September 18, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 18, 1947 |
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Every Saturday Night
lancing 9 P.M. to 1
In Our Location on
Mountain View
"ING ADDRESS N P.O. Box 598,
les Welrauch PH{
18 1947.
Robert L. Pearson from Mildred
divorces wer e E. Pearson, granting her custody
signed by Judge of the children.
Mason County Clayton Rank from Marian
Saturday to Rank, and Ehner J. Yoshihara
from Helen F. Yoshihara.
Ehfistiau '00roLhers
Prefer to do Your Own Mixing
Pipe -- Culvert Pipe Drain Tile
Building Blocks
Burling Gets Fish
On N-teenth Try
Harold Burling was overjoyed
Saturday evening because after
all this trying, he finally caught
a fish. The fish was a ll-pound
silver and was caught while fish-
ing witil Bob Bcarden. On Sun-
day, Hurling caught a twelve-
Champion fishermen for the
week were Lem Roe and Mickey
Morris who caught 271-1b. and
221i-lb. Kings near Indian Hole on
the canal, with Hanson plugs.
But the best fish story of the
week was the one about Lee and
Mrs. Hale. It seems Olga had
never been fishing before so Lee-
fixed her up with an old plug that
he had discarded years ago and
had kicking around in his tackle
box, and an old hand line. While
he was fishing away with his nice
shiny fish pole, Mrs. Hale up and
caught two lovely silvers weigh-
ing around 13 pounds eadh. Lee
finally managed to land one fish.
We suppose he'll highly prize that
old plug from now on, and we ad-
vise Mrs. Hale to hide it.
Dick Addleman and Frank Mc-
Donald caught their limit of
Humpbacks on the Dosewallops
Fishing on the Canal is im-
iroved all over this week. Mrs.
A. M. Loughrou of Los Angeles
caught a 13 pound salmon Friday.
From Lake Cushman resort we
find that Mr and Mrs. Gardner
from Shelton each caught their
limit Friday.
Marriage Licenses
Marriage license applications
were filed in the office of the
County Auditor this week by the
following couples:
John Howard Page, 22, and
Carol Jean Remsberg, 20, both
Shelton, September 10.
Herbert Bishop, 19, and Lillian
Keefe, 17, both Bremerton, Sep-
tember 10.
Norman Favreau, 32, and Ellen
Bogue, 23, both Centralia, Sep-
tember 11.
Warren R. Earl, 23, and Janie
Ba;:on n 2:'::tsnS::lt:: d :e;t:am:
feAm;t?:. 19, both Shelton, Sep-
, Bef%2Me%°°a% , 1%3: ba
iwl on Port Angeles, September 16.
I00LASH! New Locatmn [
:e A[ ;i, " AT 407 SOUTH FIRST I
n ; NOW UF:::I with I
ttm, ''--: .... ""
1 P. ' >:: O
L jew location at 407 South First Street--formerly Mitchell s 1
_fttl)4Lve Repair--We are going to carry the same complete line of I
A SATUIplus commodities. As in the past, we will do our best to serve I
i (° B!₯!Oi!DoH0:ME
] °f;)KWg " " i nlsh y°ur I
ak Home with a High Grade Material
N Head f:". I (' at a LOW COST You'll be proud |
L . of the good results! i
!! /i -'.. T, -DA--,'r ,00% Lead and Oil, Zino Base-- a., , n
i'i;i!iiiiiiii':!: : @Fiii., "-4 I/-XliII Outside Top Grade Surplus .................... )ll3ble en i
j !" , ::E S*TIN :::m° Gr°°"' Red ........................... Gal. $1.
