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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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17, P.ACE ~- The ringing Suporvisor and Driver Clinch for echool bell last l~iehfield Oil Conapany The next nlust surely 2011(] ill Viii- went ()1) Art ZI'llo N0rma Olsell Pupils' lloses • Phenomenal lat this eouhl attendance the ullper e l~rimary. presenting Mrs. O1- , i)'eW(] oin e l'S tl) erIlon Hacker, LaUrel Chil- Tlle oth- Denise Terry An- Richard and sixth and Grapeview All sev- with and English grades are delicious Harry out as us- on the wry and the capa- ltueking- added four to Jody En- and big step in- three high is With Lar- turn- High, and With North Les Okon- and out for the the school tent, Mrs. new mo- ~nd :Mrs. LaB- for Westen~ Sep- ason County and candy Saturday, SChool for our they at- Class ast Sunday. z Fire Hail, attended the until 1 p.m. taking Practice dr[v- the classroom Was Burien-King No. 2. He is Prevehtion Sot OUI' a.s [y', themes at hUTches this on is taken Health with by Malw oII "Matter" from Joh21 and they worship (:lass is scheduled for Sept. 22 at 7 ll.m. at tile Fire Hall. Hal Gnr(1- neT will instruct (m hose and lad- (leTs. Sept. 10, 19 nlembers of the Vol- unleer Fire Departnmnt and the V.F.D. Auxiliary met at the Fire- hall to discuss lhe local election issll(', with rnemhers volunteering to make Ill)use calls coneernhlg' these issues. JlTl,lE AND DORI,~ Stock spent C% ln(isl picas/lilt evening wil.h Les and Faye Sollle last Thursday. Joining the Soules at tileir home to enjoy one of Faye's superb cul- inary accomplishments, they cola- tinued on to the Cheney Stadium ill Tacoma. Here they cheered the Tacama Giants on to a refiT-to-oaf victory over Hawaii at their last home game of the season and in- spite of the nippy weather, fully enjoyed tile game. We can safely bet that the Clare Peters residence seems a little empty to them these days wlmt with tile offspring popula- tion having been cut in half! Son Kenneth has been with the U.S. Navy for some time, preseutly be- ing attached to tile ILS.S. Sacra- mento which is now undergoing repairs at the Bremert, on :Navy Yard, and now daughter Diana is employed by the St.Regis Paper Co. in Tacoma. She is boarding with the George Shriners, who also have a summer cottage on Treasure Island. Shelton High School Junior, Lar- ry Lutz. arrived at his Grapeview home Wednesday, just in time to return to class after clocking 7,800 miles' on an automobile trip across country with his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutz and two- year-old brother Laurie. The Lut- zes left home Aug. 18 and made a nearly identical trip to one tak- en 15 years before. Houston, Tex., was one stopping point before go- ing to New Orleans, La., where they spent a week with Fred's 3arents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lutz. In Adelphi, Md., the family vis- ited three days with Fred's bro- ther and Larry enjoyed a tour of our nation's capital with his twiu cousins who were just his age. Highlight of the trip were stops at Mr. Rushmore and YeN lowstone Park and also an over- night with Glen and Jackie Nut- tel- at Clearfield near Salt Lake City, Utah. Incidently, little Lau- rie turned out to be a "born trav- eller" according to his mother, en- joying every minute of