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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 Alabanla ranks second among the states of the Union in pvoduc. tion of coke. Walter L. Marble RepreSenting the ' METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Life and Personal Accident and Health Insurancec 1903 SteVens Phone 709-J SPOiITSMEN ASS'N MEETS AT HOOI)POR,T SEPT• 25 E]nding its summer vacation pe.riod, the Hood Canal Sports- mens As'n will hold its first, fall meeting in the Hoodsport school next Thursday night, Sept. 25, at 8 p.m., President M. C. Stark re- minded members yesterday. New officer. will be hnndlinF," their first assignment. It'S NOt 'a Home .'1" Until it's Planted -; ALDERCROFT e*,L NURSERY "• ¼ Mile EaSt Plywood plant " " Wilbert Catto, Pt/one 591-W ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS FRUIT TREES .. ,,.. t@w..,,f..,., LANDSCAPING A REMINDER if you need concrete Blocks, better :get them now. :Cold weather will .slow produc- tion "of blocks, and they may be scarce. WE HAVE A NICE STOCK ON HAND 00Y$19E :00NCRETE. PRODUETS ON BAYSHORE TtOAD I II ....  7 " '  r li IIJ I I : I i II Illlll "*' ----'-:'- ....... ": ". i ........ 77-'-'='-7/r'3 "- ! I I I I Iml " This Winter ENJOY THE COMFORT 'OF A00MATIC .OIL HEAT \\;Ve have in stock qm' Immediate Installation FLOOR FURNACES OIL CIRCULATORS 'OIL-O-MATIC OIL BURNERS Sheiton Gas Company C. C, Cole, Mgr, ,f Distributors of STANDARD Diesel and Stove Oils 122 So• Third St. Phone 87 III qrVv¢ lr ,ql"v'.lr V , 'V ,qp.r,,v..,r,w.. , V,V ,,qp Grapeview partment had its regular meeting week ago Tuesday evdning at the school honse. They have ar- ranged to have Mrs. J¢)hanson 9tand by her telephone In her home next door :to the sclmOl- house to take any fire calls which might come in dtlring the fire de- pa}'tment meeting. Tile fire de- partment number still is 8--24, Last Tuesday at 2:10 a.m. the fh'e department was called out to cxtlnguish a fire ron Jimmy Okon- ek's ear. George Palms drove to the island for the fire truck. Hc was given a C 'O 2 extinguisher and .drove back to the bm'ning car to hokl the fire in check until the truck got there. Chief Rice was well pleased a¢ the full crew that turned out so promptly in spite df the early hour. Jimmy suffe'red from shock and was taken to the Shelton hospital but came home next day. Mrs. Faye Mitchell has donated a hand-made table cloth Wh'ich she brought from Europe, to the fire department €o be raffled off at a furore date, also tiere's going to be a card party soon but tle immediate date to rein'ember is the dance at Vice, or Septemb'er 20. Donna tTelson's name should De added to the ist of our grade school plpilt, bringing the num- ber to 26, also Lila Nelson goes on the high school bus to Shelton. We sec by last wdek's Journal that Oscar Snd has'been cslled for jury duty. The party at Mr. 'affd :AirS. HoW( ard Cook's home in Allyn last Saturday evening must have been a wonder;ul event judging from reports, it was supposed to cee- Orate the Pe¢un of HoWard 'COok ad Je Tschfda from Alaska and a committee composed of Mes- dames Sarah Hansen Cleo Cook, Winnie eterson, Vi Barrett and ,nn Westberg prepared for this, be% during the evening Mrs. Sarah iansen and Joe TSchida, wh0 wHI be married soon, were surprised by a mock wedding. Blushing sIx- ;f ('lot Los. Rice was 'the bride and Wmnie Peterson 'was the groom there Were handsome Kix-foot bri'deSra ids and weeping mothers- in-law, etc. Mr. an'd Mrs. 'Cook were presented with a card table. Mrs. Faye Mitchell has bought a small cogtage in the Greenlake district in Seattle against the time Mr. Mitchel will be home from his year and a half stay in f-Iun- gary which they hink will be next spring. And may we go hack to Mrs• Mitchell's pinochle party of week.