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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 17, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 17, 2020
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Page A-24 - Shelton-Mason County Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020 by Theresa Murray theresa@masoncounty.corn “While Jesus was in the temple, He watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins. ‘I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.’ Luke 21:1-4 NLT Jesus was so observant! He was always reading the hearts of people. He knew when people had good motives, and He knew when people were trying to trick Him, or trap Him. This widow impressed Jesus with her faith. He had been watching people give their tithes and offerings, but it wasn’t a sacrifice for them, because they still had money left over. This poor widow had nothing left after those two coins, yet she still gave them to God and trustedHim. Now Jesus isn’t like most people. Most people would be happier to see the larger amounts of money, and wonder why someone would even bother to put in just a couple coins that couldn’t be worth very much. And I think Jesus knew what they were thinking because, out loud, He said she had given more than all the rest of them! They had to be shocked! Can you imagine how loved that widow felt? I like to think she was sneaking her Couple coins in, so no one would see how poor she was, and how little she had to i. David at Wal EPISCOPAL CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES ‘ Join Us for Online Worship at 10:30 am. Go to wwwsdovv org for live streaming inforrnation. I‘ ‘ 360-426-8472 .324 w. Cedar Street in Shelton New Community Church of Union , 951 E. Detlby Rd. Union i l W l ‘ loin Us Streaming Live on Facebook Sunday Mornings 8:30! To learn more, please visit our website, or on Facebook at f/nccumon I 360-898-7855 www.mencu or SHELTON 428 W. COTA Please Che'ckOur Website for Updates 360—426-8461 www.5heltonfbc.or (IALL 360* Good News! give. She probably tried to just not be noticed. But Jesus had noticed, and He called attention to her. That must have made her feel pretty special! I remember a pastor I had, a long time ago, who showed this kind of observance. Sometimes I had to ride my bike to church, in the rain, so I would wear jeans, and be muddy, when I got there. I would see the looks when I walkedri’éhto the lobby, and the pastor would call out, “Theresa! I’m so glad you’re here! Did you ride your bike. today?” And he would look around, at everyone else, knowing they probably wouldn’t have ridden a bicycle in the rain. We can make people feel good when we notice little things they do that are a lot for them. We can praise them, and encourage them! ' Jesus observes how we also act around others. If I have a sandwich for lunch, but I give it to someone who is hungry, I am not sacrificing anything, because I can make another sandwich, or go buy lunch. But, if that sandwich is all I have, and I give it to someone else, I am sacrificing, because I can’t just go make another one. v And you know what? It sounds funny, but those are the times we feel the happiest about giving! When it is a sacrifice for us! We should also never judge another person because we may not know their situation. I know people who do not have a lot of money, but they act rich because they are always helping others. I wonder how they can afford it, but they say God always blesses them with more to give. I also know people who are very rich, but act poor, because they are afraid to part with what they have, even to help someone. I have a challenge for you this week! Be observant, like Jesus, and See if you can find someone to encourage. Someone who doesn’t think anyone notices them for the sacrifices they make. Then tell them you notice! And, if you are the someone who doesn’t feel noticed, or appreciated, know that Jesus notices you, and you will be rewarded. ‘ “But, when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give ybur gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” Matthew 623-4 Will Preach for Food Podcast wwwiaithsheltonorg l2l 2 Connection Street, Shelton 0 360426.861 I r Rev. Doug Peterson Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) . “it”! ‘t V Seventh-Dar . 4.4a Adventist Church Join Us Saturdays for Live Bible Study and Worship Service! ‘ Group Bible study wlDiscussion: 9:45 ant. Worship Service: 11:00 am. *Following Covid~19 Protocols Writ Our website or on Facebook at Shelton Valley Christian Fellowship 426~2776 - sheltonadventistthurchxom i 18 a‘“' f l‘e help them; intercede on the'z'rjbehtilfiv , i Varein authbr‘ity so that we can live pegCQéJ‘ul'andg,~‘ size/4.41 12 g g pleasésflod our Savior, ,4 who wa'ntsléveryo'he to ' ‘0 riiyderstay'dthéitrtrth.”l Timothy 2:1-4‘ I TO LIST YOUR CHURCH BIBLE TRIVIA by Wilson Casey 1. Is the book of Boaz in the Old or New Testament or neither? g 2. From John 3:16,vto Whom did Jesus speak, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son Mountain’s multitude, Simon Peter, Shepherds in field, Nicodemus 3. Whose first chapter (KJV) begins, “Paul, V an apostle of Jesus Christ by the command-' ment of God”? 1 Timothy, Titus, James, 2 John V 4. From 2 Samuel; who killed a giant hav- ing 12 fingers and 12 toes? Mephibosheth, Jambres, AbimelechJonathan V 5. What false prophet preached a message of peace during the days of Jeremiah? Simon 1 Magus, NOadiah, Bar-Jesus, Hananiah I , 6. In John 11‘, what city was home to Mary, Martha and Lazarus? Corinth, Gaza, Betha- ny, Sardis‘ _ ; g HARVEST FOURSQUARE Sunday Service 10:00am. at Harvest Foursquare Church ‘910 E.Dearborn Avenue in Shelton Pastor David Wilson 360-426-3305 Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod ? We are Holding Live Services Again Sunday Mornings! Contemporary Service 8:30am Traditional Worship 11:00am I! Also streaming 11:00 service Live on Facebook! 206 East Wrandotte Avnue ' oregano, assessaheyeare? 3604274165 www.intolivesheltonorg { Check our Website for Updates! ,r Gethsemane Ministries (nondenominational) (360) 898-2752 Live Contemporary Worship Meets 7pm Saturdays 2320 Washington St! Shelton Gethsemane—Ministriescom -g . H quzet i‘ves