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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Slielton Grange 7:30 p.m.. this all who can and for the coming the valley are of the nice dry rubbish and arc lds ready for over attended a e Spilscth home ,ught as guests Kneeland, and Ann Lund. mt at the Slater ennett and J. led Tuesday eve- of 5t-. an Mrs. run Echo ranch L Mr. and Mrs. ily were given a Lplane landed in ?h lmme on Oak- day, where they e day. rom Dayton way in the harvest 's place in lower 'nee and children 'er the week end. eel'and and Mr. Glover of Olym- at the Glover ,en/ng. ett from east of lled at .tte home Chgs. Baker on g of last week. ere that vening y Bennett, Mrs. nd J. Keith Ben- tt came over La- ith the family. s used to live on in upper Shelton live on a ranch e city of Prosser y raise fruit and es Spilseth s!oent with the Glov- of Benton City and called there F also. of Peace to secure peace, powerful instru- ing prosperity, it hat We are at all :or war.--George /ASTE THE qNS ICE CRE WHOLESALE and RETAIL ,w Cabinets Now Available to ARS and POP: ime New [avors--PEPPERMINT, ! BINNS ICE CREA00/ and Franklin Phone!. :;;! ........  ........ I Our Pride  While We Announce of News You'll Be Interested In ® 0MATIC RECORD .e $26.00 ................ NOW' RADIO PHONC Tab e Model Combination ,. w .e $102.95 .............. NO :e $92.95 ................ NOW ELECTRIC IRONS :e $10.95 .................. ELECTRIC e $5:66 .................... ELECTRIC re $9.82 .................... RIIDID ,CUs COSTS OF mrs of Shdton ' : ,rced to : a Finer, Faster Hair Dressing and Beautician • Servicc for You at :CERTAIN BOX ,HOTEL PHONE 660 FOOD STORE LL.. BEEF & GRAVY All Meat -LB, 1 cA. .... 45* PEACHES HUNT'S Heavy Syrup 2V SIZE CAN ............ 29* EGO • NOODLES Enriched -LB. 1 ....... 25 ¢ ,,, t SYRUP Sunny Jim or Mello Spred °'°ART ........ 33 * .... ( IIIII (by Shirley Thorpe) "I'm at a loss for words." Last Sunday George Booth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booth, left for Washington State College at Pullman. The Earl Leggett household had a visitor last week from Touchet. She is Mrs. Emma Files. While here Mrs. Files also visited her nephew, Billy Bernert. Mrs. W. Lloyd Raymond is at ,the home of ber sister, Mrs. A. N. Parrett, convalescing from the ef- fects of a broken leg sustained while on a vacation trip in Arizona several months ago. Weldon Bates also left Sunday for college. He entered Gonzaga University. Returning from a boat trip to Victoria, B.C., last Wednesday, were Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rob- ertson. The Robertson's ferried across from Port Angeles, and af- ter a three-day visit there they re- turned by ferry to Seattle and then home to Sbelton. i Another family returning from a visit this week is Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett. They sp'ent last week in Dallas, Ore., with Mr.: Leggetts niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alien Dawson. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ha:Prey Boysen had houseguests from Lynden, Wash., last week. They were Mrs. Alma Jacobson and Mrs. Ethel Austin who stopped for an overnight visit before going on to California for a two-week tr, ip. The other family visiting the Boysen's was Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Weidkamp who arrived last Tuesday for a few day!s visit. Mrs. Ann Simpson entered her daughter, Leslie, in Annie Wright's Semonary for the coming school year last week. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison were Mr. and 'Mrs, Fred Winsor oT Corval- lis, Ore. Mr. Winter is Mrs. Har- rison's brother. Mr. and Mrs. William LeDrew and son Billy leYt last Friday 'for Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They Will visit Mrs. LeDrew's mother, Mrs. William Winsor, during their weeks stay. The first of this week :MY. and Mrs. Glenn Chase and children, Dick and Patti Jean, returned from a 10-day trip to Napa, San Francisco :and Santa Cruz, where they visited their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chase. They spent one night in Coquille, Ore., with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Od- erkirk. Oakland Bay Club Meets A one o'clock luncheon Was served to the ladies of the Oakland Bay club by :Irs. Iartha:I-/awley. A business session was in order and a rummage sale was planned. The next meeting Will be held. at the home of Mrs. Ester Cas- tagno. Reception For Canal Teachers Sixty people gathered in the Hoodsport school basement Friday evening for the teachers recep- tiQn gven by the Hood Canal P.T.A. members, Program chairman, Mrs. Vir- ginia DeBard, arranged a pro- gram of several interesting num- bers consisting of u song by Judy Palmer and Carolyn DeBard en- titled "Stardust." A piano solo was Rlayed by Rachel Gr y, Just a P¢ayer Away." Mrs. Nancy :Brown told a story with the aud- ience participating which ws very clever and amusing. She also recited a short poem about great grafidfathers, "Mavy." The lace covered supper tables were placed in a U shape 'and dee orated with beautiful tuberous be- gonia blossoms from P.T.A. presi- dent, Mrs. Dorothy Palmer's gar- den, and lovely African Marygold arrangements with ivy. There were six big 'cakes, doz- ents of homemade cookies and ice cream. Supper speeches were made by school Principal Richard Sparks, teachers, Mrs. Helen Cook. Mrs. Lee Wiggs and Rich- ard Bates, Who all told of their pleasure in being a part of the Hoodsport community and school system. J. W. Ooodpaster, Rev- erend Paul Sweeney and Mrs. Frances Radtke .lsO spoke a fgw words as did Mrs. Bates, Ms. Spai'ks and Mrs. Sweeney. P.T.A. President Mrs. Dorothy Palmer was mistress of ceremonies. Everyone pronounced the even- ing a grand success and hoped for more parent-teacher get-togethers in the near future. During hTs speech, County Su- perintendent J. W. Goodpaster t¢ld of his appointing Richard Sparks to the Mason County Board of Education. School district No. 312 is glad to be represented. During the social hour a Short meeting was held for the parents of potential Cub ScOut members. William Gilbert, scout leader, was on hand to explain to the 14 par- ents present about the Cub Scout organization and the fact that two mobe meetings of the parents will be necessary 'before the group can be organized, The next meeting is planned for 7:30 Friday, Sept. 59, at the Hoodsport school. Everyone in- terested is urged to come. Belfair After vacationing in southern Oregon and a failing typewriter your scribe is back on the job, have news please call 171. 1vr. Clark of the NOrth Shore had a .painful aqcident Sahrday while pushing his trailer up an incline. It slid back hitting him in the face breaking a front tooth and displacing others, medical and dental aid being necessary. Belfair people who attended the Wedding of Miss Jean Klumb and SEASON- Pat Bumpen Friday at the West Y nd HUNTING eattleFirst Christian church Tom Marsh, James Huffman, a were the Mesdames Walter Eddy, Laura White, Gem Pope, Mr. and 'AROUND THE CORNER---BUY EARLY!i :: EXTRA SP'ECIAL!! ARMY SURPLUS *ater .epe,,ent Rain Pants Rain Pants proof. Navy surplus! ubberized . . . Bib style.. Made of Army water repel-Small, medium 1'95 ,lent duck. Extra heavy, double knee .................... 