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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 18, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 18, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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S I .... ,, , , I Classified Ads SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING, also Parts for all makes of sewing machines. Phone 59(;3 or 38W be- tween 10:30 a.m. and 5 p,m. B10-Btfn Illll I I IIII II Wheels Balanced On Your Car New Stewart-Warner post- war electronic balancer, $1.50 per wheel Bob Ervin Motors 633 S, 1st Phone 673 I DRY SLAB WOOD $1 per cord Shtplap and Shingles KAMILCHE VALLEY LUMBER CO. Route 1, Box 60 Sheltoa i i i i | II I]1 (Corset]ere) BERNICE STEWART (Charts) Established Clientele BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone 372-R 616 N. 1st St. I I II For Prompt Delivery %w v V .v v v V .,s, V .,r v .qv V .qr" V .V" .4rV .qr &apos;.e." ,S, 'rw" V ' Classified Service VVVVVVVVVvVVVVV weVV ELECrROLu CLEANERS. SALES, Servlee and supplies. Free pickup and delivery. Jack Manley, only authorized fac- tory representative in Mason Coun- ty. Phone Hoodsport 2W2 or Shel- ton 664. 7-18tfn. HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard, a2so but- tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. {Corner Arcadia and Boundary Streets•) 2--tfn done. Mrs• M. McCann, 222 So• 4th St.. Phone 489-M. 6-10-tfn LLORS SANbb nd-REFINISIED.: New hardwood floors Installed, old or mew homes. J. A. Schlange, Box 28, Belfair, Phone Belfalr 552. 7-17-47--7-17-48 STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Phone 87 STANDARD HEATING OILS Distributed by SHELTON GAS COMPANY C. C. Cole, Mgr. 122 So. TKird St. Phone 87 uuuu ml .... PLEASE CALL Stoehr & Rlchert Mo- tors for carpenters. Phone hours Will IDa Mondays from 9 to 12 o'clock ann., Wednesdays from 1 to 4 o'clock p,m,, an<i #TtdayB from 9 to I2 o'clock : ,. a.m, Phone 212, S, A. Torkelson, , Biess Agent. • , 5-22-tfn Cabinet Work and Upholstering General Carpenter Work Park Street Cabinet Shop MARK FAY 18 Park St, Phone 284-R I I BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING Ralph Danielson RT. 1 BOX 12A Phone 218 R2 tfn Classified Service CALL Carl J. Arney Co. OLYMPIA 5865 219 N. Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done - ,, ,,, ,,,, , ---- BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto radios. Across from Junior High school, 1221 Franklin. Phone 112W. Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Killmer Electric, ll-7tfn. MARK'S USED CAR LOT 119 Cots St. Phone 633 Open Evenings and Saturdays for Our Customers' Convenience '42 Ford Station Wagon '42 Ford 4-door, R. & H. '41 Lincoln 4-door, R. & H. '41 Chevrolet Coupe, R. & H. '37 Ford 4-door '35 Ford Coupe, R. & H. '34 Plymouth Coach, R. '29 Ford Pickup MARK R. ADAMS , J i, ,un HOWELL ROOFING CO. LOCATED AT Shelton Sheet Metal .Works 321 South Third PHONE 105 Shingles -- Flat Roof -- Miscellaneous Asbestos Asbestos Gutters Thickbutt Built-up Downspouts Dutch Top Tar and Hexagon Gravel Coating ASBESTOS SIDING BRICK SIDING SPRAY COATING FOR LARGE AREAS ROOF REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Estimates Furnished Free I ii CONSTRUCTION WORK Fills and Basement Digging Roads Graveled TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS Prompt Service H. ALLEN & SONS Union, Washington Phone Union 354 i I BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING  UPHOLSTERING LONG'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Phone 162 GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK J. M. SCOBEY I IIIII IF YOU WANT TO °SHOOT ° CHRISTMAS with KODACHROME Catch dm thrills and joys of Christmas in pictures. Make glorious Kodachrome full. color "stills" for projection on your own home screen, or for amazing new Minicolor Pri.a(s.  