,#fir' " II1"' I
e , 0 value $4.95
, , , " ili It a .................. "ea. 79’ " :;:: ....... 2" -
............... I ,00,FE IIIlU I
I Here You $9.95 I WLn ' hear d:t Whipcord $3.95 IIIIII I
= === v = =" ding manufacturers ' Y y, all sizes :o 36 JJ]LI I
UIII li , . ,
.0 ,,,, Mscellaneous and Hardware Bargains
,,i1 Y'I Ith' MCGregor, 10"o. wool 6 95 Flash g hls, all metal 69
has lu, t1::i,:; : .... ........ " ............. 1 95 2-p ere ,Woo Underwear .................................... .. 3.50
Ewdently nobody _ _ts10t .,, ,k" ............... :: .......................... :: :::: 2.95 i Mattre?nes, cotton filled ..::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4.95
=ut, u"'^"* -,*,-,-,TMTrXT v'rocfll° ,tP:: =’t= .......... " ......................... 2 50 ] Ja’.g weB, good steel 79
J tl "' " ......................................... 5 Nylon Paint Brush " ...............................
wise you wouldn't kn°C,: e ;,: :; t ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3:95 [ 12"_.Dividers, Oexto ::::::: :::::: ::: ::::: 4:5
....... , . vOtl . l fltll ,= new ..... . 2.95 6 . Lineman s Pliers ........... 98
USI: -'U'I'-I%'L%! -t q t. " .................................... 97’ 14" File, for, meta
J ..... H" VOtl, ' :]t e 'i "ad .................. : ...................... 1 49 I Push Brooms, 14". ............... ' ......................... 2t
aroun Here, arch t, " " lt Wool b .............. - ...................... 5"95 Caw Hammers .............................................
11 Sl ,. utton, sizes 36 to 44 ............................................. 1.25
194:7 model she lld 0 ' " ........ r ...... 29’ I Hammers, Ball Pein, 2-b ................... 1.29
YOU do . c *
. _. ,ro (,I L --- D.D.T. BOMB -- 1-lb. CaDacltv
tuna with the wrens * , ?v ;IJ ED INATOR FOR MOSQUITOES ,,== *----
__ .# , , AsA,, 5SRoACHES, ETC Good for ,x' ons' O'e
and get a load .- __, Mu-. ! H :y .'-.-'=-, v.:,-.__ -te Bargain for only .. =' -""
() i ,1 E 7 6x7 81/., xl0 9x12 10x12 9x ' " I'5"
N 7600... and : k 'F CIALTY--Sizes 5x "-''JIRE' ----" 15--145 X2
TE-MAN SERVICE i .avy Treated Army Duck--,r L-UWEST PRICES in Townl
UNION DEALER ' "- __ ,, .
WhyDOn _00,00'cemen,s Mercantile
. , -_, J
AI j. 8h=' WiRI T Confidence Our IS to Serv;oOU,,748
Mill I Whitewashes
0ffice To Get Jump
In Simpson League
Reed Mill No. 1 got the jump on
its rivals as the new Simpson
Logging company bowling league
I made its debut Thursday night,
plastering a coat of calcimine on
the Office while the other three
matches went to odd-game decis-
/ ions.
t Accounting edged Olympic Ply-
]wood, Woodfiber shaded Reed Mill
]No. 2, and the Engineers nosed
out Lumbermen's Mercantile in
these matches with sco'ing gen-
erally reflecting the lack of prac-
tice and rustiness of the trundlers.
A couple of former city league
luminaries, Mark Fredson and
Warren Woods, set the individual
scoring pace, the former with a
575 total and the latter with a
244 single game which was the
town's best of the week as he
steered Woodfiber to its victory
over Fredson's crew.
Jim Dunbar and Jack Bishop
set the tally pace as Mill one
blanked the Office, Ken Blanchard
and Merle Nebel were Account-
ing's pacemakers with Dinty
:Moore and Lou Lumsden collabor-
ating to salvage the finale for
Months later Mason County's
1947 Forest Festival is still get-
ring national publicity in one form
or another. Latest to come to at-
tention is a picture of the Mason
County Stationers' window dis-
play which Won second place in
the commercial division of the
Forest Festival competition last
May which was published in the
August edition of "Office Appli-
ances," trade journal of the office
equipment industry.