the trip. Some of our community's new- cst members are the James N. Beacraft family who have rented Ed and Rita Miller's Treasure Is- land home. Mr. Beacraft is em- ployed at the Washington Correc- tions Center at Shelton. This effec- ted quite a switch, the Beacrafts having come from Bremerton and lhe Millers having moved to Bre- merton, The first meeting of this 1964-65 season of the Sarah Eekert Orth- opedic Guild was eertainly en- thusiastieally attended, 28 persons gatherinK at the home of :Mrs. Walter G. Clayton last Friday forelloon. President Evelyn Walker wel- comed Tacoma guests :Mrs. Vin- cent Hook and Mrs. Baker, who substituted for Mart Chairman Mrs. Hopkins who was unable to attend. Mrs. Hook who operates the Mart near the Winthrop Hotel in INC. 428-8231 Landscaping , Lawns, rockerles, trees shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling , Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426.4718 Salon 426-4582 Sand, Gr@vel , Top Soil , Peat Soil . Custom Tractor Work Johns Creek Sand & Gi-avel 426-3552 Norm Anderson i Sewing Machine , , Sales, Service Rentalg , New and Used o Free Pickup & Delivery Singer 8ewlng Center 117 5th Ave. East - Olympia Ph. 357-7586 cos- eOametlcs 426-3327 , rewiring ELEC. 426-6520 Tire Service -i I , New OK Tires ] I , Recapping I [,Used [ I OK TIRE STORES I I Mt. View Ph. 426-4832J Travel Air - Rail - Steamship Bus - Hotels - Tours . No Extra Charge For Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave 426-8272 426-4134 l~mps TV Service . Radio - "IV . Phonographs , CB 2-way rattle LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt, View Ph. 426-3172 Heating I , Safety check [ i , Clean-up I | , Minor & major repairs.I | STARKEY'S HEATING I I Sales & Service i I 514 Elllnor 426-4673 I Tacolllll, l)roug'ht nuuly samples of [teals s()hl lhere to ~how l.he hi(ties examllles of lhe project of Val'iOllS guilds ill lhis area. I)I:RIN(~ Till,: rt~nlainder of the nleelillg, plans fol' the gliild's ae- tivities for the year were dis- cussed. A coral)in,iLion grnne night and Counli'y Store will be held Nov. 13 al the Grat)cview school holiSO ill spite (if si)(ioRs and Sill)- el'still(ins. Their rumnmge sale will be held in Shelton Nov. 27. the day aftc.r Tll:nlRsgivinK. Other gliesls "it the lneetinK were Mrs. Matlde f{owe, Mrs. lie- lores Rehard and Mrs. Carole Starts Civil Defense Plans l;nlth,s who is phnuling to join till' gllil(I. ]Mrs. Clayton's assistanl hostess was Mrs. Albert Richards. ()lYml)ic-l,eaKue's Football Jam- bol'ee \%'~IS 11 C()IOI'['lli an(I SIICCeNS- fuI nffair l:lst Friday evening" hehl on South Kitsal)'S lovely hirf field. Shell,on Hig'h fans seen enjoyh)g' Ill(! :lOlivilies wore tile Jack Mii- neTs, Eke Ea(~re'tg, Walt E(:kerl, Wall Chlytons and Howard Sein- ers. Va, ir llarbor Grange mcnlbers please note: Fair Ilarbor will lak 8151. {he Gavel to Harstine Island Fri ......................... (lily. li'erry leaves tile nlailllilud all Yml will never Stlll) yO/ll' 7:30 p.m. 'I standing still. Radiologica[ Classes MIIIS('III Conlll V (Jell ])lq'i,ll!;le P~ll- dioh)gic;ll e.tgisscs will hegin O 1, 1. 'I'll(; (.