•, She had a new stunt which seemed interesting. Instead af giving high and low prizes, she had gifts wrapped for each guest• The highest score got first choice and so on down the lirie. :All the prizes came home from Europe with Mrs. Mitchell. We had such a nice compliment offered us a while ago. A very sweet person told us they enjoyed our column even when there wasn't much news. This is just by way of a hint to any of you that might have something to offe F. Can't get Central agaih this morfi- ing. i Iowa leads the states of tle Union in the value of exclusive agricultural products. lod at. . . to own A Bedzoom Suite At An Outs andi:ng Value 159 VANITY -- CHEST - BED -- BENCH -- NIGHT STAND Walnut or Bleached -- Limited Quantities Furniture Company Phone 102 Tlmrsd Alaskan Trip Experiences Related Here By Mrs. fa'ha Deer MY TRIP TO ALASKA I had been thinking of g'oing on a trip to California, but :as I had made quite a few trips there, my daughter and I decided to go to see our folks in Alaska• We phoned to the Alaska Steamship .company at Seattle and were able to get reservations on the Aleutian We wet to Seattle, sayed all night at the Vance ftotel, and next morning went aboard the boat. Th'e trip was by the inside p$.ss- age along the coast, with race smooth sailing. The first stop was Ketchikan, then on "¢o Juneau, Anchorage and Seward where we left the boat. We saw bea;utiful scenery all the way along'. From SeWa'd, we went on the train up into the interior, a nice Hoodsport Mr. and Mrs. mil Moboucl of Yakima bought the Shumwa y place recently. There were six acres of ground, a two story house and 600 feet of beacl front which went with the purchase. The Moboucks were fruit ranche. on Natches Heights near Yakima for the past 27 years. Mr. Mobo(mk has been troubled with asthm' and hay fever and is in hopes the chhmte will be better for him. They plan to renovate the house during the next 60 days and occu- py as soon as finished. They look forward to having chickens, a cow and garden. Accompanying' them will be a niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Alter f}om Detroit, Who plan to locate here permanently• Mr. Alter has just finished a three-year period with the Marines in the SoUth Pacific. Visitors of th'e Steve ITales for the past week are Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan of TacOma, who trip with more beautiful scenery, are Mrs. Hales' parents. We went on to Curry where we topped at 'tide •hotel fhY t'he hight. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates EVe'ry0ne lined uP 'or a room and spent the week end in Tacoma dinner. We !tad a nice room 'and with their father, Charles A• a good bed. It was n0 roub}e to Bates, who is ill in the Tacoma General Hospital 'and suffered a eat nd sleep the air was so 'fine. mino o4'eration Mend -'' It doesnt et dhrk all nt t . , • 'g . . .K h,, Mrs• Corn Groundwatel, Bill and so we were out at 12 mmmgnt • .' , Jean, from Chmago were guests I peking floVers In the morning Of t(it n" ' '- ....... • • * ,, r e' tece ana coqsms wr• we went on the train a:gain, and L  , • . ....... ,. • ,, ....... ,._ . ann IYl.rS Arcnle uallaflan, l:nlS ['conunuea on our way re tee n- wek end ei'ior• A:lohg one side was won- ,,,,,a , r,. o. .',, I derftI sceneryon the other rode a,, f+ n,o,, m^,,i,, , , J waer and beauful little islands• ,o', ,+i ,   ,:,; L ,,, '[ The shdreline was like a pictuYe. :MW R:atle Abb" tn tnd tha Wc stopped .or lunch at Mc .. : :, ." . , " Baptdt 'Cofi ferenoe at Wenatch'ee Kinley I-'ark. They haa a nice 6,hore ,,W,r,'a toen,, i 0 +  iUnch ready for :the crowd. AI] .of'cial{v  o'l:de'nt)atlle Ta)  . sat down t6 tahTes With benches '+is mihis*r, Dnin w th'e *h'ee "around, and