The display, arranged by Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Finn, featured a
picture of the Rayonier plant here
and products it manufactures, de-
picting processes through which
raw material passes in becoming
finished products.
"Office Appliances" circulates
throughout the U. S., Canada,
England. The same picture was
also published earlier in "Pacific
Stationers," another trade jour-
nal with a circulation confined to
the West.
The merits of being father of
baby daughters is the chief topic
of interest around Miller's Men's
Store these days for Stma Parker
matched his boss, Veru Miller
when Mrs. ]Parker presented him
with a baby girl they have named
Jan Louise at Shelton hospital last
Little Jan Louise, incidentally,
arrived on her mother's birthday
to make the joyful event all the
more noteworthy. Bossman Mill-
er's daughter was born last June.
wedding last night to Donn Nel-
son. . :!: : :l:
Shelton merchants are on the
ball this year about Christmas and
]are wasting no time reminding
]residents of this trading area that
l it's getting around time to be
thinldng about those ever-trouble-
some yuletide gifts.
For the third week in success-
ion The Journal carries a Christ-
mas ad this edition, this time un-
der the signature of Andrews Stu-
dios with proprietor George An-
] drews calling attention to the fact
t that Christmas portraits require
earlier ordering than most gifts
which Santa distributes.
Top salesman in his district for
Such is the honor earned by
,lack Manley, Mason County Elec-
trolux agent, who received the fol-
lowing letter from his district
sales manager late last week:
Dear Jack:
"We are happy to announce that
you are the winner of the picnic
kit presented in competition dur-
ing August to the sales represent-
ative with the greatest increase in
dollar volume of total business
transactions over the average to-
tal dollar volume of the past three
months. You led all contestants
with an increase of $1300."
Mr. Manley also received a gold
elephant, emblem of his company,
for a watclI chain charm for sell-
Plywood, and Babe Carlson and
Jess Daniels producing the telling
pins .for the Engineers with Jack
Stewart nicking a 204 to save the
middle tiff for the L.M.
The scoring:
Woodflber (2) Mill 2 (1)
Handicap 426[ Handicap 327
Walton 451[L. Sergeant 487
Kalinoski 373] Drummond 396
Hanson 402 t J. Baxter 2781
Hunter 392[ P. Roberts 450
W. Woods 570 M. Fredson 575
845 932 837 2614 801 826 886 2513
Engineers (2) L.M. (1)
Handicap 129] Handicap 315
W. Earl 417 IR. stewart 530
Avanson 4741Ashbaugh 260
B. Carlson 5211McCaslin 435
F. Snelgrove 4581J. Stewart 509
J. Daniels 526 G. Gustafson 489
851 834 840 2525 842 891 805 2538
Accounting (2) Plywood (1)
* * *
Like a lad with a new electric
train, Roy Gifford is enjoying a
vacation from his duties at the
Olsen Furniture store this Week
trying out a brand new 14-foot
Thompson outboard boat in the
lakes and streams of Western
Washington, fishing and pleasure
cruising on a trip to and from
Astoria with Mrs. Gifford.
Late in the week he plans to fly
to Spokane to visit a sister
, * * '4:
If you're the boss of your of-
rice, you know what Ev Dillon
and Joe Simpson are going
through down at the Lawton Lum-
ber Company this week with their
secretary, bookkeeper, clerk and
general information source, Mary
Dobson, gone on vacation.
And Walt Nash is suffering in
ing more than 25 electrolux units
in a single month. He sold 33 in
Several legs were "pulled"
around the Shelton Cash Grocery
early this week by Donna Durand.
Returning from her vacation trip
i to Montana, Donna decided to re-
turn some of the kidding she had
received from the salesmen who
regularly visit Proprietor ]lank
Durand so borrowed her mother's
wedding ring for a day and told
them all she had been married
during her trip and was now
"Mrs. Brown."
