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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 1964
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17, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Publishe} in f¢Ohr stmastown, U.S.A.", SheKon, Washington PAGE ]3 R WEDDING BELLS BEVERLY HODGSON Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 AL HALL was the setting 'for the September 5 ny of Miss Beverly Jane Hodgson and John are the Robert G• Hodgsons of Shelton and of Seattle. The newlyweds are living in Seattle of the police department. "4: white color the Sept. 5 Jane Nichols. lavender and decorated for the double aghter of Mr. )dgson, Shel- and Mrs. glads were With lavender :he piano. Rev. the 4:30 ceremony before and relatives. gown ertip sleeves bridal lace. the fin- Cried a bouquet With white rib- with a r gave her for the bride Arnold Schrie- an orchid of white lace L~yender on gloves mat- ea re.ted laven- Jerry man while Ushered with Berry Music einbcrg. 'edding Mrs, m a blue gloves of white and purse. bahy pink dark blue With white Re- of baby The bride's mother made and decorated the four-tier wedding cake with two hearts on the front, each centered with a rose. It was topped with the traditional bride and groom. Doves fluttered all about the cake. Setwing were Mrs. Zehna Hodg- son, grandmother of the bride; Mrs. Arthur M. Farr, aunt of the bride who came from Minnesota for the wedding; Mr. and Mrs. Asa Hodgson, aunt and uncle of the bride also from TIinnesota; and Mrs. Robert Hcss. Mrs. James Wi- ley took charge of the g'uest book and Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Mahlen- dorf attended the gift table. Other out-of-town guests were the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lilgreen and family who crone from East Start- wood and .Miss Barbara Bloom- field, home on leave from San Diego, Calif., where she is station- ed with the U.S. Navy. The bride is a 1963 graduate of Shelton High school and is em- ployed as a dental assistant Her husband graduated from warren- ton, Ore., High School and attend- ~(t Edison Technical school. They will live in Seattle where he is employed by the Seattle police de- partment. You "Capable Youth" Is Subject Of September Iota Chapter Meeting "Capable Youth" was the sub- ject discussed by Mrs. Arthur An- derson and Miss Margaret Baldwin at the September 12 meeting of Iota Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society held at Hill Haus in Olympia. Grants-in-aid to further the ed- ucation of young women who plan to become teachers were presented to Miss Kathy Archer of Shelton and Mrs. Laura Davis of Belfair. The third recipient, Mi~s Susan En- sign, was unable to be present. All three will enter college this fall. Mrs. Thelma Maxwell, new pres- ident of Iota chapter, presided dur- ing the business meeting. Other new officers include Mrs. Gene La- Due, 1st vice president; Mrs. Clyde Fagcrgren, 2nd vice president, Mrs. Donald McMurray, recording sec.; Mrs. Lynn Sherwood, cor- responding sec.; Mrs. Mile Schneid- er, treasurer; and Mrs. Floyd Ta- bor, parliamentarian. "Changing Patterns in Other Cultures" will be the program theme for the coming year. Mrs. Ernest :Newland, retiring chapter president, introduced the recipients of the Jean Carpenter Honor Plaque, Mrs. Anderson, Miss Baldwin and Mrs. Leo Martin. Delta. Kappa Gamma is an in- ternational honor society of women educators. FI'A Workshop For Chairmen To Be Presented Here Training for the local PTA unit committee chairmen will be the main theme for the first Mason County Council of PTA'S meetiug to be held at 7:30 p.m. next Wed- nesday in the Evergreen School. The schedule for the evening will be business mccting, coffee hour and workshop. The workshop will contain in- stmmtion, discussion and exchange of ideas in the following: Hospi- tality and membership, legislation, school education, PTA magazine and publications, unit publicity, safety and juvenile protection, programming, budget and finance, and parliamentary law. The council urges all commit- tee chairmen to attend armed with their questions and ideas. ESA Reviews Plans For Coming Months ...... The first meeting of the Epsi- Ion Sigma Alpha sorority was hehl Sept• 9 at the home of Bey Hol- land with Shirley Holman as co- hostess. A review of tile coming year's SltERIFIe'S RESERVE TO activities was presented by the of- SPONSOR BENEFIT DANCE fleers and committee chairmen. A benefit dance for the Odus Plans were discussed for the Hutchins family will be held Sapt. group's trip to the theatre party in 26 in the Dayton Community Hall. Tacoma last Monday. Dancing from 9:30 p.m. until 2 a.m. to the music of the Allen RACHEL KNOTT GUILD Orchestra will ba sponsored by the Mason County Sheriff's Re- LUNCIIEON TOMORROW serve. A 12:30 p.m. hmcheon meeting The Hutchins' Arcadia Road at the home o£ Mrs. Roy Kimbcl home was destroyed by fire in with Mrs. William Baker as co- August. They have two children,hostess will kick off the fall sea- son for the Rachel Knott Orthope- dic Guild. Should Know... gLINT WILLOUR Provide Your Own Family's Future By Adequate Lifet insurance• NATIONAL Members are asked to notify either the lmstess or co-hostess !iO if they will be unable to attend. HOOD CANAL ,PTA MEETS NEXT MONDAY Hood Canal PTA will hold its first meeting of the year at 8 p.m. next Monday in the Hood Canal Junior High School. There will be an introduction of teachers. Don