•lnsses will he hehl ill lhe CotlrthliH>~;e. They will lie hohl fur SIX COIISCt'III ivl' \voeks, I)egillnillg" lit 7:31) Tim iilSlrllelor I'OI' the COlll'Se is (I. R. Quimhy, l~.adioehenlist for l~,ayoniet', Ill(!. ill Shelloll. There is ill) c.harge for lho COlll'Se iin(t text s will I)e mipplied. l:;egisler t)%' calling the Mason Couniy Civil Defense office, .42G- toe t i , ,t . i i iiii i i NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances--No Commission Charges Mason Oounly Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON ................... ..-....--a-.-a--, SaWm Old Fashioned Deep Smoked Flavor in this delicious, tender, fully cooked anO ready to eat Picnic Ham. So- o-o easy to fix at a price S0-O~O low. 6 to 8 lb. Average Fryer Thighs O SD, 2-lb. Package ........................ Ea. 98 Chuck Roast o.s. Choice Boneless ........................................ lb. Swiss Steak o.s. Cho,ce - Round Bone Chuck Cut ............................ lb. 6S ¢' Slew Meal u.s. Choice Boneless Beef ................................. lb. 69¢ Ground Chuck .................................................. ,.. Skinless Weiners Bar-s ................................ ,.. 49¢ Sliced Bacon Bar-S- Regu,ar or Thick Sliced .................... lb. 65¢ Pork Sausage BarS Virginia Ree, .......................................... 69¢ Holiday Ham Bar-S - Smoked Who,° or Ha,, ........................ 89¢ U.S.D.A. CHOICE and Quality "Meet At Your Friendly rra& ell!! Pre- Sliced ¢ 7-BONE CUT or BLADE CUT Detergent Gt. Box \ Extra Large Size FRESH SNOBOY Juke qt # Procter & Gamble Vegetable Varieties No. 1 Tins Meat Base Varieties Ivory .... Med. 3,,,/35¢ Lg. 2,/35¢ Camay ..Reg. 3/35¢ Bath 2/33¢ Zest Deodorant i Reg. 2/33¢ Bath 2/38¢ Lava Soap .............. Bar 2/25¢ Ivory Flakes ............ Lg. 39¢ Ivory Snow ................ Lg. 39¢ Dreft ............................ Gt. 89¢ Ivory Liquid (8¢ off,) 22 oz. 59¢ No. 1 Tins Mambo Yams ........................ ,,. 19¢ Snow White Cauliflower .... Ea. 23* Extra Fancy RED DELICIOUS Swift's Specials . 12 oz. Size Prem Luncheon Meat .................... 39¢ Pard Crunchers ........ 5-lb. Size 69¢ NEW SNOBOY Frozen Italian Style Green Beans ............ 9 oz. pkgs. 5/$1 Birdseye Frozen Peas ............. 10 oz. pkgs. 5/$1 Stouffer's Dutch (Save 40¢) Apple Pie .................... 24 oz. Size 69¢ '\, LOCAL dz Prices effective thru Sat., Sept. 19, 1964. No Sales to dealers. Equal opportunity employer. ! 1 i Cold Medal or Pillsbury lO-lb. Bag Tradewell Shortening or Zee - Assorted Col,ors, 4 Roll Pack CANNED FOOD Tomato Catsup - 14 oz. Bti. Diced or Shoestring ilects - 303 Tin Sauerkraut - 303 Tin Spinach - 303 Tin Cream Style Corn . 303 Tin Whole Kernel Corn - 303 Tin Whole Kernel Vacuum Pao Corn - 12 oz. Tin Fancy 3 Sieve Sweet Peas - 303 Tin Diced or Shoestring Carrots - 303 Tin Red Kidney Beans . 303 Tin Fruit Cocktail -303 Tin Applesauce - 303 Tin ~olid pack or Small Whole Tomatoes - 303 Tin Stewed Tomato~s - 303 Tin Cut or Sliced Green Beans - 303 Tin Peas and Carrots - 303 Tin Tomato Juice - 46 oz. Tin Chunk Style Tuna , No. =/'= Tin Crabapple, Grape, Strawberry & Mint Jellies - 10 oz. Jar Apricots. Whole Peeled or Halves Unpeeled - 303 Tin Apple Juice - Qt. Btl. Yellow Cling Peaches, halves or slices - 2~2 Tin Deluxe ,Plums - 21/2 Tin Tiny Green Lima Beans - 303 Tin Prune Juice - 24 oz. Btl. Pure Concord Grape JUice - 24 oz. Btl. Large Pitted Ripe Olives - N,o. 1 Tin Dill Pickles Plain or Kosher - 2~2 Tin Pine-Grapefruit Drink - 46 oz. Tin Fancy Cut Asparagus . 300 Tin 3 LB, TIN Rolls Only t,