Both the film and print serv,ces 8e available here, Place Your Order NOW! Because of time required to get delivery on color film, orders must be plaoed weJl ahead of expeoted delivery date, 'ANDREWS STUDIO 119 Railroad PHONE 152 TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason, Secretry-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE Member WashJngtor Title ASSociation I III TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS -- Sold and Repaired -- I III H. D. BAKER CO., INC. 11,1 W.5th OLYMPIA Phone 8044 Office Furniture, Files and FireProof Safes I CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer 105 Front Street UNDERSEAL Protects against rust, ping- spots from flying rocks and gravel. GUARANTEED for the life of your car. . $35 and $40 Available at Bob Ervin Motors 633 S. 1st Phone 673 " FOR PAINTERS PAPER HANGERS SGN PAINTERS Phone 212 I SHELTON-ASON COUNTY JOURNAL FOR SALE Furnished 3-bedroom modern honle, 200-ft. facing 101 High- way including tidelands, about 20 acres, 2 creeks fine water. Priced to sell, account of ill- ness. FOR SALE 5-room modern home furnished or unfurnished, 95-ft• facing Navy Highway landscaped, in- cluding tidelands. 3-room modern cabin on property• Must be sold thls month, party leaving state. Priced to sell. * :I; $ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: MoC[ern 5-room home completely furnished, automatic oil heat, new electric range, most oth- er furniture new, all tn good con- dition. 433 Dearborn, Shclton. Mc9-11-18 View Addn• Good location, water book-up avatlhble. Inquire at )28 East Cedar or Call 372-M. M9-11-25 0-g--L-:--BV-  leave, 5-room bugalow• all modern, oil beat, garage, guest room, lawn, fruit trees, hu'ge level lot, oysters, clams, fine water system, ternls, give offer, at. 2, Box 422, Norti Shore, Hood Canal, Belfalr. H9-11-25 FOR SALE: 5 acres on VIi]i C-rel Road, $750, Terms If desired or Will trade for good '38 or '39 pickup or sedan, C. W. Rader, 1335 Mason St.. (Rt. 3, Box 85-A) Shelton., 9-11-18 FOR SALE 2-ROOM HOUSE and lot on Park St. House just moved on property ready to set up. $1750. Modern 2-bedroom home design- * * * ed for permanent living, beau- 4-room home on lake frontage Of • • 60 feet with concrete block re- hful large liwng room, fireplace, I • . . mmmg wall and good beach dining room, full bath, kitchen l ..... • • ome m alr condition an new built-ins, electmc stove, electric ......... dt-hw-h-r lectrio ,-rbaff, dis- J iounoatlon Is unuer construcuon. ........ --  Has new electric pump to install, posal, utility room, Bendix, large ] ....... 9 minutes rom town on goes walk-in {reeLer and cooler room, ] .......... garage, boat house, 140-ft. fac-[ouea roan. rias nreplaee• , you ing Navy Highway including can do some work on this prop- tidelands. Rugs, drapes, dining room and breakfast set included. Priced to sell, McCaw & Company, REALTOR Aberdeen, Washington Phone Belfair 228 Hazel Wyckoff Box 420 Union, Washington I I WORTH LOOKING INTO CONCORD BEACH TRACTS, 248 ft. frontage, 10 acres; 2 houses, tool shed, chicken house; gravity ater; wilt trade for house nearer Bhelton. $4200. FINE RESIDENCE