Berra of Port Orchard, re- cently returned from a trip to Russia, will give a. talk and show slides on education in Russia. Beachcomber Club Makes Interesting Plans For Future The Beachcomber Garden Club is looking forward to a busy and interesting year. Plans for its an- nual pancake dinner were made at a recent meeting held at the home of Mrs. Emil Ga~tana at Victor. The dinner, to benefit the elub's scholarship fund at North Mason High school, will be held from 3-8 p.m. Sept. 26 at the Belfair Com- mhnity Baptist church. Donations will be for adults; 65 cents for children. Mrs. Harold Anderson of Allyn gave an interesting talk on Bonsai. She displayed a number of speci- mens she has been growing over the past year. The club will have a standard flower show in June. Also on the calendar for the months ahead will be the study of our native shrubs and wild flowers as well as floral arranging. The Beachcombers will meet Oct. 8 at the Grapeview home of Mrs. Ann Westberg. Installation of officers will take place. Mrs. Kay Sanfoi'd, also of Grapeview, will be co-hostess. / Local Woman Returns From Portland Trip Mrs. Albert E. Windell returned from Portland last week where she had beeu a guest in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Halsten, and en- tertained by her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Orris Halsten. She enjoyed a scenic drive on the Columbia River highway and viewed slides of a round-the-world trip taken by Mr. Halsten recent- ly when he went Kumasi Ghana to advise the proper installation and running of a new mill the,'e. THEY PLAN TO WED IN OCWOBER OCTOBER WEDDING plans are being made by Miss Marlenc Elaine Cleveland and Robert John Norris. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E• Cleveland, Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. William R. Norris, ST., Clark, New Jersey. Miss Cleveland is a 1963 graduate of Shelton High school and attended Peterson School of Business in Seattle. She is now employed with Eilers Shops, Inc. in Seattle. Her fiance graduated from Arthur L, Johnson High school in Clark, New Jersey and is presently stationed in Seattle with the United States Navy. October 3 is the wedding date set. Golden Age Club To Attend Puyailup Fair All members of' tile Golden A~o Club planning to attend the Puyal- lup fair with the group next Tues- day should be at the Menlm'i~tl Hall a,t 9 a.m. There will be trans- portation there for everyone. A 6 p.m. potluck dinner will be held next 'Phursday a.t tl~e ,Mem- orial Hall, Around 32 ]nenll)ers were present for the last. dinner. SIIELTON MUSIC CLUB MEETS NEXT TUESDAY An interesting program is being planned far the first fall meeting of the Sheltou Music Club it) be held at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Roy Rector, 219 South 4th St. Mrs. Win. Henderson is program chailTnan. Members are urged to be on time so the meeting can begin promptly at 8 p.m. Many are idly busy. --Jeremy Taylor FAT OVERWEIGHT Availabl~ to you without a docim"s prescrtpli,)n, ms' drug eall,,d t)I)I~[- NEX. Y,,u lllUSt los(} ugly fat: or your I]H)I1Py i)llvk. N¢) Sl I'OnliOllN (}xel'clsP, ]llXiliives. DIIl.~Isag(} or talking ~)f s,*- called re(hlctllg c;lll(li('s, crackers ,~1" cookies, or chewing gum. ODRINEX IS 4t lilly labh~t lllld ea.~ity swallowed. VC]len yet! lake ODRINEX, .v,nl sIill enjoy your lll(}tllN, sllll Pat Ill(, foods !'ou like. but y~ni simply don't hn~,! 111(~ Ill'gO ft)l' oxtl'a pol•lJollS beeallsl! ODRINEX dlln'esses your al)l)etilP Illld do(!rells(~s youl" (Iesil'e for food. Yolll' Weigilt l/lllSt ('()llle dowll, bocttu,~e :~.'~ your own doctor will tell yell, when yOU Pitt les.% you weigh less. Gel rid of excess fat and live hnlger. ()DI~I- NEX costs $3.00 and ts sold on |his GUARANTEE: If not salisfiPd for lilly reason just l•et!,ll'll the packagP h, yollr druggist and gPt .~,'ollr fllil 1 Ollt'y back. :No qu,~stions ask(M. ODRINEX Is sold with this guarantee by: 5I¢CONIIE¥ DRU(I CENTER Mail Orders Filled By dozen, crate or truckload As low as 35c dozen in quantities Skokomish Valley Phone 426-8974 Easy Gredit For Everyone DELIVERY FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE MANY GOOD VALUES IN OUR SMALL APPLIANCE Model DAt.I&Y GIFT DEPT. HIGH SPEED DRYER Your Choice of Gas or Oil Furnace, For ol)eration in Basement, Closet, Horizontal (under floor). 1~.I WA$]0Y G-E AUTOMATIC WASI ER • Big Capacity • actiyator wash action • Powered spray rinse • Counter height, counter depth • Porcelain washbasket and tub BUY HOW IST PAYMENT IN NCVEMBER • Big 12 pound clothes capacity • Three heat selection • Variable Time Dry Control • Fluff cycle • Counter height, counter depth • Safe y start switch ' • No spec;al wiring necessary • Four way exhaust venting Complete system includes: Furnace, Plenum, all duct work material to supply beat to rooms, registers & thcrmostat control. Complete in- stallatkm diagram and manual. with trade 00 m am For further information, or a "No Obligation" please call our Field Representative" Robert Catalog Sales Office. Estimate of your needs, Lichter at our Shelton Sales Offlc, WEEK CNLY! .. SALE ENDS 23rd. Satisfaction Guaranteed IN EVERGREEN SQUARE Phone 426-8201 , ,,,,, ALWAYS TRY MILLER'S FIRST Buy Quality At Discount Prices Shelton's Small Appliance Gift Headquarters A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. APPLIAN CE DEPARTMENT BUY AT IIOM 3! Always Shop Miller's First Buy At Home! Free Delivery