large c0fl'ee pots With ,, e-u," d-', */' t -*,' '**, go* good -coffee for us "to help our- bo-s ,-il * sta,, with'Johnh  B06ce • , . , ,:., J " -. # d d , selves It a Just hke a mnic • "," . , . " ' the snialler children, they tdok Orana scenery __ : " • • , .. , I along, EVeYyone looked att "dresged • Thdn we :]our]'eyd on, ¢nr0ugn up fo the trip, Mrs Abbey 10ok- %unYlels and lots +of Wild flowers, in, eanecluilv harrin +-' hr pine trees White birch 'sn'ow-top- °:h a'-herkvlln;'f'etl'v ..... ped mountains hills Water-falls " is" d . . . [ Z4:rs. S. H. Nance v te her and glaciers (When , the sun • ' " u '[r6ther and family, Mr. and Mrs shone on them they wereall boa -,l W r'rahc'e in OI"ia lyrical: tiful colors) Water lhes ahd thei I,.., ........ ,., .o .,o ¢,a We arrived at Y'mranks Where we [,' ."tv "z ..................... were met by relatives "andfrielid. ,]  To en'te'ain 'the /nember oT the They "escorted US *o ttfei- homes }'commercia CIihL 0n eh firse m'eet- Wh+ ere the.y en.tertai.ed us ro.ya ly, .['ing this fal L SePtember 8, at the Wire signtseeing, runners ann vis- /Hoodsport Sch6ol, wallv "Oliver itig ' h " " '  " • /'s 0we colored movies from his Fairbanks is a loneer , town, ['no 0 ' ' om ghnf PnI • . P_ _ , ..= feb ok of rand ............... ++ With a populatmn of aOut ,u00. Were highly entertained at view- The Ta);na riveP 'uns thYough ing themselves in movies Which the town, with a large bridge Over it• This riVer freezes oe}' in 'the winter. Tltere is a large airfield one mite from the town, the Ladd Field, where extensive work is going on. Another field called "26 mile" is uffder construction. On one side of the 'tOWn are a tot of quaint log houses, and "on the other, more modern ones, a large Postoffice building, tWo banks, (one a large one where the .gold-miners bank their gold) a large general store, two show houses where they line up for u block to get in, a number churches (one wittt beautiful chimes) a; Masonic temple, quite a few other .t0res, and a fine University building and grounds wllich hv# a very interesting museum. " There is also a nice high school building and a .grade school, a large swimming pool where the big and littl'e, young and old all go in for a good time, a bsebaH field where Joe Parsons was pitch- er for the town team, and a ni'ee playfield for the children. There is u good morale •among the people there• They don't get in a hurry there, just take their time. They have a fifteen mtle speed-limit, and they are very friendly. They give you the im- pression that there is no reason to lmrry, what you don't get done today you can do tomorrow. I visited a goldmine which was very interesting to me as my fath- er was'a "Forty-niner" in'Califor- nia during the gold-rush. There .is a large experimental plant, and a large dairy. I had a wondetl trio, enjoyed it all. We "came home on a large 4-en- gined Pan-American plane, a won- derfut trip. It gave me a thrill to look down on those high moun- tains and up above those clouds. We were .ust gt 'hours com- ing from Fairbanks to Seattle. My son, Theodore, ,met us 'at the airport and we were home in two more hours. But, our grand evergreen state of Washirgtn and. our dear little town of Shelton is good enaugh for me• • - --Mrs. Martha Deer. Allyn Mr. and Mrs. Fogde and chil- dren of Aberdeen enjoyed  week's visit with Mrs. Fodge's parents, Mr. ad-Mrs. Vernon Hauk. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Morgan and de:ughter have moved to Gorst, near Bremerton. The Birthday Club met at the home of Mrs. ,Pat Uldrikson.on September 1:l, honoring :Mrs• Ruby Morgan. ; , , . J. D. campbell celebrated his birthday with his .daughter, Mrs. Wm. Austin, and family last Sun- day. Harry Austin chaperoned the teen,age .group to the Jamboree at Hoquiam last Friday evening. They 'all reported a very good time. Mr. and Mrs, Earl .Anderson and children moved to Aberdeen last Sunday. 