LOT on high- way in Mt. Vie)v Addition, with another lot in rear, total 60 x 220 ft., city water and sewer, nice homes on each side, $950. NEAR GRAPEVIEW on mainland, 180 feet water frontage on a cove, sloping beach, no bank; 8-room modern hone, furnace heat; com- pletely furnished; 356 ft. well; % mile to school, 18 miles from Shel- ton; "a wonderful waterfront home ready to live in; $17,800, on terms. * $ * .... ONE FULL BLOCK, 10 lots, in Olympic View Addition; level and uncleared; water and lights avail- able; an opportunity for profit; priced for quick sale at $1250. FIVE-ACRE TRACT near Shel- ,n, with 12 x l8,ft.,cabin, $800. FORTY ACRES, half cleared; 4- room house with electricity, 25 ft. well with hand pump; garage, woodshed, fruit room, chicken house, extra one-room cottage. Place is fenced and has plenty of wood; priced at $4500, one-third down. On Lost Lake road, 14 miles from Shelton. RESTAURANT BUSINESS in ,good location, ineluding all neces- sary fixtures and equipment. Reas- onably priced, terms if necessary. CLEARED LOTS. 60x100, with graded street, electricity and wa- ter, for only $225. erty it will make a fine, inexpen- sive home, close in. $100 off if pump is not wanted• Quick sale. Priced at $2,250, some terms. Excellent modern home with five rooms down stairs, two bedrooms, dining room, fireplace. One room upstairs with one unfinished. Full basement with oil floor furnace. Excellent yard, also 2-car garage and large outbuilding attached. All in fine condition and close in. $10,- 000. Nw block store building close in and on main highway, suitable for most any kind of business: Also can sell a fine home with it. See it today. 150-acre farm with all buildings and stock, cows, bull, team, 250 laying hens, 300 young chickens, equipment, 22 tons of hay. Monthly income from timber stumpage from mill on property. Plenty qf timber and wood yet to cut. Will accept Shelton city or suburban property up to $3500 in trade and balance mortgage or bankable pa- per. $9,650.00. Nearly ompleted 4-room home in Olympic View Addition, has con- crete foundation and can be occu- pied at once. Priced at $3,275.00. 10 acres on Pickering Pass with good boat house with aluminum track, tidelands, furnished house on water, With fireplace and good view. $5,500.00, * $ * 5-room modern plastered home with 3 bed rooms, oil heater, new automatic gas range and hot wa- ter heater. Garage, workshop and For Realty Buys Consult a Realtoz M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157  Title Ins. Building Shelton I I Mastermetal Weather Stripping DICK KIEBURTZ P.O. Box 323 PAone 160-J II Another Dick Kieburtz MASTERCRAFT HOME READY for sale September 21, for occupancy October 26 • 3 Bedrooms • • Full Basement. • • Recreation Room • • 2 Fireplaces • • Copper Plumbing • Dick Kieburtz Construction Co. P.O. Box 323 Shelton Phone 160-J Classified Service SAVINGS On ALL needed repairs to your car Flat Rate Means -- More Money IN YOUR POCKET A set price for EVERY JOB Free estimates FURNISHED at Bob Ervin Motors THE BUICK AGENCY Phone 673 1st & Mill St. [I SALESMAN WITH sgjne selling ex- • parlance for nationahy known man- ufacturer, Mason county. No invest- ment, we train you. High commis- sions. Write stating qualifications. Box I-I, Journal. Hg-4-25-4t WANT TO BUY=. old horses forM-k feed. Myers and Hansen.Mlnk Farm, Olymp/a, Phone 676 collect. 1-1tfn C- AVA' L-E-B6Y- v-is h e s work garden or as generaL l,elper. Phone • 787. F7-10-tfn Apply Hotel Shelton uoffe Shop. 5-4tfn courteous se _ . ne us collect. Elma 21-J-13. Grays Harbor Render- ing, Inc. z-27tfn. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Man's billfold close to Safe- way• Owner may have same by iden- tifying. Call at Journal office. P9-18 T,oST:" 1.7::jewel Bulqva-yeI16V' gold watch between Faslnte Corner and Shelton Hotel, Sept. 15, Chatterbox Cafc. $9-18--I0-12 USED CARS AUTO FOR SALE Model A $250. Robert Sloane, Idlwild Auto 'Camp, Phone 282-J. 9-II-18 BE READY FOR THE STATE CAR TEST Lights -- Brakes  Toe I TESTED FREE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON NECESSARY REPAIRS BOB ERVIN MOTORS First and Mill Streets Thursday, Sept FOR SALE l FOR SALE: Thor ironer table mo¢'.el, slightly used; white enamel incin- I erator, COl)per coils, like new. Buck: I Armstrong, Capitol IIill. 9-J1-25 GOoD- APPLES for sale: Ci;a{,(mStein. and BaLdwins. Frank Warren's Shel- ! ton Valley Rancll, Rt. I, 9-11-18 -FOR FOR-- SALEi--- Miscellarmotm- girls, not slab clothes, size 10-12 including 2 pair a hundred, shoes size 51/.. 2 coats, skirts, : (Cliff) Sol dresses, sweaters, etc. $10. Inquire Shelton, Journal office. 9-11-25 'OR SALE: FOR SALE: Wo0d and c0al circular- side house ing heater. Phone 7-F-1 or see Don ttardware, Sachet, Rt. 1, Box 215, Isabella Road. 9-11-18 -FOR " s-A-LE--Sail-Rci{igt-o'-cash- NEW TIRES Red register like new, can be seen at Car Shelton 20th Century store, Phone 6:00x16, 29. 9-11-18 7:00x15, -FOR-SALE: Wood or coal burning tubes of range with coils, also oil burning attachment. Also one stump buz'n- er. Carl Rains, Rt. 3, Box 199-A (4 miles out Arcadia Road). 9-11-25 FOR SALE: Remington Model 1i_12: gauge automatic, ventilated rib baJ'- ]'el; Winchester single shot 22 tat'- get rifle, Lyman peep sights; port- able radio. Phone 703-W. 9-11-18 $30• Call 96-J. C9-11-18 r'2RAILER- HOUSE for sale: 7x16-ft., excellent condition, complete with stoves, built-in sink and cabinets, lots of closet space, sleeps four. $500, Phone 774-J, or inquire 502 Fairmont. H9-11-18 FOR SALE -- Lai;ge--(ill- llcafer,- - like new, only used 3 months, suitable for 4 or 5 rooms, $80. Phone 691-W, 9-11-25 FOR SALE: 9x12 "Wilton broadloom rug, rose background, also pad. 7x9 Wilton rug and pad, dark back- ground. 9x12 wool rug. 2 end ta- bles. A. S. Vlger, Phone Kamilche 1. 9-11-18 ............................................... FOR SALE: Montag wood circulating heater with copper coils, $40, Inlulre Herb Angle, Angle Bldg. 9-11-25 FOR SALE: Thayer baby buggy, good condition. Mrs. Alex Toney, Mt, View Addn•, phone 625, 9-11-18 FOR SALE: 8-ft• refrigerator case with compressor unit suitable for pop and milk. Inquire Pine Park. 9-11-tfn :FOR SALE: Boy's bicycle, new tires and all the trimmings• See Doug Cole, 823 Cookson St., Phone 623-J. 9-11-tfn used only 6 weeks. R. D. Stockwell, FOR SALE: 7th and Wyandotte. Ph0nc 133-J. 9-18 Tractors FOR SALE: John Deers tractor, Mod. used water Reach-iu and at SEE : ii FOR PHONE 26 for hom mll FOR SALly: see for auto parts and Mill Street FOR suit, size '38. Also 1 pair 1 pair 34 F&R SALE : See us for Wagner Phone 23. FOR SALE: watt ir FOR side house Hardware, FOR WESTERN No. 25 Complete with and Fil  Also 0il $100 for G.C. D, perfect condition, will deliver, also heavy team and harness. J. B. PHONE 673 Gossett, Jr., Joyce, Wash. 9-I8 FOR SALE: New Zealand white breed: ing rabbits, 3 colonies bees. cider , press. F. 5. Lusln, Rt. 2, Box 168. 