Most'of the salesmen insisted
on kissing the "bride," of course
so we kinda think they came out
on the long end of the joke after
* * d:
After years of being so cramped
Reverend Paul Sweeney will at-
tend the Baptist Conference at
Wenatchee this week where his
to be officially ordained into the
Baptist ministry. During the time
he has taken charge of the church
at Hoodsport, he has been greatly
appreciated by the local people,
and has done a splendid job.
Attention should be called to
the fact that Sunday, September
28th, is both Rally Day and Pro-
motion Sunday in the Hood Canal
Community Church Sunday
School. Each aepartment will pro-
mote those eligible pupils on to
the next higher departnlent, and
appropriate recognition will be
given those faithful in attendance
during the past year. The aim is
for an attendance of at least 125
in Sunday School that morning,
so remember the 28th of Septem-
The Women's Society is proving
to be one of the busiest organiza-
"tions of this church. A few days
ago they met and arranged for
the shipping of a box of clothing
to the E1 Nathan Children's Home
in Alaska, and next Friday, to-
morrow, they are meeting at the
church parlors to can more :fruit
land vegetables for the Elms,
Washington, children's home. In-
structions are to bring your own
hmch at 12:30 p.m. and can in
tile afternoon.
On September 23rd the ladies
i will go in a group to Elms to per-
serially present the canned goods,
and will also inspect the home at
that time Speak to someone in
the society if you wish to go.
At the regular meeting last
Wednesday afternoon, it was de-
cided that the society would con-
tinue to sponsor the pot-luck din-
ner, which has been held during
the summer months, as a monthly
affair on the fourth Wednesday
evening of each month. These in-
formal potluck dinners have prov-
en very successful.
Page 3
'" .'7. :.L..'.:_. : .... _.
Are You A
Then Treat Yourseif
To Your, Favorite
Heinie Hilderman
Makes a Specialty of
Sea Food Dishes
at the
Third and,Railroad
Stop 'n Shop at Miskella Supply CO.
(Formerly Miskella Refrlgeratiou & Equipment)
We are still handling the same lines and
adding new lines to complete our service
to users of Commercial Refrigeration
H--a .... na, v.V.nai.=,, 01 similar vein while his bookkeeper he could hardly take a deen Equipment, Home Builders, Farmers,
and secretary, Barbara Smith, breath Re c on e is c t " ,
Blanchard 465]E.Lumsden 386 oko- wo wo,-o -** ,,. ,- o- , y M.C k y . th,.- Butchers Supphes, Beer Sunnhes etc
Nebel . 4541Rodenberg 283 ..................... s .... oughly enjoying the "wide open x-r .
-- S " ' " '
Kruse . 359 D. Moore 362 .- Ipaces of the backroom at hts Wrtte or Phone us (9690 Olympm)for prices,
Jim Forrest 379[LLumsden 442 I m, [ McConkey Pharmacy now that the terms et .....
- - "" 's-ace formeIl- occupied b- Bur , c. our salesman wtu cal it you wisn.
H. Gruver 405]Fletcher 392 kdldi ,-dAlld I v " y v y -
837 891 834 2562 813 883 870 2566 dIGlllJ|]l l|lUll.% I goyne Photographers has been ,. .... ........
v vvu V '1uP" VV V '
Mill No. 1 (3) Office (0) "" r ] utilized in the storage of goods. ICE3FKILEIA'I'ION -- PUMPS
Handicap 515iHandica p 519 IRENE S. REED I * * * -- ......... . ,
Bishop 5251Funk 490 SCHOOL NEWS I A new neon sign decorates the /lunllnum lSUllUlngs allU neet
Scott 423 C.Hokonson 392 Now that the various hi h front of the Killmer Electric store n,^, ;, - ......