'Earl hem been logging near Aberdeen all summer• The regular Grapevlew-Allyn Fire Department dance will be held at Victor,Hall September 20. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook en- tertained about xty guests at their home last Saturday night, The party included a housewarm- for Mr. and Mrs. Howard and family, a mock wedding Hanson and Joe Tschida, and the homecoming of all the Grapeview and Allyn boys who spent the summer working in Alaska. Everyone enjQyeda very delightful and entertaining eve- ning and an elaborate midnight supper. %hey didn't kr/ow had been taken. • A surprise celebration was given 'riday night for Mrs. Mae 5ohn= son whose birthday it was. Those present besides several members of her family Were 'Mrs. Ella Luht and Mrs. Katie Abbey. Mrs. Art Heath came from Vashon Monday to attend the fair with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dickin- son. Mrs. Jose Lassoie comes to the front again With the green'thumh. She. has an Easter lily" which she received blooming at Easter, re- planted oxltside a'rfd it no r has seven beautiful blossoms on it. Parents who are interested in forming a Cub Scout group for their boys age 9, 10 or :11 are requested •to attend a mee'ting at 7:30 Friday evening, Sept. :19 at lqoodsport School. An Indian mqtorcycle, owned, by Don FOrbes backfired We'dnesday noon while parked in front of Clark Bealle's Repair Shop, 'caught fire and burned so as to be a c0m- plete loss. No one was hurt. Mrs. Lee Wiggs and Mrs. Helen COok left Saturday morning for Seattle to combine business with pleasure• On Sunday Mrs. Wiggs attended a dinner at he Gowrnafi Hotel in company with members of the First Metlxodist Church Guild of which she is a member. :Mrs. Cook reports a fine time searching for special school sup- plies on Saturday and an interest- ing visit to King Oscar's Smorgas- bord with friends on Sunday.- Judy Palmer was 101eased to 're- :Washington, Oregon and Califor- nia are the main prune producing states of this country• The production of dates in the T2nited Shates for the ,year 1944 wa 13,190 tons, of whic '*'%Tore than 90 per "cent were proddd in' California. port last Monday morning a visit the dy "0e'fOre %o 'the PuyaHup Fair in C&hpany with her pare'nts and the 'Cal Wilons and son. They left daughter, Marylin, with grandmother, flurk LOckWood. iVlYs. Virginia ]aecker a'd chin dre ave 'now ltvi'g in Olym:pla where Mrs. 'Bec'Ker has recently urchased  hOuse. She is fi- ,ployed y the Talcott Jeweler in that 'city. Rdcet Visitor's of Oscar 2ql were Mr. and Mrs, Francis Garl, family conections from Stockton, Cal., who 'stopped OVernight 'On their way 'to a re:cation in Vic- toria. Friehds from POtle;nd, 1fr. and Mrs. Ch'et .Ianhing, Who Were on their way to Belllngham, stopped for two dys with Mr. 'and MYs. "Dess lafl-es lagt Week. Mr. and Mrs. :. H. Athony and 3-month "old baby, Naoy, Were last week visitors from 'SacYa- mento 'of their parents, Mr. '&nd ls. Dss Haines. Other viSttors Local Schoolmen At Centralia Meet Shelton was represented by del- egates from all three of its school divisions + -- elementary, intermed- iste and high school--at the an- nual fall meeting of the South- west Waslington Principals As- sociation, with which was held conjunctively the Southwest V/ashington Coaches Association's fall session, at Centralia last Sat- urday. Main topic discussed by the principals' gathering was safety driving classes which have been started in many of the section's schools and which are being con- sidered for possible inclusion in the Slielton high school curricu- lum next year. Principle