9-18-25 write at, 1, FOR SALE: 1935 International -ton FOR SALE'-: Texas roping saddle, $159 FREE: Seco pickup, exceptionally good condition, new, will take $100. P. D. Griffiths, free for ,Laurence Bedell Rt. 3 Box 101, Star Rt• 2, North Shore, Bclfair. 9-18 aide. See IL Dickinson St., Selton• ' 9-18-25 FOR ALE: 28-ft. troller. Must sell FOR FOR SALE.']§-33---Clevrolct -ton cheap, $1000 cash or trade for late rings, pickup, $200. Ed Okonek, Grapeview. I model car• C. C. McHenry, Union. roller 9-18 9-18 opening 16 FOR SALE or trade: Internation-af I FOR SALE: Wood range, white snare- . Olympia. d%um- truck 4-- .... *h, , ...... el, coils, good condition. See Fred "FOR SALE: ul'd fnr '--,,l'*'¢.;"X'i:'.-''o'- ' Arther at L.M. (Grocery Dept.) 9-18 old. Ed O[ e zn'odel car.'ho'ne'O"67 ' O''npia'Ol-'sXLE.-Wh{t-e-ena---me--f i4opoi--,-[ ton• ". after 5 p•m. L9-1810-2 incinerator $25. Itoover vacuum 'E w "FOt SALE: '29 Mod. A. Best cash of- __cleaner,_*15= Phgn461f__R_. C9-18_1_0-2 raised, far takes ca,'. Can be seen at 928 NOW AVAILABLE: Motor-less inter- Railroad Ave. F9-18-25 locking blocks, at Ray's Service. Star 300 or me; F()R--SALE: 1938 Chevrolet DeLuxe at. 1 Mt. View). 9-18-10.16- Box 428, 2-door sedan, excellent mechanical 'OR--S-Xi,---Btl]fOw--tyl)i---pmn. __Vaughn. condition. Phone Union 338. E9-18-25 Phone 696-M, before noon, R9-I8 FOR SALE: • ,vvv,,*  v , vvvvvv v F-OR-'SXLE--F:lish-t(i--iU'--'-¢I-(i-I condition. 1, Box 177. FOR RENT 2 extra Jots (would sell furniture separate). One mare and woman's Western saddle, One 2-horse stock cabin, Pol e,wvvw*v.vw trailer. 928 R. R. Ave. F9-18-25 be seen in 1854-M, FOR RENT: Located on North Bay FOR SALE: Bred heifer, registbred Garfield St., and State Hiway 14-A at Allyn, Ayrshire bull. lt-ton 5. I. trailer -- Wash. Known as Bays]de Apts• nearly new. Edward Dunlap, Brin- FOR SALE: The usual furniture, hot and cold non, Wash• 9.18.25 i shakes, running water refrigeration electric -FOR SALE:-Go-od'ga.-lng-ia'cl= I at. 1, nice yard. All in excellent condi- lights, laundry facilities, near grade' ins, white enamel. Phone 21-F-3. tion, Has new building on tract school, and high school bus in Xront T9-I8 soda that can be included with home or of building. 2 and 3-room apts. from FOR SALE: Red hens 40c per lb, lib)c Ico Bar. $25 to $35per month, also cabins for weight. 21/4 miles south of Shelton on sold separately, suitable for store rent. W..4.. Beakley, Mgr. 8-28-tfn Olympia H]way. Pat Wagner. Phone or can be remodeled into house, FO-I----IT Se-ni-m'odern" "3T 766-J-2, W9-11.25 located on flat close in to bust. house, large screened-in porch, hess district of Shelton. Property woodshed• Cheap rental to right pal'- ' at. 3, ty in exchange for work on same. FOR SALE: can be divided to suit. Phone 623-W, after 4:30 p.m. 9-1'. 25 Muskrat fm • * * ELECTRIC TOOLS als, .... dition; FOR RENT: 3 new modern cottages, Herbert G. Angle urnlshed or unfurnished, for adults, articles ." On Hood Canal George Willis, St, FOR SALE Phone Rt, 1, Box 201• Phone 25-J-12. 9-11 "' iPOR RENT: 2-room cottagc,'-urn= swing, ]shed, J. M. Peterson, Rt• 2, Box Complete carpenter shop tools FOR SALE i95. Phone 4-F'5. 8-21-tfn FOR RENT: Gas Batch Mixer. Rubber including combination table, May be seen tired wheelbarrow. Measurlng shov- ball, jointer, edger, planer and 2,000 ft. of waterfront, 60 acres of els, $4.00 per day. Phone Hoodsport land partly under plow, about 500,- 29. K8-28--9-26 date heads saw, electric swing Also condition, D00 ft. of timber. Fine home with FOR RENT: 2 liglsekc-eping saw, metal clamps, electric Railroad. outbuildings located about 3 miles rooms, furnished, with bath. Rt• 3, ox 142 on Hfllcrest• Norman Nora- drill press, electric grinder. east of Shelton by water. This by, Phone 763-R-4. 