D.Hokonson 419 Smith 456 school organizations have elected ! at 209 Cots street, having been -v ,- ano see our rew now Hoom at Mud nay "Y"
1 19 Batm 304 an hung m the past two weeks
Tempe 3 " officers d routine class work is [ " ..
Dunbar 495[3ames 393 in full swing, numerous activities I-"--'- ..... -----------" ........ "--
830 966 900 2696] 817 854 883 2554 are combined with each day's i1 .... l[
---- work at Irene S. Reed High [i ' i
8-Game Schedule The school newspaper subscrip-II llg A lmll n I
itio campaign was conducted last ,
AkeadforBTeam week as a Saghalie Queen Con-[i PP--Ia _%fln.blila
test Bette Rayson was elected./od' ,"
With a squad of 28 to 30 so h ....... ' i
. "h ......... o,! nv em un vBcnuui illll i
omores ana juniors uncter his t[e. posluon.Dy Lne o umor clas..ll$.r. .............. I1 .... U" I
win' Coach Grant Packard is wmcn won one conesr oy senmg ll, .... ,"J;;
nrennin the HiEhclimber B team 191 semester subscmptmns. " i1 ;,.. I
for''" eight -2rqe-foo+ball sched The seniors sold 183 and soph- i.>,,iL%,i 1
ule o-enin Se-tember 29 and con- omores 157 Bette's picture will [I [r ' Illl __ll ........ I
.v v appear in the first issue of the ' ....... '
tmumg through Nov. 17. ". ,: :.z, .-,
The bulk of the s-uad is com- Saghalie and she win become anll lllI%IFPRRPR I
posed of last year'sjunior high honorary member of the Prossll i'b Iv JMuvv I
school team graduates. Although umo. III '% -
the dates are as yet tentative and The first of the natioml as-ll .. 1
subject to change, the B team ,semDly programs, scneauiea uc-II ,.-, i
will come close to this arranze- tober 1, will feature El'man Gray, II ,.' .u
merit with most of the eames on South American marimba player. !:i i/i I
Mondav afternoons" His specially constructed instru- I
Septa29--Olympia here ment is said to be oue of the larg- , a wy w
Oct' 6 at Ehna " est and most nearly pcrfect of all I1 llA It II, ₯ %: U iS 1 12 I' %: i
h marimbas
Oct: 13--Centralia ere " il z,lme"/_,m V li A , / n 1 L1 u n
Oct 20 at Hoouiam This program should be as pop- l [l v mo m 1
Oct.273-aAtbMe?dn::nS%nOre [ile°nrnalWiathsed;nro;SaPasth;ae !1 '% .... " ....... :::’' ..... Now Available in i
Nov. 17--at Centralia. The .{uior class. la.y, 'Dums II ..,,. .... ,.,.. ......... (.,.,.,
ber 28. Regular rehearsals are ,". @.: '
Heavy Program of directed by Mrs. Ollie Cleveland II i
7 m . The cast includes Mildred Dug: li .%
er K le W '' ":':-
teaver Trannln g , en Gohrick Har y ivell II %, 1
...... 12"1" t'9 . Lorraine Frew, Nedra Downer, II ..... .,v I
.. "me mos indenture program or Chloe Dickinson, Shirley Bailey, {I :"
rive [rapping oz Dearer in,.uamage Leonard Speece, Dave Iyan and in Y 71
areas ever conauctea in tHe stae Nadine Drake II ' at**v,,t
has been begun by the Washington The Girls;" Glee Club is a new I [ "
State. Game .Department, w,th a organization in the music depart- II /,7 TWIN OR FULL SIZE I
zuu lme ew ox nree men en- ment his e r T rou is e
gaged in the work, Game Director posedtof ya gire ho P'eheme/| I
l)on W. ularKe. HaS (liscl0sea. dafty under the dlrection of M.r