action taken by the coachcs association was approval of a proposal to permit the State efomnatory School at Chehalis to 'compete m{ an equal basis with 1)ublic .sclIools, 'in athletics_ .. The. 1)roposal must be approv'ed by the State Athlefic Board before it be- comes a reality. Principal George Hermes, Stu- dent Counselor Grant Packard, and Coaches Norm Hillyard, Chet Dombi•osd and Cliff Hawkins :•epresented Irene S. Reed high chool; l='incipal Bruce Schwarck, Vice-Principal Frank Willaxi and Coach Ray Patick Were delegates :from Slfelt0n jfinior high; and princi'pal Dlck -Ifidson and Vice- ,iricipal Torgdr Lee atfended in the interests of the Shlton 'ele- mentary grades, Skokmmsh NIY. 'nd :Mrs. Har6id 'GrOne and daughter, Andrea, of Tacoma Were the Stturday evening visitors at the John B011inger home. Doris Hunter is in Seattle for two days attending' the World Missions Gonference. Among those attending the Puy- allup fair on Snday and Monday from Skokomigh Valley were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Mr. and .Mrs• Clester Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Smith and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John Eager, Mrs. W. S. :Sal- lee, Geary and Jeannie Sallee, Mrs. Frank Minor, Charles and Earl and Margie Minor, Mrs. Ted Ricl- ert, Jerry, Roger, George Richert, Cecil Campbell, Charles Brown, Janet Hunter, Marilyn Bailey, Zanie Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fourre and family. Three judging tea•ms were chos- en from Skokomjsh Valley 4-H clubs to judge at the Puyallup fair on Monday. They were, rep- resenting the Skokomish Junior Girls, Marilyn Bailey, ,Taet Hunt- er and Zanie Campbell; the Junior Boys, Cecil Campbell, Roger" Rich- err and Earl Minor; and the Se- nior Boys, Jerry Richert, Charles Brown and Don Johnson. Each group had to be composed of three members from the same club. Visiting Bob Eager for the past few days has been Ross Wilmarth and Miss Margaret McKee of Portland. Mr. Wilmarth and Mr. Eager served together in the 106 Infantry Division of the U. S. Ar- my in Germany in the second World War. Mr• and Mrs. Noble Morris of Bucoda, Washington, were visitors at the Howard Bailey home last week. A few spectators from Skoko- mish Valley at the Football Jam- boree in Hoquiam were Miss Mari- lyn Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Mrs. John Eager, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brown and :enneth Brown. :Mr., and Mrs. Harlie Witcraft and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iopkins and daughters were vis- itors at the home.of Mr. and Mrs. John Bollinger and family on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Eager spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Knox in Tacoma. Sunday they all atten'ded the Puy- &llup fair. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Regan re- cently moved into their new home that they have ffnished. The next Skokomish Grange eetlg will be held on •September 26 at '8:00 p.m. sharp. Please be there. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter have and are painting their house• :Doing thepainting m none other 'than Caol HUnfer, their daugh- ter. oods to Elms in the Sunday Scl6ol bus on Tuesday, Sept. 2_3, at which time they will have the opp0runi'ty of being shown th'ru 1;he home. v v ',w v v 'r v 'v' ",1 'v'w'l," V ',I* v  V 'v v'w'v"P" v 'ql' Shelton Valley The doors of Sh'elton Grange 403 will be open 7:30 p.m. this Thursday. Come all who can and help make plans for the coming festivities. The farmers of tim valley are making good use of the nice dry weather to burn rubbish and arc getting their fields ready for plowing. Mrs. Wayne Glover attended a sewing club at the Spilseth home in town and brought as