9-18 stove, iu property can be subdivided into FOR RENT: Rooms to eml)l'ecl-]{e'n 58-J. tracts. $22,000.00. at 122 E. Cots. V9-18--10-2 Electric cement mixer with wood circt iOR RENT: 5-room house. Bert Day- * • * is, Lilliwaup, 15-W-l, Hoodsport• rubber wheels, new gas drag 9-I8-tfn saw, 1000 watt floodlight, 1,- FOR SALE: 40-acre farm witll 5-room house ,vvvvv--,--,, coal and outbuildings, about 20 acres REAL ESTATE 500 watt floodlight. R.C.A. Winchester under plow, with some stock and ..v.vvv...v.....v.-  Ave., machinery. About 9 miles west of .... --- Phone Union 291 Shelton, $3,500.00. oil heater, • * * OAKLAND BAY R9-181 sonahlly 400 feet on Olympic Higliway with 2 acres of property, creek on East Waterfront Property .................... side, Good 6-room home with full WANTED basement and floor furnace. Also BY OWNERS .v....... ..... v,,,,,.vvw, v has four rental cottages with $120 WANTED: Competent, middle aged monthly income and plerkty of Gravel beach, second class ay ior companion. Home free, help with small expenses. Phone 426-R, property for additional rentals. Lo- tideIands, electricity, insur- Mrs Minnie Dunbar Rt 2 Box 26 cated close in and will make a fine ed title, abundance of oy- Capitol Hill). ' " ' 9-18-25 coal-woo home with good monthly income. . Rt. 2, Fine chance for further develop- sters and clams on each -XTED. Se-w]'ng, suits, chlldrens 760-R-5. coats, meration• Phone 407-M, Shel- ment. $4000 down. $12,750.00. lot, county road along prop- ton. c9-11-25 • * * erty. 11 miles on Shelton- H--tL-P ."-NTED: Full or part-time housekeeper. toom available. Phone 5-room modern home located close "Agate road, follow arrows 791-W. P9-I1-25 oil heater._ in. Can be made into good close-in to destination. MXLE" I-IEIP-WANTED--Movie" nmn  inquire 133Z home. $3450. 6-room modern plas-] to show talkies, theatre-less towns, tered home with floor furnace, I pleasant work, Roshon, Terminal hardwood floors, and utility room.! SUNSET TRACTS Sales ld., orUand ore. -11- VvA:NT ED- IMMEDIATELY : Wolnan This is a good value at $6450,00. I P. O. Box 209 for care of two slall children. See Callia Uland, 210 I: 5th after 4 p.m• • * * Shelton, Wash. " 9-11-25 used Herbert lavatory. G. Angle s-2s--9.19 -- 720 North FO--ShLE: n wa drag FOR SAil: -,'oo,n honsc ,y owner. " ' '" LOGS WANTED Agnes Hansen 935 Pioneer Road. Phone 389-J. ' 9-18-25 FOR SALE: 3.bedroom home and 2 SECOND GROWTH chen brown , .rtments. Income property. Phone heater. FT-10-tfn PREFERRED Phi---SALE: 16 acres-wFt-h--8605--ft-w-- FOR REAL BUYS terfront, 5-room modern house, base- Prevailing prices paid by mcnt, oil furnace, fireplace. Rt. 3, Box 227, Arcadia. Harvey Robertson. FOR--SALE in Real Estate 9-n-10-2 Enitai Lumber Co. st. to be FOR SALE: 1 lot 60'x100' on-A-i "i Phone side, with basement dug. L9-4-18 Mill 10cated at Minerva Park HOMES  FARMS 781-R-4. ..... Pb--sXLE FOR SALE: 5-room modern home Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 loom WATERFRONT with glassed-in front porch and util- ity porch. Large fruit room and lots BUSINESS LOTS of out buildings. Star at. 2, Box 5. FOR S.%LE i- 75-ftTwate.