Working unaer the directmn of She'wood The Glee Club's first ]1 _ 1
O. L. Rester, Supervisor of Fur public appearance will be October II O .... _ / 4 /. __ I
tcesoure r tne aepartmen% ne 6 f r
. , when the girls will sing o thel /f [ t#.[J,al#.J.F.. ',J.J_$.J.,4. 1'0
men are aKing an average of 40 Federated Wnmel' C;ths" li -7 ' v......,.r,..,.,,...,, ,,,-,,,,,-,,,,,,,_ ,
beavers per week These fur T ............. ]1 --
" he Irene S Reed faculty
bearers, caught in lowland areas stnt-a *h ..... ",th .... 1,1 ' I1 J
ran p in high mou Par h r v n]n -
country. In many instances, ber 11 ti [:![ll][l,'.:i:" :;.'::': : N
. --. e, ':!:!:!;::::::: ""' ' ' ,.:.",:' '::::::;:.:.. . :":!::!:!:f;.::i:!:::,",'.:
amma]s are. being taken by pack The first project of the office II i!il I
train moo their new headquarters practice class was selling ads for ll . n. .... I
re turda are so evenly dwded II
Court gular session Sa y, . . "" ' , '.:ii::i:i::i!ii: :
wiffh Judge D. F. Wright, presid- T].e f!rst .msue of the. student t When have you had
ing, acted on four estates included P u.ncamn, -'.agnaLie, " ]s co $21 Ill n nn,wPh,dltv l|kg
in the calendar istrmuea r'rmay, eptemper xo. Ill ''" "lffV "*' .... J ..... = .... -' [ I
In the estate of Pry A Hol- The staff for the first quarter is Ill this to furnish your i
brook annraisers B Franklin as follows" editor Shirley Dick- I -. " ,.t_--- i
Heuston, H. G Angle and Walter inson; advertising, Office Prac-I1 living room so eeon 1 '-- , d. i
A Maroon were a,nointed tire Class; news Frances Alger; I! am|elhr eld, NY° 'd I
Appraisers also were appointed make-up, Virginia Connolly; fen-II °cCrtr . 1
for the estate of Annie C :Ander- Lures, Chloe Dickinson and Nedra I " .n''or l !1
son. They are F. H. Diehl, Phil Downer, sports,, Gene Wells and I! . ;;t I I
C Barley and Herbert G Anle en.onricK files ann excHanges Ill ubbett ;[Tne U
.. v " " - . V TM OCCUr' 2 hanu"
r Bett G]fford, circulation, Marcel [ ood c La
Appraise s R. F. Eddy, Walter . Y "!l ps; ,,,, [ n
Ma*oon and qorhevt. C', Anle ma Allen. Ill ,, matlm'- - r 1
were named for the estate of -.. -7---===---=-- .. il FOR FA,R FURN,TURE %;- I
Warren E. Abel. . wmcago m v.t roues rom 2ew I PRICES ALWAYS, -:o " n
the esta e Haw xork City and 2274 from San
In t of Albert L. - _ Ill FIRST TRY ....... U
kinon, the will was admitted to u'rancmco. Ill ' "
probate and Helen Hawkinson ap- . ....... I I ' .
pointed executrix in an order ro people on earth have more Ill I
signed by Judge Wright cause to be thankfu! than ours.] A IIII tlllik nlilni lllllll n
o,.L00 li f )iY00Vi( I-IIMNi/IIMI- I
On September 16, :Mr. and Mrs.- Springfield,-Ii-ms, was settled] VIllO II Ill'Ill I, VII NI/ill i
Charles White, Rt. 1, Box 111-A iu 1818 and became capital of the ! ' I
bcame parents of a baby girl at state in 1837. 1 321 Railroad ' Phone'94 ,i
the Shelton General Hospital. n ,, .....
---- Iowa city was the first capital , i
Alfalfa has a high feeding value of Iwa. The capital was moved ,i
and is rich in protein, to D2s Moines in 1857. - ....... L,'