'DRI SKIN "' ' " coats and Pants ;tO0 per cent water proof. Rubber dipped, reiffforced knee for extra 51145' service .......... ca. BLACK RUE Skipper Jackets By U.S. :Rubber Co. Interlocked front snap fas- teners give double" pr0tee- tion from rain. I IIII ARMY sU R P'LIJS 'm., reed., Catk Shoes Pants¢o Match .... $6.50 Just the thing for hunting. 'Small, Medium, Large Sizes 6 to . .:P 8:1//2 .............. i. ' lq.00U ER FOOTWE, AR "Ey OffRed Stats Rubber CO, uff col-'16" Black Rubber. Heavy laces duty, lace to toe Pack. J I 6 to 12 ................ . Boots Rabbets weight. 2 styles to clo'ose from. . Buff Sole ru'bbers or ball Style.- sizes. air .................... ALL WOOL Plaid Shirts and Uhopper 'coats 100% Virgin Wool, assorted colors -- Red, grey, blue, brown and green. 7,95 :Mrs. Palmer Johnson, Mr. and lrs. F. R. Williams and Harold and Walter Eddy, Jr. The bride was beautiful in white satin. Her fingertip lenFoth veil was heId in place with a band of white stephanotis and she carried a 0uquet of white gladioli, each blossom set with a wlite rose- bud. Her maid of honor wore pink. Her bridesmaid wore a gown 0'f blue and carried peach gladioli. The church.was decorated with white gladioli and candles. A re- ception for the one hundred guests followed the ceremony. The ride is the daughter of Zr. nd Mrs. Frgk Klumb of Seattle. She is a former Belfair girl attending grammar and high school be're. Mr. and Mrs. Anions Hann o Olalla were Sunday guests at 'the J. S. Ahl home. Mr. and irs, I. V, Bailey spent the week end Visiting tle W. V. BaiIeys of Benton and their daughter and son,in-law, Mr. and v£rs. Gourdine in Seattlb. Jack Davis is happy to be home with his family 'after an absence of many months in Fairbanks, Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wren have moved to Aberdeen wh@re he is m10Yd. !Irs. M,p, ble South and B6't.r B dau ch a'mp "haqe '{tkdn 0e'r the store, Mr. nd Mrs. George Shakefford are 'entertaining his mother, :Mrs. Grace Shakelford, and his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fraaklln Ellis of EvanSton, Ill. This is their first trip to the West Coast. They think Hood Canal is a wonderful place. Mrs. I-I. N. Swyney entertained these visitors With a lovely tea Thursday afternoon. To give Mr. Ellis a .lesson in catching salmon 'Mr. and Mrs. Shakelfield, Mrs. Dalph Edmiston, and Mrs. Gus Weiland took him on a two-day fishing trip to the Co- lumbia River. The Evergreen Garden club met at the home of Mrs. May Hen- ningsen last Tuesday. Final ar- rangements for the fair highlight- ed the business session after which a tour of Mrs. Laura White'S gar- den wa enjoyed by the group. Her colorful tuberous begonias brought much praise. Those present were the MeS- dames Irene Hill, Sylvia Ryan, Lueile Travis,' Viola Newkirk, ir- ma Roesell,.A3ice Pope Margaret Crosden, Dorotly Huffman, Evelyn Beck, Addle Jones, Laura }eck, Shirley Tyree, Florence eady, Hulda Bailey, Rachal Freelin, May Henningsen, Laura White and Bonnie De Leo. The Auxiliary 0f the V,F.W. Will have a lmmper filled with home made 'articles to be given away at the Garden Club Fair. Please bring your exhibits to be judged by ten :0'€lock to the sch0ol gyrm We'll. be-eing you at the fir Saturday, September i8.. Bldg. men', S00op :Shower Honoree I Last Monday evening Mrs. Verne Remsberg and Mrs. Ethel Fiatner entertained at the lat- ter's home with a miscellaneous shower m honor of Miss Thelma Horton, bride-elect of Robert Puhn. A part of the evening was spent in hemming dish towels for the honored guest. During the re- mainder of the evening the guests participated in games and con- tests. I Refreshments were served from • a lace covered table centered with pink and white snapdragons and roses. t's. H. O. Puhn presided at the coffee urn. Those