guests her aunt, Mrs. Kneeland. and house guest, Mrs. Ann Lund. The d-H club met at the Slatcr home Saturday. Mrs. Dewey Bennett and J. Kieth Bennett called Tuesday eve- ning at the home of :Mat •. an(1 Mrs. Hackerd who now run Echo ranch in company with Mr. and Mrs. Northover. The Sister family were gven a thrill when a seaplane landed in front of their beach home on Oak- land Bay last Sunday, where they were spending the day. Ed McAfferty from Dayton way has been helping in the harvest at Frank Warren's place in lower Shelton Valley. Mrs. Larry Karnes and children were in Seattle over the week end. Mrs. Inga Kneeland and Mr. and Mrs. O'rville Glover of Olym- pia were visitors at the Glover home Saturday evening. Mrs. Verl Bennett from east of the mouutains called at tte home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bal(er on Thursday evening of last week. Other visitors there that Vening were Mrs. Dewey Bennett, Mrs. Gordon Bennett and J. Keith en- nett. Verl Bennett came over La- bor Day to be with the family. The Verl Bennetts used to live on the family place in upper Shelton Valley but now live on a ranch 25 miles out of the city of Presser, Wash., where they raise fruit and vegetables. Mr. and Mrs. Les Spilseth spent Tuesday evening with the Glov- ers. Mrs. Lund of Benton City and Signe Kneeland called there the same evening also. The Price of Peace If we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instru- ments of our rising prosperity, it must be known that We are at all times prepared for war.George Washington. TASTE THE TA Ph0ne: Stand at Station - BINNS ICE CRE were a bro%her'and family, Mr. and wroMrS' Herb Haines, and son of NotiCe Iead0Wdale, Wash. AlS0 Mr. and TO Mrs. lred :lirrgerland from 'EPer- ett •called Liay on the OUR Haines/and 'Orlll Ellis0ns. Oscar I1 d Hel'b Elllson re- turned Saturduy from their trip to •Grand Coulee porting a've, I .... enloye;bte time. WHOLEBALE and RETAIL New Cabinets Now Available to BARS and BINNS ICE 8th and Franklin Overnight 'guests of Mrs. Will Lunt Saturday were Mr. mid Mrs. BurrillBresemahn of Tacoma Who, visited fbnds ar0urid Hoodsport and vicinity. +(| Mr. and lfrs. A. :M. Loug&rau'. of LOS Angeles arrived Tuesday '[I for a ViSit vith MRS.. L0ughrau's ]I parents, Mr. and Nfrs. Ralph Hill]- ] goss. Thdy left Suriday to visit ]I relatives back East and wtll go as far as New York on their six weeks' motor trip. ]VIr. and Mrs. P. Mitchell of Glendale, Cal., and :IIr• and Mrs. :N. C. Frazier, of Seattle, were weekend visitOrs of the W. R. Mc- DonaldS las Week. lIrs. Mitchell S a niece of Mrs. 1cDo'nald, and ::Mrs. Frazier is a sister. The ladl0s of .the Women's So- ciety of the H0od 'Canal 'Com- unlty 'Church Will meet at the .hurch on Frida35 Sept.' 1'9, "at Welve 0'clogk 0, .can fruit bnd vegetables for the Elhda Children's Home. The help of everyone interested, or who may 'have a surplus 'of either fruit or vegetables, will*be greatly appreciated. EaCh one will please +bring her own sand- 'Wiches, COffee +Will be 'served by ,the committee in clmrge. The ladies will take the canned FALL AUTOMATIC RECORD Were $26.00 ................ NOW RADIO Table Model Combination ,, Were $102.95 .............. NOW Were $92.95 ................ NOW ELECTRIC IRONS Were $10.95 .................. ELECTRIC Were $5:66 .................... ELECTRIC Were $9.82 .................... I -- RIIDIO DUE TO THE RISING COSTS OF The Restaurants of Shdton are forced to RAISE PRICES ON CERTAIN A Shelton Our Pride -- W of News You'] of Our TELEVISION CONTROL WAVE Addition of NW OPERATOR HUTTON a Finer, Faster Beautician. Service BEAU HOTEL BEEF GRAV All Mea .LB. I CAN .... PEACH H!JNT', € Heavy Sy: 2[ SIZE CAN ............ and AROUND I: t t: I BER F( Boots ght weight.. • Bull