll~:.hly ,~ ()t" ()lympin dr,sired by tile s Allynlw nml itm shoIl]d BtH'\V)ql 'l'Jl()lll:l~ Mrs. Guy powell BENEFIT for H SATe, Dayto MusiC ALLEN $1.25 person ? 80 Sheets 40 envelopes BABY BOTTLE STERILIZERS-. IO,E BtJGKET Only one Reg. $9.95 Neis Pk ~2 Gal. Castile % 4th and Railroad !:i~:~ :': .... ::"::" : i:::7 ........................... : i: Whenever you're starHn' to reach for the carton.., remember i : i!!:)!i!(i /!!i!ii!I¸ ii/i joys. Making sweaters for her i. family on her knitting machine • also gives her much satisfaction I~ ~' e8 as well as ph.~t~sure. Many of her summertime hours have been tak- en up with running the family waterSpeedb°atski, so the youngsters Could., ~ : .... , Romau Egg Soup ,.ing to boil: ii 1 qt. chicken broth : Meanwhile beat until thick: ~. 4 eggs Mix together and add to eggs: 11/,', Tbs. flour 1% Tbs. grateci Parmesan cl~eese dash of salt and pepper Slowly pour egg mixture into boil ........ ,.~ • ' ~' " ~ ~ .... ~"i mg broth, stwrmg constantly. ... . t 1': You'll agree~ Dangold Mdk ts better .....,.., • LQOKING FQRWARD to the excitement of winter football games is SHS yell leader Marsha Dorcy. Marsha attended a conference for yell leaders this summer and is anxious to try out some ,of the new ideas and routines learned there.This will be her ~econd year as a yell leader. After a busy summer most stu- dents are ready to go back to !school when September rolls around. Marsha Dorcy is one who Was anxiously looking forward to the football games this fall and getting together again with friends she had missed during the sum- mer months. In her last year oe high school Marsha will be a Slmlton High school yell leader for the second time. This summer she attended a tell leaders' conference at Central Washington State college to learn new ideas and'routines for yells. She also spent some' of her time during the summer months work- ing as receptionist for Dr. George R~dich, Optometrist. " Mars,h,~ belongs to Pep Club Latin Club ~ad Library Club. She has been active in Job's Daugh- =ters since the eighth grade and is Honored Oueen of the local group now. She also belongs to the youth group of the Episcopal church. ,, Subjects chosen for her senior year Include' civics, senior Eng- lish, algebra, leacher orientation, sociology and physiology• She plans to attend dollege but has Children's Dep rtment Sizes 1-3, 3-6x and 7-i4 not decided definitely whether it will be Western Washington State College in Bvllingham or Washing- ton State University in Pullman, In the next few months she has to decide whether she wants to major in education or home eco- nomics, both of which she likes real well. Marsha likes swimming but lists sewing as her main hobby• During the winter time the pep staff takes up much of her time. Halloween has a special mean- ing for this spotlighted senior, She was born October 31, 1947 in Bellingham. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dorcy, she has three brothers, Lane, 14, Kevin 11, and Bruce, 4, and one sister, Barbie, 7. The Dorcy family has lived in Shelton since Marsha was Sportswear Department Complete Coordinate Ideas Including Blouses, Skirts, Wiskets, Jackets & Jumpers Select a Complete Coordinate Outfit WITH $2.00 OFF REGULAR EACH ITEM FROM THIS GROUP Junior Sizes 5-15 Only in the third grade. One of Marsha's goals in life is to reach a height of five feet. ~he still lacks a quarter of an inch. She has blue eyes and light brown hair. SALVATION ARMY TI{,UCK The Salvation Army truck will be in town next Tuesday. For pickups phone 428-2215 or leave items on the porch at 325 North 5th St. MILLER'S, The Complete Clothing and Accessory Store Where Quality and Price Are Always RIGHT Men's DepUrtme Young Mens Quality Short Button Down Collars and Tapered To a 'T' Values to $10.95 .! NOW ONLY ; %: • 426-8433 /ifl Boys Departmen Selected Group T Tapered Leg Continentsls: I and Jeans Values to $4.98 NOW ONLY EA. A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch &" C0, 3rd & Railroad SHELTON :.i~/ '\