present were Mesdames , Ralph Hortoh, mother of the bride-to-be, H. O. Puhn, mother Of the groom, Dick Van'ey, John Steinberg, Everett Remsberg, Lydia ToWers and I€. W. Norvald. Misses in attendance were DOr- othy Turn'er, Alta Bailey, Mildred Daniels ad Beverly Dorman. Women's Club Meets Monday The Shelton Women's Club met at tho home of Mrs. A. Almaden Monday, September 15. In the absence Of the president the meeting was called to order by Mrs. Robert Trenckmann for the regular business meeting and program. Two new members, Mrs. E. J. Dammann and Mrs. Norman HuN bert, were welcomed into the club An amendment to the by-laws was voted and passed, changing the regular meeting day to the third Tuesday of e:ch month. Mrs. E. D. Boysen, program dhairmRn for the day, spoke on "Men and Women Who Made Washlng'ton Great." Mrs. Purl Jemtson, 'chairman of education, gave a brief outline on that subject. Guest for the afternoon was Mrs. Howard Frank. At the conclusion Of the meet- ing a tea was served by the host- essess, Mrs. A. Almaden and Mrs. Robert Price. Girl Scout Council Meets, Makes Many Plans, Appointments Plans for a Girl Scout COokie Sale to be held the first week in December, were made at the meet- ing of the Shelton Girl Scont Coun- cil, September 15. The council also made plans to bring to Shelton in October, Mat- then Thorseth, brilliant new North- west authoress, in a review of her book. "Cradled in Thunder." Miss Thorseth has been honored tW being chosen principle speaker lop the recent Writers Conferenoe in Seattle. Brownie Scout and Girl Scout 'leaders for the year are Mesdames Ora Russell, Kermit Livermore, LRalph Crabill, Floyd Cole, T. J. ee, Don Burke,r, Newt Townsend, Robert Binns, Richard Grenberg, Tiny Aaron, C. A. Gustafson, Boice, Roy Peach, Dean Balkema, Char- les Walton. Two additional troops have been formed bringing the total to nine  Shelton troops. BAPTIST CHURCH MEETS Last Wednesday, September 10, the Elizabeth Walton Circle of the Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Martha Hawley. Reverend J. O. Bovee gave the devotions after which 'a short bus- iness meeting was held. Refreshment's Were herVed fol- lowing an afternoon of white cross Wo'rk. FIRST LINCOLN P:-.A. MEET The Lincoln P.-T,A. will hold its first evening meeting Thurs- day, September.25 at the school. Richard Hudson, principal, will speak on. "hiS is Your School." All parents and especially the gads are urged to attend. V.F.W. AU:IL:[:M%Y ETs,' CHEST DONATIONS ASKED The V.F.W. Auxiliary will meet tomorrow Sepemie'r 19, :8 .:p.m. at the .:lIenorial IaM. The supper committee has been ann'0tmced as Mary Jadin Shir- ley HanSo 'ad Mary Cox. Bea Gray was appointed chair- man for 'donations fox' the Cedar Chest. Mrs Gray asks members to advise her of What they will donate as soon as .possible. DEGREE OF" HONOR MEETS AT 1.O.O.t =. HALL TUESD'AY Re Degree Of Honor will meet Tuesday , eentng, September 23, at the Odd Fellows 8 p.m, This meeting is a homecoming meeting and guest night. Lodge members from Bremerton, Tenino and Olympia have been in- vited. A class will be in{tiated at this meeting. All members are asked to attend, CATHOLIC "CIRCLE MEETS The Hillcrest Catholic Ladies Circle will meet at the home of irs. Joe Luhm on Arcadia at 1 p.m., Thursday, September 25, The last meeting held in Aug- Ust was at Mrs. Earl CarP'S home. v GRANGE NEWS SHELTON GRANGE To all Grangers and their friends. Don't forget Saturday night, the 27th, is the night for fun at SheltOn Ora'nge. Mrs. Lulu Jones, our master, says, "Come prepared to have a lb of fun and dancing and music by the Cook N[usic Makers." At our last meeting we voted to have a series of pinochle part- ies beginning October 4th. Watch the Journal for he ad, etc. Do not forget the Pomona ge,at. Harstine. Take the l,'elo)k 'ferry. C. L. C011ffm, ............ s i Public Invited To Hear Student From India Speak An unumml opportunity to learn "first-hand" about critical condi- tions in India. is being offered county residents by. the District Federation of Women's Chlbs on its convention program Tuesday, October 7, in the First Methodist Church in Shelton. Jagdis h Aggarwala, an exchange student at t.he University Of Wash- ington, who comes froln the Pun- jab area of India. is to be the featured speaker on the afternoon program, to which the public is invited. The young man, who is a grad- uate of the Universfty of Punjab, has spent a year studying in the forestry,, ,schO°l, in this country. Educatmn fm Wmld citizenship is an important part of the study, program of our federated clubs," explains Mrs. Frank Willard, dis- trict president, "and we welcome 11 who would like to attend our meeting, which should increase our understanding of the Indian erls." t Registration for the convention \\; will commence at 10 a.n. and de- partment chairmen will make their i'eports and outline thetr objec- tives at the morning busin'egs s'es- sign. Luncheon will be set'red in the church and will be followed hy the open afternoon session. Mrs. Warren Lincoln iS program chairman of the convention and the committee plans to include musical humbers in the aftmoon program,. DINNER IIONORS OFFICERS A joint no-host dinner of the Elinor and Welcome Chapters of the Eastern Star will be held at 6:30, October 8, at the Colonial House. The dinner will honor the Wor- thy Grand Matron and Grand of- l'icers. Reservations may be obtained by calling 351-R or 206-W. RAINBOW MOTHERS MEET The Rainbow Mothers Club will meet today with Mrs. A. D. Kill- mer, 714 Franklin St., at 8 p.m. As many mothers as possible are asked to attend as seicetlon of officers will be made. Use the Journal Page 5 Classlfiedsthey really get remflts! Within A Week of Placing Your Order we can have m your hands beautiful, plat/e. less-engraved genuine Art- point wedding Invitations a n d marriage announce' ments. Special attention given to silver and golden wedding anniversary lnvlta- tions, THE JOURNAL Phone 100 BROMO. You get savings you buy your favorite na- SELTZER when tionally advertised health and beauty aids here because our prices iiii I are the LOWEST PRICES10% FIGHTS to 18% below full prices! Think HEADACHE $2.00 Dorothy Gray of that--then think of McCONK- 3 WAYS I EY'S whenever you need home CREAMS drugs, toiletries and accessories and gash in on our low prices. for Yes--your money buys more at this friendly drug store. $1.00 WITH FULL CONFIDENCE Doctors so often say "Have this filled at lIcConkey's" because they have full con- fidence in our prescription Service. They know that the medicine will be compounded with painstaking care and professional skillthat it will be filled with accurate quan: titles of the precise drigS they prescribe. An'd that fs whyyou can have full confi- dence in medicine bearing 'our .precrl.ption label  th hallmark of dependability. Pint MINERAL OIL A COMPLETE STOCK OF Trusses, Abdominal Belts, Wheel Chairs, CPutehes and Supporters 60€ Alka:Seltzer 49¢ 39 Vatronol 100 Bexel 11.98 N ew 98 ¢ "" 1,98 RDX Tabs 1000 Saeharin 89 ¢ Insulin All Units TAMPAX ,31 lllTA|V RIOTEfllell WOilli IHT[RHAI,'L¥ For Pin-Point Cleansing Use LIS 1 DOUBLE 51ZE 2 FO R 1 Kreml Shampoo OG,LV,E S,STeRS Cream Shampoo st .00 POND'S HuDNUTS EGG CREME Shampoo Formula 20 Tonic Add 20% Federal excise tax to Cosmetics VIONAT£ Provides Needed. VRamins g 15'0 Mlnera Is For Pets 1 HrCOHK °HONE =)0] DRUG 9 I I II