-r frolt--m Is = land Lake. Phone 532-W after 5 " " Always See _p,m. W9-11 WANTED: Salesman to take Vacuum FOR SA--L-E--"Mo-d-e:n 9-room house, 5 Cleaner agency. This is an excep- tional opportunity for a live wire. Shick & George downstairs, 4 up, sultable for du- Sewing machines will be In line when gray plex. Two 3-room apartments, one avaflaLle. Thls could be handled on Bert 125 First Phone 46 furnished, one partly furnished. Also a part time basis. Must be {]nan- one 4-room apartment, half built. 4- clally responsible. Write or phone' stall garage. Will sell on time. C. 3or appointment. House of Pahner, 'era." H. Patterson, 706 Cots. 9-11, 632 Washington Avenue, Bremerton, FOR- SALE: H0od-Canal--m'de-nistic Washington, Phone 2576. 7-10-tfn SEVERAL CHOICE BUILDING furnished home, beautiful beach. 100- RELIABLE MAN witt(-(.ar wanted 'to LOTS AT REASONABLE ft. fl, ontage, fireplace, electric range, call on farmers in Mason count. ];OR'--S/IZ:, PRICES electric hot water heater, circulating Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 n Phone 548"J' o|l heat, guest cottage completely a day, No experience or capital re- furnished in addition. Neat" Twan- quired. PermanenL. WriLe today. Me- One and a half blocks good resl- oil State Park. $15,000, which in- NESS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2423 Mag- dencc property, close in. Excellent eludes $3000 worth of furniture, nolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. 9-18-25 Terms. Fehlberg Real Estate and -,NTEi)--W01tiz--r--gr--lb]-c for building development. Insurance, Realtors, 520 Burwcll, Bremcrton, Phone 245. 9-18-25 work, 1 day a week. Inquire Journal Excellent value in'4-bcdroom lmnlc FoR-SXLE-Nc'wlg--d:dtbd-4-:i:09i} office. C9-4-tfn house, completely furnished with W-'AN'.'D women to wor as oyster/ completely furnished, about two good e furniture, Including 8-ft. Phil- cullers at Oyster ay. Cal! londls- ] blocks from Hood Canal in fine co r .frigcrator and Maytag washer, tance, Oyster Bay collect, ask tor l residence district including new 635 Dearborn. 9-18-25 Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn, $250 sport fishing boat, $5500.00. FORSALEi-190:t6*c--@ktii}=fr,;nt..Q'= CARD el," 'r|[ANIS ter Bay farm. 5 acres grapes ¢\\;z)teK- We wih to extend to (mr many I (n hous(s ba]n 10 nlIIes fz'om oD'n " f • " " .r 1 , .. ;.,.. " , . . . 'tends t ]d neighbors and especmliy WE NOW HAVE SOME GOOD pla. electricity sprn]g water, tar:elt o Mt Morlah Lodge No 11 F. & A l BUYS IN RESIDENCE PROP- 3-bedroom farm house, priced to setl ] A M our deep thanks rot' the flowers shown by' a ointment only Paul ' "  " • • PP_ u .  • .. ] and sympathies given us during our ERTY, WATERFRONT AND Martin. 517 7tl t., .W., u'Lup;Ibereavement. '|" Prone 862 t 1 zo FARMS. l ; . '_z " Ji 2 . J Gudrun Skagen, Jinuny & ROy tJ ] iOR--SALEi---b---a'-f'-d land I Mr. and Mrs. George Skagen H. L. Olstead Agency with orclmrc & outbuildings. House I and family 120 liveable but needs repairs. Six miles ] Mr. and Mrs. Cah, in Skagen out on Bayshore road, 928 Raih'oad [ and family iS" ,[:" ......................... -- ...... Ave. • F9-18-25 Mr.andMrs. Adrlan Aurts. !tember ],, 194 , Service WOOD a Load extra for delivery city limits) y Lbr. Co. 54 8 -.1 9-4tfn. and Furnaces UUM EANED 236-R 620' Cedar St. Service Deliver WOOD SALE Lumber Co. Minerva Park 11-W-3 EXPERT D Pumps BE / BROTHERS • Phone 334 ACCOUNTING Building 720 Washington ,y .awyr City Hall 192 Wash. Heustou T-LAW Shelton 312 i MeCampbeli Accounting Wash, 54A 111W P. ELIOT :]CAL ENGINEER : SUrance Bldg. 645 R. LEWIS AT LAW Fourth St. . BAILEY AT LA'W Buildg B3.nk - Bhelt0n ag*e auam, R. Dodge N on Shelton, Wash. Embalmers i-rop. WaslL